예제 #1
bool		core::Receiver::OnEvent(irr::SEvent const &event)
  if (event.EventType == irr::EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT
      && match_input(event.KeyInput.Key))
      if (event.KeyInput.PressedDown)
	core::Receiver::inputs |= this->match_irr_keys[event.KeyInput.Key];
	core::Receiver::inputs &= ~(this->match_irr_keys[event.KeyInput.Key]);
  if (event.EventType == irr::EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT)
    if (event.MouseInput.Wheel)
      core::Receiver::scroll = event.MouseInput.Wheel;
  return false;
예제 #2
파일: vde_router.c 프로젝트: bringhurst/vde
/* 0 == ERROR here! */
double get_labeled_arg(int fd, char *label, char **nextargs) {
	char *arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", nextargs);
	if (!arg) {
		printoutc(fd, "missing parameter '%s'", label);
		return 0.0; //error
	if (!match_input(label, arg)) {
		printoutc(fd, "invalid parameter \"%s\", expecting \"%s\"", arg, label);
		return 0.0; //error
	arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", nextargs);
	if (not_a_number(arg) && arg[0] != '.') {
		printoutc(fd, "invalid value \"%s\"", arg);
		return 0.0; //error
	return strtod(arg, NULL);
예제 #3
파일: vde_router.c 프로젝트: bringhurst/vde
static int queue(int fd, char *s)
	struct vder_iface *cur = Router.iflist, *selected = NULL;
	struct vder_queue *q;
	char *nextargs, *arg;
	int if_id;
	int prio_id = -1;
	char output_word[MAXCMD] = "";
	enum queue_policy_e newpolicy;

	arg = strtok_r(s, " ", &nextargs);
	if(!arg) {
		/* No arguments */
		while(cur) {
			show_queues(fd, cur);
			cur = cur->next;
		return 0;
	if ((sscanf(arg, "eth%d:prio%d", &if_id, &prio_id) != 2) && (sscanf(arg, "eth%d:%s", &if_id, output_word) != 2))
		return EINVAL;
	else {
		if (prio_id < 0 && !match_input("output", output_word)) {
			return EINVAL;
		cur = Router.iflist;
		while(cur) {
			if (cur->interface_id == if_id) {
				selected = cur;
			cur = cur->next;

		if (!selected) {
			printoutc(fd, "Cannot find interface eth%d", if_id);
			return ENOENT;

		/* Match policy */
		arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &nextargs);
		if (!arg) {
			printoutc(fd, "queue: queue policy required");
			return EINVAL;
		if (match_input("unlimited", arg)) {
			newpolicy = QPOLICY_UNLIMITED;
		} else if (match_input("fifo", arg)) {
			newpolicy = QPOLICY_FIFO;
		} else if (match_input("red", arg)) {
			newpolicy = QPOLICY_RED;
		} else if (match_input("token", arg)) {
			newpolicy = QPOLICY_TOKEN;
		} else {
			printoutc(fd, "queue: invalid queue policy \"%s\"", arg);
			return EINVAL;
		if (prio_id >= 0) {
			if (prio_id > 31) {
				printoutc(fd, "Invalid priority queue %s", arg);
				return EINVAL;
			q = &selected->prio_q[prio_id];
		} else {
			printoutc(fd, "selected if=%d, outq", if_id);
			q = &selected->out_q;

		/* Match arguments */
		if (newpolicy == QPOLICY_UNLIMITED) {
		} else if (newpolicy == QPOLICY_FIFO) {
			uint32_t limit;
			arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &nextargs);
			if (!arg) {
				printoutc(fd, "fifo: missing parameter 'limit'");
				return EINVAL;
			if (!match_input("limit", arg)) {
				printoutc(fd, "fifo: invalid parameter \"%s\"", arg);
				return EINVAL;
			arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &nextargs);
			if (not_a_number(arg)) {
				printoutc(fd, "fifo: invalid limit");
				return EINVAL;
			limit = strtol(arg, NULL, 10);

		} else if (newpolicy == QPOLICY_RED) {
			uint32_t min, max, limit;
			double P;
			min = (uint32_t) get_labeled_arg(fd,"min", &nextargs);
			max = (uint32_t) get_labeled_arg(fd,"max", &nextargs);
			P = get_labeled_arg(fd,"probability", &nextargs);
			limit = (uint32_t) get_labeled_arg(fd,"limit", &nextargs);
			if (!min || !max || !limit)
				return EINVAL;
			qred_setup(q, min, max, P, limit);
		} else if (newpolicy == QPOLICY_TOKEN) {
			uint32_t limit, bitrate;
			limit = (uint32_t) get_labeled_arg(fd, "limit", &nextargs);
			bitrate = (uint32_t) get_labeled_arg(fd, "bitrate", &nextargs);
			if (!limit || !bitrate)
				return EINVAL;
			qtoken_setup(q, bitrate, limit);
		return 0;
예제 #4
파일: vde_router.c 프로젝트: bringhurst/vde
static int filter(int fd,char *s)
	struct vder_filter *cur = Router.filtering_table;
	int action;
	struct vder_iface *vif = NULL;
	uint8_t proto = 0;
	struct in_addr s_addr = {0}, s_nm = {0}, d_addr = {0}, d_nm = {0};
	uint16_t sport = 0, dport = 0;
	int tos = -1;
	uint8_t priority = PRIO_BESTEFFORT;
	enum filter_action filter_action = filter_invalid;
	char *nextargs = NULL, *arg;

	arg = strtok_r(s, " ", &nextargs);
	if(!arg) {
		/* No arguments */
		while(cur) {
			show_filter(fd, cur);
			cur = cur->next;
		return 0;

	if ((!arg) || (strlen(arg) != 3) || ((strncmp(arg, "add", 3) != 0) && (strncmp(arg, "del", 3) != 0))) {
		printoutc(fd, "Invalid action \"%s\".", arg);
		return EINVAL;
	if (strncmp(arg, "del", 3) == 0)
		action = ACTION_DELETE;
		action = ACTION_ADD;

	arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &nextargs);
	if (!arg) {
		not_understood(fd, "");
		return EINVAL;

	while(arg) {
		if (match_input("src", arg)) {
			arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &nextargs);
			if (!arg)
				return EINVAL;
			vif = select_interface(arg);
		} else if(match_input("proto", arg)) {
			arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &nextargs);
			if (!arg)
				return EINVAL;
			if (not_a_number(arg)) {
				if (match_input("tcp", arg))
					proto = IPPROTO_TCP;
				else if (match_input("udp", arg)) 
					proto = IPPROTO_UDP;
				else if (match_input("igmp", arg))
					proto = IPPROTO_IGMP;
				else if (match_input("icmp", arg))
					proto = IPPROTO_ICMP;
				else {
					printoutc(fd, "Invalid protocol \"%s\"", arg);
					return EINVAL;
			} else {
				proto = atoi(arg);
				if (proto <= 0) {
					printoutc(fd, "Invalid protocol \"%s\"", arg);
					return EINVAL;
		} else if (match_input("from",arg)) {
			arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &nextargs);
			if (!arg)
				return EINVAL;
			if (!inet_aton(arg, &s_addr) || !is_unicast(s_addr.s_addr)) {
				printoutc(fd, "Invalid from address \"%s\"", arg);
				return EINVAL;
			arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &nextargs);
			if (!arg) {
				printoutc(fd, "from address: netmask is required");
				return EINVAL;
			if (!inet_aton(arg, &s_nm) || !is_netmask(s_nm.s_addr)) {
				printoutc(fd, "Invalid netmask \"%s\"", arg);
				return EINVAL;
		} else if (match_input("to",arg)) {
			arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &nextargs);
			if (!arg)
				return EINVAL;
			if (!inet_aton(arg, &d_addr) || !is_unicast(d_addr.s_addr)) {
				printoutc(fd, "Invalid from address \"%s\"", arg);
				return EINVAL;
			arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &nextargs);
			if (!arg) {
				printoutc(fd, "from address: netmask is required");
				return EINVAL;
			if (!inet_aton(arg, &d_nm) || !is_netmask(d_nm.s_addr)) {
				printoutc(fd, "Invalid netmask \"%s\"", arg);
				return EINVAL;
		} else if (match_input("tos",arg)) {
			arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &nextargs);
			if (!arg)
				return EINVAL;
			tos = atoi(arg);
			if ((tos < 0) || not_a_number(arg)) {
				printoutc(fd, "Invalid tos %s", arg);
				return EINVAL;
		} else if (match_input("sport",arg)) {
			arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &nextargs);
			if (!arg)
				return EINVAL;
			if ((sport < 0) || not_a_number(arg)) {
				printoutc(fd, "Invalid sport %s", arg);
				return EINVAL;
			sport = htons(atoi(arg));
		} else if (match_input("dport",arg)) {
			arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &nextargs);
			if (!arg)
				return EINVAL;
			if (not_a_number(arg)) {
				printoutc(fd, "Invalid dport %s", arg);
				return EINVAL;
			dport = htons(atoi(arg));
		} else if (match_input("prio",arg)) {
			if (filter_action != filter_invalid) {
				printoutc(fd, "Invalid double action for filter");
			arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &nextargs);
			if (!arg)
				return EINVAL;
			priority = atoi(arg);
			if ((priority < 0) || (priority >= PRIO_NUM) || not_a_number(arg)) {
				printoutc(fd, "Invalid priority %s", arg);
				return EINVAL;
			filter_action = filter_priority;
		} else if (match_input("accept",arg)) {
			if (filter_action != filter_invalid) {
				printoutc(fd, "Invalid double action for filter");
			filter_action = filter_accept;
		} else if (match_input("reject",arg)) {
			if (filter_action != filter_invalid) {
				printoutc(fd, "Invalid double action for filter");
			filter_action = filter_reject;
		} else if (match_input("drop",arg)) {
			if (filter_action != filter_invalid) {
				printoutc(fd, "Invalid double action for filter");
			filter_action = filter_drop;
		arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &nextargs);
	if ((filter_action == filter_invalid) && (action == ACTION_ADD)) {
		printoutc(fd, "Error: an action is required for filter");
		return EINVAL;
	if (action == ACTION_ADD) {
		if (vder_filter_add(vif, proto, s_addr.s_addr, s_nm.s_addr, d_addr.s_addr, d_nm.s_addr, tos, sport, dport, filter_action, priority))
			return errno;
	} else {
		if (vder_filter_del(vif, proto, s_addr.s_addr, s_nm.s_addr, d_addr.s_addr, d_nm.s_addr, tos, sport, dport))
			return errno;
	return 0;
예제 #5
파일: vde_router.c 프로젝트: bringhurst/vde
static int help(int fd,char *s)
	char *nextargs = NULL, *arg;
	arg = strtok_r(s, " ", &nextargs);
	if(!arg) {
		/* No arguments */
		printoutc(fd, "COMMAND      HELP");
		printoutc(fd, "------------ ------------");
		printoutc(fd, "help         print a summary of mgmt commands. Use \"help <command>\" for details.");
		printoutc(fd, "connect      create a new interface connect it to vde socket");
		printoutc(fd, "ifconfig     show/change interface addresses configuration");
		printoutc(fd, "dhcpd	    start/stop dhcp server on a specific interface");
		printoutc(fd, "olsr 	    start/stop OLSR");
		printoutc(fd, "route        show/change routing table");
		printoutc(fd, "arp			show neighbors ip/mac associations");
		printoutc(fd, "queue        show/change outgoing frames queues");
		printoutc(fd, "ipfilter     show/change ip filtering configuration");
		printoutc(fd, "stats        print interface statistics");
		printoutc(fd, "logout       close current management session");
		printoutc(fd, "shutdown     turn the router off");
		return 0;
	} else if (match_input("help",arg)) {
		printoutc(fd, "help         print a summary of mgmt commands.");
		printoutc(fd, "Use \"help <command>\" for details.");
		return 0;
	} else if (match_input("connect",arg)) {
		printoutc(fd, "Syntax:");
		printoutc(fd, "\tconnect <vde_sock_path> [<macaddress>]");
		printoutc(fd, "Connects to a vde socket at path <vde_sock_path> by creating a new virtual ethernet device.");
		printoutc(fd, "If no <macaddress> is provided, it will be assigned automatically.");
		printoutc(fd, "");
		printoutc(fd, "Examples:");
		printoutc(fd, "connect /var/run/vde.ctl");
		printoutc(fd, "connect /var/run/my_sock.ctl 00:11:22:33:44:55");
		return 0;
	} else if (match_input("ifconfig",arg)) {
		printoutc(fd, "Syntax:");
		printoutc(fd, "\tifconfig [<devname> [<action> <address> <netmask>]]");
		printoutc(fd, "--or--");
		printoutc(fd, "\tifconfig <devname> add dhcp");
		printoutc(fd, "Show/store IP address configuration. If no <devname> is provided, the default action");
		printoutc(fd, "will be to display the current configuration for all the existing ethernet devices.");
		printoutc(fd, "<action> can be \"add\" or \"del\". If \"add\" is specified, all other arguments are mandatory.");
		printoutc(fd, "If \"del\" is specified, only <address> will be used to search for an existing entry.");
		printoutc(fd, "Each virtual ethernet can be associated to more than one IP addresses. A static route for");
		printoutc(fd, "the resulting neighborhood will be added.");
		printoutc(fd, "Dhcp option allows to ask for a dynamic IP address.");
		printoutc(fd, "");
		printoutc(fd, "Examples:");
		printoutc(fd, "ifconfig");
		printoutc(fd, "ifconfig eth0");
		printoutc(fd, "ifconfig eth1 add");
		printoutc(fd, "ifconfig eth1 add dhcp");
		printoutc(fd, "ifconfig eth1 del");
		return 0;
	} else if (match_input("dhcpd",arg)) {
		printoutc(fd, "Syntax:");
		printoutc(fd, "\tdhcpd start <devname> <dhcp_pool_start> <dhcp_pool_end>");
		printoutc(fd, "--or--");
		printoutc(fd, "\tdhcpd stop <devname>");
		printoutc(fd, "Start/stop DHCP server on a specific interface. Devices/machines connected to the router");
		printoutc(fd, "will be provided with a dynamic IP address on request.");
		printoutc(fd, "");
		printoutc(fd, "Examples:");
		printoutc(fd, "dhcpd start eth0");
		printoutc(fd, "dhcpd stop eth0");
		return 0;
	} else if (match_input("olsr",arg)) {
		printoutc(fd, "Syntax:");
		printoutc(fd, "\tolsr start <devname> [<devname> [<devname> [<...>]]]");
		printoutc(fd, "--or--");
		printoutc(fd, "\tolsr stop");
		printoutc(fd, "Start/stop olsr service on specified interface(s). Devices/machines connected to the router");
		printoutc(fd, "will be notified about routing via OLSR messages");
		printoutc(fd, "");
		printoutc(fd, "Examples:");
		printoutc(fd, "olsr start eth0 eth1");
		printoutc(fd, "olsr stop");
		return 0;
	} else if (match_input("route",arg)) {
		printoutc(fd, "Syntax:");
		printoutc(fd, "\troute [<action> <address> <netmask> [gw <gateway>] [via <interface>] [metric <metric>]]");
		printoutc(fd, "--or--");
		printoutc(fd, "\troute <action> default [address]");
		printoutc(fd, "Show/store routing table information. If no <action> is given, the default behavior is to");
		printoutc(fd, "show the current (full) routing table.");
		printoutc(fd, "<action> can be \"add\" or \"del\". If \"add\" or \"del\" is specified, address and netmask are");
		printoutc(fd, "mandatory, unless the \"default\" keyword is present. \"default\" is used to manage default ");
		printoutc(fd, "gateway entry.");
		printoutc(fd, "");
		printoutc(fd, "Examples:");
		printoutc(fd, "route");
		printoutc(fd, "route add default");
		printoutc(fd, "route del default");
		printoutc(fd, "route add gw metric 2");
		printoutc(fd, "route add via eth2");
		return 0;
	} else if (match_input("queue",arg)) {
		printoutc(fd, "Syntax:");
		printoutc(fd, "\tqueue [<devname>:<queuename> <policy> <policy_options>]");
		printoutc(fd, "");
		printoutc(fd, "Show/store queuing policy information. If no <action> is specified,");
		printoutc(fd, "the current queue policy and information are displayed, otherwise you need");
		printoutc(fd, "to specify the options for the selected queue.");
		printoutc(fd, "");
		printoutc(fd, "Selecting the queue consists in naming the interface and the associated queue.");
		printoutc(fd, "Every interface has one \":output\" queue and 32 priority queues named from");
		printoutc(fd, "\":prio0\" to \":prio31\".");
		printoutc(fd, "");
		printoutc(fd, "The following policies are available:");
		printoutc(fd, "");
		printoutc(fd, "- 'unlimited' (default).");
		printoutc(fd, "\tthis policy requires no options. It is the default policy, and it will allow");
		printoutc(fd, "\tto enqueue virtually an unlimited amount of data before it is dequeued.");
		printoutc(fd, "");
		printoutc(fd, "- 'fifo' (usage: fifo limit <limit>)");
		printoutc(fd, "\tthis policy will allow at most <limit> bytes to be enqueued, and a tail-drop");
		printoutc(fd, "\twill be adopted to all the exceeding frames when the queue is full.");
		printoutc(fd, "");
		printoutc(fd, "");
		printoutc(fd, "- 'red' (usage: red min <min> max <max> probability <P> limit <limit>)");
		printoutc(fd, "\tthis is the \"Random Early Detection\" queuing policy. It consists of setting");
		printoutc(fd, "\ta dynamic limit to the queue during the enqueue operation. The probability");
		printoutc(fd, "\tof dropping packets during enqueue will be 0 under <min> bytes, then it will ");
		printoutc(fd, "\tincrease linearly to reach <P> between <min> and <max>. Between <max> and <limit>");
		printoutc(fd, "\tit will be <P>. Over the physical limit <limit>, all packets will be dropped (P=1).");
		printoutc(fd, "");
		printoutc(fd, "- 'token' (usage: tbf limit <limit> bitrate <bitrate>");
		printoutc(fd, "\tThis is the \"Token Bucket\" queuing policy, allowing traffic to be dequeued at");
		printoutc(fd, "\tthe specified <bitrate>. Enqueuing will be limited to <limit> bytes, so if the");
		printoutc(fd, "\tqueue is full all the exceeding frames will be dropped.");
		printoutc(fd, "Examples:");
		printoutc(fd, "queue");
		printoutc(fd, "queue eth0:output fifo limit 40000");
		printoutc(fd, "queue eth0:prio3 red min 80000 max 160000 probability 0.1 limit 300000");
		printoutc(fd, "queue eth0:prio15 unlimited");
		return 0;
	} else if (match_input("ipfilter",arg)) {
		printoutc(fd, "Syntax:");
		printoutc(fd, "\tipfilter [<action> [src <interface>] [from <address> <netmask>]");
		printoutc(fd, "		 [to <address> <netmask>] [proto <proto>] [tos <tos>]");
		printoutc(fd, "		 [sport <sport>] [dport <dport>] <filter_action> [<priority>]]");
		printoutc(fd, "Show/store IP filtering information. If no <action> is specified, ");
		printoutc(fd, "the current ip filtering table is shown, else <action> can be \"add\" or \"del\"");
		printoutc(fd, "If \"add\" is specified, no other argument is mandatory but the <filter_action>.");
		printoutc(fd, "<filter_action> can be one of \"accept\" \"drop\" \"reject\" or \"prio\". Accept is the");
		printoutc(fd, "default behavior. \"reject\" is like \"drop\" except that it will send a icmp packet filtered ");
		printoutc(fd, "towards the source every time the rule is hit. \"prio\" changes the priority of the ");
		printoutc(fd, "packet when it gets inserted to the output queue system, allowing IP-based QoS.");
		printoutc(fd, "When \"prio\" is selected as <filter_action>, the argument <priority> is mandatory.");
		printoutc(fd, "If <del> is specified as <action>, all the arguments must match the previously ");
		printoutc(fd, "inserted rule, except the <filter_action> and the <priority> that get discarded.");
		printoutc(fd, "");
		printoutc(fd, "Please note that the rules will be processed on the inverse order as they were ");
		printoutc(fd, "inserted, so to drop all packets from eth0 except those coming from, insert");
		printoutc(fd, "the rules in the followinf order (generic to specific):");
		printoutc(fd, "");
		printoutc(fd, "ipfilter add src eth0 drop");
		printoutc(fd, "ipfilter add src eth0 from accept");
		printoutc(fd, "");
		printoutc(fd, "other Examples:");
		printoutc(fd, "");
		printoutc(fd, "ipfilter");
		printoutc(fd, "ipfilter add src eth1 tos 2 to prio 7");
		printoutc(fd, "ipfilter del src eth1 tos 2 to");
		return 0;
	} else if (match_input("arp",arg)) {
		printoutc(fd, "Syntax:");
		printoutc(fd, "\tarp");
		return 0;
	} else if (match_input("stats",arg)) {
		printoutc(fd, "Syntax:");
		printoutc(fd, "\tstats");
		return 0;
	} else if (match_input("logout",arg)) {
		printoutc(fd, "Syntax:");
		printoutc(fd, "\tlogout");
		return 0;
	} else if (match_input("shutdown",arg)) {
		printoutc(fd, "Syntax:");
		printoutc(fd, "\tshutdown");
		return 0;
	} else {
		printoutc(fd, "No help available for %s", arg);
	return ENOENT;
예제 #6
파일: vde_router.c 프로젝트: bringhurst/vde
static int route(int fd,char *s)
	char *nextargs = NULL, *arg;
	struct vder_route *ro;
	struct vder_iface *selected = NULL;
	struct in_addr temp_address, temp_netmask, temp_gateway;
	int metric = 1;
	enum command_action_enum action = -1;

	arg = strtok_r(s, " ", &nextargs);
	if(!arg) {
		/* No arguments */
		ro = Router.routing_table;
		while(ro) {
			show_route(fd, ro);
			ro = ro->next;
		return 0;

	if ((!arg) || (strlen(arg) != 3) || ((strncmp(arg, "add", 3) != 0) && (strncmp(arg, "del", 3) != 0))) {
		printoutc(fd, "Invalid action \"%s\".", arg);
		return EINVAL;
	if (strncmp(arg, "del", 3) == 0)
		action = ACTION_DELETE;
		action = ACTION_ADD;

	arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &nextargs);
	if (!arg) {
		not_understood(fd, "");
		return EINVAL;
	if (match_input("default", arg)) {
		if (action == ACTION_ADD)
		if (action == ACTION_DELETE) {
			if (vder_route_del(0, 0, 1))
				return errno;
				return 0;
		arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &nextargs);

	if (!inet_aton(arg, &temp_address) || !is_unicast(temp_address.s_addr)) {
		printoutc(fd, "Invalid address \"%s\"", arg);
		return EINVAL;

	if (action == ACTION_ADD_DEFAULT) {
		if (vder_route_add(0, 0, temp_address.s_addr, 1, NULL))
			return errno;
			return 0;

	arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &nextargs);
	if (!arg) {
		printoutc(fd, "Error: parameter 'netmask' required.");
		return EINVAL;

	if (!inet_aton(arg, &temp_netmask) || !is_netmask(temp_netmask.s_addr)) {
		printoutc(fd, "Invalid netmask \"%s\"", arg);
		return EINVAL;

	arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &nextargs);
	while(arg) {
		if (match_input("via", arg)) {
			arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &nextargs);
			selected = select_interface(arg);
			if (!selected)
				return EINVAL;
		} else if (match_input("gw", arg)) {
			arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &nextargs);
			if (!inet_aton(arg, &temp_gateway) || !is_unicast(temp_gateway.s_addr)) {
				printoutc(fd, "Invalid gateway \"%s\"", arg);
				return EINVAL;
		} else if (match_input("metric", arg)) {
			arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &nextargs);
			metric = atoi(arg);
			if (metric < 1) {
				printoutc(fd, "Invalid metric \"%s\"", arg);
				return EINVAL;
		} else {
			return EINVAL;
		arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &nextargs);

	if ((action == ACTION_DELETE) &&
		   (vder_route_del(temp_address.s_addr, temp_netmask.s_addr, metric))) {
			return errno;
	} else if ((action == ACTION_ADD) &&
		   (vder_route_add(temp_address.s_addr, temp_netmask.s_addr, temp_gateway.s_addr, metric, selected))) {
		return errno;
	return 0;
예제 #7
파일: vde_router.c 프로젝트: bringhurst/vde
static int ifconfig(int fd,char *s)
	char *nextargs = NULL, *arg;
	struct vder_iface *iface;
	arg = strtok_r(s, " ", &nextargs);
	if(!arg) {
		/* No arguments */
		iface = Router.iflist;
		while(iface) {
			show_ifconfig(fd, iface);
			printoutc(fd, "");
			iface = iface->next;
		return 0;
	} else {
		struct vder_iface *selected;
		struct in_addr temp_address, temp_netmask;
		enum command_action_enum action = -1;
		selected = select_interface(arg);
		if (!selected) {
			printoutc(fd, "Interface %s not found.", arg);
			return ENOENT;
		arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &nextargs);
		if (!arg) {
			show_ifconfig(fd, selected);
			return 0;
		if ((!arg) || (strlen(arg) != 3) || ((strncmp(arg, "add", 3) != 0) && (strncmp(arg, "del", 3) != 0))) {
			printoutc(fd, "Invalid action \"%s\".", arg);
			return EINVAL;
		if (strncmp(arg, "del", 3) == 0)
			action = ACTION_DELETE;
			action = ACTION_ADD;

		arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &nextargs);
		if (!arg) {
			not_understood(fd, "");
			return EINVAL;
		if (match_input("dhcp", arg)) {
			temp_address.s_addr = (uint32_t)(-1);
			pthread_create(&selected->dhcpclient, 0, dhcp_client_loop, selected); 
		else if (!inet_aton(arg, &temp_address) || !is_unicast(temp_address.s_addr)) {
			printoutc(fd, "Invalid address \"%s\"", arg);
			return EINVAL;
		arg = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &nextargs);
		if (!arg && (action == ACTION_ADD) && (temp_address.s_addr != (uint32_t)(-1))) {
			printoutc(fd, "Error: parameter 'netmask' required.");
			return EINVAL;
		if ((action == ACTION_ADD) && (temp_address.s_addr != (uint32_t)(-1)) &&
			(!inet_aton(arg, &temp_netmask) || !is_netmask(temp_netmask.s_addr))) {
			printoutc(fd, "Invalid netmask \"%s\"", arg);
			return EINVAL;
		if (action == ACTION_ADD) {
			if (vder_iface_address_add(selected, temp_address.s_addr, temp_netmask.s_addr) != 0)
				return errno;
		} else {
			if (vder_iface_address_del(selected, temp_address.s_addr) != 0)
				return errno;

	return 0;
