l_int32 main(int argc, char **argv) { char buf[256], dirname[256]; char *dirin, *pattern, *subdirout, *fname, *tail, *basename; l_int32 thresh, i, n; l_float32 scalefactor; PIX *pix1, *pix2, *pix3, *pix4; SARRAY *sa; static char mainName[] = "binarizefiles.c"; if (argc != 6) { fprintf(stderr, "Syntax: binarizefiles dirin pattern thresh scalefact dirout\n" " dirin: input directory for image files\n" " pattern: use 'allfiles' to convert all files\n" " in the directory\n" " thresh: 0 for adaptive; > 0 for global thresh (e.g., 128)\n" " scalefactor: in (0.0 ... 4.0]; use 1.0 to prevent scaling\n" " subdirout: subdirectory of /tmp for output files\n"); return 1; } dirin = argv[1]; pattern = argv[2]; thresh = atoi(argv[3]); scalefactor = atof(argv[4]); subdirout = argv[5]; if (!strcmp(pattern, "allfiles")) pattern = NULL; if (scalefactor <= 0.0 || scalefactor > 4.0) { L_WARNING("invalid scalefactor: setting to 1.0\n", mainName); scalefactor = 1.0; } /* Get the input filenames */ sa = getSortedPathnamesInDirectory(dirin, pattern, 0, 0); sarrayWriteStream(stderr, sa); n = sarrayGetCount(sa); /* Write the output files */ makeTempDirname(dirname, 256, subdirout); fprintf(stderr, "dirname: %s\n", dirname); lept_mkdir(subdirout); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fname = sarrayGetString(sa, i, L_NOCOPY); if ((pix1 = pixRead(fname)) == NULL) { L_ERROR("file %s not read as image", mainName, fname); continue; } splitPathAtDirectory(fname, NULL, &tail); splitPathAtExtension(tail, &basename, NULL); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s.tif", dirname, basename); FREE(tail); FREE(basename); fprintf(stderr, "fileout: %s\n", buf); if (scalefactor != 1.0) pix2 = pixScale(pix1, scalefactor, scalefactor); else pix2 = pixClone(pix1); if (thresh == 0) { pix4 = pixConvertTo8(pix2, 0); pix3 = pixAdaptThresholdToBinary(pix4, NULL, 1.0); pixDestroy(&pix4); } else { pix3 = pixConvertTo1(pix2, thresh); } pixWrite(buf, pix3, IFF_TIFF_G4); pixDestroy(&pix1); pixDestroy(&pix2); pixDestroy(&pix3); } sarrayDestroy(&sa); return 0; }
void TestLeptCpRm(L_REGPARAMS *rp, const char *srctail, const char *newdir, const char *newtail) { char realnewdir[256], newnewdir[256]; char *realtail, *newsrc, *fname; l_int32 nfiles1, nfiles2, nfiles3; SARRAY *sa; /* Remove old version if it exists */ realtail = (newtail) ? stringNew(newtail) : stringNew(srctail); lept_rm(newdir, realtail); makeTempDirname(realnewdir, 256, newdir); if (rp->display) { fprintf(stderr, "\nInput: srctail = %s, newdir = %s, newtail = %s\n", srctail, newdir, newtail); fprintf(stderr, " realnewdir = %s, realtail = %s\n", realnewdir, realtail); } sa = getFilenamesInDirectory(realnewdir); nfiles1 = sarrayGetCount(sa); sarrayDestroy(&sa); /* Copy */ lept_cp(srctail, newdir, newtail, &fname); sa = getFilenamesInDirectory(realnewdir); nfiles2 = sarrayGetCount(sa); if (rp->display) { fprintf(stderr, " File copied to directory: %s\n", realnewdir); fprintf(stderr, " ... with this filename: %s\n", fname); fprintf(stderr, " delta files should be 1: %d\n", nfiles2 - nfiles1); } regTestCompareValues(rp, 1, nfiles2 - nfiles1, 0.0); /* '1' */ sarrayDestroy(&sa); lept_free(fname); /* Remove it */ lept_rm(newdir, realtail); sa = getFilenamesInDirectory(realnewdir); nfiles2 = sarrayGetCount(sa); if (rp->display) { fprintf(stderr, " File removed from directory: %s\n", realnewdir); fprintf(stderr, " delta files should be 0: %d\n", nfiles2 - nfiles1); } regTestCompareValues(rp, 0, nfiles2 - nfiles1, 0.0); /* '2' */ sarrayDestroy(&sa); /* Copy it again ... */ lept_cp(srctail, newdir, newtail, &fname); if (rp->display) fprintf(stderr, " File copied to: %s\n", fname); /* move it elsewhere ... */ lept_rmdir("junko"); /* clear out this directory */ lept_mkdir("junko"); newsrc = pathJoin(realnewdir, realtail); lept_mv(newsrc, "junko", NULL, &fname); if (rp->display) { fprintf(stderr, " Move file at: %s\n", newsrc); fprintf(stderr, " ... to: %s\n", fname); } lept_free(fname); lept_free(newsrc); makeTempDirname(newnewdir, 256, "junko"); if (rp->display) fprintf(stderr, " In this directory: %s\n", newnewdir); sa = getFilenamesInDirectory(newnewdir); /* check if it landed ok */ nfiles3 = sarrayGetCount(sa); if (rp->display) fprintf(stderr, " num files should be 1: %d\n", nfiles3); regTestCompareValues(rp, 1, nfiles3, 0.0); /* '3' */ sarrayDestroy(&sa); /* and verify it was removed from the original location */ sa = getFilenamesInDirectory(realnewdir); /* check if it was removed */ nfiles2 = sarrayGetCount(sa); if (rp->display) { fprintf(stderr, " In this directory: %s\n", realnewdir); fprintf(stderr, " delta files should be 0: %d\n", nfiles2 - nfiles1); } regTestCompareValues(rp, 0, nfiles2 - nfiles1, 0.0); /* '4' */ sarrayDestroy(&sa); lept_free(realtail); }