bool cartslot_image_device::call_load() { /* if this cartridge has a custom DEVICE_IMAGE_LOAD, use it */ if (!m_device_image_load.isnull()) return m_device_image_load(*this); /* otherwise try the normal route */ return process_cartridge(true); }
bool diablo_image_device::call_load() { int our_result; our_result = internal_load_dsk(); /* Check if there is an image_load callback defined */ if (!m_device_image_load.isnull()) { /* Let the override do some additional work/checks */ our_result = m_device_image_load(*this); } return our_result; }
bool harddisk_image_device::call_load() { int our_result; our_result = internal_load_hd(); /* Check if there is an image_load callback defined */ if ( m_device_image_load ) { /* Let the override do some additional work/checks */ our_result = m_device_image_load(*this); } return our_result; }
image_init_result generic_slot_device::call_load() { if (m_cart) { if (!m_device_image_load.isnull()) return m_device_image_load(*this); else { uint32_t len = common_get_size("rom"); rom_alloc(len, m_width, m_endianness); common_load_rom(get_rom_base(), len, "rom"); return image_init_result::PASS; } } return image_init_result::PASS; }
bool generic_slot_device::call_load() { if (m_cart) { if (!m_device_image_load.isnull()) return m_device_image_load(*this); else { UINT32 len = common_get_size("rom"); rom_alloc(len, m_width, m_endianness); common_load_rom(get_rom_base(), len, "rom"); return IMAGE_INIT_PASS; } } return IMAGE_INIT_PASS; }