예제 #1
fillSpaceBeforeStagingArea(int &tempChunks, void *stagingArea,
                           void **chunkPool, bool addressesGrowDown)
    // Make sure there are no available chunks before the staging area.
    tempChunks = 0;
    chunkPool[tempChunks++] = mapMemory(2 * Chunk);
    while (tempChunks < MaxTempChunks && chunkPool[tempChunks - 1] &&
           (chunkPool[tempChunks - 1] < stagingArea) ^ addressesGrowDown) {
        chunkPool[tempChunks++] = mapMemory(2 * Chunk);
        if (!chunkPool[tempChunks - 1])
            break; // We already have our staging area, so OOM here is okay.
        if ((chunkPool[tempChunks - 1] < chunkPool[tempChunks - 2]) ^ addressesGrowDown)
            break; // The address growth direction is inconsistent!
    // OOM also means success in this case.
    if (!chunkPool[tempChunks - 1]) {
        return true;
    // Bail if we can't guarantee the right address space layout.
    if ((chunkPool[tempChunks - 1] < stagingArea) ^ addressesGrowDown || (tempChunks > 1 &&
            (chunkPool[tempChunks - 1] < chunkPool[tempChunks - 2]) ^ addressesGrowDown))
        while (--tempChunks >= 0)
            unmapPages(chunkPool[tempChunks], 2 * Chunk);
        unmapPages(stagingArea, StagingSize);
        return false;
    return true;
예제 #2
    void *p1 = mapMemory(2 * Chunk);
    void *p2 = mapMemory(2 * Chunk);
    unmapPages(p1, 2 * Chunk);
    unmapPages(p2, 2 * Chunk);
    return p1 < p2;
예제 #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	char* filename;
	s32 ret;
	mipsCpu* cpu;
	printf("greenLeaf 0.1\n");
	printf("mips emulator by The Lemon Man and SquidMan\n");

	if(argc < 2) {	/* No arguments passed. */
		filename = calloc(5, 1);
		sprintf(filename, "test/mmon");
		filename = calloc(strlen(argv[1]) + 1, 1);
		sprintf(filename, argv[1]);

#ifdef DEBUG
	printf("Debug mode enabled\n");
	printf("Initializing the CPU core...\n");
	cpu = initializeCPU(ENDIANNESS_LE, 0x80000000);
	printf("Mapping the ram...\n");
	printf("Main memory %d\n",	mapMemory(cpu, 0x80000000, 0x40000, FLAG_RAM));
	printf("Reset vector %d\n",	mapMemory(cpu, 0xBFC00000, 0x40000, FLAG_RAM));
	printf("Additional mem %d\n",	mapMemory(cpu, 0xA0000010, 0x2000, FLAG_RAM));
//	ret = openRaw(cpu, filename, 0xBFC00000);
	ret = openElf32(cpu, filename);

	printf("Entry %#x\n",	(u32)ret);
	printf("Uart %i\n",	setupUart(cpu, 0xB40003f8));
	setPC(cpu, ret);
	printf("Press enter to run a tick and print the registers...\n");
	printf("Press enter to continue.\n");
	for(;;) {
		runProcessor(cpu, 1);		/* Run a single cycle at a time */
		//~ printRegisters(cpu);
	printf("Execution finished... unmapping the ram\n");
	return 1;
예제 #4
   uint32_t mapMemory(void *hostAddress)
      while (mToVirtual.find(mUniqueAddress) != mToVirtual.end()) {

      mapMemory(mUniqueAddress, hostAddress);
      return mUniqueAddress;
예제 #5
staging_buffer::staging_buffer(renderer& renderer, size_t size) : _renderer(renderer)
	auto device = _renderer.device();
	_buffer = device.createBuffer(vk::BufferCreateInfo{ {}, size, vk::BufferUsageFlagBits::eTransferSrc, vk::SharingMode::eExclusive,0,nullptr });
	auto mem_reqs = device.getBufferMemoryRequirements(_buffer);
	_memory = device.allocateMemory(vk::MemoryAllocateInfo{ mem_reqs.size(), _renderer.find_adequate_memory(mem_reqs, vk::MemoryPropertyFlagBits::eHostVisible) });
	device.bindBufferMemory(_buffer, _memory, 0);
	_size = mem_reqs.size();
	_mapped_memory = device.mapMemory(_memory, 0, mem_reqs.size(), {});
예제 #6
VkResult DeviceMemory::upload(const VkDeviceSize offset, const VkDeviceSize size, const VkMemoryMapFlags flags, const void* uploadData, const size_t uploadDataSize)
    auto result = mapMemory(offset, size, flags);

    if (result != VK_SUCCESS)
        return result;

    memcpy(data, uploadData, uploadDataSize);


    return result;
예제 #7
int setupUart(mipsCpu* cpu, u32 baseAddr)
	if(mapMemory(cpu, baseAddr, 0xF, FLAG_RAM) < 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
		printf("Cannot allocate space for UART buffer\n");
		return -1;
	_uartAddress = baseAddr;
	/* Set up parameters. */
	cpu->writeByte(cpu, _uartAddress + UART_REG_LCR, 0xE0);
	return 1;
예제 #8
testGCAllocatorDown(const size_t PageSize)
    const size_t UnalignedSize = StagingSize + Alignment - PageSize;
    void *chunkPool[MaxTempChunks];
    // Allocate a contiguous chunk that we can partition for testing.
    void *stagingArea = mapMemory(UnalignedSize);
    if (!stagingArea)
        return false;
    // Ensure that the staging area is aligned.
    unmapPages(stagingArea, UnalignedSize);
    if (offsetFromAligned(stagingArea)) {
        void *stagingEnd = (void *)(uintptr_t(stagingArea) + UnalignedSize);
        const size_t Offset = offsetFromAligned(stagingEnd);
        // Place the area at the highest aligned address.
        stagingArea = (void *)(uintptr_t(stagingEnd) - Offset - StagingSize);
    mapMemoryAt(stagingArea, StagingSize);
    // Make sure there are no available chunks above the staging area.
    int tempChunks;
    if (!fillSpaceBeforeStagingArea(tempChunks, stagingArea, chunkPool, true))
        return false;
    // Unmap the staging area so we can set it up for testing.
    unmapPages(stagingArea, StagingSize);
    // Check that the first chunk is used if it is aligned.
    CHECK(positionIsCorrect("---------xxxooxx", stagingArea, chunkPool, tempChunks));
    // Check that the first chunk is used if it can be aligned.
    CHECK(positionIsCorrect("---------xxxoo-x", stagingArea, chunkPool, tempChunks));
    // Check that an aligned chunk after a single unalignable chunk is used.
    CHECK(positionIsCorrect("-------xxxoox--x", stagingArea, chunkPool, tempChunks));
    // Check that we fall back to the slow path after two unalignable chunks.
    CHECK(positionIsCorrect("-xxx--oox--xx--x", stagingArea, chunkPool, tempChunks));
    // Check that we also fall back after an unalignable and an alignable chunk.
    CHECK(positionIsCorrect("-x--oo-x---xx--x", stagingArea, chunkPool, tempChunks));
    // Check that the last ditch allocator works as expected.
    CHECK(positionIsCorrect("---xoo-xx--xx--x", stagingArea, chunkPool, tempChunks,

    // Clean up.
    while (--tempChunks >= 0)
        unmapPages(chunkPool[tempChunks], 2 * Chunk);
    return true;
예제 #9
VkResult DeviceMemory::upload(const VkDeviceSize offset, const VkMemoryMapFlags flags, const void* uploadData, const size_t uploadDataSize)
    auto result = mapMemory(offset, uploadDataSize, flags);

    if (result != VK_SUCCESS)
        return result;

    memcpy(data, uploadData, uploadDataSize);

	if (!(memoryPropertyFlags & VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT))
		result = flushMappedMemoryRanges(offset, uploadDataSize);


    return result;
예제 #10
addressesGrowUp(bool* resultOut)
     * Try to detect whether the OS allocates memory in increasing or decreasing
     * address order by making several allocations and comparing the addresses.

    static const unsigned ChunksToTest = 20;
    static const int ThresholdCount = 15;

    void* chunks[ChunksToTest];
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < ChunksToTest; i++) {
        chunks[i] = mapMemory(2 * Chunk);

    int upCount = 0;
    int downCount = 0;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < ChunksToTest - 1; i++) {
        if (chunks[i] < chunks[i + 1])

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < ChunksToTest; i++)
        unmapPages(chunks[i], 2 * Chunk);

    /* Check results were mostly consistent. */
    CHECK(abs(upCount - downCount) >= ThresholdCount);

    *resultOut = upCount > downCount;

    return true;