예제 #1
/* In the case of `Lwt_unix.getcwd`, the argument is `()`, which is represented
   in C by one argument, which we conventually call `unit`. OCaml always passes
   the same value for this argument, and we don't use it. */
CAMLprim value lwt_unix_getcwd_job(value unit)
    /* Allocate the `job_getcwd` on the OCaml heap. Inside it, store its size,
       and pointers to `worker_getcwd` and `result_getcwd`. Arguments must be
       stored manually after the macro is called, but in the case of `getcwd`,
       there are no arguments to initialize.

       For an example of a job that has arguments, see `lwt_unix_read_job`.

       The first argument is the name of the variable to be created to store
       the pointer to the job `struct`, i.e.

         struct job_getcwd *job = ...

       The last argument is the number of bytes of storage to reserve in memory
       immediately following the `struct`. This is for fields such as
       `char data[]` at the end of the struct. It is typically zero. For an
       example where it is not zero, see `lwt_unix_read_job` again.

       If the additional data is stored inline in the job struct, it is
       deallocated with `lwt_unix_free_job`. If the additional data is for
       pointers to additional structure, you must remember to deallocate it
       yourself. For an example of this, see `readdir_n`.*/
    LWT_UNIX_INIT_JOB(job, getcwd, 0);

    /* Allocate a corresponding object in the OCaml heap. `&job->job` is the
       same numeric address as `job`, but has type `struct lwt_unix_job`. */
    return lwt_unix_alloc_job(&job->job);
예제 #2
CAMLprim value lwt_unix_write_job(value val_fd, value val_string,
                                  value val_offset, value val_length)
    long length = Long_val(val_length);
    LWT_UNIX_INIT_JOB(job, write, length);
    job->fd = Int_val(val_fd);
    job->length = length;
    memcpy(job->buffer, String_val(val_string) + Long_val(val_offset), length);
    return lwt_unix_alloc_job(&(job->job));
예제 #3
CAMLprim value lwt_unix_fsync_job(value val_fd)
  struct filedescr *fd = (struct filedescr *)Data_custom_val(val_fd);
  if (fd->kind != KIND_HANDLE) {
  } else {
    LWT_UNIX_INIT_JOB(job, fsync, 0);
    job->handle = fd->fd.handle;
    job->error_code = 0;
    return lwt_unix_alloc_job(&(job->job));
예제 #4
/* The stub creating the job structure. */
CAMLprim value lwt_unix_close_job(value fd)
  /* Allocate a new job. */
  struct job_close* job = lwt_unix_new(struct job_close);
  /* Initializes function fields. */
  job->job.worker = (lwt_unix_job_worker)worker_close;
  job->job.result = (lwt_unix_job_result)result_close;
  /* Copy the fd parameter. */
  job->fd = Int_val(fd);
  /* Wrap the structure into a caml value. */
  return lwt_unix_alloc_job(&job->job);
예제 #5
CAMLprim value lwt_unix_bytes_read_job(value val_fd, value val_buffer, value val_offset, value val_length)
  struct filedescr *fd = (struct filedescr *)Data_custom_val(val_fd);
  LWT_UNIX_INIT_JOB(job, bytes_read, 0);
  job->kind = fd->kind;
  if (fd->kind == KIND_HANDLE)
    job->fd.handle = fd->fd.handle;
    job->fd.socket = fd->fd.socket;
  job->buffer = (char*)Caml_ba_data_val(val_buffer) + Long_val(val_offset);
  job->length = Long_val(val_length);
  job->error_code = 0;
  return lwt_unix_alloc_job(&(job->job));
예제 #6
/* The stub creating the job structure. */
CAMLprim value lwt_unix_tcflow_job(value fd, value action)
  /* Allocate a new job. */
  struct job_tcflow* job = lwt_unix_new(struct job_tcflow);
  /* Initializes function fields. */
  job->job.worker = (lwt_unix_job_worker)worker_tcflow;
  job->job.result = (lwt_unix_job_result)result_tcflow;
  /* Copy the fd parameter. */
  job->fd = Int_val(fd);
  /* Copy the action parameter. */
  job->action = flow_action_table[Int_val(action)];
  /* Wrap the structure into a caml value. */
  return lwt_unix_alloc_job(&job->job);
예제 #7
CAMLprim value lwt_unix_write_job(value val_fd, value val_string, value val_offset, value val_length)
  struct filedescr *fd = (struct filedescr *)Data_custom_val(val_fd);
  long length = Long_val(val_length);
  LWT_UNIX_INIT_JOB(job, write, length);
  job->kind = fd->kind;
  if (fd->kind == KIND_HANDLE)
    job->fd.handle = fd->fd.handle;
    job->fd.socket = fd->fd.socket;
  memcpy(job->buffer, String_val(val_string) + Long_val(val_offset), length);
  job->length = length;
  job->error_code = 0;
  return lwt_unix_alloc_job(&(job->job));
예제 #8
/* The stub creating the job structure. */
CAMLprim value lwt_unix_lseek_64_job(value fd, value offset, value whence)
  /* Allocate a new job. */
  struct job_lseek* job = lwt_unix_new(struct job_lseek);
  /* Initializes function fields. */
  job->job.worker = (lwt_unix_job_worker)worker_lseek;
  job->job.result = (lwt_unix_job_result)result_lseek_64;
  /* Copy the fd parameter. */
  job->fd = Int_val(fd);
  /* Copy the offset parameter. */
  job->offset = Int64_val(offset);
  /* Copy the whence parameter. */
  job->whence = seek_command_table[Int_val(whence)];
  /* Wrap the structure into a caml value. */
  return lwt_unix_alloc_job(&job->job);
예제 #9
CAMLprim value lwt_unix_read_job(value val_fd, value val_string, value val_offset, value val_length)
  struct filedescr *fd = (struct filedescr *)Data_custom_val(val_fd);
  long length = Long_val(val_length);
  LWT_UNIX_INIT_JOB(job, read, length);
  job->kind = fd->kind;
  if (fd->kind == KIND_HANDLE)
    job->fd.handle = fd->fd.handle;
    job->fd.socket = fd->fd.socket;
  job->length = length;
  job->error_code = 0;
  job->string = val_string;
  job->offset = Long_val(val_offset);
  return lwt_unix_alloc_job(&(job->job));
예제 #10
CAMLprim value lwt_unix_system_job(value cmdline)

  ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
  ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi));
  si.cb = sizeof(si);
  if (!CreateProcess(NULL, String_val(cmdline), NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi)) {
    uerror("CreateProcess", Nothing);
  } else {
    LWT_UNIX_INIT_JOB(job, system, 0);
    job->handle = pi.hProcess;
    return lwt_unix_alloc_job(&(job->job));
예제 #11
/* The stub creating the job structure. */
CAMLprim value lwt_unix_access_job(value path, value mode)
  /* Get the length of the path parameter. */
  mlsize_t len_path = caml_string_length(path) + 1;
  /* Allocate a new job. */
  struct job_access* job = lwt_unix_new_plus(struct job_access, len_path);
  /* Set the offset of the path parameter inside the job structure. */
  job->path = job->data;
  /* Copy the path parameter inside the job structure. */
  memcpy(job->path, String_val(path), len_path);
  /* Initializes function fields. */
  job->job.worker = (lwt_unix_job_worker)worker_access;
  job->job.result = (lwt_unix_job_result)result_access;
  /* Copy the mode parameter. */
  job->mode = int_of_access_permissions(mode);
  /* Wrap the structure into a caml value. */
  return lwt_unix_alloc_job(&job->job);
예제 #12
CAMLprim value lwt_unix_gethostbyname_job(value name)
    LWT_UNIX_INIT_JOB_STRING(job, gethostbyname, 0, name);
    return lwt_unix_alloc_job(&(job->job));
예제 #13
CAMLprim value lwt_unix_fstat_job(value val_fd)
    LWT_UNIX_INIT_JOB(job, fstat, 0);
    job->fd = Int_val(val_fd);
    return lwt_unix_alloc_job(&(job->job));
예제 #14
CAMLprim value lwt_unix_lstat_64_job(value name)
    LWT_UNIX_INIT_JOB_STRING(job, lstat, 0, name);
    job->job.result = (lwt_unix_job_result)result_lstat_64;
    return lwt_unix_alloc_job(&(job->job));
예제 #15
CAMLprim value lwt_unix_wait_mincore_job(value val_buffer, value val_offset)
    LWT_UNIX_INIT_JOB(job, wait_mincore, 0);
    job->ptr = (char *)Caml_ba_data_val(val_buffer) + Long_val(val_offset);
    return lwt_unix_alloc_job(&(job->job));