예제 #1
static LWGEOM*
parse_geojson_multipolygon(json_object *geojson, bool *hasz,  int *root_srid)
	LWGEOM *geom = NULL;
	int i, j, k;
	json_object* poObjPolys = NULL;

	if (!*root_srid)
		geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTIPOLYGONTYPE, *root_srid, 1, 0);
		geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTIPOLYGONTYPE, -1, 1, 0);

	poObjPolys = findMemberByName( geojson, "coordinates" );
	if ( ! poObjPolys )
		geojson_lwerror("Unable to find 'coordinates' in GeoJSON string", 4);

	if( json_type_array == json_object_get_type( poObjPolys ) )
		const int nPolys = json_object_array_length( poObjPolys );

		for(i = 0; i < nPolys; ++i)
			POINTARRAY **ppa;
			json_object* poObjPoly = NULL;
			poObjPoly = json_object_array_get_idx( poObjPolys, i );

			ppa = (POINTARRAY**) lwalloc(sizeof(POINTARRAY*));

			if( json_type_array == json_object_get_type( poObjPoly ) )
				int nPoints;
				json_object* points = NULL;
				int ring = json_object_array_length( poObjPoly );
				ppa[0] = ptarray_construct_empty(1, 0, 1);

				points = json_object_array_get_idx( poObjPoly, 0 );
				nPoints = json_object_array_length( points );

				for (j=0; j < nPoints; j++ )
					json_object* coords = NULL;
					coords = json_object_array_get_idx( points, j );
					parse_geojson_coord(coords, hasz, ppa[0]);

				for(j = 1; j < ring; ++j)
					int nPoints;
					ppa = (POINTARRAY**) lwrealloc((POINTARRAY *) ppa, sizeof(POINTARRAY*) * (j + 1));
					ppa[i] = ptarray_construct_empty(1, 0, 1);
					points = json_object_array_get_idx( poObjPoly, j );

					nPoints = json_object_array_length( points );
					for (k=0; k < nPoints; k++ )
						json_object* coords = NULL;
						coords = json_object_array_get_idx( points, k );
						parse_geojson_coord(coords, hasz, ppa[i]);

				geom = (LWGEOM*)lwmpoly_add_lwpoly((LWMPOLY*)geom,
				                                   (LWPOLY*)lwpoly_construct(*root_srid, NULL, ring, ppa));

	return geom;
예제 #2
static LWGEOM*
parse_geojson_multipolygon(json_object *geojson, int *hasz, int root_srid)
	LWGEOM *geom = NULL;
	int i, j, k;
	json_object* poObjPolys = NULL;

	if (!root_srid)
		geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTIPOLYGONTYPE, root_srid, 1, 0);
		geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTIPOLYGONTYPE, -1, 1, 0);

	poObjPolys = findMemberByName( geojson, "coordinates" );
	if ( ! poObjPolys ) 
		geojson_lwerror("Unable to find 'coordinates' in GeoJSON string", 4);
		return NULL;

	if( json_type_array == json_object_get_type( poObjPolys ) )
		const int nPolys = json_object_array_length( poObjPolys );

		for(i = 0; i < nPolys; ++i)
			json_object* poObjPoly = json_object_array_get_idx( poObjPolys, i );

			if( json_type_array == json_object_get_type( poObjPoly ) )
				LWPOLY *lwpoly = lwpoly_construct_empty(geom->srid, lwgeom_has_z(geom), lwgeom_has_m(geom));
				int nRings = json_object_array_length( poObjPoly );
				for(j = 0; j < nRings; ++j)
					json_object* points = json_object_array_get_idx( poObjPoly, j );
					if( json_type_array == json_object_get_type( points ) )

						POINTARRAY *pa = ptarray_construct_empty(1, 0, 1);

						int nPoints = json_object_array_length( points );
						for ( k=0; k < nPoints; k++ )
							json_object* coords = json_object_array_get_idx( points, k );
							parse_geojson_coord(coords, hasz, pa);
						lwpoly_add_ring(lwpoly, pa);
				geom = (LWGEOM*)lwmpoly_add_lwpoly((LWMPOLY*)geom, lwpoly);

	return geom;