예제 #1
파일: terminal.c 프로젝트: wosayttn/aos
 * Open a terminal
 * @return pointer to the terminal window
lv_obj_t * terminal_create(void)
    static lv_style_t style_bg;
    lv_style_copy(&style_bg, &lv_style_pretty);
    style_bg.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x30, 0x30, 0x30);
    style_bg.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x30, 0x30, 0x30);
    style_bg.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_WHITE;
    style_bg.text.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0xE0, 0xE0, 0xE0);

    win = lv_win_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
    lv_win_set_style(win, LV_WIN_STYLE_BG, &style_bg);
    lv_obj_set_size(win, TERMINAL_WIDTH, TERMINAL_HEIGHT);
    lv_win_set_sb_mode(win, LV_SB_MODE_AUTO);
    lv_win_add_btn(win, SYMBOL_CLOSE, win_close_action);

    /*Make the window's content responsive*/
    lv_win_set_layout(win, LV_LAYOUT_PRETTY);

    /*Create a label for the text of the terminal*/
    label = lv_label_create(win, NULL);
    lv_label_set_long_mode(label, LV_LABEL_LONG_BREAK);
    lv_obj_set_width(label, lv_win_get_width(win));
    lv_label_set_static_text(label, txt_log);               /*Use the text array directly*/

    /*Create a clear button*/
    clr_btn = lv_btn_create(win, NULL);
    lv_cont_set_fit(clr_btn, true, true);
    lv_btn_set_action(clr_btn, LV_BTN_ACTION_CLICK, clr_click_action);
    lv_obj_t * btn_label = lv_label_create(clr_btn, NULL);
    lv_label_set_text(btn_label, "Clear");

    return win;
예제 #2
static void create_tab3(lv_theme_t * th, lv_obj_t *parent)
    lv_obj_t *win = lv_win_create(parent, NULL);
    lv_win_add_btn(win, SYMBOL_CLOSE, lv_win_close_action);
    lv_win_add_btn(win, SYMBOL_DOWN, NULL);
    lv_obj_set_size(win, LV_HOR_RES / 2, LV_VER_RES / 2);
    lv_obj_set_pos(win, LV_DPI / 20, LV_DPI / 20);
    lv_obj_set_top(win, true);

    lv_obj_t *label = lv_label_create(win, NULL);
    lv_label_set_text(label, "Label in the window");

    lv_obj_t *lmeter = lv_lmeter_create(win, NULL);
    lv_obj_align(lmeter, label, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, LV_DPI / 2);
    lv_lmeter_set_value(lmeter, 70);

    lv_obj_t *led1 = lv_led_create(win, NULL);
    lv_obj_align(led1, lmeter, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, LV_DPI / 2, 0);

    lv_obj_t *led2 = lv_led_create(win, NULL);
    lv_obj_align(led2, led1, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, LV_DPI / 2, 0);

    lv_obj_t *page = lv_page_create(parent, NULL);
    lv_obj_set_size(page, LV_HOR_RES / 3, LV_VER_RES / 2);
    lv_obj_set_top(page, true);
    lv_obj_align(page, win, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_RIGHT,  LV_DPI, LV_DPI);

    label = lv_label_create(page, NULL);
    lv_label_set_text(label, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, repudiare voluptatibus pri cu.\n"
                             "Ei mundi pertinax posidonium eum, cum tempor maiorum at,\n"
                             "mea fuisset assentior ad. Usu cu suas civibus iudicabit.\n"
                             "Eum eu congue tempor facilisi. Tale hinc unum te vim.\n"
                             "Te cum populo animal eruditi, labitur inciderint at nec.\n\n"
                             "Eius corpora et quo. Everti voluptaria instructior est id,\n"
                             "vel in falli primis. Mea ei porro essent admodum,\n"
                             "his ei malis quodsi, te quis aeterno his.\n"
                             "Qui tritani recusabo reprehendunt ne,\n"
                             "per duis explicari at. Simul mediocritatem mei et.");
    //lv_label_set_long_mode(label, LV_LABEL_LONG_BREAK);
    //lv_obj_set_width(label, lv_page_get_scrl_width(page));
    lv_page_set_scrl_fit(page, true, true);

    static const char * mbox_btn_map[] = {"\211", "\222Got it!", "\211", ""};
    lv_obj_t *mbox = lv_mbox_create(parent, NULL);
    lv_mbox_set_text(mbox, "Click on the window or the page to bring it to the foreground");
    lv_mbox_add_btns(mbox, mbox_btn_map, NULL);
    lv_obj_set_top(mbox, true);
예제 #3
파일: lv_test_list.c 프로젝트: wosayttn/aos
 * Create lists to test their functionalities
void lv_test_list_1(void)
    /* Default object. It will be an empty list*/
    list1 = lv_list_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
    lv_obj_set_pos(list1, 10, 10);

    list2 = lv_list_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
    lv_obj_align(list2, list1, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_TOP, 20, 0);
    lv_list_add(list2, SYMBOL_FILE, "File", NULL);
    lv_list_add(list2, SYMBOL_DIRECTORY, "Directory", NULL);
    lv_list_add(list2, &img_flower_icon, "Image icon", NULL);
    lv_obj_set_width(list2, 100);

    list3 = lv_list_create(lv_scr_act(), list2);
    lv_obj_align(list3, list2, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_TOP, 20, 0);
    lv_list_add(list3, NULL, "No icon", NULL);
    lv_list_add(list3, SYMBOL_CLOSE, "", NULL);
    lv_list_add(list3, SYMBOL_UP, "Up", NULL);
    lv_list_add(list3, SYMBOL_DOWN, "Down", NULL);

    static lv_style_t sb;
    static lv_style_t bg;
    lv_style_copy(&sb, &lv_style_pretty_color);
    lv_style_copy(&bg, &lv_style_pretty_color);
    sb.body.padding.hor = -10;
    sb.body.padding.inner = 10;

    bg.body.padding.hor = 20;

    list4 = lv_list_create(lv_scr_act(), list3);
    lv_list_set_style(list4, LV_LIST_STYLE_BG, &bg);
    lv_list_set_style(list4, LV_LIST_STYLE_SB, &sb);
    lv_obj_align(list4, list3, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_TOP, 20, 0);
    lv_obj_set_width(list4, 200);

    /*Add list up/down buttons*/
    lv_obj_t *btn_up = lv_btn_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
    lv_obj_align(btn_up, list1, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, 10);
    lv_btn_set_action(btn_up, LV_BTN_ACTION_CLICK, list_move);
    lv_obj_set_free_num(btn_up, 0);
    lv_obj_t *label = lv_label_create(btn_up, NULL);
    lv_label_set_text(label, SYMBOL_UP);

    lv_obj_t *btn_down = lv_btn_create(lv_scr_act(), btn_up);
    lv_obj_align(btn_down, btn_up, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, 10, 0);
    lv_obj_set_free_num(btn_down, 1);
    label = lv_label_create(btn_down, NULL);
    lv_label_set_text(label, SYMBOL_DOWN);

예제 #4
 * Create object to see how they change from the anti aliasing
 * Modify LV_ANTIALIAS and LV_FONT_ANTIALIAS to see what is changing
void lv_tutorial_antialiasing(void)
    lv_obj_t *label;

    static lv_style_t style1;
    lv_style_copy(&style1, &lv_style_btn_rel);
    style1.body.radius = 20;
    style1.body.border.width = 8;

    lv_obj_t *btn1;
    btn1 = lv_btn_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
    lv_obj_set_pos(btn1, 10, 10);
    lv_obj_set_size(btn1, 160, 80);
    lv_btn_set_style(btn1, LV_BTN_STYLE_REL, &style1);

    label = lv_label_create(btn1, NULL);
    lv_label_set_text(label, "Button");

    lv_img_create_file("red_flower", img_red_flower);       /*Create a file in the RAM FS*/

    /*Crate an image which is NOT automatically upscaled to compensate the anti aliasing*/
    lv_obj_t *img_normal = lv_img_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
    lv_img_set_file(img_normal, "U:/red_flower");
    lv_img_set_upscale(img_normal, false);
    lv_obj_align(img_normal, btn1, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_TOP, 10, 0);

    /*Crate an image which is automatically upscaled to compensate the anti aliasing*/
    lv_obj_t *img_scaled = lv_img_create(lv_scr_act(), img_normal);  /*Crate an image object*/
    lv_img_set_upscale(img_scaled, true);
    lv_obj_align(img_scaled, img_normal, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_TOP, 10, 0);

예제 #5
 * Open a shortcut for an application
 * @param app pointer to an application
 * @param sc pointer to an object where the application
 *           can create content of the shortcut
static void my_sc_open(lv_app_inst_t * app, lv_obj_t * sc)
    my_sc_data_t * sc_data = app->sc_data;

    sc_data->label = lv_label_create(sc, NULL);
	lv_label_set_text(sc_data->label, "Empty");
	lv_obj_align(sc_data->label, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0);
예제 #6
 * Open a shortcut for an application
 * @param app pointer to an application
 * @param sc pointer to an object where the application
 *           can create content of the shortcut
static void my_sc_open(lv_app_inst_t * app, lv_obj_t * sc)
    my_sc_data_t * sc_data = app->sc_data;
    my_app_data_t * app_data = app->app_data;

    sc_data->label = lv_label_create(sc, NULL);
    lv_obj_set_style(sc_data->label, &style_sc_label);
    lv_label_set_text(sc_data->label, fs_get_last(app_data->path));
    lv_obj_align(sc_data->label, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0);
예제 #7
파일: lv_test_win.c 프로젝트: wosayttn/aos
 * Create windows to test their functionalities
void lv_test_win_1(void)

    lv_obj_t *win1 = lv_win_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
    lv_obj_set_size(win1, LV_HOR_RES / 2 - LV_DPI / 20, LV_VER_RES / 2 - LV_DPI / 20);

    lv_obj_t *win2 = lv_win_create(lv_scr_act(), win1);
    lv_obj_align(win2, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_RIGHT, 0, 0);
    lv_win_set_title(win2, "Random title");
    lv_win_add_btn(win2, SYMBOL_CLOSE, NULL);
    lv_win_add_btn(win2, SYMBOL_OK, NULL);
    lv_win_add_btn(win2, SYMBOL_EDIT, NULL);

    lv_obj_t *label = lv_label_create(win2, NULL);
    lv_obj_set_pos(label, 10, 10);
    lv_label_set_text(label, "Long\n\n\ntext\n\n\nto\n\n\nsee\n\n\nthe\n\n\nscrollbars");

    static lv_style_t header;
    lv_style_copy(&header, &lv_style_plain);
    header.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_RED;
    header.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_MARRON;
    header.body.padding.inner = 0;
    header.text.color = LV_COLOR_WHITE;

    lv_obj_t *win3 = lv_win_create(lv_scr_act(), win2);
    lv_obj_align(win3, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, 0);
    lv_win_set_style(win3, LV_WIN_STYLE_HEADER, &header);
    lv_win_set_style(win3, LV_WIN_STYLE_BTN_REL, &lv_style_transp);
    lv_win_set_style(win3, LV_WIN_STYLE_CONTENT_BG, &lv_style_plain_color);
    lv_win_set_style(win3, LV_WIN_STYLE_CONTENT_SCRL, &lv_style_plain);
    lv_win_set_style(win3, LV_WIN_STYLE_BG, &lv_style_plain_color);
    lv_win_set_btn_size(win3, LV_DPI / 3);

    label = lv_label_create(win3, NULL);
    lv_obj_set_pos(label, 10, 10);
    lv_label_set_text(label, "Styled window\n\nThe content background has\ndifferent color");

    lv_obj_t *win4 = lv_win_create(lv_scr_act(), win3);
    lv_obj_align(win4, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_BOTTOM_RIGHT, 0, 0);
예제 #8
static void ssd1306_task(void *pvParameters)
    printf("%s: Started user interface task\n", __FUNCTION__);
    ssd1306_set_whole_display_lighting(&dev, false);

    //Set a style for the obj
    lv_style_copy(&style, &lv_style_transp);
    style.text.font = &lv_font_dejavu_10;   /*Unicode and symbol fonts already assigned by the library*/
    style.text.color.full = 1;
    style.text.opa = 255;

    style.body.main_color.full = 0;
    style.body.grad_color.full = 0;
    style.body.shadow.color.full = 0;
    style.body.border.color.full = 0;
    style.body.empty = 1;

    style.image.color.full = 1;
    style.image.intense = 255;
    style.image.opa = 255;

    style.line.color.full = 1;
    style.line.opa = 255;
    style.line.width = 1;
    style.line.rounded = false;

    //Create main screen obj
    lv_obj_t * scr = lv_obj_create(NULL, NULL);
    lv_obj_set_style(scr, &style);

    //Create a simple label
    label = lv_label_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
    lv_obj_set_style(label, &style);

    lv_obj_align(label, lv_scr_act(), LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_LEFT, 0, 0);
    lv_label_set_long_mode(label, LV_LABEL_LONG_BREAK);
    lv_label_set_align(label, LV_LABEL_ALIGN_CENTER);
    lv_label_set_text(label, "lvgl work with esp-open-rtos");
    lv_obj_set_width(label, LV_HOR_RES);

    while (1) {
        /*draw system call */
예제 #9
 * Concat two font and create label with Unicode characters
 * LV_TXT_UTF8 has to be enabled
void lv_tutorial_fonts(void)
    /*Add the cyrillic character set to the ASCII*/
    lv_font_add(&font_ubuntu_40_cyrillic, &font_ubuntu_40_ascii);

    /*Create a style and use the new font*/
    static lv_style_t style1;
    lv_style_copy(&style1, &lv_style_plain);
    style1.text.font = &font_ubuntu_40_ascii;

    /*Create a label and set new text*/
    lv_obj_t *label = lv_label_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
    lv_obj_set_pos(label, 10, 10);
    lv_label_set_style(label, &style1);
    lv_label_set_text(label, "Hello\nпривет");      /*Use ASCII and Cyrillic letters together*/
예제 #10
 * Create a drop down list objects
 * @param par pointer to an object, it will be the parent of the new drop down list
 * @param copy pointer to a drop down list object, if not NULL then the new object will be copied from it
 * @return pointer to the created drop down list
lv_obj_t * lv_ddlist_create(lv_obj_t * par, lv_obj_t * copy)
    /*Create the ancestor drop down list*/
    lv_obj_t * new_ddlist = lv_page_create(par, copy);
    if(ancestor_signal == NULL) ancestor_signal = lv_obj_get_signal_func(new_ddlist);
    if(ancestor_scrl_signal == NULL) ancestor_scrl_signal = lv_obj_get_signal_func(lv_page_get_scrl(new_ddlist));
    if(ancestor_design == NULL) ancestor_design = lv_obj_get_design_func(new_ddlist);
    /*Allocate the drop down list type specific extended data*/
    lv_ddlist_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_allocate_ext_attr(new_ddlist, sizeof(lv_ddlist_ext_t));

    /*Initialize the allocated 'ext' */
    ext->label = NULL;
    ext->action = NULL;
    ext->opened = 0;
    ext->fix_height = 0;
    ext->sel_opt_id = 0;
    ext->sel_opt_id_ori = 0;
    ext->option_cnt = 0;
    ext->anim_time = LV_DDLIST_ANIM_TIME;
    ext->sel_style = &lv_style_plain_color;

    /*The signal and design functions are not copied so set them here*/
    lv_obj_set_signal_func(new_ddlist, lv_ddlist_signal);
    lv_obj_set_signal_func(lv_page_get_scrl(new_ddlist), lv_ddlist_scrl_signal);
    lv_obj_set_design_func(new_ddlist, lv_ddlist_design);

    /*Init the new drop down list drop down list*/
    if(copy == NULL) {
        lv_obj_t * scrl = lv_page_get_scrl(new_ddlist);
        lv_obj_set_drag(scrl, false);
        lv_page_set_scrl_fit(new_ddlist, true, true);

        ext->label = lv_label_create(new_ddlist, NULL);
        lv_cont_set_fit(new_ddlist, true, false);
        lv_page_set_rel_action(new_ddlist, lv_ddlist_release_action);
        lv_page_set_sb_mode(new_ddlist, LV_SB_MODE_DRAG);
        lv_page_set_style(new_ddlist, LV_PAGE_STYLE_SCRL, &lv_style_transp_tight);

        lv_ddlist_set_options(new_ddlist, "Option 1\nOption 2\nOption 3");

        /*Set the default styles*/
        lv_theme_t *th = lv_theme_get_current();
        if(th) {
            lv_ddlist_set_style(new_ddlist, LV_DDLIST_STYLE_BG, th->ddlist.bg);
            lv_ddlist_set_style(new_ddlist, LV_DDLIST_STYLE_SEL,th->ddlist.sel);
            lv_ddlist_set_style(new_ddlist, LV_DDLIST_STYLE_SB, th->ddlist.sb);
        } else {
            lv_ddlist_set_style(new_ddlist, LV_DDLIST_STYLE_BG, &lv_style_pretty);
            lv_ddlist_set_style(new_ddlist, LV_DDLIST_STYLE_SEL, &lv_style_plain_color);
            lv_ddlist_set_style(new_ddlist, LV_DDLIST_STYLE_SB, &lv_style_pretty_color);
    /*Copy an existing drop down list*/
    else {
    	lv_ddlist_ext_t * copy_ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(copy);
        ext->label = lv_label_create(new_ddlist, copy_ext->label);
        lv_label_set_text(ext->label, lv_label_get_text(copy_ext->label));
        ext->sel_opt_id = copy_ext->sel_opt_id;
        ext->fix_height = copy_ext->fix_height;
        ext->action = copy_ext->action;
        ext->option_cnt = copy_ext->option_cnt;
        ext->sel_style = copy_ext->sel_style;
        ext->anim_time = copy_ext->anim_time;

        /*Refresh the style with new signal function*/
    return new_ddlist;
예제 #11
 * Create tab views to test their functionalities
void lv_test_tabview_1(void)
    /* Default object. It will be an empty tab view*/
    lv_obj_t *tv1 = lv_tabview_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
    lv_tabview_add_tab(tv1, "First");
    lv_tabview_add_tab(tv1, "Second");
    lv_obj_set_size(tv1, LV_HOR_RES / 2 - 10, LV_VER_RES / 2 - 10);

    /*Copy the first tabview and add some texts*/
    lv_obj_t *tv2 = lv_tabview_create(lv_scr_act(), tv1);
    lv_obj_align(tv2, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_RIGHT, 0, 0);

    lv_obj_t *tab = lv_tabview_get_tab(tv2, 0);
    lv_obj_t *label = lv_label_create(tab, NULL);
    lv_label_set_text(label, "This is\n\n\nA long text\n\n\ntext\n\n\non the\n\n\nsecond\n\n\ntab\n\n\nto see\n\n\nthe scrolling");

    tab = lv_tabview_get_tab(tv2, 1);
    label = lv_label_create(tab, NULL);
    lv_label_set_text(label, "This is the second tab");

    /*Create styles*/
    static lv_style_t bg;
    static lv_style_t sb;
    static lv_style_t btns_bg;
    static lv_style_t tab_bg;
    static lv_style_t rel;
    static lv_style_t pr;
    static lv_style_t tgl_rel;
    static lv_style_t tgl_pr;
    static lv_style_t indic;

    lv_style_copy(&btns_bg, &lv_style_plain_color);
    lv_style_copy(&tab_bg, &lv_style_pretty_color);
    lv_style_copy(&bg, &lv_style_pretty_color);
    lv_style_copy(&sb, &lv_style_pretty);
    lv_style_copy(&btns_bg, &lv_style_transp_fit);
    lv_style_copy(&rel, &lv_style_plain);
    lv_style_copy(&pr, &lv_style_plain);
    lv_style_copy(&tgl_rel, &lv_style_plain);
    lv_style_copy(&tgl_pr, &lv_style_plain);
    lv_style_copy(&indic, &lv_style_plain);

    rel.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_SILVER;
    pr.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_GRAY;
    tgl_rel.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_RED;
    tgl_pr.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_MARRON;
    indic.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_ORANGE;
    indic.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_ORANGE;
    indic.body.padding.inner = LV_DPI / 16;
    tab_bg.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_SILVER;
    tab_bg.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_GREEN;
    tab_bg.text.color = LV_COLOR_YELLOW;

    /*Apply the styles*/
    lv_obj_t *tv3 = lv_tabview_create(lv_scr_act(), tv2);
    lv_obj_align(tv3, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, 0);
    lv_tabview_set_style(tv3, LV_TABVIEW_STYLE_BG, &bg);
    lv_tabview_set_style(tv3, LV_TABVIEW_STYLE_BTN_BG, &btns_bg);
    lv_tabview_set_style(tv3, LV_TABVIEW_STYLE_BTN_REL, &rel);
    lv_tabview_set_style(tv3, LV_TABVIEW_STYLE_BTN_PR, &pr);
    lv_tabview_set_style(tv3, LV_TABVIEW_STYLE_BTN_TGL_REL, &tgl_rel);
    lv_tabview_set_style(tv3, LV_TABVIEW_STYLE_BTN_TGL_PR, &tgl_pr);
    lv_tabview_set_style(tv3, LV_TABVIEW_STYLE_INDIC, &indic);

    tab = lv_tabview_get_tab(tv3, 0);
    lv_page_set_style(tab, LV_PAGE_STYLE_BG, &tab_bg);
    lv_page_set_style(tab, LV_PAGE_STYLE_SB, &sb);
    label = lv_label_create(tab, NULL);
    lv_label_set_text(label, "This is\n\n\nA long text\n\n\ntext\n\n\non the\n\n\nsecond\n\n\ntab\n\n\nto see\n\n\nthe scrolling");

    tab = lv_tabview_get_tab(tv3, 1);
    label = lv_label_create(tab, NULL);
    lv_label_set_text(label, "This is the second tab");

    /*Copy the styles tab view*/
    lv_obj_t *tv4 = lv_tabview_create(lv_scr_act(), tv3);
    lv_obj_align(tv4, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_BOTTOM_RIGHT, 0, 0);
예제 #12
static void create_tab1(lv_theme_t * th, lv_obj_t *parent)
    lv_page_set_scrl_layout(parent, LV_LAYOUT_PRETTY);

    static lv_style_t h_style;
    lv_style_copy(&h_style, &lv_style_transp);
    h_style.body.padding.inner = LV_DPI / 4;
    h_style.body.padding.hor = LV_DPI / 4;
    h_style.body.padding.ver = LV_DPI / 6;

    lv_obj_t *h = lv_cont_create(parent, NULL);
    lv_obj_set_style(h, &h_style);
    lv_obj_set_click(h, false);
    lv_cont_set_fit(h, true, true);
    lv_cont_set_layout(h, LV_LAYOUT_COL_M);

    lv_obj_t *btn = lv_btn_create(h, NULL);
    lv_btn_set_style(btn, LV_BTN_STYLE_REL, th->btn.rel);
    lv_btn_set_style(btn, LV_BTN_STYLE_PR, th->btn.pr);
    lv_btn_set_style(btn, LV_BTN_STYLE_TGL_REL, th->btn.tgl_rel);
    lv_btn_set_style(btn, LV_BTN_STYLE_TGL_PR, th->btn.tgl_pr);
    lv_btn_set_style(btn, LV_BTN_STYLE_INA, th->btn.ina);
    lv_btn_set_fit(btn, true, true);
    lv_btn_set_toggle(btn, true);
    lv_obj_t *btn_label = lv_label_create(btn, NULL);
    lv_label_set_text(btn_label, "Button");

    btn = lv_btn_create(h, btn);
    btn_label = lv_label_create(btn, NULL);
    lv_label_set_text(btn_label, "Toggled");

    btn = lv_btn_create(h, btn);
    lv_btn_set_state(btn, LV_BTN_STATE_INA);
    btn_label = lv_label_create(btn, NULL);
    lv_label_set_text(btn_label, "Inactive");

    lv_obj_t *label = lv_label_create(h, NULL);
    lv_label_set_text(label, "Primary");
    lv_obj_set_style(label, th->label.prim);

    label = lv_label_create(h, NULL);
    lv_label_set_text(label, "Secondary");
    lv_obj_set_style(label, th->label.sec);

    label = lv_label_create(h, NULL);
    lv_label_set_text(label, "Hint");
    lv_obj_set_style(label, th->label.hint);

    static const char *btnm_str[] = {"1", "2", "3", SYMBOL_OK, SYMBOL_CLOSE, ""};
    lv_obj_t *btnm = lv_btnm_create(h, NULL);
    lv_obj_set_size(btnm,LV_HOR_RES / 4, 2 * LV_DPI / 3);
    lv_btnm_set_map(btnm, btnm_str);
    lv_btnm_set_toggle(btnm, true, 3);

    h = lv_cont_create(parent, h);

    lv_obj_t *sw_h = lv_cont_create(h, NULL);
    lv_cont_set_style(sw_h, &lv_style_transp);
    lv_cont_set_fit(sw_h, false, true);
    lv_obj_set_width(sw_h, LV_HOR_RES / 4);
    lv_cont_set_layout(sw_h, LV_LAYOUT_PRETTY);

    lv_obj_t *sw = lv_sw_create(sw_h, NULL);

    sw = lv_sw_create(sw_h, sw);

    lv_obj_t *bar = lv_bar_create(h, NULL);
    lv_bar_set_value(bar, 70);

    lv_obj_t *slider = lv_slider_create(h, NULL);
    lv_bar_set_value(slider, 70);

    lv_obj_t *line = lv_line_create(h, NULL);
    static const lv_point_t line_p[] = {{0,0},{LV_HOR_RES / 5, 0}};
    lv_line_set_points(line, line_p, 2);
    lv_line_set_style(line, th->line.decor);

    lv_obj_t *ta = lv_ta_create(h, NULL);
    lv_obj_set_style(ta, th->ta.oneline);
    lv_ta_set_text(ta, "Some text");
    lv_ta_set_one_line(ta, true);

    lv_obj_t *cb = lv_cb_create(h, NULL);

    cb = lv_cb_create(h, cb);
    lv_btn_set_state(cb, LV_BTN_STATE_TGL_REL);

    lv_obj_t *ddlist = lv_ddlist_create(h, NULL);
    lv_ddlist_open(ddlist, false);
    lv_ddlist_set_selected(ddlist, 1);

    h = lv_cont_create(parent, h);

    lv_obj_t * list = lv_list_create(h, NULL);
    lv_obj_t *list_btn;
    list_btn = lv_list_add(list, SYMBOL_GPS,  "GPS",  NULL);
    lv_obj_set_size(list, LV_HOR_RES / 4, LV_VER_RES / 2);
    lv_btn_set_toggle(list_btn, true);
    lv_list_add(list, SYMBOL_WIFI, "WiFi", NULL);
    lv_list_add(list, SYMBOL_GPS, "GPS", NULL);
    lv_list_add(list, SYMBOL_AUDIO, "Audio", NULL);
    lv_list_add(list, SYMBOL_VIDEO, "Video", NULL);
    lv_list_add(list, SYMBOL_CALL, "Call", NULL);
    lv_list_add(list, SYMBOL_BELL, "Bell", NULL);
    lv_list_add(list, SYMBOL_FILE, "File", NULL);
    lv_list_add(list, SYMBOL_EDIT, "Edit", NULL);
    lv_list_add(list, SYMBOL_CUT,  "Cut",  NULL);
    lv_list_add(list, SYMBOL_COPY, "Copy", NULL);

    lv_obj_t *roller = lv_roller_create(h, NULL);
    lv_roller_set_options(roller, "Monday\nTuesday\nWednesday\nThursday\nFriday\nSaturday\nSunday");
    lv_roller_set_selected(roller, 1, false);
    lv_roller_set_visible_row_count(roller, 3);
예제 #13
 * Create buttons to test their functionalities
void lv_test_btn_1(void)
    /* Create a button which looks well */
    lv_obj_t * btn1 = lv_btn_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);

    /* Create a default button manually set to toggled state*/
    lv_obj_t * btn2 = lv_btn_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
    lv_obj_align(btn2, btn1, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_MID, 0, 20);
    lv_btn_set_state(btn2, LV_BTN_STATE_TGL_REL);

    /* Create a button which can be toggled */
    lv_obj_t * btn3 = lv_btn_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
    lv_obj_align(btn3, btn2, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_MID, 0, 20);
    lv_btn_set_toggle(btn3, true);

    /* Test actions:
     * Press: increase width, Release: decrease width, Long press: delete */
    lv_obj_t * btn4 = lv_btn_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
    lv_obj_align(btn4, btn1, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, 20, 0);
    lv_btn_set_action(btn4, LV_BTN_ACTION_PR, width_inc);
    lv_btn_set_action(btn4, LV_BTN_ACTION_CLICK, width_dec);
    lv_btn_set_action(btn4,  LV_BTN_ACTION_LONG_PR, lv_obj_del);

    /* Test styles and copy. Same as 'btn4' but different styles */
    static lv_style_t style_rel;
    lv_style_copy(&style_rel, &lv_style_pretty);
    style_rel.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_ORANGE;
    style_rel.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_BLACK;
    style_rel.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_RED;
    style_rel.body.shadow.color = LV_COLOR_MARRON;
    style_rel.body.shadow.width = 10;

    static lv_style_t style_pr;
    lv_style_copy(&style_pr,  &lv_style_pretty);
    style_pr.body.empty = 1;
    style_pr.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_RED;
    style_pr.body.border.width = 4;

    /*Skip 'tpr' because it will be let the same*/

    static lv_style_t style_tpr;
    lv_style_copy(&style_tpr, &lv_style_pretty);
    style_tpr.body.empty = 1;
    style_tpr.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_RED;
    style_tpr.body.border.width = 4;

    static lv_style_t style_ina;
    lv_style_copy(&style_ina, &lv_style_pretty);
    style_ina.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_SILVER;
    style_ina.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_GRAY;
    style_ina.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_RED;

    /*Create styled button*/
    lv_obj_t * btn5 = lv_btn_create(lv_scr_act(), btn4);
    lv_obj_align(btn5, btn4, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_MID, 0, 20);
    lv_btn_set_style(btn5, LV_BTN_STYLE_REL, &style_rel);
    lv_btn_set_style(btn5, LV_BTN_STYLE_PR, &style_pr);
    lv_btn_set_style(btn5, LV_BTN_STYLE_TGL_PR, &style_tpr);
    lv_btn_set_style(btn5, LV_BTN_STYLE_INA, &style_ina);
    lv_btn_set_toggle(btn5, true);

    /* Test style copy and inactive state*/
    lv_obj_t * btn6 = lv_btn_create(lv_scr_act(), btn5);
    lv_obj_align(btn6, btn5, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_MID, 0, 20);
    lv_btn_set_state(btn6, LV_BTN_STATE_INA);

    /*Test horizontal fit and default layout (CENTER)*/
    lv_obj_t * btn7 = lv_btn_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
    lv_btn_set_fit(btn7, true, false);
    lv_obj_t *label = lv_label_create(btn7, NULL);
    lv_label_set_text(label, "A quite long text");
    label = lv_label_create(btn7, NULL);
    lv_label_set_text(label, "Short text");
    lv_obj_align(btn7, btn4, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_TOP, 20, 0);

예제 #14
 * Create objects to configure the applications
 * @param app pointer to an application which settings should be created
 * @param conf_win pointer to a window where the objects can be created
 *                (the window has the proper layout)
static void my_conf_open(lv_app_inst_t * app, lv_obj_t * conf_win)
    my_app_data_t * app_data = app->app_data;

    /*Create check boxes*/
    lv_obj_t * cb;

    /*Send file name check box*/
    cb = lv_cb_create(conf_win, NULL);
    lv_cb_set_text(cb, "Send file name");
    lv_obj_set_free_num(cb, SEND_SETTINGS_FN);
    lv_obj_set_free_p(cb, app);
    lv_btn_set_rel_action(cb, win_send_settings_element_rel_action);
    if(app_data->send_fn != 0) lv_btn_set_state(cb, LV_BTN_STATE_TREL);
    else lv_btn_set_state(cb, LV_BTN_STATE_REL);

    /*Send size check box*/
    cb = lv_cb_create(conf_win, cb);
    lv_cb_set_text(cb, "Send size");
    lv_obj_set_free_num(cb, SEND_SETTINGS_SIZE);
    if(app_data->send_size != 0) lv_btn_set_state(cb, LV_BTN_STATE_TREL);
    else lv_btn_set_state(cb, LV_BTN_STATE_REL);

    /*Send CRC check box*/
    cb = lv_cb_create(conf_win, cb);
    lv_cb_set_text(cb, "Send CRC");
    lv_obj_set_free_num(cb, SEND_SETTINGS_CRC);
    if(app_data->send_crc != 0) lv_btn_set_state(cb, LV_BTN_STATE_TREL);
    else lv_btn_set_state(cb, LV_BTN_STATE_REL);

    /*Create a text area to type chunk size*/
    lv_obj_t * val_set_h;
    val_set_h = lv_cont_create(conf_win, NULL);
    lv_obj_set_style(val_set_h, lv_style_get(LV_STYLE_PLAIN_COLOR, NULL));
    lv_obj_set_click(val_set_h, false);
    lv_cont_set_fit(val_set_h, true, true);
    lv_cont_set_layout(val_set_h, LV_CONT_LAYOUT_ROW_M);

    lv_obj_t * label;
    label = lv_label_create(val_set_h, NULL);
    lv_label_set_text(label, "Chunk size");

    lv_obj_t * ta;
    char buf[32];
    ta = lv_ta_create(val_set_h, NULL);
    lv_cont_set_fit(ta, false, true);
    lv_obj_set_free_num(ta, SEND_SETTINGS_CHUNK_SIZE);
    lv_obj_set_free_p(ta, app);
    lv_page_set_rel_action(ta, win_send_settings_element_rel_action);
    sprintf(buf, "%d", app_data->chunk_size);
    lv_ta_set_text(ta, buf);

    /*Create a text area to type the chunk delay*/
    val_set_h = lv_cont_create(conf_win, val_set_h);

    label = lv_label_create(val_set_h, NULL);
    lv_label_set_text(label, "Inter-chunk delay");

    ta = lv_ta_create(val_set_h, ta);
    lv_obj_set_free_num(ta, SEND_SETTINGS_CHUNK_DELAY);
    sprintf(buf, "%d", app_data->chunk_delay);
    lv_ta_set_text(ta, buf);