예제 #1
void meh_exec_popup_start_random_executable(App* app, Screen* screen) {
	g_assert(app != NULL);
	g_assert(screen != NULL);

	SimplePopupData* data = meh_simple_popup_get_data(screen);
	ExecutableListData* exec_list_data = meh_exec_list_get_data(data->src_screen);

	/* get a random executable */
	int platform_id = exec_list_data->platform->id;
	Executable* executable = meh_db_get_platform_random_executable(app->db, platform_id);

	if (executable) {
		Platform* platform = meh_db_get_platform(app->db, platform_id);
		if (platform) {
			/* keep some infos */
			PlatformListData* platform_list_data = meh_screen_platform_list_get_data(data->src_screen->parent_screen);

			int cursor_platform = platform_list_data->selected_platform;
			int cursor_exec = exec_list_data->selected_executable;

			meh_app_start_executable(app, platform, executable);

			/* destroy screens view */
			data->src_screen->parent_screen = NULL;
			platform_list_data = NULL;
			app->current_screen = NULL;
			exec_list_data = NULL;

			/* recreate the executable list view */
			data->src_screen = meh_exec_list_new(app, platform->id);
			exec_list_data = meh_exec_list_get_data(data->src_screen);

			/* restore the cursor position */
			exec_list_data->selected_executable = cursor_exec;
			meh_exec_list_after_cursor_move(app, data->src_screen, 0);

			/* recreate the parent screen which is the platform list */
			Screen* platform_screen = meh_screen_platform_list_new(app);
			data->src_screen->parent_screen = platform_screen;

			/* restore the cursor position */
			platform_list_data = meh_screen_platform_list_get_data(platform_screen);
			platform_list_data->selected_platform = cursor_platform;
			meh_screen_platform_change_platform(app, platform_screen);

예제 #2
파일: popup.c 프로젝트: MrTraan/mehstation
static void meh_screen_popup_favorite_toggle(App* app, Screen* screen) {
    g_assert(app != NULL);
    g_assert(screen != NULL);

    PopupData* data = meh_screen_popup_get_data(screen);
    ExecutableListData* exec_list_data = meh_exec_list_get_data(data->src_screen);

    /* updates the value of the executable */

    gboolean new_value = data->executable->favorite == 1 ? FALSE : TRUE;

    if (meh_db_set_executable_favorite(app->db, data->executable, new_value)) {
        data->executable->favorite = new_value;

    /* re-position the executable in the executables list if necessary */
    if (g_queue_get_length(exec_list_data->executables) > 1) {
        int prev_selected = exec_list_data->selected_executable;

        unsigned int i = 0;

        /* retrieves the one which will move in the list */
        Executable* to_move = g_queue_pop_nth(exec_list_data->executables, exec_list_data->selected_executable);

        /* find the good position for the moved executable */

        for (i = 0; i < g_queue_get_length(exec_list_data->executables); i++) {
            gboolean exit = FALSE;
            Executable* ex = g_queue_peek_nth(exec_list_data->executables, i);
            /* if favorite, ensure to stay in the favorite zone */
            if (new_value == TRUE) {
                if (ex->favorite == FALSE)  {
                    exit = TRUE;

            gchar* first = g_utf8_strup(ex->display_name, g_utf8_strlen(ex->display_name, -1));
            gchar* second = g_utf8_strup(data->executable->display_name, g_utf8_strlen(ex->display_name, -1));

            if (g_utf8_collate(first, second) > 0) {
                if (new_value == TRUE && ex->favorite == TRUE) {
                    exit = TRUE;
                else if (new_value == FALSE && ex->favorite == FALSE) {
                    exit = TRUE;


            if (exit) {

        GList* after = g_queue_peek_nth_link(exec_list_data->executables, i);

        /* re-add it to the good position */

        g_queue_insert_before(exec_list_data->executables, after, to_move);

        /* notify the screen of the new selected executable */

        exec_list_data->selected_executable = i;

        /* redraw the executables list texts */

        meh_exec_list_refresh_executables_widget(app, data->src_screen);

        /* move and redraw the selection */

        meh_exec_list_after_cursor_move(app, data->src_screen, prev_selected);

    /* finally close the popup */
