예제 #1
// Make a rotation Quat which will rotate vec1 to vec2
// Generally take adot product to get the angle between these
// and then use a cross product to get the rotation axis
// Watch out for the two special cases of when the vectors
// are co-incident or opposite in direction.
void Quat::makeRotate_original( const Vec3d& from, const Vec3d& to )
    const value_type epsilon = 0.0000001;

    value_type length1  = from.length();
    value_type length2  = to.length();
    // dot product vec1*vec2
    value_type cosangle = from*to/(length1*length2);

    if ( fabs(cosangle - 1) < epsilon )
        //OSG_INFO<<"*** Quat::makeRotate(from,to) with near co-linear vectors, epsilon= "<<fabs(cosangle-1)<<std::endl;
        // cosangle is close to 1, so the vectors are close to being coincident
        // Need to generate an angle of zero with any vector we like
        // We'll choose (1,0,0)
        makeRotate( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
    if ( fabs(cosangle + 1.0) < epsilon )
        // vectors are close to being opposite, so will need to find a
        // vector orthogonal to from to rotate about.
        Vec3d tmp;
        if (fabs(from.x())<fabs(from.y()))
            if (fabs(from.x())<fabs(from.z())) tmp.set(1.0,0.0,0.0); // use x axis.
            else tmp.set(0.0,0.0,1.0);
        else if (fabs(from.y())<fabs(from.z())) tmp.set(0.0,1.0,0.0);
        else tmp.set(0.0,0.0,1.0);
        Vec3d fromd(from.x(),from.y(),from.z());
        // find orthogonal axis.
        Vec3d axis(fromd^tmp);
        _v[0] = axis[0]; // sin of half angle of PI is 1.0.
        _v[1] = axis[1]; // sin of half angle of PI is 1.0.
        _v[2] = axis[2]; // sin of half angle of PI is 1.0.
        _v[3] = 0; // cos of half angle of PI is zero.

        // This is the usual situation - take a cross-product of vec1 and vec2
        // and that is the axis around which to rotate.
        Vec3d axis(from^to);
        value_type angle = acos( cosangle );
        makeRotate( angle, axis );
예제 #2
// Make a rotation Quat which will rotate vec1 to vec2
// Generally take adot product to get the angle between these
// and then use a cross product to get the rotation axis
// Watch out for the two special cases of when the vectors
// are co-incident or opposite in direction.
void t3Quaternion::makeRotate_original(const t3Vector3f& from, const t3Vector3f& to)
    const float epsilon = 0.0000001f;

    float length1 = from.length();
    float length2 = to.length();

    // dot product vec1*vec2
    float cosangle = from.dot(to) / (length1 * length2);

    if(fabs(cosangle - 1) < epsilon)
        //osg::notify(osg::INFO)<<"*** Quat::makeRotate(from,to) with near co-linear vectors, epsilon= "<<fabs(cosangle-1)<<std::endl;

        // cosangle is close to 1, so the vectors are close to being coincident
        // Need to generate an angle of zero with any vector we like
        // We'll choose (1,0,0)
        makeRotate(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
    if(fabs(cosangle + 1.0) < epsilon)
        // vectors are close to being opposite, so will need to find a
        // vector orthongonal to from to rotate about.
        t3Vector3f tmp;
        if(fabs(from.x) < fabs(from.y))
        if(fabs(from.x) < fabs(from.z)) tmp.set(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); // use x axis.
        else tmp.set(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
        else if(fabs(from.y) < fabs(from.z)) tmp.set(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
        else tmp.set(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

        t3Vector3f fromd(from.x, from.y, from.z);

        // find orthogonal axis.
        t3Vector3f axis(fromd.getCrossed(tmp));

        _v.x = axis[0]; // sin of half angle of PI is 1.0.
        _v.y = axis[1]; // sin of half angle of PI is 1.0.
        _v.z = axis[2]; // sin of half angle of PI is 1.0.
        _v.w = 0; // cos of half angle of PI is zero.

        // This is the usual situation - take a cross-product of vec1 and vec2
        // and that is the axis around which to rotate.
        t3Vector3f axis(from.getCrossed(to));
        float angle = acos(cosangle);
        makeRotate(angle, axis);
예제 #3
void Quat::makeRotate ( value_type angle1, const Vec3f& axis1, 
                        value_type angle2, const Vec3f& axis2,
                        value_type angle3, const Vec3f& axis3)
void ofApp::update(){
	if(openNI.isNewFrame()) {
		ofxOscBundle bundle;
		int deviceId = openNI.getDeviceID();
		int numTrackedUsers = openNI.getNumTrackedUsers();
		for(int userIndex = 0; userIndex < numTrackedUsers; userIndex++) {
			ofxOpenNIUser& user = openNI.getTrackedUser(userIndex);
			if(user.isTracking() && user.isSkeleton()) {
				ofxOscMessage msg;
				int userId = user.getXnID();
				string actorName = "OpenNI " + ofToString(userId) + " @" + ofToString(deviceId);
				int numJoints = user.getNumJoints();
				// should use accelerometer to right things
				// or a custom slider to position people
				float floorOffset = 0;
				vector<ofVec3f> positions(JOINT_COUNT);
				for(int openniIndex = 0; openniIndex < JOINT_COUNT; openniIndex++) {
					ofxOpenNIJoint& joint = user.getJoint((Joint) openniIndex);
					positions[openniIndex] = joint.getWorldPosition();
					positions[openniIndex].x *= -1; // openni is mirrored left/right
					if(openniIndex == 0 || positions[openniIndex].y < floorOffset) {
						floorOffset = positions[openniIndex].y;
				vector<ofQuaternion> orientations(JOINT_COUNT);
				ofVec3f torsoToNeck = positions[JOINT_NECK] - positions[JOINT_TORSO];
				ofVec3f torsoToLeftHip = positions[JOINT_LEFT_HIP] - positions[JOINT_TORSO];
				ofVec3f torsoToRightHip = positions[JOINT_RIGHT_HIP] - positions[JOINT_TORSO];
				ofVec3f neckToTorso = positions[JOINT_TORSO] - positions[JOINT_NECK];
				ofVec3f neckToRightShoulder = positions[JOINT_RIGHT_SHOULDER] - positions[JOINT_NECK];
				ofVec3f headToNeck = positions[JOINT_NECK] - positions[JOINT_HEAD];
				ofVec3f leftShoulderToLeftElbow = positions[JOINT_LEFT_ELBOW] - positions[JOINT_LEFT_SHOULDER];
				ofVec3f leftElbowToLeftHand = positions[JOINT_LEFT_HAND] - positions[JOINT_LEFT_ELBOW];
				ofVec3f rightShoulderToRightElbow = positions[JOINT_RIGHT_ELBOW] - positions[JOINT_RIGHT_SHOULDER];
				ofVec3f rightElbowToRightHand = positions[JOINT_RIGHT_HAND] - positions[JOINT_RIGHT_ELBOW];
				ofVec3f leftHipToLeftKnee = positions[JOINT_LEFT_KNEE] - positions[JOINT_LEFT_HIP];
				ofVec3f leftKneeToLeftFoot = positions[JOINT_LEFT_FOOT] - positions[JOINT_LEFT_KNEE];
				ofVec3f rightHipToRightKnee = positions[JOINT_RIGHT_KNEE] - positions[JOINT_RIGHT_HIP];
				ofVec3f rightKneeToRightFoot = positions[JOINT_RIGHT_FOOT] - positions[JOINT_RIGHT_KNEE];
				orientations[JOINT_TORSO] = makeRotate(torsoToNeck, torsoToRightHip);
				orientations[JOINT_NECK] = makeRotate(neckToTorso, neckToRightShoulder);
				orientations[JOINT_HEAD] = makeRotate(headToNeck, neckToRightShoulder);
				orientations[JOINT_LEFT_SHOULDER] = makeRotate(leftShoulderToLeftElbow, neckToRightShoulder);
				orientations[JOINT_LEFT_ELBOW] = makeRotate(leftElbowToLeftHand, leftShoulderToLeftElbow);
				orientations[JOINT_LEFT_HAND] = orientations[JOINT_LEFT_ELBOW];
				orientations[JOINT_RIGHT_SHOULDER] = makeRotate(rightShoulderToRightElbow, neckToRightShoulder);
				orientations[JOINT_RIGHT_ELBOW] = makeRotate(rightElbowToRightHand, rightShoulderToRightElbow);
				orientations[JOINT_RIGHT_HAND] = orientations[JOINT_RIGHT_ELBOW];
				orientations[JOINT_LEFT_HIP] = makeRotate(leftHipToLeftKnee, torsoToLeftHip);
				orientations[JOINT_LEFT_KNEE] = makeRotate(leftKneeToLeftFoot, leftHipToLeftKnee);
				orientations[JOINT_LEFT_FOOT] = orientations[JOINT_LEFT_KNEE];
				orientations[JOINT_RIGHT_HIP] = makeRotate(rightHipToRightKnee, torsoToRightHip);
				orientations[JOINT_RIGHT_KNEE] = makeRotate(rightKneeToRightFoot, rightHipToRightKnee);
				orientations[JOINT_RIGHT_FOOT] = orientations[JOINT_RIGHT_KNEE];		
				for(int ramIndex = 0; ramIndex < RAM_JOINT_COUNT; ramIndex++) {
					int openniIndex = jointMapping[ramIndex];
					ofVec3f position = positions[openniIndex]; // process a copy
					position -= openniCenter;
					position.y -= floorOffset;
					position *= ramScale;
					// send zero orientation
					ofQuaternion& orientation = orientations[openniIndex];
					ofVec3f axis;
					float angle;
					orientation.getRotate(angle, axis);
예제 #5
void ofQuaternion::makeRotate( float angle, const ofVec3f& vec ) {
	makeRotate( angle, vec.x, vec.y, vec.z );
예제 #6
void Quat::makeRotate( value_type angle, const Vec3d& vec )
    makeRotate( angle, vec[0], vec[1], vec[2] );
예제 #7
void Quat::makeRotate( const Vec3f& from, const Vec3f& to )
    makeRotate( Vec3d(from), Vec3d(to) );
예제 #8
void t3Quaternion::makeRotate(float angle, const t3Vector3f& vec)
    makeRotate(angle, vec.x, vec.y, vec.z);