CapNegotiationState::CapNegotiationState(const InitParams &init_params) : MessageSequenceWithOptionalSetHandler(init_params) { AddSequencedHandler(make_ptr(new M3Handler(init_params))); AddSequencedHandler(make_ptr(new M4Handler(init_params))); AddSequencedHandler(make_ptr(new M5Handler(init_params))); AddOptionalHandler(make_ptr(new M3Handler(init_params))); AddOptionalHandler(make_ptr(new M4Handler(init_params))); }
parse_result parse_write_file (char const * str) { FILE * fp=fopen(str, "w"); if (fp) return make_parse_result(make_ptr(fp), last_char(str)); else return make_parse_result(NULL, str); }
void main(){ int **t; int *t1; int t2; t = make_ptr(); t1 = *t; // test minimization set_ptr(t, 10); validptr(t); //should succeed return; }
static void ffi_open_fn(VMState *state, CallInfo *info) { VM_ASSERT(info->args_len == 1, "wrong arity: expected 1, got %i", info->args_len); Object *root = state->root; Object *string_base = state->shared->vcache.string_base; Object *array_base = state->shared->vcache.array_base; Object *ffi = AS_OBJ(OBJECT_LOOKUP(root, ffi)); Object *handle_base = AS_OBJ(OBJECT_LOOKUP(ffi, handle)); StringObject *sarg = (StringObject*) obj_instance_of(OBJ_OR_NULL(load_arg(state->frame, INFO_ARGS_PTR(info)[0])), string_base); VM_ASSERT(sarg, "argument to must be string!"); Object *libmap = AS_OBJ(OBJECT_LOOKUP(ffi, library_map)); char *file = sarg->value; bool file_found = false; FastKey file_key = prepare_key(file, strlen(file)); Value mapping = object_lookup_p(libmap, &file_key, &file_found); const char **file_list_ptr = NULL; int file_list_len = 0; if (file_found) { ArrayObject *aobj = (ArrayObject*) obj_instance_of(OBJ_OR_NULL(mapping), array_base); StringObject *sobj = (StringObject*) obj_instance_of(OBJ_OR_NULL(mapping), string_base); if (aobj) { file_list_len = aobj->length; file_list_ptr = malloc(sizeof(char*) * file_list_len); for (int i = 0; i < file_list_len; i++) { StringObject *file = (StringObject*) obj_instance_of(OBJ_OR_NULL(aobj->ptr[i]), string_base); VM_ASSERT(file, "library_map sub-entries must be string"); file_list_ptr[i] = my_asprintf("%s", file->value); // outside gc, make copy } } else if (sobj) { file_list_len = 1; file_list_ptr = malloc(sizeof(char*) * 1); file_list_ptr[0] = my_asprintf("%s", sobj->value); } else VM_ASSERT(false, "library_map entries must be string or array"); } else { file_list_len = 1; file_list_ptr = malloc(sizeof(char*) * 1); file_list_ptr[0] = file; } void *dlptr = my_dlopen(file_list_len, file_list_ptr); Object *handle_obj = AS_OBJ(make_object(state, handle_base, false)); handle_obj->flags |= OBJ_FROZEN; OBJECT_SET(state, handle_obj, pointer, make_ptr(state, dlptr)); vm_return(state, info, OBJ2VAL(handle_obj)); }
BasicHashtableEntry* next() const { return make_ptr(_next); }
void Resources::readItems() { ods::Book book{ ":/input.ods" }; if (book.error()) { qDebug() << "Failed to open ods book with input data"; return; } // // read options // { auto options = book.sheet("Options"); if (!options) { qDebug() << "Options not found"; } else { auto rows = options->rows(); if (!rows) { qDebug() << "No rows for options"; } else { int id_col = -1; int name_col = -1; int value_col = -1; for (int i = 0, max_i = rows->size(); i < max_i; ++i) { auto row = (*rows)[i]; if (i == 0) { auto& cells = row->cells(); for (int j = 0, max_j = cells.size(); j < max_j; ++j) { auto cell = cells[j]; auto& v = cell->value(); if (v.IsString()) { auto s = v.AsString(); if (s) { if (*s == "id") id_col = j; else if (*s == "name") name_col = j; else if (*s == "value") value_col = j; else qDebug() << "Unexpected option attribute" << *s; } } } } else { auto ok = row->cell(id_col)->value().Ok(); if (ok) { auto id = (int)(*row->cell(id_col)->value().AsDouble()); auto name = *row->cell(name_col)->value().AsString(); qDebug() << "Read option" << name; if (name == "global_field_width") Options::set(OptionType::GlobalFieldWidth, (int)(*row->cell(value_col)->value().AsDouble())); else if (name == "global_field_height") Options::set(OptionType::GlobalFieldHeight, (int)(*row->cell(value_col)->value().AsDouble())); else if (name == "local_field_width") Options::set(OptionType::LocalFieldWidth, (int)(*row->cell(value_col)->value().AsDouble())); else if (name == "local_field_height") Options::set(OptionType::LocalFieldHeight, (int)(*row->cell(value_col)->value().AsDouble())); else if (name == "cell_size") Options::set(OptionType::CellSize, (int)(*row->cell(value_col)->value().AsDouble())); else qDebug() << "Unexpected option" << name; } } } } } } // // Read clothes // { auto clothes = book.sheet("Clothes"); if (!clothes) { qDebug() << "Clothes not found"; } else { auto rows = clothes->rows(); if (!rows) { qDebug() << "No rows for clothes"; } else { int id_col = -1; int name_col = -1; int description_col = -1; int icon_col = -1; int weight_col = -1; int technology_col = -1; int wind_protection_col = -1; int water_resistance_col = -1; int radiation_resistance_col = -1; int heat_absorption_col = -1; int target_col = -1; for (int i = 0, max_i = rows->size(); i < max_i; ++i) { auto row = (*rows)[i]; if (i == 0) { auto& cells = row->cells(); for (int j = 0, max_j = cells.size(); j < max_j; ++j) { auto cell = cells[j]; auto& v = cell->value(); if (v.IsString()) { auto s = v.AsString(); if (s) { if (*s == "id") id_col = j; else if (*s == "name") name_col = j; else if (*s == "description") description_col = j; else if (*s == "icon") icon_col = j; else if (*s == "weight") weight_col = j; else if (*s == "technology") technology_col = j; else if (*s == "wind_protection") wind_protection_col = j; else if (*s == "water_resistance") water_resistance_col = j; else if (*s == "radiation_resistance") radiation_resistance_col = j; else if (*s == "heat_absorption") heat_absorption_col = j; else if (*s == "target") target_col = j; else qDebug() << "Unexpected clothes attribute" << *s; } } } } else { if (row->cell(id_col)->value().Ok()) { auto v = row->cell(id_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto id = (int)(*v); auto name = *row->cell(name_col)->value().AsString(); auto description = *row->cell(description_col)->value().AsString(); auto icon = *row->cell(icon_col)->value().AsString(); auto weight = *row->cell(weight_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto technology = (int)(*row->cell(technology_col)->value().AsDouble()); auto wind_protection = *row->cell(wind_protection_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto water_resistance = *row->cell(water_resistance_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto radiation_resistance = *row->cell(radiation_resistance_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto heat_absorption = *row->cell(heat_absorption_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto target = fromString(*row->cell(target_col)->value().AsString()); ClothesClassPtr c = make_ptr(new ClothesClass{}); c->setName(name); c->setDescription(description); c->setIcon(icon); c->setWeight(weight); c->setTechnologyLevel(technology); c->setWindProtection(wind_protection); c->setWaterResistance(water_resistance); c->setRadiationResistance(radiation_resistance); c->setHeatRadiationAbsorption(heat_absorption); c->setTargetBodyPart(target); m_clothes_cache.push_back(c.get()); m_items.push_back(cast<ItemClass>(c)); } } } } } } // // Read surface types // { auto surface_types = book.sheet("SurfaceTypes"); if (!surface_types) { qDebug() << "Surface types not found"; } else { auto rows = surface_types->rows(); if (!rows) { qDebug() << "No rows for surface types"; } else { int id_col = -1; int name_col = -1; int icon_col = -1; int move_penalty_col = -1; int solid_col = -1; for (int i = 0, max_i = rows->size(); i < max_i; ++i) { auto row = (*rows)[i]; if (i == 0) { auto& cells = row->cells(); for (int j = 0, max_j = cells.size(); j < max_j; ++j) { auto cell = cells[j]; auto& v = cell->value(); if (v.IsString()) { auto s = v.AsString(); if (s) { if (*s == "id") id_col = j; else if (*s == "name") name_col = j; else if (*s == "icon") icon_col = j; else if (*s == "move_penalty") move_penalty_col = j; else if (*s == "solid") solid_col = j; else qDebug() << "Unexpected surface type attribute" << *s; } } } } else { if (row->cell(id_col)->value().Ok()) { auto id = (int)(*row->cell(id_col)->value().AsDouble()); auto name = *row->cell(name_col)->value().AsString(); auto icon = *row->cell(icon_col)->value().AsString(); auto move_penalty = *row->cell(move_penalty_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto solid = (int)(*row->cell(solid_col)->value().AsDouble()); SurfaceTypeClassPtr c = make_ptr(new SurfaceTypeClass{}); c->setName(name); c->setIcon(icon); c->setMovePenalty(move_penalty); c->setIsLand(solid != 0); m_surfaces_cache.push_back(c.get()); m_surface_types.push_back(std::move(c)); } } } } } } // // Read ammo // { auto ammo = book.sheet("Ammo"); if (!ammo) { qDebug() << "Ammo not found"; } else { auto rows = ammo->rows(); if (!rows) { qDebug() << "No rows for ammo"; } else { int id_col = -1; int name_col = -1; int description_col = -1; int icon_col = -1; int weight_col = -1; int technology_col = -1; int cartridge_col = -1; int caliber_col = -1; int manufacture_col = -1; int speed_col = -1; int energy_col = -1; for (int i = 0, max_i = rows->size(); i < max_i; ++i) { auto row = (*rows)[i]; if (i == 0) { auto& cells = row->cells(); for (int j = 0, max_j = cells.size(); j < max_j; ++j) { auto cell = cells[j]; auto& v = cell->value(); if (v.IsString()) { auto s = v.AsString(); if (s) { if (*s == "id") id_col = j; else if (*s == "name") name_col = j; else if (*s == "description") description_col = j; else if (*s == "icon") icon_col = j; else if (*s == "weight") weight_col = j; else if (*s == "technology") technology_col = j; else if (*s == "cartridge") cartridge_col = j; else if (*s == "caliber") caliber_col = j; else if (*s == "manufacture") manufacture_col = j; else if (*s == "speed") speed_col = j; else if (*s == "energy") energy_col = j; else qDebug() << "Unexpected ammo attribute" << *s; } } } } else { if (row->cell(id_col)->value().Ok()) { auto v = row->cell(id_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto id = (int)(*v); auto name = *row->cell(name_col)->value().AsString(); auto description = *row->cell(description_col)->value().AsString(); auto icon = *row->cell(icon_col)->value().AsString(); auto weight = *row->cell(weight_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto technology = (int)(*row->cell(technology_col)->value().AsDouble()); auto cartridge = *row->cell(cartridge_col)->value().AsString(); auto caliber = *row->cell(caliber_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto manufacture = *row->cell(manufacture_col)->value().AsString(); auto speed = *row->cell(speed_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto energy = *row->cell(energy_col)->value().AsDouble(); AmmoClassPtr c = make_ptr(new AmmoClass{}); c->setName(name); c->setDescription(description); c->setIcon(icon); c->setWeight(weight); c->setTechnologyLevel(technology); c->setCartridge(cartridge); c->setCaliber(caliber); c->setManufacture(manufacture); c->setSpeed(speed); c->setEnergy(energy); m_ammo_cache.push_back(c.get()); m_items.push_back(cast<ItemClass>(c)); } } } } } } // // Read weapon // { auto weapon = book.sheet("Weapon"); if (!weapon) { qDebug() << "Weapon not found"; } else { auto rows = weapon->rows(); if (!rows) { qDebug() << "No rows for weapons"; } else { int id_col = -1; int name_col = -1; int description_col = -1; int icon_col = -1; int weight_col = -1; int technology_col = -1; int length_col = -1; int barrel_length_col = -1; int width_col = -1; int height_col = -1; int cartridge_col = -1; int range_col = -1; int rounds_col = -1; for (int i = 0, max_i = rows->size(); i < max_i; ++i) { auto row = (*rows)[i]; if (i == 0) { auto& cells = row->cells(); for (int j = 0, max_j = cells.size(); j < max_j; ++j) { auto cell = cells[j]; auto& v = cell->value(); if (v.IsString()) { auto s = v.AsString(); if (s) { if (*s == "id") id_col = j; else if (*s == "name") name_col = j; else if (*s == "description") description_col = j; else if (*s == "icon") icon_col = j; else if (*s == "weight") weight_col = j; else if (*s == "technology") technology_col = j; else if (*s == "length") length_col = j; else if (*s == "barrel_length") barrel_length_col = j; else if (*s == "width") width_col = j; else if (*s == "height") height_col = j; else if (*s == "cartridge") cartridge_col = j; else if (*s == "range") range_col = j; else if (*s == "rounds") rounds_col = j; else qDebug() << "Unexpected weapon attribute" << *s; } } } } else { if (row->cell(id_col)->value().Ok()) { auto v = row->cell(id_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto id = (int)(*v); auto name = *row->cell(name_col)->value().AsString(); auto description = *row->cell(description_col)->value().AsString(); auto icon = *row->cell(icon_col)->value().AsString(); auto weight = *row->cell(weight_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto technology = (int)(*row->cell(technology_col)->value().AsDouble()); auto cartridge = *row->cell(cartridge_col)->value().AsString(); auto width = *row->cell(width_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto barrel_length = *row->cell(barrel_length_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto length = *row->cell(length_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto height = *row->cell(height_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto range = *row->cell(range_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto rounds = *row->cell(rounds_col)->value().AsDouble(); WeaponClassPtr c = make_ptr(new WeaponClass{}); c->setName(name); c->setDescription(description); c->setIcon(icon); c->setWeight(weight); c->setTechnologyLevel(technology); c->setCartridge(cartridge); c->setLength(length); c->setBarrelLength(barrel_length); c->setWidth(width); c->setHeight(height); c->setRange(range); m_weapon_cache.push_back(c.get()); m_items.push_back(cast<ItemClass>(c)); } } } } } // // Read weapon clips // { auto clip = book.sheet("Clip"); if (!clip) { qDebug() << "Clip not found"; } else { auto rows = clip->rows(); if (!rows) { qDebug() << "No rows for clips"; } else { int id_col = -1; int name_col = -1; int description_col = -1; int icon_col = -1; int weight_col = -1; int technology_col = -1; int length_col = -1; int weapon_col = -1; int rounds_col = -1; for (int i = 0, max_i = rows->size(); i < max_i; ++i) { auto row = (*rows)[i]; if (i == 0) { auto& cells = row->cells(); for (int j = 0, max_j = cells.size(); j < max_j; ++j) { auto cell = cells[j]; auto& v = cell->value(); if (v.IsString()) { auto s = v.AsString(); if (s) { if (*s == "id") id_col = j; else if (*s == "name") name_col = j; else if (*s == "description") description_col = j; else if (*s == "icon") icon_col = j; else if (*s == "weight") weight_col = j; else if (*s == "technology") technology_col = j; else if (*s == "length") length_col = j; else if (*s == "weapon") weapon_col = j; else if (*s == "rounds") rounds_col = j; else qDebug() << "Unexpected clip attribute" << *s; } } } } else { if (row->cell(id_col)->value().Ok()) { auto v = row->cell(id_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto id = (int)(*v); auto name = *row->cell(name_col)->value().AsString(); auto description = *row->cell(description_col)->value().AsString(); auto icon = *row->cell(icon_col)->value().AsString(); auto weight = *row->cell(weight_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto technology = (int)(*row->cell(technology_col)->value().AsDouble()); auto weapon = *row->cell(weapon_col)->value().AsString(); auto rounds = *row->cell(rounds_col)->value().AsDouble(); WeaponClipClassPtr c = make_ptr(new WeaponClipClass{}); c->setName(name); c->setDescription(description); c->setIcon(icon); c->setWeight(weight); c->setTechnologyLevel(technology); c->setWeapon(weapon); c->setRounds(rounds); m_weapon_clip_cache.push_back(c.get()); m_items.push_back(cast<ItemClass>(c)); } } } } } } // // Read roads // { auto road = book.sheet("Roads"); if (!road) { qDebug() << "Roads not found"; } else { auto rows = road->rows(); if (!rows) { qDebug() << "No rows for roads"; } else { int id_col = -1; int name_col = -1; int description_col = -1; int category_col = -1; int surface_col = -1; int lanes_count_col = -1; int lane_width_col = -1; int roadway_width_col = -1; int roadside_width_col = -1; int fortified_roadside_width_col = -1; int fortified_separation_width_col = -1; int separation_width_col = -1; int subgrade_width_col = -1; int speed_col = -1; int crossroad_speed_col = -1; int mountain_speed_col = -1; int estimated_traffic_col = -1; for (int i = 0, max_i = rows->size(); i < max_i; ++i) { auto row = (*rows)[i]; if (i == 0) { auto& cells = row->cells(); for (int j = 0, max_j = cells.size(); j < max_j; ++j) { auto cell = cells[j]; auto& v = cell->value(); if (v.IsString()) { auto s = v.AsString(); if (s) { if (*s == "id") id_col = j; else if (*s == "name") name_col = j; else if (*s == "description") description_col = j; else if (*s == "surface") surface_col = j; else if (*s == "category") category_col = j; else if (*s == "lanes_count") lanes_count_col = j; else if (*s == "lane_width") lane_width_col = j; else if (*s == "roadway_width") roadway_width_col = j; else if (*s == "roadside_width") roadside_width_col = j; else if (*s == "fortified_roadside_width") fortified_roadside_width_col = j; else if (*s == "fortified_separation_width") fortified_separation_width_col = j; else if (*s == "separation_width") separation_width_col = j; else if (*s == "subgrade_width") subgrade_width_col = j; else if (*s == "speed") speed_col = j; else if (*s == "crossroad_speed") crossroad_speed_col = j; else if (*s == "mountain_speed") mountain_speed_col = j; else if (*s == "estimated_traffic") estimated_traffic_col = j; else qDebug() << "Unexpected clip attribute" << *s; } } } } else { if (row->cell(id_col)->value().Ok()) { auto v = row->cell(id_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto id = (int)(*v); auto name = *row->cell(name_col)->value().AsString(); auto description = *row->cell(description_col)->value().AsString(); auto surface = *row->cell(surface_col)->value().AsString(); auto category = *row->cell(category_col)->value().AsString(); auto lanes_count = *row->cell(lanes_count_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto lane_width = *row->cell(lane_width_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto roadway_width = *row->cell(roadway_width_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto roadside_width = *row->cell(roadside_width_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto fortified_roadside_width = *row->cell(fortified_roadside_width_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto fortified_separation_width = *row->cell(fortified_separation_width_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto separation_width = *row->cell(separation_width_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto subgrade_width = *row->cell(subgrade_width_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto speed = *row->cell(speed_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto crossroad_speed = *row->cell(crossroad_speed_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto mountain_speed = *row->cell(mountain_speed_col)->value().AsDouble(); auto estimated_traffic = *row->cell(estimated_traffic_col)->value().AsDouble(); RoadClassPtr c = make_ptr(new RoadClass{}); c->setName(name); c->setDescription(description); c->setSurfacePath(surface); c->setCategory(category); c->setLanesCount(lanes_count); c->setLaneWidth(lane_width); c->setRoadwayWidth(roadway_width); c->setRoadsideWidth(roadside_width); c->setFortifiedRoadsideWidth(fortified_roadside_width); c->setFortifiedSeparationWidth(fortified_separation_width); c->setSeparationWidth(separation_width); c->setSubgradeWidth(subgrade_width); c->setSpeed(speed); c->setCrossroadSpeed(crossroad_speed); c->setMountainSpeed(mountain_speed); c->setEstimatedTraffic(estimated_traffic); m_roads_cache.push_back(c.get()); m_roads.push_back(std::move(c)); } } } } } } } }
void *load_exe(char *filename, Exe_head *eh) { long retval; char *alligned_buf; char *alloc_buf = NULL; long (*rfunc)(); unsigned long code_offset; unsigned long init_size; unsigned long bss_size; unsigned long total_size; void *v; unsigned long fixup_offset; UWORD fixup[2]; UWORD *segpt; UWORD code_seg; int f; unsigned i; int ok = 0; if ((f = jopen(filename, JREADONLY)) == 0) { cant_find(filename); return(NULL); } if (!verify_exe_head(f, eh)) goto OUT; code_offset = eh->head_size; code_offset *= 16; /* make it a paragraph */ init_size = eh->blocks; init_size *= 512; init_size += eh->mod512; if (eh->mod512 != 0) init_size -= 512; init_size -= code_offset; bss_size = eh->min_data; bss_size *= 16; total_size = init_size + bss_size; if ((alloc_buf = begmem((unsigned)total_size+16)) == NULL) goto OUT; code_seg = ptr_seg(alloc_buf) + 1; alligned_buf = make_ptr(0, code_seg); zero_structure(alligned_buf, (unsigned)total_size); jseek(f, code_offset, JSEEK_START); if (jread(f, alligned_buf, init_size) < init_size) { truncated(filename); goto OUT; } v = alligned_buf; eh->entry_point = v; if (eh->reloc_count > 0) { fixup_offset = eh->reloc_list; jseek(f, fixup_offset, JSEEK_START); for (i=0; i<eh->reloc_count; i++) { if (jread(f, fixup, sizeof(fixup)) != sizeof(fixup)) { truncated(filename); goto OUT; } segpt = make_ptr(fixup[0], code_seg + fixup[1]); segpt[0] += code_seg; } } ok = 1; OUT: if (!ok) { gentle_freemem(alloc_buf); alloc_buf = NULL; } jclose(f); return(alloc_buf); }
void call_branch_block(jit_function_t func, block_t *block) { jit_value_t args[] = {make_ptr(block)}; jit_insn_call_native(func, 0, (void *) branch_block, sig_1_ptr, args, 1, 0); }
void MainWindow::createCharacter() { auto c = make_ptr(new Character{ world()->globalField(), nullptr }); c->setHumanControl(true); c->setPos(65 * 6250 + 6240, 64 * 6250 + 100); world()->addCharacter(std::move(c)); }
parse_result success_parser(char const * str) { return make_parse_result(make_ptr(string_dup(str)), last_char(str)); }
constexpr auto make_pptr(_args && ...args) { return std::make_shared<ptr>(make_ptr(std::forward<_args>(args)...)); }
FontHandle Renderer::create_font(const std::string &family, long size, std::uint8_t flags) { fonts.push_back(std::make_unique<Font>(make_ptr(), device, family.c_str(), size, flags)); return FontHandle{ fonts.size() - 1 }; }