static void registerWakeup(Word name, Word value ARG_LD) { Word wake; Word tail = valTermRef(LD->attvar.tail); assert(gTop+6 <= gMax && tTop+4 <= tMax); wake = gTop; gTop += 4; wake[0] = FUNCTOR_wakeup3; wake[1] = needsRef(*name) ? makeRef(name) : *name; wake[2] = needsRef(*value) ? makeRef(value) : *value; wake[3] = ATOM_nil; if ( *tail ) { Word t; /* Non-empty list */ deRef2(tail, t); TrailAssignment(t); *t = consPtr(wake, TAG_COMPOUND|STG_GLOBAL); TrailAssignment(tail); /* on local stack! */ *tail = makeRef(wake+3); DEBUG(1, Sdprintf("appended to wakeup\n")); } else /* empty list */ { Word head = valTermRef(LD->attvar.head); assert(isVar(*head)); TrailAssignment(head); /* See (*) */ *head = consPtr(wake, TAG_COMPOUND|STG_GLOBAL); TrailAssignment(tail); *tail = makeRef(wake+3); LD->alerted |= ALERT_WAKEUP; DEBUG(1, Sdprintf("new wakeup\n")); } }
void CurlDownload::didReceiveHeader(const String& header) { LockHolder locker(m_mutex); if (header == "\r\n" || header == "\n") { long httpCode = 0; CURLcode err = curl_easy_getinfo(m_curlHandle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &httpCode); if (httpCode >= 200 && httpCode < 300) { URL url = getCurlEffectiveURL(m_curlHandle); callOnMainThread([this, url = url.isolatedCopy(), protectedThis = makeRef(*this)] { m_response.setURL(url); m_response.setMimeType(extractMIMETypeFromMediaType(m_response.httpHeaderField(HTTPHeaderName::ContentType))); m_response.setTextEncodingName(extractCharsetFromMediaType(m_response.httpHeaderField(HTTPHeaderName::ContentType))); didReceiveResponse(); }); } } else { callOnMainThread([this, header = header.isolatedCopy(), protectedThis = makeRef(*this)] { int splitPos = header.find(":"); if (splitPos != -1) m_response.setHTTPHeaderField(header.left(splitPos), header.substring(splitPos + 1).stripWhiteSpace()); }); } }
void Qhp::addIndexItem(Definition *context,MemberDef *md, const char *sectionAnchor,const char *word) { (void)word; //printf("addIndexItem(%s %s %s\n", // context?context->name().data():"<none>", // md?md->name().data():"<none>", // word); if (md) // member { static bool separateMemberPages = Config_getBool(SEPARATE_MEMBER_PAGES); if (context==0) // global member { if (md->getGroupDef()) context = md->getGroupDef(); else if (md->getFileDef()) context = md->getFileDef(); } if (context==0) return; // should not happen QCString cfname = md->getOutputFileBase(); QCString cfiname = context->getOutputFileBase(); QCString level1 = context->name(); QCString level2 = word ? QCString(word) : md->name(); QCString contRef = separateMemberPages ? cfname : cfiname; QCString anchor = sectionAnchor ? QCString(sectionAnchor) : md->anchor(); QCString ref; // <keyword name="foo" id="MyApplication::foo" ref="doc.html#foo"/> ref = makeRef(contRef, anchor); QCString id = level1+"::"+level2; const char * attributes[] = { "name", level2, "id", id, "ref", ref, 0 }; m_index.openClose("keyword", attributes); } else if (context) // container { // <keyword name="Foo" id="Foo" ref="doc.html#Foo"/> QCString contRef = context->getOutputFileBase(); QCString level1 = word ? QCString(word) : context->name(); QCString ref = makeRef(contRef,sectionAnchor); const char * attributes[] = { "name", level1, "id", level1, "ref", ref, 0 }; m_index.openClose("keyword", attributes); } }
// // void DOMFileSystem::getEntry(ScriptExecutionContext& context, FileSystemDirectoryEntry& directory, const String& virtualPath, const FileSystemDirectoryEntry::Flags& flags, GetEntryCallback&& completionCallback) { ASSERT(&directory.filesystem() == this); if (!isValidVirtualPath(virtualPath)) { callOnMainThread([completionCallback = WTFMove(completionCallback)] { completionCallback(Exception { TypeMismatchError, "Path is invalid"_s }); }); return; } if (flags.create) { callOnMainThread([completionCallback = WTFMove(completionCallback)] { completionCallback(Exception { SecurityError, "create flag cannot be true"_s }); }); return; } auto resolvedVirtualPath = resolveRelativeVirtualPath(directory.virtualPath(), virtualPath); ASSERT(resolvedVirtualPath[0] == '/'); auto fullPath = evaluatePath(resolvedVirtualPath); if (fullPath == m_rootPath) { callOnMainThread([this, context = makeRef(context), completionCallback = WTFMove(completionCallback)]() mutable { completionCallback(Ref<FileSystemEntry> { root(context) }); }); return; } m_workQueue->dispatch([this, context = makeRef(context), fullPath = crossThreadCopy(fullPath), resolvedVirtualPath = crossThreadCopy(resolvedVirtualPath), completionCallback = WTFMove(completionCallback)]() mutable { auto entryType = fileType(fullPath); callOnMainThread([this, context = WTFMove(context), resolvedVirtualPath = crossThreadCopy(resolvedVirtualPath), entryType, completionCallback = WTFMove(completionCallback)]() mutable { if (!entryType) { completionCallback(Exception { NotFoundError, "Cannot find entry at given path"_s }); return; } switch (entryType.value()) { case FileMetadata::Type::Directory: completionCallback(Ref<FileSystemEntry> { FileSystemDirectoryEntry::create(context, *this, resolvedVirtualPath) }); break; case FileMetadata::Type::File: completionCallback(Ref<FileSystemEntry> { FileSystemFileEntry::create(context, *this, resolvedVirtualPath) }); break; default: completionCallback(Exception { NotFoundError, "Cannot find entry at given path"_s }); break; } }); }); }
BufferSrcFilterContext::BufferSrcFilterContext(const FilterContext &baseContext) { if (baseContext && isFilterValid(baseContext.getFilter())) { makeRef(baseContext); } }
void assignAttVar(Word av, Word value ARG_LD) { Word a; assert(isAttVar(*av)); assert(!isRef(*value)); assert(gTop+7 <= gMax && tTop+6 <= tMax); DEBUG(1, Sdprintf("assignAttVar(%s)\n", vName(av))); if ( isAttVar(*value) ) { if ( value > av ) { Word tmp = av; av = value; value = tmp; } else if ( av == value ) return; } a = valPAttVar(*av); registerWakeup(a, value PASS_LD); TrailAssignment(av); if ( isAttVar(*value) ) { DEBUG(1, Sdprintf("Unifying two attvars\n")); *av = makeRef(value); } else *av = *value; return; }
void ThreadedCompositor::setDeviceScaleFactor(float scale) { m_compositingRunLoop->performTask([this, protectedThis = makeRef(*this), scale] { m_deviceScaleFactor = scale; scheduleDisplayImmediately(); }); }
void assignAttVar(Word av, Word value, int flags ARG_LD) { Word a; mark m; assert(isAttVar(*av)); assert(!isRef(*value)); assert(gTop+8 <= gMax && tTop+6 <= tMax); DEBUG(CHK_SECURE, assert(on_attvar_chain(av))); DEBUG(1, Sdprintf("assignAttVar(%s)\n", vName(av))); if ( isAttVar(*value) ) { if ( value > av ) { Word tmp = av; av = value; value = tmp; } else if ( av == value ) return; } if( !(flags & ATT_ASSIGNONLY) ) { a = valPAttVar(*av); registerWakeup(av, a, value PASS_LD); } if ( (flags&ATT_WAKEBINDS) ) return; Mark(m); /* must be trailed, even if above last choice */ LD->mark_bar = NO_MARK_BAR; TrailAssignment(av); DiscardMark(m); if ( isAttVar(*value) ) { DEBUG(1, Sdprintf("Unifying two attvars\n")); *av = makeRef(value); } else if ( isVar(*value) ) { DEBUG(1, Sdprintf("Assigning attvar with plain var\n")); *av = makeRef(value); /* JW: Does this happen? */ } else *av = *value; return; }
void NetscapePlugin::pluginThreadAsyncCall(void (*function)(void*), void* userData) { RunLoop::main().dispatch([protectedThis = makeRef(*this), function, userData] { if (!protectedThis->m_isStarted) return; function(userData); }); }
void ThreadedCompositor::didChangeVisibleRect() { RunLoop::main().dispatch([this, protectedThis = makeRef(*this), visibleRect = m_viewportController->visibleContentsRect(), scale = m_viewportController->pageScaleFactor()] { if (m_client) m_client->setVisibleContentsRect(visibleRect, FloatPoint::zero(), scale); }); scheduleDisplayImmediately(); }
void CoordinatedGraphicsScene::dispatchOnClientRunLoop(Function<void()>&& function) { if (&m_clientRunLoop == &RunLoop::current()) { function(); return; } m_clientRunLoop.dispatch([protectedThis = makeRef(*this), function = WTFMove(function)] { function(); }); }
void CoordinatedGraphicsScene::dispatchOnMainThread(Function<void()>&& function) { if (RunLoop::isMain()) { function(); return; } RunLoop::main().dispatch([protectedThis = makeRef(*this), function = WTFMove(function)] { function(); }); }
static int assign_in_dict(Word dp, Word val ARG_LD) { deRef(val); if ( !canBind(*val) ) { *dp = *val; } else if ( isAttVar(*val) ) { *dp = makeRef(val); } else { if ( dp < val ) { if ( unlikely(tTop+1 >= tMax) ) return TRAIL_OVERFLOW; setVar(*dp); Trail(val, makeRef(dp)); } else { *dp = makeRef(val); } } return TRUE; }
void IDBDatabase::dispatchEvent(Event& event) { LOG(IndexedDB, "IDBDatabase::dispatchEvent (%" PRIu64 ") (%p)", m_databaseConnectionIdentifier, this); ASSERT(&originThread() == &Thread::current()); auto protectedThis = makeRef(*this); EventTargetWithInlineData::dispatchEvent(event); if (event.isVersionChangeEvent() && event.type() == m_eventNames.versionchangeEvent) m_connectionProxy->didFireVersionChangeEvent(m_databaseConnectionIdentifier, downcast<IDBVersionChangeEvent>(event).requestIdentifier()); }
LocalStorageDatabaseTracker::LocalStorageDatabaseTracker(Ref<WorkQueue>&& queue, const String& localStorageDirectory) : m_queue(WTFMove(queue)) , m_localStorageDirectory(localStorageDirectory.isolatedCopy()) { ASSERT(!m_localStorageDirectory.isEmpty()); // Make sure the encoding is initialized before we start dispatching things to the queue. UTF8Encoding(); m_queue->dispatch([protectedThis = makeRef(*this)]() mutable { protectedThis->importOriginIdentifiers(); }); }
int PL_get_attr__LD(term_t t, term_t a ARG_LD) { Word p = valTermRef(t); deRef(p); if ( isAttVar(*p) ) { Word ap = valPAttVar(*p); *valTermRef(a) = makeRef(ap); /* reference, so we can assign */ succeed; } fail; }
void DOMFileSystem::getFile(ScriptExecutionContext& context, FileSystemFileEntry& fileEntry, GetFileCallback&& completionCallback) { auto virtualPath = fileEntry.virtualPath(); auto fullPath = evaluatePath(virtualPath); m_workQueue->dispatch([context = makeRef(context), fullPath = crossThreadCopy(fullPath), virtualPath = crossThreadCopy(virtualPath), completionCallback = WTFMove(completionCallback)]() mutable { auto validatedVirtualPath = validatePathIsExpectedType(fullPath, WTFMove(virtualPath), FileMetadata::Type::File); callOnMainThread([context = WTFMove(context), fullPath = crossThreadCopy(fullPath), validatedVirtualPath = crossThreadCopy(validatedVirtualPath), completionCallback = WTFMove(completionCallback)]() mutable { if (validatedVirtualPath.hasException()) completionCallback(validatedVirtualPath.releaseException()); else completionCallback(File::create(fullPath)); }); }); }
void ThreadedCompositor::didChangeContentsSize(const IntSize& size) { // FIXME: This seems a bit wrong, but it works. Needs review and investigation. m_viewportSize = size; m_compositingRunLoop->performTask([this, protectedThis = makeRef(*this), size] { #if PLATFORM(WPE) // FIXME: Ditto. if (m_target) m_target->resize(size); #endif m_viewportController->didChangeContentsSize(size); }); }
void ThreadedCompositor::setNativeSurfaceHandleForCompositing(uint64_t handle) { #if PLATFORM(GTK) m_compositingRunLoop->stopUpdates(); m_compositingRunLoop->performTaskSync([this, protectedThis = makeRef(*this), handle] { m_scene->setActive(!!handle); // A new native handle can't be set without destroying the previous one first if any. ASSERT(!!handle ^ !!m_nativeSurfaceHandle); m_nativeSurfaceHandle = handle; if (!m_nativeSurfaceHandle) m_context = nullptr; m_nativeSurfaceHandle = 0; }); #endif }
void Qhp::handlePrevSection() { /* <toc> <section title="My Application Manual" ref="index.html"> <section title="Chapter 1" ref="doc.html#chapter1"/> <section title="Chapter 2" ref="doc.html#chapter2"/> <section title="Chapter 3" ref="doc.html#chapter3"/> </section> </toc> */ if (m_prevSectionTitle.isNull()) { m_prevSectionTitle=" "; // should not happen... } // We skip "Main Page" as our extra root is pointing to that if (!((m_prevSectionLevel==1) && (m_prevSectionTitle==getFullProjectName()))) { QCString finalRef = makeRef(m_prevSectionBaseName, m_prevSectionAnchor); const char * const attributes[] = { "title", m_prevSectionTitle, "ref", finalRef, NULL }; if (m_prevSectionLevel < m_sectionLevel) { // Section with children"section", attributes); } else { // Section without children m_toc.openClose("section", attributes); } } else { m_skipMainPageSection=TRUE; } clearPrevSection(); }
void DOMFileSystem::getParent(ScriptExecutionContext& context, FileSystemEntry& entry, GetParentCallback&& completionCallback) { ASSERT(&entry.filesystem() == this); auto virtualPath = resolveRelativeVirtualPath(entry.virtualPath(), ".."); ASSERT(virtualPath[0] == '/'); auto fullPath = evaluatePath(virtualPath); m_workQueue->dispatch([this, context = makeRef(context), fullPath = crossThreadCopy(fullPath), virtualPath = crossThreadCopy(virtualPath), completionCallback = WTFMove(completionCallback)]() mutable { auto validatedVirtualPath = validatePathIsExpectedType(fullPath, WTFMove(virtualPath), FileMetadata::Type::Directory); callOnMainThread([this, context = WTFMove(context), validatedVirtualPath = crossThreadCopy(validatedVirtualPath), completionCallback = WTFMove(completionCallback)]() mutable { if (validatedVirtualPath.hasException()) completionCallback(validatedVirtualPath.releaseException()); else completionCallback(FileSystemDirectoryEntry::create(context, *this, validatedVirtualPath.releaseReturnValue())); }); }); }
void ThreadedCompositor::invalidate() { m_scene->detach(); m_compositingRunLoop->stopUpdates(); m_compositingRunLoop->performTaskSync([this, protectedThis = makeRef(*this)] { m_scene->purgeGLResources(); m_context = nullptr; #if PLATFORM(WPE) m_target = nullptr; #endif m_scene = nullptr; m_viewportController = nullptr; }); m_compositingRunLoop = nullptr; m_client = nullptr; #if USE(REQUEST_ANIMATION_FRAME_DISPLAY_MONITOR) m_displayRefreshMonitor->invalidate(); #endif }
void DOMFileSystem::listDirectory(ScriptExecutionContext& context, FileSystemDirectoryEntry& directory, DirectoryListingCallback&& completionHandler) { ASSERT(&directory.filesystem() == this); auto directoryVirtualPath = directory.virtualPath(); auto fullPath = evaluatePath(directoryVirtualPath); if (fullPath == m_rootPath) { Vector<Ref<FileSystemEntry>> children; children.append(fileAsEntry(context)); completionHandler(WTFMove(children)); return; } m_workQueue->dispatch([this, context = makeRef(context), completionHandler = WTFMove(completionHandler), fullPath = crossThreadCopy(fullPath), directoryVirtualPath = crossThreadCopy(directoryVirtualPath)]() mutable { auto listedChildren = listDirectoryWithMetadata(fullPath); callOnMainThread([this, context = WTFMove(context), completionHandler = WTFMove(completionHandler), listedChildren = crossThreadCopy(listedChildren), directoryVirtualPath = directoryVirtualPath.isolatedCopy()]() mutable { completionHandler(toFileSystemEntries(context, *this, WTFMove(listedChildren), directoryVirtualPath)); }); }); }
ThreadedCompositor::ThreadedCompositor(Client* client, WebPage& webPage, uint64_t nativeSurfaceHandle) : m_client(client) , m_nativeSurfaceHandle(nativeSurfaceHandle) #if USE(REQUEST_ANIMATION_FRAME_DISPLAY_MONITOR) , m_displayRefreshMonitor(adoptRef(new WebKit::DisplayRefreshMonitor(*this))) #endif , m_compositingRunLoop(std::make_unique<CompositingRunLoop>([this] { renderLayerTree(); })) {;; m_compositingManager.establishConnection(webPage); m_compositingRunLoop->performTaskSync([this, protectedThis = makeRef(*this)] { m_scene = adoptRef(new CoordinatedGraphicsScene(this)); m_viewportController = std::make_unique<SimpleViewportController>(this); #if PLATFORM(GTK) m_scene->setActive(!!m_nativeSurfaceHandle); #endif }); }
void NetworkDataTaskBlob::resume() { ASSERT(m_state != State::Running); if (m_state == State::Canceling || m_state == State::Completed) return; m_state = State::Running; if (m_scheduledFailureType != NoFailure) { ASSERT(m_failureTimer.isActive()); return; } RunLoop::main().dispatch([this, protectedThis = makeRef(*this)] { if (m_state == State::Canceling || m_state == State::Completed || !m_client) { clearStream(); return; } if (!equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(m_firstRequest.httpMethod(), "get")) { didFail(Error::MethodNotAllowed); return; } // If the blob data is not found, fail now. if (!m_blobData) { didFail(Error::NotFoundError); return; } // Parse the "Range" header we care about. String range = m_firstRequest.httpHeaderField(HTTPHeaderName::Range); if (!range.isEmpty() && !parseRange(range, m_rangeOffset, m_rangeEnd, m_rangeSuffixLength)) { didReceiveResponse(Error::RangeError); return; } getSizeForNext(); }); }
void ThreadedCompositor::didChangeViewportAttribute(const ViewportAttributes& attr) { m_compositingRunLoop->performTask([this, protectedThis = makeRef(*this), attr] { m_viewportController->didChangeViewportAttribute(attr); }); }
void ThreadedCompositor::scrollTo(const IntPoint& position) { m_compositingRunLoop->performTask([this, protectedThis = makeRef(*this), position] { m_viewportController->scrollTo(position); }); }
void ThreadedCompositor::scrollBy(const IntSize& delta) { m_compositingRunLoop->performTask([this, protectedThis = makeRef(*this), delta] { m_viewportController->scrollBy(delta); }); }
void ThreadedCompositor::forceRepaint() { m_compositingRunLoop->performTaskSync([this, protectedThis = makeRef(*this)] { renderLayerTree(); }); }
static int copy_term(Word from, Word to, int flags ARG_LD) { term_agendaLR agenda; int rc = TRUE; initTermAgendaLR(&agenda, 1, from, to); while( nextTermAgendaLR(&agenda, &from, &to) ) { again: switch(tag(*from)) { case TAG_REFERENCE: { Word p2 = unRef(*from); if ( *p2 == VAR_MARK ) /* reference to a copied variable */ { *to = makeRef(p2); } else { from = p2; /* normal reference */ goto again; } continue; } case TAG_VAR: { if ( shared(*from) ) { *to = VAR_MARK; *from = makeRef(to); TrailCyclic(from PASS_LD); } else { setVar(*to); } continue; } case TAG_ATTVAR: if ( flags©_ATTRS ) { Word p = valPAttVar(*from); if ( isAttVar(*p) ) /* already copied */ { *to = makeRefG(p); } else { Word attr; if ( !(attr = alloc_attvar(PASS_LD1)) ) { rc = GLOBAL_OVERFLOW; goto out; } TrailCyclic(p PASS_LD); TrailCyclic(from PASS_LD); *from = consPtr(attr, STG_GLOBAL|TAG_ATTVAR); *to = makeRefG(attr); from = p; to = &attr[1]; goto again; } } else { if ( shared(*from) ) { Word p = valPAttVar(*from & ~BOTH_MASK); if ( *p == VAR_MARK ) { *to = makeRef(p); } else { *to = VAR_MARK; *from = consPtr(to, STG_GLOBAL|TAG_ATTVAR)|BOTH_MASK; TrailCyclic(p PASS_LD); TrailCyclic(from PASS_LD); } } else { setVar(*to); } } continue; case TAG_COMPOUND: { Functor ff = valueTerm(*from); if ( isRef(ff->definition) ) { *to = consPtr(unRef(ff->definition), TAG_COMPOUND|STG_GLOBAL); continue; } if ( ground(ff->definition) ) { *to = *from; continue; } if ( shared(ff->definition) ) { int arity = arityFunctor(ff->definition); Functor ft; if ( !(ft = (Functor)allocGlobalNoShift(arity+1)) ) { rc = GLOBAL_OVERFLOW; goto out; } ft->definition = ff->definition & ~BOTH_MASK; ff->definition = makeRefG((Word)ft); TrailCyclic(&ff->definition PASS_LD); *to = consPtr(ft, TAG_COMPOUND|STG_GLOBAL); if ( pushWorkAgendaLR(&agenda, arity, ff->arguments, ft->arguments) ) continue; rc = MEMORY_OVERFLOW; goto out; } else /* unshared term */ { int arity = arityFunctor(ff->definition); Functor ft; if ( !(ft = (Functor)allocGlobalNoShift(arity+1)) ) { rc = GLOBAL_OVERFLOW; goto out; } ft->definition = ff->definition & ~BOTH_MASK; *to = consPtr(ft, TAG_COMPOUND|STG_GLOBAL); if ( pushWorkAgendaLR(&agenda, arity, ff->arguments, ft->arguments) ) continue; rc = MEMORY_OVERFLOW; goto out; } } default: *to = *from; continue; } } out: clearTermAgendaLR(&agenda); return rc; }