예제 #1
matf Triangulate(const matf & P1, const matf & P2, const TrackedPoint & p, bool full) {
  matf A;
  if (full)
    A = matf(6, 4);
    A = matf(4,4);
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
    A(0, i) = p.x1 * P1(2, i) - P1(0, i);
    A(1, i) = p.y1 * P1(2, i) - P1(1, i);
    A(2, i) = p.x2 * P2(2, i) - P2(0, i);
    A(3, i) = p.y2 * P2(2, i) - P2(1, i);
    // the two following equations could be removed in most of the cases.
    // however, sometimes it induces errors if some (which ones?) coefficients are
    // too close to 0
    if (full) {
      A(4, i) = p.x1 * P1(1, i) - p.y1 * P1(0, i);
      A(5, i) = p.x2 * P2(1, i) - p.y2 * P2(0, i);
  SVD svd(A, SVD::MODIFY_A);
  matf p3d(3,1);
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    p3d(i,0) = svd.vt.at<float>(3,i) / svd.vt.at<float>(3,3);
  return p3d;
예제 #2
void GetCameraMatricesFromFundMat(const matf & fundmat, matf & P1, matf & P2) {
  P1 = matf(3,4, 0.0f);
  P1(0,0) = P1(1,1) = P1(2,2) = 1.0f;
  matf e1, e2;
  GetEpipolesFromFundMat(fundmat, e1, e2);
  matf M = epscov(e2) * fundmat;
  P2 = matf(3,4);
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    copyCol(M, P2, i, i);
  copyCol(e2, P2, 0, 3);
예제 #3
void GetEpipolesFromFundMat(const matf & fundmat, matf & e1, matf & e2) {
  SVD svd(fundmat);
  //e1 = matf(3,1);
  if ((e1.size().height != 3) or (e1.size().width != 3))
      e1 = matf(3, 1);
  copyCol(svd.vt.t(), e1, 2, 0);
  //e2 = matf(3,1);
  if ((e2.size().height != 3) or (e2.size().width != 3))
      e2 = matf(3, 1);
  copyCol(svd.vt.t(), e2, 2, 0);
예제 #4
파일: world.cpp 프로젝트: cornytrace/opendf
void World::move(float xrel, float yrel, float zrel)
    osg::Matrixf matf(osg::Matrixf::rotate(
                                   0.0f, osg::Vec3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f),
         mCameraRot.y()*3.14159f/180.0f, osg::Vec3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f),
        -mCameraRot.x()*3.14159f/180.0f, osg::Vec3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)
    mCameraPos += matf*osg::Vec3f(xrel, yrel, zrel);
예제 #5
//HZ p394 Algo 16.1
//the H's are homographies to "denormalize" (unlike HZ)
void NormalizePoints2(const vector<TrackedPoint> & points2d,
		      vector<TrackedPoint> & points2d_out,
		      vector<matf> & H_out) {
  int n = points2d.size();
  matf means[2];
  means[0] = matf(3,1,0.0f);
  means[1] = matf(3,1,0.0f);
  for (int iView = 0; iView < 2; ++iView) {
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
      means[iView] += points2d[i].getP(iView);
    means[iView] = means[iView] / (float)n;
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    points2d_out.push_back(TrackedPoint(points2d[i].x1 - means[0](0,0),
					points2d[i].y1 - means[0](1,0),
					points2d[i].x2 - means[1](0,0),
					points2d[i].y2 - means[1](1,0)));
  float meandist[2];
  meandist[0] = meandist[1] = 0.0f;
  float x, y;
  for (int iView = 0; iView < 2; ++iView) {
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      x = points2d_out[i].getX(iView);
      y = points2d_out[i].getY(iView);
      meandist[iView] += sqrt(x*x + y*y);
    meandist[iView] = meandist[iView] / ((float)n) * SQRT2;
    //meandist[iView] = 1.0f;
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    points2d_out[i] = TrackedPoint(points2d_out[i].x1 / meandist[0],
				   points2d_out[i].y1 / meandist[0],
				   points2d_out[i].x2 / meandist[1],
				   points2d_out[i].y2 / meandist[1]);
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
    H_out.back()(0,0) = H_out.back()(1,1) = meandist[i];
    H_out.back()(0,2) = means[i](0,0);
    H_out.back()(1,2) = means[i](1,0);
    H_out.back()(2,2) = 1.0f;
예제 #6
파일: world.cpp 프로젝트: cornytrace/opendf
void World::update(float timediff)
    GuiIface::Mode guimode = GuiIface::get().getMode();

    if(guimode <= GuiIface::Mode_Cursor)


    osg::Matrixf matf(osg::Matrixf::rotate(
                                   0.0f, osg::Vec3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f),
         mCameraRot.y()*3.14159f/180.0f, osg::Vec3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f),
        -mCameraRot.x()*3.14159f/180.0f, osg::Vec3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)

    if(guimode == GuiIface::Mode_Game)
        mCurrentSelection = castCameraToViewportRay(0.5f, 0.5f, 1024.0f, false);
        float x, y;
        GuiIface::get().getMousePosition(x, y);
        mCurrentSelection = castCameraToViewportRay(x, y, 1024.0f, false);
    if(mCurrentSelection == InvalidHandle || !*g_introspect)
        std::stringstream sstr;
            MBlockHeader *block = mExterior.at(mCurrentSelection>>24).get();
            const MObjectBase *obj = block->getObject(mCurrentSelection);
                sstr<< "Failed to lookup object 0x"<<std::hex<<std::setfill('0')<<std::setw(8)<<mCurrentSelection;
예제 #7
matf GetExtrinsicsFromEssential(const matf & essMat_, const TrackedPoint & one_point,
				bool correct_essMat, int c) {
  matf essMat;
  if (correct_essMat) {
    SVD svd2(essMat_);
    matf D = matf(3,3,0.0f);
    D(0,0) = D(1,1) = (svd2.w.at<float>(0,0) + svd2.w.at<float>(1,0)) * 0.5f;
    essMat = svd2.u * D * svd2.vt;
  } else  {
    matf essMat = essMat_;
  SVD svd(essMat);
  //assert(epsEqual(D(0,0) / D(1,0), 1.0, 0.1) && epsEqual(D(2,0), 0.0f));
  matf W(3,3,0.0f); //TODO do not recreate at each call
  W(0,1) = -1.0f;
  W(1,0) = W(2,2) = 1.0f;
  matf extr(3,4);
  matf tmp;
  //case 1
  tmp = svd.u*W*svd.vt;
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
      extr(i,j) = tmp(i,j);
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    extr(i, 3) = svd.u.at<float>(i, 2);
  //cout << extr << endl;
  if ((c == 1) || ((c == -1) && IsExtrinsicsPossible(extr, one_point))) {
    //cout << "case 1" << endl;
    return extr;
  //case 2
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    extr(i, 3) = -svd.u.at<float>(i, 2);
  //cout << extr << endl;
  if ((c == 2) || ((c == -1) && IsExtrinsicsPossible(extr, one_point))) {
    //cout << "case 2" << endl;
    return extr;
  //case 3
  tmp = svd.u*W.t()*svd.vt;
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
      extr(i,j) = tmp(i,j);
  //cout << extr << endl;
  if ((c == 3) || ((c == -1) && IsExtrinsicsPossible(extr, one_point))) {
    //cout << "case 3" << endl;
    return extr;
  //case 4
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    extr(i, 3) = svd.u.at<float>(i, 2);
  //cout << extr << endl;
  if ((c == 4) || ((c == -1) && IsExtrinsicsPossible(extr, one_point))) {
    //cout << "case 4" << endl;
    return extr;
  //assert(false); //this should not happen. If it does, sth is wrong
  // (the point might be the on the principal plane, or there is a bug)
  return matf(0,0); // remove warning
예제 #8
TEST(FloatPrecision, Snapshots) {

    // Initialise the data path with en empty modulename,
    // to get the data from the root of the test data path

    chilitags::Chilitags3Df chilitagsf;

    chilitags::Chilitags3Dd chilitagsd;

    for (auto testCase : TestMetadata::all) {
        std::string path = std::string(cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path())+testCase.filename;
        cv::Mat image = cv::imread(path);

        if(image.data) {

            auto tagsd = chilitagsd.estimate(image, chilitags::Chilitags::DETECT_ONLY);
            auto tagsf = chilitagsf.estimate(image, chilitags::Chilitags::DETECT_ONLY);

            ASSERT_EQ(tagsf.size(), tagsd.size()) <<
                "Single precision found " << tagsf.size() <<
                " tags while double precision found " << tagsd.size() << " tags in " << testCase.filename;

            double diff;
            for(const auto& tag : tagsf) {
                const auto& matf = tag.second;
                const auto& matd = tagsd[tag.first];

                //Test rotation component
                double failThreshold = 1e-5; //TODO: What does this threshold actually mean?
                for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
                    for(int j=0; j<3; j++) {
                        diff = (double)matf(i,j) - matd(i,j);
                            ASSERT_LT(diff, failThreshold) <<
                                tag.first << "'s single and double precision transforms differ more than " << failThreshold << "%% in ("
                                                           << i << "," << j << ");" << std::endl << " Single precision transform: " << matf << std::endl
                                                           << "Double precision transform:" << matd;

                //Test translation component
                failThreshold = 1e-1; //Tenth of a millimeter
                for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
                    diff = (double)matf(i,3) - matd(i,3);
                        ASSERT_LT(diff, failThreshold) <<
                            tag.first << "'s single and double precision transforms differ more than " << failThreshold << "%% in ("
                                                       << i << "," << "3);" << std::endl << " Single precision transform: " << matf << std::endl
                                                       << "Double precision transform:" << matd;

                //Test last row
                ASSERT_EQ(matf(3,0), 0.0f); ASSERT_EQ(matf(3,1), 0.0f); ASSERT_EQ(matf(3,2), 0.0f); ASSERT_EQ(matf(3,3), 1.0f);
                ASSERT_EQ(matd(3,0), 0.0);  ASSERT_EQ(matd(3,1), 0.0);  ASSERT_EQ(matd(3,2), 0.0);  ASSERT_EQ(matd(3,3), 1.0);
        else {
                << "Unable to read: " << path << "\n"
                << "Did you correctly set the OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH environment variable?\n"
                << "CMake takes care of this if you set its TEST_DATA variable.\n"
                << "You can download the test data from\n"
                << "https://github.com/chili-epfl/chilitags-testdata";
예제 #9
 inline const matf getP(int i) const {
   return matf(3, 1, const_cast<float*>((&x1)+3*i));
예제 #10
 inline matf getP(int i) {
   return matf(3, 1, ((&x1)+3*i));
예제 #11
 inline matf getP2() {
   return matf(3, 1, &x2);
예제 #12
 inline matf getP1() {
   //ugly hack that could induce segfaults if the object
   // is destroyed before the returned matf
   return matf(3, 1, &x1);