예제 #1
 static PetscErrorCode _computeIJacobian(TS /* ts */,PetscReal time,Vec X,Vec Xdot,PetscReal shift,Mat *J,Mat *B,MatStructure *mstr,void *ctx) {
   PetscTimeStepper *ths = (PetscTimeStepper*)ctx;
   PetscVector<Number> mX(X), mXdot(Xdot);
   PetscMatrix<Number> mJ(*J), mB(*B);
   return 0;
예제 #2
void FGMassBalance::GetMassPropertiesReport(void) const
  cout << endl << fgblue << highint 
       << "  Mass Properties Report (English units: lbf, in, slug-ft^2)"
       << reset << endl;
  cout << "                                  " << underon << "    Weight    CG-X    CG-Y"
       << "    CG-Z         Ixx         Iyy         Izz" << underoff << endl;
  cout << highint << setw(34) << left << "    Base Vehicle " << normint
       << right << setw(10) << EmptyWeight << setw(8) << vbaseXYZcg(eX) << setw(8)
       << vbaseXYZcg(eY) << setw(8) << vbaseXYZcg(eZ) << setw(12) << baseJ(1,1)
       << setw(12) << baseJ(2,2) << setw(12) << baseJ(3,3) << endl;

  for (unsigned int i=0;i<PointMasses.size();i++) {
    PointMass* pm = PointMasses[i];
    double pmweight = pm->GetPointMassWeight();
    cout << highint << left << setw(4) << i << setw(30) << pm->GetName() << normint
         << right << setw(10) << pmweight << setw(8) << pm->GetLocation()(eX)
         << setw(8) << pm->GetLocation()(eY) << setw(8) << pm->GetLocation()(eZ)
         << setw(12) << pm->GetPointMassMoI(1,1) << setw(12) << pm->GetPointMassMoI(2,2)
         << setw(12) << pm->GetPointMassMoI(3,3) << endl;

  cout << FDMExec->GetPropulsionTankReport();

  cout << underon << setw(104) << " " << underoff << endl;
  cout << highint << left << setw(30) << "    Total: " << right << setw(14) << Weight 
       << setw(8) << vXYZcg(eX)
       << setw(8) << vXYZcg(eY)
       << setw(8) << vXYZcg(eZ)
       << setw(12) << mJ(1,1)
       << setw(12) << mJ(2,2)
       << setw(12) << mJ(3,3)
       << normint << endl;

예제 #3
bool FGMassBalance::Run(bool Holding)
  double denom, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6;
  double Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixy, Ixz, Iyz;

  if (FGModel::Run(Holding)) return true;
  if (Holding) return false;


  double ChildFDMWeight = 0.0;
  for (int fdm=0; fdm<FDMExec->GetFDMCount(); fdm++) {
    if (FDMExec->GetChildFDM(fdm)->mated) ChildFDMWeight += FDMExec->GetChildFDM(fdm)->exec->GetMassBalance()->GetWeight();

  Weight = EmptyWeight + in.TanksWeight + GetTotalPointMassWeight()
    + in.GasMass*slugtolb + ChildFDMWeight;

  Mass = lbtoslug*Weight;

// Calculate new CG

  vXYZcg = (EmptyWeight*vbaseXYZcg
            + GetPointMassMoment()
            + in.TanksMoment
            + in.GasMoment) / Weight;

  // Track frame-by-frame delta CG, and move the EOM-tracked location
  // by this amount.
  if (vLastXYZcg.Magnitude() == 0.0) vLastXYZcg = vXYZcg;
  vDeltaXYZcg = vXYZcg - vLastXYZcg;
  vDeltaXYZcgBody = StructuralToBody(vLastXYZcg) - StructuralToBody(vXYZcg);
  vLastXYZcg = vXYZcg;

// Calculate new total moments of inertia

  // At first it is the base configuration inertia matrix ...
  mJ = baseJ;
  // ... with the additional term originating from the parallel axis theorem.
  mJ += GetPointmassInertia( lbtoslug * EmptyWeight, vbaseXYZcg );
  // Then add the contributions from the additional pointmasses.
  mJ += CalculatePMInertias();
  mJ += in.TankInertia;
  mJ += in.GasInertia;

  Ixx = mJ(1,1);
  Iyy = mJ(2,2);
  Izz = mJ(3,3);
  Ixy = -mJ(1,2);
  Ixz = -mJ(1,3);
  Iyz = -mJ(2,3);

// Calculate inertia matrix inverse (ref. Stevens and Lewis, "Flight Control & Simulation")

  k1 = (Iyy*Izz - Iyz*Iyz);
  k2 = (Iyz*Ixz + Ixy*Izz);
  k3 = (Ixy*Iyz + Iyy*Ixz);

  denom = 1.0/(Ixx*k1 - Ixy*k2 - Ixz*k3 );
  k1 = k1*denom;
  k2 = k2*denom;
  k3 = k3*denom;
  k4 = (Izz*Ixx - Ixz*Ixz)*denom;
  k5 = (Ixy*Ixz + Iyz*Ixx)*denom;
  k6 = (Ixx*Iyy - Ixy*Ixy)*denom;

  mJinv.InitMatrix( k1, k2, k3,
                    k2, k4, k5,
                    k3, k5, k6 );



  return false;