예제 #1
   CTick42Logger::CTick42Logger(const char *filename, size_t lineNumber, MamaLogLevel logLevel)
      : filename_(filename)
      , lineNumber_(lineNumber)
      , logLevel_(logLevel)
      // Initialize the statics, if we haven't already done so
      if (!once_)
         once_ = true;

         const char *val = properties_Get(mamaInternal_getProperties(), "mama.logging.level");
         if ((val == 0) || (mama_tryStringToLogLevel(val, &maxLogLevel_) == 0))
            maxLogLevel_ = MAMA_LOG_LEVEL_OFF;

         val = properties_Get(mamaInternal_getProperties(), "mama.tick42rmds.consolelogging");
         logConsole_ = (0 != val) ? (0 != properties_GetPropertyValueAsBoolean(val)) : false;
#ifdef _WIN32
         // Do we log to the system debugger instead of the mama log file?
         val = properties_Get(mamaInternal_getProperties(), "mama.tick42rmds.ODSloggingOnly");
         logODS_ = (0 != val) ? (0 != properties_GetPropertyValueAsBoolean(val)) : false;

      enabled_ = (MAMA_LOG_LEVEL_OFF != maxLogLevel_) && (logLevel <= maxLogLevel_);
예제 #2
	/* Acquire the write lock. */
	MRSW_RESULT al = mamaLog_acquireLock(0);
	if(MRSW_S_OK == al)
		/* Find out if milliseconds should be written, this must be done first before any logs are
		 * written.
		const char *propstring = properties_Get(mamaInternal_getProperties(), MAMALOG_MILLISECONDS_PROPERTY_NAME);
		if (propstring)
			g_milliseconds = properties_GetPropertyValueAsBoolean(propstring);

		propstring = properties_Get(mamaInternal_getProperties(), LEVELPROPERTY);
		if (propstring)
			MamaLogLevel level = MAMA_LOG_LEVEL_OFF;
			if (1 == mama_tryStringToLogLevel(propstring, &level))
				gMamaLogLevel = level;
				mama_log (MAMA_LOG_LEVEL_WARN,
						"%s=%s not recognised.  Using default.",
						LEVELPROPERTY, propstring);

		propstring = properties_Get(mamaInternal_getProperties(), POLICYPROPERTY);
		if (propstring)
			if  (0 == strcasecmp(propstring,"ROLL"))
				g_logFilePolicy = LOGFILE_ROLL;
			else if  (0 == strcasecmp(propstring,"OVERWRITE"))
				g_logFilePolicy = LOGFILE_OVERWRITE;
			else if  (0 == strcasecmp(propstring,"USER"))
				g_logFilePolicy = LOGFILE_USER;
				g_logFilePolicy = LOGFILE_UNBOUNDED;

		propstring = properties_Get(mamaInternal_getProperties(), FILESIZEPROPERTY);
		if (propstring)
			g_maxLogSize = atoi(propstring);

		propstring = properties_Get(mamaInternal_getProperties(), ROLLPROPERTY);
		if (propstring)
			numRolledLogfiles = atoi(propstring);

		propstring = properties_Get(mamaInternal_getProperties(), APPENDPROPERTY);
		if (propstring)
			appendToFile = properties_GetPropertyValueAsBoolean(propstring);

		propstring = properties_Get(mamaInternal_getProperties(), FILENAMEPROPERTY);
		if (propstring)
			mama_logToFile (propstring, gMamaLogLevel);

		/* Release the write lock. */
		MRSWLock_release(g_lock, 0);