예제 #1
void EmailDialog::toAddressChanged() {
    QString to, bcc, cc;
    to = toAddress->text().trimmed();
    bcc = bccAddress->text().trimmed();
    cc = ccAddress->text().trimmed();

    // Setup regular expression to test email addresses
    QRegExp mailREX("\\b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Z]{2,4}\\b");

    // Check if "to" address is valid
    bool validTo = true;
    QStringList toList = tokenizeString(to);
    for (int i=0; i<toList.size(); i++) {
        if (!mailREX.exactMatch(toList[i]))
            validTo = false;

    // check if "cc" address is valid
    bool validCc = true;
    QStringList ccList = tokenizeString(cc);
    for (int i=0; i<ccList.size(); i++) {
        if (!mailREX.exactMatch(ccList[i]))
            validCc = false;

    // Check if "bcc" address is valid
    bool validBcc = true;
    QStringList bccList = tokenizeString(bcc);
    for (int i=0; i<bccList.size(); i++) {
        if (!mailREX.exactMatch(bccList[i]))
            validBcc = false;

    // If we have all vaild email addresses or ccSelf is checked, then
    // we can send an email.
    if ((validTo && validCc && validBcc) || ccSelf->isChecked())

    // If no emails are specified and we are not going to cc oursel,
    // then we can't send.
    if (to == "" && cc == "" && bcc == "" && !ccSelf->isChecked())
예제 #2
bool            GUI::Registration::checkField() {
    QRegExp mailREX("\\b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Z]{2,4}\\b");
    if (!mailREX.exactMatch(ui->emailEdit->text())) {
        ui->warningText->setStyleSheet("color : red; 	font: 9pt \"MS Shell Dlg 2\";font-weight: bold;");
        ui->warningText->setText("Invalid email.");
        return false;
    if (ui->usernameEdit->text().toStdString().empty() || ui->usernameEdit->text().toStdString() == "Username") {
        ui->warningText->setStyleSheet("color : red; 	font: 9pt \"MS Shell Dlg 2\";font-weight: bold;");
        ui->warningText->setText("Username cannot be blank.");
        return false;
    if (ui->emailEdit->text().toStdString().empty() || ui->emailEdit->text().toStdString() == "Email") {
        ui->warningText->setStyleSheet("color : red; 	font: 9pt \"MS Shell Dlg 2\";font-weight: bold;");
        ui->warningText->setText("Email cannot be blank.");
        return false;
    if (ui->firstnameEdit->text().toStdString().empty() || ui->firstnameEdit->text().toStdString() == "Firstname"){
        ui->warningText->setStyleSheet("color : red; 	font: 9pt \"MS Shell Dlg 2\";font-weight: bold;");
        ui->warningText->setText("Firstname cannot be blank.");
        return false;
    if (ui->lastnameEdit->text().toStdString().empty() || ui->lastnameEdit->text().toStdString() == "Lastname"){
        ui->warningText->setStyleSheet("color : red; 	font: 9pt \"MS Shell Dlg 2\";font-weight: bold;");
        ui->warningText->setText("Lastname cannot be blank.");
        return false;
    if (ui->passwordConfirmationEdit->text().toStdString().empty() || ui->passwordEdit->text().toStdString().empty()) {
       ui->warningText->setStyleSheet("color : red; 	font: 9pt \"MS Shell Dlg 2\";font-weight: bold;");
       ui->warningText->setText("Password cannot be blank.");
       return false;
    if (ui->passwordConfirmationEdit->text().toStdString() != ui->passwordEdit->text().toStdString()) {
        ui->warningText->setStyleSheet("color : red; 	font: 9pt \"MS Shell Dlg 2\";font-weight: bold;");
        ui->warningText->setText("Password does not match.");
        return false;
    return true;