예제 #1
 * Main function
 * Navigate randomly using distance sensor data and Particle Filter-based
 * localization.
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  std::string robot_name = "/robot_0";

  // Open file to store robot poses

  // Write file header
  outfile << "Estimated and real pose of the robot\n\n"
          << "[T]: Odometry [X Y Theta] Real [X Y Theta] Particle [X Y Theta]\n\n";

  // Create map related variables
  //  We will create an image with the map wich contains the original map plus
  // a border around it, so as to allow estimates outside of the original
  // map.
  std::string map_file_path(getenv("HOME"));
  map_file_path += "/ros/worlds/stage/cave.png";
  cv::Mat cave_map = cv::imread(map_file_path, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
  if( cave_map.data == 0 )
      std::cerr << "Error reading map!" << std::endl;
      return -1;

  // Read original map and resize it to our resolution
  cv::resize(cave_map, map, map.size(), 0, 0, cv::INTER_AREA );

  // Read original map and resize it to our resolution
  //  We need the original map, black and white, so that it is faster to find
  // occupied cells
  cv::resize(cv::imread(map_file_path, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE),
             0, 0, cv::INTER_AREA );

  // We need a temporary map
  tmp_map = map.clone();

  // Create window for the map
  cv::namedWindow("Debug", 0);

  // Particle filter related variables with their initial values

  // This variable will hold our final estimation at each iteration
  geometry_msgs::Pose2D pose_estimate;

  // Initialize particles with uniform random distribution across all space
  cv::randu( particles_x,
             MAP_LENGTH/2.0-SAFETY_BORDER); // X
  cv::randu( particles_y,
         MAP_LENGTH/2.0-SAFETY_BORDER); // Y
  cv::randu( particles_theta, -CV_PI, CV_PI ); // Theta

  // Re-add particles that are outside of the map or inside an obstacle, until
  // it is in a free space inside the map.
  for(int n = 0; n < NUM_PARTICLES; n++)
    while( ( (particles_x(n,0) >  MAP_LENGTH/2.0) ||
             (particles_x(n,0) < -MAP_LENGTH/2.0) ||
             (particles_y(n,0) >  MAP_LENGTH/2.0) ||
             (particles_y(n,0) < -MAP_LENGTH/2.0) ) ||
                    - particles_y(n,0)/MAP_RESOLUTION),
                    + particles_x(n,0)/MAP_RESOLUTION)) < 127) )
      particles_x(n,0) = rng.uniform(-MAP_LENGTH/2.0+SAFETY_BORDER, MAP_LENGTH/2.0-SAFETY_BORDER);
      particles_y(n,0) = rng.uniform(-MAP_LENGTH/2.0+SAFETY_BORDER, MAP_LENGTH/2.0-SAFETY_BORDER);

  // Init ROS
  ros::init(argc, argv, "tp7");

  // ROS variables/objects
  ros::NodeHandle nh; // Node handle

  // Get parameters
  ros::NodeHandle n_private("~");
  n_private.param("min_front_dist", min_front_dist, 1.0);
  n_private.param("stop_front_dist", stop_front_dist, 0.6);

  std::cout << "Random navigation with obstacle avoidance and particle filter"
            << " based localization\n---------------------------" << std::endl;

  /// Setup subscribers
  // Odometry
  ros::Subscriber sub_odom = nh.subscribe(robot_name + "/odom", 10, odomCallback);
  // Real, error-free robot pose (for debug purposes only)
  ros::Subscriber sub_real_pose = nh.subscribe(robot_name + "/base_pose_ground_truth", 1, realPoseCallback);
  // Laser scans
  ros::Subscriber sub_laser = nh.subscribe(robot_name + "/base_scan", 1, laserCallback);
  // Markers detected
  ros::Subscriber sub_markers = nh.subscribe(robot_name + "/markers", 1, markersCallback);

  // Setup publisher for linear and angular velocity
  vel_pub = nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>(robot_name + "/cmd_vel", 1);

  ros::Rate cycle(10.0); // Cycle rate

  // Wait until we get the robot pose (from odometry)
  while( odom_updated == false )

  // Stop the robot (if not stopped already)
  vel_cmd.angular.z = 0;
  vel_cmd.linear.x = 0;

  // Infinite loop (will call the callbacks whenever information is available,
  // until ros::shutdown() is called.

  // If we are quitting, stop the robot
  vel_cmd.angular.z = 0;
  vel_cmd.linear.x = 0;

  // Close file

  // Store final map
  cv::imwrite("mapa.png", map);

  return 1;
예제 #2
TP8::TP8(const double map_resolution, const double map_length,
         const double map_border, const uint delta_save,
         const double max_lin_vel, const double max_ang_vel,
         std::string robotname):
  _MAP_RESOLUTION(map_resolution), _MAP_LENGTH(map_length),
  _MAP_BORDER(map_border), _DELTA_SAVE(delta_save),
  _lin_vel(0.0), _ang_vel(0.0), _avoid(false), _rotating(false),
  _rotate_left(false), _MAX_LIN_VEL(max_lin_vel), _MAX_ANG_VEL(max_ang_vel),
  _odom_updated(false), _odom_first_update(true), _iteration(0)
  // Specify markers positions
  _markers_wpos[0].x = -8.0; _markers_wpos[0].y =  4.0;
  _markers_wpos[1].x = -8.0; _markers_wpos[1].y = -4.0;
  _markers_wpos[2].x = -3.0; _markers_wpos[2].y = -8.0;
  _markers_wpos[3].x =  3.0; _markers_wpos[3].y = -8.0;
  _markers_wpos[4].x =  8.0; _markers_wpos[4].y = -4.0;
  _markers_wpos[5].x =  8.0; _markers_wpos[5].y =  4.0;
  _markers_wpos[6].x =  3.0; _markers_wpos[6].y =  8.0;
  _markers_wpos[7].x = -3.0; _markers_wpos[7].y =  8.0;

  // Open file to store robot poses

  // Write file header
  _outfile << "Estimated and real pose of the robot\n\n"
           << "[T]: Odometry [X Y Theta] Real [X Y Theta] Particle [X Y Theta]\n\n";

  // Update/create map related variables
  //  We will create an image with the map wich contains the original map plus
  // a border around it, so as to allow estimates outside of the original
  // map.

  // Read original map and resize it to our resolution
  std::string map_file_path(getenv("HOME"));
  map_file_path += "/ros/worlds/stage/cave.png";
  cv::Mat org_full_size_map = cv::imread(map_file_path, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
  if( org_full_size_map.data == 0 )
    std::cerr << "Error reading map, program will shutdown!" << std::endl;
  cv::resize(org_full_size_map, _org_map,
             0, 0, cv::INTER_AREA );

  //  This will be our actual map, with the border around it.
  cv::copyMakeBorder(_org_map, _map,
  // Create window for the map
  cv::namedWindow("Debug", 0);

  // Initialize random number generator

  /// Initilize Kalman filter related variables
  // The state holds X, Y and Theta estimate of the robot, all of type double.
  _ekf._state.create(3, 1);
  // Covariance matrix associated with the robot movement
  _ekf._V = (cv::Mat_<double>(3,3) << 0.10*0.10,      0.00,      0.00,
                                      0.00,      0.03*0.03,      0.00,
                                      0.00,           0.00, 0.20*0.20);
  // Process dynamics jacobian regarding the state
  // Only elements (1,3) and (2,3) need to be updated, so we set the correct
  //values for the other ones now.
  _ekf._Fx = (cv::Mat_<double>(3,3) << 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                                       0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
                                       0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
  // Process dynamics jacobian regarding the inputs
  // Only elements (0,0), (0,1), (1,0) and (1,1) need to be updated, so we set
  // the correct the other ones now.
  _ekf._Fv = (cv::Mat_<double>(3,3) << 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                                       0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                                       0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
  // Process covariance (confidence associated with current state)
  // (It is called Σ in the theoretic material)
  _ekf._P = cv::Mat::zeros(3, 3, CV_64F);

  // Get parameters
  ros::NodeHandle n_private("~");
  n_private.param("min_front_dist", _min_front_dist, 1.0);
  n_private.param("stop_front_dist", _stop_front_dist, 0.6);

  std::cout << "Random navigation with obstacle avoidance and EKF-based"
            << " localization\n---------------------------" << std::endl;

  /// Setup subscribers
  _sub_real_pose = _nh.subscribe(robotname + "/base_pose_ground_truth", 1,
                                 &TP8::realPoseCallback, this);
  _sub_odom = _nh.subscribe(robotname + "/odom", 10, &TP8::odomCallback, this);
  _sub_laser = _nh.subscribe(robotname + "/base_scan", 1, &TP8::laserCallback, this);
  _sub_markers = _nh.subscribe(robotname + "/markers", 1, &TP8::markersCallback, this);

  /// Setup publisher for linear and angular velocity
  _vel_pub = _nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>(robotname + "/cmd_vel", 1);

  /// Wait until we get an initial robot pose (from odometry)
  ros::Rate cycle(10.0); // Cycle rate
  while( _odom_updated == false )

  /// Stop the robot (if not stopped already)
  _vel_cmd.linear.x = _lin_vel;
  _vel_cmd.angular.z = _ang_vel;