void ExpectFull(const unsigned char *pOutput, int OutputSize) { const ::testing::TestInfo *pTestInfo = ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info(); const char *pTestName = pTestInfo->name(); if(m_Buffer.Error() || m_Buffer.Size() != OutputSize || mem_comp(m_Buffer.Data(), pOutput, OutputSize) != 0) { char aFilename[64]; IOHANDLE File; str_format(aFilename, sizeof(aFilename), "%sGot.teehistorian", pTestName); File = io_open(aFilename, IOFLAG_WRITE); ASSERT_TRUE(File); io_write(File, m_Buffer.Data(), m_Buffer.Size()); io_close(File); str_format(aFilename, sizeof(aFilename), "%sExpected.teehistorian", pTestName); File = io_open(aFilename, IOFLAG_WRITE); ASSERT_TRUE(File); io_write(File, pOutput, OutputSize); io_close(File); } ASSERT_FALSE(m_Buffer.Error()); ASSERT_EQ(m_Buffer.Size(), OutputSize); ASSERT_TRUE(mem_comp(m_Buffer.Data(), pOutput, OutputSize) == 0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) // ignore_convention { NETADDR BindAddr; dbg_logger_stdout(); net_init(); mem_zero(&BindAddr, sizeof(BindAddr)); BindAddr.type = NETTYPE_ALL; BindAddr.port = VERSIONSRV_PORT; if(!g_NetOp.Open(BindAddr, 0)) { dbg_msg("mastersrv", "couldn't start network"); return -1; } BuildPackets(); dbg_msg("versionsrv", "started"); while(1) { g_NetOp.Update(); // process packets CNetChunk Packet; while(g_NetOp.Recv(&Packet)) { if(Packet.m_DataSize == sizeof(VERSIONSRV_GETVERSION) && mem_comp(Packet.m_pData, VERSIONSRV_GETVERSION, sizeof(VERSIONSRV_GETVERSION)) == 0) { SendVer(&Packet.m_Address); } if(Packet.m_DataSize == sizeof(VERSIONSRV_GETMAPLIST) && mem_comp(Packet.m_pData, VERSIONSRV_GETMAPLIST, sizeof(VERSIONSRV_GETMAPLIST)) == 0) { CNetChunk p; p.m_ClientID = -1; p.m_Address = Packet.m_Address; p.m_Flags = NETSENDFLAG_CONNLESS; for(int i = 0; i < m_NumPackets; i++) { p.m_DataSize = m_aPackets[i].m_Size; p.m_pData = &m_aPackets[i].m_Data; g_NetOp.Send(&p); } } } // be nice to the CPU thread_sleep(1); } return 0; }
int CRegister::RegisterProcessPacket(CNetChunk *pPacket) { // check for masterserver address bool Valid = false; NETADDR Addr1 = pPacket->m_Address; Addr1.port = 0; for(int i = 0; i < IMasterServer::MAX_MASTERSERVERS; i++) { NETADDR Addr2 = m_aMasterserverInfo[i].m_Addr; Addr2.port = 0; if(net_addr_comp(&Addr1, &Addr2) == 0) { Valid = true; break; } } if(!Valid) return 0; if(pPacket->m_DataSize == sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_FWCHECK) && mem_comp(pPacket->m_pData, SERVERBROWSE_FWCHECK, sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_FWCHECK)) == 0) { RegisterSendFwcheckresponse(&pPacket->m_Address); return 1; } else if(pPacket->m_DataSize == sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_FWOK) && mem_comp(pPacket->m_pData, SERVERBROWSE_FWOK, sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_FWOK)) == 0) { if(m_RegisterFirst) m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "register", "no firewall/nat problems detected"); RegisterNewState(REGISTERSTATE_REGISTERED); return 1; } else if(pPacket->m_DataSize == sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_FWERROR) && mem_comp(pPacket->m_pData, SERVERBROWSE_FWERROR, sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_FWERROR)) == 0) { m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "register", "ERROR: the master server reports that clients can not connect to this server."); char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "ERROR: configure your firewall/nat to let through udp on port %d.", g_Config.m_SvPort); m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "register", aBuf); RegisterNewState(REGISTERSTATE_ERROR); return 1; } else if(pPacket->m_DataSize == sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_COUNT)+2 && mem_comp(pPacket->m_pData, SERVERBROWSE_COUNT, sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_COUNT)) == 0) { RegisterGotCount(pPacket); return 1; } return 0; }
void CCharacter::OnPredictedInput(CNetObj_PlayerInput *pNewInput) { // check for changes if(mem_comp(&m_Input, pNewInput, sizeof(CNetObj_PlayerInput)) != 0) { m_LastAction = Server()->Tick(); modKeyStatus mks; if(pNewInput->m_Fire != m_Input.m_Fire){ (pNewInput->m_Fire % 2) ? (mks.m_Fire = true) : (mks.m_Fire = false); } if(pNewInput->m_Direction != m_Input.m_Direction){ (pNewInput->m_Direction % 2) ? (mks.m_Direction = true) : (mks.m_Direction = false); } if(pNewInput->m_Hook != m_Input.m_Hook){ (pNewInput->m_Hook % 2) ? (mks.m_Hook = true) : (mks.m_Hook = false); } if(pNewInput->m_Jump != m_Input.m_Jump){ (pNewInput->m_Jump % 2) ? (mks.m_Jump = true) : (mks.m_Jump = false); } for(std::set<mod *>::iterator i = modLoaderGetter::modloader_main->modList.begin(); i != modLoaderGetter::modloader_main->modList.end(); i++){ (*i)->onKeyStatusChanged(mks, this); } //down:button % 2 == 1 //up:button % 2 == 0 } // copy new input mem_copy(&m_Input, pNewInput, sizeof(m_Input)); m_NumInputs++; // it is not allowed to aim in the center if(m_Input.m_TargetX == 0 && m_Input.m_TargetY == 0) m_Input.m_TargetY = -1; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) // ignore_convention { NETADDR BindAddr; dbg_logger_stdout(); net_init(); mem_zero(&BindAddr, sizeof(BindAddr)); BindAddr.port = VERSIONSRV_PORT; g_NetOp.Open(BindAddr, 0); dbg_msg("versionsrv", "started"); while(1) { g_NetOp.Update(); // process packets CNetChunk Packet; while(g_NetOp.Recv(&Packet)) { if(Packet.m_DataSize == sizeof(VERSIONSRV_GETVERSION) && mem_comp(Packet.m_pData, VERSIONSRV_GETVERSION, sizeof(VERSIONSRV_GETVERSION)) == 0) { SendVer(&Packet.m_Address); } } // be nice to the CPU thread_sleep(1); } return 0; }
static int Run() { int64 NextHeartBeat = 0; NETADDR BindAddr = {NETTYPE_IPV4, {0},0}; if(!pNet->Open(BindAddr, 0, 0, 0, 0)) return 0; while(1) { CNetChunk p; pNet->Update(); while(pNet->Recv(&p)) { if(p.m_ClientID == -1) { if(p.m_DataSize == sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_GETINFO) && mem_comp(p.m_pData, SERVERBROWSE_GETINFO, sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_GETINFO)) == 0) { SendServerInfo(&p.m_Address); } else if(p.m_DataSize == sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_FWCHECK) && mem_comp(p.m_pData, SERVERBROWSE_FWCHECK, sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_FWCHECK)) == 0) { SendFWCheckResponse(&p.m_Address); } } } /* send heartbeats if needed */ if(NextHeartBeat < time_get()) { NextHeartBeat = time_get()+time_freq()*(15+(rand()%15)); SendHeartBeats(); } thread_sleep(100); } }
void CHARACTER::on_predicted_input(NETOBJ_PLAYER_INPUT *new_input) { // check for changes if(mem_comp(&input, new_input, sizeof(NETOBJ_PLAYER_INPUT)) != 0) last_action = server_tick(); // copy new input mem_copy(&input, new_input, sizeof(input)); num_inputs++; // or are not allowed to aim in the center if(input.target_x == 0 && input.target_y == 0) input.target_y = -1; }
void CCharacter::OnPredictedInput(CNetObj_PlayerInput *pNewInput) { // check for changes if(mem_comp(&m_Input, pNewInput, sizeof(CNetObj_PlayerInput)) != 0) m_LastAction = Server()->Tick(); // copy new input mem_copy(&m_Input, pNewInput, sizeof(m_Input)); m_NumInputs++; // it is not allowed to aim in the center if(m_Input.m_TargetX == 0 && m_Input.m_TargetY == 0) m_Input.m_TargetY = -1; }
void CGameClient::OnDemoRecSnap() { // add client info for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; ++i) { if(!m_aClients[i].m_Active) continue; CNetObj_De_ClientInfo *pClientInfo = static_cast<CNetObj_De_ClientInfo *>(Client()->SnapNewItem(NETOBJTYPE_DE_CLIENTINFO, i, sizeof(CNetObj_De_ClientInfo))); if(!pClientInfo) return; pClientInfo->m_Local = i==m_LocalClientID ? 1 : 0; pClientInfo->m_Team = m_aClients[i].m_Team; StrToInts(pClientInfo->m_aName, 4, m_aClients[i].m_aName); StrToInts(pClientInfo->m_aClan, 3, m_aClients[i].m_aClan); pClientInfo->m_Country = m_aClients[i].m_Country; for(int p = 0; p < 6; p++) { StrToInts(pClientInfo->m_aaSkinPartNames[p], 6, m_aClients[i].m_aaSkinPartNames[p]); pClientInfo->m_aUseCustomColors[p] = m_aClients[i].m_aUseCustomColors[p]; pClientInfo->m_aSkinPartColors[p] = m_aClients[i].m_aSkinPartColors[p]; } } // add tuning CTuningParams StandardTuning; if(mem_comp(&StandardTuning, &m_Tuning, sizeof(CTuningParams)) != 0) { CNetObj_De_TuneParams *pTuneParams = static_cast<CNetObj_De_TuneParams *>(Client()->SnapNewItem(NETOBJTYPE_DE_TUNEPARAMS, 0, sizeof(CNetObj_De_TuneParams))); if(!pTuneParams) return; mem_copy(pTuneParams->m_aTuneParams, &m_Tuning, sizeof(pTuneParams->m_aTuneParams)); } // add game info CNetObj_De_GameInfo *pGameInfo = static_cast<CNetObj_De_GameInfo *>(Client()->SnapNewItem(NETOBJTYPE_DE_GAMEINFO, 0, sizeof(CNetObj_De_GameInfo))); if(!pGameInfo) return; pGameInfo->m_GameFlags = m_GameInfo.m_GameFlags; pGameInfo->m_ScoreLimit = m_GameInfo.m_ScoreLimit; pGameInfo->m_TimeLimit = m_GameInfo.m_TimeLimit; pGameInfo->m_MatchNum = m_GameInfo.m_MatchNum; pGameInfo->m_MatchCurrent = m_GameInfo.m_MatchCurrent; }
int CNetServer::BanmasterCheck(NETADDR *pAddr, unsigned char *SequenceNumber) { int64 Timeout = time_freq(); int64 Now = time_get(); for(int i = 0; i < m_NumBanmasters; i++) { if(net_addr_comp(&m_aBanmasters[i], pAddr) == 0 && (mem_comp(m_aSequenceNumbers[i], SequenceNumber, NET_BANMASTER_NR_SIZE) == 0) && (m_aTimeouts[i] && m_aTimeouts[i]+Timeout > Now)) { return i; } } return -1; }
void CPlayer::AfkVoteTimer(CNetObj_PlayerInput *NewTarget) { if(g_Config.m_SvMaxAfkVoteTime == 0) return; if(mem_comp(NewTarget, &m_LastTarget, sizeof(CNetObj_PlayerInput)) != 0) { m_LastPlaytime = time_get(); mem_copy(&m_LastTarget, NewTarget, sizeof(CNetObj_PlayerInput)); } else if(m_LastPlaytime < time_get()-time_freq()*g_Config.m_SvMaxAfkVoteTime) { m_Afk = true; return; } m_Afk = false; }
void CGameContext::CheckPureTuning() { // might not be created yet during start up if(!m_pController) return; if( str_comp(m_pController->m_pGameType, "DM")==0 || str_comp(m_pController->m_pGameType, "TDM")==0 || str_comp(m_pController->m_pGameType, "CTF")==0) { CTuningParams p; if(mem_comp(&p, &m_Tuning, sizeof(p)) != 0) { Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "server", "resetting tuning due to pure server"); m_Tuning = p; } } }
std::list<IAccountSystem::ACCOUNT_INFO>::iterator CAccountSystem::Find(const unsigned char *pKey) { if (!pKey) return m_lAccounts.end(); std::list<ACCOUNT_INFO>::iterator it = m_lAccounts.begin(); while (it != m_lAccounts.end()) { ACCOUNT_INFO *pInfo = &(*it); if (pInfo && mem_comp(pInfo->m_aKey, pKey, sizeof(pInfo->m_aKey)) == 0) { return it; } ++it; } return m_lAccounts.end(); }
void CGameContext::OnSnap(int ClientID) { // add tuning to demo CTuningParams StandardTuning; if(ClientID == -1 && Server()->DemoRecorder_IsRecording() && mem_comp(&StandardTuning, &m_Tuning, sizeof(CTuningParams)) != 0) { CMsgPacker Msg(NETMSGTYPE_SV_TUNEPARAMS); int *pParams = (int *)&m_Tuning; for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(m_Tuning)/sizeof(int); i++) Msg.AddInt(pParams[i]); Server()->SendMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_RECORD|MSGFLAG_NOSEND, ClientID); } m_World.Snap(ClientID); m_pController->Snap(ClientID); m_Events.Snap(ClientID); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if(m_apPlayers[i]) m_apPlayers[i]->Snap(ClientID); } }
void CGameContext::OnSnap(int ClientID) { // add tuning to demo CTuningParams StandardTuning; if(ClientID == -1 && Server()->DemoRecorder_IsRecording() && mem_comp(&StandardTuning, &m_Tuning, sizeof(CTuningParams)) != 0) { CNetObj_De_TuneParams *pTuneParams = static_cast<CNetObj_De_TuneParams *>(Server()->SnapNewItem(NETOBJTYPE_DE_TUNEPARAMS, 0, sizeof(CNetObj_De_TuneParams))); if(!pTuneParams) return; mem_copy(pTuneParams->m_aTuneParams, &m_Tuning, sizeof(pTuneParams->m_aTuneParams)); } m_World.Snap(ClientID); m_pController->Snap(ClientID); m_Events.Snap(ClientID); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if(m_apPlayers[i]) m_apPlayers[i]->Snap(ClientID); } }
BOOL modem_process (U8 ch) { /* Modem character process event handler. This function is called when */ /* a new character has been received from the modem in command mode */ if (modem_st == MODEM_IDLE) { mlen = 0; return (__FALSE); } if (mlen < sizeof(mbuf)) { mbuf[mlen++] = ch; } /* Modem driver is processing a command */ if (wait_for) { /* 'modem_run()' is waiting for modem reply */ if (str_scomp (mbuf,reply) == __TRUE) { wait_for = 0; delay = 0; if (wait_conn) { /* OK, we are online here. */ wait_conn = 0; modem_st = MODEM_ONLINE; /* Inform the parent process we are online now. */ return (__TRUE); } } } /* Watch the modem disconnect because we do not use CD line */ if (mem_comp (mbuf,"NO CARRIER",10) == __TRUE) { set_mode (); } if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') { flush_buf (); } /* Modem not connected, return FALSE */ return (__FALSE); }
void CCharacter::TickDefered() { // advance the dummy { CWorldCore TempWorld; m_ReckoningCore.Init(&TempWorld, GameServer()->Collision()); m_ReckoningCore.Tick(false); m_ReckoningCore.Move(); m_ReckoningCore.Quantize(); } //lastsentcore vec2 StartPos = m_Core.m_Pos; vec2 StartVel = m_Core.m_Vel; bool StuckBefore = GameServer()->Collision()->TestBox(m_Core.m_Pos, vec2(28.0f, 28.0f)); m_Core.Move(); bool StuckAfterMove = GameServer()->Collision()->TestBox(m_Core.m_Pos, vec2(28.0f, 28.0f)); m_Core.Quantize(); bool StuckAfterQuant = GameServer()->Collision()->TestBox(m_Core.m_Pos, vec2(28.0f, 28.0f)); m_Pos = m_Core.m_Pos; if(!StuckBefore && (StuckAfterMove || StuckAfterQuant)) { // Hackish solution to get rid of strict-aliasing warning union { float f; unsigned u; }StartPosX, StartPosY, StartVelX, StartVelY; StartPosX.f = StartPos.x; StartPosY.f = StartPos.y; StartVelX.f = StartVel.x; StartVelY.f = StartVel.y; char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "STUCK!!! %d %d %d %f %f %f %f %x %x %x %x", StuckBefore, StuckAfterMove, StuckAfterQuant, StartPos.x, StartPos.y, StartVel.x, StartVel.y, StartPosX.u, StartPosY.u, StartVelX.u, StartVelY.u); GameServer()->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_DEBUG, "game", aBuf); } int Events = m_Core.m_TriggeredEvents; int Mask = CmaskAllExceptOne(m_pPlayer->GetCID()); if(Events&COREEVENT_GROUND_JUMP) GameServer()->CreateSound(m_Pos, SOUND_PLAYER_JUMP, Mask); if(Events&COREEVENT_HOOK_ATTACH_PLAYER) GameServer()->CreateSound(m_Pos, SOUND_HOOK_ATTACH_PLAYER, CmaskAll()); if(Events&COREEVENT_HOOK_ATTACH_GROUND) GameServer()->CreateSound(m_Pos, SOUND_HOOK_ATTACH_GROUND, Mask); if(Events&COREEVENT_HOOK_HIT_NOHOOK) GameServer()->CreateSound(m_Pos, SOUND_HOOK_NOATTACH, Mask); if(m_pPlayer->GetTeam() == TEAM_SPECTATORS) { m_Pos.x = m_Input.m_TargetX; m_Pos.y = m_Input.m_TargetY; } // update the m_SendCore if needed { CNetObj_Character Predicted; CNetObj_Character Current; mem_zero(&Predicted, sizeof(Predicted)); mem_zero(&Current, sizeof(Current)); m_ReckoningCore.Write(&Predicted); m_Core.Write(&Current); // only allow dead reackoning for a top of 3 seconds if(m_ReckoningTick+Server()->TickSpeed()*3 < Server()->Tick() || mem_comp(&Predicted, &Current, sizeof(CNetObj_Character)) != 0) { m_ReckoningTick = Server()->Tick(); m_SendCore = m_Core; m_ReckoningCore = m_Core; } } }
void cgi_process_data (U8 code, U8 *dat, U16 len) { /* This function is called by HTTP server to process the returned Data */ /* for the CGI Form POST method. It is called on SUBMIT from the browser. */ /* Parameters: */ /* code - callback context code */ /* 0 = www-url-encoded form data */ /* 1 = filename for file upload (0-terminated string) */ /* 2 = file upload raw data */ /* 3 = end of file upload (file close requested) */ /* 4 = any xml encoded POST data (single or last stream) */ /* 5 = the same as 4, but with more xml data to follow */ /* Use http_get_content_type() to check the content type */ /* dat - pointer to POST received data */ /* len - received data length */ U8 passw[12],retyped[12]; U8 *var,stpassw; switch (code) { case 0: /* Url encoded form data received. */ break; default: /* Ignore all other codes. */ return; } P2 = 0; LEDrun = __TRUE; if (len == 0) { /* No data or all items (radio, checkbox) are off. */ LED_out (P2); return; } stpassw = 0; var = (U8 *)alloc_mem (40); do { /* Parse all returned parameters. */ dat = http_get_var (dat, var, 40); if (var[0] != 0) { /* Parameter found, returned string is non 0-length. */ if (str_scomp (var, "led0=on") == __TRUE) { P2 |= 0x01; } else if (str_scomp (var, "led1=on") == __TRUE) { P2 |= 0x02; } else if (str_scomp (var, "led2=on") == __TRUE) { P2 |= 0x04; } else if (str_scomp (var, "led3=on") == __TRUE) { P2 |= 0x08; } else if (str_scomp (var, "led4=on") == __TRUE) { P2 |= 0x10; } else if (str_scomp (var, "led5=on") == __TRUE) { P2 |= 0x20; } else if (str_scomp (var, "led6=on") == __TRUE) { P2 |= 0x40; } else if (str_scomp (var, "led7=on") == __TRUE) { P2 |= 0x80; } else if (str_scomp (var, "ctrl=Browser") == __TRUE) { LEDrun = __FALSE; } else if (str_scomp (var, "pw=") == __TRUE) { /* Change password. */ str_copy (passw, var+3); stpassw |= 1; } else if (str_scomp (var, "pw2=") == __TRUE) { /* Retyped password. */ str_copy (retyped, var+4); stpassw |= 2; } else if (str_scomp (var, "lcd1=") == __TRUE) { /* LCD Module Line 1 text. */ str_copy (lcd_text[0], var+5); LCDupdate = __TRUE; } else if (str_scomp (var, "lcd2=") == __TRUE) { /* LCD Module Line 2 text. */ str_copy (lcd_text[1], var+5); LCDupdate = __TRUE; } } }while (dat); free_mem ((OS_FRAME *)var); LED_out (P2); if (stpassw == 0x03) { len = strlen ((const char *)passw); if (mem_comp (passw, retyped, len) == __TRUE) { /* OK, both entered passwords the same, change it. */ str_copy (http_auth_passw, passw); } } }
void CCharacter::TickDefered() { // advance the dummy { CWorldCore TempWorld; m_ReckoningCore.Init(&TempWorld, GameServer()->Collision()); m_ReckoningCore.Tick(false); m_ReckoningCore.Move(); m_ReckoningCore.Quantize(); } //lastsentcore vec2 StartPos = m_Core.m_Pos; vec2 StartVel = m_Core.m_Vel; bool StuckBefore = GameServer()->Collision()->TestBox(m_Core.m_Pos, vec2(28.0f, 28.0f)); m_Core.Move(); bool StuckAfterMove = GameServer()->Collision()->TestBox(m_Core.m_Pos, vec2(28.0f, 28.0f)); m_Core.Quantize(); bool StuckAfterQuant = GameServer()->Collision()->TestBox(m_Core.m_Pos, vec2(28.0f, 28.0f)); m_Pos = m_Core.m_Pos; if(!StuckBefore && (StuckAfterMove || StuckAfterQuant)) { dbg_msg("char_core", "STUCK!!! %d %d %d %f %f %f %f %x %x %x %x", StuckBefore, StuckAfterMove, StuckAfterQuant, StartPos.x, StartPos.y, StartVel.x, StartVel.y, *((unsigned *)&StartPos.x), *((unsigned *)&StartPos.y), *((unsigned *)&StartVel.x), *((unsigned *)&StartVel.y)); } int Events = m_Core.m_TriggeredEvents; int Mask = CmaskAllExceptOne(m_pPlayer->GetCID()); if(Events&COREEVENT_GROUND_JUMP) GameServer()->CreateSound(m_Pos, SOUND_PLAYER_JUMP, Mask); if(Events&COREEVENT_HOOK_ATTACH_PLAYER) GameServer()->CreateSound(m_Pos, SOUND_HOOK_ATTACH_PLAYER, CmaskAll()); if(Events&COREEVENT_HOOK_ATTACH_GROUND) GameServer()->CreateSound(m_Pos, SOUND_HOOK_ATTACH_GROUND, Mask); if(Events&COREEVENT_HOOK_HIT_NOHOOK) GameServer()->CreateSound(m_Pos, SOUND_HOOK_NOATTACH, Mask); if(m_pPlayer->GetTeam() == -1) { m_Pos.x = m_Input.m_TargetX; m_Pos.y = m_Input.m_TargetY; } // update the m_SendCore if needed { CNetObj_Character Predicted; CNetObj_Character Current; mem_zero(&Predicted, sizeof(Predicted)); mem_zero(&Current, sizeof(Current)); m_ReckoningCore.Write(&Predicted); m_Core.Write(&Current); // only allow dead reackoning for a top of 3 seconds if(m_ReckoningTick+Server()->TickSpeed()*3 < Server()->Tick() || mem_comp(&Predicted, &Current, sizeof(CNetObj_Character)) != 0) { m_ReckoningTick = Server()->Tick(); m_SendCore = m_Core; m_ReckoningCore = m_Core; } } }
void CGameClient::OnPredict() { // store the previous values so we can detect prediction errors CCharacterCore BeforePrevChar = m_PredictedPrevChar; CCharacterCore BeforeChar = m_PredictedChar; // we can't predict without our own id or own character if(m_LocalClientID == -1 || !m_Snap.m_aCharacters[m_LocalClientID].m_Active) return; // don't predict anything if we are paused or round/game is over if(m_Snap.m_pGameData && m_Snap.m_pGameData->m_GameStateFlags&(GAMESTATEFLAG_PAUSED|GAMESTATEFLAG_ROUNDOVER|GAMESTATEFLAG_GAMEOVER)) { if(m_Snap.m_pLocalCharacter) m_PredictedChar.Read(m_Snap.m_pLocalCharacter); if(m_Snap.m_pLocalPrevCharacter) m_PredictedPrevChar.Read(m_Snap.m_pLocalPrevCharacter); return; } // repredict character CWorldCore World; World.m_Tuning = m_Tuning; // search for players for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if(!m_Snap.m_aCharacters[i].m_Active) continue; m_aClients[i].m_Predicted.Init(&World, Collision()); World.m_apCharacters[i] = &m_aClients[i].m_Predicted; m_aClients[i].m_Predicted.Read(&m_Snap.m_aCharacters[i].m_Cur); } // predict for(int Tick = Client()->GameTick()+1; Tick <= Client()->PredGameTick(); Tick++) { // fetch the local if(Tick == Client()->PredGameTick() && World.m_apCharacters[m_LocalClientID]) m_PredictedPrevChar = *World.m_apCharacters[m_LocalClientID]; // first calculate where everyone should move for(int c = 0; c < MAX_CLIENTS; c++) { if(!World.m_apCharacters[c]) continue; mem_zero(&World.m_apCharacters[c]->m_Input, sizeof(World.m_apCharacters[c]->m_Input)); if(m_LocalClientID == c) { // apply player input const int *pInput = Client()->GetInput(Tick); if(pInput) World.m_apCharacters[c]->m_Input = *((const CNetObj_PlayerInput*)pInput); World.m_apCharacters[c]->Tick(true); } else World.m_apCharacters[c]->Tick(false); } // move all players and quantize their data for(int c = 0; c < MAX_CLIENTS; c++) { if(!World.m_apCharacters[c]) continue; World.m_apCharacters[c]->Move(); World.m_apCharacters[c]->Quantize(); } // check if we want to trigger effects if(Tick > m_LastNewPredictedTick) { m_LastNewPredictedTick = Tick; if(m_LocalClientID != -1 && World.m_apCharacters[m_LocalClientID]) ProcessTriggeredEvents(World.m_apCharacters[m_LocalClientID]->m_TriggeredEvents, World.m_apCharacters[m_LocalClientID]->m_Pos); } if(Tick == Client()->PredGameTick() && World.m_apCharacters[m_LocalClientID]) m_PredictedChar = *World.m_apCharacters[m_LocalClientID]; } if(g_Config.m_Debug && g_Config.m_ClPredict && m_PredictedTick == Client()->PredGameTick()) { CNetObj_CharacterCore Before = {0}, Now = {0}, BeforePrev = {0}, NowPrev = {0}; BeforeChar.Write(&Before); BeforePrevChar.Write(&BeforePrev); m_PredictedChar.Write(&Now); m_PredictedPrevChar.Write(&NowPrev); if(mem_comp(&Before, &Now, sizeof(CNetObj_CharacterCore)) != 0) { Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_DEBUG, "client", "prediction error"); for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(CNetObj_CharacterCore)/sizeof(int); i++) if(((int *)&Before)[i] != ((int *)&Now)[i]) { char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), " %d %d %d (%d %d)", i, ((int *)&Before)[i], ((int *)&Now)[i], ((int *)&BeforePrev)[i], ((int *)&NowPrev)[i]); Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_DEBUG, "client", aBuf); } } } m_PredictedTick = Client()->PredGameTick(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) // ignore_convention { int64 LastBuild = 0; NETADDR BindAddr; dbg_logger_stdout(); net_init(); mem_zero(&BindAddr, sizeof(BindAddr)); BindAddr.port = MASTERSERVER_PORT; m_NetOp.Open(BindAddr, 0); BindAddr.port = MASTERSERVER_PORT+1; m_NetChecker.Open(BindAddr, 0); // TODO: check socket for errors //mem_copy(data.header, SERVERBROWSE_LIST, sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_LIST)); mem_copy(m_CountData.m_Header, SERVERBROWSE_COUNT, sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_COUNT)); dbg_msg("mastersrv", "started"); while(1) { m_NetOp.Update(); m_NetChecker.Update(); // process m_aPackets CNetChunk Packet; while(m_NetOp.Recv(&Packet)) { if(Packet.m_DataSize == sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_HEARTBEAT)+2 && mem_comp(Packet.m_pData, SERVERBROWSE_HEARTBEAT, sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_HEARTBEAT)) == 0) { NETADDR Alt; unsigned char *d = (unsigned char *)Packet.m_pData; Alt = Packet.m_Address; Alt.port = (d[sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_HEARTBEAT)]<<8) | d[sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_HEARTBEAT)+1]; // add it AddCheckserver(&Packet.m_Address, &Alt); } else if(Packet.m_DataSize == sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_GETCOUNT) && mem_comp(Packet.m_pData, SERVERBROWSE_GETCOUNT, sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_GETCOUNT)) == 0) { dbg_msg("mastersrv", "count requested, responding with %d", m_NumServers); CNetChunk p; p.m_ClientID = -1; p.m_Address = Packet.m_Address; p.m_Flags = NETSENDFLAG_CONNLESS; p.m_DataSize = sizeof(m_CountData); p.m_pData = &m_CountData; m_CountData.m_High = (m_NumServers>>8)&0xff; m_CountData.m_Low = m_NumServers&0xff; m_NetOp.Send(&p); } else if(Packet.m_DataSize == sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_GETLIST) && mem_comp(Packet.m_pData, SERVERBROWSE_GETLIST, sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_GETLIST)) == 0) { // someone requested the list dbg_msg("mastersrv", "requested, responding with %d m_aServers", m_NumServers); CNetChunk p; p.m_ClientID = -1; p.m_Address = Packet.m_Address; p.m_Flags = NETSENDFLAG_CONNLESS; for(int i = 0; i < m_NumPackets; i++) { p.m_DataSize = m_aPackets[i].m_Size; p.m_pData = &m_aPackets[i].m_Data; m_NetOp.Send(&p); } } }
void Process(IStorageTW *pStorage, const char *pMapName, const char *pConfigName) { IOHANDLE File = pStorage->OpenFile(pConfigName, IOFLAG_READ, IStorageTW::TYPE_ALL); array<char *> aLines; char *pSettings = NULL; if(!File) { dbg_msg("config_store", "config '%s' not found", pConfigName); return; } CLineReader LineReader; LineReader.Init(File); char *pLine; int TotalLength = 0; while((pLine = LineReader.Get())) { int Length = str_length(pLine) + 1; char *pCopy = (char *)mem_alloc(Length, 1); mem_copy(pCopy, pLine, Length); aLines.add(pCopy); TotalLength += Length; } pSettings = (char *)mem_alloc(TotalLength, 1); int Offset = 0; for(int i = 0; i < aLines.size(); i++) { int Length = str_length(aLines[i]) + 1; mem_copy(pSettings + Offset, aLines[i], Length); Offset += Length; mem_free(aLines[i]); } CDataFileReader Reader; Reader.Open(pStorage, pMapName, IStorageTW::TYPE_ALL); CDataFileWriter Writer; Writer.Init(); int SettingsIndex = Reader.NumData(); bool FoundInfo = false; for(int i = 0; i < Reader.NumItems(); i++) { int TypeID; int ItemID; int *pData = (int *)Reader.GetItem(i, &TypeID, &ItemID); // GetItemSize returns item size including header, remove that. int Size = Reader.GetItemSize(i) - sizeof(int) * 2; CMapItemInfoSettings MapInfo; if(TypeID == MAPITEMTYPE_INFO && ItemID == 0) { FoundInfo = true; CMapItemInfoSettings *pInfo = (CMapItemInfoSettings *)pData; if(Size >= (int)sizeof(CMapItemInfoSettings)) { MapInfo = *pInfo; pData = (int *)&MapInfo; Size = sizeof(MapInfo); if(pInfo->m_Settings > -1) { SettingsIndex = pInfo->m_Settings; char *pMapSettings = (char *)Reader.GetData(SettingsIndex); int DataSize = Reader.GetUncompressedDataSize(SettingsIndex); if(DataSize == TotalLength && mem_comp(pSettings, pMapSettings, DataSize) == 0) { dbg_msg("config_store", "configs coincide, not updating map"); return; } Reader.UnloadData(pInfo->m_Settings); } else { MapInfo = *pInfo; MapInfo.m_Settings = SettingsIndex; pData = (int *)&MapInfo; Size = sizeof(MapInfo); } } else { *(CMapItemInfo *)&MapInfo = *(CMapItemInfo *)pInfo; MapInfo.m_Settings = SettingsIndex; pData = (int *)&MapInfo; Size = sizeof(MapInfo); } } Writer.AddItem(TypeID, ItemID, Size, pData); } if(!FoundInfo) { CMapItemInfoSettings Info; Info.m_Version = 1; Info.m_Author = -1; Info.m_MapVersion = -1; Info.m_Credits = -1; Info.m_License = -1; Info.m_Settings = SettingsIndex; Writer.AddItem(MAPITEMTYPE_INFO, 0, sizeof(Info), &Info); } for(int i = 0; i < Reader.NumData() || i == SettingsIndex; i++) { if(i == SettingsIndex) { Writer.AddData(TotalLength, pSettings); continue; } unsigned char *pData = (unsigned char *)Reader.GetData(i); int Size = Reader.GetUncompressedDataSize(i); Writer.AddData(Size, pData); Reader.UnloadData(i); } Reader.Close(); if(!Writer.OpenFile(pStorage, pMapName)) { dbg_msg("config_store", "couldn't open map file '%s' for writing", pMapName); return; } Writer.Finish(); dbg_msg("config_store", "imported settings"); }
void CGameClient::OnNewSnapshot() { m_NewTick = true; // clear out the invalid pointers mem_zero(&g_GameClient.m_Snap, sizeof(g_GameClient.m_Snap)); m_Snap.m_LocalCid = -1; // secure snapshot { int Num = Client()->SnapNumItems(IClient::SNAP_CURRENT); for(int Index = 0; Index < Num; Index++) { IClient::CSnapItem Item; void *pData = Client()->SnapGetItem(IClient::SNAP_CURRENT, Index, &Item); if(m_NetObjHandler.ValidateObj(Item.m_Type, pData, Item.m_DataSize) != 0) { if(g_Config.m_Debug) dbg_msg("game", "invalidated index=%d type=%d (%s) size=%d id=%d", Index, Item.m_Type, m_NetObjHandler.GetObjName(Item.m_Type), Item.m_DataSize, Item.m_Id); Client()->SnapInvalidateItem(IClient::SNAP_CURRENT, Index); } } } ProcessEvents(); if(g_Config.m_DbgStress) { if((Client()->GameTick()%100) == 0) { char aMessage[64]; int MsgLen = rand()%(sizeof(aMessage)-1); for(int i = 0; i < MsgLen; i++) aMessage[i] = 'a'+(rand()%('z'-'a')); aMessage[MsgLen] = 0; CNetMsg_Cl_Say Msg; Msg.m_Team = rand()&1; Msg.m_pMessage = aMessage; Client()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL); } } // go trough all the items in the snapshot and gather the info we want { m_Snap.m_aTeamSize[0] = m_Snap.m_aTeamSize[1] = 0; int Num = Client()->SnapNumItems(IClient::SNAP_CURRENT); for(int i = 0; i < Num; i++) { IClient::CSnapItem Item; const void *pData = Client()->SnapGetItem(IClient::SNAP_CURRENT, i, &Item); if(Item.m_Type == NETOBJTYPE_CLIENTINFO) { const CNetObj_ClientInfo *pInfo = (const CNetObj_ClientInfo *)pData; int Cid = Item.m_Id; IntsToStr(&pInfo->m_Name0, 6, m_aClients[Cid].m_aName); IntsToStr(&pInfo->m_Skin0, 6, m_aClients[Cid].m_aSkinName); m_aClients[Cid].m_UseCustomColor = pInfo->m_UseCustomColor; m_aClients[Cid].m_ColorBody = pInfo->m_ColorBody; m_aClients[Cid].m_ColorFeet = pInfo->m_ColorFeet; // prepare the info if(m_aClients[Cid].m_aSkinName[0] == 'x' || m_aClients[Cid].m_aSkinName[1] == '_') str_copy(m_aClients[Cid].m_aSkinName, "default", 64); m_aClients[Cid].m_SkinInfo.m_ColorBody = m_pSkins->GetColor(m_aClients[Cid].m_ColorBody); m_aClients[Cid].m_SkinInfo.m_ColorFeet = m_pSkins->GetColor(m_aClients[Cid].m_ColorFeet); m_aClients[Cid].m_SkinInfo.m_Size = 64; // find new skin m_aClients[Cid].m_SkinId = g_GameClient.m_pSkins->Find(m_aClients[Cid].m_aSkinName); if(m_aClients[Cid].m_SkinId < 0) { m_aClients[Cid].m_SkinId = g_GameClient.m_pSkins->Find("default"); if(m_aClients[Cid].m_SkinId < 0) m_aClients[Cid].m_SkinId = 0; } if(m_aClients[Cid].m_UseCustomColor) m_aClients[Cid].m_SkinInfo.m_Texture = g_GameClient.m_pSkins->Get(m_aClients[Cid].m_SkinId)->m_ColorTexture; else { m_aClients[Cid].m_SkinInfo.m_Texture = g_GameClient.m_pSkins->Get(m_aClients[Cid].m_SkinId)->m_OrgTexture; m_aClients[Cid].m_SkinInfo.m_ColorBody = vec4(1,1,1,1); m_aClients[Cid].m_SkinInfo.m_ColorFeet = vec4(1,1,1,1); } m_aClients[Cid].UpdateRenderInfo(); g_GameClient.m_Snap.m_NumPlayers++; } else if(Item.m_Type == NETOBJTYPE_PLAYERINFO) { const CNetObj_PlayerInfo *pInfo = (const CNetObj_PlayerInfo *)pData; m_aClients[pInfo->m_ClientId].m_Team = pInfo->m_Team; m_Snap.m_paPlayerInfos[pInfo->m_ClientId] = pInfo; if(pInfo->m_Local) { m_Snap.m_LocalCid = Item.m_Id; m_Snap.m_pLocalInfo = pInfo; if (pInfo->m_Team == -1) m_Snap.m_Spectate = true; } // calculate team-balance if(pInfo->m_Team != -1) m_Snap.m_aTeamSize[pInfo->m_Team]++; } else if(Item.m_Type == NETOBJTYPE_CHARACTER) { const void *pOld = Client()->SnapFindItem(IClient::SNAP_PREV, NETOBJTYPE_CHARACTER, Item.m_Id); if(pOld) { m_Snap.m_aCharacters[Item.m_Id].m_Active = true; m_Snap.m_aCharacters[Item.m_Id].m_Prev = *((const CNetObj_Character *)pOld); m_Snap.m_aCharacters[Item.m_Id].m_Cur = *((const CNetObj_Character *)pData); if(m_Snap.m_aCharacters[Item.m_Id].m_Prev.m_Tick) Evolve(&m_Snap.m_aCharacters[Item.m_Id].m_Prev, Client()->PrevGameTick()); if(m_Snap.m_aCharacters[Item.m_Id].m_Cur.m_Tick) Evolve(&m_Snap.m_aCharacters[Item.m_Id].m_Cur, Client()->GameTick()); } } else if(Item.m_Type == NETOBJTYPE_GAME) m_Snap.m_pGameobj = (CNetObj_Game *)pData; else if(Item.m_Type == NETOBJTYPE_FLAG) m_Snap.m_paFlags[Item.m_Id%2] = (const CNetObj_Flag *)pData; } } // setup local pointers if(m_Snap.m_LocalCid >= 0) { CSnapState::CCharacterInfo *c = &m_Snap.m_aCharacters[m_Snap.m_LocalCid]; if(c->m_Active) { m_Snap.m_pLocalCharacter = &c->m_Cur; m_Snap.m_pLocalPrevCharacter = &c->m_Prev; m_LocalCharacterPos = vec2(m_Snap.m_pLocalCharacter->m_X, m_Snap.m_pLocalCharacter->m_Y); } } else m_Snap.m_Spectate = true; CTuningParams StandardTuning; CServerInfo CurrentServerInfo; Client()->GetServerInfo(&CurrentServerInfo); if(CurrentServerInfo.m_aGameType[0] != '0') { if(str_comp(CurrentServerInfo.m_aGameType, "DM") != 0 && str_comp(CurrentServerInfo.m_aGameType, "TDM") != 0 && str_comp(CurrentServerInfo.m_aGameType, "CTF") != 0) m_ServerMode = SERVERMODE_MOD; else if(mem_comp(&StandardTuning, &m_Tuning, sizeof(CTuningParams)) == 0) m_ServerMode = SERVERMODE_PURE; else m_ServerMode = SERVERMODE_PUREMOD; } // update render info for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) m_aClients[i].UpdateRenderInfo(); }
int CNetConnection::Feed(CNetPacketConstruct *pPacket, NETADDR *pAddr, SECURITY_TOKEN SecurityToken) { if (State() != NET_CONNSTATE_OFFLINE && m_SecurityToken != NET_SECURITY_TOKEN_UNKNOWN && m_SecurityToken != NET_SECURITY_TOKEN_UNSUPPORTED) { // supposed to have a valid token in this packet, check it if (pPacket->m_DataSize < (int)sizeof(m_SecurityToken)) return 0; pPacket->m_DataSize -= sizeof(m_SecurityToken); if (m_SecurityToken != ToSecurityToken(&pPacket->m_aChunkData[pPacket->m_DataSize])) { if(g_Config.m_Debug) dbg_msg("security", "token mismatch, expected %d got %d", m_SecurityToken, ToSecurityToken(&pPacket->m_aChunkData[pPacket->m_DataSize])); return 0; } } int64 Now = time_get(); // check if resend is requested if(pPacket->m_Flags&NET_PACKETFLAG_RESEND) Resend(); // if(pPacket->m_Flags&NET_PACKETFLAG_CONTROL) { int CtrlMsg = pPacket->m_aChunkData[0]; if(CtrlMsg == NET_CTRLMSG_CLOSE) { if(net_addr_comp(&m_PeerAddr, pAddr) == 0) { m_State = NET_CONNSTATE_ERROR; m_RemoteClosed = 1; char Str[128] = {0}; if(pPacket->m_DataSize > 1) { // make sure to sanitize the error string form the other party if(pPacket->m_DataSize < 128) str_copy(Str, (char *)&pPacket->m_aChunkData[1], pPacket->m_DataSize); else str_copy(Str, (char *)&pPacket->m_aChunkData[1], sizeof(Str)); str_sanitize_strong(Str); } if(!m_BlockCloseMsg) { // set the error string SetError(Str); } if(g_Config.m_Debug) dbg_msg("conn", "closed reason='%s'", Str); } return 0; } else { if(State() == NET_CONNSTATE_OFFLINE) { if(CtrlMsg == NET_CTRLMSG_CONNECT) { NETADDR nAddr; mem_copy(&nAddr, pAddr, sizeof(nAddr)); nAddr.port = 0; m_PeerAddr.port = 0; #ifndef FUZZING if(net_addr_comp(&m_PeerAddr, &nAddr) == 0 && time_get() - m_LastUpdateTime < time_freq() * 3) return 0; #endif // send response and init connection Reset(); m_State = NET_CONNSTATE_PENDING; m_PeerAddr = *pAddr; mem_zero(m_ErrorString, sizeof(m_ErrorString)); m_LastSendTime = Now; m_LastRecvTime = Now; m_LastUpdateTime = Now; if (m_SecurityToken == NET_SECURITY_TOKEN_UNKNOWN && pPacket->m_DataSize >= (int)(1 + sizeof(SECURITY_TOKEN_MAGIC) + sizeof(m_SecurityToken)) && !mem_comp(&pPacket->m_aChunkData[1], SECURITY_TOKEN_MAGIC, sizeof(SECURITY_TOKEN_MAGIC))) { m_SecurityToken = SecurityToken; if(g_Config.m_Debug) dbg_msg("security", "generated token %d", m_SecurityToken); } else { if(g_Config.m_Debug) dbg_msg("security", "token not supported by client (packet size %d)", pPacket->m_DataSize); m_SecurityToken = NET_SECURITY_TOKEN_UNSUPPORTED; } SendControl(NET_CTRLMSG_CONNECTACCEPT, SECURITY_TOKEN_MAGIC, sizeof(SECURITY_TOKEN_MAGIC)); if(g_Config.m_Debug) dbg_msg("connection", "got connection, sending connect+accept"); } } else if(State() == NET_CONNSTATE_CONNECT) { // connection made if(CtrlMsg == NET_CTRLMSG_CONNECTACCEPT) { if (m_SecurityToken == NET_SECURITY_TOKEN_UNKNOWN && pPacket->m_DataSize >= (int)(1 + sizeof(SECURITY_TOKEN_MAGIC) + sizeof(m_SecurityToken)) && !mem_comp(&pPacket->m_aChunkData[1], SECURITY_TOKEN_MAGIC, sizeof(SECURITY_TOKEN_MAGIC))) { m_SecurityToken = ToSecurityToken(&pPacket->m_aChunkData[1 + sizeof(SECURITY_TOKEN_MAGIC)]); if(g_Config.m_Debug) dbg_msg("security", "got token %d", m_SecurityToken); } else { m_SecurityToken = NET_SECURITY_TOKEN_UNSUPPORTED; if(g_Config.m_Debug) dbg_msg("security", "token not supported by server"); } m_LastRecvTime = Now; SendControl(NET_CTRLMSG_ACCEPT, 0, 0); m_State = NET_CONNSTATE_ONLINE; if(g_Config.m_Debug) dbg_msg("connection", "got connect+accept, sending accept. connection online"); } } } } else { if(State() == NET_CONNSTATE_PENDING) { m_LastRecvTime = Now; m_State = NET_CONNSTATE_ONLINE; if(g_Config.m_Debug) dbg_msg("connection", "connecting online"); } } if(State() == NET_CONNSTATE_ONLINE) { m_LastRecvTime = Now; AckChunks(pPacket->m_Ack); } return 1; }
void CGameClient::OnNewSnapshot() { // clear out the invalid pointers mem_zero(&m_Snap, sizeof(m_Snap)); // secure snapshot { int Num = Client()->SnapNumItems(IClient::SNAP_CURRENT); for(int Index = 0; Index < Num; Index++) { IClient::CSnapItem Item; const void *pData = Client()->SnapGetItem(IClient::SNAP_CURRENT, Index, &Item); if(m_NetObjHandler.ValidateObj(Item.m_Type, pData, Item.m_DataSize) != 0) { if(g_Config.m_Debug) { char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "invalidated index=%d type=%d (%s) size=%d id=%d", Index, Item.m_Type, m_NetObjHandler.GetObjName(Item.m_Type), Item.m_DataSize, Item.m_ID); Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_DEBUG, "game", aBuf); } Client()->SnapInvalidateItem(IClient::SNAP_CURRENT, Index); } } } ProcessEvents(); if(g_Config.m_DbgStress) { if((Client()->GameTick()%100) == 0) { char aMessage[64]; int MsgLen = random_int()%(sizeof(aMessage)-1); for(int i = 0; i < MsgLen; i++) aMessage[i] = 'a'+(random_int()%('z'-'a')); aMessage[MsgLen] = 0; CNetMsg_Cl_Say Msg; Msg.m_Mode = random_int()&1; Msg.m_Target = -1; Msg.m_pMessage = aMessage; Client()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL); } } CTuningParams StandardTuning; if(Client()->State() == IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK) { m_Tuning = StandardTuning; mem_zero(&m_GameInfo, sizeof(m_GameInfo)); } // go trough all the items in the snapshot and gather the info we want { int Num = Client()->SnapNumItems(IClient::SNAP_CURRENT); for(int i = 0; i < Num; i++) { IClient::CSnapItem Item; const void *pData = Client()->SnapGetItem(IClient::SNAP_CURRENT, i, &Item); // demo items if(Client()->State() == IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK) { if(Item.m_Type == NETOBJTYPE_DE_CLIENTINFO) { const CNetObj_De_ClientInfo *pInfo = (const CNetObj_De_ClientInfo *)pData; int ClientID = Item.m_ID; CClientData *pClient = &m_aClients[ClientID]; if(pInfo->m_Local) m_LocalClientID = ClientID; pClient->m_Active = true; pClient->m_Team = pInfo->m_Team; IntsToStr(pInfo->m_aName, 4, pClient->m_aName); IntsToStr(pInfo->m_aClan, 3, pClient->m_aClan); pClient->m_Country = pInfo->m_Country; for(int p = 0; p < NUM_SKINPARTS; p++) { IntsToStr(pInfo->m_aaSkinPartNames[p], 6, pClient->m_aaSkinPartNames[p]); pClient->m_aUseCustomColors[p] = pInfo->m_aUseCustomColors[p]; pClient->m_aSkinPartColors[p] = pInfo->m_aSkinPartColors[p]; } m_GameInfo.m_NumPlayers++; // calculate team-balance if(pClient->m_Team != TEAM_SPECTATORS) m_GameInfo.m_aTeamSize[pClient->m_Team]++; } else if(Item.m_Type == NETOBJTYPE_DE_GAMEINFO) { const CNetObj_De_GameInfo *pInfo = (const CNetObj_De_GameInfo *)pData; m_GameInfo.m_GameFlags = pInfo->m_GameFlags; m_GameInfo.m_ScoreLimit = pInfo->m_ScoreLimit; m_GameInfo.m_TimeLimit = pInfo->m_TimeLimit; m_GameInfo.m_MatchNum = pInfo->m_MatchNum; m_GameInfo.m_MatchCurrent = pInfo->m_MatchCurrent; } else if(Item.m_Type == NETOBJTYPE_DE_TUNEPARAMS) { const CNetObj_De_TuneParams *pInfo = (const CNetObj_De_TuneParams *)pData; mem_copy(&m_Tuning, pInfo->m_aTuneParams, sizeof(m_Tuning)); m_ServerMode = SERVERMODE_PURE; } } // network items if(Item.m_Type == NETOBJTYPE_PLAYERINFO) { const CNetObj_PlayerInfo *pInfo = (const CNetObj_PlayerInfo *)pData; int ClientID = Item.m_ID; if(m_aClients[ClientID].m_Active) { m_Snap.m_paPlayerInfos[ClientID] = pInfo; m_Snap.m_aInfoByScore[ClientID].m_pPlayerInfo = pInfo; m_Snap.m_aInfoByScore[ClientID].m_ClientID = ClientID; if(m_LocalClientID == ClientID) { m_Snap.m_pLocalInfo = pInfo; if(m_aClients[ClientID].m_Team == TEAM_SPECTATORS) { m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_Active = true; m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_SpecMode = SPEC_FREEVIEW; m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_SpectatorID = -1; } } } } else if(Item.m_Type == NETOBJTYPE_CHARACTER) { const void *pOld = Client()->SnapFindItem(IClient::SNAP_PREV, NETOBJTYPE_CHARACTER, Item.m_ID); m_Snap.m_aCharacters[Item.m_ID].m_Cur = *((const CNetObj_Character *)pData); // clamp ammo count for non ninja weapon if(m_Snap.m_aCharacters[Item.m_ID].m_Cur.m_Weapon != WEAPON_NINJA) m_Snap.m_aCharacters[Item.m_ID].m_Cur.m_AmmoCount = clamp(m_Snap.m_aCharacters[Item.m_ID].m_Cur.m_AmmoCount, 0, 10); if(pOld) { m_Snap.m_aCharacters[Item.m_ID].m_Active = true; m_Snap.m_aCharacters[Item.m_ID].m_Prev = *((const CNetObj_Character *)pOld); if(m_Snap.m_aCharacters[Item.m_ID].m_Prev.m_Tick) EvolveCharacter(&m_Snap.m_aCharacters[Item.m_ID].m_Prev, Client()->PrevGameTick()); if(m_Snap.m_aCharacters[Item.m_ID].m_Cur.m_Tick) EvolveCharacter(&m_Snap.m_aCharacters[Item.m_ID].m_Cur, Client()->GameTick()); } if(Item.m_ID != m_LocalClientID || Client()->State() == IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK) ProcessTriggeredEvents(m_Snap.m_aCharacters[Item.m_ID].m_Cur.m_TriggeredEvents, vec2(m_Snap.m_aCharacters[Item.m_ID].m_Cur.m_X, m_Snap.m_aCharacters[Item.m_ID].m_Cur.m_Y)); } else if(Item.m_Type == NETOBJTYPE_SPECTATORINFO) { m_Snap.m_pSpectatorInfo = (const CNetObj_SpectatorInfo *)pData; m_Snap.m_pPrevSpectatorInfo = (const CNetObj_SpectatorInfo *)Client()->SnapFindItem(IClient::SNAP_PREV, NETOBJTYPE_SPECTATORINFO, Item.m_ID); m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_Active = true; m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_SpecMode = m_Snap.m_pSpectatorInfo->m_SpecMode; m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_SpectatorID = m_Snap.m_pSpectatorInfo->m_SpectatorID; } else if(Item.m_Type == NETOBJTYPE_GAMEDATA) { m_Snap.m_pGameData = (const CNetObj_GameData *)pData; static bool s_GameOver = 0; if(!s_GameOver && m_Snap.m_pGameData->m_GameStateFlags&GAMESTATEFLAG_GAMEOVER) OnGameOver(); else if(s_GameOver && !(m_Snap.m_pGameData->m_GameStateFlags&GAMESTATEFLAG_GAMEOVER)) OnStartGame(); s_GameOver = m_Snap.m_pGameData->m_GameStateFlags&GAMESTATEFLAG_GAMEOVER; } else if(Item.m_Type == NETOBJTYPE_GAMEDATATEAM) { m_Snap.m_pGameDataTeam = (const CNetObj_GameDataTeam *)pData; } else if(Item.m_Type == NETOBJTYPE_GAMEDATAFLAG) { m_Snap.m_pGameDataFlag = (const CNetObj_GameDataFlag *)pData; m_Snap.m_GameDataFlagSnapID = Item.m_ID; } else if(Item.m_Type == NETOBJTYPE_FLAG) m_Snap.m_paFlags[Item.m_ID%2] = (const CNetObj_Flag *)pData; } } // setup local pointers if(m_LocalClientID >= 0) { CSnapState::CCharacterInfo *c = &m_Snap.m_aCharacters[m_LocalClientID]; if(c->m_Active) { m_Snap.m_pLocalCharacter = &c->m_Cur; m_Snap.m_pLocalPrevCharacter = &c->m_Prev; m_LocalCharacterPos = vec2(m_Snap.m_pLocalCharacter->m_X, m_Snap.m_pLocalCharacter->m_Y); } else if(Client()->SnapFindItem(IClient::SNAP_PREV, NETOBJTYPE_CHARACTER, m_LocalClientID)) { // player died m_pControls->OnPlayerDeath(); } } else { m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_Active = true; if(Client()->State() == IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK && DemoPlayer()->GetDemoType() == IDemoPlayer::DEMOTYPE_SERVER && m_DemoSpecID != -1 && m_Snap.m_aCharacters[m_DemoSpecID].m_Active) { m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_SpecMode = SPEC_PLAYER; m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_SpectatorID = m_DemoSpecID; } else { if (m_DemoSpecMode == SPEC_PLAYER) { m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_SpecMode = SPEC_FREEVIEW; m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_SpectatorID = -1; } else { m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_SpecMode = m_DemoSpecMode; m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_SpectatorID = m_DemoSpecID; } } } // sort player infos by score for(int k = 0; k < MAX_CLIENTS-1; k++) // ffs, bubblesort { for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS-k-1; i++) { if(m_Snap.m_aInfoByScore[i+1].m_pPlayerInfo && (!m_Snap.m_aInfoByScore[i].m_pPlayerInfo || m_Snap.m_aInfoByScore[i].m_pPlayerInfo->m_Score < m_Snap.m_aInfoByScore[i+1].m_pPlayerInfo->m_Score)) { CPlayerInfoItem Tmp = m_Snap.m_aInfoByScore[i]; m_Snap.m_aInfoByScore[i] = m_Snap.m_aInfoByScore[i+1]; m_Snap.m_aInfoByScore[i+1] = Tmp; } } } // calc some player stats for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; ++i) { if(!m_Snap.m_paPlayerInfos[i]) continue; // count not ready players if((m_Snap.m_pGameData->m_GameStateFlags&(GAMESTATEFLAG_STARTCOUNTDOWN|GAMESTATEFLAG_PAUSED|GAMESTATEFLAG_WARMUP)) && m_Snap.m_pGameData->m_GameStateEndTick == 0 && m_aClients[i].m_Team != TEAM_SPECTATORS && !(m_Snap.m_paPlayerInfos[i]->m_PlayerFlags&PLAYERFLAG_READY)) m_Snap.m_NotReadyCount++; // count alive players per team if((m_GameInfo.m_GameFlags&GAMEFLAG_SURVIVAL) && m_aClients[i].m_Team != TEAM_SPECTATORS && !(m_Snap.m_paPlayerInfos[i]->m_PlayerFlags&PLAYERFLAG_DEAD)) m_Snap.m_AliveCount[m_aClients[i].m_Team]++; } if(Client()->State() == IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK) { for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; ++i) { if(m_aClients[i].m_Active) m_aClients[i].UpdateRenderInfo(this, true); } } CServerInfo CurrentServerInfo; Client()->GetServerInfo(&CurrentServerInfo); if(str_comp(CurrentServerInfo.m_aGameType, "DM") != 0 && str_comp(CurrentServerInfo.m_aGameType, "TDM") != 0 && str_comp(CurrentServerInfo.m_aGameType, "CTF") != 0 && str_comp(CurrentServerInfo.m_aGameType, "LMS") != 0 && str_comp(CurrentServerInfo.m_aGameType, "SUR") != 0) m_ServerMode = SERVERMODE_MOD; else if(mem_comp(&StandardTuning, &m_Tuning, sizeof(CTuningParams)) == 0) m_ServerMode = SERVERMODE_PURE; else m_ServerMode = SERVERMODE_PUREMOD; }
void CHARACTER::tick_defered() { // advance the dummy { WORLD_CORE tempworld; reckoningcore.world = &tempworld; reckoningcore.tick(false); reckoningcore.move(); reckoningcore.quantize(); } //lastsentcore; /*if(!dead) {*/ vec2 start_pos = core.pos; vec2 start_vel = core.vel; bool stuck_before = test_box(core.pos, vec2(28.0f, 28.0f)); core.move(); if(is_hitting_door()) { reset_pos(); if(is_hitting_door() && !doorstuck) { game.send_emoticon(player->client_id, 11); doorstuck = true; } } else doorstuck = false; bool stuck_after_move = test_box(core.pos, vec2(28.0f, 28.0f)); core.quantize(); bool stuck_after_quant = test_box(core.pos, vec2(28.0f, 28.0f)); pos = core.pos; if(!stuck_before && (stuck_after_move || stuck_after_quant)) { dbg_msg("player", "STUCK!!! %d %d %d %f %f %f %f %x %x %x %x", stuck_before, stuck_after_move, stuck_after_quant, start_pos.x, start_pos.y, start_vel.x, start_vel.y, *((unsigned *)&start_pos.x), *((unsigned *)&start_pos.y), *((unsigned *)&start_vel.x), *((unsigned *)&start_vel.y)); } int events = core.triggered_events; int mask = cmask_all_except_one(player->client_id); if(events&COREEVENT_GROUND_JUMP) game.create_sound(pos, SOUND_PLAYER_JUMP, mask); //if(events&COREEVENT_HOOK_LAUNCH) snd_play_random(CHN_WORLD, SOUND_HOOK_LOOP, 1.0f, pos); if(events&COREEVENT_HOOK_ATTACH_PLAYER) game.create_sound(pos, SOUND_HOOK_ATTACH_PLAYER, cmask_all()); if(events&COREEVENT_HOOK_ATTACH_GROUND) game.create_sound(pos, SOUND_HOOK_ATTACH_GROUND, mask); if(events&COREEVENT_HOOK_HIT_NOHOOK) game.create_sound(pos, SOUND_HOOK_NOATTACH, mask); //if(events&COREEVENT_HOOK_RETRACT) snd_play_random(CHN_WORLD, SOUND_PLAYER_JUMP, 1.0f, pos); //} if(team == -1) { pos.x = input.target_x; pos.y = input.target_y; } // update the sendcore if needed { NETOBJ_CHARACTER predicted; NETOBJ_CHARACTER current; mem_zero(&predicted, sizeof(predicted)); mem_zero(¤t, sizeof(current)); reckoningcore.write(&predicted); core.write(¤t); // only allow dead reackoning for a top of 3 seconds if(reckoning_tick+server_tickspeed()*3 < server_tick() || mem_comp(&predicted, ¤t, sizeof(NETOBJ_CHARACTER)) != 0) { reckoning_tick = server_tick(); sendcore = core; reckoningcore = core; } } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) // ignore_convention { NETADDR BindAddr; dbg_logger_stdout(); net_init(); mem_zero(&BindAddr, sizeof(BindAddr)); BindAddr.type = NETTYPE_ALL; BindAddr.port = VERSIONSRV_PORT; if(!g_NetOp.Open(BindAddr, 0)) { dbg_msg("mastersrv", "couldn't start network"); return -1; } BuildPackets(); ReadNews(); ReadServerList(); dbg_msg("versionsrv", "started"); while(1) { g_NetOp.Update(); // process packets CNetChunk Packet; while(g_NetOp.Recv(&Packet)) { if(Packet.m_DataSize == sizeof(VERSIONSRV_GETVERSION) && mem_comp(Packet.m_pData, VERSIONSRV_GETVERSION, sizeof(VERSIONSRV_GETVERSION)) == 0) { SendVer(&Packet.m_Address); char aAddrStr[NETADDR_MAXSTRSIZE]; net_addr_str(&Packet.m_Address, aAddrStr, sizeof(aAddrStr), false); dbg_msg("versionsrv", "version request by %s", aAddrStr); } if(Packet.m_DataSize == sizeof(VERSIONSRV_GETNEWS) && mem_comp(Packet.m_pData, VERSIONSRV_GETNEWS, sizeof(VERSIONSRV_GETNEWS)) == 0) { SendNews(&Packet.m_Address); } if(Packet.m_DataSize == sizeof(VERSIONSRV_GETMAPLIST) && mem_comp(Packet.m_pData, VERSIONSRV_GETMAPLIST, sizeof(VERSIONSRV_GETMAPLIST)) == 0) { CNetChunk p; p.m_ClientID = -1; p.m_Address = Packet.m_Address; p.m_Flags = NETSENDFLAG_CONNLESS; for(int i = 0; i < m_NumPackets; i++) { p.m_DataSize = m_aPackets[i].m_Size; p.m_pData = &m_aPackets[i].m_Data; g_NetOp.Send(&p); } } if(m_ServerListLoaded && Packet.m_DataSize == sizeof(VERSIONSRV_GETDDNETLIST) + 4 && mem_comp(Packet.m_pData, VERSIONSRV_GETDDNETLIST, sizeof(VERSIONSRV_GETDDNETLIST)) == 0) { char aToken[4]; mem_copy(aToken, (char*)Packet.m_pData+sizeof(VERSIONSRV_GETDDNETLIST), 4); SendServerList(&Packet.m_Address, aToken); } } // wait for input net_socket_read_wait(g_NetOp.m_Socket, 1000000); } return 0; }
void CGameClient::OnNewSnapshot() { m_NewTick = true; // clear out the invalid pointers mem_zero(&g_GameClient.m_Snap, sizeof(g_GameClient.m_Snap)); m_Snap.m_LocalClientID = -1; // secure snapshot { int Num = Client()->SnapNumItems(IClient::SNAP_CURRENT); for(int Index = 0; Index < Num; Index++) { IClient::CSnapItem Item; void *pData = Client()->SnapGetItem(IClient::SNAP_CURRENT, Index, &Item); if(m_NetObjHandler.ValidateObj(Item.m_Type, pData, Item.m_DataSize) != 0) { if(g_Config.m_Debug) { char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "invalidated index=%d type=%d (%s) size=%d id=%d", Index, Item.m_Type, m_NetObjHandler.GetObjName(Item.m_Type), Item.m_DataSize, Item.m_ID); Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_DEBUG, "game", aBuf); } Client()->SnapInvalidateItem(IClient::SNAP_CURRENT, Index); } } } ProcessEvents(); if(g_Config.m_DbgStress) { if((Client()->GameTick()%100) == 0) { char aMessage[64]; int MsgLen = rand()%(sizeof(aMessage)-1); for(int i = 0; i < MsgLen; i++) aMessage[i] = 'a'+(rand()%('z'-'a')); aMessage[MsgLen] = 0; CNetMsg_Cl_Say Msg; Msg.m_Team = rand()&1; Msg.m_pMessage = aMessage; Client()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL); } } // go trough all the items in the snapshot and gather the info we want { m_Snap.m_aTeamSize[TEAM_RED] = m_Snap.m_aTeamSize[TEAM_BLUE] = 0; int Num = Client()->SnapNumItems(IClient::SNAP_CURRENT); for(int i = 0; i < Num; i++) { IClient::CSnapItem Item; const void *pData = Client()->SnapGetItem(IClient::SNAP_CURRENT, i, &Item); if(Item.m_Type == NETOBJTYPE_CLIENTINFO) { const CNetObj_ClientInfo *pInfo = (const CNetObj_ClientInfo *)pData; int ClientID = Item.m_ID; IntsToStr(&pInfo->m_Name0, 4, m_aClients[ClientID].m_aName); IntsToStr(&pInfo->m_Clan0, 3, m_aClients[ClientID].m_aClan); m_aClients[ClientID].m_Country = pInfo->m_Country; IntsToStr(&pInfo->m_Skin0, 6, m_aClients[ClientID].m_aSkinName); m_aClients[ClientID].m_UseCustomColor = pInfo->m_UseCustomColor; m_aClients[ClientID].m_ColorBody = pInfo->m_ColorBody; m_aClients[ClientID].m_ColorFeet = pInfo->m_ColorFeet; // prepare the info if(m_aClients[ClientID].m_aSkinName[0] == 'x' || m_aClients[ClientID].m_aSkinName[1] == '_') str_copy(m_aClients[ClientID].m_aSkinName, "default", 64); m_aClients[ClientID].m_SkinInfo.m_ColorBody = m_pSkins->GetColorV4(m_aClients[ClientID].m_ColorBody); m_aClients[ClientID].m_SkinInfo.m_ColorFeet = m_pSkins->GetColorV4(m_aClients[ClientID].m_ColorFeet); m_aClients[ClientID].m_SkinInfo.m_Size = 64; // find new skin m_aClients[ClientID].m_SkinID = g_GameClient.m_pSkins->Find(m_aClients[ClientID].m_aSkinName); if(m_aClients[ClientID].m_SkinID < 0) { m_aClients[ClientID].m_SkinID = g_GameClient.m_pSkins->Find("default"); if(m_aClients[ClientID].m_SkinID < 0) m_aClients[ClientID].m_SkinID = 0; } if(m_aClients[ClientID].m_UseCustomColor) m_aClients[ClientID].m_SkinInfo.m_Texture = g_GameClient.m_pSkins->Get(m_aClients[ClientID].m_SkinID)->m_ColorTexture; else { m_aClients[ClientID].m_SkinInfo.m_Texture = g_GameClient.m_pSkins->Get(m_aClients[ClientID].m_SkinID)->m_OrgTexture; m_aClients[ClientID].m_SkinInfo.m_ColorBody = vec4(1,1,1,1); m_aClients[ClientID].m_SkinInfo.m_ColorFeet = vec4(1,1,1,1); } m_aClients[ClientID].UpdateRenderInfo(); } else if(Item.m_Type == NETOBJTYPE_PLAYERINFO) { const CNetObj_PlayerInfo *pInfo = (const CNetObj_PlayerInfo *)pData; m_aClients[pInfo->m_ClientID].m_Team = pInfo->m_Team; m_aClients[pInfo->m_ClientID].m_Active = true; m_Snap.m_paPlayerInfos[pInfo->m_ClientID] = pInfo; m_Snap.m_NumPlayers++; if(pInfo->m_Local) { m_Snap.m_LocalClientID = Item.m_ID; m_Snap.m_pLocalInfo = pInfo; if(pInfo->m_Team == TEAM_SPECTATORS) { m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_Active = true; m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_SpectatorID = SPEC_FREEVIEW; } } // calculate team-balance if(pInfo->m_Team != TEAM_SPECTATORS) m_Snap.m_aTeamSize[pInfo->m_Team]++; } else if(Item.m_Type == NETOBJTYPE_CHARACTER) { const void *pOld = Client()->SnapFindItem(IClient::SNAP_PREV, NETOBJTYPE_CHARACTER, Item.m_ID); m_Snap.m_aCharacters[Item.m_ID].m_Cur = *((const CNetObj_Character *)pData); if(pOld) { m_Snap.m_aCharacters[Item.m_ID].m_Active = true; m_Snap.m_aCharacters[Item.m_ID].m_Prev = *((const CNetObj_Character *)pOld); if(m_Snap.m_aCharacters[Item.m_ID].m_Prev.m_Tick) Evolve(&m_Snap.m_aCharacters[Item.m_ID].m_Prev, Client()->PrevGameTick()); if(m_Snap.m_aCharacters[Item.m_ID].m_Cur.m_Tick) Evolve(&m_Snap.m_aCharacters[Item.m_ID].m_Cur, Client()->GameTick()); } } else if(Item.m_Type == NETOBJTYPE_SPECTATORINFO) { m_Snap.m_pSpectatorInfo = (const CNetObj_SpectatorInfo *)pData; m_Snap.m_pPrevSpectatorInfo = (const CNetObj_SpectatorInfo *)Client()->SnapFindItem(IClient::SNAP_PREV, NETOBJTYPE_SPECTATORINFO, Item.m_ID); m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_SpectatorID = m_Snap.m_pSpectatorInfo->m_SpectatorID; } else if(Item.m_Type == NETOBJTYPE_GAMEINFO) { static bool s_GameOver = 0; m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj = (const CNetObj_GameInfo *)pData; if(!s_GameOver && m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_GameStateFlags&GAMESTATEFLAG_GAMEOVER) OnGameOver(); else if(s_GameOver && !(m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_GameStateFlags&GAMESTATEFLAG_GAMEOVER)) OnStartGame(); s_GameOver = m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_GameStateFlags&GAMESTATEFLAG_GAMEOVER; } else if(Item.m_Type == NETOBJTYPE_GAMEDATA) { m_Snap.m_pGameDataObj = (const CNetObj_GameData *)pData; m_Snap.m_GameDataSnapID = Item.m_ID; if(m_Snap.m_pGameDataObj->m_FlagCarrierRed == FLAG_TAKEN) { if(m_FlagDropTick[TEAM_RED] == 0) m_FlagDropTick[TEAM_RED] = Client()->GameTick(); } else if(m_FlagDropTick[TEAM_RED] != 0) m_FlagDropTick[TEAM_RED] = 0; if(m_Snap.m_pGameDataObj->m_FlagCarrierBlue == FLAG_TAKEN) { if(m_FlagDropTick[TEAM_BLUE] == 0) m_FlagDropTick[TEAM_BLUE] = Client()->GameTick(); } else if(m_FlagDropTick[TEAM_BLUE] != 0) m_FlagDropTick[TEAM_BLUE] = 0; } else if(Item.m_Type == NETOBJTYPE_FLAG) m_Snap.m_paFlags[Item.m_ID%2] = (const CNetObj_Flag *)pData; } } // setup local pointers if(m_Snap.m_LocalClientID >= 0) { CSnapState::CCharacterInfo *c = &m_Snap.m_aCharacters[m_Snap.m_LocalClientID]; if(c->m_Active) { m_Snap.m_pLocalCharacter = &c->m_Cur; m_Snap.m_pLocalPrevCharacter = &c->m_Prev; m_LocalCharacterPos = vec2(m_Snap.m_pLocalCharacter->m_X, m_Snap.m_pLocalCharacter->m_Y); } else if(Client()->SnapFindItem(IClient::SNAP_PREV, NETOBJTYPE_CHARACTER, m_Snap.m_LocalClientID)) { // player died m_pControls->OnPlayerDeath(); } } else { m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_Active = true; if(Client()->State() == IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK && DemoPlayer()->GetDemoType() == IDemoPlayer::DEMOTYPE_SERVER && m_DemoSpecID != SPEC_FREEVIEW && m_Snap.m_aCharacters[m_DemoSpecID].m_Active) m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_SpectatorID = m_DemoSpecID; else m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_SpectatorID = SPEC_FREEVIEW; } // clear out unneeded client data for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; ++i) { if(!m_Snap.m_paPlayerInfos[i] && m_aClients[i].m_Active) m_aClients[i].Reset(); } // update friend state for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; ++i) { if(i == m_Snap.m_LocalClientID || !m_Snap.m_paPlayerInfos[i] || !Friends()->IsFriend(m_aClients[i].m_aName, m_aClients[i].m_aClan, true)) m_aClients[i].m_Friend = false; else m_aClients[i].m_Friend = true; } // sort player infos by score mem_copy(m_Snap.m_paInfoByScore, m_Snap.m_paPlayerInfos, sizeof(m_Snap.m_paInfoByScore)); for(int k = 0; k < MAX_CLIENTS-1; k++) // ffs, bubblesort { for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS-k-1; i++) { if(m_Snap.m_paInfoByScore[i+1] && (!m_Snap.m_paInfoByScore[i] || m_Snap.m_paInfoByScore[i]->m_Score < m_Snap.m_paInfoByScore[i+1]->m_Score)) { const CNetObj_PlayerInfo *pTmp = m_Snap.m_paInfoByScore[i]; m_Snap.m_paInfoByScore[i] = m_Snap.m_paInfoByScore[i+1]; m_Snap.m_paInfoByScore[i+1] = pTmp; } } } // sort player infos by team int Teams[3] = { TEAM_RED, TEAM_BLUE, TEAM_SPECTATORS }; int Index = 0; for(int Team = 0; Team < 3; ++Team) { for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS && Index < MAX_CLIENTS; ++i) { if(m_Snap.m_paPlayerInfos[i] && m_Snap.m_paPlayerInfos[i]->m_Team == Teams[Team]) m_Snap.m_paInfoByTeam[Index++] = m_Snap.m_paPlayerInfos[i]; } } CTuningParams StandardTuning; CServerInfo CurrentServerInfo; Client()->GetServerInfo(&CurrentServerInfo); if(CurrentServerInfo.m_aGameType[0] != '0') { if(str_comp(CurrentServerInfo.m_aGameType, "DM") != 0 && str_comp(CurrentServerInfo.m_aGameType, "TDM") != 0 && str_comp(CurrentServerInfo.m_aGameType, "CTF") != 0) m_ServerMode = SERVERMODE_MOD; else if(mem_comp(&StandardTuning, &m_Tuning, sizeof(CTuningParams)) == 0) m_ServerMode = SERVERMODE_PURE; else m_ServerMode = SERVERMODE_PUREMOD; } // add tuning to demo if(DemoRecorder()->IsRecording() && mem_comp(&StandardTuning, &m_Tuning, sizeof(CTuningParams)) != 0) { CMsgPacker Msg(NETMSGTYPE_SV_TUNEPARAMS); int *pParams = (int *)&m_Tuning; for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(m_Tuning)/sizeof(int); i++) Msg.AddInt(pParams[i]); Client()->SendMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_RECORD|MSGFLAG_NOSEND); } if(!m_DDRaceMsgSent && m_Snap.m_pLocalInfo) { CNetMsg_Cl_IsDDRace Msg; Client()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL); m_DDRaceMsgSent = true; } if(m_ShowOthers == -1 || (m_ShowOthers != -1 && m_ShowOthers != g_Config.m_ClShowOthers)) { // no need to send, default settings //if(!(m_ShowOthers == -1 && g_Config.m_ClShowOthers)) { CNetMsg_Cl_ShowOthers Msg; Msg.m_Show = g_Config.m_ClShowOthers; Client()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL); } // update state m_ShowOthers = g_Config.m_ClShowOthers; } }
void CGameClient::OnPredict() { // store the previous values so we can detect prediction errors CCharacterCore BeforePrevChar = m_PredictedPrevChar; CCharacterCore BeforeChar = m_PredictedChar; // we can't predict without our own id or own character if(m_Snap.m_LocalClientID == -1 || !m_Snap.m_aCharacters[m_Snap.m_LocalClientID].m_Active) return; // don't predict anything if we are paused if(m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj && m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_GameStateFlags&GAMESTATEFLAG_PAUSED) { if(m_Snap.m_pLocalCharacter) m_PredictedChar.Read(m_Snap.m_pLocalCharacter); if(m_Snap.m_pLocalPrevCharacter) m_PredictedPrevChar.Read(m_Snap.m_pLocalPrevCharacter); return; } // repredict character CWorldCore World; World.m_Tuning = m_Tuning; // search for players for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if(!m_Snap.m_aCharacters[i].m_Active || !m_Snap.m_paPlayerInfos[i]) continue; g_GameClient.m_aClients[i].m_Predicted.Init(&World, Collision(), &m_Teams); World.m_apCharacters[i] = &g_GameClient.m_aClients[i].m_Predicted; World.m_apCharacters[i]->m_Id = m_Snap.m_paPlayerInfos[i]->m_ClientID; g_GameClient.m_aClients[i].m_Predicted.Read(&m_Snap.m_aCharacters[i].m_Cur); } // predict for(int Tick = Client()->GameTick()+1; Tick <= Client()->PredGameTick(); Tick++) { // fetch the local if(Tick == Client()->PredGameTick() && World.m_apCharacters[m_Snap.m_LocalClientID]) m_PredictedPrevChar = *World.m_apCharacters[m_Snap.m_LocalClientID]; // first calculate where everyone should move for(int c = 0; c < MAX_CLIENTS; c++) { if(!World.m_apCharacters[c]) continue; mem_zero(&World.m_apCharacters[c]->m_Input, sizeof(World.m_apCharacters[c]->m_Input)); if(m_Snap.m_LocalClientID == c) { // apply player input int *pInput = Client()->GetInput(Tick); if(pInput) World.m_apCharacters[c]->m_Input = *((CNetObj_PlayerInput*)pInput); World.m_apCharacters[c]->Tick(true); } else World.m_apCharacters[c]->Tick(false); } // move all players and quantize their data for(int c = 0; c < MAX_CLIENTS; c++) { if(!World.m_apCharacters[c]) continue; World.m_apCharacters[c]->Move(); World.m_apCharacters[c]->Quantize(); } // check if we want to trigger effects if(Tick > m_LastNewPredictedTick) { m_LastNewPredictedTick = Tick; m_NewPredictedTick = true; if(m_Snap.m_LocalClientID != -1 && World.m_apCharacters[m_Snap.m_LocalClientID]) { vec2 Pos = World.m_apCharacters[m_Snap.m_LocalClientID]->m_Pos; int Events = World.m_apCharacters[m_Snap.m_LocalClientID]->m_TriggeredEvents; if(Events&COREEVENT_GROUND_JUMP) g_GameClient.m_pSounds->PlayAndRecord(CSounds::CHN_WORLD, SOUND_PLAYER_JUMP, 1.0f, Pos); /*if(events&COREEVENT_AIR_JUMP) { GameClient.effects->air_jump(pos); GameClient.sounds->play_and_record(SOUNDS::CHN_WORLD, SOUND_PLAYER_AIRJUMP, 1.0f, pos); }*/ //if(events&COREEVENT_HOOK_LAUNCH) snd_play_random(CHN_WORLD, SOUND_HOOK_LOOP, 1.0f, pos); //if(events&COREEVENT_HOOK_ATTACH_PLAYER) snd_play_random(CHN_WORLD, SOUND_HOOK_ATTACH_PLAYER, 1.0f, pos); if(Events&COREEVENT_HOOK_ATTACH_GROUND) g_GameClient.m_pSounds->PlayAndRecord(CSounds::CHN_WORLD, SOUND_HOOK_ATTACH_GROUND, 1.0f, Pos); if(Events&COREEVENT_HOOK_HIT_NOHOOK) g_GameClient.m_pSounds->PlayAndRecord(CSounds::CHN_WORLD, SOUND_HOOK_NOATTACH, 1.0f, Pos); //if(events&COREEVENT_HOOK_RETRACT) snd_play_random(CHN_WORLD, SOUND_PLAYER_JUMP, 1.0f, pos); } } if(Tick == Client()->PredGameTick() && World.m_apCharacters[m_Snap.m_LocalClientID]) m_PredictedChar = *World.m_apCharacters[m_Snap.m_LocalClientID]; } if(g_Config.m_Debug && g_Config.m_ClPredict && m_PredictedTick == Client()->PredGameTick()) { CNetObj_CharacterCore Before = {0}, Now = {0}, BeforePrev = {0}, NowPrev = {0}; BeforeChar.Write(&Before); BeforePrevChar.Write(&BeforePrev); m_PredictedChar.Write(&Now); m_PredictedPrevChar.Write(&NowPrev); if(mem_comp(&Before, &Now, sizeof(CNetObj_CharacterCore)) != 0) { Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_DEBUG, "client", "prediction error"); for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(CNetObj_CharacterCore)/sizeof(int); i++) if(((int *)&Before)[i] != ((int *)&Now)[i]) { char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), " %d %d %d (%d %d)", i, ((int *)&Before)[i], ((int *)&Now)[i], ((int *)&BeforePrev)[i], ((int *)&NowPrev)[i]); Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_DEBUG, "client", aBuf); } } } m_PredictedTick = Client()->PredGameTick(); }
int main(int argc, const char **argv) // ignore_convention { int64 LastUpdate = time_get(); dbg_logger_stdout(); net_init(); IKernel *pKernel = IKernel::Create(); IStorage *pStorage = CreateStorage("Teeworlds", argc, argv); // ignore_convention m_pConsole = CreateConsole(CFGFLAG_BANMASTER); m_pConsole->RegisterPrintCallback(StandardOutput, 0); m_pConsole->Register("ban", "s?r", CFGFLAG_BANMASTER, ConBan, 0, "Bans the specified ip", 0); m_pConsole->Register("unban_all", "", CFGFLAG_BANMASTER, ConUnbanAll, 0, "Unbans all ips", 0); m_pConsole->Register("bind", "s", CFGFLAG_BANMASTER, ConSetBindAddr, 0, "Binds to the specified address", 0); { bool RegisterFail = false; RegisterFail = RegisterFail || !pKernel->RegisterInterface(m_pConsole); RegisterFail = RegisterFail || !pKernel->RegisterInterface(pStorage); if(RegisterFail) return -1; } m_pConsole->ExecuteFile(BANMASTER_BANFILE); NETADDR BindAddr; if(m_aBindAddr[0] && net_host_lookup(m_aBindAddr, &BindAddr, NETTYPE_IPV4) == 0) { if(BindAddr.port == 0) BindAddr.port = BANMASTER_PORT; } else { mem_zero(&BindAddr, sizeof(BindAddr)); BindAddr.port = BANMASTER_PORT; } m_Net.Open(BindAddr, 0); // TODO: DDRace: heinrich5991: check socket for errors dbg_msg("banmaster", "started"); while(1) { m_Net.Update(); // process m_aPackets CNetChunk p; while(m_Net.Recv(&p)) { if(p.m_DataSize >= (int)sizeof(BANMASTER_IPCHECK) && !mem_comp(p.m_pData, BANMASTER_IPCHECK, sizeof(BANMASTER_IPCHECK))) { char *pAddr = (char*)p.m_pData + sizeof(BANMASTER_IPCHECK); NETADDR CheckAddr; if(net_addr_from_str(&CheckAddr, pAddr)) { dbg_msg("banmaster", "dropped weird message ip=%d.%d.%d.%d checkaddr='%s'", p.m_Address.ip[0], p.m_Address.ip[1], p.m_Address.ip[2], p.m_Address.ip[3], pAddr); } else { int Banned = SendResponse(&p.m_Address, &CheckAddr); dbg_msg("banmaster", "responded to checkmsg ip=%d.%d.%d.%d checkaddr=%d.%d.%d.%d result=%s", p.m_Address.ip[0], p.m_Address.ip[1], p.m_Address.ip[2], p.m_Address.ip[3], CheckAddr.ip[0], CheckAddr.ip[1], CheckAddr.ip[2], CheckAddr.ip[3], (Banned) ? "ban" : "ok"); } } } if(time_get() - LastUpdate > time_freq() * BAN_REREAD_TIME) { ClearBans(); LastUpdate = time_get(); m_pConsole->ExecuteFile(BANMASTER_BANFILE); } // be nice to the CPU thread_sleep(1); } return 0; }