int main() {

    cout << "Please enter numbers one by one: ";

    // Input the numbers
    long num;
    vector<long> numbersToSquare;
    while(cin >> num) { // while reading in was a success

    // Square the numbers
    vector<long> squared = square(numbersToSquare);

    // Find the maxIntLength for pretty printing below
    typedef vector<long>::size_type vecSize;

    vecSize maxLengthOfNumbers = maxDigits(squared);
    vecSize n1 = 3 + maxLengthOfNumbers;
    vecSize n2 = n1 + 4;

    // Print out with setw()
    cout << setw(n1) << left << "N: " << setw(n2) << left << "N^2: " << endl;
    for(vecSize i = 0; i < squared.size(); i++){
        cout << setw(n1) << left << numbersToSquare[i]
             << setw(n2) << left << squared[i] << "\n";

    return 0;
예제 #2
파일: seqOut.c 프로젝트: bh0085/kent
void bafWriteLine(struct baf *baf)
/* Write out a line of an alignment (which takes up
 * three lines on the screen. */
int i;
int count = baf->cix;
int nStart = baf->nLineStart + 1 + baf->nNumOff;
int hStart = baf->hLineStart + 1 + baf->hNumOff;
int nEnd = baf->nCurPos + baf->nNumOff;
int hEnd = baf->hCurPos + baf->hNumOff;
int startDigits = maxDigits(nStart, hStart);
int endDigits = maxDigits(nEnd, hEnd);
int hStartNum, hEndNum;
int nStartNum, nEndNum;
static struct axtScoreScheme *ss = 0;  /* Scoring scheme. */
struct cfm cfm;
extern char blosumText[];
extern struct axtScoreScheme *axtScoreSchemeFromProteinText(char *text, char *fileName);
boolean revArrows = (baf->nCountDown ^ baf->hCountDown);
char arrowChar = (revArrows ? '<' : '>');

cfm.out = baf->out;
if (ss == 0)
    ss = axtScoreSchemeFromProteinText(blosumText, "fake");

if (baf->nCountDown)
    nStartNum = baf->nNumOff - baf->nLineStart;
    nEndNum = 1+baf->nNumOff - baf->nCurPos;
    nStartNum = 1+baf->nNumOff + baf->nLineStart;
    nEndNum = baf->nNumOff + baf->nCurPos;
fprintf(baf->out, "%0*d ", startDigits, nStartNum);
for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
    fputc(baf->nChars[i], baf->out);
fprintf(baf->out, " %0*d\n", endDigits, nEndNum);

for (i=0; i<startDigits; ++i)
    fputc(arrowChar, baf->out);
fputc(' ', baf->out);
for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
    char n,h,c =  ' ';

    n = baf->nChars[i];
    h = baf->hChars[i];
    if (baf->isTrans)
	if (n != ' ')
	    DNA codon[4];
	    codon[0] = baf->hChars[i-1];
	    codon[1] = h;
	    codon[2] = baf->hChars[i+1];
	    codon[3] = 0;
	    c  = lookupCodon(codon);
	    if (toupper(n) == c)
		cfmOut(&cfm, '|', seqOutColorLookup[0]);
		int color;

		if (c == 0)
		    c = 'X';
		if (ss->matrix[(int)toupper(n)][(int)c] > 0)
		    color = 5;
		    color = 6;
		cfmOut(&cfm, c, seqOutColorLookup[color]);
	    fputc(c, baf->out);
	if (toupper(n) == toupper(h))
	     c = '|';
	fputc(c, baf->out);
fputc(' ', baf->out);
for (i=0; i<endDigits; ++i)
    fputc(arrowChar, baf->out);
fprintf(baf->out, "\n");

if (baf->hCountDown)
    hStartNum = baf->hNumOff - baf->hLineStart;
    hEndNum = 1+baf->hNumOff - baf->hCurPos;
    hStartNum = 1+baf->hNumOff + baf->hLineStart;
    hEndNum = baf->hNumOff + baf->hCurPos;
fprintf(baf->out, "%0*d ", startDigits, hStartNum);
for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
    fputc(baf->hChars[i], baf->out);
fprintf(baf->out, " %0*d\n\n", endDigits, hEndNum);