예제 #1
void keyDialog::encfsMount()
	auto m = utility::mountPath( utility::mountPathPostFix( m_ui->lineEditMountPoint->text() ) ) ;

	bool ro = m_ui->checkBoxOpenReadOnly->isChecked() ;

	if( zuluMountTask::encfsMount( m_path,m,m_key,ro ).await() ){

		 * TODO: Not suspending for a while causes a process that open the mount point
		 * to exit prematurely with "QProcess: Destroyed while process is still running." warning.
		 * look into why this happens.
		this->hide() ;

		utility::Task::suspend( 2 ) ;

		m_success( m ) ;

		this->HideUI() ;
		DialogMsg msg( this ) ;
		msg.ShowUIOK( tr( "ERROR" ),tr( "Failed to unlock an encfs volume.\nWrong password or not an encfs volume" ) ) ;
		if( m_ui->cbKeyType->currentIndex() == keyDialog::Key ){
			m_ui->lineEditKey->clear() ;
		m_ui->lineEditKey->setFocus() ;
		return this->enableAll() ;
예제 #2
void tcrypt::pbSend()
	auto l = tablewidget::tableColumnEntries( m_ui->tableWidget ) ;

	if( l.isEmpty() ){

		DialogMsg msg( this ) ;
		msg.ShowUIOK( tr( "ERROR" ),tr( "At least one keyfile is required" ) ) ;
		 * we call hide() because the GUI doesnt seem to hide when called later on in HideUI()
		this->hide() ;

		m_success( m_ui->lineEdit->text(),l ) ;

		this->HideUI() ;
예제 #3
void keyDialog::openVolume()
	int keyType = m_ui->cbKeyType->currentIndex() ;

	if( m_volumeIsEncFs ){

		if( keyType == keyDialog::Key ){

			m_key = m_ui->lineEditKey->text() ;

		}else if( keyType == keyDialog::keyfile ){

			QFile f( m_ui->lineEditKey->text() ) ;

			f.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ;

			m_key = f.readAll() ;

		}else if( keyType == keyDialog::plugin ){

			 * m_key is already set

		return this->encfsMount() ;

	if( m_ui->lineEditKey->text().isEmpty() ){
		if( keyType == keyDialog::Key ){
		}else if( keyType == keyDialog::plugin ){
			DialogMsg msg( this ) ;
			msg.ShowUIOK( tr( "ERROR" ),tr( "Plug in name field is empty" ) ) ;
			m_ui->lineEditKey->setFocus() ;
			return this->enableAll() ;
		}else if( keyType == keyDialog::keyfile ){
			DialogMsg msg( this ) ;
			msg.ShowUIOK( tr( "ERROR" ),tr( "Keyfile field is empty" ) ) ;
			m_ui->lineEditKey->setFocus() ;
			return this->enableAll() ;

	QString test_name = m_ui->lineEditMountPoint->text() ;
	if( test_name.contains( "/" ) ){
		DialogMsg msg( this ) ;
		msg.ShowUIOK( tr( "ERROR" ),tr( "\"/\" character is not allowed in the mount name field" ) ) ;
		m_ui->lineEditKey->setFocus() ;
		return this->enableAll() ;

	QString m ;
	if( keyType == keyDialog::Key ){

		QString addr = utility::keyPath() ;
		m = QString( "-f %1" ).arg( addr ) ;

		QString key = m_ui->lineEditKey->text() ;

		utility::keySend( addr,key ) ;

	}else if( keyType == keyDialog::keyfile ){

		QString e = m_ui->lineEditKey->text().replace( "\"","\"\"\"" ) ;
		m = "-f \"" + utility::resolvePath( e ) + "\"" ;

	}else if( keyType == keyDialog::plugin ){

		if( m_key.isEmpty() ){

			m = "-G " + m_ui->lineEditKey->text().replace( "\"","\"\"\"" ) ;

			QString addr = utility::keyPath() ;
			m = QString( "-f %1" ).arg( addr ) ;

			utility::keySend( addr,m_key ) ;
	}else if( keyType == keyDialog::tcryptKeys ){

		QString addr = utility::keyPath() ;
		m = QString( "-f %1 " ).arg( addr ) ;

		utility::keySend( addr,m_key ) ;
		qDebug() << "ERROR: Uncaught condition" ;

	QString volume = m_path ;
	volume.replace( "\"","\"\"\"" ) ;

	QString exe = zuluMountPath ;

	if( m_ui->checkBoxShareMountPoint->isChecked() ){
		exe += " -M -m -d \"" + volume + "\"" ;
		exe += " -m -d \"" + volume + "\"" ;

	if( m_ui->checkBoxOpenReadOnly->isChecked() ){
		exe += " -e ro" ;
		exe += "  e rw" ;

	QString mountPoint = m_ui->lineEditMountPoint->text() ;
	mountPoint.replace( "\"","\"\"\"" ) ;

	exe += " -z \"" + mountPoint + "\"" ;

	if( !m_options.isEmpty() ){

		exe += " -Y " + m_options ;

	if( !m_deviceOffSet.isEmpty() ){

		exe += " -o " + m_deviceOffSet ;

	if( !m_keyFiles.isEmpty() ){

		for( const auto& it : m_keyFiles ){

			QString e = it ;
			e.replace( "\"","\"\"\"" ) ;

			exe += " -F \"" + e + "\"" ;

	if( m_veraCryptVolume ){

		if( m_veraCryptPIMValue > 0 ){

			exe += " -t veracrypt." + QString::number( m_veraCryptPIMValue ) + " " + m ;
			exe += " -t veracrypt " + m ;
		exe += " " + m ;

	m_veraCryptWarning.show( m_veraCryptVolume ) ;

	m_working = true ;

	auto s = utility::Task::run( utility::appendUserUID( exe ) ).await() ;

	m_working = false ;

	m_veraCryptWarning.stopTimer() ;

	if( s.success() ){

		if( utility::mapperPathExists( m_path ) ) {
			 * The volume is reported as opened and it actually is
			m_success( utility::mountPath( mountPoint ) ) ;
			 * The volume is reported as opened but it isnt,possible reason is a backe end crash

			DialogMsg msg( this ) ;

			msg.ShowUIOK( tr( "ERROR" ),tr( "An error has occured and the volume could not be opened" ) ) ;
			m_cancel() ;
		this->HideUI() ;
		m_veraCryptWarning.hide() ;

		if( s.exitCode() == 12 && m_ui->cbKeyType->currentIndex() == keyDialog::plugin ){
			 * A user cancelled the plugin
			this->enableAll() ;

			QString z = s.output() ;
			z.replace( tr( "ERROR: " ),"" ) ;

			DialogMsg msg( this ) ;

			msg.ShowUIOK( tr( "ERROR" ),z ) ;

			if( m_ui->cbKeyType->currentIndex() == keyDialog::Key ){
				m_ui->lineEditKey->clear() ;
			this->enableAll() ;
			m_ui->lineEditKey->setFocus() ;