예제 #1
void matrixNormalTransform(matrix* r, matrix m) {
	m.v[3] = 0;
	m.v[7] = 0;
	m.v[11] = 0;
	m.v[15] = 1;
	matrix t;
	matrixInverse( &t, m );
	matrixTranspose( r, t );
예제 #2
void Frustum::Extract(const Matrix44f &view, const Projection &proj) {
  static const int LBN = kLBNCorner, LTN = kLTNCorner, LBF = kLBFCorner,
                   LTF = kLTFCorner, RBN = kRBNCorner, RTN = kRTNCorner,
                   RBF = kRBFCorner, RTF = kRTFCorner;

  const float lnear = -proj.get_near();
  const float lfar = -proj.get_far();
  const Vec3f nearNorm(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
  const Vec3f farNorm(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

  // kLeftPlane plane
  const Vec3f ltn(proj.get_left(), proj.get_top(), lnear),
      lbn(proj.get_left(), proj.get_bottom(), lnear),
      ltf(proj.get_far_left(), proj.get_far_top(), lfar),
      lbf(proj.get_far_left(), proj.get_far_bottom(), lfar);

  const Vec3f leftNorm = vecNormal(
      vecCross(lbn - ltn, ltf - ltn));

  // kRightPlane plane
  const Vec3f rtn(proj.get_right(), proj.get_top(), lnear), // right top near
      rbn(proj.get_right(), proj.get_bottom(), lnear), // right bottom near
      rtf(proj.get_far_right(), proj.get_far_top(), lfar); // right top far

  const Vec3f rightNorm = vecNormal(vecCross(rtf - rtn, rbn - rtn));

  // kTopPlane plane
  const Vec3f topNorm = vecNormal(vecCross(ltf - ltn, rtn - ltn));

  // kBottomPlane plane lbn rbf
  const Vec3f rbf(proj.get_far_right(), proj.get_far_bottom(), lfar);
  const Vec3f botNorm = vecNormal(vecCross(rbf - rbn, lbn - rbn));

  Matrix44f viewSpace, viewSpaceN;
  matrixInverse(view, &viewSpace);

  viewSpaceN = matrixTranspose(view);

  m_conners[LBN] = lbn * viewSpace;
  m_conners[LTN] = ltn * viewSpace;
  m_conners[LBF] = lbf * viewSpace;
  m_conners[LTF] = ltf * viewSpace;
  m_conners[RBN] = rbn * viewSpace;
  m_conners[RTN] = rtn * viewSpace;
  m_conners[RBF] = rbf * viewSpace;
  m_conners[RTF] = rtf * viewSpace;

  m_planes[kLeftPlane] = Planef(leftNorm * viewSpaceN, m_conners[LTN]);
  m_planes[kRightPlane] = Planef(rightNorm * viewSpaceN, m_conners[RTN]);
  m_planes[kTopPlane] = Planef(topNorm * viewSpaceN, m_conners[RTN]);
  m_planes[kBottomPlane] = Planef(botNorm * viewSpaceN, m_conners[LBN]);
  m_planes[kNearPlane] = Planef(nearNorm * viewSpaceN, m_conners[LBN]);
  m_planes[kFarPlane] = Planef(farNorm * viewSpaceN, m_conners[RTF]);
예제 #3
/* Main method to test math */
int main() {
    // Test matrix math
    struct Matrix a;
    //double valuesa[9] = { 5.0, -2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3.0, -1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 7.0 };
    double valuesa[16] = { 1.0, 3.0, -2.0, 1.0, 5.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -2.0, 2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3.0 };
    newMatrix(&a, valuesa, 4, 4);
    struct Matrix b;
    double valuesb[9] = { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.0, -4.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3.0, -1.0 };
    newMatrix(&b, valuesb, 3, 3);
    struct Matrix cofa;
    matrixCofactor(&cofa, a);
    printf("A Cofactor=\n");
    struct Matrix inva;
    matrixInverse(&inva, a);
    printf("A Inverse=\n");
    printf("A is %sa square matrix.\n", matrixIsSquare(a) ? "" : "not ");
    printf("B is %sa square matrix.\n", matrixIsSquare(b) ? "" : "not ");
    printf("The determinant of A is %f.\n", matrixDeterminant(a));
    printf("A is %sunique.\n", matrixIsUnique(a) ? "" : "not ");
    printf("The determinant of B is %f.\n", matrixDeterminant(b));
    printf("B is %sunique.\n", matrixIsUnique(b) ? "" : "not ");
    struct Matrix aplusb;
    matrixAdd(&aplusb, a, b);
    struct Matrix asubb;
    matrixSubtract(&asubb, a, b);
    struct Matrix ascale;
    matrixScale(&ascale, a, 5);
    struct Matrix bscale;
    matrixScale(&bscale, b, 5);
    printf("A and B are %sthe same size.\n", matrixIsSameSize(a, b) ? "" : "not ");


    // Test 3D vector math
예제 #4
Matrixf44 Matrixf44::getTranpose()
    if (transposeReady == false)
        for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                transpose[i][j] = _matrix[j][i];

        transposeReady = true;

    Matrixf44 matrixInverse(transpose);

    return matrixInverse;
예제 #5
void testMatrixInverse(){
 double **A, **B;
 int n;
 A=allocateDoubleMatrix(3, 3);

 A[0][0]=1.0;  A[0][1]=2.0;  A[0][2]=3.0;
 A[1][0]=0.0;  A[1][1]=4.0;  A[1][2]=5.0;
 A[2][0]=1.0;  A[2][1]=0.0;  A[2][2]=6.0;
 fprintf(stdout,"Matrix Inversion\n");
예제 #6
	if (mP) delete mP;
	if (mPInv) delete mPInv;

	//first build the E matrix that just contains the (potentially non-orthonormal) bases
	Matrix E(eSize, dSize);
	for (int e=0; e<eSize; e++) {
		for (int d=0; d<dSize; d++) {
			E.elem(e,d) = mGrasps[e]->getAxisValue(d);

	//the trivial case (assumes ortho-normal E)
	//mP = new Matrix(E);
	//mPInv = new Matrix(E.transposed());

	//general case
	//remember: P(PInv(a)) = a (always)
	//		    PInv(P(x)) != x (usually)
	// P = (E*ET)'*E
	// P' = ET
	Matrix ET(E.transposed());
	Matrix EET(eSize, eSize);
	matrixMultiply(E, ET, EET);
	Matrix EETInv(eSize, eSize);
	int result = matrixInverse(EET, EETInv);
	if (result) {
		DBGA("Projection matrix is rank deficient!");
		mP = new Matrix(Matrix::ZEROES<Matrix>(eSize, dSize));
		mPInv = new Matrix(Matrix::ZEROES<Matrix>(dSize, eSize));
	mP = new Matrix(eSize, dSize);
	matrixMultiply(EETInv, E, *mP);
	mPInv = new Matrix(ET);
예제 #7
// Parse the root file located at path and parse the Ttree treeName.
// prefix identifies the track which is to be used, e.g.
// trk_, trkSiSpSeeded_, pseudoTrk_
EventReader::parse (const char* path, const char* treeName, const char* prefix)
  TFile *file;
  TTree *tree;

  // Open data file and read TTree
  file = new TFile (path, "READ", "TrackFitData Access");

  if (!file) {
    std::cerr << "Could not open " << path << std::endl;
    return -1;

  tree = ( TTree* )file->Get (treeName);

  if (!tree) {
    std::cerr << "Could not get tree " << treeName << std::endl;
    delete file;
    return -1;

  // Read events and their tracks. Each data attribute is represented
  // by a branch in the TTree.
  resetAttributeVectors ( );

  if (loadBranches (tree, prefix) == -1) {
    PRINT_ERR ("loadBranches failed!");
    resetAttributeVectors ( );
    delete file;
    return -1;

  mEvents.clear ( );

  // Loop over all events
  for (Long64_t events = 0; events < tree->GetEntriesFast ( ); ++events) {
    Long64_t local_events = tree->LoadTree (events);

    if (local_events < 0) {
      PRINT_ERR ("LoadTree returned value < 0");
      resetAttributeVectors ( );
      delete file;
      return -1;

    // Load branches into the matching vectors
    if (tree->GetEntry (events) <= 0) {
      PRINT_ERR ("tree->GetEntry failed!");
      resetAttributeVectors ( );
      delete file;
      return -1;

    if (eventSanityCheck ( ) == -1) {
      PRINT_ERR ("Event sanity check failed!");
      resetAttributeVectors ( );
      delete file;
      return -1;

    KF_Event_t newEvent;
    Track_t newTrack;
    TrackHit_t trackHit;
    for (int i = 0; i < MAXROTS; ++i) {
      trackHit.rotIds[i] = 0;

    // Loop over all tracks
    for (unsigned int track = 0; track < mLocX->size ( ); ++track) {
      newTrack.track.clear ( );

      // phi, theta, qoverp are values referring to a complete track
      newTrack.info.d0     = (*mD0)[track];
      newTrack.info.z0     = (*mZ0)[track];
      newTrack.info.phi    = (*mPhi)[track];
      newTrack.info.theta  = (*mTheta)[track];
      newTrack.info.qoverp = (*mQoverP)[track];

      // FIXME: has to check whether MC index is valid!
      //int tti = (*mTTTI)[ (*mMCI)[track] ];
      // FIXME: has to check whether truth track index is valid!
      //std::cout << "Track:" << track <<  " TruthTrackIndex: " << tti <<std::endl;
      newTrack.truthTrackInfo.d0 = -999.;
      newTrack.truthTrackInfo.z0 = -999.;
      newTrack.truthTrackInfo.phi = -999.;
      newTrack.truthTrackInfo.theta = -999.;
      newTrack.truthTrackInfo.qoverp = -999.;
      int mcindex = (*mMCI)[track];
      if (mcindex > -1) {
	if (mMCPerigeeOk->at(mcindex)) {
	  newTrack.truthTrackInfo.d0 = (*mTTD0)[mcindex];
	  newTrack.truthTrackInfo.z0 = (*mTTZ0)[mcindex];
	  newTrack.truthTrackInfo.phi = (*mTTPhi)[mcindex];
	  newTrack.truthTrackInfo.theta = (*mTTTheta)[mcindex];
	  newTrack.truthTrackInfo.qoverp = (*mTTQoverP)[mcindex];
      bool validTrack = true;
      //             std::cout<< "track " << track << std::endl;
      // Loop over all hits
      for (unsigned int hit = 0; hit < (*mLocX)[track].size ( ); ++hit) {
	// No NULL-pointer check, since eventSanityCheck passed
	trackHit.normal[0]  = (*mLocX)[track][hit];
	trackHit.normal[1]  = (*mLocY)[track][hit];
	trackHit.err_locX   = (*mErr_locX)[track][hit];
	trackHit.err_locY   = (*mErr_locY)[track][hit];
	trackHit.cov_locXY  = (*mCov_locXY)[track][hit];
	trackHit.detType    = (*mDetType)[track][hit];
	trackHit.bec        = (*mBec)[track][hit];
	trackHit.ref[0]     = (*mRefLocX)[track][hit];
	trackHit.ref[1]     = (*mRefLocY)[track][hit];
	trackHit.ref[2]     = (*mRefPhi)[track][hit];
	trackHit.ref[3]     = (*mRefTheta)[track][hit];
	trackHit.ref[4]     = (*mRefQoverP)[track][hit];
	trackHit.sigmaDeltaThetaSquared = pow(mSigmaDeltaTheta->at(track).at(hit), 2);
	trackHit.sigmaDeltaPhiSquared = pow(mSigmaDeltaPhi->at(track).at(hit), 2);
	//trackHit.sigmaDeltaQoverPSquared = (trackHit.ref[4]*trackHit.ref[4]>0.) ? ( mSigmaDeltaE->at(track).at(hit) * sqrt(PionMassSquared + 1./(trackHit.ref[4]*trackHit.ref[4])) * fabs(pow(trackHit.ref[4],3)) ) : 0.;
	const double qOverPSquared=trackHit.ref[4]*trackHit.ref[4];
	trackHit.sigmaDeltaQoverPSquared = (qOverPSquared>0.) ? ( pow(mSigmaDeltaE->at(track).at(hit),2) * (PionMassSquared + 1./qOverPSquared) * pow(qOverPSquared,3) ) : 0.;
	trackHit.competingRotIds = (*mCompetingRotIds)[track][hit];
	//std::cout << "read compRot " << trackHit.competingRotIds << " track " << track << " hit " << hit << std::endl;
	for (unsigned int rot = 0; rot < (*mRotLocX)[track][hit].size(); ++rot) {
	  trackHit.rotLocX[rot] = (*mRotLocX)[track][hit][rot];
	  trackHit.rotLocY[rot] = (*mRotLocY)[track][hit][rot];
	  trackHit.rotIds[rot] = (*mRotIds)[track][hit][rot];
	  trackHit.rotProbs[rot] = (*mRotProbs)[track][hit][rot];

	  trackHit.rotCov[rot][0] = (*mRotCov00)[track][hit][rot];
	  trackHit.rotCov[rot][1] = (*mRotCov01)[track][hit][rot];
	  trackHit.rotCov[rot][2] = (*mRotCov10)[track][hit][rot];
	  trackHit.rotCov[rot][3] = (*mRotCov11)[track][hit][rot];
	  //                    if (DBG_LVL == 0) if ((*mRotLocY)[track][hit].size() > 1) std::cout << rot << "/" << (*mRotLocY)[track][hit].size() - 1 << " id " << trackHit.rotIds[rot] << " locY " << trackHit.rotLocY[rot] << " effY " << trackHit.measurement[1] << " cov " << trackHit.rotCov[rot][1] << std::endl;
	  //                    std::cout << "\trot " << trackHit.rotIds[rot] << std::endl;
	if (abs(trackHit.normal[1] + 99999.) > 1.E-4) {
	  trackHit.is2Dim = 1;
	} else {
	  trackHit.is2Dim = 0;
	// no measurement at all (pure material surface):
	if (!(fabs(trackHit.normal[0] + 99999.) > 1.E-4)) {
	  trackHit.is2Dim = 3;
	  //                     std::cout<< "mat lay: sigmaDeltaPhi=" << mSigmaDeltaPhi->at(track).at(hit)
	  //                              << " sigmaDeltaTheta=" << mSigmaDeltaTheta->at(track).at(hit)
	  //                              << " sigmaDeltaE=" << mSigmaDeltaE->at(track).at(hit) << std::endl;
	}// else {
	//                     std::cout<< "meas lay: sigmaDeltaPhi=" << mSigmaDeltaPhi->at(track).at(hit)
	//                              << " sigmaDeltaTheta=" << mSigmaDeltaTheta->at(track).at(hit)
	//                              << " sigmaDeltaE=" << mSigmaDeltaE->at(track).at(hit) << std::endl;
	//                 }
	//Check if this track has valid Data
	//if (abs(trackHit.normal[0] + 999.) < 1.E-4 || abs(trackHit.normal[1] + 999.) < 1.E-4 || abs(trackHit.ref[0] + 999.) < 1.E-4 || abs(trackHit.ref[1] + 999.) < 1.E-4) {
	if (abs(trackHit.ref[0] + 999.) < 1.E-4 || abs(trackHit.ref[1] + 999.) < 1.E-4) {
	  validTrack = false;
	// Ignore Detector-Type 3
	if (trackHit.detType == 3) {

	if (setJacobiMatrix (trackHit.jacobi, track, hit) == -1) {
	  PRINT_WARN ("Could not set JacobiMatrix for hit!");
	matrixInverseEigen(trackHit.jacobi, trackHit.jacobiInverse, ORDER, ORDER);
	matrixInverse(trackHit.jacobi, trackHit.jacobiInverse, ORDER, ORDER);
	newTrack.track.push_back (trackHit);
      //             if(validTrack)
      //             	newEvent.push_back (newTrack);
      if (!validTrack)
	newTrack.track.clear ( );
      newEvent.push_back (newTrack);
      mEvents.push_back (newEvent);

    resetAttributeVectors ( );

    delete file;

    return 0;