char * _XlcFileName( XLCd lcd, const char *category) { char *siname; char cat[XLC_BUFSIZE], dir[XLC_BUFSIZE]; int i, n; char *args[NUM_LOCALEDIR]; char *file_name = NULL; if (lcd == (XLCd)NULL) return NULL; siname = XLC_PUBLIC(lcd, siname); if (category) lowercase(cat, category); else cat[0] = '\0'; xlocaledir(dir,XLC_BUFSIZE); n = _XlcParsePath(dir, args, NUM_LOCALEDIR); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { char buf[PATH_MAX], *name; name = NULL; if ((5 + (args[i] ? strlen (args[i]) : 0) + strlen(cat)) < PATH_MAX) { sprintf(buf, "%s/%s.dir", args[i], cat); name = resolve_name(siname, buf, RtoL); } if (name == NULL) { continue; } if (*name == '/') { /* supposed to be absolute path name */ file_name = name; } else { file_name = Xmalloc(2 + (args[i] ? strlen (args[i]) : 0) + (name ? strlen (name) : 0)); if (file_name != NULL) sprintf(file_name, "%s/%s", args[i], name); Xfree(name); } if (isreadable(file_name)) { break; } Xfree(file_name); file_name = NULL; /* Then, try with next dir */ } return file_name; }
std::vector<int> parse_ints (const std::string& spec, int last) { std::vector<int> V; if (!spec.size()) throw Exception ("integer sequence specifier is empty"); std::string::size_type start = 0, end; int num[3]; int i = 0; try { do { end = spec.find_first_of (",:", start); std::string token (strip (spec.substr (start, end-start))); lowercase (token); if (token == "end") { if (last == std::numeric_limits<int>::max()) throw Exception ("value of \"end\" is not known in number sequence \"" + spec + "\""); num[i] = last; } else num[i] = to<int> (spec.substr (start, end-start)); char last_char = end < spec.size() ? spec[end] : '\0'; if (last_char == ':') { i++; if (i > 2) throw Exception ("invalid number range in number sequence \"" + spec + "\""); } else { if (i) { int inc, last; if (i == 2) { inc = num[1]; last = num[2]; } else { inc = 1; last = num[1]; } if (inc * (last - num[0]) < 0) inc = -inc; for (; (inc > 0 ? num[0] <= last : num[0] >= last) ; num[0] += inc) V.push_back (num[0]); } else V.push_back (num[0]); i = 0; } start = end+1; } while (end < spec.size()); } catch (Exception& E) { throw Exception (E, "can't parse integer sequence specifier \"" + spec + "\""); } return (V); }
void MaskellSolidSolnPhase::initThermoXML(XML_Node& phaseNode, const std::string& id_) { if (id_.size() > 0 && != id_) { throw CanteraError("MaskellSolidSolnPhase::initThermoXML", "phasenode and Id are incompatible"); } // Check on the thermo field. Must have: // <thermo model="MaskellSolidSolution" /> if (phaseNode.hasChild("thermo")) { XML_Node& thNode = phaseNode.child("thermo"); std::string mString = thNode.attrib("model"); if (lowercase(mString) != "maskellsolidsolnphase") { throw CanteraError("MaskellSolidSolnPhase::initThermoXML", "Unknown thermo model: " + mString); } // Parse the enthalpy of mixing constant if (thNode.hasChild("h_mix")) { set_h_mix(fpValue(thNode.child("h_mix").value())); } else { throw CanteraError("MaskellSolidSolnPhase::initThermoXML", "Mixing enthalpy parameter not specified."); } if (thNode.hasChild("product_species")) { std::string product_species_name = thNode.child("product_species").value(); product_species_index = static_cast<int>(speciesIndex(product_species_name)); if (product_species_index == -1) { throw CanteraError("MaskellSolidSolnPhase::initThermoXML", "Species " + product_species_name + " not found."); } if (product_species_index == 0) { reactant_species_index = 1; } else { reactant_species_index = 0; } } } else { throw CanteraError("MaskellSolidSolnPhase::initThermoXML", "Unspecified thermo model"); } // Confirm that the phase only contains 2 species if (m_kk != 2) { throw CanteraError("MaskellSolidSolnPhase::initThermoXML", "MaskellSolidSolution model requires exactly 2 species."); } // Call the base initThermo, which handles setting the initial state. VPStandardStateTP::initThermoXML(phaseNode, id_); }
/* Parse a URI string into a struct URI. Any parts of the URI that are absent will become NULL entries in the structure, except for the port which will be -1. Returns NULL on error. See RFC 3986, section 3 for syntax. */ struct uri *uri_parse(struct uri *uri, const char *uri_s) { const char *p, *q; uri_init(uri); /* Scheme, section 3.1. */ p = uri_s; if (!is_alpha_char(*p)) goto fail; for (q = p; is_alpha_char(*q) || is_digit_char(*q) || *q == '+' || *q == '-' || *q == '.'; q++) ; if (*q != ':') goto fail; uri->scheme = mkstr(p, q); /* "An implementation should accept uppercase letters as equivalent to lowercase in scheme names (e.g., allow "HTTP" as well as "http") for the sake of robustness..." */ lowercase(uri->scheme); /* Authority, section 3.2. */ p = q + 1; if (*p == '/' && *(p + 1) == '/') { char *authority = NULL; p += 2; for (q = p; !(*q == '/' || *q == '?' || *q == '#' || *q == '\0'); q++) ; authority = mkstr(p, q); if (uri_parse_authority(uri, authority) == NULL) { free(authority); goto fail; } free(authority); p = q; } if (uri->port == -1) uri->port = scheme_default_port(uri->scheme); /* Path, section 3.3. We include the query and fragment in the path. The path is also not percent-decoded because we just pass it on to the origin server. */ q = strchr(p, '\0'); uri->path = mkstr(p, q); return uri; fail: uri_free(uri); return NULL; }
void PDSS_IonsFromNeutral::constructPDSSXML(VPStandardStateTP* tp, size_t spindex, const XML_Node& speciesNode, const XML_Node& phaseNode, const std::string& id) { const XML_Node* tn = speciesNode.findByName("thermo"); if (!tn) { throw CanteraError("PDSS_IonsFromNeutral::constructPDSSXML", "no thermo Node for species " +; } if (lowercase(tn->attrib("model")) != "ionfromneutral") { throw CanteraError("PDSS_IonsFromNeutral::constructPDSSXML", "thermo model for species isn't IonsFromNeutral: " +; } const XML_Node* nsm = tn->findByName("neutralSpeciesMultipliers"); if (!nsm) { throw CanteraError("PDSS_IonsFromNeutral::constructPDSSXML", "no Thermo::neutralSpeciesMultipliers Node for species " +; } IonsFromNeutralVPSSTP* ionPhase = dynamic_cast<IonsFromNeutralVPSSTP*>(tp); if (!ionPhase) { throw CanteraError("PDSS_IonsFromNeutral::constructPDSSXML", "Dynamic cast failed"); } neutralMoleculePhase_ = ionPhase->neutralMoleculePhase_; std::vector<std::string> key; std::vector<std::string> val; numMult_ = ctml::getPairs(*nsm, key, val); idNeutralMoleculeVec.resize(numMult_); factorVec.resize(numMult_); tmpNM.resize(neutralMoleculePhase_->nSpecies()); for (size_t i = 0; i < numMult_; i++) { idNeutralMoleculeVec[i] = neutralMoleculePhase_->speciesIndex(key[i]); factorVec[i] = fpValueCheck(val[i]); } specialSpecies_ = 0; const XML_Node* ss = tn->findByName("specialSpecies"); if (ss) { specialSpecies_ = 1; } const XML_Node* sss = tn->findByName("secondSpecialSpecies"); if (sss) { specialSpecies_ = 2; } add2RTln2_ = true; if (specialSpecies_ == 1) { add2RTln2_ = false; } }
void Client::startAuth(AuthMechanism chosen_auth_mechanism) { m_chosen_auth_mech = chosen_auth_mechanism; switch (chosen_auth_mechanism) { case AUTH_MECHANISM_FIRST_SRP: { // send srp verifier to server NetworkPacket resp_pkt(TOSERVER_FIRST_SRP, 0); char *salt, *bytes_v; std::size_t len_salt, len_v; salt = NULL; getSRPVerifier(getPlayerName(), m_password, &salt, &len_salt, &bytes_v, &len_v); resp_pkt << std::string((char*)salt, len_salt) << std::string((char*)bytes_v, len_v) << (u8)((m_password == "") ? 1 : 0); free(salt); free(bytes_v); Send(&resp_pkt); break; } case AUTH_MECHANISM_SRP: case AUTH_MECHANISM_LEGACY_PASSWORD: { u8 based_on = 1; if (chosen_auth_mechanism == AUTH_MECHANISM_LEGACY_PASSWORD) { m_password = translatePassword(getPlayerName(), m_password); based_on = 0; } std::string playername_u = lowercase(getPlayerName()); m_auth_data = srp_user_new(SRP_SHA256, SRP_NG_2048, getPlayerName().c_str(), playername_u.c_str(), (const unsigned char *) m_password.c_str(), m_password.length(), NULL, NULL); char *bytes_A = 0; size_t len_A = 0; SRP_Result res = srp_user_start_authentication( (struct SRPUser *) m_auth_data, NULL, NULL, 0, (unsigned char **) &bytes_A, &len_A); FATAL_ERROR_IF(res != SRP_OK, "Creating local SRP user failed."); NetworkPacket resp_pkt(TOSERVER_SRP_BYTES_A, 0); resp_pkt << std::string(bytes_A, len_A) << based_on; Send(&resp_pkt); break; } case AUTH_MECHANISM_NONE: break; // not handled in this method } }
void main() { char szDir[512]; char szDir2[512]; printf("Syndicate DEV Mode unlocker\nSupported OS: Windows XP x86/x64, Windows Vista x86/x64, Windows 7 x86/x64\nCode: Reaver\nUses \"ForceLibrary\" by yoda\n\n"); GetCurrentDirectoryA(400, szDir); sprintf_s(szDir2, "%s\\TeknoSyn.dll", szDir); while(1) { printf("Press CTRL+C to close\nRescanning all processes\n"); char bla[256]; HANDLE hProcessSnap = ::CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); if (hProcessSnap == (HANDLE)-1) return; PROCESSENTRY32 pe32 = {0}; pe32.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32); BOOL bContinue = ::Process32First(hProcessSnap, &pe32); while (bContinue) { sprintf_s(bla, "%s", pe32.szExeFile); bool found = false; LPSTR Game = ""; lowercase(bla); if(!strcmp(bla, "syndicate.exe")) { found = true; Game = "Syndicate"; } if(found == true) { printf("%s found, injecting\n", Game); DWORD base = (DWORD)RemoteLoadLibrary(pe32.th32ProcessID, szDir2); if(base == 0) { printf("Injection failed, make sure the dll is in same dir as this program.\n"); } else { printf("Injected to base 0x%08x, have fun!\n", base); _getch(); exit(0); } } bContinue = ::Process32Next(hProcessSnap, &pe32); } ::CloseHandle(hProcessSnap); printf("Nothing found, rescanning in 10seconds\n"); Sleep(10000); } }
std::basic_string <CharType, TraitsType, AllocType> titlecase( const std::basic_string <CharType, TraitsType, AllocType> & s ) { std::basic_string <CharType, TraitsType, AllocType> result = lowercase( s ); typename std::basic_string <CharType, TraitsType, AllocType> ::iterator iter = result.begin(); while (iter != result.end()) { *iter = toupper( *iter ); iter = std::find_if( iter, result.end(), std::not1( std::ptr_fun <int, int> ( std::isalpha ) ) ); iter = std::find_if( iter, result.end(), std::ptr_fun <int, int> ( std::isalpha ) ); } return result; }
void _nfoParse(t_infnode * ginfo, char * buffer, int bsize) { int ps, n, cp; int nSize = 0; int cMax = 0; char * cbuffer = NULL; char ltoken[5][10] = {"TITLE:", "TYPE:", "COMPANY:", "LANGUAGE:", "YEAR:" }; for(n = 0; n < 5; n++){ nSize = strlen(ltoken[n]); cMax = 0; cbuffer = NULL; switch (n) { case 0: cbuffer = ginfo->title; cMax = 128; break; case 1: cbuffer = ginfo->genre; cMax = 128; break; case 2: cbuffer = ginfo->company; cMax = 28; break; case 3: cbuffer = ginfo->lang; cMax = 28; break; case 4: cbuffer = ginfo->year; cMax = 5; break; } for(ps = 0; ps < (bsize - nSize); ps ++) { if(memcmp(&buffer[ps], ltoken[n], nSize)!=0) continue; //no son iguales +1 ps+=nSize; while((ps < bsize) && (buffer[ps] == ' ')) ps++; for(cp = 0; (cp < cMax) && (ps < bsize) && (buffer[ps] != 0x0d); ps++) { if(buffer[ps]!='"') { cbuffer[cp] = buffer[ps]; cp++; } } cbuffer[cp] = '\0'; } lowercase(cbuffer, true); //Primera mayus. } }
/* convert Ruby color to C color */ rgba convert_rb_color_to_rgba(VALUE cval) { rgba my_color; if (is_gosu_color(cval)) return convert_gosu_to_rgba_color(cval); /* current color for actions */ switch(TYPE(cval)) { char * try_color; case T_SYMBOL: try_color = lowercase(sym2string(cval)); my_color = find_color_from_string(try_color); break; case T_ARRAY: = NUM2DBL(rb_ary_entry(cval, red)); = NUM2DBL(rb_ary_entry(cval, green)); = NUM2DBL(rb_ary_entry(cval, blue)); if(NUM2INT(rb_funcall(cval, rb_intern("length"), 0)) > 3) my_color.alpha = NUM2DBL(rb_ary_entry(cval, alpha)); else my_color.alpha = 1; break; /* hex literals */ case T_FIXNUM: case T_BIGNUM: return convert_gosu_to_rgba_color(rb_funcall(gosu_color_class(), rb_intern("new"), 1, cval)); break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "unsupported argument type for color. Got type 0x%x\n", TYPE(cval) ); } /* a valid color */ if(is_a_color(my_color)) return my_color; /* special condition for when color is taken from outside range of bitmap. Color is just ignored */ else if(not_a_color(my_color)) return not_a_color_v; /* anything else should fail */ else rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "invalid colour specified (negative value given)\n"); }
// Perform case-insensitive match of string against pattern static int match_prefix(const char *pattern, int pattern_len, const char *str) { const char *or_str; int i, j, len, res; if ((or_str = (const char *) memchr(pattern, '|', pattern_len)) != NULL) { res = match_prefix(pattern, or_str - pattern, str); return res > 0 ? res : match_prefix(or_str + 1, (pattern + pattern_len) - (or_str + 1), str); } i = j = 0; res = -1; for (; i < pattern_len; i++, j++) { if (pattern[i] == '?' && str[j] != '\0') { continue; } else if (pattern[i] == '$') { return str[j] == '\0' ? j : -1; } else if (pattern[i] == '*') { i++; if (pattern[i] == '*') { i++; len = (int) strlen(str + j); } else { len = (int) strcspn(str + j, "/"); } if (i == pattern_len) { return j + len; } do { res = match_prefix(pattern + i, pattern_len - i, str + j + len); } while (res == -1 && len-- > 0); return res == -1 ? -1 : j + res + len; } else if (lowercase(&pattern[i]) != lowercase(&str[j])) { return -1; } } return j; }
void MolarityIonicVPSSTP::initThermoXML(XML_Node& phaseNode, const std::string& id) { if ((int) id.size() > 0 && != id) { throw CanteraError("MolarityIonicVPSSTP::initThermoXML", "phasenode and Id are incompatible"); } // Check on the thermo field. Must have one of: // <thermo model="MolarityIonicVPSS" /> // <thermo model="MolarityIonicVPSSTP" /> if (!phaseNode.hasChild("thermo")) { throw CanteraError("MolarityIonicVPSSTP::initThermoXML", "no thermo XML node"); } XML_Node& thermoNode = phaseNode.child("thermo"); std::string mStringa = thermoNode.attrib("model"); std::string mString = lowercase(mStringa); if (mString != "molarityionicvpss" && mString != "molarityionicvpsstp") { throw CanteraError("MolarityIonicVPSSTP::initThermoXML", "Unknown thermo model: " + mStringa + " - This object only knows \"MolarityIonicVPSSTP\" "); } // Go get all of the coefficients and factors in the activityCoefficients // XML block if (thermoNode.hasChild("activityCoefficients")) { XML_Node& acNode = thermoNode.child("activityCoefficients"); for (size_t i = 0; i < acNode.nChildren(); i++) { XML_Node& xmlACChild = acNode.child(i); // Process a binary interaction if (lowercase( == "binaryneutralspeciesparameters") { readXMLBinarySpecies(xmlACChild); } } } // Go down the chain GibbsExcessVPSSTP::initThermoXML(phaseNode, id); }
u32 parseImageTransform(const std::string& s) { int total_transform = 0; std::string transform_names[8]; transform_names[0] = "i"; transform_names[1] = "r90"; transform_names[2] = "r180"; transform_names[3] = "r270"; transform_names[4] = "fx"; transform_names[6] = "fy"; std::size_t pos = 0; while(pos < s.size()) { int transform = -1; for(int i = 0; i <= 7; ++i) { const std::string &name_i = transform_names[i]; if(s[pos] == ('0' + i)) { transform = i; pos++; break; } else if(!(name_i.empty()) && lowercase(s.substr(pos, name_i.size())) == name_i) { transform = i; pos += name_i.size(); break; } } if(transform < 0) break; // Multiply total_transform and transform in the group D4 int new_total = 0; if(transform < 4) new_total = (transform + total_transform) % 4; else new_total = (transform - total_transform + 8) % 4; if((transform >= 4) ^ (total_transform >= 4)) new_total += 4; total_transform = new_total; } return total_transform; }
/* * Import and initialize a ThermoPhase object * * param phaseNode This object must be the phase node of a * complete XML tree * description of the phase, including all of the * species data. In other words while "phase" must * point to an XML phase object, it must have * sibling nodes "speciesData" that describe * the species in the phase. * param id ID of the phase. If nonnull, a check is done * to see if phaseNode is pointing to the phase * with the correct id. * * This routine initializes the lengths in the current object and * then calls the parent routine. */ void IdealSolnGasVPSS::initThermoXML(XML_Node& phaseNode, std::string id) { IdealSolnGasVPSS::initLengths(); if (phaseNode.hasChild("thermo")) { XML_Node& thermoNode = phaseNode.child("thermo"); std::string model = thermoNode["model"]; if (model == "IdealGasVPSS") { m_idealGas = 1; } else if (model == "IdealSolnVPSS") { m_idealGas = 0; } else { throw CanteraError("IdealSolnGasVPSS::initThermoXML", "Unknown thermo model : " + model); } } /* * Form of the standard concentrations. Must have one of: * * <standardConc model="unity" /> * <standardConc model="molar_volume" /> * <standardConc model="solvent_volume" /> */ if (phaseNode.hasChild("standardConc")) { if (m_idealGas) { throw CanteraError("IdealSolnGasVPSS::initThermoXML", "standardConc node for ideal gas"); } XML_Node& scNode = phaseNode.child("standardConc"); string formStringa = scNode.attrib("model"); string formString = lowercase(formStringa); if (formString == "unity") { m_formGC = 0; } else if (formString == "molar_volume") { m_formGC = 1; } else if (formString == "solvent_volume") { m_formGC = 2; } else { throw CanteraError("initThermoXML", "Unknown standardConc model: " + formStringa); } } else { if (!m_idealGas) { throw CanteraError("initThermoXML", "Unspecified standardConc model"); } } VPStandardStateTP::initThermoXML(phaseNode, id); }
// Find the next list after the current active who's name contains the // filter string - then make it the active_list. // void List_Container::find_next_matching(const char *filter) { for (size_t i=active_list+1; i<active_list+size(); ++i) { size_t check = i % size(); std::string lowercase(saved_item_lists[check].get_name()); std::transform(lowercase.begin(), lowercase.end(), lowercase.begin(), tolower); if (lowercase.find(filter, 0) != std::string::npos) { active_list = check; break; } } }
void Run() { /*infostream<<"wrapDegrees(100.0) = "<<wrapDegrees(100.0)<<std::endl; infostream<<"wrapDegrees(720.5) = "<<wrapDegrees(720.5)<<std::endl; infostream<<"wrapDegrees(-0.5) = "<<wrapDegrees(-0.5)<<std::endl;*/ assert(fabs(wrapDegrees(100.0) - 100.0) < 0.001); assert(fabs(wrapDegrees(720.5) - 0.5) < 0.001); assert(fabs(wrapDegrees(-0.5) - (-0.5)) < 0.001); assert(fabs(wrapDegrees(-365.5) - (-5.5)) < 0.001); assert(lowercase("Foo bAR") == "foo bar"); assert(is_yes("YeS") == true); assert(is_yes("") == false); assert(is_yes("FAlse") == false); }
/** * Obtiene la tabla necesaria para poder hacer consultas * sobre el DBF en cuestión * @return Tabla de localización, NULL si hay error */ TABLA_LOCALIZ *componerTablaLocaliz(FICHERODBF *ficheroDBF) { FILA_LOCALIZ *filaLocaliz = NULL; CAMPO_DBF5 *campoActual; char terminCampos = 'X'; int desplaz = sizeof(CABEC_DBF5); int i, j; int numCamposDBF = 0; unsigned int despRelativo = 0; /* TODO Adaptarlo a otros tipos de DBF */ /* Cuenta de los campos del DBF */ while(terminCampos != 0x0d) { desplaz += sizeof(CAMPO_DBF5); numCamposDBF++; terminCampos = *(ficheroDBF->fichero->content + desplaz); } /* Elabora una tabla auxiliar para facilitar la búsqueda */ ficheroDBF->campos = (unsigned char *) malloc(numCamposDBF * sizeof(CAMPO_DBF5)); memcpy(ficheroDBF->campos, ficheroDBF->fichero->content + sizeof(CABEC_DBF5), numCamposDBF * sizeof(CAMPO_DBF5)); for(i = 0; i < numCamposDBF; i++) lowercase(((CAMPO_DBF5 *)ficheroDBF->campos)[i].nombre); /* Crea la tabla de localización */ ficheroDBF->tablaLocaliz = (TABLA_LOCALIZ *) malloc(sizeof(TABLA_LOCALIZ)); ficheroDBF->tablaLocaliz->numCampos = numCamposDBF; ficheroDBF->tablaLocaliz->filas = (FILA_LOCALIZ *) malloc(numCamposDBF * sizeof(FILA_LOCALIZ)); for(j = 0; j < numCamposDBF; j++) { filaLocaliz = ficheroDBF->tablaLocaliz->filas + j; campoActual = (CAMPO_DBF5 *)ficheroDBF->campos + j; memcpy(filaLocaliz->nombre, campoActual, 11); filaLocaliz->direcRel = despRelativo; filaLocaliz->longitud = campoActual->longitud; filaLocaliz->tipo = campoActual->tipo; filaLocaliz->decimales = campoActual->decimales; /*printf("%s %i %i %c %i\n", filaLocaliz->nombre, filaLocaliz->direcRel, filaLocaliz->longitud, filaLocaliz->tipo, filaLocaliz->decimales);*/ despRelativo += campoActual->longitud; } return ficheroDBF->tablaLocaliz; }
static const char *dict_env_lookup(DICT *dict, const char *name) { dict->error = 0; /* * Optionally fold the key. */ if (dict->flags & DICT_FLAG_FOLD_FIX) { if (dict->fold_buf == 0) dict->fold_buf = vstring_alloc(10); vstring_strcpy(dict->fold_buf, name); name = lowercase(vstring_str(dict->fold_buf)); } return (safe_getenv(name)); }
static const char *dict_ht_lookup(DICT *dict, const char *name) { DICT_HT *dict_ht = (DICT_HT *) dict; /* * Optionally fold the key. */ if (dict->flags & DICT_FLAG_FOLD_FIX) { if (dict->fold_buf == 0) dict->fold_buf = vstring_alloc(10); vstring_strcpy(dict->fold_buf, name); name = lowercase(vstring_str(dict->fold_buf)); } DICT_ERR_VAL_RETURN(dict, DICT_ERR_NONE, htable_find(dict_ht->table, name)); }
// .SetProp(entity, "property", value) Sets the property to the specified value. Value can be num, string, ptr, depends on the property. int entity_SetProp(lua_State* ls) { DEBUGOUT("entity_SetProp"); luaCountArgs(ls, 3); Entity* e = _getReferencedEntity(ls); string prop = lowercase(lua_tostring(ls, 2)); int result = e->LuaSetProp(ls, prop, 3); if (!result) console->AddMessage("Entity.SetProp() '" + prop + "' Unknown"); return 0; }
int _strcasecmp(char *s1, char *s2) { while (*s1 && *s2) { if (lowercase(*s1) - lowercase(*s2)) return (lowercase(*s1) - lowercase(*s2)); s1++; s2++; } return (lowercase(*s1) - lowercase(*s2)); }
/* error checking functions */ void check_mask(VALUE mask) { char * try_mask; if(TYPE(mask) != T_ARRAY && TYPE(mask) != T_SYMBOL) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "array or symbol parameter required"); /* is it a valid mask symbol? */ if(TYPE(mask) == T_SYMBOL) { try_mask = lowercase(sym2string(mask)); if(*try_mask == '_') try_mask++; if(not_a_color(find_color_from_string(try_mask))) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "unrecognized mask symbol: %s\n", sym2string(mask)); } } }
Kinetics* KineticsFactory::newKinetics(const string& model) { string lcmodel = lowercase(model); if (lcmodel == "none") { return new Kinetics(); } else if (lcmodel == "gaskinetics") { return new GasKinetics(); } else if (lcmodel == "interface") { return new InterfaceKinetics(); } else if (lcmodel == "edge") { return new EdgeKinetics(); } else if (lcmodel == "aqueouskinetics") { return new AqueousKinetics(); } else { throw UnknownKineticsModel("KineticsFactory::newKinetics", model); } }
/** * Transforms a word into a 64-bit signature. */ unsigned long long sign_word(char * word) { unsigned long long sig; char * cursor; sig = 0; cursor = word; while (cursor[0] != (char)0) { if (sig > sig*26) { printf("word overflow: %s\n", word); exit(0); } sig *= 26; sig += (lowercase(cursor[0]) - 'a'); cursor += 1; } return sig; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char a = 'a'; char b = 'b'; char c = 'c'; printf("a is less than b: %d\n", compare(&a, &b)); printf("b is equal to b: %d\n", compare(&b, &b)); printf("c is greater than b: %d\n", compare(&c, &b)); printf("--------\n"); char before = 'A'; printf("Before: %c\n", before); lowercase(&before); printf("After: %c\n", before); }
static int dict_env_update(DICT *dict, const char *name, const char *value) { dict->error = 0; /* * Optionally fold the key. */ if (dict->flags & DICT_FLAG_FOLD_FIX) { if (dict->fold_buf == 0) dict->fold_buf = vstring_alloc(10); vstring_strcpy(dict->fold_buf, name); name = lowercase(vstring_str(dict->fold_buf)); } if (setenv(name, value, 1)) msg_fatal("setenv: %m"); return (DICT_STAT_SUCCESS); }
Invocation::Invocation(int argc, char ** argv) { time_t nowTime = time(0); struct tm * curTime = localtime(&nowTime); cout << " Start time: "; printColoredText(getNum(curTime->tm_hour, 2) + ":" + getNum(curTime->tm_min, 2) + ":" + getNum(curTime->tm_sec, 2) + " " + getNum(curTime->tm_mday, 2) + "." + getNum(curTime->tm_mon + 1, 2) + "." + toa((curTime->tm_year + 1900)) + "\n", CC_CYAN); params = new Parameters(); info = new Information(); SetConsoleTitleA((char *)string("ATester (Invoker " + params->getInvocationID() + ")").c_str()); cout << " Invoker ID: "; printColoredText(params->getInvocationID(), CC_CYAN); cout << endl << endl; string s, t; for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { s = (string)argv[i]; t = lowercase(s); if (flagsDict.count(t)) cmdParams.pb(t); else cmdParams.pb(s); } }
void Misc::processText(std::string& text) { std::string::iterator it = text.begin(); while (it != text.end()) { lowercase(*it); if (*it == '<') { // Tag de HTML encontrado int itPos = std::distance(text.begin(), it); int closeTagPos = text.find('>', itPos); text.replace(itPos, closeTagPos - itPos + 1, " "); } else if (esPuntuacion(*it)) { text.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } }
int satisfies(char key[4]) { struct dec dec; char * tok; int i; dec_init(&dec, cipher, cipher_length, key, 3); while (NULL != (tok = dec_token(&dec))) { i=0; while (tok[i] != (char)0) { tok[i] = lowercase(tok[i]); ++i; } if (!in_dict(tok)) { return 0; } } return 1; }
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { const char *filename; clock_t timer; int tableSize = 1000; struct hashMap* hashTable = createMap(tableSize); timer = clock(); if(argc >= 2) filename = argv[1]; else filename = "dictionary.txt"; /*specify your input text file here*/ FILE* dictionary = fopen(filename, "r"); if(dictionary == NULL) { char err[255]; sprintf(err, "Failure opening file %s; exiting.\n", filename); perror(err); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } loadDictionary(dictionary,hashTable); timer = clock() - timer; printf("Dictionary loaded in %f seconds\n", (float)timer / (float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); char* word = (char*)malloc(256*sizeof(char)); int quit=0; while(!quit) { printf("Enter a word: "); scanf("%s",word); if(containsKey(hashTable, lowercase(word))) printf("'%s' is spelled correctly.\n", word); else printf("'%s' is spelled incorrectly; please try again.\n", word); /* Don't remove this. It is used for grading*/ if(strcmp(word,"quit")==0) quit=!quit; } free(word); fclose(dictionary); return 0; }