예제 #1
Stage& PipelineManager::makeFilter(const std::string& driver, Stage& parent,
    Options options)
    StageCreationOptions ops { "", driver, &parent, options };

    return makeFilter(ops);
예제 #2
int GroundKernel::execute()
    PointTable table;

    Stage& readerStage(makeReader(m_inputFile, ""));

    Options groundOptions;
    groundOptions.add("max_window_size", m_maxWindowSize);
    groundOptions.add("slope", m_slope);
    groundOptions.add("max_distance", m_maxDistance);
    groundOptions.add("initial_distance", m_initialDistance);
    groundOptions.add("cell_size", m_cellSize);
    groundOptions.add("classify", m_classify);
    groundOptions.add("extract", m_extract);
    groundOptions.add("approximate", m_approximate);

    Stage& groundStage = makeFilter("filters.ground", readerStage);

    // setup the Writer and write the results
    Stage& writer(makeWriter(m_outputFile, groundStage, ""));


    // process the data, grabbing the PointViewSet for visualization of the
    // resulting PointView
    PointViewSet viewSetOut = writer.execute(table);

    if (isVisualize())
    //visualize(*viewSetIn.begin(), *viewSetOut.begin());

    return 0;
예제 #3
파일: Utils.cpp 프로젝트: gomoku/RenLib
bool Utils::OpenMultiFileDialog(CStringList& fileNameList)
	CFileDialog dlg(TRUE);
	std::vector<CString> filter = getOpenFilter();

	CString strFilter(makeFilter(filter));
	dlg.m_ofn.lpstrFilter = strFilter;

	dlg.m_ofn.lpstrDefExt = NULL;


	const int maxChar = 5000;
	CString strBuffer;
	dlg.m_ofn.lpstrFile = strBuffer.GetBuffer(maxChar);
	dlg.m_ofn.nMaxFile = maxChar;

	int choice = dlg.DoModal();

	if (choice == IDOK)
		POSITION pos = dlg.GetStartPosition();

		while (pos != NULL)

		return true;

	return false;
void Textons::makeRFSFilters() {

    int SCALEX[3] = {1, 2, 4};
    for (int i = 0; i < NF; i++) {
        F[i].create(SUP, SUP, CV_32FC1);

    int hsup = (SUP - 1)/2;
    float x[SUP*SUP], y[SUP*SUP];

    for (int i = 0; i < SUP; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < SUP; j++) {
            x[i*SUP + j] = -1*hsup + i;
            y[j*SUP + i] = hsup - i;

    int count = 0;
    for (int scale = 0; scale < NSCALES; scale++) {
        for (int orient = 0; orient < NORIENT; orient++) {
            float angle = PI*orient/NORIENT;
            float c = cos(angle);
            float s = sin(angle);

            // Calculate rotated points
            float rotPtsx[SUP*SUP];
            float rotPtsy[SUP*SUP];
            for (int i = 0; i < SUP; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < SUP; j++) {
                    float x_prime = x[i*SUP+j];
                    float y_prime = y[i*SUP+j];
                    rotPtsx[i*SUP+j] = x_prime*c - y_prime*s;
                    rotPtsy[i*SUP+j] = x_prime*s + y_prime*c;
            makeFilter(&F[count], SCALEX[scale], 0, 1, rotPtsx, rotPtsy, SUP);
            makeFilter(&F[count + NEDGE], SCALEX[scale], 0, 2, rotPtsx, rotPtsy, SUP);
예제 #5
vector<ScanLocalizedObject> ScanLocator::locate(const ScanSegmentation &segmentation, bool floor, const vec3f &targetDimensions)
    vector<ScanLocalizedObject> result;

    if (!skipLocator)
        ml::util::push_back(result, locate(segmentation, floor, makeFilter(targetDimensions, 0.04f, 0.8f), 1.0f));
        //ml::util::push_back(result, locate(segmentation, floor, makeFilter(targetDimensions, 0.075f, 0.75f), 0.5f));
    return result;
예제 #6
cpd::Matrix CpdKernel::readFile(const std::string& filename)
    Stage& reader = makeReader(filename, "");

    PointTable table;
    PointViewSet viewSet;
    if (!m_bounds.empty())
        Options boundsOptions;
        boundsOptions.add("bounds", m_bounds);

        Stage& crop = makeFilter("filters.crop", reader);
        viewSet = crop.execute(table);
        viewSet = reader.execute(table);

    cpd::Matrix matrix(0, 3);
    for (auto it = viewSet.begin(); it != viewSet.end(); ++it)
        PointViewPtr view = *it;
        point_count_t rowidx;
        if (matrix.rows() == 0)
            rowidx = 0;
            matrix.resize(view->size(), 3);
            rowidx = matrix.rows();
            matrix.conservativeResize(matrix.rows() + view->size(), 3);

        for (point_count_t bufidx = 0; bufidx < view->size(); ++bufidx, ++rowidx)
            matrix(rowidx, 0) = view->getFieldAs<double>(Dimension::Id::X, bufidx);
            matrix(rowidx, 1) = view->getFieldAs<double>(Dimension::Id::Y, bufidx);
            matrix(rowidx, 2) = view->getFieldAs<double>(Dimension::Id::Z, bufidx);
    return matrix;
예제 #7
int PCLKernel::execute()
    PointTable table;

    Stage& readerStage(makeReader(m_inputFile, ""));

    // go ahead and prepare/execute on reader stage only to grab input
    // PointViewSet, this makes the input PointView available to both the
    // processing pipeline and the visualizer
    PointViewSet viewSetIn = readerStage.execute(table);

    // the input PointViewSet will be used to populate a BufferReader that is
    // consumed by the processing pipeline
    PointViewPtr input_view = *viewSetIn.begin();
    std::shared_ptr<BufferReader> bufferReader(new BufferReader);

    Options filterOptions({"filename", m_pclFile});
    Stage& pclStage = makeFilter("filters.pclblock", *bufferReader,

    // the PCLBlock stage consumes the BufferReader rather than the
    // readerStage

    Options writerOptions;
    if (m_bCompress)
        writerOptions.add<bool>("compression", true);
    if (m_bForwardMetadata)
        writerOptions.add("forward_metadata", true);

    Stage& writer(makeWriter(m_outputFile, pclStage, "", writerOptions));


    // process the data, grabbing the PointViewSet for visualization of the
    // resulting PointView
    PointViewSet viewSetOut = writer.execute(table);

    if (isVisualize())
    //visualize(*viewSetIn.begin(), *viewSetOut.begin());

    return 0;
예제 #8
int SortKernel::execute()
    Stage& readerStage = makeReader(m_inputFile, m_driverOverride);
    Stage& sortStage = makeFilter("filters.mortonorder", readerStage);

    Options writerOptions;
    if (m_bCompress)
        writerOptions.add("compression", true);
    if (m_bForwardMetadata)
        writerOptions.add("forward_metadata", true);
    Stage& writer = makeWriter(m_outputFile, sortStage, "", writerOptions);

    PointTable table;

    return 0;
예제 #9
파일: Utils.cpp 프로젝트: gomoku/RenLib
bool Utils::OpenFileDialog(CString& strFile)
	CFileDialog dlg(TRUE);

	std::vector<CString> filter = getOpenFilter();
	CString strFilter(makeFilter(filter));
	dlg.m_ofn.lpstrFilter = strFilter;

	dlg.m_ofn.lpstrDefExt = NULL;

	dlg.m_ofn.Flags |= OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST;

	if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
		strFile = dlg.GetPathName();
		return true;

	return false;
예제 #10
Pixel* blur(Pixel* pixelArray, Image * img, double sigma)
  //prevents bad sigma value from passing
  if(sigma <= 0){
    printf("Invalid value for sigma!\n");
    return pixelArray;

  //initialize filter struct
  Filter* filter;
  //get 2D version of image
  Pixel** pointerArray = TwoDArray(pixelArray, img);
  //get the filter
  filter = makeFilter(sigma);
  //convolve filter with image, get blurred image
  Pixel* blurArray = convolve(pointerArray, img, filter);
  //return blurred image
  return blurArray;

예제 #11
파일: Utils.cpp 프로젝트: gomoku/RenLib
bool Utils::OpenSaveDialog(CString& strFile, const std::vector<CString>& filter, const CString& strInitialDirectory)
	CFileDialog dlg(true);

	CString strFilter(makeFilter(filter));
	dlg.m_ofn.lpstrFilter = strFilter;

	dlg.m_ofn.lpstrDefExt = NULL;

	dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = strInitialDirectory;

	dlg.m_ofn.Flags |= OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST;

	if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
		strFile = dlg.GetPathName();
		return true;

	return false;
예제 #12
int SortKernel::execute()
    Stage& readerStage = makeReader(m_inputFile, "");

    // go ahead and prepare/execute on reader stage only to grab input
    // PointViewSet, this makes the input PointView available to both the
    // processing pipeline and the visualizer
    PointTable table;
    PointViewSet viewSetIn = readerStage.execute(table);

    // the input PointViewSet will be used to populate a BufferReader that is
    // consumed by the processing pipeline
    PointViewPtr inView = *viewSetIn.begin();

    BufferReader bufferReader;

    Stage& sortStage = makeFilter("filters.mortonorder", bufferReader);

    Stage& writer = makeWriter(m_outputFile, sortStage, "");
    Options writerOptions;
    if (m_bCompress)
        writerOptions.add("compression", true);
    if (m_bForwardMetadata)
        writerOptions.add("forward_metadata", true);


    // process the data, grabbing the PointViewSet for visualization of the
    PointViewSet viewSetOut = writer.execute(table);

    if (isVisualize())

    return 0;
예제 #13
파일: Utils.cpp 프로젝트: gomoku/RenLib
bool Utils::SaveDialog(CString& strFile, FileType& fileType, std::vector<CString>& filter, std::vector<FileType>& fileTypes)
	CFileDialog dlg(FALSE);

	CString strFilter(makeFilter(filter));
	dlg.m_ofn.lpstrFilter = strFilter;

	dlg.m_ofn.lpstrDefExt = NULL;

	CString initalDirectory(getCurrentDirectory());
	dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = initalDirectory;

	dlg.m_ofn.Flags |= OFN_CREATEPROMPT;

	if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
		int typeIndex = dlg.m_ofn.nFilterIndex;
		strFile = getFileName(filter, typeIndex, dlg.GetPathName());
		fileType = fileTypes[typeIndex - 1];
		return true;

	return false;
예제 #14
int SplitKernel::execute()
    PointTable table;

    Stage& reader = makeReader(m_inputFile, m_driverOverride);

    Options filterOpts;
    std::string driver = (m_length ? "filters.splitter" : "filters.chipper");
    if (m_length)
        filterOpts.add("length", m_length);
        filterOpts.add("origin_x", m_xOrigin);
        filterOpts.add("origin_y", m_yOrigin);
        filterOpts.add("capacity", m_capacity);
    Stage& f = makeFilter(driver, reader, filterOpts);
    PointViewSet pvSet = f.execute(table);

    int filenum = 1;
    for (auto& pvp : pvSet)
        BufferReader reader;

        std::string filename = makeFilename(m_outputFile, filenum++);
        Stage& writer = makeWriter(filename, reader, "");

    return 0;
예제 #15
Stage& PipelineManager::makeFilter(const std::string& driver, Stage& parent)
    Stage& filter = makeFilter(driver);
    return filter;
예제 #16
int sox_init(uint32_t fin, uint32_t fout,ResampleStruct *r) 
long Xoff, gcdrate;
int i;

	r->rolloff = 0.94;
	r->quadr = 1;
	r->Nmult = 149;*/
	r->rolloff = 0.80;
	r->quadr = 0;
	r->Nmult = 45;
	if (fout == fin)
	    printf("Input and Output rates must be different to use resample effect");
	printf("Resampling from %lu to %lu\n",fin,fout);	
	r->Factor = (double)fout / (double)fin;

	gcdrate = st_gcd((long)fin, (long)fout);
	r->a = fin/ gcdrate;
	r->b = fout / gcdrate;

	if (r->a <= r->b && r->b <= NQMAX) {
		r->quadr = -1; /* exact coeff's   */
		r->Nq = r->b;  /* MAX(r->a,r->b);	*/
	} else {
		r->Nq = Nc; /* for now */

	/* Check for illegal constants */

	/* Nwing: # of filter coeffs in right wing */
	r->Nwing = r->Nq * (r->Nmult/2+1) + 1;

	r->Imp = (Float *)malloc(sizeof(Float) * (r->Nwing+2)) + 1;
	/* need Imp[-1] and Imp[Nwing] for quadratic interpolation */
	/* returns error # <=0, or adjusted wing-len > 0 */
	i = makeFilter(r->Imp, r->Nwing, r->rolloff, r->beta, r->Nq, 1);
	if (i <= 0)
		printf("resample: Unable to make filter\n");
		return (0);

	/*st_report("Nmult: %ld, Nwing: %ld, Nq: %ld\n",r->Nmult,r->Nwing,r->Nq);*/

	if (r->quadr < 0) { /* exact coeff's method */
		r->Xh = r->Nwing/r->b;
	  printf("resample: rate ratio %ld:%ld, coeff interpolation not needed\n", r->a, r->b);
	} else {
	  r->dhb = Np;  /* Fixed-point Filter sampling-time-increment */
	  if (r->Factor<1.0) r->dhb = r->Factor*Np + 0.5;
	  r->Xh = (r->Nwing<<La)/r->dhb;
	  /* (Xh * dhb)>>La is max index into Imp[] */

	/* reach of LP filter wings + some creeping room */
	Xoff = r->Xh + 10;
	r->Xoff = Xoff;

	/* Current "now"-sample pointer for input to filter */
	r->Xp = Xoff;
	/* Position in input array to read into */
	r->Xread = Xoff;
	/* Current-time pointer for converter */
	r->Time = Xoff;
	if (r->quadr < 0) { /* exact coeff's method */
		r->t = Xoff*r->Nq;
	i = BUFFSIZE - 2*Xoff;
	if (i < r->Factor + 1.0/r->Factor)      /* Check input buffer size */
		printf("Factor is too small or large for BUFFSIZE");
		return (0);
	r->Xsize = 2*Xoff + i/(1.0+r->Factor);
	r->Ysize = BUFFSIZE - r->Xsize;
	/* st_report("Xsize %d, Ysize %d, Xoff %d",r->Xsize,r->Ysize,r->Xoff); */

	r->X = (Float *) malloc(sizeof(Float) * (BUFFSIZE));
	r->Y = r->X + r->Xsize;

	/* Need Xoff zeros at beginning of sample */
	for (i=0; i<Xoff; i++)
		r->X[i] = 0;
	return (1);
예제 #17
 * Prepare processing.
int st_resample_start(eff_t effp)
	resample_t r = (resample_t) effp->priv;
	long Xoff, gcdrate;
	int i;

	if (effp->ininfo.rate == effp->outinfo.rate)
	    st_fail("Input and Output rates must be different to use resample effect");
	r->Factor = (double)effp->outinfo.rate / (double)effp->ininfo.rate;

	gcdrate = st_gcd((long)effp->ininfo.rate, (long)effp->outinfo.rate);
	r->a = effp->ininfo.rate / gcdrate;
	r->b = effp->outinfo.rate / gcdrate;

	if (r->a <= r->b && r->b <= NQMAX) {
		r->quadr = -1; /* exact coeff's   */
		r->Nq = r->b;  /* MAX(r->a,r->b);	*/
	} else {
		r->Nq = Nc; /* for now */

	/* Check for illegal constants */
# if 0
	if (Lp >= 16) st_fail("Error: Lp>=16");
	if (Nb+Nhg+NLpScl >= 32) st_fail("Error: Nb+Nhg+NLpScl>=32");
	if (Nh+Nb > 32) st_fail("Error: Nh+Nb>32");
# endif

	/* Nwing: # of filter coeffs in right wing */
	r->Nwing = r->Nq * (r->Nmult/2+1) + 1;

	r->Imp = (Float *)malloc(sizeof(Float) * (r->Nwing+2)) + 1;
	/* need Imp[-1] and Imp[Nwing] for quadratic interpolation */
	/* returns error # <=0, or adjusted wing-len > 0 */
	i = makeFilter(r->Imp, r->Nwing, r->rolloff, r->beta, r->Nq, 1);
	if (i <= 0)
		st_fail("resample: Unable to make filter\n");
		return (ST_EOF);

	/*st_report("Nmult: %ld, Nwing: %ld, Nq: %ld\n",r->Nmult,r->Nwing,r->Nq);*/

	if (r->quadr < 0) { /* exact coeff's method */
		r->Xh = r->Nwing/r->b;
	  st_report("resample: rate ratio %ld:%ld, coeff interpolation not needed\n", r->a, r->b);
	} else {
	  r->dhb = Np;  /* Fixed-point Filter sampling-time-increment */
	  if (r->Factor<1.0) r->dhb = r->Factor*Np + 0.5;
	  r->Xh = (r->Nwing<<La)/r->dhb;
	  /* (Xh * dhb)>>La is max index into Imp[] */

	/* reach of LP filter wings + some creeping room */
	Xoff = r->Xh + 10;
	r->Xoff = Xoff;

	/* Current "now"-sample pointer for input to filter */
	r->Xp = Xoff;
	/* Position in input array to read into */
	r->Xread = Xoff;
	/* Current-time pointer for converter */
	r->Time = Xoff;
	if (r->quadr < 0) { /* exact coeff's method */
		r->t = Xoff*r->Nq;
	i = BUFFSIZE - 2*Xoff;
	if (i < r->Factor + 1.0/r->Factor)      /* Check input buffer size */
		st_fail("Factor is too small or large for BUFFSIZE");
		return (ST_EOF);
	r->Xsize = 2*Xoff + i/(1.0+r->Factor);
	r->Ysize = BUFFSIZE - r->Xsize;
	/* st_report("Xsize %d, Ysize %d, Xoff %d",r->Xsize,r->Ysize,r->Xoff); */

	r->X = (Float *) malloc(sizeof(Float) * (BUFFSIZE));
	r->Y = r->X + r->Xsize;

	/* Need Xoff zeros at beginning of sample */
	for (i=0; i<Xoff; i++)
		r->X[i] = 0;
	return (ST_SUCCESS);
예제 #18
Stage& PipelineManager::makeFilter(const std::string& driver)
    StageCreationOptions ops { "", driver };

    return makeFilter(ops);