예제 #1
파일: effects.c 프로젝트: dafyddcrosby/meka
void    Effects_TV_Init(void)
	int    i;
	tv_effect.start_line = SMS_RES_Y / 2;
	for (i = 0; i != TV_EFFECT_COLORS_MAX; i++)
		tv_effect.colors[i] = makecol16(i * 16, i * 16, i * 16);
예제 #2
/* makeacol_depth:
 *  Converts R, G, B, and A values (ranging 0-255) to whatever pixel format
 *  is required by the specified color depth.
int makeacol_depth(int color_depth, int r, int g, int b, int a)
   switch (color_depth) {

      case 8:
	 return makecol8(r, g, b);

      case 15:
	 return makecol15(r, g, b);

      case 16:
	 return makecol16(r, g, b);

      case 24:
	 return makecol24(r, g, b);

      case 32:
	 return makeacol32(r, g, b, a);

   return 0;
예제 #3
void render_plasma(int time) {
    int pcolor,ptmpr,ptmpg,ptmpb;
    float pval;
    //float PT = ((float) time);
    for (int y = 0; y < SCREEN_H; y++) {
        short *line = ((short*)buffer->line[y]);
        //float PY = (((float)y / SCREEN_H ) *AL_PI);
        for (int x = 0; x < SCREEN_W; x++) {
            //float PX = (((float)x / SCREEN_W ) *AL_PI);
            //really old version
            //hsv_to_rgb((sin(((float)x/32)+(sin((float)y)/10)+((float)time/10)) * 180)+180,

            //not so old version
            //pval = ((
            //sinf(PX*10+PT) +
            //sinf(10 * (PX*sinf(PT/2)+PY*cosf(PT/33))+time) +
            //sinf(sqrtf(100*(powf(PX +0.5f*sinf(PT / 5),2) + powf(PY +0.5f*sinf(PT / 3),2))+1)+time)
            //ptmpr = (int)(sinf(pval*AL_PI)*255) & 0xFF;
            //ptmpg = (int)(cosf(pval*AL_PI)*255) & 0xFF;
            //ptmpb = 0;
            //pcolor = makecol16(ptmpr,ptmpg,ptmpb);
            //line[x] = pcolor;
            float value = sinf(dist(x + time, y, 400, 300) / 8.0)
                          + sinf(dist(x, y, 200, 150) / 8.0)
                          + sinf(dist(x, y + time / 7, 600, 150) / 7.0)
                          + sinf(dist(x, y, 600, 200) / 8.0);
            int color = (4 + value) * 32;
            pcolor = makecol16(color, color * 2, 255 - color);
            line[x] = pcolor;
예제 #4
int convert_color_to_allegro<IndexedTraits, 16>(color_t color, const Palette* palette) {
  color_t c = palette->getEntry(color);
  return makecol16(rgba_getr(c), rgba_getg(c), rgba_getb(c));
예제 #5
int convert_color_to_allegro<GrayscaleTraits, 16>(color_t c, const Palette* palette) {
  return makecol16(graya_getv(c), graya_getv(c), graya_getv(c));
예제 #6
int convert_color_to_allegro<RgbTraits, 16>(color_t c, const Palette* palette) {
  return makecol16(rgba_getr(c), rgba_getg(c), rgba_getb(c));