예제 #1
static void saveSingleProperty( QTextStream &ts, const QString& name, const QString& value, int indent )
    ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "<property name=\"" << name << "\">" << endl;
    ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "<string>" << value << "</string>" << endl;
    ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "</property>" << endl;
예제 #2
json_string internalJSONNode::WriteChildren(unsigned int indent){
	//Iterate through the children and write them
	if (Children.empty()) return WRITER_EMPTY;

	json_string indent_plus_one;
	json_string indent_this;
	json_string res;
	//handle whether or not it's formatted JSON
	if (indent != 0xFFFFFFFF){  //it's formatted, make the indentation strings
		indent_this = NEW_LINE + makeIndent(indent);
		indent_plus_one = NEW_LINE + makeIndent(++indent);
	//else it's not formatted, leave the indentation strings empty
	const size_t size_minus_one = Children.size() - 1;
	size_t i=0;
	json_foreach(Children, it){
		res += indent_plus_one + (*it) -> internal -> Write(indent, type() == JSON_ARRAY);
		if (i < size_minus_one) res += JSON_TEXT(",");  //the last one does not get a comma, but all of the others do
예제 #3
void Project::saveConnections()
#ifndef QT_NO_SQL
    if ( dbFile.isEmpty() ) {
	QFileInfo fi( fileName() );
	setDatabaseDescription( fi.baseName() + ".db" );

    QFile f( makeAbsolute( dbFile ) );

    if ( dbConnections.isEmpty() ) {
	if ( f.exists() )
	setDatabaseDescription( "" );
	modified = TRUE;

    /* .db xml */
    if ( f.open( IO_WriteOnly | IO_Translate ) ) {
	QTextStream ts( &f );
	ts.setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForName( "UTF-8" ) );
	ts << "<!DOCTYPE DB><DB version=\"1.0\">" << endl;

	/* db connections */
	int indent = 0;
	for ( DatabaseConnection *conn = dbConnections.first(); conn; conn = dbConnections.next() ) {
	    ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "<connection>" << endl;
	    saveSingleProperty( ts, "name", conn->name(), indent );
	    saveSingleProperty( ts, "driver", conn->driver(), indent );
	    saveSingleProperty( ts, "database", conn->database(), indent );
	    saveSingleProperty( ts, "username", conn->username(), indent );
	    saveSingleProperty( ts, "hostname", conn->hostname(), indent );
	    saveSingleProperty( ts, "port", QString::number( conn->port() ), indent );

	    /* connection tables */
	    QStringList tables = conn->tables();
	    for ( QStringList::Iterator it = tables.begin();
		  it != tables.end(); ++it ) {
		ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "<table>" << endl;
		saveSingleProperty( ts, "name", (*it), indent );

		/* tables fields */
		QStringList fields = conn->fields( *it );
		for ( QStringList::Iterator it2 = fields.begin();
		      it2 != fields.end(); ++it2 ) {
		    ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "<field>" << endl;
		    saveSingleProperty( ts, "name", (*it2), indent );
		    ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "</field>" << endl;

		ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "</table>" << endl;

	    ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "</connection>" << endl;

	ts << "</DB>" << endl;
예제 #4
static void createDescription( const QValueList<Widget> &l, QTextStream &ts )
    int indent = 0;
    ts << "<!DOCTYPE CW><CW>" << endl;
    ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "<customwidgets>" << endl;

    for ( QValueList<Widget>::ConstIterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it ) {
	Widget w = *it;
	ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "<customwidget>" << endl;
	ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "<class>" << w.w->className() << "</class>" << endl;
	ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "<header location=\"" << w.location << "\">" << w.include << "</header>" << endl;
	ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "<sizehint>" << endl;
	ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "<width>" << w.w->sizeHint().width() << "</width>" << endl;
	ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "<height>" << w.w->sizeHint().height() << "</height>" << endl;
	ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "</sizehint>" << endl;
	ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "<container>" << ( w.w->inherits( "QGroupBox" ) || w.w->inherits( "QWidgetStack" ) ) << "</container>" << endl;
	ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "<sizepolicy>" << endl;
	ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "<hordata>" << (int)w.w->sizePolicy().horData() << "</hordata>" << endl;
	ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "<verdata>" << (int)w.w->sizePolicy().verData() << "</verdata>" << endl;
	ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "</sizepolicy>" << endl;
	QStrList sigs = w.w->metaObject()->signalNames( TRUE );
	if ( !sigs.isEmpty() ) {
	    for ( int i = 0; i < (int)sigs.count(); ++i )
		ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "<signal>" << entitize( sigs.at( i ) ) << "</signal>" << endl;
	QStrList slts = w.w->metaObject()->slotNames( TRUE );
	if ( !slts.isEmpty() ) {
	    for ( int i = 0; i < (int)slts.count(); ++i ) {
		QMetaData::Access data = w.w->metaObject()->slot( i, TRUE )->access;
		if ( data == QMetaData::Private )
		ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "<slot access=\""
		   << ( data == QMetaData::Protected ? "protected" : "public" )
		   << "\">" << entitize( slts.at( i ) ) << "</slot>" << endl;
	QStrList props = w.w->metaObject()->propertyNames( TRUE );
	if ( !props.isEmpty() ) {
	    for ( int i = 0; i < (int)props.count(); ++i ) {
		const QMetaProperty *p = w.w->metaObject()->
					 property( w.w->metaObject()->
						   findProperty( props.at( i ), TRUE ), TRUE );
		if ( !p )
		if ( !p->writable() || !p->designable( w.w ) )
		ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "<property type=\"" << convert_type( p->type() ) << "\">" << entitize( p->name() ) << "</property>" << endl;
	ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "</customwidget>" << endl;

    ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "</customwidgets>" << endl;
    ts << "</CW>" << endl;