예제 #1
**  Define burning building missiles.
**  @param l  Lua state.
static int CclDefineBurningBuilding(lua_State *l)
	for (std::vector<BurningBuildingFrame *>::iterator i = BurningBuildingFrames.begin();
		 i != BurningBuildingFrames.end(); ++i) {
		delete *i;

	const int args = lua_gettop(l);
	for (int j = 0; j < args; ++j) {
		if (!lua_istable(l, j + 1)) {
			LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
		BurningBuildingFrame *ptr = new BurningBuildingFrame;
		const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, j + 1);

		for (int k = 0; k < subargs; ++k) {
			lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
			const char *value = LuaToString(l, -1);
			lua_pop(l, 1);

			if (!strcmp(value, "percent")) {
				lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
				ptr->Percent = LuaToNumber(l, -1);
				lua_pop(l, 1);
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "missile")) {
				lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
				ptr->Missile = MissileTypeByIdent(LuaToString(l, -1));
				lua_pop(l, 1);
		BurningBuildingFrames.insert(BurningBuildingFrames.begin(), ptr);
	return 0;
예제 #2
lua_ai_action_handler* lua_ai_action_handler::create(lua_State *L, char const *code, lua_ai_context &context)
	int res = luaL_loadstring(L, code);//stack size is now 1 [ -1: f]
	if (res)
		char const *m = lua_tostring(L, -1);
		ERR_LUA << "error while creating ai function:  " <<m << '\n';
		lua_pop(L, 2);//return with stack size 0 []
		return NULL;

	// Retrieve the ai elements table from the registry.
	lua_pushlightuserdata(L, static_cast<void *>(const_cast<char *>(&aisKey)));
	lua_rawget(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);   //stack size is now 2  [-1: ais_table -2: f]
	// Push the function in the table so that it is not collected.
	size_t length = lua_rawlen(L, -1);//length of ais_table
	lua_pushvalue(L, -2); //stack size is now 3: [-1: f  -2: ais_table  -3: f]
	lua_rawseti(L, -2, length + 1);// ais_table[length+1]=f.  stack size is now 2 [-1: ais_table  -2: f]
	lua_remove(L, -1);//stack size is now 1 [-1: f]
	lua_remove(L, -1);//stack size is now 0 []
	// Create the proxy C++ action handler.
	return new lua_ai_action_handler(L, context, length + 1);
예제 #3
static int MS_add_string(lua_State *L)
    if (config.debug > 2)

    if (lua_gettop(L) != 3 || !lua_isuserdata(L, 1) || !(lua_isstring(L, 2) || lua_isinteger(L, 2)) || !lua_isstring(L, 3)) {
        return luaL_error(L, "usage: <session> <field string or field num(faster)> <string>");

    MolochSession_t *session = checkMolochSession(L, 1);
    const char      *string  = lua_tostring(L, 3);
    int              len     = lua_rawlen(L, 3);
    int              pos;
    if (lua_isinteger(L, 2)) {
        pos = lua_tointeger(L, 2);
    } else {
        pos = moloch_field_by_exp(lua_tostring(L, 2));
    gboolean result;
    result = moloch_field_string_add(pos, session, string, len, TRUE);
    lua_pushboolean(L, result);

    return 1;
예제 #4
파일: layout.c 프로젝트: iru-/luadata
static void
load_entry_numbered(lua_State *L, layout_entry_t *entry)
#if LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502
	size_t array_len = lua_rawlen(L, -1);
	size_t array_len = lua_objlen(L, -1);

	if (array_len >= 1)
		entry->offset = luau_getarray_integer(L, -1, 1);
	if (array_len >= 2)
		entry->length = luau_getarray_integer(L, -1, 2);
	if (array_len >= 3) {
		luau_getarray(L, -1, 3);
		load_type(L, entry);
		lua_pop(L, 1);
	if (array_len >= 4) {
		luau_getarray(L, -1, 4);
		load_endian(L, entry);
		lua_pop(L, 1);
예제 #5
	lightuserdata pattern
	string format "ixrsmbp"
	integer size
static int
_pattern_pack(lua_State *L) {
	struct pbc_pattern * pat = (struct pbc_pattern *)checkuserdata(L,1);
	if (pat == NULL) {
		return luaL_error(L, "pack pattern is NULL");
	size_t format_sz = 0;
	const char * format = lua_tolstring(L,2,&format_sz);
	int size = lua_tointeger(L,3);

	char * data = (char *)alloca(size);
//	A trick , we don't need default value. zero buffer for array and message field.
//	pbc_pattern_set_default(pat, data);
	memset(data, 0 , size);

	char * ptr = data;

	int i;

	for (i=0;i<format_sz;i++) {
		if (format[i] >= 'a' && format[i] <='z') {
			ptr = _get_value(L, 4+i, ptr, format[i]);
		} else {
			if (!lua_istable(L,4+i)) {
				luaL_error(L,"need table for array type");
			int j;
			int n = lua_rawlen(L,4+i);
			for (j=0;j<n;j++) {
				_get_array_value(L,(struct _pbc_array *)ptr,format[i]);
			ptr += sizeof(pbc_array);

	luaL_Buffer b;
	luaL_buffinit(L, &b);

	int cap = 128;
	for (;;) {
		char * temp = (char *)luaL_prepbuffsize(&b , cap);

		struct pbc_slice slice;
		slice.buffer = temp;
		slice.len = cap;

		int ret = pbc_pattern_pack(pat, data, &slice);

		if (ret < 0) {
			cap = cap * 2;

		luaL_addsize(&b , slice.len);

	pbc_pattern_close_arrays(pat, data);
	return 1;
예제 #6
bool luaW_toconfig(lua_State *L, int index, config &cfg)
	if (!lua_checkstack(L, LUA_MINSTACK))
		return false;

	// Get the absolute index of the table.
	index = lua_absindex(L, index);
	int initial_top = lua_gettop(L);

	switch (lua_type(L, index))
		case LUA_TTABLE:
			if (vconfig * ptr = static_cast<vconfig *> (luaL_testudata(L, index, vconfigKey))) {
				cfg = ptr->get_parsed_config();
				return true;
			} else {
				return false;
		case LUA_TNONE:
		case LUA_TNIL:
			return true;
			return false;

	// First convert the children (integer indices).
	for (int i = 1, i_end = lua_rawlen(L, index); i <= i_end; ++i)
		lua_rawgeti(L, index, i);
		if (!lua_istable(L, -1)) return_misformed();
		lua_rawgeti(L, -1, 1);
		char const *m = lua_tostring(L, -1);
		if (!m) return_misformed();
		lua_rawgeti(L, -2, 2);
		if (!luaW_toconfig(L, -1, cfg.add_child(m)))
		lua_pop(L, 3);

	// Then convert the attributes (string indices).
	for (lua_pushnil(L); lua_next(L, index); lua_pop(L, 1))
		if (lua_isnumber(L, -2)) continue;
		if (!lua_isstring(L, -2)) return_misformed();
		config::attribute_value &v = cfg[lua_tostring(L, -2)];
		if (lua_istable(L, -1)) {
			int subindex = lua_absindex(L, -1);
			std::ostringstream str;
			for (int i = 1, i_end = lua_rawlen(L, subindex); i <= i_end; ++i, lua_pop(L, 1)) {
				lua_rawgeti(L, -1, i);
				config::attribute_value item;
				if (!luaW_toscalar(L, -1, item)) return_misformed();
				if (i > 1) str << ',';
				str << item;
			// If there are any string keys, it's misformed
			for (lua_pushnil(L); lua_next(L, subindex); lua_pop(L, 1)) {
				if (!lua_isnumber(L, -2)) return_misformed();
			v = str.str();
		} else if (!luaW_toscalar(L, -1, v)) return_misformed();

	lua_settop(L, initial_top);
	return true;
예제 #7
 * Method: GetNearbySystems
 * Get a list of nearby <StarSystems> that match some criteria
 * > systems = system:GetNearbySystems(range, filter)
 * Parameters:
 *   range - distance from this system to search, in light years
 *   filter - an optional function. If specified the function will be called
 *            once for each candidate system with the <StarSystem> object
 *            passed as the only parameter. If the filter function returns
 *            true then the system will be included in the array returned by
 *            <GetNearbySystems>, otherwise it will be omitted. If no filter
 *            function is specified then all systems in range are returned.
 * Return:
 *  systems - an array of systems in range that matched the filter
 * Availability:
 *   alpha 10
 * Status:
 *   experimental
static int l_starsystem_get_nearby_systems(lua_State *l)

	const StarSystem *s = LuaObject<StarSystem>::CheckFromLua(1);
	const double dist_ly = luaL_checknumber(l, 2);

	bool filter = false;
	if (lua_gettop(l) >= 3) {
		luaL_checktype(l, 3, LUA_TFUNCTION); // any type of function
		filter = true;


	const SystemPath &here = s->GetPath();

	const int here_x = here.sectorX;
	const int here_y = here.sectorY;
	const int here_z = here.sectorZ;
	const Uint32 here_idx = here.systemIndex;
	RefCountedPtr<const Sector> here_sec = Pi::GetGalaxy()->GetSector(here);

	const int diff_sec = int(ceil(dist_ly/Sector::SIZE));

	for (int x = here_x-diff_sec; x <= here_x+diff_sec; x++) {
		for (int y = here_y-diff_sec; y <= here_y+diff_sec; y++) {
			for (int z = here_z-diff_sec; z <= here_z+diff_sec; z++) {
				RefCountedPtr<const Sector> sec = Pi::GetGalaxy()->GetSector(SystemPath(x, y, z));

				for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < sec->m_systems.size(); idx++) {
					if (x == here_x && y == here_y && z == here_z && idx == here_idx)

					if (Sector::DistanceBetween(here_sec, here_idx, sec, idx) > dist_ly)

					RefCountedPtr<StarSystem> sys = Pi::GetGalaxy()->GetStarSystem(SystemPath(x, y, z, idx));
					if (filter) {
						lua_pushvalue(l, 3);
						lua_call(l, 1, 1);
						if (!lua_toboolean(l, -1)) {
							lua_pop(l, 1);
						lua_pop(l, 1);

					lua_pushinteger(l, lua_rawlen(l, -1)+1);
					lua_rawset(l, -3);


	return 1;
예제 #8
파일: process.c 프로젝트: ifzz/LuaIO
static int LuaIO_process_fork(lua_State* L) {
  if (lua_type(L, 1) != LUA_TTABLE) {
    return luaL_argerror(L, 1, "process.fork(options) error: options must be [table]\n"); 

  if (!LuaIO_process_exepath_ptr) {
    size_t length = sizeof(LuaIO_process_exepath);
    int err = uv_exepath(LuaIO_process_exepath, &length);
    if (err < 0) {
      return luaL_error(L, "process.fork(options) uv_exepath() error: %s\n", uv_strerror(err));

    LuaIO_process_exepath_ptr = LuaIO_process_exepath;

  lua_getfield(L, 1, "file");
  const char* file;
  if (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TSTRING) {
    file = lua_tostring(L, -1);
  } else {
    return luaL_argerror(L, 2, "process.fork(options) error: options.file is required and must be [string]\n"); 
  lua_pop(L, 1);

  lua_getfield(L, 1, "args");
  size_t args_length = 0;
  char** args = NULL;
  if (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TTABLE) {
    args_length = lua_rawlen(L, -1);
    /*execpath, file, null => args_length + 3*/
    args = LuaIO_malloc(sizeof(char*) * (args_length + 3));
    if (!args) {
      return luaL_error(L, "process.fork(options) error: no memory for args\n");

    for (size_t i = 1; i <= args_length; ++i) {
      lua_rawgeti(L, -1, i);
      args[i + 1] = (char*)luaL_checkstring(L, -1);
      lua_pop(L, 1);
  } else if (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TNIL) {
    /*execpath, file, null => args_length + 3*/
    args = LuaIO_malloc(sizeof(char*) * 3);
    if (!args) {
      return luaL_error(L, "process.fork(options) error: no memory for args\n");
  } else {
    return luaL_argerror(L, 2, "process.fork(options) error: options.args must be [table]\n"); 
  lua_pop(L, 1);

  args[0] = LuaIO_process_exepath_ptr;
  args[1] = (char*)file;
  args[args_length + 2] = NULL;

  if (!LuaIO_process_stdio_ptr) { 
    LuaIO_process_stdio[0].flags = UV_INHERIT_FD;
    LuaIO_process_stdio[0].data.fd = 0;
    LuaIO_process_stdio[1].flags = UV_INHERIT_FD;
    LuaIO_process_stdio[1].data.fd = 1;
    LuaIO_process_stdio[2].flags = UV_INHERIT_FD;
    LuaIO_process_stdio[2].data.fd = 2;
    LuaIO_process_stdio_ptr = LuaIO_process_stdio;

  uv_process_options_t* options = LuaIO_malloc(sizeof(uv_process_options_t));
  if (!options) {
    return luaL_error(L, "process.fork(options) error: no memory for uv_process_options_t options\n");
  LuaIO_memzero(options, sizeof(uv_process_options_t));
  options->exit_cb = LuaIO_process_onexit;
  options->file = LuaIO_process_exepath_ptr;
  options->args = args;
  options->stdio_count = 3;
  options->stdio = LuaIO_process_stdio_ptr;

  lua_getfield(L, 1, "uid");
  if (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TNUMBER) {
    options->uid = lua_tointeger(L, -1);
    options->flags |= UV_PROCESS_SETUID;
  } else if (lua_type(L, -1) != LUA_TNIL) {
    return luaL_argerror(L, 2, "process.fork(options) error: options.uid must be [number]\n"); 
  lua_pop(L, 1);

  lua_getfield(L, 1, "gid");
  if (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TNUMBER) {
    options->gid = lua_tointeger(L, -1);
    options->flags |= UV_PROCESS_SETGID;
  } else if (lua_type(L, -1) != LUA_TNIL) {
    return luaL_argerror(L, 2, "process.fork(options) error: options.gid must be [number]\n"); 
  lua_pop(L, 1);

  lua_getfield(L, 1, "detached");
  if (lua_toboolean(L, -1)) {
    options->flags |= UV_PROCESS_DETACHED;
  lua_pop(L, 1);

  lua_getfield(L, 1, "forever");
  int forever = lua_toboolean(L, -1);
  lua_pop(L, 1);
  int cpu = -1; 
  lua_getfield(L, 1, "cpu");
  if (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TNUMBER) {
    cpu = lua_tointeger(L, -1);
  } else if (lua_type(L, -1) != LUA_TNIL) {
    return luaL_argerror(L, 2, "process.fork(options) error: options.cpu must be [number]\n"); 
  lua_pop(L, 1);

  uv_process_t* handle = LuaIO_malloc(sizeof(uv_process_t));
  if (!handle) {
    return luaL_error(L, "process.fork(options) error: no memory for uv_process_t handle.\n");
  LuaIO_memzero(handle, sizeof(uv_process_t));

  LuaIO_process_data_t* data = NULL;
  if (forever) {
    data = LuaIO_malloc(sizeof(LuaIO_process_data_t));
    if (!data) {
      return luaL_error(L, "process.fork(options) error:no memory for LuaIO_process_data_t data.\n");
    lua_pushvalue(L, 1);
    data->options_ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
    data->options = options;
    data->cpu = cpu;
    handle->data = data;

  int ret = uv_spawn(uv_default_loop(), handle, options);
  if (ret < 0) {
    luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, data->options_ref);
    uv_close((uv_handle_t*)handle, NULL);
    return luaL_error(L, "process.fork(options) uv_spawn() error: %s\n", uv_strerror(ret));
  if (cpu >= 0) LuaIO_set_affinity(handle->pid, cpu);

  if (!LuaIO_process_signal_ptr) {
    uv_signal_init(uv_default_loop(), &LuaIO_process_signal);
    LuaIO_process_signal_ptr = &LuaIO_process_signal;
    uv_signal_start(LuaIO_process_signal_ptr, LuaIO_process_signal_callback, SIGQUIT);

  lua_pushinteger(L, handle->pid);

  return 1;
예제 #9
** Define an AI player.
**  @param l  Lua state.
static int CclDefineAiPlayer(lua_State *l)
	const unsigned int playerIdx = LuaToNumber(l, 0 + 1);

	Assert(playerIdx <= PlayerMax);
	DebugPrint("%p %d\n" _C_(void *)Players[playerIdx].Ai _C_ Players[playerIdx].AiEnabled);
	// FIXME: lose this:
	// Assert(!Players[playerIdx].Ai && Players[playerIdx].AiEnabled);

	PlayerAi *ai = Players[playerIdx].Ai = new PlayerAi;
	ai->Player = &Players[playerIdx];

	// Parse the list: (still everything could be changed!)
	const int args = lua_gettop(l);
	for (int j = 1; j < args; ++j) {
		const char *value = LuaToString(l, j + 1);

		if (!strcmp(value, "ai-type")) {
			const char *aiName = LuaToString(l, j + 1);
			CAiType *ait = GetAiTypesByName(aiName);
			if (ait == NULL) {
				lua_pushfstring(l, "ai-type not found: %s", aiName);
			ai->AiType = ait;
			ai->Script = ait->Script;
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "script")) {
			ai->Script = LuaToString(l, j + 1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "script-debug")) {
			ai->ScriptDebug = LuaToBoolean(l, j + 1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "sleep-cycles")) {
			ai->SleepCycles = LuaToNumber(l, j + 1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "force")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, j + 1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, j + 1);
			lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, 0 + 1);
			const int cclforceIdx = LuaToNumber(l, -1);
			const int forceIdx = ai->Force.FindFreeForce(AiForceRoleDefault);
			lua_pop(l, 1);

			for (int k = 1; k < subargs; ++k) {
				lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
				const char *value = LuaToString(l, -1);
				lua_pop(l, 1);
				if (!strcmp(value, "complete")) {
					ai->Force[forceIdx].Completed = true;
				} else if (!strcmp(value, "recruit")) {
					ai->Force[forceIdx].Completed = false;
				} else if (!strcmp(value, "attack")) {
					ai->Force[forceIdx].Attacking = true;
				} else if (!strcmp(value, "defend")) {
					ai->Force[forceIdx].Defending = true;
				} else if (!strcmp(value, "role")) {
					lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
					value = LuaToString(l, -1);
					lua_pop(l, 1);
					if (!strcmp(value, "attack")) {
						ai->Force[forceIdx].Role = AiForceRoleAttack;
					} else if (!strcmp(value, "defend")) {
						ai->Force[forceIdx].Role = AiForceRoleDefend;
					} else {
						LuaError(l, "Unsupported force tag: %s" _C_ value);
				} else if (!strcmp(value, "types")) {
					lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
					if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
						LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
					const int subsubargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
					for (int subk = 0; subk < subsubargs; ++subk) {
						lua_rawgeti(l, -1, subk + 1);
						const int num = LuaToNumber(l, -1);
						lua_pop(l, 1);
						lua_rawgeti(l, -1, subk + 1);
						const char *ident = LuaToString(l, -1);
						lua_pop(l, 1);
						AiUnitType queue;

						queue.Want = num;
						queue.Type = UnitTypeByIdent(ident);
					lua_pop(l, 1);
				} else if (!strcmp(value, "units")) {
					lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
					if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
						LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
					const int subsubargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
					for (int subk = 0; subk < subsubargs; ++subk) {
						lua_rawgeti(l, -1, subk + 1);
						const int num = LuaToNumber(l, -1);
						lua_pop(l, 1);
#if 0
						lua_rawgeti(l, -1, subk + 1);
						const char *ident = LuaToString(l, -1);
						lua_pop(l, 1);
					lua_pop(l, 1);
				} else if (!strcmp(value, "state")) {
					lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
					ai->Force[forceIdx].State = AiForceAttackingState(LuaToNumber(l, -1));
					lua_pop(l, 1);
				} else if (!strcmp(value, "goalx")) {
					lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
					ai->Force[forceIdx].GoalPos.x = LuaToNumber(l, -1);
					lua_pop(l, 1);
				} else if (!strcmp(value, "goaly")) {
					lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
					ai->Force[forceIdx].GoalPos.y = LuaToNumber(l, -1);
					lua_pop(l, 1);
				} else if (!strcmp(value, "must-transport")) {
					// Keep for backward compatibility
				} else {
					LuaError(l, "Unsupported tag: %s" _C_ value);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "reserve")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, j + 1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, j + 1);
			for (int k = 0; k < subargs; ++k) {
				lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
				const char *type = LuaToString(l, -1);
				lua_pop(l, 1);
				lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
				int num = LuaToNumber(l, -1);
				lua_pop(l, 1);
				const int resId = GetResourceIdByName(l, type);
				ai->Reserve[resId] = num;
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "used")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, j + 1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, j + 1);
			for (int k = 0; k < subargs; ++k) {
				lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
				const char *type = LuaToString(l, -1);
				lua_pop(l, 1);
				lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
				const int num = LuaToNumber(l, -1);
				lua_pop(l, 1);
				const int resId = GetResourceIdByName(l, type);
				ai->Used[resId] = num;
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "needed")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, j + 1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, j + 1);
			for (int k = 0; k < subargs; ++k) {
				lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
				const char *type = LuaToString(l, -1);
				lua_pop(l, 1);
				lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
				const int num = LuaToNumber(l, -1);
				lua_pop(l, 1);
				const int resId = GetResourceIdByName(l, type);
				ai->Needed[resId] = num;
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "collect")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, j + 1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, j + 1);
			for (int k = 0; k < subargs; ++k) {
				lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
				const char *type = LuaToString(l, -1);
				lua_pop(l, 1);
				lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
				const int num = LuaToNumber(l, -1);
				lua_pop(l, 1);
				const int resId = GetResourceIdByName(l, type);
				ai->Collect[resId] = num;
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "need-mask")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, j + 1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, j + 1);
			for (int k = 0; k < subargs; ++k) {
				lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
				const char *type = LuaToString(l, -1);
				lua_pop(l, 1);
				const int resId = GetResourceIdByName(l, type);
				ai->NeededMask |= (1 << resId);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "need-supply")) {
			ai->NeedSupply = true;
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "exploration")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, j + 1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, j + 1);
			for (int k = 0; k < subargs; ++k) {
				Vec2i pos;

				lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
				if (!lua_istable(l, -1) || lua_rawlen(l, -1) != 3) {
					LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
				lua_rawgeti(l, -1, 1);
				pos.x = LuaToNumber(l, -1);
				lua_pop(l, 1);
				lua_rawgeti(l, -1, 2);
				pos.y = LuaToNumber(l, -1);
				lua_pop(l, 1);
				lua_rawgeti(l, -1, 3);
				const int mask = LuaToNumber(l, -1);
				lua_pop(l, 1);
				lua_pop(l, 1);
				AiExplorationRequest queue(pos, mask);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "last-exploration-cycle")) {
			ai->LastExplorationGameCycle = LuaToNumber(l, j + 1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "last-can-not-move-cycle")) {
			ai->LastCanNotMoveGameCycle = LuaToNumber(l, j + 1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "unit-type")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, j + 1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, j + 1);
			int i = 0;
			if (subargs) {
				ai->UnitTypeRequests.resize(subargs / 2);
			for (int k = 0; k < subargs; ++k) {
				lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
				const char *ident = LuaToString(l, -1);
				lua_pop(l, 1);
				lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
				const int count = LuaToNumber(l, -1);
				lua_pop(l, 1);
				ai->UnitTypeRequests[i].Type = UnitTypeByIdent(ident);
				ai->UnitTypeRequests[i].Count = count;
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "upgrade")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, j + 1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, j + 1);
			for (int k = 0; k < subargs; ++k) {
				lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
				const char *ident = LuaToString(l, -1);
				lua_pop(l, 1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "research")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, j + 1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, j + 1);
			for (int k = 0; k < subargs; ++k) {
				lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
				const char *ident = LuaToString(l, -1);
				lua_pop(l, 1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "building")) {
			CclParseBuildQueue(l, ai, j + 1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "repair-building")) {
			ai->LastRepairBuilding = LuaToNumber(l, j + 1);
		} else {
			LuaError(l, "Unsupported tag: %s" _C_ value);
	return 0;
예제 #10
**  Parse a map.
**  @param l  Lua state.
static int CclStratagusMap(lua_State *l)
	int args = lua_gettop(l);
	for (int j = 0; j < args; ++j) {
		const char *value = LuaToString(l, j + 1);

		if (!strcmp(value, "version")) {
			//Wyrmgus start
//			char buf[32];
			char buf[64];
			//Wyrmgus end

			const char *version = LuaToString(l, j + 1);
			strncpy(buf, VERSION, sizeof(buf));
			if (strcmp(buf, version)) {
				fprintf(stderr, "Warning not saved with this version.\n");
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "uid")) {
			Map.Info.MapUID = LuaToNumber(l, j + 1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "description")) {
			Map.Info.Description = LuaToString(l, j + 1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "the-map")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, j + 1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
			int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, j + 1);
			for (int k = 0; k < subargs; ++k) {
				const char *value = LuaToString(l, j + 1, k + 1);

				if (!strcmp(value, "size")) {
					lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
					CclGetPos(l, &Map.Info.MapWidth, &Map.Info.MapHeight);
					lua_pop(l, 1);

					delete[] Map.Fields;
					Map.Fields = new CMapField[Map.Info.MapWidth * Map.Info.MapHeight];
					// FIXME: this should be CreateMap or InitMap?
				} else if (!strcmp(value, "fog-of-war")) {
					Map.NoFogOfWar = false;
				} else if (!strcmp(value, "no-fog-of-war")) {
					Map.NoFogOfWar = true;
				} else if (!strcmp(value, "filename")) {
					Map.Info.Filename = LuaToString(l, j + 1, k + 1);
				} else if (!strcmp(value, "map-fields")) {
					lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
					if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
						LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
					const int subsubargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
					if (subsubargs != Map.Info.MapWidth * Map.Info.MapHeight) {
						fprintf(stderr, "Wrong tile table length: %d\n", subsubargs);
					for (int i = 0; i < subsubargs; ++i) {
						lua_rawgeti(l, -1, i + 1);
						if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
							LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
						lua_pop(l, 1);
					lua_pop(l, 1);
				} else {
					LuaError(l, "Unsupported tag: %s" _C_ value);
		} else {
			LuaError(l, "Unsupported tag: %s" _C_ value);
	return 0;
예제 #11
**  Glue between c and scheme. Allows to specify some global game sounds
**  in a ccl file.
**  @param l  Lua state.
static int CclDefineGameSounds(lua_State *l)
	//FIXME: should allow to define ALL the game sounds

	const int args = lua_gettop(l);
	for (int j = 0; j < args; ++j) {
		const char *value = LuaToString(l, j + 1);

		LuaUserData *data = NULL;

		// let's handle now the different cases
		if (!strcmp(value, "click")) {
			if (!lua_isuserdata(l, j + 1)
				|| (data = (LuaUserData *)lua_touserdata(l, j + 1))->Type != LuaSoundType) {
				LuaError(l, "Sound id expected");
			GameSounds.Click.Sound = (CSound *)data->Data;
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "transport-docking")) {
			if (!lua_isuserdata(l, j + 1)
				|| (data = (LuaUserData *)lua_touserdata(l, j + 1))->Type != LuaSoundType) {
				LuaError(l, "Sound id expected");
			GameSounds.Docking.Sound = (CSound *)data->Data;
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "placement-error")) {
			SetSoundConfigRace(l, j, GameSounds.PlacementError);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "placement-success")) {
			SetSoundConfigRace(l, j, GameSounds.PlacementSuccess);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "work-complete")) {
			SetSoundConfigRace(l, j, GameSounds.WorkComplete);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "research-complete")) {
			SetSoundConfigRace(l, j, GameSounds.ResearchComplete);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "not-enough-res")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, j + 1) || lua_rawlen(l, j + 1) != 3) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
			lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, 1);
			const char *resName = LuaToString(l, -1);
			lua_pop(l, 1);
			const int resId = GetResourceIdByName(l, resName);
			lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, 2);
			const char *raceName = LuaToString(l, -1);
			lua_pop(l, 1);
			const int raceIndex = PlayerRaces.GetRaceIndexByName(raceName);
			if (raceIndex == -1) {
				LuaError(l, "Unknown race: %s" _C_ raceName);
			lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, 3);
			if (!lua_isuserdata(l, -1)
				|| (data = (LuaUserData *)lua_touserdata(l, -1))->Type != LuaSoundType) {
				LuaError(l, "Sound id expected");
			lua_pop(l, 1);
			GameSounds.NotEnoughRes[raceIndex][resId].Sound = (CSound *)data->Data;
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "not-enough-food")) {
			SetSoundConfigRace(l, j, GameSounds.NotEnoughFood);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "rescue")) {
			SetSoundConfigRace(l, j, GameSounds.Rescue);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "building-construction")) {
			SetSoundConfigRace(l, j, GameSounds.BuildingConstruction);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "chat-message")) {
			if (!lua_isuserdata(l, j + 1)
				|| (data = (LuaUserData *)lua_touserdata(l, j + 1))->Type != LuaSoundType) {
				LuaError(l, "Sound id expected");
			GameSounds.ChatMessage.Sound = (CSound *)data->Data;
		} else {
			LuaError(l, "Unsupported tag: %s" _C_ value);
	return 0;
예제 #12
**  Define a world map tile.
**  @param l  Lua state.
static int CclDefineWorldMapTile(lua_State *l)
	LuaCheckArgs(l, 2);
	if (!lua_istable(l, 2)) {
		LuaError(l, "incorrect argument (expected table)");

	std::pair<int,int> tile_position;
	CclGetPos(l, &tile_position.first, &tile_position.second, 1);
	WorldMapTile *tile = new WorldMapTile;
	tile->Position.x = tile_position.first;
	tile->Position.y = tile_position.second;
	//  Parse the list:
	for (lua_pushnil(l); lua_next(l, 2); lua_pop(l, 1)) {
		const char *value = LuaToString(l, -2);
		if (!strcmp(value, "World")) {
			CWorld *world = CWorld::GetWorld(LuaToString(l, -1));
			if (world != nullptr) {
				tile->World = world;
			} else {
				LuaError(l, "World doesn't exist.");
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "Terrain")) {
			int terrain = GetWorldMapTerrainTypeId(LuaToString(l, -1));
			if (terrain != -1) {
				tile->Terrain = terrain;
			} else {
				LuaError(l, "Terrain doesn't exist.");
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "Resource")) {
			int resource = GetResourceIdByName(LuaToString(l, -1));
			if (resource != -1) {
				tile->Resource = resource;
			} else {
				LuaError(l, "Resource doesn't exist.");
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "Capital")) {
			tile->Capital = LuaToBoolean(l, -1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "CulturalTerrainNames")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument (expected table)");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
			for (int j = 0; j < subargs; ++j) {
				int terrain = GetWorldMapTerrainTypeId(LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1));
				if (terrain == -1) {
					LuaError(l, "Terrain doesn't exist.");
				std::string name_type = "terrain-" + NameToIdent(WorldMapTerrainTypes[terrain]->Name);

				CCivilization *civilization = CCivilization::GetCivilization(LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1));
				if (!civilization) {

				std::string cultural_name = LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1);
				tile->CulturalTerrainNames[std::pair<int,int>(terrain, civilization->ID)].push_back(TransliterateText(cultural_name));
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "FactionCulturalTerrainNames")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument (expected table)");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
			for (int j = 0; j < subargs; ++j) {
				int terrain = GetWorldMapTerrainTypeId(LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1));
				if (terrain == -1) {
					LuaError(l, "Terrain doesn't exist.");
				std::string name_type = "terrain-" + NameToIdent(WorldMapTerrainTypes[terrain]->Name);


				int faction = PlayerRaces.GetFactionIndexByName(LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1));
				if (faction == -1) {
					LuaError(l, "Faction doesn't exist.");
				std::string cultural_name = LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1);
				tile->FactionCulturalTerrainNames[std::pair<int,CFaction *>(terrain, PlayerRaces.Factions[faction])].push_back(TransliterateText(cultural_name));
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "CulturalResourceNames")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument (expected table)");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
			for (int j = 0; j < subargs; ++j) {
				int resource = GetResourceIdByName(LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1));
				if (resource == -1) {
					LuaError(l, "Resource doesn't exist.");
				std::string name_type = "resource-tile-" + DefaultResourceNames[resource];

				CCivilization *civilization = CCivilization::GetCivilization(LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1));
				if (!civilization) {

				std::string cultural_name = LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1);
				tile->CulturalResourceNames[std::pair<int,int>(resource, civilization->ID)].push_back(TransliterateText(cultural_name));
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "FactionCulturalResourceNames")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument (expected table)");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
			for (int j = 0; j < subargs; ++j) {
				int resource = GetResourceIdByName(LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1));
				if (resource == -1) {
					LuaError(l, "Resource doesn't exist.");
				std::string name_type = "resource-tile-" + DefaultResourceNames[resource];

				int faction = PlayerRaces.GetFactionIndexByName(LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1));
				if (faction == -1) {
					LuaError(l, "Faction doesn't exist.");
				std::string cultural_name = LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1);
				tile->FactionCulturalResourceNames[std::pair<int,CFaction *>(resource, PlayerRaces.Factions[faction])].push_back(TransliterateText(cultural_name));
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "CulturalSettlementNames")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument (expected table)");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
			for (int j = 0; j < subargs; ++j) {

				CCivilization *civilization = CCivilization::GetCivilization(LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1));
				if (!civilization) {

				std::string cultural_name = LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "FactionCulturalSettlementNames")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument (expected table)");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
			for (int j = 0; j < subargs; ++j) {
				int faction = PlayerRaces.GetFactionIndexByName(LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1));
				if (faction == -1) {
					LuaError(l, "Faction doesn't exist.");
				std::string cultural_name = LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "Claims")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument (expected table)");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
			for (int j = 0; j < subargs; ++j) {
				int faction = PlayerRaces.GetFactionIndexByName(LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1));
				if (faction == -1) {
					LuaError(l, "Faction doesn't exist.");
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "HistoricalOwners")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
			for (int j = 0; j < subargs; ++j) {
				int year = LuaToNumber(l, -1, j + 1);
				std::string owner_faction_name = LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1);
				if (!owner_faction_name.empty()) {
					int owner_faction = PlayerRaces.GetFactionIndexByName(owner_faction_name);
					if (owner_faction == -1) {
						LuaError(l, "Faction \"%s\" doesn't exist." _C_ owner_faction_name.c_str());
					tile->HistoricalOwners[year] = PlayerRaces.Factions[owner_faction];
				} else {
					tile->HistoricalOwners[year] = nullptr;
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "HistoricalClaims")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
			for (int j = 0; j < subargs; ++j) {
				int year = LuaToNumber(l, -1, j + 1);
				std::string claimant_faction_name = LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1);
				int claimant_faction = PlayerRaces.GetFactionIndexByName(claimant_faction_name);
				if (claimant_faction == -1) {
					LuaError(l, "Faction \"%s\" doesn't exist." _C_ claimant_faction_name.c_str());
				tile->HistoricalClaims[year] = PlayerRaces.Factions[claimant_faction];
		} else {
			LuaError(l, "Unsupported tag: %s" _C_ value);
	if (tile->World == nullptr) {
		LuaError(l, "Tile (%d, %d) is not assigned to any world." _C_ tile->Position.x _C_ tile->Position.y);
	return 0;
예제 #13
**  Define a province.
**  @param l  Lua state.
static int CclDefineProvince(lua_State *l)
	LuaCheckArgs(l, 2);
	if (!lua_istable(l, 2)) {
		LuaError(l, "incorrect argument (expected table)");

	std::string province_name = LuaToString(l, 1);
	CProvince *province = GetProvince(province_name);
	if (!province) {
		province = new CProvince;
		province->Name = province_name;
		province->ID = Provinces.size();
	std::string name_type = "province";
	//  Parse the list:
	for (lua_pushnil(l); lua_next(l, 2); lua_pop(l, 1)) {
		const char *value = LuaToString(l, -2);
		if (!strcmp(value, "World")) {
			CWorld *world = CWorld::GetWorld(LuaToString(l, -1));
			if (world != nullptr) {
				province->World = world;
			} else {
				LuaError(l, "World doesn't exist.");
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "Water")) {
			province->Water = LuaToBoolean(l, -1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "Coastal")) {
			province->Coastal = LuaToBoolean(l, -1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "CulturalNames")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument (expected table)");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
			for (int j = 0; j < subargs; ++j) {
				CCivilization *civilization = CCivilization::GetCivilization(LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1));
				if (!civilization) {

				std::string cultural_name = LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1);
				province->CulturalNames[civilization->ID] = TransliterateText(cultural_name);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "FactionCulturalNames")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument (expected table)");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
			for (int j = 0; j < subargs; ++j) {

				int faction = PlayerRaces.GetFactionIndexByName(LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1));
				if (faction == -1) {
					LuaError(l, "Faction doesn't exist.");
				std::string cultural_name = LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1);
				province->FactionCulturalNames[PlayerRaces.Factions[faction]] = TransliterateText(cultural_name);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "Claims")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument (expected table)");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
			for (int j = 0; j < subargs; ++j) {
				int faction = PlayerRaces.GetFactionIndexByName(LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1));
				if (faction == -1) {
					LuaError(l, "Faction doesn't exist.");
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "Regions")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
			for (int j = 0; j < subargs; ++j) {
				CRegion *region = GetRegion(LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1));
				if (region == nullptr) {
					LuaError(l, "Region doesn't exist.");
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "HistoricalOwners")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
			for (int j = 0; j < subargs; ++j) {
				int year = LuaToNumber(l, -1, j + 1);
				std::string owner_faction_name = LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1);
				if (!owner_faction_name.empty()) {
					int owner_faction = PlayerRaces.GetFactionIndexByName(owner_faction_name);
					if (owner_faction == -1) {
						LuaError(l, "Faction \"%s\" doesn't exist." _C_ owner_faction_name.c_str());
					province->HistoricalOwners[year] = PlayerRaces.Factions[owner_faction];
				} else {
					province->HistoricalOwners[year] = nullptr;
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "HistoricalClaims")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
			for (int j = 0; j < subargs; ++j) {
				int year = LuaToNumber(l, -1, j + 1);
				std::string claimant_faction_name = LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1);
				int claimant_faction = PlayerRaces.GetFactionIndexByName(claimant_faction_name);
				if (claimant_faction == -1) {
					LuaError(l, "Faction \"%s\" doesn't exist." _C_ claimant_faction_name.c_str());
				province->HistoricalClaims[year] = PlayerRaces.Factions[claimant_faction];
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "HistoricalCultures")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
			for (int j = 0; j < subargs; ++j) {
				int year = LuaToNumber(l, -1, j + 1);
				std::string historical_civilization_name = LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1);
				if (!historical_civilization_name.empty()) {
					CCivilization *historical_civilization = CCivilization::GetCivilization(historical_civilization_name);
					if (historical_civilization) {
						province->HistoricalCultures[year] = historical_civilization->ID;
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "HistoricalPopulation")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
			for (int j = 0; j < subargs; ++j) {
				int year = LuaToNumber(l, -1, j + 1);
				int historical_population = LuaToNumber(l, -1, j + 1);
				province->HistoricalPopulation[year] = historical_population;
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "HistoricalSettlementBuildings")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
			for (int j = 0; j < subargs; ++j) {
				int year = LuaToNumber(l, -1, j + 1);
				std::string building_type_ident = LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1);
				int building_type = UnitTypeIdByIdent(building_type_ident);
				if (building_type == -1) {
					LuaError(l, "Unit type \"%s\" doesn't exist." _C_ building_type_ident.c_str());
				province->HistoricalSettlementBuildings[building_type][year] = LuaToBoolean(l, -1, j + 1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "HistoricalModifiers")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
			const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
			for (int j = 0; j < subargs; ++j) {
				int year = LuaToNumber(l, -1, j + 1);
				std::string upgrade_ident = LuaToString(l, -1, j + 1);
				CUpgrade *modifier = CUpgrade::Get(upgrade_ident);
				if (modifier == nullptr) {
					LuaError(l, "Upgrade \"%s\" doesn't exist." _C_ upgrade_ident.c_str());
				province->HistoricalModifiers[modifier][year] = LuaToBoolean(l, -1, j + 1);
		} else {
			LuaError(l, "Unsupported tag: %s" _C_ value);
	if (province->World == nullptr) {
		LuaError(l, "Province \"%s\" is not assigned to any world." _C_ province->Name.c_str());
	return 0;
예제 #14
파일: lproclib.c 프로젝트: debanshu/loski
static int lp_create(lua_State *L)
	int err;
	loski_Process *proc;
	const char *exec;
	const char *path = NULL;
	char **argv = NULL;
	char *const *envl = NULL;
	FILE *stdin = NULL;
	FILE *stdout = NULL;
	FILE *stderr = NULL;
	if (lua_isstring(L, 1)) {
		int i;
		int argc = lua_gettop(L);
		argv = allocargs(L, argc); /* TODO: memory leak in case of arg erros */
		argv[0] = (char *)luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
		for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
			argv[i] = (char *)luaL_checkstring(L, i+1);
		exec = argv[0];
	} else if (lua_istable(L, 1)) {
		lua_settop(L, 1);
		exec = getstrfield(L, 1, "execfile");
		path = optstrfield(L, 1, "runpath", path);
		stdin = optfilefield(L, 1, "stdin");
		stdout = optfilefield(L, 1, "stdout");
		stderr = optfilefield(L, 1, "stderr");
		lua_getfield(L, 1, "arguments");
		if (lua_istable(L, 2)) {
			size_t i;
			size_t argc = lua_rawlen(L, 2);
			argv = allocargs(L, argc+1); /* TODO: memory leak in case of arg erros */
			argv[0] = (char *)exec;
			for(i = 1; i <= argc; ++i) {
				lua_rawgeti(L, 2, i);
				luaL_argcheck(L, 1, !lua_isstring(L, 3),
					"field "LUA_QL("arguments")" must contain only strings");
				argv[i] = (char *)lua_tostring(L, 3);
				lua_pop(L, 1); /* pop an argument string */
		} else if (!lua_isnil(L, 2)) {
			luaL_argerror(L, 1, "field "LUA_QL("arguments")" must be a table");
		lua_pop(L, 1); /* pop field 'arguments' */
		lua_getfield(L, 1, "environment");
		if (lua_istable(L, 2)) {
			envl = table2env(L);
		} else if (!lua_isnil(L, 2)) {
			luaL_argerror(L, 1, "field "LUA_QL("environment")" must be a table");
		lua_pop(L, 1); /* pop field 'environment' */
	} else {
		return luaL_argerror(L, 1, "table or string expected");
	proc = newproc(L); /* push a new proc structure on the stack */
	err = loski_createprocess(proc, exec, path, argv, envl, stdin, stdout, stderr);
	freememory(L, (void *)argv);
	freememory(L, (void *)envl);
	return pushresults(L, 1, err); /* return process */
예제 #15
**  Define a text.
**  @param l  Lua state.
static int CclDefineText(lua_State *l)
	LuaCheckArgs(l, 2);
	if (!lua_istable(l, 2)) {
		LuaError(l, "incorrect argument (expected table)");

	std::string text_name = LuaToString(l, 1);
	CText *text = GetText(text_name);
	if (!text) {
		text = new CText;
		text->Name = text_name;
	//  Parse the list:
	for (lua_pushnil(l); lua_next(l, 2); lua_pop(l, 1)) {
		const char *value = LuaToString(l, -2);
		if (!strcmp(value, "Author")) {
			text->Author = LuaToString(l, -1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "Translator")) {
			text->Translator = LuaToString(l, -1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "Publisher")) {
			text->Publisher = LuaToString(l, -1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "CopyrightNotice")) {
			text->CopyrightNotice = LuaToString(l, -1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "Notes")) {
			text->Notes = LuaToString(l, -1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "Year")) {
			text->Year = LuaToNumber(l, -1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "InitialPage")) {
			text->InitialPage = LuaToNumber(l, -1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "Chapters")) {
			const int args = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
			for (int j = 0; j < args; ++j) {
				lua_rawgeti(l, -1, j + 1);
				CChapter *chapter = new CChapter;
				if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
					LuaError(l, "incorrect argument (expected table for variations)");
				const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
				for (int k = 0; k < subargs; ++k) {
					value = LuaToString(l, -1, k + 1);
					lua_rawgeti(l, -1, k + 1);
					if (!strcmp(value, "name")) {
						chapter->Name = LuaToString(l, -1);
					} else if (!strcmp(value, "introduction")) {
						chapter->Introduction = LuaToBoolean(l, -1);
					} else if (!strcmp(value, "text")) {
						const int subsubargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
						for (int n = 0; n < subsubargs; ++n) {
							chapter->Pages.push_back(LuaToString(l, -1, n + 1));
					} else {
						LuaError(l, "Unsupported tag: %s" _C_ value);
					lua_pop(l, 1);
				lua_pop(l, 1);
		} else {
			LuaError(l, "Unsupported tag: %s" _C_ value);
	return 0;
예제 #16
**  Define a button.
**  @param l  Lua state.
static int CclDefineButton(lua_State *l)
	LuaCheckArgs(l, 1);
	if (!lua_istable(l, 1)) {
		LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
	ButtonAction ba;

	// Parse the arguments
	while (lua_next(l, 1)) {
		const char *value = LuaToString(l, -2);
		if (!strcmp(value, "Pos")) {
			ba.Pos = LuaToNumber(l, -1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "Level")) {
			ba.Level = LuaToNumber(l, -1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "AlwaysShow")) {
			ba.AlwaysShow = LuaToBoolean(l, -1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "Icon")) {
			ba.Icon.Name = LuaToString(l, -1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "Action")) {
			value = LuaToString(l, -1);
			if (!strcmp(value, "move")) {
				ba.Action = ButtonMove;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "stop")) {
				ba.Action = ButtonStop;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "attack")) {
				ba.Action = ButtonAttack;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "repair")) {
				ba.Action = ButtonRepair;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "harvest")) {
				ba.Action = ButtonHarvest;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "button")) {
				ba.Action = ButtonButton;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "build")) {
				ba.Action = ButtonBuild;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "train-unit")) {
				ba.Action = ButtonTrain;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "patrol")) {
				ba.Action = ButtonPatrol;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "stand-ground")) {
				ba.Action = ButtonStandGround;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "attack-ground")) {
				ba.Action = ButtonAttackGround;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "return-goods")) {
				ba.Action = ButtonReturn;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "cast-spell")) {
				ba.Action = ButtonSpellCast;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "research")) {
				ba.Action = ButtonResearch;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "upgrade-to")) {
				ba.Action = ButtonUpgradeTo;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "unload")) {
				ba.Action = ButtonUnload;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "cancel")) {
				ba.Action = ButtonCancel;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "cancel-upgrade")) {
				ba.Action = ButtonCancelUpgrade;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "cancel-train-unit")) {
				ba.Action = ButtonCancelTrain;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "cancel-build")) {
				ba.Action = ButtonCancelBuild;
			} else {
				LuaError(l, "Unsupported button action: %s" _C_ value);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "Value")) {
			if (!lua_isnumber(l, -1) && !lua_isstring(l, -1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
			char buf[64];
			const char *s2;

			if (lua_isnumber(l, -1)) {
				snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%ld", (long int)lua_tonumber(l, -1));
				s2 = buf;
			} else {
				s2 = lua_tostring(l, -1);
			ba.ValueStr = s2;
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "Allowed")) {
			value = LuaToString(l, -1);
			if (!strcmp(value, "check-true")) {
				ba.Allowed = ButtonCheckTrue;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "check-false")) {
				ba.Allowed = ButtonCheckFalse;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "check-upgrade")) {
				ba.Allowed = ButtonCheckUpgrade;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "check-unit-variable")) {
				ba.Allowed = ButtonCheckUnitVariable;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "check-units-or")) {
				ba.Allowed = ButtonCheckUnitsOr;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "check-units-and")) {
				ba.Allowed = ButtonCheckUnitsAnd;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "check-units-not")) {
				ba.Allowed = ButtonCheckUnitsNot;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "check-network")) {
				ba.Allowed = ButtonCheckNetwork;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "check-no-network")) {
				ba.Allowed = ButtonCheckNoNetwork;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "check-no-work")) {
				ba.Allowed = ButtonCheckNoWork;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "check-no-research")) {
				ba.Allowed = ButtonCheckNoResearch;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "check-attack")) {
				ba.Allowed = ButtonCheckAttack;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "check-upgrade-to")) {
				ba.Allowed = ButtonCheckUpgradeTo;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "check-research")) {
				ba.Allowed = ButtonCheckResearch;
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "check-single-research")) {
				ba.Allowed = ButtonCheckSingleResearch;
			} else {
				LuaError(l, "Unsupported action: %s" _C_ value);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "AllowArg")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
			std::string allowstr;
			const unsigned int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);

			for (unsigned int k = 0; k < subargs; ++k) {
				const char *s2 = LuaToString(l, -1, k + 1);
				allowstr += s2;
				if (k != subargs - 1) {
					allowstr += ",";
			ba.AllowStr = allowstr;
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "Key")) {
			ba.Key = *LuaToString(l, -1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "Hint")) {
			ba.Hint = LuaToString(l, -1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "Description")) {
			ba.Description = LuaToString(l, -1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "CommentSound")) {
			ba.CommentSound.Name = LuaToString(l, -1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "ButtonCursor")) {
			ba.ButtonCursor = LuaToString(l, -1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "Popup")) {
			ba.Popup = LuaToString(l, -1);
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "ForUnit")) {
			if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
				LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
			// FIXME: ba.UnitMask shouldn't be a string
			std::string umask = ",";
			const unsigned subargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
			for (unsigned int k = 0; k < subargs; ++k) {
				const char *s2 = LuaToString(l, -1, k + 1);
				umask += s2;
				umask += ",";
			ba.UnitMask = umask;
			if (!strncmp(ba.UnitMask.c_str(), ",*,", 3)) {
				ba.UnitMask = "*";
		} else {
			LuaError(l, "Unsupported tag: %s" _C_ value);
		lua_pop(l, 1);
	AddButton(ba.Pos, ba.Level, ba.Icon.Name, ba.Action, ba.ValueStr,
			  ba.Allowed, ba.AllowStr, ba.Key, ba.Hint, ba.Description, ba.CommentSound.Name,
			  ba.ButtonCursor, ba.UnitMask, ba.Popup, ba.AlwaysShow);
	return 0;
예제 #17
파일: sys_fs.c 프로젝트: ELMERzark/luasys
 * Arguments: ..., directory (string)
static int
sys_dir_open (lua_State *L, const int idx, struct dir *dp)
  const char *dir = luaL_checkstring(L, idx);

#ifndef _WIN32
  if (dp->data)

  dp->data = opendir(*dir == '\0' ? "/" : dir);

  if (dp->data) return 1;
  char *filename = (char *) dp->data.cFileName;

  if (*dir == '\0' || (*dir == '/' && dir[1] == '\0')) {
    /* list drive letters */
    *filename++ = 'A' - 1;
    *filename++ = ':';
    *filename++ = '\\';
    *filename = '\0';

    dp->is_root = 1;
    return 1;
  } else {
    const int len = lua_rawlen(L, idx);

    /* build search path */
    if (len >= MAX_PATH - 2)  /* concat "\\*" */
      return 0;
    memcpy(filename, dir, len);
    filename += len - 1;
    if (*filename != '\\' && *filename != '/')
      *(++filename) = '\\';
    *(++filename) = '*';
    *(++filename) = '\0';

    if (dp->h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)

      void *os_path = utf8_to_filename((char *) dp->data.cFileName);
      if (!os_path)
        return sys_seterror(L, ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);

      dp->h = is_WinNT
       ? FindFirstFileW(os_path, &dp->data)
       : FindFirstFileA(os_path, (WIN32_FIND_DATAA *) &dp->data);


    if (dp->h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
      dp->is_root = 0;
      return 1;
  return sys_seterror(L, 0);
예제 #18
파일: ssl.c 프로젝트: witchu/lua-openssl
static int openssl_ssl_ctx_verify_mode(lua_State*L)
  SSL_CTX* ctx = CHECK_OBJECT(1, SSL_CTX, "openssl.ssl_ctx");
  if (lua_gettop(L) > 1)
    size_t i;
    int mode = 0;
    luaL_checktable(L, 2);
    for (i = 0; i < lua_rawlen(L, 2); i++)
      lua_rawgeti(L, 2, i + 1);
      mode |= auxiliar_checkoption(L, -1, NULL, sVerifyMode_Options, iVerifyMode_Options);
      lua_pop(L, 1);
    luaL_argcheck(L, lua_isnoneornil(L, 3) || lua_isfunction(L, 3), 3, "must be function callback");

    if (lua_isfunction(L, 3))
      lua_pushvalue(L, 3);
      openssl_setvalue(L, ctx, "verify_cb");
      SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, mode, openssl_verify_cb);
      SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, mode, openssl_verify_cb);

    return 0;
    int i = 0;
    int mode = SSL_CTX_get_verify_mode(ctx);
    lua_pushinteger(L, mode);
    i += 1;

    if (mode ==  SSL_VERIFY_NONE)
      lua_pushstring(L, "none");
      i += 1;
      if (mode & SSL_VERIFY_PEER)
        lua_pushstring(L, "peer");
        i += 1;
        lua_pushstring(L, "fail_if_no_peer_cert");
        i += 1;
      if (mode & SSL_VERIFY_CLIENT_ONCE)
        lua_pushstring(L, "client_once");
        i += 1;
    return i;
  return 0;
예제 #19
파일: lsprite.c 프로젝트: 109383670/ejoy2d
static int
lsettext(lua_State *L) {
	struct sprite *s = self(L);
	if (s->type != TYPE_LABEL) {
		return luaL_error(L, "Only label can set rich text");
	if (lua_isnoneornil(L, 2)) {
		s->data.rich_text = NULL;
		lua_setuservalue(L, 1);
		return 0;
  if (lua_isstring(L, 2)) {
    s->data.rich_text = (struct rich_text*)lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(struct rich_text));
    s->data.rich_text->text = lua_tostring(L, 2);
    s->data.rich_text->count = 0;
		s->data.rich_text->fields = NULL;

		lua_createtable(L, 2, 0);
		lua_pushvalue(L, 2);
		lua_rawseti(L, -2, 1);
		lua_pushvalue(L, 3);
		lua_rawseti(L, -2, 2);
		lua_setuservalue(L, 1);
    return 0;
  s->data.rich_text = NULL;
  if (!lua_istable(L, 2) || lua_rawlen(L, 2) != 2) {
    return luaL_error(L, "rich text must has a table with two items");
  lua_rawgeti(L, 2, 1);
  const char *txt = luaL_checkstring(L, -1);
  lua_pop(L, 1);
  lua_rawgeti(L, 2, 2);
	int cnt = lua_rawlen(L, -1);
  lua_pop(L, 1);
	struct rich_text *rich = (struct rich_text*)lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(struct rich_text));
	rich->text = txt;
  rich->count = cnt;
	int size = cnt * sizeof(struct label_field);
	rich->fields = (struct label_field*)lua_newuserdata(L, size);

	struct label_field *fields = rich->fields;
	int i;
  lua_rawgeti(L, 2, 2);
	for (i=0; i<cnt; i++) {
		lua_rawgeti(L, -1, i+1);
		if (!lua_istable(L,-1)) {
			return luaL_error(L, "rich text unit must be table");

		lua_rawgeti(L, -1, 1);  //start
		((struct label_field*)(fields+i))->start = luaL_checkinteger(L, -1);
		lua_pop(L, 1);
    lua_rawgeti(L, -1, 2);  //end
		((struct label_field*)(fields+i))->end = luaL_checkinteger(L, -1);
    lua_pop(L, 1);

		lua_rawgeti(L, -1, 3);  //color
		((struct label_field*)(fields+i))->color = luaL_checkunsigned(L, -1); 
		lua_pop(L, 1);

		//extend here

		lua_pop(L, 1);
  lua_pop(L, 1);

	lua_pushvalue(L, 3);
	lua_rawseti(L, -2, 1);
	lua_pushvalue(L, 4);
	lua_rawseti(L, -2, 2);
	lua_rawgeti(L, 2, 1);
	lua_rawseti(L, -2, 3);
	lua_setuservalue(L, 1);

	s->data.rich_text = rich;
	return 0;
예제 #20
파일: lzlib.c 프로젝트: live-clones/luatex
static int lzlib_compress(lua_State *L)
    const char *next_in = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
    int avail_in = lua_rawlen(L, 1);
    int level = luaL_optint(L, 2, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);
    int method = luaL_optint(L, 3, Z_DEFLATED);
    int windowBits = luaL_optint(L, 4, 15);
    int memLevel = luaL_optint(L, 5, 8);
    int strategy = luaL_optint(L, 6, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY);

    int ret;
    z_stream zs;
    luaL_Buffer b;
    luaL_buffinit(L, &b);

    zs.zalloc = Z_NULL;
    zs.zfree = Z_NULL;

    zs.next_out = Z_NULL;
    zs.avail_out = 0;
    zs.next_in = Z_NULL;
    zs.avail_in = 0;

    ret = deflateInit2(&zs, level, method, windowBits, memLevel, strategy);

    if (ret != Z_OK)
        lua_pushnumber(L, ret);
        return 2;

    zs.next_in = (Bytef*)next_in;
    zs.avail_in = avail_in;

        zs.next_out = (Bytef*)luaL_prepbuffer(&b);
        zs.avail_out = LUAL_BUFFERSIZE;

        /* munch some more */
        ret = deflate(&zs, Z_FINISH);

        /* push gathered data */
        luaL_addsize(&b, LUAL_BUFFERSIZE - zs.avail_out);

        /* done processing? */
        if (ret == Z_STREAM_END)

        /* error condition? */
        if (ret != Z_OK)

    /* cleanup */

    lua_pushnumber(L, ret);
    return 2;
예제 #21
**  Define helper for AI.
**  @param l  Lua state.
**  @todo  FIXME: the first unit could be a list see ../doc/ccl/ai.html
static int CclDefineAiHelper(lua_State *l)

	const int args = lua_gettop(l);
	for (int j = 0; j < args; ++j) {
		if (!lua_istable(l, j + 1)) {
			LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
		const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, j + 1);
		int k = 0;
		lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
		const char *value = LuaToString(l, -1);
		lua_pop(l, 1);

		// Type build,train,research/upgrade.
		int what;

		if (!strcmp(value, "build")) {
			what = -1;
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "train")) {
			what = -1;
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "upgrade")) {
			what = -1;
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "research")) {
			what = -1;
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "unit-limit")) {
			what = -1;
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "unit-equiv")) {
			what = 5;
		} else if (!strcmp(value, "repair")) {
			what = -1;
		} else {
			LuaError(l, "unknown tag: %s" _C_ value);
			what = -1;
		if (what == -1) {
		// Get the base unit type, which could handle the action.

		// FIXME: support value as list!
		lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
		value = LuaToString(l, -1);
		lua_pop(l, 1);
		CUnitType *base = UnitTypeByIdent(value);
		if (!base) {
			LuaError(l, "unknown unittype: %s" _C_ value);

		// Get the unit types, which could be produced
		for (; k < subargs; ++k) {
			lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
			value = LuaToString(l, -1);
			lua_pop(l, 1);
			CUnitType *type = UnitTypeByIdent(value);
			if (!type) {
				LuaError(l, "unknown unittype: %s" _C_ value);
			AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.Equiv, base->Slot, *type);
			AiNewUnitTypeEquiv(base, type);
	return 0;
예제 #22
int pdf_new_string(lua_State *L) {
  const char* s = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
  int l = lua_rawlen(L, 1);
  lua_pushlightuserdata(L, texpdf_new_string(s, l));
  return 1;
예제 #23
파일: process.c 프로젝트: kidaa/luv
static int luv_spawn(lua_State* L) {
  uv_process_t* handle;
  uv_process_options_t options;
  size_t i, len = 0;
  int ret;

  memset(&options, 0, sizeof(options));
  options.exit_cb = exit_cb;
  options.file = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
  options.flags = 0;

  // Make sure the 2nd argument is a table
  luaL_checktype(L, 2, LUA_TTABLE);

  // get the args list
  lua_getfield(L, 2, "args");
  // +1 for inserted command at front
  if (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TTABLE) {
    len = 1 + lua_rawlen(L, -1);
  else if (lua_type(L, -1) != LUA_TNIL) {
    return luaL_argerror(L, 3, "args option must be table");
  else {
    len = 1;
  // +1 for null terminator at end
  options.args = malloc((len + 1) * sizeof(*options.args));
  if (!options.args) {
    return luaL_error(L, "Problem allocating args");
  options.args[0] = (char*)options.file;
  for (i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
    lua_rawgeti(L, -1, i);
    options.args[i] = (char*)lua_tostring(L, -1);
    lua_pop(L, 1);
  options.args[len] = NULL;
  lua_pop(L, 1);

  // get the stdio list
  lua_getfield(L, 2, "stdio");
  if (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TTABLE) {
    options.stdio_count = len = lua_rawlen(L, -1);
    options.stdio = malloc(len * sizeof(*options.stdio));
    if (!options.stdio) {
      return luaL_error(L, "Problem allocating stdio");
    for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
      lua_rawgeti(L, -1, i + 1);
      // integers are assumed to be file descripters
      if (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TNUMBER) {
        options.stdio[i].flags = UV_INHERIT_FD;
        options.stdio[i].data.fd = lua_tointeger(L, -1);
      // userdata is assumed to be a uv_stream_t instance
      else if (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TUSERDATA) {
        uv_os_fd_t fd;
        uv_stream_t* stream = luv_check_stream(L, -1);
        int err = uv_fileno((uv_handle_t*)stream, &fd);
        if (err == UV_EINVAL || err == UV_EBADF) {
          options.stdio[i].flags = UV_CREATE_PIPE | UV_READABLE_PIPE | UV_WRITABLE_PIPE;
        else {
          options.stdio[i].flags = UV_INHERIT_STREAM;
        options.stdio[i].data.stream = stream;
      else if (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TNIL) {
        options.stdio[i].flags = UV_IGNORE;
      else {
        return luaL_argerror(L, 2, "stdio table entries must be nil, uv_stream_t, or integer");
      lua_pop(L, 1);
  else if (lua_type(L, -1) != LUA_TNIL) {
    return luaL_argerror(L, 2, "stdio option must be table");
  lua_pop(L, 1);

  // Get the env
  lua_getfield(L, 2, "env");
  if (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TTABLE) {
    len = lua_rawlen(L, -1);
    options.env = malloc((len + 1) * sizeof(*options.env));
    if (!options.env) {
      return luaL_error(L, "Problem allocating env");
    for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
      lua_rawgeti(L, -1, i + 1);
      options.env[i] = (char*)lua_tostring(L, -1);
      lua_pop(L, 1);
    options.env[len] = NULL;
  else if (lua_type(L, -1) != LUA_TNIL) {
    return luaL_argerror(L, 2, "env option must be table");
  lua_pop(L, 1);

  // Get the cwd
  lua_getfield(L, 2, "cwd");
  if (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TSTRING) {
    options.cwd = (char*)lua_tostring(L, -1);
  else if (lua_type(L, -1) != LUA_TNIL) {
    return luaL_argerror(L, 2, "cwd option must be string");
  lua_pop(L, 1);

  // Check for uid
  lua_getfield(L, 2, "uid");
  if (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TNUMBER) {
    options.uid = lua_tointeger(L, -1);
    options.flags |= UV_PROCESS_SETUID;
  else if (lua_type(L, -1) != LUA_TNIL) {
    return luaL_argerror(L, 2, "uid option must be number");
  lua_pop(L, 1);

  // Check for gid
  lua_getfield(L, 2, "gid");
  if (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TNUMBER) {
    options.gid = lua_tointeger(L, -1);
    options.flags |= UV_PROCESS_SETGID;
  else if (lua_type(L, -1) != LUA_TNIL) {
    return luaL_argerror(L, 2, "gid option must be number");
  lua_pop(L, 1);

  // Check for the boolean flags
  lua_getfield(L, 2, "verbatim");
  if (lua_toboolean(L, -1)) {
  lua_pop(L, 1);
  lua_getfield(L, 2, "detached");
  if (lua_toboolean(L, -1)) {
    options.flags |= UV_PROCESS_DETACHED;
  lua_pop(L, 1);
  lua_getfield(L, 2, "hide");
  if (lua_toboolean(L, -1)) {
    options.flags |= UV_PROCESS_WINDOWS_HIDE;
  lua_pop(L, 1);

  handle = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(*handle));
  handle->type = UV_PROCESS;
  handle->data = luv_setup_handle(L);

  if (!lua_isnoneornil(L, 3)) {
    luv_check_callback(L, handle->data, LUV_EXIT, 3);

  ret = uv_spawn(luv_loop(L), handle, &options);

  if (ret < 0) {
    /* The async callback is required here because luajit GC may reclaim the
     * luv handle before libuv is done closing it down.
    uv_close((uv_handle_t*)handle, luv_spawn_close_cb);
    return luv_error(L, ret);
  lua_pushinteger(L, handle->pid);
  return 2;
예제 #24
파일: limglib.c 프로젝트: pgundlach/LuaTeX
static void lua_to_image(lua_State * L, image * a, image_dict * d)
    int i, t;
    const char *s;
    s = lua_tostring(L,-2);
    t = lua_type(L, -1);
    if (lua_key_eq(s,width)) {
        if (t == LUA_TNIL) {
        } else if (t == LUA_TNUMBER) {
            img_width(a) = (int) lua_roundnumber(L, -1);
        } else if (t == LUA_TSTRING) {
            img_width(a) = dimen_to_number(L, lua_tostring(L, -1));
        } else {
            luaL_error(L, "image.width needs integer or nil value or dimension string");
    } else if (lua_key_eq(s,height)) {
        if (t == LUA_TNIL) {
        } else if (t == LUA_TNUMBER) {
            img_height(a) = (int) lua_roundnumber(L, -1);
        } else if (t == LUA_TSTRING) {
            img_height(a) = dimen_to_number(L, lua_tostring(L, -1));
        } else {
            luaL_error(L, "image.height needs integer or nil value or dimension string");
    } else if (lua_key_eq(s,depth)) {
        if (t == LUA_TNIL) {
        } else if (t == LUA_TNUMBER) {
            img_depth(a) = (int) lua_roundnumber(L, -1);
        } else if (t == LUA_TSTRING) {
            img_depth(a) = dimen_to_number(L, lua_tostring(L, -1));
        } else {
            luaL_error(L, "image.depth needs integer or nil value or dimension string");
    } else if (lua_key_eq(s,transform)) {
        if (t == LUA_TNUMBER) {
            img_transform(a) = (int) lua_tointeger(L, -1);
        } else {
            luaL_error(L, "image.transform needs integer value");
    } else if (lua_key_eq(s,filename)) {
        if (img_state(d) >= DICT_FILESCANNED) {
            luaL_error(L, "image.filename is now read-only");
        } else if (img_type(d) == IMG_TYPE_PDFSTREAM) {
            luaL_error(L, "image.filename can't be used with image.stream");
        } else if (t == LUA_TSTRING) {
            img_filename(d) = xstrdup(lua_tostring(L, -1));
        } else {
            luaL_error(L, "image.filename needs string value");
    } else if (lua_key_eq(s,visiblefilename)) {
        if (img_state(d) >= DICT_FILESCANNED) {
            luaL_error(L, "image.visiblefilename is now read-only");
        } else if (img_type(d) == IMG_TYPE_PDFSTREAM) {
            luaL_error(L, "image.visiblefilename can't be used with image.stream");
        } else if (t == LUA_TSTRING) {
            img_visiblefilename(d) = xstrdup(lua_tostring(L, -1));
        } else {
            luaL_error(L, "image.visiblefilename needs string value");
    } else if (lua_key_eq(s,attr)) {
        if (img_state(d) >= DICT_FILESCANNED) {
            luaL_error(L, "image.attr is now read-only");
        } else if (t == LUA_TSTRING) {
            img_attr(d) = xstrdup(lua_tostring(L, -1));
        } else if (t == LUA_TNIL) {
        } else {
            luaL_error(L, "image.attr needs string or nil value");
    } else if (lua_key_eq(s,page)) {
        if (img_state(d) >= DICT_FILESCANNED) {
            luaL_error(L, "image.page is now read-only");
        } else if (t == LUA_TSTRING) {
            img_pagename(d) = xstrdup(lua_tostring(L, -1));
            img_pagenum(d) = 0;
        } else if (t == LUA_TNUMBER) {
            img_pagenum(d) = (int) lua_tointeger(L, -1);
        } else {
            luaL_error(L, "image.page needs integer or string value");
    } else if (lua_key_eq(s,colorspace)) {
        if (img_state(d) >= DICT_FILESCANNED) {
            luaL_error(L, "image.colorspace is now read-only");
        } else if (t == LUA_TNIL) {
            img_colorspace(d) = 0;
        } else if (t == LUA_TNUMBER) {
            img_colorspace(d) = (int) lua_tointeger(L, -1);
        } else {
            luaL_error(L, "image.colorspace needs integer or nil value");
    } else if (lua_key_eq(s,pagebox)) {
        if (img_state(d) >= DICT_FILESCANNED) {
            luaL_error(L, "image.pagebox is now read-only");
        } else if (t == LUA_TNIL) {
            img_pagebox(d) = PDF_BOX_SPEC_MEDIA;
        } else if (t == LUA_TNUMBER) {
            i = lua_tointeger(L,-1);
            if (i < 0 || i >= img_pageboxes_max) {
                img_pagebox(d) = PDF_BOX_SPEC_MEDIA;
            } else {
                img_pagebox(d) = i;
        } else if (t == LUA_TSTRING) {
            img_pagebox(d) = PDF_BOX_SPEC_MEDIA;
            for (i = 0; i < img_pageboxes_max; i++) {
                lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, img_pageboxes[i]);
                if (lua_rawequal(L,-1,-2)) {
                    img_pagebox(d) = i;
                    lua_pop(L, 1);
                } else {
                    lua_pop(L, 1);
        } else {
            luaL_error(L, "image.pagebox needs string, number or nil value");
    } else if (lua_key_eq(s,keepopen)) {
        if (img_state(d) >= DICT_FILESCANNED) {
            luaL_error(L, "image.keepopen is now read-only");
        } else if (t != LUA_TBOOLEAN) {
            luaL_error(L, "image.bbox needs boolean value");
        } else {
            img_keepopen(d) = lua_toboolean(L, -1);
    } else if (lua_key_eq(s,bbox)) {
        if (img_state(d) >= DICT_FILESCANNED) {
            luaL_error(L, "image.bbox is now read-only");
        } else if (t != LUA_TTABLE) {
            luaL_error(L, "image.bbox needs table value");
        } else if (lua_rawlen(L, -1) != 4) {
            luaL_error(L, "image.bbox table must have exactly 4 elements");
        } else {
            for (i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {      /* v k t ... */
                lua_pushinteger(L, i);      /* idx v k t ... */
                lua_gettable(L, -2);        /* int v k t ... */
                t = lua_type(L, -1);
                if (t == LUA_TNUMBER) {
                    img_bbox(d)[i - 1] = (int) lua_roundnumber(L, -1);
                } else if (t == LUA_TSTRING) {
                    img_bbox(d)[i - 1] = dimen_to_number(L, lua_tostring(L, -1));
                } else {
                    luaL_error(L, "image.bbox table needs integer value or dimension string elements");
                lua_pop(L, 1);      /* v k t ... */
    } else if (lua_key_eq(s,stream)) {
        if (img_filename(d) != NULL) {
            luaL_error(L, "image.stream can't be used with image.filename");
        } else if (img_state(d) >= DICT_FILESCANNED) {
            luaL_error(L, "image.stream is now read-only");
        } else {
            if (img_pdfstream_ptr(d) == NULL) {
            img_pdfstream_stream(d) = xstrdup(lua_tostring(L, -1));
            img_type(d) = IMG_TYPE_PDFSTREAM;
    } else {
        luaL_error(L, "image.%s can not be set", s);
예제 #25
	std::size_t LuaState::LengthRaw(int index) const
		return lua_rawlen(m_state, index);
예제 #26
// 1 string data
// 2 result document table
// return boolean succ (false -> request id, error document)
//	number request_id
//  document first
//	string cursor_id
//  integer startfrom
static int
op_reply(lua_State *L) {
	size_t data_len = 0;
	const char * data = luaL_checklstring(L,1,&data_len);
	struct {
//		int32_t length; // total message size, including this
		int32_t request_id; // identifier for this message
		int32_t response_id; // requestID from the original request
							// (used in reponses from db)
		int32_t opcode; // request type 
		int32_t flags;
		int32_t cursor_id[2];
		int32_t starting;
		int32_t number;
	} const *reply = (const void *)data;

	if (data_len < sizeof(*reply)) {
		lua_pushboolean(L, 0);
		return 1;

	int id = little_endian(reply->response_id);
	int flags = little_endian(reply->flags);
	if (flags & REPLY_QUERYFAILURE) {
		lua_pushinteger(L, id);
		lua_pushlightuserdata(L, (void *)(reply+1));
		return 3;

	int starting_from = little_endian(reply->starting);
	int number = little_endian(reply->number);
	int sz = (int)data_len - sizeof(*reply);
	const uint8_t * doc = (const uint8_t *)(reply+1);

	if (lua_istable(L,2)) {
		int i = 1;
		while (sz > 4) {
			lua_pushlightuserdata(L, (void *)doc);
			lua_rawseti(L, 2, i);

			int32_t doc_len = get_length((const document)doc);

			doc += doc_len;
			sz -= doc_len;

		if (i != number + 1) {
			lua_pushinteger(L, id);
			return 2;
		int c = lua_rawlen(L, 2);
		for (;i<=c;i++) {
			lua_rawseti(L, 2, i);
	lua_pushinteger(L, id);
	if (number == 0)
		lua_pushlightuserdata(L, (void *)(reply+1));
	if (reply->cursor_id[0] == 0 && reply->cursor_id[1]==0) {
		// closed cursor
	} else {
		lua_pushlstring(L, (const char *)(reply->cursor_id), 8);
	lua_pushinteger(L, starting_from);

	return 5;
예제 #27
int _define_ship(lua_State *L, ShipType::Tag tag, std::vector<ShipType::Id> *list)
	if (s_currentShipFile.empty())
		return luaL_error(L, "ship file contains multiple ship definitions");

	ShipType s;
	s.tag = tag;
	s.id = s_currentShipFile;

	LuaTable t(L, -1);

	s.name = t.Get("name", "");
	s.shipClass = t.Get("ship_class", "unknown");
	s.manufacturer = t.Get("manufacturer", "unknown");
	s.modelName = t.Get("model", "");

	s.cockpitName = t.Get("cockpit", "");
	s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_REVERSE] = t.Get("reverse_thrust", 0.0f);
	s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_FORWARD] = t.Get("forward_thrust", 0.0f);
	s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_UP] = t.Get("up_thrust", 0.0f);
	s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_DOWN] = t.Get("down_thrust", 0.0f);
	s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_LEFT] = t.Get("left_thrust", 0.0f);
	s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_RIGHT] = t.Get("right_thrust", 0.0f);
	s.angThrust = t.Get("angular_thrust", 0.0f);
	// invert values where necessary
	s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_FORWARD] *= -1.f;
	s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_LEFT] *= -1.f;
	s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_DOWN] *= -1.f;
	// angthrust fudge (XXX: why?)
	s.angThrust = s.angThrust / 2;

	lua_pushstring(L, "camera_offset");
	lua_gettable(L, -2);
	if (!lua_isnil(L, -1))
		Output("ship definition for '%s' has deprecated 'camera_offset' field\n", s.id.c_str());
	lua_pop(L, 1);
	s.cameraOffset = t.Get("camera_offset", vector3d(0.0));

	for (int i=0; i<Equip::SLOT_MAX; i++) s.equipSlotCapacity[i] = 0;
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_CARGO] = t.Get("max_cargo", 0);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_ENGINE] = t.Get("max_engine", 1);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_LASER] = t.Get("max_laser", 1);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_MISSILE] = t.Get("max_missile", 0);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_ECM] = t.Get("max_ecm", 1);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_SCANNER] = t.Get("max_scanner", 1);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_RADARMAPPER] = t.Get("max_radarmapper", 1);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_HYPERCLOUD] = t.Get("max_hypercloud", 1);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_HULLAUTOREPAIR] = t.Get("max_hullautorepair", 1);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_ENERGYBOOSTER] = t.Get("max_energybooster", 1);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_ATMOSHIELD] = t.Get("max_atmoshield", 1);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_CABIN] = t.Get("max_cabin", 50);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_SHIELD] = t.Get("max_shield", 9999);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_FUELSCOOP] = t.Get("max_fuelscoop", 1);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_CARGOSCOOP] = t.Get("max_cargoscoop", 1);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_LASERCOOLER] = t.Get("max_lasercooler", 1);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_CARGOLIFESUPPORT] = t.Get("max_cargolifesupport", 1);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_AUTOPILOT] = t.Get("max_autopilot", 1);

	s.capacity = t.Get("capacity", 0);
	s.hullMass = t.Get("hull_mass", 100);
	s.fuelTankMass = t.Get("fuel_tank_mass", 5);

	LuaTable slot_table = t.Sub("slots");
	if (slot_table.GetLua()) {
		s.slots = slot_table.GetMap<std::string, int>();
	lua_pop(L, 1);

	// fuel_use_rate can be given in two ways
	float thruster_fuel_use = 0;
	s.effectiveExhaustVelocity = t.Get("effective_exhaust_velocity", -1.0f);
	thruster_fuel_use = t.Get("thruster_fuel_use", -1.0f);
	if(s.effectiveExhaustVelocity < 0 && thruster_fuel_use < 0) {
		// default value of v_c is used
		s.effectiveExhaustVelocity = 55000000;
	} else if(s.effectiveExhaustVelocity < 0 && thruster_fuel_use >= 0) {
		// v_c undefined and thruster fuel use defined -- use it!
		s.effectiveExhaustVelocity = GetEffectiveExhaustVelocity(s.fuelTankMass, thruster_fuel_use, s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_FORWARD]);
	} else {
		if(thruster_fuel_use >= 0)
			Output("Warning: Both thruster_fuel_use and effective_exhaust_velocity defined for %s, using effective_exhaust_velocity.\n", s.modelName.c_str());

	s.baseprice = t.Get("price", 0);
	s.baseprice *= 100; // in hundredths of credits

	s.minCrew = t.Get("min_crew", 1);
	s.maxCrew = t.Get("max_crew", 1);

	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_ENGINE] = Clamp(s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_ENGINE], 0, 1);

	s.hyperdriveClass = t.Get("hyperdrive_class", 1);

	for (int i = 0; i < ShipType::GUNMOUNT_MAX; i++) {
		s.gunMount[i].pos = vector3f(0,0,0);
		s.gunMount[i].dir = vector3f(0,0,1);
		s.gunMount[i].sep = 5;
		s.gunMount[i].orient = ShipType::DUAL_LASERS_HORIZONTAL;

	lua_pushstring(L, "gun_mounts");
	lua_gettable(L, -2);
	if (lua_istable(L, -1)) {
		Output("ship definition for '%s' has deprecated 'gun_mounts' field\n", s.id.c_str());
		for (unsigned int i=0; i<lua_rawlen(L,-1); i++) {
			lua_pushinteger(L, i+1);
			lua_gettable(L, -2);
			if (lua_istable(L, -1) && lua_rawlen(L,-1) == 4)	{
				lua_pushinteger(L, 1);
				lua_gettable(L, -2);
				s.gunMount[i].pos = LuaVector::CheckFromLuaF(L, -1);
				lua_pop(L, 1);
				lua_pushinteger(L, 2);
				lua_gettable(L, -2);
				s.gunMount[i].dir = LuaVector::CheckFromLuaF(L, -1);
				lua_pop(L, 1);
				lua_pushinteger(L, 3);
				lua_gettable(L, -2);
				s.gunMount[i].sep = lua_tonumber(L,-1);
				lua_pop(L, 1);
				lua_pushinteger(L, 4);
				lua_gettable(L, -2);
				s.gunMount[i].orient = static_cast<ShipType::DualLaserOrientation>(
						LuaConstants::GetConstantFromArg(L, "DualLaserOrientation", -1));
				lua_pop(L, 1);
			lua_pop(L, 1);
	lua_pop(L, 1);

	//sanity check
	if (s.name.empty())
		return luaL_error(L, "Ship has no name");

	if (s.modelName.empty())
		return luaL_error(L, "Missing model name in ship");

	if (s.minCrew < 1 || s.maxCrew < 1 || s.minCrew > s.maxCrew)
		return luaL_error(L, "Invalid values for min_crew and max_crew");

	const std::string& id = s_currentShipFile;
	typedef std::map<ShipType::Id, ShipType>::iterator iter;
	std::pair<iter, bool> result = ShipType::types.insert(std::make_pair(id, s));
	if (result.second)
		return luaL_error(L, "Ship '%s' was already defined by a different file", id.c_str());

	return 0;
예제 #28
파일: luazip.c 프로젝트: msva/luazip
static int zip_openfile (lua_State *L) {
  ZZIP_FILE** inf;

  const char * ext2[LUAZIP_MAX_EXTENSIONS+1];
  zzip_strings_t *ext = ext2;

  const char *filename = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
  /*const char *mode = luaL_optstring(L, 2, "r");*/

  inf = newinternalfile(L);

  if (lua_isstring(L, 2))
    /* creates a table with the string as the first and only (numerical) element */
    lua_pushvalue(L, 2);
    lua_rawseti(L, -2, 1);

    /* replaces the string by the table with the string inside */
    lua_replace(L, 2);
  if (lua_istable(L, 2))
    unsigned i, m, n;

    /* how many extension were specified? */
    n = luaL_getn(L, 2);
    n = lua_rawlen(L, 2);

      luaL_error(L, "too many extensions specified");

    for (i = 0, m = 0; i < n; i++)
      lua_rawgeti(L, 2, i+1);
      if (lua_isstring(L, -1))
        /* luazip specifies "zip" as the extension, but zziplib expects ".zip" */
        lua_pushstring(L, ".");
        lua_insert(L, -2);
        lua_concat(L, 2);

        ext2[m] = lua_tostring(L, -1);
      lua_pop(L, 1);
    ext2[m] = 0;

    *inf = zzip_open_ext_io(filename, 0, 0664, ext, 0);
    *inf = zzip_open(filename, 0);

  if (*inf)
    return 1;

  lua_pushfstring(L, "could not open file `%s'", filename);
  return 2;
예제 #29
static int update (lua_State *p_L)
    int _return;
    int _i,_j;
    int _id;

    _id = luaL_checkint( p_L, 1 );

    // set producer vars()[_id]
    for ( _i=0; _i<(int)vars()[_id].size(); _i++ )
        if ( vars()[_id][_i]->com == PRODUCER )
            lua_settop( p_L, 0 );
            ostringstream _oss;
            _oss << "return " << vars()[_id][_i]->var << ";";
            luaL_dostring( p_L, _oss.str().c_str() );

            if ( vars()[_id][_i]->queuing == 0 )
                switch ( vars()[_id][_i]->type )
                case TYPE_INT:
                    if ( lua_isnumber( p_L, -1 ) ) {
                        vars()[_id][_i]->value._i = (int)lua_tonumber( p_L, -1 );
                case TYPE_FLOAT:
                    if ( lua_isnumber( p_L, -1 ) ) {
                        vars()[_id][_i]->value._f = (float)lua_tonumber( p_L, -1 );
                case TYPE_STRING:
                    if ( lua_isstring( p_L, -1 ) ) {
                        if ( vars()[_id][_i]->value._s != 0 )
                            delete [] vars()[_id][_i]->value._s;

                        string _value = lua_tostring( p_L, -1 );
                        vars()[_id][_i]->value._s = new char[ _value.length() + 1 ];
                        strcpy( vars()[_id][_i]->value._s, _value.c_str() );
            else if ( lua_istable( p_L, -1 ) ) 	// queuing producer
                int _oldSize = vars()[_id][_i]->size;
                vars()[_id][_i]->size = lua_rawlen( p_L, -1 );
                switch ( vars()[_id][_i]->type )
                case TYPE_INT:
                    if ( vars()[_id][_i]->value._qi != 0 )
                        delete [] vars()[_id][_i]->value._qi;
                    vars()[_id][_i]->value._qi = new int[ vars()[_id][_i]->size ];
                    for ( _j=0; _j<vars()[_id][_i]->size; _j++ )
                        lua_pushnumber( p_L, _j+1 );
                        lua_gettable( p_L, -2 );
                        if ( lua_isnumber( p_L, -1 ) )
                            vars()[_id][_i]->value._qi[ _j ] = (int)lua_tonumber( p_L, -1 );
                        lua_pop( p_L, 1 );
                case TYPE_FLOAT:
                    if ( vars()[_id][_i]->value._qf != 0 )
                        delete [] vars()[_id][_i]->value._qf;
                    vars()[_id][_i]->value._qf = new float[ vars()[_id][_i]->size ];
                    for ( _j=0; _j<vars()[_id][_i]->size; _j++ )
                        lua_pushnumber( p_L, _j+1 );
                        lua_gettable( p_L, -2 );
                        if ( lua_isnumber( p_L, -1 ) )
                            vars()[_id][_i]->value._qf[ _j ] = (float)lua_tonumber( p_L, -1 );
                        lua_pop( p_L, 1 );
                case TYPE_STRING:
                    if ( vars()[_id][_i]->value._qs != 0 )
                        for ( _j=0; _j<_oldSize; _j++ )
                            delete [] vars()[_id][_i]->value._qs[ _j ];
                        free( vars()[_id][_i]->value._qs );
                    vars()[_id][_i]->value._qs = (char**)malloc( sizeof(char*) * vars()[_id][_i]->size );
                    for ( _j=0; _j<vars()[_id][_i]->size; _j++ )
                        lua_pushnumber( p_L, _j+1 );
                        lua_gettable( p_L, -2 );
                        if ( lua_isstring( p_L, -1 ) )
                            string _value = lua_tostring( p_L, -1 );
                            vars()[_id][_i]->value._qs[ _j ] = new char[ _value.size() + 1 ];
                            strcpy( vars()[_id][_i]->value._qs[ _j ], _value.c_str() );
                        lua_pop( p_L, 1 );

                ostringstream _emptyLuaVar;
                _emptyLuaVar << vars()[_id][_i]->var << "={};";
                luaL_dostring( p_L, _emptyLuaVar.str().c_str() );
            lua_pop( p_L, 1 );

    _return = WESBMessenger_update_full( _id );
    lua_pushnumber( p_L, _return );

    // get consummer vars()[_id]
    for ( _i=0; _i<(int)vars()[_id].size(); _i++ )
        if ( vars()[_id][_i]->com == CONSUMER )
            ostringstream _oss;
            _oss << vars()[_id][_i]->var << "=";

            if ( vars()[_id][_i]->queuing == 0 )
                switch ( vars()[_id][_i]->type )
                case TYPE_INT:
                    _oss << vars()[_id][_i]->value._i;
                case TYPE_FLOAT:
                    _oss << vars()[_id][_i]->value._f;
                case TYPE_STRING:
                    _oss << "\"" << str_replace("\n", "", str_replace( "\"", "\\\"", vars()[_id][_i]->value._s )) << "\"";
                _oss << "{";
                switch ( vars()[_id][_i]->type )
                case TYPE_INT:
                    for ( _j=0; _j<vars()[_id][_i]->size; _j++)
                        if ( _j > 0 )
                            _oss << ",";
                        _oss << ((int*)vars()[_id][_i]->value._qi)[_j];
                case TYPE_FLOAT:
                    for ( _j=0; _j<vars()[_id][_i]->size; _j++)
                        if ( _j > 0 )
                            _oss << ",";
                        _oss << ((float*)vars()[_id][_i]->value._qf)[_j];
                case TYPE_STRING:
                    for ( _j=0; _j<vars()[_id][_i]->size; _j++)
                        if ( _j > 0 )
                            _oss << ",";

                        string _tmp = ((char**)vars()[_id][_i]->value._qs)[_j];
                        _tmp = str_replace( "\"", "\\\"", _tmp );
                        _tmp = str_replace("\n", "", _tmp);
                        _oss << "\"" << _tmp.c_str() << "\"";
                _oss << "}";

            _oss << ";";
            luaL_dostring( p_L,_oss.str().c_str() );

    return 1;
예제 #30
**  Default title screens.
**  @param l  Lua state.
static int CclSetTitleScreens(lua_State *l)
	if (TitleScreens) {
		for (int i = 0; TitleScreens[i]; ++i) {
			delete TitleScreens[i];
		delete[] TitleScreens;
		TitleScreens = NULL;

	const int args = lua_gettop(l);
	TitleScreens = new TitleScreen *[args + 1];
	memset(TitleScreens, 0, (args + 1) * sizeof(TitleScreen *));

	for (int j = 0; j < args; ++j) {
		if (!lua_istable(l, j + 1)) {
			LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
		TitleScreens[j] = new TitleScreen;
		TitleScreens[j]->Iterations = 1;
		while (lua_next(l, j + 1)) {
			const char *value = LuaToString(l, -2);
			if (!strcmp(value, "Image")) {
				TitleScreens[j]->File = LuaToString(l, -1);
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "Music")) {
				TitleScreens[j]->Music = LuaToString(l, -1);
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "Timeout")) {
				TitleScreens[j]->Timeout = LuaToNumber(l, -1);
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "Iterations")) {
				TitleScreens[j]->Iterations = LuaToNumber(l, -1);
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "Editor")) {
				TitleScreens[j]->Editor = LuaToNumber(l, -1);
			} else if (!strcmp(value, "Labels")) {
				if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
					LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
				const int subargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
				TitleScreens[j]->Labels = new TitleScreenLabel *[subargs + 1];
				memset(TitleScreens[j]->Labels, 0, (subargs + 1) * sizeof(TitleScreenLabel *));
				for (int k = 0; k < subargs; ++k) {
					lua_rawgeti(l, -1, k + 1);
					if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
						LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
					TitleScreens[j]->Labels[k] = new TitleScreenLabel;
					while (lua_next(l, -2)) {
						const char *value = LuaToString(l, -2);
						if (!strcmp(value, "Text")) {
							TitleScreens[j]->Labels[k]->Text = LuaToString(l, -1);
						} else if (!strcmp(value, "Font")) {
							TitleScreens[j]->Labels[k]->Font = CFont::Get(LuaToString(l, -1));
						} else if (!strcmp(value, "Pos")) {
							CclGetPos(l, &TitleScreens[j]->Labels[k]->Xofs, &TitleScreens[j]->Labels[k]->Yofs);
						} else if (!strcmp(value, "Flags")) {
							if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
								LuaError(l, "incorrect argument");
							const int subsubargs = lua_rawlen(l, -1);
							for (int subk = 0; subk < subsubargs; ++subk) {
								const char *value = LuaToString(l, -1, subk + 1);
								if (!strcmp(value, "center")) {
									TitleScreens[j]->Labels[k]->Flags |= TitleFlagCenter;
								} else {
									LuaError(l, "incorrect flag");
						} else {
							LuaError(l, "Unsupported key: %s" _C_ value);
						lua_pop(l, 1);
					lua_pop(l, 1);
			} else {
				LuaError(l, "Unsupported key: %s" _C_ value);
			lua_pop(l, 1);
	return 0;