예제 #1
파일: Plane3D.cpp 프로젝트: santr006/TNCG15
Intersection* Plane3D::testRayIntersection(Ray r)
	/*std::cout << "ray start pos " << r.startPosition.x << " " << r.startPosition.y << " " << r.startPosition.z << std::endl;
	std::cout << "ray direction " << r.direction.x << " " << r.direction.y << " " << r.direction.z << std::endl;*/
	//The ray is described by Point on ray = start(O) + direction(D) * t
	//If a point B on the ray hits a surface it must be inside the plane of that surface
	//We can check if B is inside the surface by making a vector between a point on the surface(A) and B
	//and dot multiply it with the plan's normal and see if it becomes zero
	//(A-B)*n = 0
	//Then the point B is on the plane

	//We want to know at what t-value we get a point B on the ray that is inside the plane
	//After some calculations this formula was found
	//t = (O - A) dot n / D dot n

	//translate the plane to it's local coordinate system rotate it and tranlate it back
	glm::mat4 translation = glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.f), -position);
	glm::mat4 translationBack = glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.f), position);
	glm::mat4 rotat = glm::rotate(glm::rotate(glm::rotate(glm::mat4(1.f), -rotation.x, glm::vec3(1, 0, 0)), -rotation.y, glm::vec3(0, 1, 0)), -rotation.z, glm::vec3(0, 0, 1));
	glm::mat4 toLocal = rotat * translation;

	glm::vec4 temp(translationBack * toLocal * glm::vec4(position + glm::vec3(-dimensions.x / 2, -dimensions.y / 2, 0), 1));
	glm::vec3 lowerLeftCorner(temp.x, temp.y, temp.z);
	temp = glm::vec4(translationBack * toLocal * glm::vec4(position + glm::vec3(dimensions.x / 2, -dimensions.y / 2, 0), 1));
	glm::vec3 lowerRightCorner(temp.x, temp.y, temp.z);
	temp = glm::vec4(translationBack * toLocal * glm::vec4(position + glm::vec3(-dimensions.x / 2, dimensions.y / 2, 0), 1));
	glm::vec3 upperLeftCorner(temp.x, temp.y, temp.z);

	//Find plane normal
	glm::vec3 planeNormal(glm::normalize(glm::cross(lowerRightCorner - lowerLeftCorner, upperLeftCorner - lowerLeftCorner)));

	/*std::cout << "lower left " << lowerLeftCorner.x << " " << lowerLeftCorner.y << " " << lowerLeftCorner.z << std::endl;
	std::cout << "lower right " << lowerRightCorner.x << " " << lowerRightCorner.y << " " << lowerRightCorner.z << std::endl;
	std::cout << "upper left " << upperLeftCorner.x << " " << upperLeftCorner.y << " " << upperLeftCorner.z << std::endl;
	std::cout << "ray start pos " << r.startPosition.x << " " << r.startPosition.y << " " << r.startPosition.z << std::endl;
	std::cout << "ray direction " << r.direction.x << " " << r.direction.y << " " << r.direction.z << std::endl;*/

	//If D dot n == 0 the direction goes along the plane and the ray won't hit the plane
	//If D dot n < 0 the surface can't be seen from the ray's starting point
	//But if the ray is a shadow ray it doesn't matter if we can't see the object, just that it is in the way
	float DdotN = glm::dot(-r.direction, planeNormal);
	if (r.shadowRay)
		if (DdotN < EPSILON && DdotN > -EPSILON)
			return nullptr;
		if (DdotN < EPSILON){
			//std::cout << "DdotN <= 0 " << std::endl;
			return nullptr;

	//std::cout << "ray direction " << r.direction.x << " " << r.direction.y << " " << r.direction.z << std::endl;
	//std::cout << "planeNormal " << planeNormal.x << " " << planeNormal.y << " " << planeNormal.z << std::endl;
	//Find point inside plane -> position, which is the center of the plane
	//Find intersection
	float t;
	if (r.startPosition - position != planeNormal)
		t = glm::dot(r.startPosition - position, planeNormal) / DdotN;
		//std::cout << "1t = " << t << std::endl;
		glm::vec3 temp = r.startPosition - lowerLeftCorner;
		//std::cout << "vector on plane? " << temp.x << " " << temp.y << " " << temp.z << std::endl;
		t = glm::dot(r.startPosition - lowerLeftCorner, planeNormal) / DdotN;
		//std::cout << "2t = " << t << " dot " << glm::dot(r.startPosition - lowerLeftCorner, planeNormal) << std::endl;

	//If t < 0 the plane is behind or inside the ray origin and we aren't interested in it
	if (t < EPSILON){
		//std::cout << "t <= 0 " << std::endl;
		return nullptr;

	//Is B inside the surface bounds?
	//Create vectors that decribe the bounds
	//"Inside" is on the right side of the vector
	temp = glm::vec4(translationBack * toLocal * glm::vec4(position + glm::vec3(dimensions.x / 2, dimensions.y / 2, 0), 1));
	glm::vec3 upperRightCorner(temp.x, temp.y, temp.z);
	//std::cout << "upper right " << upperRightCorner.x << " " << upperRightCorner.y << " " << upperRightCorner.z << std::endl;

	glm::vec3 leftSide(upperLeftCorner - lowerLeftCorner);
	glm::vec3 topSide(upperRightCorner - upperLeftCorner);
	glm::vec3 rightSide(lowerRightCorner - upperRightCorner);
	glm::vec3 bottomSide(lowerLeftCorner - lowerRightCorner);

	//To know if B is on the correct side of the vector we take the cross product of
	//the bounding vector and a vector from the same starting point as the bounding vector and ends in B
	//If the result is a vector along the plane's normal, the point B is on the correct side of the bounding vector
	//If the result is a vector against the plane's normal the point is on the wrong side
	//To know if the vector is going along the normal we take the dot product between them
	//If it is larger than zero they go with each other

	glm::vec3 B(r.startPosition + t * r.direction);
	glm::vec3 Bvector(B - lowerLeftCorner);
	if (glm::dot(glm::cross(Bvector, leftSide), planeNormal) > 0)
		Bvector = glm::vec3(B - upperLeftCorner);
		if (glm::dot(glm::cross(Bvector, topSide), planeNormal) > 0)
			Bvector = glm::vec3(B - upperRightCorner);
			if (glm::dot(glm::cross(Bvector, rightSide), planeNormal) > 0)
				Bvector = glm::vec3(B - lowerRightCorner);
				if (glm::dot(glm::cross(Bvector, bottomSide), planeNormal) > 0)
					// If the object is blocked
					if (t > r.tMax){
						//std::cout << "t > r.tMax" << std::endl;
						return nullptr;

					r.tMax = t;
					glm::vec3 intersectionPoint(r.startPosition + t * r.direction);
					//std::cout << "intersected object" << std::endl;
					return new Intersection(intersectionPoint, planeNormal, color, reflectionCoef, t);

	//std::cout << "not inside bounds" << std::endl;
	return nullptr;
예제 #2
void BorderFilter::bevel(DImg& src, DImg& dest, const DColor& topColor,
                         const DColor& btmColor, int borderWidth)
    int width, height;

    if (d->settings.orgWidth > d->settings.orgHeight)
        height = src.height() + borderWidth * 2;
        width  = (int)(height * d->orgRatio);
        width  = src.width() + borderWidth * 2;
        height = (int)(width / d->orgRatio);

    dest = DImg(width, height, src.sixteenBit(), src.hasAlpha());

    QPolygon btTriangle(3);
    btTriangle.setPoint(0, width, 0);
    btTriangle.setPoint(1, 0,     height);
    btTriangle.setPoint(2, width, height);
    QRegion btRegion(btTriangle);

    // paint upper right corner
    QPoint upperRightCorner((width - ((width - src.width()) / 2) - 2),
                            ((0 + (height - src.height())) / 2 + 2)

    for (int x = upperRightCorner.x(); x < width; ++x)
        for (int y = 0; y < upperRightCorner.y(); ++y)
            if (btRegion.contains(QPoint(x, y)))
                dest.setPixelColor(x, y, btmColor);

    // paint right border
    for (int x = upperRightCorner.x(); x < width; ++x)
        for (int y = upperRightCorner.y(); y < height; ++y)
            dest.setPixelColor(x, y, btmColor);

    // paint lower left corner
    QPoint lowerLeftCorner((0 + ((width - src.width()) / 2) + 2),
                           (height - ((height - src.height()) / 2) - 2)

    for (int x = 0; x < lowerLeftCorner.x(); ++x)
        for (int y = lowerLeftCorner.y(); y < height; ++y)
            if (btRegion.contains(QPoint(x, y)))
                dest.setPixelColor(x, y, btmColor);

    // paint bottom border
    for (int x = lowerLeftCorner.x(); x < width; ++x)
        for (int y = lowerLeftCorner.y(); y < height; ++y)
            dest.setPixelColor(x, y, btmColor);

    if (d->settings.orgWidth > d->settings.orgHeight)
        dest.bitBltImage(&src, (dest.width() - src.width()) / 2, borderWidth);
        dest.bitBltImage(&src, borderWidth, (dest.height() - src.height()) / 2);