예제 #1
 static unsigned long opt_k(const double fp) {
   return lrint(-log(fp) / LOG2);
예제 #2
파일: rest.cpp 프로젝트: bojan88/MuseScore
void Rest::layout()
      rxpos() = 0.0;
      if (staff() && staff()->isTabStaff()) {
            StaffTypeTablature* tab = (StaffTypeTablature*)staff()->staffType();
            // if rests are shown and note values are shown as duration symbols
            if(tab->showRests() &&tab->genDurations()) {
                  // symbol needed; if not exist, create, if exists, update duration
                  if (!_tabDur)
                        _tabDur = new TabDurationSymbol(score(), tab, durationType().type(), dots());
                        _tabDur->setDuration(durationType().type(), dots(), tab);
// needed?        _tabDur->setTrack(track());
                  setPos(0.0, 0.0);             // no rest is drawn: reset any position might be set for it
            // if no rests or no duration symbols, delete any dur. symbol and chain into standard staff mngmt
            // this is to ensure horiz space is reserved for rest, even if they are not diplayed
            // Rest::draw() will skip their drawing, if not needed
            if(_tabDur) {
                  delete _tabDur;
                  _tabDur = 0;

      switch(durationType().type()) {
            case TDuration::V_64TH:
            case TDuration::V_32ND:
                  dotline = -3;
            case TDuration::V_256TH:
            case TDuration::V_128TH:
                  dotline = -5;
                  dotline = -1;
      qreal _spatium = spatium();
      int stepOffset = 0;
      if (staff())
            stepOffset = staff()->staffType()->stepOffset();
      int line       = lrint(userOff().y() / _spatium); //  + ((staff()->lines()-1) * 2);
      qreal lineDist = staff() ? staff()->staffType()->lineDistance().val() : 1.0;
      int lineOffset = 0;

      int lines = staff() ? staff()->lines() : 5;
      if (segment() && measure() && measure()->mstaff(staffIdx())->hasVoices) {
            // move rests in a multi voice context
            bool up = (voice() == 0) || (voice() == 2);       // TODO: use style values
            switch(durationType().type()) {
                  case TDuration::V_LONG:
                        lineOffset = up ? -3 : 5;
                  case TDuration::V_BREVE:
                        lineOffset = up ? -3 : 5;
                  case TDuration::V_MEASURE:
                        if (duration() >= Fraction(2, 1))    // breve symbol
                              lineOffset = up ? -3 : 5;
                        // fall through
                  case TDuration::V_WHOLE:
                        lineOffset = up ? -4 : 6;
                  case TDuration::V_HALF:
                        lineOffset = up ? -4 : 4;
                  case TDuration::V_QUARTER:
                        lineOffset = up ? -4 : 4;
                  case TDuration::V_EIGHT:
                        lineOffset = up ? -4 : 4;
                  case TDuration::V_16TH:
                        lineOffset = up ? -6 : 4;
                  case TDuration::V_32ND:
                        lineOffset = up ? -6 : 6;
                  case TDuration::V_64TH:
                        lineOffset = up ? -8 : 6;
                  case TDuration::V_128TH:
                        lineOffset = up ? -8 : 8;
                  case TDuration::V_256TH:             // not available
                        lineOffset = up ? -10 : 6;
      else {
            switch(durationType().type()) {
                  case TDuration::V_LONG:
                  case TDuration::V_BREVE:
                  case TDuration::V_MEASURE:
                  case TDuration::V_WHOLE:
                        if (lines == 1)
                              lineOffset = -2;
                  case TDuration::V_HALF:
                  case TDuration::V_QUARTER:
                  case TDuration::V_EIGHT:
                  case TDuration::V_16TH:
                  case TDuration::V_32ND:
                  case TDuration::V_64TH:
                  case TDuration::V_128TH:
                  case TDuration::V_256TH:             // not available
                        if (lines == 1)
                              lineOffset = -4;

      int yo;
      _sym = getSymbol(durationType().type(), line + lineOffset/2, lines, &yo);
      rypos() = (qreal(yo) + qreal(lineOffset + stepOffset) * .5) * lineDist * _spatium;

      Spatium rs;
      if (dots()) {
            rs = Spatium(score()->styleS(ST_dotNoteDistance)
               + dots() * score()->styleS(ST_dotDotDistance));
      Segment* s = segment();
      if (s && s->measure() && s->measure()->multiMeasure()) {
            qreal _spatium = spatium();
            qreal h = _spatium * 6.5;
            qreal w = point(score()->styleS(ST_minMMRestWidth));
            bbox().setRect(-w * .5, -h + 2 * _spatium, w, h);
      else {
            if (dots()) {
                  rs = Spatium(score()->styleS(ST_dotNoteDistance)
                     + dots() * score()->styleS(ST_dotDotDistance));
      _space.setRw(width() + point(rs));
예제 #3
int y2pitch(qreal y, ClefType clef, qreal _spatium)
      int l = lrint(y / _spatium * 2.0);
      return line2pitch(l, clef, Key::C);
예제 #4
static int rate_from_speed(int rate, double speed)
    return lrint(rate * speed);
예제 #5
파일: tiles.c 프로젝트: keot/maptiler
int blitPreviews(experiment *experiments, unsigned int runs)
	// Viewport variables
	const unsigned int viewport_w = 340;
	const unsigned int viewport_h = 255;
	const float sequence_length = 58.0f + (2.0f / 11.0f);
	// Viewport data
	typedef struct viewport_data_t {
		SDL_Rect viewport;
		unsigned int tile;
		unsigned int tiles;
		unsigned int seg;
		float cumulative_error;
		float tile_error;
		unsigned int field;
		unsigned int base_fields;
		unsigned int cur_fields;
	} viewport_data;
	viewport_data *viewports;
	viewports = malloc(runs * sizeof(viewport_data) );
	if (!viewports) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating memory for viewport data.\n");
		return 1;
	if (runs > 6) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Non-fatal: Cannot display more than six runs! Truncating output to six screens.\n");
		runs = 5; // starting from zero
	for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++) {
		// Viewport dimensions
		viewports[i].viewport.w = viewport_w;
		viewports[i].viewport.h = viewport_h;
		switch (i) {
			case 0:
				viewports[i].viewport.x = 1;
				viewports[i].viewport.y = 1;
			case 1:
				viewports[i].viewport.x = 342;
				viewports[i].viewport.y = 1;
			case 2:
				viewports[i].viewport.x = 683;
				viewports[i].viewport.y = 1;
			case 3:
				viewports[i].viewport.x = 1;
				viewports[i].viewport.y = 512;
			case 4:
				viewports[i].viewport.x = 342;
				viewports[i].viewport.y = 512;
			case 5:
				viewports[i].viewport.x = 683;
				viewports[i].viewport.y = 512;
		// Viewport tiles and scaling
		viewports[i].tile = 0; // start at the beginning
		viewports[i].tiles = experiments[i].seg * experiments[i].seg * 15;
		viewports[i].seg = experiments[i].seg;
		// Viewport tile jitter
		viewports[i].cumulative_error = 0.0f;
		viewports[i].tile_error = fmod((60.0f * sequence_length) / viewports[i].tiles, 1.0f);
		viewports[i].field = 0; // beginning again
		viewports[i].base_fields = (unsigned int) lrint(floor( ((60.0f * sequence_length) / viewports[i].tiles) ) );
		viewports[i].cur_fields = viewports[i].base_fields;
	// Display variables
	SDL_Surface *display;
	display = SDL_GetVideoSurface();
	const SDL_Rect preview_size = { 0, 0, viewport_w, viewport_h };
	const int target_fps = 60;
	SDL_Event event_handler;
	int terminate = 0;
	int ticks_then = -1;
	int ticks_now = 0;
	int field = 0;
	int delay = 1000 / target_fps;
	// Create previews
	SDL_Thread *create_previews;
	int create_previews_return;
	float progress = 0;
	create_previews_args create_previews_arg = { experiments, runs, preview_size, &progress };
	create_previews = SDL_CreateThread((int (*)(void *))createPreviews, &create_previews_arg);
	if (create_previews == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "SDL: Unable to create preview tile creation thread: %s\n", SDL_GetError() );
		return 1;
	SDL_WaitThread(create_previews, &create_previews_return);
	if (create_previews_return != 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "SDL: Preview tile creation thread failed.\n");
		return 1;
	// Questions display
	const char *question_1_image_filename = "../Resources/question1.png";
	const char *question_2_image_filename = "../Resources/question2.png";
	SDL_Surface *question_1_image, *question_2_image;
	question_1_image = loadImage(question_1_image_filename);
	question_2_image = loadImage(question_2_image_filename);
	SDL_Rect question_image_location;
	question_image_location.w = 1022;
	question_image_location.h = 254;
	question_image_location.x = 1;
	question_image_location.y = 257;
	int question_image_fade = 0;
	const Uint8 question_image_fade_increment = 8;
	enum question_state_machine {
	} question_state = q1_fadein;
	int question_keypress = 0;
	// Display routine
	while (!terminate) {
		// Handle events
		while (SDL_PollEvent(&event_handler) ) {
			switch (event_handler.type) {
				case SDL_KEYDOWN:
					question_keypress = 1;
				case SDL_QUIT:
					// should probably clean-up...
			} // switch event_handler
		} // while SDL_PollEvent
		// State machine
		switch (question_state) {
			case q1_fadein:
				question_image_fade += question_image_fade_increment;
				if (question_image_fade >= 255) {
					question_image_fade = 255;
					question_state = q1_static;
			case q1_static:
				if (question_keypress) {
					question_keypress = 0;
					question_state = q1_fadeout;
			case q1_fadeout:
				question_image_fade -= question_image_fade_increment;
				if (question_image_fade <= 0) {
					question_image_fade = 0;
					question_state = q2_fadein;
			case q2_fadein:
				question_image_fade += question_image_fade_increment;
				if (question_image_fade >= 255) {
					question_image_fade = 255;
					question_state = q2_static;
			case q2_static:
				if (question_keypress) {
					question_keypress = 0;
					question_state = q2_fadeout;
			case q2_fadeout:
				question_image_fade -= question_image_fade_increment;
				if (question_image_fade <= 0) {
					question_image_fade = 0;
					terminate = 1;
				printf("Invalid state for blitPreviews.\n");
		} // switch question_state
		// Calculations
		for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++) {
			// Field updating
			if (viewports[i].field == viewports[i].cur_fields) {
				// Reset tile
				viewports[i].field = 0;
				// Check we haven't gone beyond our bounds
				if (viewports[i].tile == viewports[i].tiles) {
					viewports[i].tile = 0;
				// Calculate tile display duration
				viewports[i].cumulative_error += viewports[i].tile_error;
				if (viewports[i].cumulative_error >= 1.0f) {
					// Standard duration frame
					viewports[i].cur_fields = viewports[i].base_fields;
					viewports[i].cumulative_error -= 1.0f;
				} else {
					// Extended duration frame
					viewports[i].cur_fields = viewports[i].base_fields + 1;
		// Rendering
		SDL_FillRect(display, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(display->format, 0, 0, 0) ); // clear with black
		for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++) {
			SDL_BlitSurface(previews[i][viewports[i].tile], NULL, display, &viewports[i].viewport);
		// Question display
		switch (question_state) {
			case q1_fadein:
			case q1_static:
			case q1_fadeout:
				SDL_SetAlpha(question_1_image, SDL_RLEACCEL | SDL_SRCALPHA, question_image_fade);
				SDL_BlitSurface(question_1_image, NULL, display, &question_image_location);
			case q2_fadein:
			case q2_static:
			case q2_fadeout:
				SDL_SetAlpha(question_2_image, SDL_RLEACCEL | SDL_SRCALPHA, question_image_fade);
				SDL_BlitSurface(question_2_image, NULL, display, &question_image_location);
		} // switch question_state
		// Flipping
		// Delay calculation
		if (ticks_then > 0) {
			ticks_now = SDL_GetTicks();
			delay += (1000 / target_fps - (ticks_now - ticks_then) ); // adjust delay
			ticks_then = ticks_now;
			if (delay < 0) delay = 1000 / target_fps; // reset delay
		} else {
			ticks_then = SDL_GetTicks();
	} // while !terminate
	// Clean-up
	return 0;
예제 #6
storage_number pack_storage_number(calculated_number value, uint32_t flags)
	// bit 32 = sign 0:positive, 1:negative
	// bit 31 = 0:divide, 1:multiply
	// bit 30, 29, 28 = (multiplier or divider) 0-6 (7 total)
	// bit 27, 26, 25 flags
	// bit 24 to bit 1 = the value

	storage_number r = get_storage_number_flags(flags);
	if(!value) return r;

	int m = 0;
	calculated_number n = value;

	// if the value is negative
	// add the sign bit and make it positive
	if(n < 0) {
		r += (1 << 31); // the sign bit 32
		n = -n;

	// make its integer part fit in 0x00ffffff
	// by dividing it by 10 up to 7 times
	// and increasing the multiplier
	while(m < 7 && n > (calculated_number)0x00ffffff) {
		n /= 10;

	if(m) {
		// the value was too big and we divided it
		// so we add a multiplier to unpack it
		r += (1 << 30) + (m << 27); // the multiplier m

		if(n > (calculated_number)0x00ffffff) {
			error("Number " CALCULATED_NUMBER_FORMAT " is too big.", value);
			r += 0x00ffffff;
			return r;
	else {
		// 0x0019999e is the number that can be multiplied
		// by 10 to give 0x00ffffff
		// while the value is below 0x0019999e we can
		// multiply it by 10, up to 7 times, increasing
		// the multiplier
		while(m < 7 && n < (calculated_number)0x0019999e) {
			n *= 10;

		// the value was small enough and we multiplied it
		// so we add a divider to unpack it
		r += (0 << 30) + (m << 27); // the divider m

	// without this there are rounding problems
	// example: 0.9 becomes 0.89
	r += lrint((double) n);
	r += (storage_number)n;

	return r;
예제 #7
void AudioEffectChorusInstance::_process_chunk(const AudioFrame *p_src_frames, AudioFrame *p_dst_frames, int p_frame_count) {

	//fill ringbuffer
	for (int i = 0; i < p_frame_count; i++) {
		audio_buffer.write[(buffer_pos + i) & buffer_mask] = p_src_frames[i];
		p_dst_frames[i] = p_src_frames[i] * base->dry;

	float mix_rate = AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_mix_rate();

	/* process voices */
	for (int vc = 0; vc < base->voice_count; vc++) {

		AudioEffectChorus::Voice &v = base->voice[vc];

		double time_to_mix = (float)p_frame_count / mix_rate;
		double cycles_to_mix = time_to_mix * v.rate;

		unsigned int local_rb_pos = buffer_pos;
		AudioFrame *dst_buff = p_dst_frames;
		AudioFrame *rb_buff = audio_buffer.ptrw();

		double delay_msec = v.delay;
		unsigned int delay_frames = Math::fast_ftoi((delay_msec / 1000.0) * mix_rate);
		float max_depth_frames = (v.depth / 1000.0) * mix_rate;

		uint64_t local_cycles = cycles[vc];
		uint64_t increment = llrint(cycles_to_mix / (double)p_frame_count * (double)(1 << AudioEffectChorus::CYCLES_FRAC));

		//check the LFO doesn't read ahead of the write pos
		if ((((unsigned int)max_depth_frames) + 10) > delay_frames) { //10 as some threshold to avoid precision stuff
			delay_frames += (int)max_depth_frames - delay_frames;
			delay_frames += 10; //threshold to avoid precision stuff

		//low pass filter
		if (v.cutoff == 0)
		float auxlp = expf(-2.0 * Math_PI * v.cutoff / mix_rate);
		float c1 = 1.0 - auxlp;
		float c2 = auxlp;
		AudioFrame h = filter_h[vc];
		if (v.cutoff >= AudioEffectChorus::MS_CUTOFF_MAX) {
			c1 = 1.0;
			c2 = 0.0;

		//vol modifier

		AudioFrame vol_modifier = AudioFrame(base->wet, base->wet) * Math::db2linear(v.level);
		vol_modifier.l *= CLAMP(1.0 - v.pan, 0, 1);
		vol_modifier.r *= CLAMP(1.0 + v.pan, 0, 1);

		for (int i = 0; i < p_frame_count; i++) {


			float phase = (float)(local_cycles & AudioEffectChorus::CYCLES_MASK) / (float)(1 << AudioEffectChorus::CYCLES_FRAC);

			float wave_delay = sinf(phase * 2.0 * Math_PI) * max_depth_frames;

			int wave_delay_frames = lrint(floor(wave_delay));
			float wave_delay_frac = wave_delay - (float)wave_delay_frames;


			unsigned int rb_source = local_rb_pos;
			rb_source -= delay_frames;

			rb_source -= wave_delay_frames;


			AudioFrame val = rb_buff[rb_source & buffer_mask];
			AudioFrame val_next = rb_buff[(rb_source - 1) & buffer_mask];

			val += (val_next - val) * wave_delay_frac;

			val = val * c1 + h * c2;
			h = val;


			dst_buff[i] += val * vol_modifier;

			local_cycles += increment;

		filter_h[vc] = h;
		cycles[vc] += Math::fast_ftoi(cycles_to_mix * (double)(1 << AudioEffectChorus::CYCLES_FRAC));

	buffer_pos += p_frame_count;
예제 #8
파일: rest.cpp 프로젝트: fyzix/MuseScore
void Rest::layout()
      if (staff() && staff()->isTabStaff()) {
            // no rests for tablature
      switch(durationType().type()) {
            case TDuration::V_64TH:
            case TDuration::V_32ND:
                  dotline = -3;
            case TDuration::V_256TH:
            case TDuration::V_128TH:
                  dotline = -5;
                  dotline = -1;
      qreal _spatium = spatium();
      int stepOffset     = 0;
      if (staff())
            stepOffset = staff()->staffType()->stepOffset();
      int line        = lrint(userOff().y() / _spatium); //  + ((staff()->lines()-1) * 2);
      int lineOffset  = 0;

      int lines = staff() ? staff()->lines() : 5;
      if (segment() && measure() && measure()->mstaff(staffIdx())->hasVoices) {
            // move rests in a multi voice context
            bool up = (voice() == 0) || (voice() == 2);       // TODO: use style values
            switch(durationType().type()) {
                  case TDuration::V_LONG:
                        lineOffset = up ? -3 : 5;
                  case TDuration::V_BREVE:
                        lineOffset = up ? -3 : 5;
                  case TDuration::V_MEASURE:
                        if (duration() >= Fraction(2, 1))    // breve symbol
                              lineOffset = up ? -3 : 5;
                        // fall through
                  case TDuration::V_WHOLE:
                        lineOffset = up ? -4 : 6;
                  case TDuration::V_HALF:
                        lineOffset = up ? -4 : 4;
                  case TDuration::V_QUARTER:
                        lineOffset = up ? -4 : 4;
                  case TDuration::V_EIGHT:
                        lineOffset = up ? -4 : 4;
                  case TDuration::V_16TH:
                        lineOffset = up ? -6 : 4;
                  case TDuration::V_32ND:
                        lineOffset = up ? -6 : 6;
                  case TDuration::V_64TH:
                        lineOffset = up ? -8 : 6;
                  case TDuration::V_128TH:
                        lineOffset = up ? -8 : 8;
                  case TDuration::V_256TH:             // not available
                        lineOffset = up ? -10 : 6;
      else {
            switch(durationType().type()) {
                  case TDuration::V_LONG:
                  case TDuration::V_BREVE:
                  case TDuration::V_MEASURE:
                  case TDuration::V_WHOLE:
                        if (lines == 1)
                              lineOffset = -2;
                  case TDuration::V_HALF:
                  case TDuration::V_QUARTER:
                  case TDuration::V_EIGHT:
                  case TDuration::V_16TH:
                  case TDuration::V_32ND:
                  case TDuration::V_64TH:
                  case TDuration::V_128TH:
                  case TDuration::V_256TH:             // not available
                        if (lines == 1)
                              lineOffset = -4;

      int yo;
      _sym = getSymbol(durationType().type(), line + lineOffset/2, lines, &yo);
      rypos() = (qreal(yo) + qreal(lineOffset + stepOffset) * .5) * _spatium;

      Spatium rs;
      if (dots()) {
            rs = Spatium(score()->styleS(ST_dotNoteDistance)
               + dots() * score()->styleS(ST_dotDotDistance));
      Segment* s = segment();
      if (s && s->measure() && s->measure()->multiMeasure()) {
            qreal _spatium = spatium();
            qreal h = _spatium * 6.5;
            qreal w = point(score()->styleS(ST_minMMRestWidth));
            setbbox(QRectF(-w * .5, -h + 2 * _spatium, w, h));
      else {
            if (dots()) {
                  rs = Spatium(score()->styleS(ST_dotNoteDistance)
                     + dots() * score()->styleS(ST_dotDotDistance));
      _space.setRw(width() + point(rs));
예제 #9
파일: wmaenc.c 프로젝트: Markgorden/smt
static int encode_block(WMACodecContext *s, float (*src_coefs)[BLOCK_MAX_SIZE],
                        int total_gain)
    int v, bsize, ch, coef_nb_bits, parse_exponents;
    float mdct_norm;
    int nb_coefs[MAX_CHANNELS];
    static const int fixed_exp[25] = {
        20, 20, 20, 20, 20,
        20, 20, 20, 20, 20,
        20, 20, 20, 20, 20,
        20, 20, 20, 20, 20,
        20, 20, 20, 20, 20

    // FIXME remove duplication relative to decoder
    if (s->use_variable_block_len) {
        av_assert0(0); // FIXME not implemented
    } else {
        /* fixed block len */
        s->next_block_len_bits = s->frame_len_bits;
        s->prev_block_len_bits = s->frame_len_bits;
        s->block_len_bits      = s->frame_len_bits;

    s->block_len = 1 << s->block_len_bits;
//     av_assert0((s->block_pos + s->block_len) <= s->frame_len);
    bsize = s->frame_len_bits - s->block_len_bits;

    // FIXME factor
    v = s->coefs_end[bsize] - s->coefs_start;
    for (ch = 0; ch < s->avctx->channels; ch++)
        nb_coefs[ch] = v;
        int n4 = s->block_len / 2;
        mdct_norm = 1.0 / (float) n4;
        if (s->version == 1)
            mdct_norm *= sqrt(n4);

    if (s->avctx->channels == 2)
        put_bits(&s->pb, 1, !!s->ms_stereo);

    for (ch = 0; ch < s->avctx->channels; ch++) {
        // FIXME only set channel_coded when needed, instead of always
        s->channel_coded[ch] = 1;
        if (s->channel_coded[ch])
            init_exp(s, ch, fixed_exp);

    for (ch = 0; ch < s->avctx->channels; ch++) {
        if (s->channel_coded[ch]) {
            WMACoef *coefs1;
            float *coefs, *exponents, mult;
            int i, n;

            coefs1    = s->coefs1[ch];
            exponents = s->exponents[ch];
            mult      = ff_exp10(total_gain * 0.05) / s->max_exponent[ch];
            mult     *= mdct_norm;
            coefs     = src_coefs[ch];
            if (s->use_noise_coding && 0) {
                av_assert0(0); // FIXME not implemented
            } else {
                coefs += s->coefs_start;
                n      = nb_coefs[ch];
                for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                    double t = *coefs++ / (exponents[i] * mult);
                    if (t < -32768 || t > 32767)
                        return -1;

                    coefs1[i] = lrint(t);

    v = 0;
    for (ch = 0; ch < s->avctx->channels; ch++) {
        int a = s->channel_coded[ch];
        put_bits(&s->pb, 1, a);
        v |= a;

    if (!v)
        return 1;

    for (v = total_gain - 1; v >= 127; v -= 127)
        put_bits(&s->pb, 7, 127);
    put_bits(&s->pb, 7, v);

    coef_nb_bits = ff_wma_total_gain_to_bits(total_gain);

    if (s->use_noise_coding) {
        for (ch = 0; ch < s->avctx->channels; ch++) {
            if (s->channel_coded[ch]) {
                int i, n;
                n = s->exponent_high_sizes[bsize];
                for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                    put_bits(&s->pb, 1, s->high_band_coded[ch][i] = 0);
                    if (0)
                        nb_coefs[ch] -= s->exponent_high_bands[bsize][i];

    parse_exponents = 1;
    if (s->block_len_bits != s->frame_len_bits)
        put_bits(&s->pb, 1, parse_exponents);

    if (parse_exponents) {
        for (ch = 0; ch < s->avctx->channels; ch++) {
            if (s->channel_coded[ch]) {
                if (s->use_exp_vlc) {
                    encode_exp_vlc(s, ch, fixed_exp);
                } else {
                    av_assert0(0); // FIXME not implemented
//                    encode_exp_lsp(s, ch);
    } else
        av_assert0(0); // FIXME not implemented

    for (ch = 0; ch < s->avctx->channels; ch++) {
        if (s->channel_coded[ch]) {
            int run, tindex;
            WMACoef *ptr, *eptr;
            tindex = (ch == 1 && s->ms_stereo);
            ptr    = &s->coefs1[ch][0];
            eptr   = ptr + nb_coefs[ch];

            run = 0;
            for (; ptr < eptr; ptr++) {
                if (*ptr) {
                    int level     = *ptr;
                    int abs_level = FFABS(level);
                    int code      = 0;
                    if (abs_level <= s->coef_vlcs[tindex]->max_level)
                        if (run < s->coef_vlcs[tindex]->levels[abs_level - 1])
                            code = run + s->int_table[tindex][abs_level - 1];

                    av_assert2(code < s->coef_vlcs[tindex]->n);
                    put_bits(&s->pb, s->coef_vlcs[tindex]->huffbits[code],

                    if (code == 0) {
                        if (1 << coef_nb_bits <= abs_level)
                            return -1;

                        put_bits(&s->pb, coef_nb_bits, abs_level);
                        put_bits(&s->pb, s->frame_len_bits, run);
                    // FIXME the sign is flipped somewhere
                    put_bits(&s->pb, 1, level < 0);
                    run = 0;
                } else
            if (run)
                put_bits(&s->pb, s->coef_vlcs[tindex]->huffbits[1],
        if (s->version == 1 && s->avctx->channels >= 2)
    return 0;
예제 #10
// Generate log-likelihood metrics for 8-bit soft quantized channel assuming AWGN and BPSK
void gen_met(
     int mettab[2][256], // Metric table, [sent sym][rx symbol]
     double signal,	 // Signal amplitude, units
     double noise,	 // Noise amplitude, units (absolute, no longer relative!)
     double bias,	 // Metric bias; 0 for viterbi, rate for sequential
     double scale		 // Metric scale factor */
  int s;
  double metrics0,metrics1,p0,p1;
  double left0,left1,right0,right1;
  double inv_noise;

    printf("gen_met(%p, signal = %lg, noise = %lg, bias = %lg, scale = %lg\n",

  inv_noise = 1./noise;

  // Compute the channel transition probabilities, i.e., the probability of receiving each of the
  // 256 possible values when 0s and 1s were sent.
  // The bins are assumed to be centered on their nominal values:
  // Bin 0; -infinity < v < -127.5
  // Bin 1: -127.5 < v < -126.5
  // Bin 128: -0.5 < v < +0.5
  // Bin 255: +126.5 < v < +infinity
  left0 = left1 = 0.0; // area below bin 0 is zero

    // Find the area below and in this bin, subtract the area below and in the previous bin,
    // leaving just the area of this bin.
    // The area above bin 255 is zero.
    right0 = (s != 255) ? normal((s - 128 + 0.5 + signal) * inv_noise) : 1.0;
    right1 = (s != 255) ? normal((s - 128 + 0.5 - signal) * inv_noise) : 1.0;

    p0 = right0 - left0;    // p0 = P(s|0), prob of receiving s given that a 0 was sent
    p1 = right1 - left1;    // p1 = P(s|1), prob of recieving s given that a 1 was sent

    left1 = right1;
    left0 = right0;

    // Compute log-likelihood ratios assuming even balance of 0's and 1's on channel
    if(p0 == p1){
      // At high SNR, extremal sample values may underflow to p0 == p1 == 0, giving
      // infinitely bad metrics for what might actually be very good samples if
      // actually encountered. Not sure what's right here, so I punt and treat both as erasures
      metrics0 = metrics1 = -bias;
    } else {
      // The smallest value from log2() is about -32, so approximate log2(0) as -33.
      // Alternatively I could represent it as -INT_MAX, the worst possible metric, but that seems excessive
      metrics0 = (p0 == 0) ? -33.0 : log2(2*p0/(p1+p0)) - bias;
      metrics1 = (p1 == 0) ? -33.0 : log2(2*p1/(p1+p0)) - bias;
      // Equivalent:
      metrics0 = (p0 == 0) ? -33.0 : 1 + log2(p0) - log2(p1+p0) - bias;
      metrics1 = (p1 == 0) ? -33.0 : 1 + log2(p1) - log2(p1+p0) - bias;
    // Scale and round for table
    mettab[0][s] = lrint(metrics0 * scale);
    mettab[1][s] = lrint(metrics1 * scale);
      printf("s=%3d P(s|0) = %-12lg P(s|1) = %-12lg P(s) = %-12lg",
      printf(" metrics0 = %-12lg [%4d]",metrics0,mettab[0][s]);
      printf(" metrics1 = %-12lg [%4d]\n",metrics1,mettab[1][s]);
예제 #11
/* for now just 16bit signed values, mono channels FIXME
 * maybe use SDL_AudioConvert() for this */
mm_decode_audio(mm_file *mf, void *buf, int buflen)
    const int max_val = 32767;
    const int min_val = -32768;
    const int bytes_per_sample = 2;

    int rv = 0, samples = 0, left = 0, total = 0;
    unsigned channels = 0;


    if (-1 == mm_audio_info(mf, &channels, NULL)) {
        return -1;

    if (mf->drop_packets & MEDIA_AUDIO) {
        WARNING1("requested decode but MEDIA_AUDIO is set to ignore");
        return -1;

    /* convert buflen [bytes] to left [samples] */
    left = buflen;
    left = left / channels / bytes_per_sample;

    while (left > 0) {
        float **pcm;
        ogg_packet pkt;

        /* also outputs any samples left from last decoding */
        while (left > 0
               && (samples = vorbis_synthesis_pcmout(mf->audio_ctx, &pcm)) > 0) {
            int i = 0;
            unsigned ch = 0;

            samples = MIN(samples, left);

            for (i = 0; i < samples; ++i) {
                for (ch = 0; ch < channels; ++ch) {
                    // lrint is not available on MSVC
                    int val = lrint(pcm[ch][i] * max_val);
                    int val = (int)floor(pcm[ch][i] * max_val);

                    if (val > max_val) {
                        val = max_val;

                    if (val < min_val) {
                        val = min_val;

                    *((int16_t *) buf + (total + i) * channels + ch) = val;

            total += samples;
            left -= samples;
            vorbis_synthesis_read(mf->audio_ctx, samples);


        /* grab new packets if we need more */
        for (;;) {
            rv = get_packet(mf, &pkt, MEDIA_AUDIO);

            if (rv < 0) {
                return rv;
            } else if (rv == 0) {
                return total * channels * bytes_per_sample;

            /* have packet, synthesize */
            if (vorbis_synthesis(mf->audio_blk, &pkt) == 0) {
                vorbis_synthesis_blockin(mf->audio_ctx, mf->audio_blk);
            } else {
                WARNING1("packet does not contain a valid vorbis frame");
                /* get next packet */

    return total * channels * bytes_per_sample;
예제 #12
static __inline increment_t
double_to_fp (double x)
{	return (lrint ((x) * FP_ONE)) ;
} /* double_to_fp */
예제 #13
static int
sinc_hex_vari_process (SRC_PRIVATE *psrc, SRC_DATA *data)
{	SINC_FILTER *filter ;
	double		input_index, src_ratio, count, float_increment, terminate, rem ;
	increment_t	increment, start_filter_index ;
	int			half_filter_chan_len, samples_in_hand ;

	if (psrc->private_data == NULL)

	filter = (SINC_FILTER*) psrc->private_data ;

	/* If there is not a problem, this will be optimised out. */
	if (sizeof (filter->buffer [0]) != sizeof (data->data_in [0]))

	filter->in_count = data->input_frames * filter->channels ;
	filter->out_count = data->output_frames * filter->channels ;
	filter->in_used = filter->out_gen = 0 ;

	src_ratio = psrc->last_ratio ;

	/* Check the sample rate ratio wrt the buffer len. */
	count = (filter->coeff_half_len + 2.0) / filter->index_inc ;
	if (MIN (psrc->last_ratio, data->src_ratio) < 1.0)
		count /= MIN (psrc->last_ratio, data->src_ratio) ;

	/* Maximum coefficientson either side of center point. */
	half_filter_chan_len = filter->channels * (lrint (count) + 1) ;

	input_index = psrc->last_position ;
	float_increment = filter->index_inc ;

	rem = fmod_one (input_index) ;
	filter->b_current = (filter->b_current + filter->channels * lrint (input_index - rem)) % filter->b_len ;
	input_index = rem ;

	terminate = 1.0 / src_ratio + 1e-20 ;

	/* Main processing loop. */
	while (filter->out_gen < filter->out_count)
		/* Need to reload buffer? */
		samples_in_hand = (filter->b_end - filter->b_current + filter->b_len) % filter->b_len ;

		if (samples_in_hand <= half_filter_chan_len)
		{	if ((psrc->error = prepare_data (filter, data, half_filter_chan_len)) != 0)
				return psrc->error ;

			samples_in_hand = (filter->b_end - filter->b_current + filter->b_len) % filter->b_len ;
			if (samples_in_hand <= half_filter_chan_len)
				break ;
			} ;

		/* This is the termination condition. */
		if (filter->b_real_end >= 0)
		{	if (filter->b_current + input_index + terminate >= filter->b_real_end)
				break ;
			} ;

		if (filter->out_count > 0 && fabs (psrc->last_ratio - data->src_ratio) > 1e-10)
			src_ratio = psrc->last_ratio + filter->out_gen * (data->src_ratio - psrc->last_ratio) / filter->out_count ;

		float_increment = filter->index_inc * 1.0 ;
		if (src_ratio < 1.0)
			float_increment = filter->index_inc * src_ratio ;

		increment = double_to_fp (float_increment) ;

		start_filter_index = double_to_fp (input_index * float_increment) ;

		calc_output_hex (filter, increment, start_filter_index, float_increment / filter->index_inc, data->data_out + filter->out_gen) ;
		filter->out_gen += 6 ;

		/* Figure out the next index. */
		input_index += 1.0 / src_ratio ;
		rem = fmod_one (input_index) ;

		filter->b_current = (filter->b_current + filter->channels * lrint (input_index - rem)) % filter->b_len ;
		input_index = rem ;
		} ;

	psrc->last_position = input_index ;

	/* Save current ratio rather then target ratio. */
	psrc->last_ratio = src_ratio ;

	data->input_frames_used = filter->in_used / filter->channels ;
	data->output_frames_gen = filter->out_gen / filter->channels ;

	return SRC_ERR_NO_ERROR ;
} /* sinc_hex_vari_process */
예제 #14
sinc_set_converter (SRC_PRIVATE *psrc, int src_enum)
{	SINC_FILTER *filter, temp_filter ;
	increment_t count ;
	int bits ;

	/* Quick sanity check. */
	if (SHIFT_BITS >= sizeof (increment_t) * 8 - 1)

	if (psrc->private_data != NULL)
	{	free (psrc->private_data) ;
		psrc->private_data = NULL ;
		} ;

	memset (&temp_filter, 0, sizeof (temp_filter)) ;

	temp_filter.sinc_magic_marker = SINC_MAGIC_MARKER ;
	temp_filter.channels = psrc->channels ;

	if (psrc->channels > ARRAY_LEN (temp_filter.left_calc))
	else if (psrc->channels == 1)
	{	psrc->const_process = sinc_mono_vari_process ;
		psrc->vari_process = sinc_mono_vari_process ;
	if (psrc->channels == 2)
	{	psrc->const_process = sinc_stereo_vari_process ;
		psrc->vari_process = sinc_stereo_vari_process ;
	if (psrc->channels == 4)
	{	psrc->const_process = sinc_quad_vari_process ;
		psrc->vari_process = sinc_quad_vari_process ;
	if (psrc->channels == 6)
	{	psrc->const_process = sinc_hex_vari_process ;
		psrc->vari_process = sinc_hex_vari_process ;
	{	psrc->const_process = sinc_multichan_vari_process ;
		psrc->vari_process = sinc_multichan_vari_process ;
		} ;
	psrc->reset = sinc_reset ;

	switch (src_enum)
				temp_filter.coeffs = fastest_coeffs.coeffs ;
				temp_filter.coeff_half_len = ARRAY_LEN (fastest_coeffs.coeffs) - 1 ;
				temp_filter.index_inc = fastest_coeffs.increment ;
				break ;

				temp_filter.coeffs = slow_mid_qual_coeffs.coeffs ;
				temp_filter.coeff_half_len = ARRAY_LEN (slow_mid_qual_coeffs.coeffs) - 1 ;
				temp_filter.index_inc = slow_mid_qual_coeffs.increment ;
				break ;

				temp_filter.coeffs = slow_high_qual_coeffs.coeffs ;
				temp_filter.coeff_half_len = ARRAY_LEN (slow_high_qual_coeffs.coeffs) - 1 ;
				temp_filter.index_inc = slow_high_qual_coeffs.increment ;
				break ;

		default :
		} ;

	** FIXME : This needs to be looked at more closely to see if there is
	** a better way. Need to look at prepare_data () at the same time.

	temp_filter.b_len = lrint (2.5 * temp_filter.coeff_half_len / (temp_filter.index_inc * 1.0) * SRC_MAX_RATIO) ;
	temp_filter.b_len = MAX (temp_filter.b_len, 4096) ;
	temp_filter.b_len *= temp_filter.channels ;

	if ((filter = calloc (1, sizeof (SINC_FILTER) + sizeof (filter->buffer [0]) * (temp_filter.b_len + temp_filter.channels))) == NULL)

	*filter = temp_filter ;
	memset (&temp_filter, 0xEE, sizeof (temp_filter)) ;

	psrc->private_data = filter ;

	sinc_reset (psrc) ;

	count = filter->coeff_half_len ;
	for (bits = 0 ; (MAKE_INCREMENT_T (1) << bits) < count ; bits++)
		count |= (MAKE_INCREMENT_T (1) << bits) ;

	if (bits + SHIFT_BITS - 1 >= (int) (sizeof (increment_t) * 8))

	return SRC_ERR_NO_ERROR ;
} /* sinc_set_converter */
예제 #15
long lrintl(long double a1) { return lrint(a1); }
예제 #16
int main(int c, char *v[])
	if (c != 5 && c != 6 && c != 7) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t"
		"%s Axyz.tiff Bxyx.tiff homA homB [pairs2d [pairs3d]]\n",*v);
		//0 1         2         3    4     5        6
		return 1;
	char *filename_a = v[1];
	char *filename_b = v[2];
	char *homstring_a = v[3];
	char *homstring_b = v[4];
	char *filename_in  = c > 5 ? v[5] : "-";
	char *filename_out = c > 6 ? v[6] : "-";

	double Ha[9], Hb[9], iHa[3][3], iHb[3][3];
	int nHa = read_n_doubles_from_string(Ha, homstring_a, 9);
	int nHb = read_n_doubles_from_string(Hb, homstring_b, 9);
	if (nHa != 9) set_identity(Ha);
	if (nHb != 9) set_identity(Hb);
	invert_homography(iHa, (void*)Ha);
	invert_homography(iHb, (void*)Hb);

	int wa, ha, pda, wb, hb, pdb;
	float *a = iio_read_image_float_vec(filename_a, &wa, &ha, &pda);
	float *b = iio_read_image_float_vec(filename_b, &wb, &hb, &pdb);
	FILE *fi = xfopen(filename_in, "r");
	FILE *fo = xfopen(filename_out, "w");
	if (pda != pdb)
		return fprintf(stderr, "input images dimension mismatch\n");
	if (pda != 1 && pda != 3)
		return fprintf(stderr, "input images should be h or xyz\n");

	int n, lmax = 10000;
	char line[lmax];
	while (n = getlinen(line, lmax, fi))
		double m[4], p[2], q[2];
		int r = sscanf(line, "%lf %lf %lf %lf", m, m + 1, m + 2, m + 3);
		if (r != 4) continue;
		apply_homography(p, iHa, m);
		apply_homography(q, iHb, m + 2);
		int ia = lrint(p[0]);
		int ja = lrint(p[1]);
		int ib = lrint(q[0]);
		int jb = lrint(q[1]);
		if (!insideP(wa, ha, ia, ja)) continue;
		if (!insideP(wb, hb, ib, jb)) continue;
		float *va = a + pda * (wa * ja + ia);
		float *vb = b + pda * (wb * jb + ib);
		if (!isfinite(*va)) continue;
		if (!isfinite(*vb)) continue;
		if (pda == 1) // heights
			fprintf(fo, "%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf\n",
				p[0], p[1], *va, q[0], q[1], *vb);
		else // xyz
			fprintf(fo, "%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf\n",
				va[0], va[1], va[2], vb[0], vb[1], vb[2]);

	return 0;
예제 #17
padsynth_oscillator(unsigned long sample_count, y_sosc_t *sosc,
                    y_voice_t *voice, struct vosc *vosc, int index, float w0)
    unsigned long sample;
    float w, w_delta,
          level_a, level_a_delta,
          level_b, level_b_delta;
    float f;
    int   i, ready;

    i = y_voice_mod_index(sosc->pitch_mod_src);
    f = *(sosc->pitch_mod_amt);
    w = 1.0f + f * voice->mod[i].value;
    w_delta = w + f * voice->mod[i].delta * (float)sample_count;
    w_delta *= w0;
    w       *= w0;
    w_delta = (w_delta - w) / (float)sample_count;
    /* -FIX- condition to [0, 0.5)? */

    i = y_voice_mod_index(sosc->amp_mod_src);
    f = *(sosc->amp_mod_amt);
    if (f > 0.0f)
        level_a = 1.0f - f + f * voice->mod[i].value;
        level_a = 1.0f + f * voice->mod[i].value;
    level_a_delta = volume_cv_to_amplitude(level_a + f * voice->mod[i].delta * (float)sample_count);
    level_a       = volume_cv_to_amplitude(level_a);
    level_a       /= 32767.0f;
    level_a_delta /= 32767.0f;
    level_b       = level_a       * *(sosc->level_b);
    level_b_delta = level_a_delta * *(sosc->level_b);
    level_a       *= *(sosc->level_a);
    level_a_delta *= *(sosc->level_a);
    level_a_delta = (level_a_delta - level_a) / (float)sample_count;
    level_b_delta = (level_b_delta - level_b) / (float)sample_count;
    /* -FIX- condition to [0, 1]? */

    if (sosc->sampleset && sosc->sampleset->set_up) {

        i = voice->key + lrintf(*(sosc->pitch));
        if (vosc->mode     != vosc->last_mode ||
            vosc->waveform != vosc->last_waveform ||
            i              != vosc->wave_select_key) {

            /* get sample indices and crossfade from sampleset */
            sample_select(sosc, vosc, i);
            vosc->last_waveform = vosc->waveform;
            /* try to avoid reseting pos0 except when necessary to avoid causing clocks in mono
             * mode with portamento -- but basically it's going to click if it's not the same
             * sample.... */
            if (vosc->mode != vosc->last_mode) {
                vosc->last_mode = vosc->mode;
                if (sosc->sampleset->sample[vosc->i0])
                    vosc->pos0 = vosc->pos1 = (double)random_float(0.0f,
                    vosc->pos0 = vosc->pos1 = 0.0;
        if (sosc->sampleset->sample[vosc->i0] &&
            ready = 1;
            ready = 0;
    } else {
        if (vosc->mode != vosc->last_mode) {
            vosc->last_mode = vosc->mode;
            vosc->pos0 = vosc->pos1 = 0.0;
        vosc->last_waveform = -1;
        ready = 0;

    if (!ready) {
        /* sampleset not ready, render a sine instead */
        float pos = (float)vosc->pos0;

        if (pos > 1.0f) pos = 0.0f;
        level_a       *= 16383.5f; /* scale for sine_wave (float) instead of sample->data (16-bit fixed) */
        level_a_delta *= 16383.5f;
        level_b       *= 16383.5f;
        level_b_delta *= 16383.5f;

        for (sample = 0; sample < sample_count; sample++) {

            pos += w;
            if (pos >= 1.0f) pos -= 1.0f;

            f = pos * (float)SINETABLE_POINTS;
            i = lrintf(f - 0.5f);
            f -= (float)i;
            f = sine_wave[i + 4] + (sine_wave[i + 5] - sine_wave[i + 4]) * f;
            voice->osc_bus_a[index]   += level_a * f;
            voice->osc_bus_b[index++] += level_b * f;

            w       += w_delta;
            level_a += level_a_delta;
            level_b += level_b_delta;

        vosc->pos0 = (double)pos;

    if (sosc->sampleset->param3 & 1) {  /* mono */
      if (vosc->i0 == vosc->i1) { /* no crossfade */

        /* mono without crossfade */
        y_sample_t *s = (y_sample_t *)sosc->sampleset->sample[vosc->i0];
        signed short *data = s->data;
        double pos = vosc->pos0;
        double length = (double)s->length;
        float period = s->period;

        if (pos >= length) pos = 0.0;

        for (sample = 0; sample < sample_count; sample++) {

            i = lrint(pos - 0.5);
            f = (float)(pos - (double)i);
            f = bspline_interp(f, (float)data[i - 1], (float)data[i],
                                  (float)data[i + 1], (float)data[i + 2]);
            voice->osc_bus_a[index]   += level_a * f;
            voice->osc_bus_b[index++] += level_b * f;

            w       += w_delta;
            level_a += level_a_delta;
            level_b += level_b_delta;

            pos += w * period;
            if (pos >= length) pos -= length;
            /* sampleset oscillators do not export sync */

        vosc->pos0 = pos;

      } else {

        /* mono with crossfade */
        y_sample_t *s0 = (y_sample_t *)sosc->sampleset->sample[vosc->i0],
                   *s1 = (y_sample_t *)sosc->sampleset->sample[vosc->i1];
        signed short *data0 = s0->data,
                     *data1 = s1->data;
        double pos0 = vosc->pos0,
               pos1 = vosc->pos1;
        double length0 = (double)s0->length,
               length1 = (double)s1->length;
        float period0 = s0->period,
              period1 = s1->period;
        float a,
              wavemix0 = vosc->wavemix0,
              wavemix1 = vosc->wavemix1;

        if (pos0 >= length0) pos0 = 0.0;
        if (pos1 >= length1) pos1 = 0.0;

        for (sample = 0; sample < sample_count; sample++) {

            i = lrint(pos0 - 0.5);
            f = (float)(pos0 - (double)i);
            a = bspline_interp(f, (float)data0[i - 1], (float)data0[i],
                                  (float)data0[i + 1], (float)data0[i + 2]) * wavemix0;

            i = lrint(pos1 - 0.5);
            f = (float)(pos1 - (double)i);
            a += bspline_interp(f, (float)data1[i - 1], (float)data1[i],
                                  (float)data1[i + 1], (float)data1[i + 2]) * wavemix1;

            voice->osc_bus_a[index]   += level_a * a;
            voice->osc_bus_b[index++] += level_b * a;

            w       += w_delta;
            level_a += level_a_delta;
            level_b += level_b_delta;

            pos0 += w * period0;
            pos1 += w * period1;
            if (pos0 >= length0) pos0 -= length0;
            if (pos1 >= length1) pos1 -= length1;
            /* sampleset oscillators do not export sync */

        vosc->pos0 = pos0;
        vosc->pos1 = pos1;

    } else {

      if (vosc->i0 == vosc->i1) {

        /* stereo without crossfade */
        y_sample_t *s = (y_sample_t *)sosc->sampleset->sample[vosc->i0];
        signed short *data = s->data;
        double posl = vosc->pos0,
               length = (double)s->length;
        float period = s->period;

        if (posl >= length) posl = 0.0;
        /* delay the right channel by about one-half the table length, but make
         * it an multiple of the period length to minimize phase cancellation
         * when summed to mono */
        posr = posl + rint(length / 2.0 / (double)period) * (double)period;
        if (posr >= length) posr -= length;

        for (sample = 0; sample < sample_count; sample++) {

            i = lrint(posl - 0.5);
            f = (float)(posl - (double)i);
            f = bspline_interp(f, (float)data[i - 1], (float)data[i],
                                  (float)data[i + 1], (float)data[i + 2]);
            voice->osc_bus_a[index]   += level_a * f;

            i = lrint(posr - 0.5);
            f = (float)(posr - (double)i);
            f = bspline_interp(f, (float)data[i - 1], (float)data[i],
                                  (float)data[i + 1], (float)data[i + 2]);
            voice->osc_bus_b[index++] += level_b * f;

            w       += w_delta;
            level_a += level_a_delta;
            level_b += level_b_delta;

            posl += w * period;
            if (posl >= length) posl -= length;
            posr += w * period;
            if (posr >= length) posr -= length;
            /* sampleset oscillators do not export sync */

        vosc->pos0 = posl;

      } else {

        /* stereo with crossfade */
        y_sample_t *s0 = (y_sample_t *)sosc->sampleset->sample[vosc->i0],
                   *s1 = (y_sample_t *)sosc->sampleset->sample[vosc->i1];
        signed short *data0 = s0->data,
                     *data1 = s1->data;
        double posl0 = vosc->pos0,
               posl1 = vosc->pos1,
               posr0, posr1;
        double length0 = (double)s0->length,
               length1 = (double)s1->length;
        float period0 = s0->period,
              period1 = s1->period;
        float a,
              wavemix0 = vosc->wavemix0,
              wavemix1 = vosc->wavemix1;

        if (posl0 >= length0) posl0 = 0.0;
        if (posl1 >= length1) posl1 = 0.0;
        posr0 = posl0 + rint(length0 / 2.0 / (double)period0) * (double)period0;
        posr1 = posl1 + rint(length1 / 2.0 / (double)period1) * (double)period1;
        if (posr0 >= length0) posr0 -= length0;
        if (posr1 >= length1) posr1 -= length1;

        for (sample = 0; sample < sample_count; sample++) {

            i = lrint(posl0 - 0.5);
            f = (float)(posl0 - (double)i);
            a = bspline_interp(f, (float)data0[i - 1], (float)data0[i],
                                  (float)data0[i + 1], (float)data0[i + 2]) * wavemix0;
            i = lrint(posl1 - 0.5);
            f = (float)(posl1 - (double)i);
            a += bspline_interp(f, (float)data1[i - 1], (float)data1[i],
                                  (float)data1[i + 1], (float)data1[i + 2]) * wavemix1;
            voice->osc_bus_a[index]   += level_a * a;

            i = lrint(posr0 - 0.5);
            f = (float)(posr0 - (double)i);
            a = bspline_interp(f, (float)data0[i - 1], (float)data0[i],
                                  (float)data0[i + 1], (float)data0[i + 2]) * wavemix0;
            i = lrint(posr1 - 0.5);
            f = (float)(posr1 - (double)i);
            a += bspline_interp(f, (float)data1[i - 1], (float)data1[i],
                                  (float)data1[i + 1], (float)data1[i + 2]) * wavemix1;
            voice->osc_bus_b[index++] += level_b * a;

            w       += w_delta;
            level_a += level_a_delta;
            level_b += level_b_delta;

            posl0 += w * period0;
            posr0 += w * period0;
            posl1 += w * period1;
            posr1 += w * period1;
            if (posl0 >= length0) posl0 -= length0;
            if (posr0 >= length0) posr0 -= length0;
            if (posl1 >= length1) posl1 -= length1;
            if (posr1 >= length1) posr1 -= length1;
            /* sampleset oscillators do not export sync */

        vosc->pos0 = posl0;
        vosc->pos1 = posl1;
예제 #18
void Printer::render(int Pages = 0)
	// keep original preferences
	QPointer<ProfileWidget2> profile = MainWindow::instance()->graphics;
	int profileFrameStyle = profile->frameStyle();
	int animationOriginal = qPrefDisplay::animation_speed();
	double fontScale = profile->getFontPrintScale();
	double printFontScale = 1.0;

	// apply printing settings to profile
	profile->setPrintMode(true, !printOptions->color_selected);

	// render the Qwebview
	QPainter painter;
	QRect viewPort(0, 0, pageSize.width(), pageSize.height());

	// get all refereces to diveprofile class in the Html template
	QWebElementCollection collection = webView->page()->mainFrame()->findAllElements(".diveprofile");

	QSize originalSize = profile->size();
	if (collection.count() > 0) {
		printFontScale = (double)collection.at(0).geometry().size().height() / (double)profile->size().height();

	int elemNo = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < Pages; i++) {
		// render the base Html template
		webView->page()->mainFrame()->render(&painter, QWebFrame::ContentsLayer);

		// render all the dive profiles in the current page
		while (elemNo < collection.count() && collection.at(elemNo).geometry().y() < viewPort.y() + viewPort.height()) {
			// dive id field should be dive_{{dive_no}} se we remove the first 5 characters
			QString diveIdString = collection.at(elemNo).attribute("id");
			int diveId = diveIdString.remove(0, 5).toInt(0, 10);
			putProfileImage(collection.at(elemNo).geometry(), viewPort, &painter, get_dive_by_uniq_id(diveId), profile);

		// scroll the webview to the next page
		webView->page()->mainFrame()->scroll(0, pageSize.height());
		viewPort.adjust(0, pageSize.height(), 0, pageSize.height());

		// rendering progress is 4/5 of total work
		emit(progessUpdated(lrint((i * 80.0 / Pages) + done)));
		if (i < Pages - 1 && printMode == Printer::PRINT)

	// return profle settings

	//replot the dive after returning the settings
	profile->plotDive(0, true, true);
예제 #19
파일: src_zoh.c 프로젝트: 373137461/OBS
static int
zoh_vari_process (SRC_PRIVATE *psrc, SRC_DATA *data)
{	ZOH_DATA 	*priv ;
	double		src_ratio, input_index, rem ;
	int			ch ;

	if (data->input_frames <= 0)
		return SRC_ERR_NO_ERROR ;

	if (psrc->private_data == NULL)

	priv = (ZOH_DATA*) psrc->private_data ;

	if (priv->reset)
	{	/* If we have just been reset, set the last_value data. */
		for (ch = 0 ; ch < priv->channels ; ch++)
			priv->last_value [ch] = data->data_in [ch] ;
		priv->reset = 0 ;
		} ;

	priv->in_count = data->input_frames * priv->channels ;
	priv->out_count = data->output_frames * priv->channels ;
	priv->in_used = priv->out_gen = 0 ;

	src_ratio = psrc->last_ratio ;
	input_index = psrc->last_position ;

	/* Calculate samples before first sample in input array. */
	while (input_index < 1.0 && priv->out_gen < priv->out_count)
		if (priv->in_used + priv->channels * input_index >= priv->in_count)
			break ;

		if (priv->out_count > 0 && fabs (psrc->last_ratio - data->src_ratio) > SRC_MIN_RATIO_DIFF)
			src_ratio = psrc->last_ratio + priv->out_gen * (data->src_ratio - psrc->last_ratio) / priv->out_count ;

		for (ch = 0 ; ch < priv->channels ; ch++)
		{	data->data_out [priv->out_gen] = priv->last_value [ch] ;
			priv->out_gen ++ ;
			} ;

		/* Figure out the next index. */
		input_index += 1.0 / src_ratio ;
		} ;

	rem = fmod_one (input_index) ;
	priv->in_used += priv->channels * lrint (input_index - rem) ;
	input_index = rem ;

	/* Main processing loop. */
	while (priv->out_gen < priv->out_count && priv->in_used + priv->channels * input_index <= priv->in_count)
		if (priv->out_count > 0 && fabs (psrc->last_ratio - data->src_ratio) > SRC_MIN_RATIO_DIFF)
			src_ratio = psrc->last_ratio + priv->out_gen * (data->src_ratio - psrc->last_ratio) / priv->out_count ;

		for (ch = 0 ; ch < priv->channels ; ch++)
		{	data->data_out [priv->out_gen] = data->data_in [priv->in_used - priv->channels + ch] ;
			priv->out_gen ++ ;
			} ;

		/* Figure out the next index. */
		input_index += 1.0 / src_ratio ;
		rem = fmod_one (input_index) ;

		priv->in_used += priv->channels * lrint (input_index - rem) ;
		input_index = rem ;
		} ;

	if (priv->in_used > priv->in_count)
	{	input_index += (priv->in_used - priv->in_count) / priv->channels ;
		priv->in_used = priv->in_count ;
		} ;

	psrc->last_position = input_index ;

	if (priv->in_used > 0)
		for (ch = 0 ; ch < priv->channels ; ch++)
			priv->last_value [ch] = data->data_in [priv->in_used - priv->channels + ch] ;

	/* Save current ratio rather then target ratio. */
	psrc->last_ratio = src_ratio ;

	data->input_frames_used = priv->in_used / priv->channels ;
	data->output_frames_gen = priv->out_gen / priv->channels ;

	return SRC_ERR_NO_ERROR ;
} /* zoh_vari_process */
예제 #20
void VideoEncoder::PrepareStream(AVStream* stream, AVCodec* codec, AVDictionary** options, const std::vector<std::pair<QString, QString> >& codec_options,
								 unsigned int bit_rate, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int frame_rate) {

	if(width == 0 || height == 0) {
		Logger::LogError("[VideoEncoder::PrepareStream] " + Logger::tr("Error: Width or height is zero!"));
		throw LibavException();
	if(width > 10000 || height > 10000) {
		Logger::LogError("[VideoEncoder::PrepareStream] " + Logger::tr("Error: Width or height is too large, the maximum width and height is %1!").arg(10000));
		throw LibavException();
	if(width % 2 != 0 || height % 2 != 0) {
		Logger::LogError("[VideoEncoder::PrepareStream] " + Logger::tr("Error: Width or height is not an even number!"));
		throw LibavException();
	if(frame_rate == 0) {
		Logger::LogError("[VideoEncoder::PrepareStream] " + Logger::tr("Error: Frame rate is zero!"));
		throw LibavException();

	stream->codec->bit_rate = bit_rate;
	stream->codec->width = width;
	stream->codec->height = height;
	stream->codec->time_base.num = 1;
	stream->codec->time_base.den = frame_rate;
	stream->time_base = stream->codec->time_base;
	stream->codec->pix_fmt = AV_PIX_FMT_NONE;
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < SUPPORTED_PIXEL_FORMATS.size(); ++i) {
		if(AVCodecSupportsPixelFormat(codec, SUPPORTED_PIXEL_FORMATS[i].m_format)) {
			stream->codec->pix_fmt = SUPPORTED_PIXEL_FORMATS[i].m_format;
			if(SUPPORTED_PIXEL_FORMATS[i].m_is_yuv) {
				stream->codec->color_primaries = AVCOL_PRI_BT709;
				stream->codec->color_trc = AVCOL_TRC_BT709;
				stream->codec->colorspace = AVCOL_SPC_BT709;
				stream->codec->color_range = AVCOL_RANGE_MPEG;
				stream->codec->chroma_sample_location = AVCHROMA_LOC_CENTER;
			} else {
				stream->codec->colorspace = AVCOL_SPC_RGB;
	if(stream->codec->pix_fmt == AV_PIX_FMT_NONE) {
		Logger::LogError("[VideoEncoder::PrepareStream] " + Logger::tr("Error: Encoder requires an unsupported pixel format!"));
		throw LibavException();
	stream->codec->sample_aspect_ratio.num = 1;
	stream->codec->sample_aspect_ratio.den = 1;
	stream->sample_aspect_ratio = stream->codec->sample_aspect_ratio;
	stream->codec->thread_count = std::max(1, (int) std::thread::hardware_concurrency());

	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < codec_options.size(); ++i) {
		const QString &key = codec_options[i].first, &value = codec_options[i].second;
		if(key == "threads") {
			stream->codec->thread_count = ParseCodecOptionInt(key, value, 1, 100);
		} else if(key == "qscale") {
			stream->codec->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_QSCALE;
			stream->codec->global_quality = lrint(ParseCodecOptionDouble(key, value, -1.0e6, 1.0e6, FF_QP2LAMBDA));
		} else if(key == "minrate") {
			stream->codec->rc_min_rate = ParseCodecOptionInt(key, value, 1, 1000000, 1024); // kbps
		} else if(key == "maxrate") {
			stream->codec->rc_max_rate = ParseCodecOptionInt(key, value, 1, 1000000, 1024); // kbps
		} else if(key == "bufsize") {
			stream->codec->rc_buffer_size = ParseCodecOptionInt(key, value, 1, 1000000, 1024); // kbps
		} else if(key == "keyint") {
			stream->codec->gop_size = ParseCodecOptionInt(key, value, 1, 1000000);
		} else if(key == "crf") {
			stream->codec->crf = ParseCodecOptionInt(key, value, 0, 51);
		} else if(key == "preset") {
			X264Preset(stream->codec, value.toUtf8().constData());
		} else {
			av_dict_set(options, key.toUtf8().constData(), value.toUtf8().constData(), 0);

예제 #21
void PlayPanel::setTempo(double val)
      int tempo = lrint(val * 60.0);
      tempoLabel->setText(QString("%1 BPM").arg(tempo, 3, 10, QLatin1Char(' ')));
예제 #22
double nsl_stats_quantile_sorted(const double d[], size_t stride, size_t n, double p, nsl_stats_quantile_type type) {

	switch(type) {
	case nsl_stats_quantile_type1:
		if (p == 0.0)
			return d[0];
			return d[((int)ceil(n*p)-1)*stride];
	case nsl_stats_quantile_type2:
		if (p == 0.0)
                        return d[0];
		else if (p == 1.0)
                        return d[(n-1)*stride];
			return (d[((int)ceil(n*p)-1)*stride]+d[((int)ceil(n*p+1)-1)*stride])/2.;
	case nsl_stats_quantile_type3:
		if(p <= 0.5/n)
			return d[0];
			return d[(lrint(n*p)-1)*stride];
	case nsl_stats_quantile_type4:
		if(p < 1./n)
			return d[0];
		else if (p == 1.0)
			return d[(n-1)*stride];
		else {
			int i = floor(n*p);
			return d[(i-1)*stride]+(n*p-i)*(d[i*stride]-d[(i-1)*stride]);	
	case nsl_stats_quantile_type5:
		if(p < 0.5/n)
			return d[0];
		else if (p >= (n-0.5)/n)
			return d[(n-1)*stride];
		else {
			int i = floor(n*p+0.5);
			return d[(i-1)*stride]+(n*p+0.5-i)*(d[i*stride]-d[(i-1)*stride]);	
	case nsl_stats_quantile_type6:
		if(p < 1./(n+1.))
			return d[0];
		else if (p > n/(n+1.))
			return d[(n-1)*stride];
		else {
			int i = floor((n+1)*p);
			return d[(i-1)*stride]+((n+1)*p-i)*(d[i*stride]-d[(i-1)*stride]);	
	case nsl_stats_quantile_type7:
		if (p == 1.0)
                        return d[(n-1)*stride];
                else {
			int i = floor((n-1)*p+1);
			return d[(i-1)*stride]+((n-1)*p+1-i)*(d[i*stride]-d[(i-1)*stride]);	
	case nsl_stats_quantile_type8:
		if (p < 2./3./(n+1./3.))
			return d[0];
		else if (p >= (n-1./3.)/(n+1./3.))
			return d[(n-1)*stride];
		else {
			int i = floor((n+1./3.)*p+1./3.);
			return d[(i-1)*stride]+((n+1./3.)*p+1./3.-i)*(d[i*stride]-d[(i-1)*stride]);	
	case nsl_stats_quantile_type9:
		if (p < 5./8./(n+1./4.))
			return d[0];
		else if (p >= (n-3./8.)/(n+1./4.))
			return d[(n-1)*stride];
		else {
			int i = floor((n+1./4.)*p+3./8.);
			return d[(i-1)*stride]+((n+1./4.)*p+3./8.-i)*(d[i*stride]-d[(i-1)*stride]);	

	return 0;
예제 #23
파일: tray.c 프로젝트: lp0/temperhum
void tray_update(HWND hWnd, struct th_data *data) {
	struct tray_status *status = &data->status;
	NOTIFYICONDATA *niData = &data->niData;
	HICON oldIcon;
	unsigned int fg, bg, p, d;
	BOOL ret;
	DWORD err;

	if (!data->tray_ok) {
		tray_add(hWnd, data);

		if (!data->tray_ok)

	odprintf("tray[update]: conn=%d msg=\"%s\" temperature_celsius=%f relative_humidity=%f dew_point=%f",
		status->conn, status->msg, status->temperature_celsius, status->relative_humidity, status->dew_point);

	fg = icon_syscolour(COLOR_BTNTEXT);
	bg = icon_syscolour(COLOR_3DFACE);

	switch (status->conn) {
		if (not_connected_width < ICON_WIDTH || not_connected_height < ICON_HEIGHT)

		icon_blit(0, 0, 0, fg, bg, 0, 0, not_connected_width, not_connected_height, not_connected_bits);

		if (status->msg[0] != 0)
			ret = snprintf(niData->szTip, sizeof(niData->szTip), "Not Connected: %s", status->msg);
			ret = snprintf(niData->szTip, sizeof(niData->szTip), "Not Connected");
		if (ret < 0)
			niData->szTip[0] = 0;

		if (connecting_width < ICON_WIDTH || connecting_height < ICON_HEIGHT)

		icon_blit(0, 0, 0, fg, bg, 0, 0, connecting_width, connecting_height, connecting_bits);

		if (status->msg[0] != 0)
			ret = snprintf(niData->szTip, sizeof(niData->szTip), "Connecting to %s", status->msg);
			ret = snprintf(niData->szTip, sizeof(niData->szTip), "Connecting");
		if (ret < 0)
			niData->szTip[0] = 0;

		if (isnan(status->temperature_celsius)) {
			icon_clear(0, 0, bg, 0, 0, ICON_WIDTH, digits_base_height);
			p = 0;

			icon_blit(0, 0, 0, fg, bg, p, 0, digit_dash_width, digit_dash_height, digit_dash_bits);
			p += digit_dash_width + 1;

			icon_blit(0, 0, 0, fg, bg, p, 0, digit_dash_width, digit_dash_height, digit_dash_bits);
			p += digit_dash_width + 1;

			icon_blit(0, 0, 0, fg, bg, p, 0, digit_dot_width, digit_dot_height, digit_dot_bits);
			p += digit_dot_width + 1;

			icon_blit(0, 0, 0, fg, bg, p, 0, digit_dash_width, digit_dash_height, digit_dash_bits);
		} else {
			unsigned int h_fg, h_bg, h_end, hue;
			int tc = lrint(status->temperature_celsius * 100.0);

			if (tc > 99999)
				tc = 99999;
			if (tc < -9999)
				tc = -9999;

			hue = tray_range_to_hue(MIN_TEMPC, MIN_TEMPC_WARN, status->temperature_celsius, MAX_TEMPC_WARN, MAX_TEMPC);
			h_end = tray_hue_to_width(hue);
			h_fg = tray_hue_to_fg_colour(hue);
			h_bg = tray_hue_to_bg_colour(hue);

			icon_clear(h_bg, h_end, bg, 0, 0, ICON_WIDTH, digits_base_height);

			if (tc >= 9995) {
				/* _NNN 100 to 999 */
				if (tc % 100 >= 50)
					tc += 100 - (tc % 100);
				p = digit_dot_width + 1;

				d = (tc/10000) % 10;
				icon_blit(h_fg, h_bg, h_end, fg, bg, p, 0, digits_width[d], digits_height[d], digits_bits[d]);
				p += digits_width[d] + 1;

				d = (tc/1000) % 10;
				icon_blit(h_fg, h_bg, h_end, fg, bg, p, 0, digits_width[d], digits_height[d], digits_bits[d]);
				p += digits_width[d] + 1;

				d = (tc/100) % 10;
				icon_blit(h_fg, h_bg, h_end, fg, bg, p, 0, digits_width[d], digits_height[d], digits_bits[d]);
			} else if (tc > 999) {
				/* NN.N 10.0 to 99.9 */
				if (tc % 10 >= 5)
					tc += 10 - (tc % 10);
				p = 0;

				d = (tc/1000) % 10;
				icon_blit(h_fg, h_bg, h_end, fg, bg, p, 0, digits_width[d], digits_height[d], digits_bits[d]);
				p += digits_width[d] + 1;

				d = (tc/100) % 10;
				icon_blit(h_fg, h_bg, h_end, fg, bg, p, 0, digits_width[d], digits_height[d], digits_bits[d]);
				p += digits_width[d] + 1;

				icon_blit(h_fg, h_bg, h_end, fg, bg, p, 0, digit_dot_width, digit_dot_height, digit_dot_bits);
				p += digit_dot_width + 1;

				d = (tc/10) % 10;
				icon_blit(h_fg, h_bg, h_end, fg, bg, p, 0, digits_width[d], digits_height[d], digits_bits[d]);
			} else if (tc >= 0) {
				/* N.NN 0.00 to 9.99 */
				p = 0;

				d = (tc/100) % 10;
				icon_blit(h_fg, h_bg, h_end, fg, bg, p, 0, digits_width[d], digits_height[d], digits_bits[d]);
				p += digits_width[d] + 1;

				icon_blit(h_fg, h_bg, h_end, fg, bg, p, 0, digit_dot_width, digit_dot_height, digit_dot_bits);
				p += digit_dot_width + 1;

				d = (tc/10) % 10;
				icon_blit(h_fg, h_bg, h_end, fg, bg, p, 0, digits_width[d], digits_height[d], digits_bits[d]);
				p += digits_width[d] + 1;

				d = tc % 10;
				icon_blit(h_fg, h_bg, h_end, fg, bg, p, 0, digits_width[d], digits_height[d], digits_bits[d]);
			} else if (tc > -995) { 
				/* -N.N -0.1 to -9.9 */
				if (abs(tc) % 10 >= 5)
					tc -= 10 - (abs(tc) % 10);
				p = 0;

				icon_blit(h_fg, h_bg, h_end, fg, bg, p, 0, digit_dash_width, digit_dash_height, digit_dash_bits);
				p += digit_dash_width + 1;

				d = abs(tc/100) % 10;
				icon_blit(h_fg, h_bg, h_end, fg, bg, p, 0, digits_width[d], digits_height[d], digits_bits[d]);
				p += digits_width[d] + 1;

				icon_blit(h_fg, h_bg, h_end, fg, bg, p, 0, digit_dot_width, digit_dot_height, digit_dot_bits);
				p += digit_dot_width + 1;

				d = abs(tc/10) % 10;
				icon_blit(h_fg, h_bg, h_end, fg, bg, p, 0, digits_width[d], digits_height[d], digits_bits[d]);
			} else /* if (tc >= -9999) */ {
				/* _-NN -10 to -99 */
				if (abs(tc) % 100 >= 50)
					tc -= 100 - (abs(tc) % 100);
				p = digit_dot_width + 1;

				icon_blit(h_fg, h_bg, h_end, fg, bg, p, 0, digit_dash_width, digit_dash_height, digit_dash_bits);
				p += digit_dash_width + 1;

				d = abs(tc/1000) % 10;
				icon_blit(h_fg, h_bg, h_end, fg, bg, p, 0, digits_width[d], digits_height[d], digits_bits[d]);
				p += digits_width[d] + 1;

				d = abs(tc/100) % 10;
				icon_blit(h_fg, h_bg, h_end, fg, bg, p, 0, digits_width[d], digits_height[d], digits_bits[d]);

		icon_clear(0, 0, bg, 0, ICON_HEIGHT/2 - (ICON_HEIGHT/2 - digits_base_height), ICON_WIDTH, (ICON_HEIGHT/2 - digits_base_height) * 2);

		if (isnan(status->relative_humidity)) {
			icon_clear(0, 0, bg, 0, ICON_HEIGHT - digits_base_height, ICON_WIDTH, digit_dash_height);
			p = 0;

			icon_blit(0, 0, 0, fg, bg, p, ICON_HEIGHT - digits_base_height, digit_dash_width, digit_dash_height, digit_dash_bits);
			p += digit_dash_width + 1;

			icon_blit(0, 0, 0, fg, bg, p, ICON_HEIGHT - digits_base_height, digit_dash_width, digit_dash_height, digit_dash_bits);
			p += digit_dash_width + 1;

			icon_blit(0, 0, 0, fg, bg, p, ICON_HEIGHT - digits_base_height, digit_dot_width, digit_dot_height, digit_dot_bits);
			p += digit_dot_width + 1;

			icon_blit(0, 0, 0, fg, bg, p, ICON_HEIGHT - digits_base_height, digit_dash_width, digit_dash_height, digit_dash_bits);
		} else {
			unsigned int h_fg, h_bg, h_end, hue;
			int rh = lrint(status->relative_humidity * 10.0);

			if (rh > 999)
				rh = 999;
			if (rh < 0)
				rh = 0;

			hue = tray_range_to_hue(MIN_DEWPC, MIN_DEWPC_WARN, status->dew_point, MAX_DEWPC_WARN, MAX_DEWPC);
			h_end = tray_hue_to_width(hue);
			h_fg = tray_hue_to_fg_colour(hue);
			h_bg = tray_hue_to_bg_colour(hue);

			icon_clear(h_bg, h_end, bg, 0, ICON_HEIGHT - digits_base_height, ICON_WIDTH, digits_base_height);

			/* NN.N 00.0 to 99.9 */
			p = 0;

			d = (rh/100) % 10;
			icon_blit(h_fg, h_bg, h_end, fg, bg, p, ICON_HEIGHT - digits_base_height, digits_width[d], digits_height[d], digits_bits[d]);
			p += digits_width[d] + 1;

			d = (rh/10) % 10;
			icon_blit(h_fg, h_bg, h_end, fg, bg, p, ICON_HEIGHT - digits_base_height, digits_width[d], digits_height[d], digits_bits[d]);
			p += digits_width[d] + 1;

			icon_blit(h_fg, h_bg, h_end, fg, bg, p, ICON_HEIGHT - digits_base_height, digit_dot_width, digit_dot_height, digit_dot_bits);
			p += digit_dot_width + 1;

			d = rh % 10;
			icon_blit(h_fg, h_bg, h_end, fg, bg, p, ICON_HEIGHT - digits_base_height, digits_width[d], digits_height[d], digits_bits[d]);

		snprintf(niData->szTip, sizeof(niData->szTip), "Temperature: %.2fC, Relative Humidity: %.2f%%, Dew Point: %.2fC",
			status->temperature_celsius, status->relative_humidity, status->dew_point);


	oldIcon = niData->hIcon;

	niData->uFlags &= ~NIF_ICON;
	niData->hIcon = icon_create();
	if (niData->hIcon != NULL)
		niData->uFlags |= NIF_ICON;

	ret = Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_MODIFY, niData);
	err = GetLastError();
	odprintf("Shell_NotifyIcon[MODIFY]: %s (%ld)", ret == TRUE ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", err);
	if (ret != TRUE)
		tray_remove(hWnd, data);

	if (oldIcon != NULL)
예제 #24
파일: stem.cpp 프로젝트: Fyrult/MuseScore
void Stem::draw(QPainter* painter) const
      // hide if second chord of a cross-measure pair
      if (chord() && chord()->crossMeasure() == CrossMeasure::SECOND)

      Staff* st   = staff();
      bool useTab = st && st->isTabStaff(chord()->tick());

      painter->setPen(QPen(curColor(), _lineWidth, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap));

      if (!(useTab && chord()))

      // TODO: adjust bounding rectangle in layout() for dots and for slash
      StaffType* stt = st->staffType(chord()->tick());
      qreal sp = spatium();
      bool _up = up();

      // slashed half note stem
      if (chord()->durationType().type() == TDuration::DurationType::V_HALF && stt->minimStyle() == TablatureMinimStyle::SLASHED) {
            // position slashes onto stem
            qreal y = _up ? -(_len+_userLen) + STAFFTYPE_TAB_SLASH_2STARTY_UP*sp : (_len+_userLen) - STAFFTYPE_TAB_SLASH_2STARTY_DN*sp;
            // if stems through, try to align slashes within or across lines
            if (stt->stemThrough()) {
                  qreal halfLineDist = stt->lineDistance().val() * sp * 0.5;
                  qreal halfSlashHgt = STAFFTYPE_TAB_SLASH_2TOTHEIGHT * sp * 0.5;
                  y = lrint( (y + halfSlashHgt) / halfLineDist) * halfLineDist - halfSlashHgt;
            // draw slashes
            qreal hlfWdt= sp * STAFFTYPE_TAB_SLASH_WIDTH * 0.5;
            qreal sln   = sp * STAFFTYPE_TAB_SLASH_SLANTY;
            qreal thk   = sp * STAFFTYPE_TAB_SLASH_THICK;
            qreal displ = sp * STAFFTYPE_TAB_SLASH_DISPL;
            QPainterPath path;
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
                  path.moveTo( hlfWdt, y);            // top-right corner
                  path.lineTo( hlfWdt, y+thk);        // bottom-right corner
                  path.lineTo(-hlfWdt, y+thk+sln);    // bottom-left corner
                  path.lineTo(-hlfWdt, y+sln);        // top-left corner
                  y += displ;

      // dots
      // with tablatures and stems beside staves, dots are not drawn near 'notes', but near stems
      int nDots = chord()->dots();
      if (nDots > 0 && !stt->stemThrough()) {
            qreal x     = chord()->dotPosX();
            qreal y     = ( (STAFFTYPE_TAB_DEFAULTSTEMLEN_DN * 0.2) * sp) * (_up ? -1.0 : 1.0);
            qreal step  = score()->styleS(StyleIdx::dotDotDistance).val() * sp;
            for (int dot = 0; dot < nDots; dot++, x += step)
                  drawSymbol(SymId::augmentationDot, painter, QPointF(x, y));
예제 #25
EXTERN_C int sopen_SCP_write(HDRTYPE* hdr) {	
	this function is a stub or placeholder and need to be defined in order to be useful. 
	It will be called by the function SOPEN in "biosig.c"

		char* Header	// contains the file content
		HDRTYPE *hdr	// defines the HDR structure accoring to "biosig.h"
	uint8_t*	ptr; 	// pointer to memory mapping of the file layout
	uint8_t*	PtrCurSect;	// point to current section 
	int		curSect; 
	uint32_t 	len; 
	uint16_t 	crc; 
	uint32_t	i; 
	uint32_t 	sectionStart; 
	struct tm* 	T0_tm;
	double 		AVM, avm; 

	if ((fabs(hdr->VERSION - 1.3)<0.01) && (fabs(hdr->VERSION-2.0)<0.01))  
		fprintf(stderr,"Warning SOPEN (SCP-WRITE): Version %f not supported\n",hdr->VERSION);

	uint8_t VERSION = 20; // (uint8_t)round(hdr->VERSION*10); // implemented version number 
	if (hdr->aECG==NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Warning SOPEN_SCP_WRITE: No aECG info defined\n");
		hdr->aECG = malloc(sizeof(aECG_TYPE));
		aECG = (aECG_TYPE*)hdr->aECG;
		aECG->Section8.NumberOfStatements = 0; 
		aECG->Section8.Statements = NULL; 
		aECG->Section11.NumberOfStatements = 0; 
		aECG->Section11.Statements = NULL; 
		aECG = (aECG_TYPE*)hdr->aECG;

//fprintf(stdout,"SCP-Write: IIb %s\n",hdr->aECG->ReferringPhysician);
	/* predefined values */
	aECG->Section1.Tag14.INST_NUMBER 	= 0;		// tag 14, byte 1-2 
	aECG->Section1.Tag14.DEPT_NUMBER 	= 0;		// tag 14, byte 3-4 
	aECG->Section1.Tag14.DEVICE_ID 	= 0;		// tag 14, byte 5-6 
	aECG->Section1.Tag14.DeviceType 	= 0;		// tag 14, byte 7: 0: Cart, 1: System (or Host) 
	aECG->Section1.Tag14.MANUF_CODE 	= 255;		// tag 14, byte 8 (MANUF_CODE has to be 255)
	aECG->Section1.Tag14.MOD_DESC  	= "Cart1";	// tag 14, byte 9 (MOD_DESC has to be "Cart1")
	aECG->Section1.Tag14.VERSION	= VERSION;	// tag 14, byte 15 (VERSION * 10)
	aECG->Section1.Tag14.PROT_COMP_LEVEL = 0xA0;	// tag 14, byte 16 (PROT_COMP_LEVEL has to be 0xA0 => level II)
	aECG->Section1.Tag14.LANG_SUPP_CODE  = 0x00;	// tag 14, byte 17 (LANG_SUPP_CODE has to be 0x00 => Ascii only, latin and 1-byte code)
	aECG->Section1.Tag14.ECG_CAP_DEV 	= 0xD0;		// tag 14, byte 18 (ECG_CAP_DEV has to be 0xD0 => Acquire, (No Analysis), Print and Store)
	aECG->Section1.Tag14.MAINS_FREQ  	= 0;		// tag 14, byte 19 (MAINS_FREQ has to be 0: unspecified, 1: 50 Hz, 2: 60Hz)
	aECG->Section1.Tag14.ANAL_PROG_REV_NUM 	= "";
	aECG->Section1.Tag14.SERIAL_NUMBER_ACQ_DEV = "";
	aECG->Section1.Tag14.ACQ_DEV_SYS_SW_ID 	= "";
	aECG->Section1.Tag14.ACQ_DEV_SCP_SW	= "OpenECG XML-SCP 1.00"; // tag 14, byte 38 (SCP_IMPL_SW has to be "OpenECG XML-SCP 1.00")
	aECG->Section1.Tag14.ACQ_DEV_MANUF 	= "Manufacturer";	// tag 14, byte 38 (ACQ_DEV_MANUF has to be "Manufacturer")

	aECG->Section5.Length = 0; 
	aECG->Section6.Length = 0; 

	/*  */
	aECG->FLAG.DIFF 	= 0;

	ptr = (uint8_t*)hdr->AS.Header;

	int NSections = 12; 
	// initialize section 0
	sectionStart  = 6+16+NSections*10;
	ptr = (uint8_t*)realloc(ptr,sectionStart); 
	uint32_t curSectLen = 0; // current section length
	for (curSect=NSections-1; curSect>=0; curSect--) {

		curSectLen = 0; // current section length
		//ptr = (uint8_t*)realloc(ptr,sectionStart+curSectLen); 

// fprintf(stdout,"Section %i %x\n",curSect,ptr);

		if (curSect==0)  // SECTION 0 
			hdr->HeadLen = sectionStart; // length of all other blocks together
			ptr = (uint8_t*)realloc(ptr,hdr->HeadLen); // total file length

			curSectLen = 16; // current section length
			sectionStart = 6; 
			memcpy(ptr+16,"SCPECG",6); // reserved
			curSectLen += NSections*10;
		else if (curSect==1)  // SECTION 1 
			ptr = (uint8_t*)realloc(ptr,sectionStart+10000); 
			PtrCurSect = ptr+sectionStart; 
			curSectLen = 16; // current section length

			// Tag 0 (max len = 64)
			if (!hdr->FLAG.ANONYMOUS && (hdr->Patient.Name != NULL)) 
				*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = 0;	// tag
				len = strlen(hdr->Patient.Name) + 1;
				*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+1) = l_endian_u16(len);	// length
				strncpy((char*)ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+3,hdr->Patient.Name,len);	// field
				curSectLen += len+3; 

			// Tag 1 (max len = 64) Firstname 
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = 1;	// tag
			len = strlen(hdr->Patient.Name) + 1;
			*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+1) = l_endian_u16(len);	// length
			strncpy((char*)ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+3,hdr->Patient.Name,len);	// field
			curSectLen += len+3; 
			// Tag 2 (max len = 64) Patient ID 
//			if (hdr->Patient.Id != NULL) {
			if (strlen(hdr->Patient.Id)>0) {
				*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = 2;	// tag
				len = strlen(hdr->Patient.Id) + 1;
				*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+1) = l_endian_u16(len);	// length
				strncpy((char*)ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+3,hdr->Patient.Id,len);	// field
				curSectLen += len+3;

// fprintf(stdout,"Section %i Len %i %x\n",curSect,curSectLen,sectionStart);

			// Tag 3 (max len = 64) Second Last Name 
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = 3;	// tag
			len = strlen(hdr->Patient.Name) + 1;
			*(uint16_t)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+1) = l_endian_u16(len);	// length
			strncpy(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+3,hdr->Patient.Name,len);	// field
			curSectLen += len+3; 

			// Tag 5 (len = 4) 
			if ((hdr->Patient.Birthday) > 0) {
				T0_tm = gdf_time2tm_time(hdr->Patient.Birthday);
				*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = 5;	// tag
				*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+1) = l_endian_u16(4);	// length
				*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+3) = l_endian_u16(T0_tm->tm_year+1900);// year
				*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+5) = (uint8_t)(T0_tm->tm_mon + 1);	// month
				*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+6) = (uint8_t)(T0_tm->tm_mday); 	// day
				curSectLen += 7;

			// Tag 6 (len = 3)   Height
			if (hdr->Patient.Height>0.0) {
				*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = 6;	// tag
				*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+1) = l_endian_u16(3);	// length
				*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+3) = l_endian_u16(hdr->Patient.Height);	// value
				*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+5) = 1;	// cm
				curSectLen += 6;

			// Tag 7 (len = 3)	Weight
			if (hdr->Patient.Weight>0.0) {
				*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = 7;	// tag
				*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+1) = l_endian_u16(3);	// length
				*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+3) = l_endian_u16(hdr->Patient.Weight);	// value
				*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+5) = 1;	// kg
				curSectLen += 6;

			// Tag 8 (len = 1)
			if (hdr->Patient.Sex != 0) {
				*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = 8;	// tag
				*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+1) = l_endian_u16(1);	// length
				*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+3) = hdr->Patient.Sex;	// value
				curSectLen += 4;

			// Tag 11 (len = 2)
			if (aECG->systolicBloodPressure>0.0) {
				*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = 11;	// tag
				*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+1) = l_endian_u16(2);	// length
				*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+3) = l_endian_u16((uint16_t)aECG->systolicBloodPressure);	// value
				curSectLen += 5;

			// Tag 12 (len = 2)
			if (aECG->diastolicBloodPressure>0.0) {
				*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = 12;	// tag
				*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+1) = l_endian_u16(2);	// length
				*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+3) = l_endian_u16((uint16_t)aECG->diastolicBloodPressure);	// value
				curSectLen += 5;
			// Tag 13 (max len = 80)
			len = strlen(aECG->Diagnosis); 
			if (len>0) {
				*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = 13;	// tag
				len = min(64,len+1);
				*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+1) = l_endian_u16(len);	// length
				curSectLen += 3+len;

			// Tag 14 (max len = 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 16 + 1 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 25)
			// Total = 161 (max value)
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = 14;	// tag
			//len = 41; 	// minimum length
			// *(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+1) = l_endian_u16(len);	// length	
			memset(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+3,0,41);  // dummy value 
			curSectLen += 3; 
			*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen)   = aECG->Section1.Tag14.INST_NUMBER;
			*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+2) = aECG->Section1.Tag14.DEPT_NUMBER;
			*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+4) = aECG->Section1.Tag14.DEVICE_ID;
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+ 6) = aECG->Section1.Tag14.DeviceType;
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+ 7) = aECG->Section1.Tag14.MANUF_CODE;	// tag 14, byte 7 (MANUF_CODE has to be 255)
			strncpy((char*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+8), aECG->Section1.Tag14.MOD_DESC, 6);	// tag 14, byte 7 (MOD_DESC has to be "Cart1")
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+14) = VERSION;		// tag 14, byte 14 (VERSION has to be 20)
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+14) = aECG->Section1.Tag14.VERSION;
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+15) = aECG->Section1.Tag14.PROT_COMP_LEVEL; 		// tag 14, byte 15 (PROT_COMP_LEVEL has to be 0xA0 => level II)
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+16) = aECG->Section1.Tag14.LANG_SUPP_CODE;		// tag 14, byte 16 (LANG_SUPP_CODE has to be 0x00 => Ascii only, latin and 1-byte code)
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+17) = aECG->Section1.Tag14.ECG_CAP_DEV;		// tag 14, byte 17 (ECG_CAP_DEV has to be 0xD0 => Acquire, (No Analysis), Print and Store)
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+18) = aECG->Section1.Tag14.MAINS_FREQ;		// tag 14, byte 18 (MAINS_FREQ has to be 0: unspecified, 1: 50 Hz, 2: 60Hz)
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+35) = strlen(aECG->Section1.Tag14.ANAL_PROG_REV_NUM)+1;		// tag 14, byte 34 => length of ANAL_PROG_REV_NUM + 1 = 1
			uint16_t len1 = 36;

			char* tmp; 
			tmp = aECG->Section1.Tag14.ANAL_PROG_REV_NUM;	
			len = min(25, strlen(tmp) + 1);
			strncpy((char*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+len1), tmp, len);
			len1 += len;

			tmp = aECG->Section1.Tag14.SERIAL_NUMBER_ACQ_DEV;	
			len = min(25, strlen(tmp) + 1);
			strncpy((char*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+len1), tmp, len);
			len1 += len;

			tmp = aECG->Section1.Tag14.ACQ_DEV_SYS_SW_ID;	
			len = min(25, strlen(tmp) + 1);
			strncpy((char*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+len1), tmp, len);
			len1 += len;

			tmp = aECG->Section1.Tag14.ACQ_DEV_SCP_SW;	
			len = min(25, strlen(tmp) + 1);
			strncpy((char*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+len1), tmp, len);
			len1 += len;

			tmp = aECG->Section1.Tag14.ACQ_DEV_MANUF;	
			len = min(25, strlen(tmp) + 1);
			strncpy((char*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+len1), tmp, len);
			len1 += len;

			*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+1-3) = l_endian_u16(len1);	// length
			curSectLen += len1; 

			// Tag 16 (max len = 80)
			len = strlen(hdr->ID.Hospital); 
			if (len>0) {
				*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = 16;	// tag
				len = min(64,len+1);
				*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+1) = l_endian_u16(len);	// length
				curSectLen += 3+len;

			// Tag 20 (max len = 64 ) 
			len = strlen(aECG->ReferringPhysician);
			if (len>0) {
				*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = 20;	// tag
				len = min(64,len+1);
				*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+1) = l_endian_u16(len);	// length
				curSectLen += 3+len;

			// Tag 21 (max len = 64 )
			len = strlen(aECG->MedicationDrugs); 
			if (len>0) {
				*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = 21;	// tag
				len = min(64,len+1);
				*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+1) = l_endian_u16(len);	// length
				curSectLen += 3+len;

			// Tag 22 (max len = 40 )
			len = strlen(hdr->ID.Technician); 
			if (len>0) {
				*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = 22;	// tag
				len = min(64,len+1);
				*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+1) = l_endian_u16(len);	// length
				curSectLen += 3+len;

			// Tag 24 ( len = 1 ) 
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = 24;	// tag
			*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+1) = l_endian_u16(1);	// length
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+3) = aECG->EmergencyLevel;
			curSectLen += 4;

			// Tag 25 (len = 4)
			gdf_time T1 = hdr->T0;
#ifndef __APPLE__
			T1 += (int32_t)ldexp(timezone/86400.0,32);			
			T0_tm = gdf_time2tm_time(T1);

			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = 25;	// tag
			*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+1) = l_endian_u16(4);	// length
			*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+3) = l_endian_u16((uint16_t)(T0_tm->tm_year+1900));// year
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+5) = (uint8_t)(T0_tm->tm_mon + 1);// month
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+6) = (uint8_t)T0_tm->tm_mday; 	// day
			curSectLen += 7; 

			// Tag 26 (len = 3)
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = 26;	// tag
			*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+1) = l_endian_u16(3);	// length
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+3) = (uint8_t)T0_tm->tm_hour;	// hour
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+4) = (uint8_t)T0_tm->tm_min;	// minute
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+5) = (uint8_t)T0_tm->tm_sec; 	// second
			curSectLen += 6; 

			if (hdr->NS>0)  {
			// Tag 27 (len = 3) highpass filter 
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = 27;	// tag
			*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+1) = l_endian_u16(2);	// length
			*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+3) = (uint16_t)hdr->CHANNEL[1].HighPass;	// hour
			curSectLen += 5; 

			// Tag 28 (len = 3)  lowpass filter
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = 28;	// tag
			*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+1) = l_endian_u16(2);	// length
			*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+3) = (uint16_t)hdr->CHANNEL[1].LowPass;	// hour
			curSectLen += 5; 

			// Tag 29 (len = 1) filter bitmap
			uint8_t bitmap = 0; 
        		if (fabs(hdr->CHANNEL[1].LowPass-60.0)<0.01) 
				bitmap = 1; 
        		else if (fabs(hdr->CHANNEL[1].LowPass-50.0)<0.01) 
				bitmap = 2;
				bitmap = 0; 		 
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = 29;	// tag
			*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+1) = l_endian_u16(1);	// length			
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+3) = bitmap; 
			curSectLen += 4; 

			// Tag 32 (len = 5)
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = 32;	// tag
			*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+1) = l_endian_u16(2);	// length
			if (hdr->Patient.Impairment.Heart==1) {
				*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+3) = 0; 
				*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+4) = 1; 	// Apparently healthy
				curSectLen += 5; 
			else if (hdr->Patient.Impairment.Heart==3) {
				*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+3) = 0; 
				*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+4) = 42; 	// Implanted cardiac pacemaker
				curSectLen += 5; 

			// Tag 34 (len = 5)
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = 34;	// tag
			*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+1) = l_endian_u16(5);	// length
			// FIXME: compensation for daylight saving time not included
#ifdef __APPLE__
			// ### FIXME: for some (unknown) reason, timezone does not work on MacOSX
			*(int16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+3) = l_endian_i16(0x7fff); 
			printf("Warning SOPEN(SCP,write): timezone not supported\n");
			*(int16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+3) = l_endian_i16((int16_t)lrint(-timezone/60.0));
			//*(int16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+3) = l_endian_u16((int16_t)round(T0_tm->tm_gmtoff/60));
			*(int16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+5) = 0; 
			curSectLen += 8; 

			// Tag 255 (len = 0)
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = 255;	// tag
			*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+1) = l_endian_u16(0);	// length
			curSectLen += 3; 

			// Evaluate the size and correct it if odd
			if (curSectLen & 1) {
				*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen++) = 0; 
		else if (curSect==2)  // SECTION 2 
    		else if (curSect==3)  // SECTION 3 
			ptr = (uint8_t*)realloc(ptr,sectionStart+16+2+9*hdr->NS+1); 
			PtrCurSect = ptr+sectionStart; 
			curSectLen = 16; // current section length

			// Number of leads enclosed
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen++) = hdr->NS;

// ### Situations with reference beat subtraction are not supported
// Situations with not all the leads simultaneously recorded are not supported
// Situations number of leads simultaneouly recorded != total number of leads are not supported
// We assume all the leads are recorded simultaneously
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen++) = (hdr->NS<<3) | 0x04;

			for (i = 0; i < hdr->NS; i++) {
				*(uint32_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = l_endian_u32(1L);
				*(uint32_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+4) = l_endian_u32(hdr->data.size[0]);
				*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen+8) = (uint8_t)hdr->CHANNEL[i].LeadIdCode;
				curSectLen += 9;

			// Evaluate the size and correct it if odd
			if ((curSectLen % 2) != 0) {
				*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen++) = 0; 
			memset(ptr+sectionStart+10,0,6); // reserved
		else if (curSect==4)  // SECTION 4 
		else if (curSect==5)  // SECTION 5 
			curSectLen = 0; // current section length
			aECG->Section5.StartPtr = sectionStart; 
			aECG->Section5.Length = curSectLen; 
		else if (curSect==6)  // SECTION 6 
			uint16_t GDFTYP = 3; 
			size_t SZ = GDFTYP_BITS[GDFTYP]>>3;
			for (i = 0; i < hdr->NS; i++) 
			ptr = (uint8_t*)realloc(ptr,sectionStart+16+6+2*hdr->NS+SZ*(hdr->data.size[0]*hdr->data.size[1])); 

			PtrCurSect = ptr+sectionStart; 
			curSectLen = 16; // current section length

			// Create all the fields
			// Amplitude Value Multiplier (AVM)
			i = 0;			
			AVM = hdr->CHANNEL[i].Cal * 1e9 * PhysDimScale(hdr->CHANNEL[i].PhysDimCode);
			for (i = 1; i < hdr->NS; i++) {
				// check for physical dimension and adjust scaling factor to "nV"
				avm = hdr->CHANNEL[i].Cal * 1e9 * PhysDimScale(hdr->CHANNEL[i].PhysDimCode);
				// check whether all channels have the same scaling factor
				if (fabs((AVM - avm)/AVM) > 1e-14)
					fprintf(stderr,"Warning SOPEN (SCP-WRITE): scaling factors differ between channel #1 and #%i. Scaling factor of 1st channel is used.\n",i+1);
			*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = l_endian_u16((uint16_t)lrint(AVM));
			avm = l_endian_u16(*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen));
			curSectLen += 2;
			if (fabs((AVM - avm)/AVM)>1e-14)
				fprintf(stderr,"Warning SOPEN (SCP-WRITE): Scaling factor has been truncated (%f instead %f).\n",avm,AVM);

			// Sample interval
			AVM = 1e6/hdr->SampleRate;
			*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = l_endian_u16((uint16_t)lrint(AVM));
			avm = l_endian_u16(*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen));
			curSectLen += 2;
			if (fabs((AVM - avm)/AVM)>1e-14)
				fprintf(stderr,"Warning SOPEN (SCP-WRITE): Sampling interval has been truncated (%f instead %f us).\n",avm,AVM);

			// Diff used
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen++) = 0;

			// Bimodal/Non-bimodal
			*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen++) = 0;

			    currently, no compression method is supported. In case of data compression, the
			    data compression can happen here. 
			// Fill the length block
			for (i = 0; i < hdr->NS; i++) {
				*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen) = l_endian_u16((uint16_t)hdr->data.size[0]*2);
				avm = l_endian_u16(*(uint16_t*)(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen));
				AVM = hdr->data.size[0]*2;
				if (fabs((AVM - avm)/AVM)>1e-14)
					fprintf(stderr,"Warning SOPEN (SCP-WRITE): Block length truncated (%f instead %f us).\n",avm,AVM);
				curSectLen += 2;

			/* data in channel multiplexed order */
			for (i = 0; i < hdr->NS; i++) {
				hdr->CHANNEL[i].SPR *= hdr->NRec; 
			hdr->NRec = 1; 

			// Prepare filling the data block with the ECG samples by SWRITE
			// free(hdr->AS.rawdata);
			// hdr->AS.rawdata = PtrCurSect+16+6+2*hdr->NS;
			curSectLen += SZ*(hdr->data.size[0]*hdr->data.size[1]);

			// Evaluate the size and correct it if odd
			if ((curSectLen % 2) != 0) {
				fprintf(stderr,"Warning Section 6 has an odd length\n"); 
				*(ptr+sectionStart+curSectLen++) = 0; 

			memset(ptr+sectionStart+10,0,6); // reserved
			aECG->Section6.StartPtr = sectionStart; 
			aECG->Section6.Length = curSectLen; 
		else if (curSect==7)  // SECTION 7 
예제 #26
void ChordRest::layoutArticulations()
      if (parent() == 0 || _articulations.isEmpty())
      qreal _spatium  = spatium();
      qreal _spStaff  = _spatium * staff()->lineDistance(); // scaled to staff line distance for vert. pos. within a staff

      if (type() == Element::Type::CHORD) {
            if (_articulations.size() == 1) {
            if (_articulations.size() == 2) {
                  // staccato | tenuto + marcato
                  Articulation* a1 = _articulations[0];
                  Articulation* a2 = _articulations[1];
                  ArticulationType st1 = a1->articulationType();
                  ArticulationType st2 = a2->articulationType();

                  if ((st2 == ArticulationType::Tenuto || st2 == ArticulationType::Staccato)
                     && (st1 == ArticulationType::Marcato)) {
                        qSwap(a1, a2);
                        qSwap(st1, st2);
                  if ((st1 == ArticulationType::Tenuto || st1 == ArticulationType::Staccato)
                     && (st2 == ArticulationType::Marcato)) {
                        QPointF pt = static_cast<Chord*>(this)->layoutArticulation(a1);
                        pt.ry() += a1->up() ? -_spStaff * .5 : _spStaff * .5;
                  // staccato | tenuto + sforzato
                  if ((st2 == ArticulationType::Tenuto || st2 == ArticulationType::Staccato)
                     && (st1 == ArticulationType::Sforzatoaccent)) {
                        qSwap(a1, a2);
                        qSwap(st1, st2);
                  if ((st1 == ArticulationType::Tenuto || st1 == ArticulationType::Staccato)
                     && (st2 == ArticulationType::Sforzatoaccent)) {
                        QPointF pt = static_cast<Chord*>(this)->layoutArticulation(a1);
                        pt.ry() += a1->up() ? -_spStaff * .7 : _spStaff * .7;

      qreal x         = centerX();
      qreal distance0 = score()->styleS(StyleIdx::propertyDistance).val()     * _spatium;
      qreal distance1 = score()->styleS(StyleIdx::propertyDistanceHead).val() * _spatium;
      qreal distance2 = score()->styleS(StyleIdx::propertyDistanceStem).val() * _spatium;

      qreal chordTopY = upPos();    // note position of highest note
      qreal chordBotY = downPos();  // note position of lowest note

      qreal staffTopY = -distance2;
      qreal staffBotY = staff()->height() + distance2;

      // avoid collisions of staff articulations with chord notes:
      // gap between note and staff articulation is distance0 + 0.5 spatium

      if (type() == Element::Type::CHORD) {
            Chord* chord = static_cast<Chord*>(this);
            Stem* stem   = chord->stem();
            if (stem) {
                  qreal y = stem->pos().y() + pos().y();
                  if (up() && stem->stemLen() < 0.0)
                        y += stem->stemLen();
                  else if (!up() && stem->stemLen() > 0.0)
                        y -= stem->stemLen();

                  if (beam()) {
                        qreal bw = score()->styleS(StyleIdx::beamWidth).val() * _spatium;
                        y += up() ? -bw : bw;
                  if (up())
                        staffTopY = qMin(staffTopY, qreal(y - 0.5 * _spatium));
                        staffBotY = qMax(staffBotY, qreal(y + 0.5 * _spatium));

      staffTopY = qMin(staffTopY, qreal(chordTopY - distance0 - 0.5 * _spatium));
      staffBotY = qMax(staffBotY, qreal(chordBotY + distance0 + 0.5 * _spatium));

      qreal dy = 0.0;

      int n = _articulations.size();
      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            Articulation* a = _articulations.at(i);
            // determine MScore::Direction
            if (a->direction() != MScore::Direction::AUTO) {
                  a->setUp(a->direction() == MScore::Direction::UP);
            else {
                  if (a->anchor() == ArticulationAnchor::CHORD)
                        a->setUp(a->anchor() == ArticulationAnchor::TOP_STAFF || a->anchor() == ArticulationAnchor::TOP_CHORD);

      //    pass 1
      //    place tenuto and staccato

      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            Articulation* a = _articulations.at(i);
            ArticulationAnchor aa = a->anchor();

            if ((a->articulationType() != ArticulationType::Tenuto)
               && (a->articulationType() != ArticulationType::Staccato))

            if (aa != ArticulationAnchor::CHORD && aa != ArticulationAnchor::TOP_CHORD && aa != ArticulationAnchor::BOTTOM_CHORD)

            bool bottom;
            if ((aa == ArticulationAnchor::CHORD) && measure()->hasVoices(a->staffIdx()))
                  bottom = !up();
                  bottom = (aa == ArticulationAnchor::BOTTOM_CHORD) || (aa == ArticulationAnchor::CHORD && up());
            bool headSide = bottom == up();

            dy += distance1;
            qreal y;
            Chord* chord = static_cast<Chord*>(this);
            if (bottom) {
                  int line = downLine();
                  y = chordBotY + dy;
                  if (!headSide && type() == Element::Type::CHORD && chord->stem()) {
                        Stem* stem = chord->stem();
                        y          = chordTopY + stem->stemLen();
                        if (chord->beam())
                              y += score()->styleS(StyleIdx::beamWidth).val() * _spatium * .5;
                        x          = stem->pos().x();
                        int line   = lrint((y+0.5*_spatium) / _spatium);
                        if (line <= 4)    // align between staff lines
                              y = line * _spatium + _spatium * .5;
                              y += _spatium;
                  else {
                        int lines = (staff()->lines() - 1) * 2;
                        if (line < lines)
                              y = (line & ~1) + 3;
                              y = line + 2;
                        y *= _spatium * .5;
            else {
                  int line = upLine();
                  y = chordTopY - dy;
                  if (!headSide && type() == Element::Type::CHORD && chord->stem()) {
                        Stem* stem = chord->stem();
                        y          = chordBotY + stem->stemLen();
                        if (chord->beam())
                              y -= score()->styleS(StyleIdx::beamWidth).val() * _spatium * .5;
                        x          = stem->pos().x();
                        int line   = lrint((y-0.5*_spatium) / _spatium);
                        if (line >= 0)    // align between staff lines
                              y = line * _spatium - _spatium * .5;
                              y -= _spatium;
                  else {
                        if (line > 0)
                              y = ((line+1) & ~1) - 3;
                              y = line - 2;
                        y *= _spatium * .5;
            dy += _spatium * .5;
            a->setPos(x, y);

      // reserve space for slur
      bool botGap = false;
      bool topGap = false;

#if 0 // TODO-S: optimize
      for (Spanner* sp = _spannerFor; sp; sp = sp->next()) {
            if (sp->type() != SLUR)
            Slur* s = static_cast<Slur*>(sp);
            if (s->up())
                  topGap = true;
                  botGap = true;
      for (Spanner* sp = _spannerBack; sp; sp = sp->next()) {
            if (sp->type() != SLUR)
            Slur* s = static_cast<Slur*>(sp);
            if (s->up())
                  topGap = true;
                  botGap = true;
      if (botGap)
            chordBotY += _spatium;
      if (topGap)
            chordTopY -= _spatium;

      //    pass 2
      //    place all articulations with anchor at chord/rest
      n = _articulations.size();
      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            Articulation* a = _articulations.at(i);
            ArticulationAnchor aa = a->anchor();
            if ((a->articulationType() == ArticulationType::Tenuto)
               || (a->articulationType() == ArticulationType::Staccato))

            if (aa != ArticulationAnchor::CHORD && aa != ArticulationAnchor::TOP_CHORD && aa != ArticulationAnchor::BOTTOM_CHORD)

            // for tenuto and staccate check for staff line collision
            bool staffLineCT = a->articulationType() == ArticulationType::Tenuto
                               || a->articulationType() == ArticulationType::Staccato;

//            qreal sh = a->bbox().height() * mag();
            bool bottom = (aa == ArticulationAnchor::BOTTOM_CHORD) || (aa == ArticulationAnchor::CHORD && up());

            dy += distance1;
            if (bottom) {
                  qreal y = chordBotY + dy;
                  if (staffLineCT && (y <= staffBotY -.1 - dy)) {
                        qreal l = y / _spatium;
                        qreal delta = fabs(l - round(l));
                        if (delta < 0.4) {
                              y  += _spatium * .5;
                              dy += _spatium * .5;
                  a->setPos(x, y); // - a->bbox().y() + a->bbox().height() * .5);
            else {
                  qreal y = chordTopY - dy;
                  if (staffLineCT && (y >= (staffTopY +.1 + dy))) {
                        qreal l = y / _spatium;
                        qreal delta = fabs(l - round(l));
                        if (delta < 0.4) {
                              y  -= _spatium * .5;
                              dy += _spatium * .5;
                  a->setPos(x, y); // + a->bbox().y() - a->bbox().height() * .5);

      //    pass 3
      //    now place all articulations with staff top or bottom anchor
      qreal dyTop = staffTopY;
      qreal dyBot = staffBotY;

/*      if ((upPos() - _spatium) < dyTop)
            dyTop = upPos() - _spatium;
      if ((downPos() + _spatium) > dyBot)
            dyBot = downPos() + _spatium;
      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            Articulation* a = _articulations.at(i);
            ArticulationAnchor aa = a->anchor();
            if (aa == ArticulationAnchor::TOP_STAFF || aa == ArticulationAnchor::BOTTOM_STAFF) {
                  if (a->up()) {
                        a->setPos(x, dyTop);
                        dyTop -= distance0;
                  else {
                        a->setPos(x, dyBot);
                        dyBot += distance0;
예제 #27
void FretCanvas::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* ev)
      double mag        = 1.5;
      double _spatium   = 20.0 * mag;
      double lw1        = _spatium * 0.08;
      int fretOffset    = diagram->fretOffset();
      double lw2        = fretOffset ? lw1 : _spatium * 0.2;
      double stringDist = _spatium * .7;
      double fretDist   = _spatium * .8;
      int _strings      = diagram->strings();
      int _frets        = diagram->frets();
//      char* _dots       = diagram->dots();
//      char* _marker     = diagram->marker();

      double w  = (_strings - 1) * stringDist;
      double xo = (width() - w) * .5;
      double h  = (_frets * fretDist) + fretDist * .5;
      double yo = (height() - h) * .5;

      QFont font("FreeSans");
      int size = lrint(18.0 * mag);

      QPainter p(this);
      p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, preferences.antialiasedDrawing);
      p.setRenderHint(QPainter::TextAntialiasing, true);
      p.translate(xo, yo);

      QPen pen(p.pen());
      double x2 = (_strings-1) * stringDist;
      p.drawLine(QLineF(-lw1 * .5, 0.0, x2+lw1*.5, 0.0));

      double y2 = (_frets+1) * fretDist - fretDist*.5;
      for (int i = 0; i < _strings; ++i) {
            double x = stringDist * i;
            p.drawLine(QLineF(x, fretOffset ? -_spatium*.2 : 0.0, x, y2));
      for (int i = 1; i <= _frets; ++i) {
            double y = fretDist * i;
            p.drawLine(QLineF(0.0, y, x2, y));
      for (int i = 0; i < _strings; ++i) {
            if (diagram->dot(i)) {
                  double dotd = stringDist * .6 + lw1;
                  int fret = diagram->dot(i) - 1;
                  double x = stringDist * i - dotd * .5;
                  double y = fretDist * fret + fretDist * .5 - dotd * .5;
                  p.drawEllipse(QRectF(x, y, dotd, dotd));
            if (diagram->marker(i)) {
                  double x = stringDist * i;
                  double y = -fretDist * .1;
                  p.drawText(QRectF(x, y, 0.0, 0.0),
                     Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::TextDontClip, QChar(diagram->marker(i)));
      if ((cfret > 0) && (cfret <= _frets) && (cstring >= 0) && (cstring < _strings)) {
            double dotd;
            if (diagram->dot(cstring) != cfret) {
                  dotd = stringDist * .6 + lw1;
            else {
                  dotd = stringDist * .6;
            double x = stringDist * cstring - dotd * .5;
            double y = fretDist * (cfret-1) + fretDist * .5 - dotd * .5;
            p.drawEllipse(QRectF(x, y, dotd, dotd));
      if (fretOffset > 0) {
            qreal fretNumMag = 2.0; // TODO: get the value from StyleIdx::fretNumMag
            QFont scaledFont(font);
            scaledFont.setPixelSize(font.pixelSize() * fretNumMag);
            // Todo: make dependant from StyleIdx::fretNumPos
            p.drawText(QRectF(-stringDist * .4, 0.0, 0.0, fretDist),
예제 #28
int Ruler::pos2pix(const Pos& p) const
      return lrint((p.time(_timeType)+480) * _xmag) + MAP_OFFSET - _xpos;
예제 #29
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	printf("Cheetah for SACLA new offline API -- version 180705\n");
	printf(" by Takanori Nakane\n");
	printf(" This program is based on cheetah-sacla by Anton Barty.\n");
	int c, retno;
	// default values
	int runNumber = -1;
	char cheetahIni[4096] = {};
	double pd1_threshold = 0, pd2_threshold = 0, pd3_threshold = 0;
	char *pd1_sensor_name = "xfel_bl_3_st_4_pd_laser_fitting_peak/voltage";
	char *pd2_sensor_name = "xfel_bl_3_st_4_pd_user_10_fitting_peak/voltage";
	char *pd3_sensor_name = "xfel_bl_3_st_4_pd_user_10_fitting_peak/voltage"; // same as pd2 (dummy)
	int parallel_block = -1;
	int light_dark = PD_ANY;
	char outputH5[4096] = {};
	char *tagList_file = NULL;

	const struct option longopts[] = {
		{"ini", 1, NULL, 'i'},
		{"output", 1, NULL, 'o'},
		{"run", 1, NULL, 'r'},
		{"maxI", 1, NULL, 'm'},
	        {"stride", 1, NULL, 11},
		{"station", 1, NULL, 12},
		{"pd1_thresh", 1, NULL, 13},
		{"pd2_thresh", 1, NULL, 14},
		{"type", 1, NULL, 15},
		{"list", 1, NULL, 16},
		{"pd1_name", 1, NULL, 17},
		{"pd2_name", 1, NULL, 18},
		{"pd3_thresh", 1, NULL, 19},
		{"pd3_name", 1, NULL, 20},
                {"bl", 1, NULL, 21},
		{0, 0, NULL, 0}

	while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "i:r:m:o:", longopts, NULL)) != -1) {
		switch(c) {
		case 'i':
			strncpy(cheetahIni, optarg, 4096);
		case 'o':
			strncpy(outputH5, optarg, 4096);
		case 'r':
			runNumber = atoi(optarg);
		case 'm':
			printf("WARNING: LLF is no longer supported. Thus, maxI option is ignored.\n");
		case 11: //stride
			printf("WARNING: stride option is no longer supported; ignored.\n");
		case 12: // station
			printf("WARNING: LLF is no longer supported. Thus, station option is ignored.\n");
		case 13: // pd1_thresh
			pd1_threshold = atof(optarg);
		case 14: // pd2_thresh
			pd2_threshold = atof(optarg);
		case 19: // pd3_thresh
			pd3_threshold = atof(optarg);
		case 15: // type
			if (strcmp(optarg, "light") == 0) {
				light_dark = PD_LIGHT;
			} else if (strcmp(optarg, "dark") == 0) {
				light_dark = PD_DARK_ANY;
			} else if (strlen(optarg) == 5 &&
					   optarg[0] == 'd' && optarg[1] == 'a' &&
					   optarg[2] == 'r' && optarg[3] == 'k' ) { // darkN
				light_dark = optarg[4] - '0';
				if (light_dark < 1 || light_dark > 9) {
					printf("ERROR: wrong type.\n");
					return -1;
			} else {
				parallel_block = atoi(optarg);
				if (parallel_block < -1 || parallel_block >= parallel_size) {
					printf("ERROR: wrong type or parallel_block.\n");
					return -1;
		case 16: // list
			if (tagList_file != NULL) {
				printf("ERROR: you cannot specify more than one tag list.\n");
				return -1;
			tagList_file = strdup(optarg);
			printf("A tag list file was specified. maxI check was disabled.\n");
		case 17: // pd1_name
			pd1_sensor_name = strdup(optarg); // small leak.
		case 18: // pd2_name
			pd2_sensor_name = strdup(optarg); // small leak.
		case 20: // pd3_name
			pd3_sensor_name = strdup(optarg); // small leak.
                case 21: // bl
                        bl = atoi(optarg);
			if (bl != 2 && bl != 3) {
				printf("ERROR: beamline must be 2 or 3.\n");
				return -1;
	if (strnlen(outputH5, 4096) == 0) {
		snprintf(outputH5, 4096, "run%d.h5", runNumber);

	printf(" runNumber (-r/--run):         %d\n", runNumber);
	printf(" cheetah ini file (-i/--ini):  %s\n", cheetahIni);
	printf(" output H5 file (-o/--output): %s (default = run######.h5)\n", outputH5);
        printf(" beamline (--bl):              %d (default = 3)\n", bl);
	printf(" PD1 threshold (--pd1_thresh): %.3f (default = 0; ignore.)\n", pd1_threshold);
	printf(" PD2 threshold (--pd2_thresh): %.3f (default = 0; ignore.)\n", pd2_threshold);
	printf(" PD3 threshold (--pd3_thresh): %.3f (default = 0; ignore.)\n", pd3_threshold);
	printf(" PD1 sensor name (--pd1_name): %s)\n", pd1_sensor_name);
	printf(" PD2 sensor name (--pd2_name): %s)\n", pd2_sensor_name);
	printf(" PD3 sensor name (--pd3_name): %s)\n", pd3_sensor_name);
	printf(" nFrame after light:           %d (default = -1; accept all image. -2; accept all dark images)\n", light_dark);
	printf(" parallel_block:               %d (default = -1; no parallelization)\n", parallel_block);

	if (runNumber < 0 || strlen(cheetahIni) == 0) {
		printf("Wrong argument! \nUsage: cheetah-sacla-api -i cheetah.ini -r runNumber\n");
		return -1;
	 *	Initialise Cheetah
	printf("\nSetting up Cheetah...\n");
	static uint32_t ntriggers = 0;
	static long frameNumber = 0;
	static cGlobal cheetahGlobal;
	char message[512];
	static time_t startT = 0;
	strcpy(cheetahGlobal.configFile, cheetahIni);
	cheetahGlobal.runNumber = runNumber;
	strncpy(cheetahGlobal.cxiFilename, outputH5, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH);

	hsize_t dims[2];
	dims[0] = NDET * ysize;
	dims[1] = xsize;

	// get tag_hi and start
	int tag_hi, tag_start, tag_end;
	retno = sy_read_start_tagnumber(&tag_hi, &tag_start, bl, runNumber);
	if (retno != 0) {
		printf("ERROR: Cannot read run %d.\n", runNumber);
		printf("If this run is before Nov 2014, please use the old API version.\n");
		return -1;
	retno = sy_read_end_tagnumber(&tag_hi, &tag_end, bl, runNumber);

	// How many dark frames?
	struct da_int_array *tagbuf;
	int numAll;
	da_alloc_int_array(&tagbuf, 0, NULL);
	sy_read_taglist_byrun(tagbuf, bl, runNumber);
	da_getsize_int_array(&numAll, tagbuf);
	printf("Run %d contains tag %d (inclusive) to %d (exclusive), thus %d images\n", runNumber, tag_start, tag_end, numAll);
	int *tagAll = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * numAll);
	for (int i = 0; i < numAll; i++) {
		da_getint_int_array(tagAll + i, tagbuf, i);

	bool workaround_18feb = (bl == 2) && (runNumber >= 32348);
	std::vector<std::string> shutterAll;
	if ((workaround_18feb && myReadSyncDataList(&shutterAll, "xfel_bl_2_st_3_bm_1_pd/charge", tag_hi, numAll, tagAll) != 0) ||
	    (bl == 3 && myReadSyncDataList(&shutterAll, "xfel_bl_3_shutter_1_open_valid/status", tag_hi, numAll, tagAll) != 0) ||
	    (bl == 2 && myReadSyncDataList(&shutterAll, "xfel_bl_2_shutter_1_open_valid/status", tag_hi, numAll, tagAll) != 0)) {
		printf("Failed to get shutter status.\n");
		return -1;

	if (workaround_18feb) printf("Warning: applyied workaround for unreliable shutter status since 18 feb.\n");
	int numDark = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < numAll; i++) {
		tag_start = tagAll[i];
		if (shutterAll[i] != "saturated" && (shutterAll[i] == "not-converged" || atoi(shutterAll[i].c_str()) == 0)) {
		} else {
	printf("Number of dark frames: %d\nThus, exposed images start from %d\n\n", numDark, tag_start);

	int parallel_cnt = 0;
	std::vector<int> tagList;
	if (tagList_file == NULL) {
		int blockstart = numDark, blockend = numAll - 1; // inclusive
		if (parallel_block != -1) { // block division
			int width = (numAll - numDark + 1) / parallel_size;
			blockstart = numDark + width * parallel_block;
			blockend = numDark + width * (parallel_block + 1) - 1;
			if (parallel_block == parallel_size - 1) { // last block
				blockend = numAll - 1;
		printf("parallel: start %d end %d blockstart %d blockend %d\n", tagAll[0], tagAll[numAll - 1], tagAll[blockstart], tagAll[blockend]);
		for (int i = blockstart; i <= blockend; i++) {
	} else {
		FILE *fh = fopen(tagList_file, "r");

		if (fh == NULL) {
			printf("ERROR: Unable to open tagList.\n");
			return -1;
		int i = 0;
		while (!feof(fh)) {
			fscanf(fh, "%d\n", &i);
			if (i < tag_start || i >= tag_end) {
				printf("WARNING: tag %d does not belong to run %d. skipped.\n", i, runNumber);
			parallel_cnt++; // TODO: refactor and merge above, use block parallelization
			if (parallel_block == -1 || // no parallelization
				parallel_cnt % parallel_size == parallel_block) {
	if (tagList.size() == 0) {
		printf("No images to process! Exiting...\n");
		snprintf(message, 512, "Status=Error-NoImage");
		return -1;

	// for API 
	int *tagList_array = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * tagList.size());
	std::copy(tagList.begin(), tagList.end(), tagList_array);
	// find detector ID
	struct da_string_array *det_ids;
	int n_detid;
	char det_template[256] = {};

	printf("Detector configulation:\n");
	sy_read_detidlist(det_ids, bl, runNumber);

	da_getsize_string_array(&n_detid, det_ids);
	for (int i = 0; i < n_detid; i++) {
   		char *detid;
		da_getstring_string_array(&detid, det_ids, i);
		printf(" detID #%02d = %s\n", i, detid);
		if (strncmp(detid, "MPCCD-8", 7) == 0) {
			int len = strlen(detid);
			if (detid[len - 2] == '-' &&  detid[len - 1] == '1') {
				printf("  prefix and suffix matched. using this as the detector name template.\n");
				strncpy(det_template, detid, 255);
		if (strcmp(detid, "EventInfo_stor01") == 0) {
			printf("ERROR: This detector is not longer supported by the API. Use old Cheetah.\n");

	if (det_template[0] == 0) {
		printf("ERROR: Unknown or non-supported detector ID.\n");
	        snprintf(message, 512, "Status=Error-BadDetID");
		return -1;
	// Create storage readers and buffers
	// and get detector gains
	printf("Initializing reader and buffer\n");
	for (int det_id = 0; det_id < NDET; det_id++) {
		char det_name[256];
		strncpy(det_name, det_template, 255);
		det_name[strlen(det_name) - 1] = '0' + det_id + 1;
		printf(" detector %s\n", det_name);
		retno = st_create_streader(&streaders[det_id], det_name, bl, 1, &runNumber);
		if (retno != 0) {
			printf("Failed to create streader for %s.\n", det_name);
			return -1;
		retno = st_create_stbuf(&databufs[det_id], streaders[det_id]);
		if (retno != 0) {
			printf("Failed to allocate databuffer for %s.\n", det_name);
			return -1;
		uint32_t tagid = tag_start;
		retno = st_collect_data(databufs[det_id], streaders[det_id], &tagid);
		if (retno != 0) {
			printf("Failed to collect data for %s.\n", det_name);
			return -1;
		mp_read_absgain(&gains[det_id], databufs[det_id]);

	// Pulse energies (in keV)
	double config_photon_energy;
	sy_read_config_photonenergy(&config_photon_energy, bl, runNumber);
	std::vector<std::string> pulse_energies;
	if (runNumber >=333661 && runNumber <= 333682) {
		// 19 May 2015: spectrometer broken! use config value instead
		printf("Using 7000 eV to fill in missing photon energies due to DB failure during run 333661-333682\n");
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tagList.size(); i++) {
	} else {
                if (bl == 3) {
			retno = myReadSyncDataList(&pulse_energies, "xfel_bl_3_tc_spec_1/energy", tag_hi, tagList.size(), tagList_array);
		} else if (bl == 2) {
			retno = myReadSyncDataList(&pulse_energies, "xfel_bl_2_tc_spec_1/energy", tag_hi, tagList.size(), tagList_array);
		if (retno != 0) {
			printf("Failed to get photon_energy. Exiting...\n");
			snprintf(message, 512, "Status=Error-PhotonEnergy");
			return -1;

	std::vector<std::string> pd1_values, pd2_values, pd3_values, shutter;
	retno = myReadSyncDataList(&pd1_values, pd1_sensor_name, tag_hi, tagList.size(), tagList_array);
	if (retno != 0) {
		printf("WARNING: Failed to get %s.\n", pd1_sensor_name);
	retno = myReadSyncDataList(&pd2_values, pd2_sensor_name, tag_hi, tagList.size(), tagList_array);
	if (retno != 0) {
		printf("WARNING: Failed to get %s.\n", pd2_sensor_name);
	retno = myReadSyncDataList(&pd3_values, pd3_sensor_name, tag_hi, tagList.size(), tagList_array);
	if (retno != 0) {
		printf("WARNING: Failed to get %s.\n", pd3_sensor_name);
	if (bl == 3) {
		retno = myReadSyncDataList(&shutter, "xfel_bl_3_shutter_1_open_valid/status", tag_hi, tagList.size(), tagList_array);
	} else if (bl == 2) {
		retno = myReadSyncDataList(&shutter, "xfel_bl_2_shutter_1_open_valid/status", tag_hi, tagList.size(), tagList_array);
	if (retno != 0) {
		printf("WARNING: Failed to get shutter status.\n");

	int processedTags = 0, LLFpassed = 0, tagSize = tagList.size(), frame_after_light = 9999;
	for (int j = 0; j < tagSize; j++) {
		int tagID = tagList[j];

		printf("tag %d shutter = %s\n", tagID, shutter[j].c_str());
		if (runNumber >= 358814 && runNumber <=358842) {
			// 2015 Oct: new run control GUI produces gaps in tag number
			//           attempts to read such tags cause crash, so we have to skip.
			// For other runs, reading shutter-closed images does not cause any harm.
			// Actually, some runs in 2018 Feb have unreliable shuter status, so
			// we should NOT skip images based on shutter status!

			if (atoi(shutter[j].c_str()) != 1) {
				printf("SHUTTER: tag %d rejected. shutter = %s\n", tagID, shutter[j].c_str());

		double pd1_value = atof(pd1_values[j].c_str());
		double pd2_value = atof(pd2_values[j].c_str());
		double pd3_value = atof(pd3_values[j].c_str());
		double photon_energy; // in eV
		photon_energy = 1000 * atof(pulse_energies[j].c_str());
		if (photon_energy == 0) {
			printf("WARNING: The wavelength from the inline spectrometer for tag %d is not available\n", tagID);
			if (config_photon_energy < 5000 || config_photon_energy > 14000) {
				printf("         The accelerator config value also looks broken; assumed 7 keV as a last resort.\n");
				printf("         The scale factor for this image can be wrong!!\n");
				photon_energy = 7000;
			} else {
				printf("         Used the accelerator config value (%f eV) instead.\n", config_photon_energy);
				photon_energy = config_photon_energy;

		bool light = true;
		if (pd1_threshold != 0 && 
			!(pd1_threshold > 0 && pd1_threshold <= pd1_value) &&
			!(pd1_threshold < 0 && -pd1_threshold > pd1_value)) light = false;
		if (pd2_threshold != 0 &&
			!(pd2_threshold > 0 && pd2_threshold <= pd2_value) &&
			!(pd2_threshold < 0 && -pd2_threshold > pd2_value)) light = false;
		if (pd3_threshold != 0 &&
			!(pd3_threshold > 0 && pd3_threshold <= pd3_value) &&
			!(pd3_threshold < 0 && -pd3_threshold > pd3_value)) light = false;
		if (light) {
			frame_after_light = 0;
		} else {
//		printf("Event %d: energy %f frame_after_light %d pd1_value %f pd2_value %f pd3_value %f\n", tagID, photon_energy, frame_after_light, pd1_value, pd2_value, pd3_value);
		if ((light_dark >= 0 && frame_after_light != light_dark) ||
			(light_dark == PD_DARK_ANY && frame_after_light == 0)) continue;


		printf("Event: %d (%d / %d (%.1f%%), Filter passed %d / %d (%.1f%%), Hits %ld (%.1f%%), pd1_value = %.1f, pd2_value = %.3f, pd3_value = %.3f\n",
			   tagID, (j + 1), tagSize, 100.0 * (j + 1) / tagSize, 
			   LLFpassed, processedTags, 100.0 * LLFpassed / processedTags,
			   cheetahGlobal.nhits, 100.0 * cheetahGlobal.nhits / processedTags,
			   pd1_value, pd2_value, pd3_value);

		if (!get_image(buffer, tagID, photon_energy)) {
			continue; // image not available
		 *  Cheetah: Calculate time beteeen processing of data frames
		time_t	tnow;
		double	dtime, datarate;
		dtime = difftime(tnow, cheetahGlobal.tlast);
		if(dtime > 1.) {
			datarate = (frameNumber - cheetahGlobal.lastTimingFrame)/dtime;
			cheetahGlobal.lastTimingFrame = frameNumber;
			cheetahGlobal.datarate = datarate;

		snprintf(message, 512, "Total=%d,Processed=%d,LLFpassed=%d,Hits=%ld,Status=Hitfinding",
				 tagSize, (j + 1), LLFpassed, cheetahGlobal.nhits); 
		if (processedTags % 5 == 0) {
		 *	Cheetah: Create a new eventData structure in which to place all information
		cEventData	*eventData;
		eventData = cheetahNewEvent(&cheetahGlobal);
		eventData->pulnixFail = 1;
		eventData->specFail = 1;
		eventData->frameNumber = tagID;
		eventData->runNumber = runNumber;
		eventData->nPeaks = 0;
		eventData->pumpLaserCode = 0;
		eventData->pumpLaserDelay = 0;
		eventData->photonEnergyeV = photon_energy; // in eV
		eventData->wavelengthA = 12398 / eventData->photonEnergyeV; // 4.1357E-15 * 2.9979E8 * 1E10 / eV (A)
		eventData->pGlobal = &cheetahGlobal;
		eventData->fiducial = tagID; // must be unique
		int detID = 0;
		long pix_nn = cheetahGlobal.detector[detID].pix_nn;

//        int underflow = 0, overflow = 0;
		for(long ii = 0; ii < pix_nn; ii++) {
			long tmp = lrint(buffer[ii]);
			if (tmp < 0) {
//				underflow++; printf("%ld ", tmp);
				tmp = 0; 
			} else if (tmp > USHRT_MAX) {
//				overflow++;
				tmp = USHRT_MAX; 
			eventData->detector[detID].data_raw16[ii] = (uint16_t)tmp;
//		printf("#underflow = %d, #overflow = %d\n", underflow, overflow);
		cheetahProcessEventMultithreaded(&cheetahGlobal, eventData);

	snprintf(message, 512, "Total=%d,Processed=%d,LLFpassed=%d,Hits=%ld,Status=Finished",
			 tagSize, tagSize, LLFpassed, cheetahGlobal.nhits); 
	cheetahGlobal.writeStatus(message); // Overwrite "Status: Finished"

	time_t endT;
	double dif = difftime(endT,startT);
	std::cout << "time taken: " << dif << " seconds\n";
	std::cout << "Clean exit\n";
    return 0;
예제 #30
 static size_t opt_m(const double fp, const size_t n) {
   return n * (size_t)lrint(-log(fp) / LOG2_SQ);