예제 #1
/* invert a matrix using Gaussian Elimination */
Matrix invertRREF(Matrix m) {
    int prealloc = alloc_matrix;
    int i,j;
    Matrix tmp = makeZeroMatrix(m->row_dim, m->col_dim*2);
    Matrix inverse = makeMatrix(m->row_dim, m->col_dim);
    DEBUG_CHECK(m->row_dim == m->col_dim,"Matrix can only be inverted if it is square");
    /* build the tmp Matrix which will be passed to RREF */
    for( i = 0; i < m->row_dim; i++) {
        for( j = 0; j < m->col_dim; j++) {
            ME(tmp,i,j) = ME(m,i,j);
            if(i == j) {
                ME(tmp,i,j+m->col_dim) = 1;

    for( i = 0; i < m->row_dim; i++) {
        for( j = 0; j < m->col_dim; j++) {
            ME(inverse,i,j) = ME(tmp,i,j+m->col_dim);


    if(prealloc != alloc_matrix - 1) {
        printf("Error deallocating matricies <%s>: pre=%d post=%d",__FUNCTION__, prealloc, alloc_matrix);
    return inverse;
예제 #2
MutableMatrix* MutableMat<T>::invert() const
  MutableMat<T>*  result = makeZeroMatrix(n_rows(), n_cols());
  bool val = mat.invert(result->mat);
  if (!val)
      delete result;
      return 0;
  return result;
예제 #3
GraphDiscription buildBunchGraph(GraphDiscription modelJets, JetSimilarityMeasure jetSim, int bunchsize){
    int vert;

    assert(bunchsize > 1);
    for(vert = 0; vert < modelJets->numVert; vert++){
        Matrix dist;
        int size, i, j;
        FTYPE maxsim, minsim, smallest;
        int minjet;
        JetBunch finalBunch = makeJetBunch();

        MESSAGE1ARG("Selecting jets for point: %s",modelJets->vertLabels[vert]);

        size = modelJets->bunch[vert]->size;
        assert(bunchsize <= size);
        assert(size > 0);

        dist = makeZeroMatrix(size, size);

        smallest = maxsim = jetSim(modelJets->bunch[vert]->jets[0],modelJets->bunch[vert]->jets[0]);
        for(i = 0; i < size; i++){
            for(j = 0; j < size; j++){
                ME(dist,i,j) = jetSim(modelJets->bunch[vert]->jets[i],modelJets->bunch[vert]->jets[j]);
                maxsim = MAX( maxsim, ME(dist,i,j) );
                smallest = MIN(smallest, ME(dist,i,j));

        /* find the minimum similarity */
        minsim = 0.0;
        minjet = -1;
        for(i = 0; i < size; i++){
            for(j = 0; j < size; j++){
                if(minjet < 0 || minsim > ME(dist,i,j) ){
                    minsim = ME(dist,i,j);
                    minjet = i;

            /* MESSAGE2ARG("    Adding jet %03d to final bunch. sim=%+f",minjet,minsim); */
            /* add that jet to the final bunch */
            addJetToBunch(finalBunch, modelJets->bunch[vert]->jets[minjet]);
            /* eleminate the newly added jet from the old bunch and the distance matrix */
            modelJets->bunch[vert]->jets[minjet] = NULL;
            for( i = 0; i < size; i++){
                /* Make sure new value is greater that the maximum similarity */
                ME(dist,i,minjet) = 2*ABS(maxsim);

            if(finalBunch->size >= bunchsize) break;

            minsim = 0.0;
            minjet = -1;
            for(j = 0; j < size; j++){
                FTYPE locmax = smallest;
                for(i = 0; i < size; i++){
                    /* compute the best similarity to the jets in the data set */
                    if(modelJets->bunch[vert]->jets[i] == NULL){
                        locmax = MAX(locmax,ME(dist,i,j));
                if(minjet < 0 || minsim > locmax ){
                    minsim = locmax;
                    minjet = j;

        modelJets->bunch[vert] = finalBunch;
    return modelJets;
   computeConsistentRotations_LSQ(int const nIterations, int const nViews,
                                  std::vector<Matrix3x3d> const& relativeRotations,
                                  std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > const& viewPairs,
                                  std::vector<Matrix3x3d>& rotations)
      double const gamma = 1.0;

      int const nRelPoses = relativeRotations.size();


      Matrix3x3d zero3x3d;

      Matrix4x4d zeroQuat;
      makeZeroMatrix(zeroQuat); zeroQuat[0][0] = 1;

      vector<double> denomQ(nViews, 1.0); // from the psd constraint
      for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k)
         int const i = viewPairs[k].first;
         int const j = viewPairs[k].second;
         denomQ[i] += 1;
         denomQ[j] += 1;
      for (int i = 0; i < nViews; ++i) denomQ[i] = 1.0 / denomQ[i];

      vector<Matrix4x4d> Q(nViews, zeroQuat);
      vector<Matrix4x4d> Q1(nViews, zeroQuat);
      vector<Matrix4x4d> ZQ1(nViews, zeroQuat);
      vector<Matrix4x4d> Q2i(nRelPoses, zeroQuat);
      vector<Matrix4x4d> Q2j(nRelPoses, zeroQuat);
      vector<Matrix4x4d> ZQ2i(nRelPoses, zeroQuat);
      vector<Matrix4x4d> ZQ2j(nRelPoses, zeroQuat);

      vector<Matrix3x3d> A(nRelPoses, zero3x3d);
      vector<Matrix3x3d> A1(nRelPoses, zero3x3d);
      vector<Matrix3x3d> A2(nRelPoses, zero3x3d);
      vector<Matrix3x3d> ZA1(nRelPoses, zero3x3d);
      vector<Matrix3x3d> ZA2(nRelPoses, zero3x3d);

      for (int iter = 0; iter < nIterations; ++iter)
         // Convex hull of rotation matrices
         for (int i = 0; i < nViews; ++i)
            Matrix4x4d q = Q[i] + ZQ1[i];
            Q1[i] = q;
            addMatricesIP(Q[i] - q, ZQ1[i]);
         } // end for (i)

         // Squared Frobenius term 0.5*sum_k |A_k|_F^2
         for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k)
            Matrix3x3d a = A[k] + ZA1[k];
            scaleMatrixIP(1.0 / (1.0 + gamma), a);
            A1[k] = a;
            addMatricesIP(A[k] - a, ZA1[k]);
         } // end for (k)

         // Enforce linear consistency
         for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k)
            int const i = viewPairs[k].first;
            int const j = viewPairs[k].second;

            Matrix4x4d qi = Q[i] + ZQ2i[k];
            Matrix4x4d qj = Q[j] + ZQ2j[k];
            Matrix3x3d a = A[k] + ZA2[k];

            proxConsistency(relativeRotations[k], qi, qj, a);

            Q2i[k] = qi;
            Q2j[k] = qj;
            A2[k] = a;
            addMatricesIP(Q[i] - qi, ZQ2i[k]);
            addMatricesIP(Q[j] - qj, ZQ2j[k]);
            addMatricesIP(A[k] - a, ZA2[k]);
         } // end for (k)

         // Averaging of the solutions
         for (int i = 0; i < nViews; ++i) Q[i] = Q1[i] - ZQ1[i];

         for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k) A[k] = A1[k] - ZA1[k];

         for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k)
            int const i = viewPairs[k].first;
            int const j = viewPairs[k].second;

            addMatricesIP(Q2i[k] - ZQ2i[k], Q[i]);
            addMatricesIP(Q2j[k] - ZQ2j[k], Q[j]);
            addMatricesIP(A2[k] - ZA2[k], A[k]);
         } // end for (k)

         for (int i = 0; i < nViews; ++i) scaleMatrixIP(denomQ[i], Q[i]);
         for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k) scaleMatrixIP(0.5, A[k]);

         if ((iter % 500) == 0)
            double E = 0;
            for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k) E += sqrMatrixNormFrobenius(A[k]);
            cout << "iter: " << iter << " E = " << E << endl;
      } // end for (iter)

      for (int i = 0; i < nViews; ++i)
         rotations[i] = getRotationFromQuat(Q[i]);
   } // end computeConsistentRotations_LSQ()
   computeConsistentRotations_L1(double const sigma, int const nIterations, int const nViews,
                                 std::vector<Matrix3x3d> const& relativeRotations,
                                 std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > const& viewPairs,
                                 std::vector<Matrix3x3d>& rotations)
      double const gamma = 1.0;

      int const nRelPoses = relativeRotations.size();


      Matrix3x3d zero3x3d;

      Matrix4x4d zeroQuat;
      makeZeroMatrix(zeroQuat); zeroQuat[0][0] = 1;

      vector<double> denomQ(nViews, 1.0); // from the psd constraint
      for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k)
         int const i = viewPairs[k].first;
         int const j = viewPairs[k].second;
         denomQ[i] += 1;
         denomQ[j] += 1;
      for (int i = 0; i < nViews; ++i) denomQ[i] = 1.0 / denomQ[i];

      vector<double> T(nRelPoses, 0.0);
      vector<double> T1(nRelPoses);
      vector<double> ZT1(nRelPoses, 0.0);
      vector<double> T2(nRelPoses);
      vector<double> ZT2(nRelPoses, 0.0);

      vector<Matrix4x4d> Q(nViews, zeroQuat);
      vector<Matrix4x4d> Q1(nViews, zeroQuat);
      vector<Matrix4x4d> ZQ1(nViews, zeroQuat);
      vector<Matrix4x4d> Q2i(nRelPoses, zeroQuat);
      vector<Matrix4x4d> Q2j(nRelPoses, zeroQuat);
      vector<Matrix4x4d> ZQ2i(nRelPoses, zeroQuat);
      vector<Matrix4x4d> ZQ2j(nRelPoses, zeroQuat);

      vector<Matrix3x3d> A(nRelPoses, zero3x3d);
      vector<Matrix3x3d> A1(nRelPoses, zero3x3d);
      vector<Matrix3x3d> A2(nRelPoses, zero3x3d);
      vector<Matrix3x3d> ZA1(nRelPoses, zero3x3d);
      vector<Matrix3x3d> ZA2(nRelPoses, zero3x3d);

      for (int iter = 0; iter < nIterations; ++iter)
         // Convex hull of rotation matrices
         for (int i = 0; i < nViews; ++i)
            Matrix4x4d q = Q[i] + ZQ1[i];
            Q1[i] = q;
            addMatricesIP(Q[i] - q, ZQ1[i]);
         } // end for (i)

         // Shrinkage of T (we want to minimize T)
         for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k)
            T2[k] = std::max(0.0, T[k] + ZT2[k] - gamma);
            ZT2[k] += T[k] - T2[k];
         } // end for (k)

         // Cone constraint
         for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k)
            double t = T1[k] + ZT1[k];
            Matrix3x3d a = A[k] + ZA1[k];

            proxDataResidual_Frobenius(sigma, t, a);

            T1[k] = t;
            ZT1[k] += T[k] - t;
            A1[k] = a;
            addMatricesIP(A[k] - a, ZA1[k]);
         } // end for (k)

         // Enforce linear consistency
         for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k)
            int const i = viewPairs[k].first;
            int const j = viewPairs[k].second;

            Matrix4x4d qi = Q[i] + ZQ2i[k];
            Matrix4x4d qj = Q[j] + ZQ2j[k];
            Matrix3x3d a = A[k] + ZA2[k];

            proxConsistency(relativeRotations[k], qi, qj, a);

            Q2i[k] = qi;
            Q2j[k] = qj;
            A2[k] = a;
            addMatricesIP(Q[i] - qi, ZQ2i[k]);
            addMatricesIP(Q[j] - qj, ZQ2j[k]);
            addMatricesIP(A[k] - a, ZA2[k]);
         } // end for (k)

         // Averaging of the solutions
         for (int i = 0; i < nViews; ++i) Q[i] = Q1[i] - ZQ1[i];

         for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k)
            T[k] = std::max(0.0, 0.5 * (T1[k] - ZT1[k] + T2[k] - ZT2[k]));

         for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k) A[k] = A1[k] - ZA1[k];

         for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k)
            int const i = viewPairs[k].first;
            int const j = viewPairs[k].second;

            addMatricesIP(Q2i[k] - ZQ2i[k], Q[i]);
            addMatricesIP(Q2j[k] - ZQ2j[k], Q[j]);
            addMatricesIP(A2[k] - ZA2[k], A[k]);
         } // end for (k)

         for (int i = 0; i < nViews; ++i) scaleMatrixIP(denomQ[i], Q[i]);
         for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k) scaleMatrixIP(0.5, A[k]);

         if ((iter % 500) == 0)
            cout << "iter: " << iter << endl;
            cout << " T = "; displayVector(T);
      } // end for (iter)

      for (int i = 0; i < nViews; ++i)
         rotations[i] = getRotationFromQuat(Q[i]);
   } // end computeConsistentRotations_L1()
   computeConsistentRotations_Linf(double const sigma, int const nIterations, int const nViews,
                                   std::vector<Matrix3x3d> const& relativeRotations,
                                   std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > const& viewPairs,
                                   std::vector<Matrix3x3d>& rotations, std::vector<double>& zs)
      double const gamma = 1.0;

      int const nRelPoses = relativeRotations.size();


      Matrix3x3d zero3x3d;

      Matrix4x4d zeroQuat;
      makeZeroMatrix(zeroQuat); zeroQuat[0][0] = 1;

      double const denomT = 1.0 / (1.0 + nRelPoses);

      vector<double> denomQ(nViews, 1.0); // from the psd constraint
      for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k)
         int const i = viewPairs[k].first;
         int const j = viewPairs[k].second;
         denomQ[i] += 1;
         denomQ[j] += 1;
      for (int i = 0; i < nViews; ++i) denomQ[i] = 1.0 / denomQ[i];

      double T = 0.0;
      vector<double> T1(nRelPoses);
      vector<double> ZT1(nRelPoses, 0.0);
      double T2;
      double ZT2 = 0;

      vector<Matrix4x4d> Q(nViews, zeroQuat);
      vector<Matrix4x4d> Q1(nViews, zeroQuat);
      vector<Matrix4x4d> ZQ1(nViews, zeroQuat);
      vector<Matrix4x4d> Q2i(nRelPoses, zeroQuat);
      vector<Matrix4x4d> Q2j(nRelPoses, zeroQuat);
      vector<Matrix4x4d> ZQ2i(nRelPoses, zeroQuat);
      vector<Matrix4x4d> ZQ2j(nRelPoses, zeroQuat);

      vector<Matrix3x3d> A(nRelPoses, zero3x3d);
      vector<Matrix3x3d> A1(nRelPoses, zero3x3d);
      vector<Matrix3x3d> A2(nRelPoses, zero3x3d);
      vector<Matrix3x3d> ZA1(nRelPoses, zero3x3d);
      vector<Matrix3x3d> ZA2(nRelPoses, zero3x3d);

      for (int iter = 0; iter < nIterations; ++iter)
         // Convex hull of rotation matrices
         for (int i = 0; i < nViews; ++i)
            Matrix4x4d q = Q[i] + ZQ1[i];
            if (i > 0)
               q[0][0] = 1;
            Q1[i] = q;
            addMatricesIP(Q[i] - q, ZQ1[i]);
         } // end for (i)

         // Shrinkage of T (we want to minimize T)
         T2 = std::max(0.0, T + ZT2 - gamma);
         ZT2 += T - T2;

         // Cone constraint
         for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k)
            double t = T + ZT1[k];
            Matrix3x3d a = A[k] + ZA1[k];

            proxDataResidual_Frobenius(sigma, t, a);

            T1[k] = t;
            ZT1[k] += T - t;
            A1[k] = a;
            addMatricesIP(A[k] - a, ZA1[k]);
         } // end for (k)

         // Enforce linear consistency
         for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k)
            int const i = viewPairs[k].first;
            int const j = viewPairs[k].second;

            Matrix4x4d qi = Q[i] + ZQ2i[k];
            Matrix4x4d qj = Q[j] + ZQ2j[k];
            Matrix3x3d a = A[k] + ZA2[k];

            proxConsistency(relativeRotations[k], qi, qj, a);

            Q2i[k] = qi;
            Q2j[k] = qj;
            A2[k] = a;
            addMatricesIP(Q[i] - qi, ZQ2i[k]);
            addMatricesIP(Q[j] - qj, ZQ2j[k]);
            addMatricesIP(A[k] - a, ZA2[k]);
         } // end for (k)

         // Averaging of the solutions
         for (int i = 0; i < nViews; ++i) Q[i] = Q1[i] - ZQ1[i];

         T = T2 - ZT2;
         for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k) T += T1[k] - ZT1[k];
         T *= denomT;
         T = std::max(0.0, T);

         for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k) A[k] = A1[k] - ZA1[k];

         for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k)
            int const i = viewPairs[k].first;
            int const j = viewPairs[k].second;

            addMatricesIP(Q2i[k] - ZQ2i[k], Q[i]);
            addMatricesIP(Q2j[k] - ZQ2j[k], Q[j]);
            addMatricesIP(A2[k] - ZA2[k], A[k]);
         } // end for (k)

         for (int i = 0; i < nViews; ++i) scaleMatrixIP(denomQ[i], Q[i]);
         for (int k = 0; k < nRelPoses; ++k) scaleMatrixIP(0.5, A[k]);

         if ((iter % 500) == 0)
            cout << "iter: " << iter << " t = " << T << endl;
            cout << "T1 = "; displayVector(T1);
            cout << "ZT1 = "; displayVector(ZT1);
            cout << "T2 = " << T2 << " ZT2 = " << ZT2 << endl;

            Matrix<double> ZZ(4, 4);
            for (int i = 0; i < nViews; ++i)
               copyMatrix(Q[i], ZZ);
               SVD<double> svd(ZZ);
               cout << "Q = "; displayMatrix(ZZ);
               cout << "SV = "; displayVector(svd.getSingularValues());
               //Matrix3x3d R = getRotationFromQuat(Q[i]);
               //cout << "R = "; displayMatrix(R);
            } // end for (i)
      } // end for (iter)

      for (int i = 0; i < nViews; ++i)
         rotations[i] = getRotationFromQuat(Q[i]);

      zs = ZT1;
   } // end computeConsistentRotations_Linf()
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    ImageList *imagenames, *subject, *replicate;
    int imageCount;
    Matrix distance;
    FaceGraph* graphs;
    char** names;
    int i, j;
    Arguments args;
    DistDirNode* distrec;

    processCommand(argc, argv, &args);

    MESSAGE("Reading in image names");
    imagenames = getImageNames(args.imageNamesFile, &imageCount);

    MESSAGE1ARG("Reading in graph files %d",imageCount);

    /* Allocate space for imagenames, face graphs and distance matrix */
    names = ALLOCATE(char*,imageCount);
    graphs = ALLOCATE(FaceGraph, imageCount);
    distance = makeZeroMatrix(imageCount,imageCount);

    MESSAGE("Reading in graph files");
    i = 0;
    for(subject = imagenames; subject != NULL; subject = subject->next_subject) {
        for( replicate = subject; replicate != NULL; replicate = replicate->next_replicate) {
            printf("Reading in graph: %s\n", replicate->filename);
            names[i] = strdup(replicate->filename);
            graphs[i] = loadFaceGraph(makePath(args.faceGraphDir,replicate->filename));

    for(distrec = args.distList; distrec != NULL; distrec = distrec->next) {
        /* Create distance matrix */
        completed = 0;
        total = imageCount*imageCount;

        MESSAGE("Computing Distance Matrix");
        start_time = time(NULL);

        computeDistanceMatrix(distance, graphs, 0, imageCount, 0, imageCount, distrec->distMeasure);

        /* Print out distance files to the distance directory */
        for(i = 0; i < imageCount; i++) {
            FILE* distfile = fopen(makePath(distrec->distDirectory,names[i]), "w");

            if(!distfile) {
                printf("Error opening distance file: %s\n",makePath(distrec->distDirectory,names[i]));

            printf("Saving distances for image: %s\n",names[i]);

            for(j = 0; j < imageCount; j++) {
                fprintf(distfile,"%s\t%16e\n",names[j], ME(distance,i,j));

    return 0;
예제 #8
   computeIntersectionCovariance(vector<Matrix3x4d> const& projections,
                                 vector<PointMeasurement> const& measurements,
                                 double sigma)
      Matrix<double> Cp(3, 3, 0.0);
      Cp[0][0] = Cp[1][1] = sigma;
      Cp[2][2] = 0.0;

      int const N = measurements.size();

      Matrix<double> A(2*N, 4, 0.0);
      InlineMatrix<double, 2, 3> Sp;
      InlineMatrix<double, 2, 4> Sp_P;
      for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
         Sp[0][1] = -1; Sp[0][2] = measurements[i].pos[1];
         Sp[1][0] =  1; Sp[1][2] = -measurements[i].pos[0];

         int const view = measurements[i].view;
         multiply_A_B(Sp, projections[view], Sp_P);

         A[2*i+0][0] = Sp_P[0][0]; A[2*i+0][1] = Sp_P[0][1]; A[2*i+0][2] = Sp_P[0][2]; A[2*i+0][3] = Sp_P[0][3];
         A[2*i+1][0] = Sp_P[1][0]; A[2*i+1][1] = Sp_P[1][1]; A[2*i+1][2] = Sp_P[1][2]; A[2*i+1][3] = Sp_P[1][3];
      } // end for (i)

      SVD<double> svd(A);

      Matrix<double> V;

      Vector4d X;
      X[0] = V[0][3]; X[1] = V[1][3]; X[2] = V[2][3]; X[3] = V[3][3];

      Vector3d P;
      Matrix<double> S(2, 3, 0.0);
      Matrix<double> B(2*N, 3*N, 0.0);

      for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
         int const view = measurements[i].view;
         multiply_A_v(projections[view], X, P);
         P[0] /= P[2]; P[1] /= P[2]; P[2] = 1.0;

         S[0][1] = -P[2]; S[0][2] =  P[1];
         S[1][0] =  P[2]; S[1][2] = -P[0];

         B[2*i+0][3*i+0] = -S[0][0]; B[2*i+0][3*i+1] = -S[0][1]; B[2*i+0][3*i+2] = S[0][2];
         B[2*i+1][3*i+0] = -S[1][0]; B[2*i+1][3*i+1] = -S[1][1]; B[2*i+1][3*i+2] = S[1][2];
      } // end for (i)

      Matrix<double> C(3*N, 3*N, 0.0);
      for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
         C[3*i+0][3*i+0] = Cp[0][0]; C[3*i+0][3*i+1] = Cp[0][1]; C[3*i+0][3*i+2] = Cp[0][2];
         C[3*i+1][3*i+0] = Cp[1][0]; C[3*i+1][3*i+1] = Cp[1][1]; C[3*i+1][3*i+2] = Cp[1][2];
         C[3*i+2][3*i+0] = Cp[2][0]; C[3*i+2][3*i+1] = Cp[2][1]; C[3*i+2][3*i+2] = Cp[2][2];
      } // end for (i)

      Matrix<double> B_C(2*N, 3*N);
      multiply_A_B(B, C, B_C);
      Matrix<double> T(2*N, 2*N);
      multiply_A_Bt(B_C, B, T);

      Matrix<double> Tinv;
      invertMatrix(T, Tinv);

      Matrix<double> NN(5, 5), N4(4, 4);
      Matrix<double> At_Tinv(4, 2*N);
      multiply_At_B(A, Tinv, At_Tinv);
      multiply_A_B(At_Tinv, A, N4);

      for (int r = 0; r < 4; ++r)
         for (int c = 0; c < 4; ++c)
            NN[r][c] = N4[r][c];

      NN[0][4] = NN[4][0] = X[0];
      NN[1][4] = NN[4][1] = X[1];
      NN[2][4] = NN[4][2] = X[2];
      NN[3][4] = NN[4][3] = X[3];
      NN[4][4] = 0.0;

      Matrix<double> Ninv(5, 5);
      invertMatrix(NN, Ninv);

      Matrix4x4d sigma_XX;
      for (int r = 0; r < 4; ++r)
         for (int c = 0; c < 4; ++c)
            sigma_XX[r][c] = Ninv[r][c];

      Matrix3x4d Je;
      Je[0][0] = Je[1][1] = Je[2][2] = 1.0 / X[3];
      Je[0][3] = -X[0] / (X[3]*X[3]);
      Je[1][3] = -X[1] / (X[3]*X[3]);
      Je[2][3] = -X[2] / (X[3]*X[3]);

      Matrix3x3d sigma_X = Je * sigma_XX * Je.transposed();
      return sigma_X;