bool LeastSquares(const vector<Vector>& data,int dependentVariable, Vector& coeffs) { assert(!data.empty()); int n=data[0].n; assert((int)data.size() >= n); assert(dependentVariable >= 0 && dependentVariable < n); Matrix mdata((int)data.size(),n-1); Vector vdep((int)data.size()); for(size_t i=0;i<data.size();i++) { assert(data[i].n == n); for(int j=0;j<n;j++) { if(j < dependentVariable) mdata(i,j) = data[i](j); else if(j > dependentVariable) mdata(i,j-1) = data[i](j); else vdep(i) = data[i](j); } } Vector tempcoeffs; Real offset; if(!LeastSquares(mdata,vdep,tempcoeffs,offset)) return false; coeffs.resize(n); for(int j=0;j<n;j++) { if(j < dependentVariable) coeffs(j) = tempcoeffs(j); else if(j > dependentVariable) coeffs(j) = tempcoeffs(j-1); else coeffs(j) = offset; } return true; }
int antLoop(ipc_t ipc, grid_t grid) { char stop; handler_f* handlers; ant_t ant; cmd_t cmd; message_t message, ret; srand(getpid()); ant = antNew(); ant->ahr = ant->r = grid->anthillRow; ant->ahc = ant->c = grid->anthillCol; LOGPID("Starting ant %d logic loop.\n", ipc->id); handlers = buildHandlerArray(); antFillHandlerArray(handlers); sendMessage(ipc, message = mnew(ipc->id, 1, sizeof(struct cmd_start_t), (char*) (cmd = newStart()))); mdel(message); free(cmd); stop = 0; while(!stop) { if (message = recvMessage(ipc)) { LOGPID("Ant %d received cmd type %d.\n", ipc->id, ((cmd_t) mdata(message))->type); if (cmd = dispatchCmd((void*) ant, (cmd_t) mdata(message), handlers)) { mdel(message); sendMessage(ipc, message = mnew(ipc->id, 1, cmdsize(cmd), (char*) cmd)); LOGPID("Ant %d sent cmd type %d.\n", ipc->id, ((cmd_t) mdata(message))->type); mdel(message); free(cmd); } } stop = (ant->state == ANT_STATE_FINAL); } ipc->stop = 1; return 0; }
retval_t pf_mcontroller::transmit (const QByteArray& data) { retval_t rv = RV_OK; QByteArray mdata(data); mdata.append(pf_crc::get(mdata)); mdata.prepend(START_CHAR); mdata.append(END_CHAR); QDebug(QtDebugMsg) << "Writing data:" << mdata; m_tx_port->write(mdata); QByteArray echodata; if(RV_OK == m_buf.acquire(echodata, 100)) { if(mdata != echodata) { rv = RV_NO_ECHO; QDebug(QtWarningMsg) << "Echo isn't received. Wrong data:" << echodata; } } else { rv = RV_NO_ECHO; QDebug(QtWarningMsg) << "Echo isn't received. Timeout"; } return rv; }
void CText::ApplyAnimators(CRectangle& srcRect, CRectangle& dstRect) { m_pText->Lock(); TextAnimatorData mdata(&srcRect, &dstRect); if(!m_vecAnimatorVault.empty()) { AnimatorStorage::iterator end = m_vecAnimatorVault.end(); for(AnimatorStorage::iterator it = m_vecAnimatorVault.begin(); it < end; ++it) { (*it)(m_pText.get(), this, mdata); if(mdata.markedForDeletion) { TextAnimator* savedAnimator = (*it).nextAnimator; if(savedAnimator) { //savedAnimator->x = (*it).x; //savedAnimator->y = (*it).y; (*it).nextAnimator = NULL; m_vecAnimatorVault.erase(it); mdata.markedForDeletion = false; AddAnimator(savedAnimator); break; } m_vecAnimatorVault.erase(it); mdata.markedForDeletion = false; // Todo: better fill a deleter list and erase after loop. break; } } } m_pText->Unlock(); } // CText::ApplyAnimators
bool CCanvas::ApplyRenderers(CCanvasRendererStorage& storage, CCanvas* source, const CCanvas* target, const CRectangle* dstRect, const CRectangle* srcRect) const { if(!source->m_vecRendererVault.empty()) { std::vector<CCanvasRendererStorage::iterator> removeList; CCanvasRendererStorage::iterator end = storage.end(); CRectangle rdstRect; CRectangle rsrcRect; if(dstRect) { rdstRect = CRectangle(*dstRect); } if(srcRect) { rsrcRect = CRectangle(*srcRect); } CCanvasRenderModifierData mdata(&rsrcRect, &rdstRect); for(CCanvasRendererStorage::iterator it = storage.begin(); it < end; ++it) { (*it)(target, const_cast<CCanvas *>(source), mdata); if(mdata.markedForDeletion) { CCanvasRendererStorage::iterator it2 = it; removeList.push_back(it2); } } BOOST_FOREACH(CCanvasRendererStorage::iterator itpos, removeList) { storage.erase(itpos); }
bool LDACalc(string datafile,string labelfile,string fea_resfile,string projection_mat_resfile){ if(fexist(fea_resfile)&&fexist(projection_mat_resfile)) return true; if(!fexist(datafile)||!fexist(labelfile)) return false; Matrix Fea; Fea.readfile(datafile); ifstream label_fin(labelfile.c_str()); vector<int> label; int temp; double size = Fea.Getrows(); while(!label_fin.eof()){ label_fin>>temp; label.push_back(temp); } label_fin.close(); //Sw computing Matrix Sw = zeros(Fea.Getcols(),Fea.Getcols()); vector<bool> t_flag(label.size(),false); for(vector<int>::size_type n=0;n<label.size();n++){ if(t_flag[n]) continue; vector<int> id = findVec(label,label[n]); for(vector<int>::size_type j=0;j<id.size();j++) t_flag[id[j]] = true; Matrix fea =,1); vector<vector<double>> tmdata(1,fea.mean(1)); Matrix tmu(1,fea.Getcols()); tmu.setdata(tmdata); fea = fea - ones(fea.Getrows(),1)*tmu; Sw = Sw + fea.trans()*fea; } Sw = Sw/size; //St computing vector<vector<double>> mdata(1,Fea.mean(1)); Matrix mu(1,Fea.Getcols()); mu.setdata(mdata); Matrix St = Fea.trans()*Fea/size-mu.trans()*mu; //Generalized Eigen problem. vector<double> D(Sw.Getrows(),0); Matrix V(Sw.Getrows(),Sw.Getrows()); if(generalized_sym_eig(St, Sw, D, V)){ Matrix Fea_LDA = Fea * V; Fea_LDA.writefile(fea_resfile); V.writefile(projection_mat_resfile); return true; } else{ cout<<"Eigen Module Malfunctions."<<endl; return false; } }
/*! Returns a map with all properties of this text format. */ QVariantMap TAbstractModel::toVariantMap() const { QVariantMap ret; QVariantMap map = mdata()->toVariantMap(); for (QMapIterator<QString, QVariant> it(map); it.hasNext(); ) {; ret.insert(fieldNameToVariableName(it.key()), it.value()); } return ret; }
/*! Sets the \a properties. */ void TAbstractModel::setProperties(const QVariantMap &properties) { // Creates a map of the original property name and the converted name QStringList soprops = mdata()->propertyNames(); QMap<QString, QString> sopropMap; for (QStringListIterator it(soprops); it.hasNext(); ) { const QString &orig =; sopropMap.insert(fieldNameToVariableName(orig), orig); } QVariantMap props; for (QMapIterator<QString, QVariant> it(properties); it.hasNext(); ) {; const QString &p = sopropMap[it.key()]; if (!p.isEmpty()) { props.insert(p, it.value()); } } mdata()->setProperties(props); }
void DecoderIOFactoryShoutCast::stop(void) { if (m_timer) m_timer->disconnect(); doOperationStop(); Metadata mdata(getMetadata()); mdata.setTitle("Stopped"); mdata.setArtist(""); mdata.setLength(-1); DecoderHandlerEvent ev(DecoderHandlerEvent::Meta, mdata); dispatch(ev); }
void DecoderIOFactoryShoutCast::shoutcastMeta(const QString &metadata) { LOG(VB_PLAYBACK, LOG_INFO, QString("DecoderIOFactoryShoutCast: metadata changed - %1") .arg(metadata)); ShoutCastMetaParser parser; parser.setMetaFormat(getMetadata().CompilationArtist()); ShoutCastMetaMap meta_map = parser.parseMeta(metadata); Metadata mdata(getMetadata()); mdata.setTitle(meta_map["title"]); mdata.setArtist(meta_map["artist"]); mdata.setAlbum(getMetadata().Album()); // meta_map["album"] mdata.setLength(-1); DecoderHandlerEvent ev(DecoderHandlerEvent::Meta, mdata); dispatch(ev); }
bool CCanvas::ApplyRenderers(CCanvasRendererStorage& storage, CCanvas* source, const CCanvas* target, const CRectangle* dstRect, const CRectangle* srcRect) const { if(!source->m_vecRendererVault.empty()) { std::vector<CCanvasRendererStorage::iterator> removeList; CCanvasRendererStorage::iterator end = storage.end(); CRectangle rdstRect; CRectangle rsrcRect; if(dstRect) { rdstRect = CRectangle(*dstRect); } if(srcRect) { rsrcRect = CRectangle(*srcRect); } CCanvasRenderModifierData mdata(&rsrcRect, &rdstRect); for(CCanvasRendererStorage::iterator it = storage.begin(); it < end; ++it) { (*it)(target, const_cast<CCanvas *>(source), mdata); if(mdata.markedForDeletion) { CCanvasRendererStorage::iterator it2 = it; // it has to be checked, if removing has no side effects. see CSpriteManager::OnIdle // for a solution with "while". //removeList.push_back(it2); removeList.insert(removeList.begin(), it2); } } BOOST_FOREACH(CCanvasRendererStorage::iterator itpos, removeList) { storage.erase(itpos); }
void CText::ApplyModifiers(CRectangle& srcRect, CRectangle& dstRect) { m_pText->Lock(); TextAnimatorData mdata(&srcRect, &dstRect); if(!m_vecModifierVault.empty()) { TextModifierStorage::iterator end = m_vecModifierVault.end(); for(TextModifierStorage::iterator it = m_vecModifierVault.begin(); it < end; ++it) { (*it)(m_pText.get(), this, mdata); if(mdata.markedForDeletion) { //m_vecModifierVault.pop_back(); //TextModifierStorage::iterator ex; m_vecModifierVault.erase(it); mdata.markedForDeletion = false; // Todo: better fill a deleter list and erase after loop. break; } } } m_pText->Unlock(); } // CText::ApplyModifiers
/*! \internal Returns the meta data of the slot with index \a index or 0 if no such slot exists. If \a super is TRUE, inherited slots are included. */ QMetaData *QMetaObject::slot( int index, bool super ) const { return mdata( SLOT_CODE, index, super ); // get slot meta data }
/*! \internal Returns the meta data of the signal with the name \a n or 0 if no such signal exists. If \a super is TRUE, include inherited signals. */ QMetaData *QMetaObject::signal( const char *n, bool super ) const { return mdata( SIGNAL_CODE, n, super ); // get signal meta data }
/*! \internal Returns the meta data of the slot with the name \a n or 0 if no such slot exists. If \a super is TRUE, inherited slots are included. */ QMetaData *QMetaObject::slot( const char *n, bool super ) const { return mdata( SLOT_CODE, n, super ); // get slot meta data }
int gen_op ( ) { Matrix a; Matrix b; void *ptr; descriptor *d; descriptor *v; descriptor *var; descriptor *index; descriptor *vector; descriptor temp; double value; Address increment; Array arr; int fail; unsigned offset; unsigned i; unsigned c; unsigned r; index = ntop (0); vector = ntop (1); var = ntop (2); offset = fetch (pc ++).ival; if (D_Type (index) == T_Double) { if (!assignable (var)) { TypeError ("cannot assign to", NULL, var, NULL, F_False); return 1; } d = &temp; D_Type (d) = T_Null; D_Temp (d) = F_False; D_Trapped (d) = F_False; D_Pointer (d) = NULL; v = CoerceData (vector, T_Double); AssignData (d, &v); RecycleData (v); D_Temp (d) = F_False; d_printf ("d = %s %p\n", D_TypeName (d), D_Pointer (d)); switch (D_Type (d)) { case T_Double: case T_Matrix: case T_Array: case T_Null: break; default: TypeError ("cannot index", NULL, d, NULL, F_False); return 1; } *vector = *d; D_Type (index) = T_Row; D_Row (index) = 0; } d_printf ("vector = %s %p\n", D_TypeName (vector), D_Pointer (vector)); var = deref (var); fail = F_False; switch (D_Type (vector)) { case T_Double: if (D_Row (index) ++ == 0) AssignData (var, &vector); else fail = F_True; break; case T_Matrix: a = D_Matrix (vector); d = &temp; D_Temp (d) = F_False; D_Trapped (d) = F_False; if (Mrows (a) == 1) { if (++ D_Row (index) <= Mcols (a)) { D_Type (d) = T_Double; D_Double (d) = &value; value = mdata (a, 1, D_Row (index)); AssignData (var, &d); } else fail = F_True; } else if (Mcols (a) == 1) { if (++ D_Row (index) <= Mrows (a)) { D_Type (d) = T_Double; D_Double (d) = &value; value = mdata (a, D_Row (index), 1); AssignData (var, &d); } else fail = F_True; } else { if (++ D_Row (index) <= Mcols (a)) { d_printf ("indexing matrix\n"); r = Mrows (a); c = D_Row (index); FreeData (var); CreateData (var, NULL, NULL, T_Matrix, r, 1); D_Temp (var) = F_False; b = D_Matrix (var); for (i = 1; i <= r; i ++) sdata (b, i, 1) = mdata (a, i, c); } else fail = F_True; } break; case T_Array: arr = D_Array (vector); d = &temp; if (++ D_Row (index) <= arr -> length) { increment = D_Row (index) * arr -> elt_size; ptr = (void *) ((char *) arr -> ptr + increment); D_Type (d) = arr -> type; D_Temp (d) = F_False; D_Trapped (d) = F_False; D_Pointer (d) = ptr; AssignData (var, &d); } else fail = F_True; break; case T_Null: fail = F_True; break; } /* After assignment the variable is certainly not temporary. Its trapped status remains as before: if it was trapped then AssignData() called the trap handler which didn't change the status. If it wasn't then AssignData() left the status alone. */ D_Temp (var) = F_False; if (fail == F_True) { pop ( ); FreeData (pop ( )); /* free the privately owned vector */ pop ( ); d = push ( ); D_Type (d) = T_Null; D_Temp (d) = F_False; D_Trapped (d) = F_False; D_Pointer (d) = NULL; pc += offset; d_printf ("failing\n"); } return 0; }
/*! Returns true if this model is not saved; otherwise returns false. */ bool TAbstractModel::isSaved() const { return !mdata()->isNull(); }
/*! Creates the model as a new data to the data storage. */ bool TAbstractModel::create() { return mdata()->create(); }
/*! Returns true if this model is new, not created; otherwise returns false. */ bool TAbstractModel::isNew() const { return mdata()->isNull(); }
bool Mole::getMData() { int datarate_raw = me_raw_value_to_datarate(this->datarate); int moduleCount = me_get_module_count(this->first_address, this->last_address); MData mdata(moduleCount, QVector< QVector<QPointF> >(this->channel_count)); double data, sample_raw; int ret; uint16 samples = this->samplesSize; uint16 first_sample_to_print = 0; uint16 last_sample_to_print = 0; switch(this->modulesMode) { case ME_MMM_SLEEP: case ME_MMM_SEISMIC: case ME_MMM_COUNT: { first_sample_to_print = 0; last_sample_to_print = samples; } break; case ME_MMM_INCLINOMETER: { samples = 1; first_sample_to_print = 0; last_sample_to_print = 1; } break; } this->startConversion(); uint8 *samples_data = new uint8[this->bytes_in_line * samples]; ret = me_host_get_samples_data(this->descriptor, samples, samples_data); if (ret < 0) { qDebug("[Error] Can't me_host_get_samples_data (ret = 0x%.2x)\n", -ret); return false; } else { qDebug() << "[Success] me_host_get_samples_data"; } uint16 read_samples = 0; ret = me_get_read_samples(this->descriptor, &read_samples); if (ret < 0) { qDebug("[Error] Can't me_get_read_samples (ret = 0x%.2x)\n", -ret); this->stopConversion(); return false; } else { qDebug("[Success] me_get_read_samples = %u", read_samples); for(uint8 moduleIndex = 0; moduleIndex < me_get_module_count(this->first_address, this->last_address); ++moduleIndex) { for(uint8 channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < this->channel_count; ++channelIndex) { for(uint16 sample = first_sample_to_print; sample < last_sample_to_print; ++sample) { switch(this->modulesMode) { case ME_MMM_SLEEP: case ME_MMM_SEISMIC: case ME_MMM_COUNT: { sample_raw = ((double) sample * (double) datarate_raw)/1000000; data = me_get_seismic_sample_data(moduleIndex, sample, channelIndex, this->first_address, this->last_address, this->bytes_in_channel, this->bytes_in_module, this->bytes_in_line, samples_data); mdata[moduleIndex][channelIndex].push_back(QPointF(sample_raw, data)); } break; case ME_MMM_INCLINOMETER: { angle_data_t angle_data = me_get_inclinometer_sample_data(moduleIndex, channelIndex, this->first_address, this->last_address, this->bytes_in_channel, this->bytes_in_module, this->bytes_in_line, samples_data); } break; } } } } this->stopConversion(); ptrMole->emitMDataDump(mdata); } return true; }
/*! \internal Returns the meta data of the signal with \a index index or 0 if no such signal exists. If \a super is TRUE, inherited signals are included. */ QMetaData *QMetaObject::signal( int index, bool super ) const { return mdata( SIGNAL_CODE, index, super ); // get signal meta data }
/*! Removes the model from the data storage. */ bool TAbstractModel::remove() { return mdata()->remove(); }
/*! Updates the model to the data storage. */ bool TAbstractModel::update() { return mdata()->update(); }
/*! Saves the model to the data storage. If the model exists in the data storage, calls update(); otherwise calls create(). */ bool TAbstractModel::save() { return (mdata()->isNull()) ? create() : update(); }
void * OPS_Tri31(const ID &info) { if (num_Tri31 == 0) { num_Tri31++; opserr<<"Tri31 - Written by Roozbeh G. Mikola and N.Sitar, UC Berkeley\n"; //OPS_Error("Tri31 - Written by Roozbeh G. Mikola and N.Sitar, UC Berkeley\n",1); } int iData[5]; char *theType = (char*) "PlaneStress"; double dData[5]; dData[1] = 0.0; dData[2] = 0.0; dData[3] = 0.0; dData[4] = 0.0; int numData; // Pointer to an element that will be returned Element *theElement = 0; // regular element, not in a mesh, get tags if (info.Size() == 0) { int numRemainingInputArgs = OPS_GetNumRemainingInputArgs(); if (numRemainingInputArgs < 4) { opserr << "Invalid #args, want: element element Tri31 eleTag? iNode? jNode? kNode?\n"; return 0; } numData = 4; if (OPS_GetIntInput(&numData, iData) != 0) { opserr << "WARNING invalid integer data: element Tri31\n"; return 0; } } // regular element, or in a mesh if (info.Size()==0 || info(0)==1) { if(OPS_GetNumRemainingInputArgs() < 3) { opserr<<"insufficient arguments: thk? type? matTag? <pressure? rho? b1? b2?>\n"; return 0; } numData = 1; if (OPS_GetDoubleInput(&numData, dData) != 0) { opserr << "WARNING invalid thickness data: element Tri31 " << endln; return 0; } // if (OPS_GetStringCopy(&theType) != 0) { // opserr << "WARNING invalid type, want: ""PlaneStress"" or ""PlaneStrain"" element SSPquad " << iData[0] << endln; // return 0; // } theType = (char*)OPS_GetString(); numData = 1; if (OPS_GetIntInput(&numData, &iData[4]) != 0) { opserr << "WARNING invalid integer data: element Tri31\n"; return 0; } if (OPS_GetNumRemainingInputArgs() == 4) { numData = 4; if (OPS_GetDoubleInput(&numData, &dData[1]) != 0) { opserr << "WARNING invalid optional data: element Tri31 " << endln; return 0; } } } // store data for different mesh static std::map<int, Vector> meshdata; if (info.Size()>0 && info(0)==1) { if (info.Size() < 2) { opserr << "WARNING: need info -- inmesh, meshtag\n"; return 0; } // save the data for a mesh Vector& mdata = meshdata[info(1)]; mdata.resize(7); for (int i=0; i<5; ++i) { mdata(i) = dData[i]; } mdata(5) = iData[4]; if (strcmp(theType,"PlaneStrain") == 0 || strcmp(theType,"PlaneStrain2D") == 0) { mdata(6) = 1; } else if (strcmp(theType,"PlaneStress") == 0 || strcmp(theType,"PlaneStress2D") == 0) { mdata(6) = 2; } return &meshdata; } else if (info.Size()>0 && info(0)==2) { if (info.Size() < 6) { opserr << "WARNING: need info -- inmesh, meshtag, eleTag, nd1, nd2, nd3\n"; return 0; } // get the data for a mesh Vector& mdata = meshdata[info(1)]; if (mdata.Size() < 7) return 0; for (int i=0; i<5; ++i) { dData[i] = mdata(i); } for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) { iData[i] = info(2+i); } iData[4] = mdata(5); if (mdata(6) == 1) { theType = (char*)"PlaneStrain"; } else if (mdata(6) == 2) { theType = (char*)"PlaneStress"; } } int matID = iData[4]; NDMaterial *theMaterial = OPS_getNDMaterial(matID); if (theMaterial == 0) { opserr << "WARNING element Tri31 " << iData[0] << endln; opserr << " Material: " << matID << "not found\n"; return 0; } // parsing was successful, allocate the element theElement = new Tri31(iData[0], iData[1], iData[2], iData[3], *theMaterial, theType, dData[0], dData[1], dData[2], dData[3], dData[4]); if (theElement == 0) { opserr << "WARNING could not create element of type Tri31\n"; return 0; } return theElement; }
int test_azoo_scaling(Epetra_CrsMatrix& A, Epetra_Vector& x, Epetra_Vector& b, bool verbose) { Epetra_Vector vec1(x); Epetra_Vector vec2(x); Epetra_Vector diag(x); Epetra_Vector vec3(x); Epetra_Vector vec4(x); Epetra_Vector rhs(x); Epetra_Vector soln_none(x); Epetra_Vector soln_jacobi(x); Epetra_Vector soln_rowsum(x); Epetra_Vector soln_symdiag(x); vec1.PutScalar(1.0); A.Multiply(false, vec1, vec2); A.ExtractDiagonalCopy(diag); double* diag_vals = NULL; diag.ExtractView(&diag_vals); int* options = new int[AZ_OPTIONS_SIZE]; double* params = new double[AZ_PARAMS_SIZE]; AZ_defaults(options, params); options[AZ_output] = verbose ? 1 : AZ_none; options[AZ_scaling] = AZ_Jacobi; AztecOO::MatrixData mdata(&A); AZ_MATRIX* Amat = AZ_matrix_create(vec1.Map().NumMyElements()); AZ_set_MATFREE(Amat, (void*)(&mdata), Epetra_Aztec_matvec); AZ_SCALING* scaling = AZ_scaling_create(); double* xvals = NULL, *bvals = NULL; x.ExtractView(&xvals); b.ExtractView(&bvals); int err = AztecOO_scale_epetra(AZ_SCALE_MAT_RHS_SOL, Amat, options, bvals, xvals, NULL, scaling); if (err != 0) { if (verbose) { cout << "AztecOO_scale_epetra returned err="<<err<<endl; } return(err); } A.Multiply(false, vec1, vec3); vec4.Multiply(1.0, diag, vec3, 0.0); double vec2nrm, vec4nrm; vec2.Norm2(&vec2nrm); vec4.Norm2(&vec4nrm); if (fabs(vec2nrm - vec4nrm) > 1.e-6) { return(-1); } //now call the scaling function again, just to allow for //testing memory-leak issues. err = AztecOO_scale_epetra(AZ_SCALE_MAT_RHS_SOL, Amat, options, bvals, xvals, NULL, scaling); if (err != 0) { if (verbose) { cout << "AztecOO_scale_epetra returned err="<<err<<endl; } return(err); } AztecOO_scale_epetra(AZ_DESTROY_SCALING_DATA, Amat, options, bvals, xvals, NULL, scaling); x.PutScalar(1.0); Epetra_CrsMatrix* Atmp = create_and_fill_crs_matrix(A.RowMap()); Atmp->Multiply(false, x, rhs); x.PutScalar(0.0); AztecOO azoo(&A, &x, &b); azoo.SetAztecOption(AZ_scaling, AZ_Jacobi); if (verbose) { azoo.SetAztecOption(AZ_output, 1); } else { azoo.SetAztecOption(AZ_output, AZ_none); } azoo.Iterate(100, 1.e-6); delete Atmp; Epetra_CrsMatrix* Atmp1 = create_and_fill_crs_matrix(A.RowMap()); x.PutScalar(1.0); Atmp1->Multiply(false, x, rhs); soln_rowsum.PutScalar(0.0); AztecOO azoo1(Atmp1, &soln_rowsum, &rhs); azoo1.SetAztecOption(AZ_scaling, AZ_row_sum); azoo1.Iterate(100, 1.e-8); delete Atmp1; Epetra_CrsMatrix* Atmp2 = create_and_fill_crs_matrix(A.RowMap()); x.PutScalar(1.0); Atmp2->Multiply(false, x, rhs); soln_symdiag.PutScalar(0.0); AztecOO azoo2(Atmp2, &soln_symdiag, &rhs); azoo2.SetAztecOption(AZ_scaling, AZ_sym_diag); azoo2.Iterate(100, 1.e-8); delete Atmp2; Epetra_CrsMatrix* Atmp3 = create_and_fill_crs_matrix(A.RowMap()); x.PutScalar(1.0); Atmp3->Multiply(false, x, rhs); soln_none.PutScalar(0.0); AztecOO azoo3(Atmp3, &soln_none, &rhs); azoo3.SetAztecOption(AZ_scaling, AZ_none); azoo3.Iterate(100, 1.e-8); delete Atmp3; Epetra_CrsMatrix* Atmp4 = create_and_fill_crs_matrix(A.RowMap()); x.PutScalar(1.0); Atmp4->Multiply(false, x, rhs); soln_jacobi.PutScalar(0.0); AztecOO azoo4(Atmp4, &soln_jacobi, &rhs); azoo4.SetAztecOption(AZ_scaling, AZ_Jacobi); azoo4.Iterate(100, 1.e-8); delete Atmp4; //at this point, soln_none, soln_jacobi, soln_rowsum and soln_symdiag //should be the same or at least close to the same, since the //matrix used in the solution has well-behaved coefficients. //form vec1 = soln_none - soln_rowsum vec1.PutScalar(0.0); vec1.Update(1.0, soln_none, 0.0); vec1.Update(-1.0, soln_rowsum, 1.0); double norm_check1= 0.0; vec1.Norm2(&norm_check1); //form vec2 = soln_none - soln_symdiag vec2.PutScalar(0.0); vec2.Update(1.0, soln_none, 0.0); vec2.Update(-1.0, soln_symdiag, 1.0); double norm_check2= 0.0; vec2.Norm2(&norm_check2); //form vec3 = soln_none - soln_jacobi vec3.PutScalar(0.0); vec3.Update(1.0, soln_none, 0.0); vec3.Update(-1.0, soln_jacobi, 1.0); double norm_check3= 0.0; vec3.Norm2(&norm_check3); if (std::abs(norm_check1) > 1.e-6) { if (verbose) { cerr << "AZ_row_sum scaling produced bad soln" << endl; } return(-1); } if (std::abs(norm_check2) > 1.e-6) { if (verbose) { cerr << "AZ_sym_diag scaling produced bad soln" << endl; } return(-1); } if (std::abs(norm_check3) > 1.e-6) { if (verbose) { cerr << "AZ_Jacobi scaling produced bad soln" << endl; } return(-1); } options[AZ_pre_calc] = AZ_reuse; err = AztecOO_scale_epetra(AZ_SCALE_MAT_RHS_SOL, Amat, options, bvals, xvals, NULL, scaling); if (err == 0) { if (verbose) { cerr << "AztecOO_scale_epetra failed to return err when" << " asked to reuse non-existent scaling data."<<endl; } return(-1); } options[AZ_keep_info] = 1; options[AZ_pre_calc] = AZ_calc; err = AztecOO_scale_epetra(AZ_SCALE_MAT_RHS_SOL, Amat, options, bvals, xvals, NULL, scaling); if (err != 0) { if (verbose) { cerr << "AztecOO_scale_epetra returned err=="<<err<<endl; } return(err); } options[AZ_keep_info] = 0; options[AZ_pre_calc] = AZ_reuse; err = AztecOO_scale_epetra(AZ_SCALE_MAT_RHS_SOL, Amat, options, bvals, xvals, NULL, scaling); if (err != 0) { if (verbose) { cerr << "AztecOO_scale_epetra returned err=="<<err <<" when asked to reuse scaling data"<<endl; } return(err); } options[AZ_pre_calc] = AZ_calc; err = AztecOO_scale_epetra(AZ_DESTROY_SCALING_DATA, Amat, options, bvals, xvals, NULL, scaling); if (err != 0) { if (verbose) { std::cerr << "AztecOO_scale_epetra returned err=="<<err << " when asked to destroy scaling data."<<std::endl; } return(err); } AZ_matrix_destroy(&Amat); delete [] options; delete [] params; AZ_scaling_destroy(&scaling); AZ_manage_memory(0, AZ_CLEAR_ALL, 0, 0, 0); return(0); }
int lt_op ( ) { Matrix a; Matrix b; Matrix c; double lvalue; double rvalue; descriptor *left; descriptor *right; descriptor *result; descriptor temp; int type_error; int status; int cmp; unsigned i; unsigned j; right = pop ( ); result = top ( ); temp = *result; left = &temp; left = deref (left); right = deref (right); if (D_Type (left) != T_String || D_Type (right) != T_String) { left = CoerceData (left, T_Double); right = CoerceData (right, T_Double); } status = 0; type_error = F_False; switch (D_Type (left)) { case T_Double: switch (D_Type (right)) { case T_Double: D_Type (result) = T_Double; D_Temp (result) = F_False; D_Trapped (result) = F_False; D_Double (result) = dbllit (*D_Double (left) < *D_Double (right)); break; case T_Matrix: a = D_Matrix (right); CreateData (result, left, right, T_Matrix, Mrows (a), Mcols (a)); b = D_Matrix (result); lvalue = *D_Double (left); for (i = 1; i <= Mrows (a); i ++) for (j = 1; j <= Mcols (a); j ++) sdata (b, i, j) = lvalue < mdata (a, i, j); break; default: type_error = F_True; break; } break; case T_Matrix: switch (D_Type (right)) { case T_Double: a = D_Matrix (left); CreateData (result, left, right, T_Matrix, Mrows (a), Mcols (a)); b = D_Matrix (result); rvalue = *D_Double (right); for (i = 1; i <= Mrows (a); i ++) for (j = 1; j <= Mcols (a); j ++) sdata (b, i, j) = mdata (a, i, j) < rvalue; break; case T_Matrix: a = D_Matrix (left); b = D_Matrix (right); CreateData (result, left, right, T_Matrix, Mrows (a), Mcols (a)); c = D_Matrix (result); if ((status = CompareLTMatrices (c, a, b))) MatrixError ("<", a, b, status, F_False); break; default: type_error = F_True; break; } break; case T_String: switch (D_Type (right)) { case T_String: cmp = strcmp (*D_String (left), *D_String (right)); D_Type (result) = T_Double; D_Temp (result) = F_False; D_Trapped (result) = F_False; D_Double (result) = dbllit (cmp < 0); break; default: type_error = F_True; break; } break; default: type_error = F_True; break; } if (type_error == F_True) TypeError ("<", left, right, NULL, F_False); RecycleData (left); RecycleData (right); d_printf ("lt ans =\n"); d_PrintData (result); return type_error == F_True || status != 0; }
int ne_op ( ) { Matrix a; Matrix b; Matrix c; double lvalue; double rvalue; descriptor *left; descriptor *right; descriptor *result; descriptor temp; int type_error; int status; int cmp; unsigned i; unsigned j; right = pop ( ); result = top ( ); temp = *result; left = &temp; left = deref (left); right = deref (right); if (D_Type (left) != T_String || D_Type (right) != T_String) { left = CoerceData (left, T_Double); right = CoerceData (right, T_Double); } status = 0; type_error = F_False; switch (D_Type (left)) { case T_Double: switch (D_Type (right)) { case T_Double: D_Type (result) = T_Double; D_Temp (result) = F_False; D_Trapped (result) = F_False; D_Double (result) = dbllit (*D_Double (left) != *D_Double (right)); break; case T_Matrix: a = D_Matrix (right); CreateData (result, left, right, T_Matrix, Mrows (a), Mcols (a)); b = D_Matrix (result); lvalue = *D_Double (left); for (i = 1; i <= Mrows (a); i ++) for (j = 1; j <= Mcols (a); j ++) sdata (b, i, j) = lvalue != mdata (a, i, j); break; default: type_error = F_True; break; } break; case T_Matrix: switch (D_Type (right)) { case T_Double: a = D_Matrix (left); CreateData (result, left, right, T_Matrix, Mrows (a), Mcols (a)); b = D_Matrix (result); rvalue = *D_Double (right); for (i = 1; i <= Mrows (a); i ++) for (j = 1; j <= Mcols (a); j ++) sdata (b, i, j) = mdata (a, i, j) != rvalue; break; case T_Matrix: a = D_Matrix (left); b = D_Matrix (right); CreateData (result, left, right, T_Matrix, Mrows (a), Mcols (a)); c = D_Matrix (result); if ((status = CompareNEQMatrices (c, a, b))) MatrixError ("!=", a, b, status, F_False); break; default: type_error = F_True; break; } break; case T_String: switch (D_Type (right)) { case T_String: cmp = strcmp (*D_String (left), *D_String (right)); D_Type (result) = T_Double; D_Temp (result) = F_False; D_Trapped (result) = F_False; D_Double (result) = dbllit (cmp != 0); break; default: type_error = F_True; break; } break; case T_Function: case T_Intrinsic: case T_Array: case T_Pair: if (D_Type (left) == D_Type (right)) { D_Type (result) = T_Double; D_Temp (result) = F_False; D_Trapped (result) = F_False; D_Double (result) = dbllit (D_Pointer (left) == D_Pointer (right)); } else type_error = F_False; break; case T_Constraint: case T_Definition: case T_Element: case T_Force: case T_Load: case T_Material: case T_Node: case T_Stress: case T_External: if (D_Type (left) == D_Type (right)) { cmp = *(void **) D_Pointer (left) != *(void **) D_Pointer (right); D_Type (result) = T_Double; D_Temp (result) = F_False; D_Trapped (result) = F_False; D_Double (result) = dbllit (cmp); } else if (D_Type (right) == T_Null) { cmp = *(void **) D_Pointer (left) != NULL; D_Type (result) = T_Double; D_Temp (result) = F_False; D_Trapped (result) = F_False; D_Double (result) = dbllit (cmp); } else type_error = F_True; break; case T_Null: switch (D_Type (right)) { case T_Constraint: case T_Definition: case T_Element: case T_Force: case T_Load: case T_Material: case T_Node: case T_Stress: case T_External: cmp = *(void **) D_Pointer (right) != NULL; D_Type (result) = T_Double; D_Temp (result) = F_False; D_Trapped (result) = F_False; D_Double (result) = dbllit (cmp); break; default: type_error = F_True; break; } break; default: type_error = F_True; break; } if (type_error == F_True) TypeError ("!=", left, right, NULL, F_False); RecycleData (left); RecycleData (right); d_printf ("ne ans =\n"); d_PrintData (result); return type_error == F_True || status != 0; }