예제 #1
void GraphicsCore::UpdateObjectValues(Object3D object)
	vec3 up(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
    mat4 Projection = glm::perspective(fov, float(windowWidth) / (float)windowHeight, 0.1f, 200.f); 	
    mat4 Model = glm::translate(object.GetWorldPos());
	mat4 viewMatrix = mCam.GetRotationMatrix() * glm::lookAt(mEye, mTarget, up);
    mat4 ModelView =  viewMatrix * Model;   	
    mat4 MVP = Projection * ModelView;

	mat3 normalMatrix = glm::transpose(glm::inverse(mat3(ModelView)));
	uint shaderProgHandle = object.GetShaderID();

	uint location = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgHandle, "NormalMatrix");	//gets the UniformLocation from shader.vertex
	if( location >= 0 ){ glUniformMatrix3fv(location, 1, GL_FALSE, &normalMatrix[0][0]); }

		location = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgHandle, "ProjectionMatrix");	//gets the UniformLocation from shader.vertex
	if( location >= 0 ){ glUniformMatrix4fv(location, 1, GL_FALSE, &Projection[0][0]); }

	location = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgHandle, "ViewMatrix");	//gets the UniformLocation from shader.vertex
	if( location >= 0 ){ glUniformMatrix4fv(location, 1, GL_FALSE, &viewMatrix[0][0]); }

	location = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgHandle, "ModelViewMatrix");	//gets the UniformLocation from shader.vertex
	if( location >= 0 ){ glUniformMatrix4fv(location, 1, GL_FALSE, &ModelView[0][0]); }

	location = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgHandle, "MVP");	//gets the UniformLocation from shader.vertex
	if( location >= 0 ){ glUniformMatrix4fv(location, 1, GL_FALSE, &MVP[0][0]); }

예제 #2
파일: Renderer.cpp 프로젝트: nepo1337/medit
void Renderer::drawModel(Model m)
	mat4 mvp=mat4(0.0f);
	//set upp uniforms for rendering call
	mat3 normalMatrix=transpose(inverse(mat3(this->viewMatrix*m.getModelMatrix())));
	//get a pointer to a vector with meshes info for each mesh
	for(unsigned int j=0;j<m.getMeshInfo()->size();j++)
		glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m.getMeshInfo()->at(j).getTexh());

예제 #3
mat3_inverse(mat3_t m) {
	float	m00 = m.col[0].x;
	float	m10 = m.col[0].y;
	float	m20 = m.col[0].z;

	float	m01 = m.col[1].x;
	float	m11 = m.col[1].y;
	float	m21 = m.col[1].z;

	float	m02 = m.col[2].x;
	float	m12 = m.col[2].y;
	float	m22 = m.col[2].z;

	float	inv_det = 1.0f / (m00 * m11 * m22 +
				  m01 * m12 * m20 +
				  m02 * m10 * m21 -
				  m00 * m12 * m21 -
				  m01 * m10 * m22 -
				  m02 * m11 * m20);

	float	r00 = (m11 * m22 - m12 * m21) * inv_det;
	float	r01 = (m02 * m21 - m01 * m22) * inv_det;
	float	r02 = (m01 * m12 - m02 * m11) * inv_det;
	float	r10 = (m12 * m20 - m10 * m22) * inv_det;
	float	r11 = (m00 * m22 - m02 * m20) * inv_det;
	float	r12 = (m02 * m10 - m00 * m12) * inv_det;
	float	r20 = (m10 * m21 - m11 * m20) * inv_det;
	float	r21 = (m01 * m20 - m00 * m21) * inv_det;
	float	r22 = (m00 * m11 - m01 * m10) * inv_det;

	return mat3(r00, r10, r20, r01, r11, r21, r02, r12, r22);
예제 #4
		vec3 intersectTriangle(vec3 a, vec3 b, vec3 c, vec3 ray) {

			mat3 A, Ai;

			vec3 solution;

			vec3 betaCoeff = sub(a, b);
			vec3 gammaCoeff = sub(a, c);
			A.rows[0] = vec3(ray.x, betaCoeff.x, gammaCoeff.x);
			A.rows[1] = vec3(ray.y, betaCoeff.y, gammaCoeff.y);
			A.rows[2] = vec3(ray.z, betaCoeff.z, gammaCoeff.z);

			float detA = determinant(A);

			for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
				Ai = mat3(A);
				Ai.elements[i] = a.x;
				Ai.elements[i + 3] = a.y;
				Ai.elements[i + 6] = a.z;
				solution.xyz[i] = determinant(Ai) / detA;

			float beta = solution.y;
			float gamma = solution.z;
			float alfa = beta + gamma;

			if(alfa >= 0 && alfa <= 1 &&
				beta >= 0 && beta <= 1 &&
				gamma >= 0 && gamma <= 1)
				return scale(ray, solution.x);
				return vec3();
예제 #5
Light::Data SpotLight::getData( double time, const mat4 &transform ) const
	// Populate the LightData structure.
	Light::Data params = Light::getData( time, transform );
	params.position = vec3( transform * vec4( mPosition, 1 ) );
	params.direction = glm::normalize( mat3( transform ) * mDirection );
	params.range = mRange;
	params.attenuation = getAttenuation();
	params.angle = getConeParams();

	if( mFlags & ( Data::ShadowEnabled | Data::ModulationEnabled ) ) {
		mat4 invTransform = glm::inverse( transform );

		if( mFlags & Data::ShadowEnabled ) {
			params.shadowMatrix = getShadowMatrix() * invTransform;
			params.shadowIndex = mShadowIndex;

		if( mFlags & Data::ModulationEnabled ) {
			params.modulationMatrix = getModulationMatrix( time ) * invTransform;
			params.modulationIndex = mModulationIndex;

	return params;
예제 #6
int test_cvtColor_RGB2RGB()
	cv::Mat mat = cv::imread("E:/GitCode/OpenCV_Test/test_images/lena.png", 1);
	if (!mat.data) {
		std::cout << "read image fail" << std::endl;
		return -1;

	int width = mat.cols;
	int height = mat.rows;

	// uchar
	fbc::Mat3BGR mat1(height, width, mat.data);
	fbc::Mat3BGR mat2(mat1);
	fbc::Mat_<uchar, 4> mat3(height, width);
	fbc::cvtColor(mat2, mat3, fbc::CV_BGR2BGRA);

	cv::Mat mat1_(height, width, CV_8UC3, mat.data);
	cv::Mat mat2_;
	cv::Mat mat3_(height, width, CV_8UC4);
	cv::cvtColor(mat2_, mat3_, CV_BGR2BGRA);

	assert(mat3.step == mat3_.step);
	for (int y = 0; y < mat3.rows; y++) {
		const fbc::uchar* p = mat3.ptr(y);
		const uchar* p_ = mat3_.ptr(y);

		for (int x = 0; x < mat3.step; x++) {
			assert(p[x] == p_[x]);

	// float
	cv::Mat matf;
	mat.convertTo(matf, CV_32FC3);

	fbc::Mat_<float, 3> mat4(height, width, matf.data);
	fbc::Mat_<float, 3> mat5(mat4);
	fbc::Mat_<float, 4> mat6(height, width);
	fbc::cvtColor(mat5, mat6, fbc::CV_BGR2BGRA);

	cv::Mat mat4_(height, width, CV_32FC3, matf.data);
	cv::Mat mat5_;
	cv::Mat mat6_(height, width, CV_32FC4);
	cv::cvtColor(mat5_, mat6_, CV_BGR2BGRA);

	assert(mat6.step == mat6_.step);
	for (int y = 0; y < mat6.rows; y++) {
		const fbc::uchar* p = mat6.ptr(y);
		const uchar* p_ = mat6_.ptr(y);

		for (int x = 0; x < mat6.step; x++) {
			assert(p[x] == p_[x]);

	return 0;
예제 #7
파일: algebra3.cpp 프로젝트: 4ian/GD
mat3 scaling2D(const vec2 &scaleVector)
    return mat3(
        vec3(scaleVector[VX], 0.0, 0.0),
        vec3(0.0, scaleVector[VY], 0.0),
        vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)); 
void TrackballHandler::Trackball::mouseMove ( int i, int j )
  vec3 cur = _ij2xyz(i,j);
  vec3 axis = cross(last, cur);
  R0 = mat3(rotate(mat4(),float(acos(dot(last,cur))),axis));
  R0R = R0*R;
예제 #9
emitAndMult( vec3 v, vec3 n, vec2 t ) {
	gs_out.normal = mat3(mat_model) * n;
	gs_out.texCoords = t;
	gl_Position = mat_projection * mat_view * mat_model * vec4( v, 1 );
예제 #10
파일: wrl-atom.cpp 프로젝트: rlk/thumb
wrl::atom::atom(app::node node, std::string _fill_name,
                                std::string _line_name) :
    line_scale(1, 1, 1)
    // Load the named file and line units.

    if (fill_name.empty() && node)
        fill_name = node.find("file").get_s();

    if (line_name.empty() &&
        line_name = line_from_fill(fill_name);

    if (!fill_name.empty())
        fill = new ogl::unit(fill_name);
    if (!line_name.empty())
        line = new ogl::unit(line_name);

    // Initialize the transform and body mappings.

    if (node)
        app::node n;

        quat q;
        vec3 p;

        if ((n = node.find("rot_x"))) q[0] = n.get_f();
        if ((n = node.find("rot_y"))) q[1] = n.get_f();
        if ((n = node.find("rot_z"))) q[2] = n.get_f();
        if ((n = node.find("rot_w"))) q[3] = n.get_f();

        if ((n = node.find("pos_x"))) p[0] = n.get_f();
        if ((n = node.find("pos_y"))) p[1] = n.get_f();
        if ((n = node.find("pos_z"))) p[2] = n.get_f();

        if ((n = node.find("body"))) body_id = n.get_i();

        // Compute and apply the transform.

        current_M = mat4(mat3(q));

        current_M[0][3] = p[0];
        current_M[1][3] = p[1];
        current_M[2][3] = p[2];

        default_M = current_M;

    if (fill_name.empty() &&
        line_name.empty() &&
        node == 0)
        throw std::runtime_error("Empty atom constructor");
예제 #11
// Given an actor and desired velocity, calculate a corresponding torque
vec3 Behavior::CalculateTorque(Actor &actor, const vec3& dvel)
	// 1. Get current rotation matrix
	mat3 currentRotation(actor.globalOrientation);

	// 2. Construct desired rotation matrix 
    // (This corresponds to facing in the direction of our desired velocity)
	// Note: Z points forwards; Y Points UP; and X points left
	vec3 y(0,1,0), z(dvel);
	vec3 x = y.Cross(z);

	mat3 desiredRotatioon = mat3(x, y, z).Transpose();
	// 3. Compute the change in rotation matrix that will
	// rotate the actor towards our desired rotation
	mat3 deltaMatrixRot =  desiredRotatioon * currentRotation.Transpose();

	// 4. Construct quaternion to get axis and angle from dr
	Quaternion deltaQuadRot = deltaMatrixRot.ToQuaternion();

	vec3 axis; 

	//Dont need rad angle?
	float radAngle;
	deltaQuadRot.ToAxisAngle(axis, radAngle);

	// find torque

	vec3 w = actor.angularVelocity;
	mat3 I = actor.globalInertialTensor;

	return w.Cross(I * w) + (I * ( g_fOriKp * (radAngle * axis) - g_fOriKv * w));
예제 #12
파일: algebra3.cpp 프로젝트: 4ian/GD
mat3 translation2D(const vec2 &v)
    return mat3(
        vec3(1.0, 0.0, v[VX]),
        vec3(0.0, 1.0, v[VY]),
        vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)); 
예제 #13
파일: algebra3.cpp 프로젝트: 4ian/GD
mat3 identity2D()
    return mat3(
        vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
        vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
        vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)); 
예제 #14
파일: algebra3.cpp 프로젝트: 4ian/GD
mat3 mat3::transpose() const 
    return mat3(
        vec3(v[0][0], v[1][0], v[2][0]),
        vec3(v[0][1], v[1][1], v[2][1]),
        vec3(v[0][2], v[1][2], v[2][2]));
예제 #15
	mat3 mat3::TransposeMatrix()
		return mat3(
			vec3(column0.x, column1.x, column2.x), 
			vec3(column0.y, column1.y, column2.y), 
			vec3(column0.z, column1.z, column2.z));
예제 #16
void CQuad::Update(float dt, const LightSource &lights)
	if( m_bViewUpdated || m_bTRSUpdated  ) { // Model View 的相關矩陣內容有更動
		m_mxMVFinal = m_mxView * m_mxTRS;
		m_mxMV3X3Final = mat3(
			m_mxMVFinal._m[0].x,  m_mxMVFinal._m[1].x, m_mxMVFinal._m[2].x,
			m_mxMVFinal._m[0].y,  m_mxMVFinal._m[1].y, m_mxMVFinal._m[2].y,
			m_mxMVFinal._m[0].z,  m_mxMVFinal._m[1].z, m_mxMVFinal._m[2].z);
		m_mxITMV = InverseTransposeMatrix(m_mxMVFinal); 
		m_bViewUpdated = m_bTRSUpdated = false;
	if (m_iMode == FLAT_SHADING) RenderWithFlatShading(lights);
	else RenderWithGouraudShading(lights);

#else // Lighting With GPU
	if (m_bViewUpdated || m_bTRSUpdated) {
		m_mxMVFinal = m_mxView * m_mxTRS;
		m_bViewUpdated = m_bTRSUpdated = false;
	m_vLightInView = m_mxView * lights.position;		// 將 Light 轉換到鏡頭座標再傳入
	// 算出 AmbientProduct DiffuseProduct 與 SpecularProduct 的內容
	m_AmbientProduct = m_Material.ka * m_Material.ambient  * lights.ambient;
	m_AmbientProduct.w = m_Material.ambient.w;
	m_DiffuseProduct = m_Material.kd * m_Material.diffuse  * lights.diffuse;
	m_DiffuseProduct.w = m_Material.diffuse.w;
	m_SpecularProduct = m_Material.ks * m_Material.specular * lights.specular;
	m_SpecularProduct.w = m_Material.specular.w;

예제 #17
		mat3 operator * (mat3& a, mat3& b) {
			#define ROWCOL(i, j) \
			a.v[i].n[0]*b.v[0][j] + a.v[i].n[1]*b.v[1][j] + a.v[i].n[2]*b.v[2][j]
			return mat3(vec3(ROWCOL(0,0), ROWCOL(0,1), ROWCOL(0,2)),
				vec3(ROWCOL(1,0), ROWCOL(1,1), ROWCOL(1,2)),
				vec3(ROWCOL(2,0), ROWCOL(2,1), ROWCOL(2,2)));
			#undef ROWCOL
예제 #18
mat3 ComponentPhysicsGeom::getOrientation() const
	const dReal *r = dGeomGetRotation(geom);

	return mat3(vec3((float)r[0], (float)r[1], (float)r[2]),
	            vec3((float)r[4], (float)r[5], (float)r[6]),
	            vec3((float)r[8], (float)r[9], (float)r[10]));
예제 #19
Light::Data DirectionalLight::getData( double time, const mat4 &transform ) const
	// Populate the LightData structure.
	Light::Data params = Light::getData( time, transform );
	params.direction = glm::normalize( mat3( transform ) * mDirection );

	return params;
예제 #20
// Helper rotation function.  Please implement this.  
mat3 Transform::rotate(const double degrees, const vec3& axis) 
  mat3 ret;
  // Please implement this.  Likely the same as in HW 1.
  vec3 axis_norm = glm::normalize(axis);
  mat3 axisSkew = mat3(
      0, axis_norm.z, -axis_norm.y, // first column 
    -axis_norm.z, 0, axis_norm.x, // second column
    axis_norm.y, -axis_norm.x, 0  // third column
  ret = (glm::cos(glm::radians(degrees)) * mat3(1.0f)) + 
      ((1-glm::cos(glm::radians(degrees))) * glm::core::function::matrix::outerProduct(axis_norm, axis_norm)) +
      (glm::sin(glm::radians(degrees)) * axisSkew);

  return ret;
예제 #21
/* Given a angle in degrees for rotation returns a rotation matrix. */
mat3 mat3::rotation2D(float angle)
	/* Convert to radians and create the rotation matrix */
	return mat3(vec3((float)cos((PI*angle) / 180), (float)(-1 * sin((PI*angle) /
			180)), 0),
		vec3((float)sin((PI*angle) / 180), (float)cos((PI*angle) / 180), 0),
		vec3(0, 0, 1));
예제 #22
// Helper rotation function.  Please implement this.  
mat3 Transform::rotate(const float degrees, const vec3& axis) 
    mat3 ret;
    // Please implement this.  Likely the same as in HW 1.
	float radius = pi * degrees / 180;
	mat3 Identity3x3 = mat3(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);
	mat3 part2 = mat3(axis.x*axis.x, axis.x*axis.y, axis.x*axis.z, 
					axis.x*axis.y, axis.y*axis.y, axis.y*axis.z, 
					axis.x*axis.z, axis.y*axis.z, axis.z*axis.z);
	mat3 part3 = mat3(0, axis.z, -axis.y,
					-axis.z, 0, axis.x, 
					axis.y, -axis.x, 0);
	mat3 part1 = Identity3x3 * cos(radius);
	ret = part1 + (1 - cos(radius)) * part2 + sin(radius) * part3;
    return ret;
예제 #23
void Paint::SetMatrices()
    mat4 mv = _view * _model;
    _shader.SetUniform("ModelViewMatrix", mv);
                       mat3(vec3(mv[0]), vec3(mv[1]), vec3(mv[2])));
    _shader.SetUniform("MVP", _projection * mv);
예제 #24
void SceneRenderToTex::setMatrices()
    mat4 mv = view * model;
    prog.setUniform("ModelViewMatrix", mv);
                    mat3( vec3(mv[0]), vec3(mv[1]), vec3(mv[2]) ));
    prog.setUniform("MVP", projection * mv);
예제 #25
 operator-(const mat3& a)
     return mat3(
         -a(0,0), -a(0,1), -a(0,2),
         -a(1,0), -a(1,1), -a(1,2),
         -a(2,0), -a(2,1), -a(2,2)
예제 #26
void CameraMove(Camera &camera, float x, float y, float z)
	// сначала нам надо перевести вектор направления в локальные координаты камеры
	// для этого нам надо инвертировать матрицу вращения камеры и умножить ее на вектор
	// однако для матрицы вращения транспонирование дает тот же результат что инвертирование
	vec3 move = transpose(mat3(GLRotation(camera.rotation))) * vec3(x, y, z);

	camera.position += move;
예제 #27
		mat3 rotation2D(vec2& Center, const double angleDeg) {
			double  angleRad = angleDeg * M_PI / 180.0,
				c = cos(angleRad),
				s = sin(angleRad);

			return mat3(vec3(c, -s, Center[VX] * (1.0-c) + Center[VY] * s),
				vec3(s, c, Center[VY] * (1.0-c) - Center[VX] * s),
				vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
예제 #28
mat3 matrixCross(vec3 v)
	return mat3
		vec3(0, -v[2], v[1]),
		vec3(v[2], 0, -v[0]),
		vec3(-v[1], v[0], 0)
예제 #29
void Transform::up(float degrees, vec3& eye, vec3& up) {
	float magnitude = sqrt(pow(eye.x,2) + pow(eye.y,2) + pow(eye.z,2));
	vec3 axis = glm::cross(eye, up);
	axis = glm::normalize(axis);
	mat3 R = rotate(degrees, axis);
	eye = eye * R;
	eye = glm::normalize(eye) * mat3(magnitude);
	up = up * R;
	up = glm::normalize(up);
예제 #30
mat3 Transform::rotate(const float degrees, const vec3& axis) {
  mat3 R; 
  float degrees_rad = glm::radians(degrees);
  float x = axis[0];
  float y = axis[1];
  float z = axis[2];

  mat3 I = cos(degrees_rad) * mat3(1.0);
  mat3 parallel = (1 - cos(degrees_rad)) * mat3(x*x, x*y, x*z,
	                                            x*y, y*y, y*z,
											    x*z, y*z, z*z);
  mat3 perpendicular = sin(degrees_rad) * mat3(0, -z, y,
	                                           z, 0, -x,
											   -y, x, 0);

  R = I + parallel + perpendicular;
  return R ; 