int main() { init_mem(); memory_test(); // gcollector_test(); leak_msg(); getchar(); return 0; }
/* bed of nails test routine */ void bon_test(void) { ulong address; int result = 0; if (bontestmode() == 1) /* test if bon should run */ { setenv("bootdelay","15"); // delay kernal boot for 15 sec after test //putled(LEDOFF); // turn off the leds putled(STATUSLED); //turn on green led /* do tests */ if (0 != memory_test (MEMTESTSTART, MEMTESTSTOP, MEMTESTPAT)) { /* memory test */ /* red_LED_on(); */ /* warn bad memory */ result = 1; printf("Memory Test Failed\n"); } else printf("Memory test passed\n"); //Memory Address test address = memory_addr_test (ADDRTESTSTART, ADDRTESTPAT, ADDRANTITESTPAT); if (0 != address) { /* memory test */ /* red_LED_on(); */ /* warn bad memory */ result = 1; printf("Memory Address Test Failed at: %x\n",(unsigned int)address); } else printf("Memory Address test passed\n"); // kernel checksum test if (0 != kernel_crc_test ()) { /* flash test */ /* red_LED_on(); */ /* warn bad memory */ result = 1; printf("Kernel Test Failed\n"); } else printf("Kernel test passed\n"); udelay(1000000UL);//rld debug result ? putled(STATUSOFF) : bonPASS_flashLED() ; // if passed all tests(result =0) flash led, if failed a test turn off status LED. } else { // putled (GREENLED); // no test is a good test return; } }
/*********************************************************************** * * Function: cmd_memtst * * Purpose: Performs memory tests * * Processing: * See function. * * Parameters: None * * Outputs: None * * Returns: TRUE if the command was good, otherwise FALSE * * Notes: * memtst [hex address][bytes to test][1, 2, or 4 bytes][0(all) - 5][iterations] * **********************************************************************/ static BOOL_32 cmd_memtst(void) { UNS_32 iters, hexaddr, bytes, width, tstnum; /* Get arguments */ hexaddr = cmd_get_field_val(1); bytes = cmd_get_field_val(2); width = cmd_get_field_val(3); tstnum = cmd_get_field_val(4); iters = cmd_get_field_val(5); if (tstnum == 0) { tstnum = MTST_ALL; } else { tstnum--; } memory_test(hexaddr, bytes, width, tstnum, iters); return TRUE; }
void HariMain(void) { boot_info_t* binfo = (boot_info_t*)ADR_BOOTINFO; fifo32_t fifo, keycmd; int fifobuf[128], keycmd_buf[32]; char debug_info[64]; int mouse_x, mouse_y, cursor_x, cursor_c; int data; mouse_dec_t mdec; unsigned int memory_total; mem_mgr_t* mem_mgr = (mem_mgr_t*)MEMMGR_ADDR; layer_mgr_t* layer_mgr; layer_t* back_layer; layer_t* mouse_layer; layer_t* win_layer; layer_t* cons_layer; unsigned char* back_buf; unsigned char mouse_buf[256]; unsigned char* win_buf; unsigned char* cons_buf; static char s_keytable[0x80] = { 0, 0, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '=', 0, 0, 'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '[', ']', 0, 0, 'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', '\'','`', 0, '\\','Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B', 'N', 'M', ',', '.', '/', 0, '*', 0, ' ', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1', '2', '3', '0', '.', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static char s_keytable_shift[0x80] = { 0, 0, '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')', '_', '+', 0, 0, 'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '{', '}', 0, 0, 'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ':', '\"','~', 0, '|', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B', 'N', 'M', '<', '>', '?', 0, '*', 0, ' ', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1', '2', '3', '0', '.', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; task_t* task_a; task_t* task_cons; timer_t* timer; int key_to = 0, key_shift = 0; int key_leds = (binfo->leds >> 4) & 7; /* CapsLock state */ int keycmd_wait = -1; console_t* console; int j, x, y; int movemode_x = -1, movemode_y = -1; layer_t* layer = 0; init_gdt_idt(); init_pic(); io_sti(); /* after initialize IDT/PIC, allow all CPU's interruptors */ fifo_init(&fifo, fifobuf, 128, 0); init_pit(); /* initialize programmable interval timer */ init_keyboard(&fifo, 256); enable_mouse(&fifo, 512, &mdec); io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); /* set PIT/PIC1/keyboard permission 11111000 */ io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* set mouse permission 11101111 */ fifo_init(&keycmd, keycmd_buf, 32, 0); memory_total = memory_test(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff); mem_mgr_init(mem_mgr); mem_mgr_free(mem_mgr, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000); /*0x00001000~0x0009e000*/ mem_mgr_free(mem_mgr, 0x00400000, memory_total - 0x00400000); init_palette(); layer_mgr = layer_mgr_init(mem_mgr, binfo->vram, binfo->screen_x, binfo->screen_y); task_a = task_init(mem_mgr); fifo.task = task_a; task_run(task_a, 1, 2); *((int*)0x0fe4) = (int)layer_mgr; /* back layer */ back_layer = layer_alloc(layer_mgr); back_buf = (unsigned char*)mem_mgr_alloc_4k(mem_mgr, binfo->screen_x * binfo->screen_y); layer_setbuf(back_layer, back_buf, binfo->screen_x, binfo->screen_y, -1); init_screen(back_buf, binfo->screen_x, binfo->screen_y); /* console task */ cons_layer = layer_alloc(layer_mgr); cons_buf = (unsigned char*)mem_mgr_alloc_4k(mem_mgr, 256 * 165); layer_setbuf(cons_layer, cons_buf, 256, 165, -1); /* transparent */ make_window8(cons_buf, 256, 165, "Console", 0); make_text8(cons_layer, 8, 28, 240, 128, COLOR8_000000); task_cons = task_alloc(); task_cons->tss.esp = mem_mgr_alloc_4k(mem_mgr, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024 - 12; task_cons->tss.eip = (int)&console_task; task_cons-> = 1 * 8; task_cons->tss.cs = 2 * 8; task_cons-> = 1 * 8; task_cons->tss.ds = 1 * 8; task_cons->tss.fs = 1 * 8; task_cons-> = 1 * 8; *((int*)(task_cons->tss.esp + 4)) = (int)cons_layer; *((int*)(task_cons->tss.esp + 8)) = memory_total; task_run(task_cons, 2, 2); /* level = 2, priority = 2 */ /* window layer */ win_layer = layer_alloc(layer_mgr); win_buf = (unsigned char*)mem_mgr_alloc_4k(mem_mgr, 160 * 52); layer_setbuf(win_layer, win_buf, 144, 52, -1); make_window8(win_buf, 144, 52, "TASK-A", 1); make_text8(win_layer, 8, 28, 128, 16, COLOR8_FFFFFF); cursor_x = 8; cursor_c = COLOR8_FFFFFF; timer = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1); timer_settimer(timer, 50); /* mouse layer */ mouse_layer = layer_alloc(layer_mgr); layer_setbuf(mouse_layer, mouse_buf, 16, 16, 99); init_mouse_cursor8(mouse_buf, 99); mouse_x = (binfo->screen_x - 16) / 2; mouse_y = (binfo->screen_y - 28 - 16) / 2; layer_slide(back_layer, 0, 0); layer_slide(cons_layer, 32, 4); layer_slide(win_layer, 64, 56); layer_slide(mouse_layer, mouse_x, mouse_y); layer_updown(back_layer, 0); layer_updown(cons_layer, 1); layer_updown(win_layer, 2); layer_updown(mouse_layer, 3); fifo_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED); fifo_put(&keycmd, key_leds); for ( ; ; ) { if (fifo_size(&keycmd) > 0 && keycmd_wait < 0) { /* send it when send data to keyboard controller */ keycmd_wait = fifo_get(&keycmd); wait_kbc_sendready(); io_out8(PORT_KEYDATA, keycmd_wait); } io_cli(); if (0 == fifo_size(&fifo)) { task_sleep(task_a); io_sti(); } else { data = fifo_get(&fifo); io_sti(); if (256 <= data && data <= 511) { if (data < (256 + 0x80)) { /* translation character */ if (0 == key_shift) debug_info[0] = s_keytable[data - 256]; else debug_info[0] = s_keytable_shift[data - 256]; } else debug_info[0] = 0; if ('A' <= debug_info[0] && debug_info[0] <= 'Z') { /* it's an english character */ if ((0 == (key_leds & 4) && 0 == key_shift) || (0 != (key_leds & 4) && 0 != key_shift)) debug_info[0] += 0x20; /* character lower ('A' -> 'a') */ } if (0 != debug_info[0]) { /* general character */ if (0 == key_to) { /* send character data to TASK-A */ if (cursor_x < 128) { /* display one character and cursor move backward one */ debug_info[1] = 0; drawstring_and_refresh(win_layer, cursor_x, 28, COLOR8_000000, COLOR8_FFFFFF, debug_info, 1); cursor_x += 8; } } else /* send character data to console window */ fifo_put(&task_cons->fifo, debug_info[0] + 256); } if ((256 + 0x0e) == data) { /* backspace, recover cursor by sapce, move back cursor 1 time */ if (0 == key_to) { if (cursor_x > 8) { drawstring_and_refresh(win_layer, cursor_x, 28, COLOR8_000000, COLOR8_FFFFFF, " ", 1); cursor_x -= 8; } } else fifo_put(&task_cons->fifo, 8 + 256); } if ((256 + 0x1c) == data) { /* Enter Key */ if (0 != key_to) /* send to Console window */ fifo_put(&task_cons->fifo, 10 + 256); } if ((256 + 0x0f) == data) { /* TAB */ if (0 == key_to) { key_to = 1; make_title8(win_buf, win_layer->w_size, "TASK-A", 0); make_title8(cons_buf, cons_layer->w_size, "Console", 1); cursor_c = -1; /* don't show the cursor */ fill_box8(win_layer->buf, win_layer->w_size, COLOR8_FFFFFF, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); fifo_put(&task_cons->fifo, 2); /* console cursor -> ON */ } else { key_to = 0; make_title8(win_buf, win_layer->w_size, "TASK-A", 1); make_title8(cons_buf, cons_layer->w_size, "Console", 0); cursor_c = COLOR8_000000; /* show the cursor */ fifo_put(&task_cons->fifo, 3); /* console cursor -> OFF */ } layers_refresh(win_layer, 0, 0, win_layer->w_size, 21); layers_refresh(cons_layer, 0, 0, cons_layer->w_size, 21); } if ((256 + 0x2a) == data) /* left shift down */ key_shift |= 1; if ((256 + 0x36) == data) /* right shift down */ key_shift |= 2; if ((256 + 0xaa) == data) /* left shift up */ key_shift &= ~1; if ((256 + 0xb6) == data) /* right shift up */ key_shift &= ~2; if ((256 + 0x3a) == data) { /* CapsLock */ key_leds ^= 4; fifo_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED); fifo_put(&keycmd, key_leds); } if ((256 + 0x45) == data) { /* NumLock */ key_leds ^= 2; fifo_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED); fifo_put(&keycmd, key_leds); } if ((256 + 0x46) == data) { /* ScrollLock */ key_leds ^= 1; fifo_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED); fifo_put(&keycmd, key_leds); } if (((256 + 0x3e) == data) && (0 != key_shift) && (0 != task_cons->tss.ss0)) { /* Shift + F4 force to stop user application */ console = (console_t*)*((int*)0x0fec); console_putstr0(console, "\nbreak(key) :\n"); io_cli(); task_cons->tss.eax = (int)&(task_cons->tss.esp0); task_cons->tss.eip = (int)asm_stop_user_app; io_sti(); } if (((256 + 0x57) == data) && (layer_mgr->top > 2)) { /* F11 switch window */ layer_updown(layer_mgr->layers_addr[1], layer_mgr->top - 1); } if ((256 + 0xfa) == data) /* keyboard recevie data success */ keycmd_wait = -1; if ((256 + 0xfe) == data) { /* keyboard recevie data failed */ wait_kbc_sendready(); io_out8(PORT_KEYDATA, keycmd_wait); } /* show cursor again */ if (cursor_c >= 0) { fill_box8(win_layer->buf, win_layer->w_size, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); } layers_refresh(win_layer, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44); } else if (512 <= data && data <= 767) { if (0 != mouse_decode(&mdec, data - 512)) { mouse_x += mdec.x; mouse_y += mdec.y; if (mouse_x < 0) mouse_x = 0; if (mouse_y < 0) mouse_y = 0; if (mouse_x > binfo->screen_x - 1) mouse_x = binfo->screen_x - 1; if (mouse_y > binfo->screen_y - 1) mouse_y = binfo->screen_y - 1; layer_slide(mouse_layer, mouse_x, mouse_y); if (0 != (mdec.state & 0x01)) { /* left click button down */ if (movemode_x < 0) { /* down left click, move window */ /* find the layer of mouse on */ for (j = layer_mgr->top - 1; j > 0; --j) { layer = layer_mgr->layers_addr[j]; x = mouse_x - layer->x; y = mouse_y - layer->y; if (0 <= x && x < layer->w_size && 0 <= y && y < layer->h_size) { if (layer->buf[y * layer->w_size + x] != layer->alpha) { layer_updown(layer, layer_mgr->top - 1); if (3 <= x && x < layer->w_size - 3 && 3 <= y && y < 21) { movemode_x = mouse_x; movemode_y = mouse_y; } if (layer->w_size - 21 <= x && x < layer->w_size - 5 && 5 <= y && y < 19) { /* click close button of the window */ if (0 != layer->task) { /* whether it's the window of application */ console = (console_t*)*((int*)0x0fec); console_putstr0(console, "\nbreak(mouse) : \n"); io_cli(); task_cons->tss.eax = (int)&task_cons->tss.esp0; task_cons->tss.eip = (int)asm_stop_user_app; io_sti(); } } break; } } } } else { /* on move mode */ x = mouse_x - movemode_x; y = mouse_y - movemode_y; layer_slide(layer, layer->x + x, layer->y + y); movemode_x = mouse_x; movemode_y = mouse_y; } } else movemode_x = -1; /* return to normal mode */ } } else if (data <= 1) { /* timer by cursor */ if (0 != data) { timer_init(timer, &fifo, 0); if (cursor_c >= 0) cursor_c = COLOR8_000000; } else { timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1); if (cursor_c >= 0) cursor_c = COLOR8_FFFFFF; } timer_settimer(timer, 50); if (cursor_c >= 0) { fill_box8(win_layer->buf, win_layer->w_size, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); layers_refresh(win_layer, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44); } } } } }
void HariMain(void) { boot_info_t* binfo = (boot_info_t*)ADR_BOOTINFO; char debug_info[64], keybuf[32], mousebuf[128]; int mouse_x, mouse_y; int data; mouse_dec_t mdec; unsigned int memory_total; mem_mgr_t* mem_mgr = (mem_mgr_t*)MEMMGR_ADDR; layer_mgr_t* layer_mgr; layer_t* back_layer; layer_t* mouse_layer; unsigned char* back_buf; unsigned char mouse_buf[256]; init_gdt_idt(); init_pic(); io_sti(); fifo_init(&g_keybuf, keybuf, 32); fifo_init(&g_mousebuf, mousebuf, 128); io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf9); io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); init_keyboard(); /* initialize keyboard */ enable_mouse(&mdec); /* enabled mouse */ memory_total = memory_test(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff); mem_mgr_init(mem_mgr); mem_mgr_free(mem_mgr, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000); /*0x00001000~0x0009e000*/ mem_mgr_free(mem_mgr, 0x00400000, memory_total - 0x00400000); init_palette(); layer_mgr = layer_mgr_init(mem_mgr, binfo->vram, binfo->screen_x, binfo->screen_y); back_layer = layer_alloc(layer_mgr); mouse_layer = layer_alloc(layer_mgr); back_buf = (unsigned char*)mem_mgr_alloc_4k(mem_mgr, binfo->screen_x * binfo->screen_y); layer_setbuf(back_layer, back_buf, binfo->screen_x, binfo->screen_y, -1); layer_setbuf(mouse_layer, mouse_buf, 16, 16, 99); init_screen(back_buf, binfo->screen_x, binfo->screen_y); init_mouse_cursor8(mouse_buf, 99); layer_slide(layer_mgr, back_layer, 0, 0); mouse_x = (binfo->screen_x - 16) / 2; mouse_y = (binfo->screen_y - 28 - 16) / 2; layer_slide(layer_mgr, mouse_layer, mouse_x, mouse_y); layer_updown(layer_mgr, back_layer, 0); layer_updown(layer_mgr, mouse_layer, 1); sprintf(debug_info, "(%3d, %3d)", mouse_x, mouse_y); draw_font8_asc(back_buf, binfo->screen_x, 0, 0, COLOR8_FFFFFF, debug_info); sprintf(debug_info, "memory total: %dMB, free space: %dKB", memory_total / (1024 * 1024), mem_mgr_total(mem_mgr) / 1024); draw_font8_asc(back_buf, binfo->screen_x, 0, 32, COLOR8_FFFFFF, debug_info); layers_refresh(layer_mgr, back_layer, 0, 0, binfo->screen_x, 48); for ( ; ; ) { io_cli(); if (0 == fifo_size(&g_keybuf) && 0 == fifo_size(&g_mousebuf)) io_stihlt(); else { if (0 != fifo_size(&g_keybuf)) { data = fifo_get(&g_keybuf); io_sti(); sprintf(debug_info, "%02X", data); fill_box8(back_buf, binfo->screen_x, COLOR8_848484, 0, 16, 15, 31); draw_font8_asc(back_buf, binfo->screen_x, 0, 16, COLOR8_FFFFFF, debug_info); layers_refresh(layer_mgr, back_layer, 0, 16, 16, 32); } else if (0 != fifo_size(&g_mousebuf)) { data = fifo_get(&g_mousebuf); io_sti(); if (0 != mouse_decode(&mdec, data)) { /* show all mouse bytes code */ sprintf(debug_info, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y); if (0 != (mdec.state & 0x01)) debug_info[1] = 'L'; if (0 != (mdec.state & 0x02)) debug_info[3] = 'R'; if (0 != (mdec.state & 0x04)) debug_info[2] = 'C'; fill_box8(back_buf, binfo->screen_x, COLOR8_848484, 32, 16, 32 + 15 * 8 - 1, 31); draw_font8_asc(back_buf, binfo->screen_x, 32, 16, COLOR8_FFFFFF, debug_info); layers_refresh(layer_mgr, back_layer, 32, 16, 32 + 15 * 8, 32); mouse_x += mdec.x; mouse_y += mdec.y; if (mouse_x < 0) mouse_x = 0; if (mouse_y < 0) mouse_y = 0; if (mouse_x > binfo->screen_x - 1) mouse_x = binfo->screen_x - 1; if (mouse_y > binfo->screen_y - 1) mouse_y = binfo->screen_y - 1; sprintf(debug_info, "(%3d, %3d)", mouse_x, mouse_y); fill_box8(back_buf, binfo->screen_x, COLOR8_848484, 0, 0, 79, 15); /* hide mouse position */ draw_font8_asc(back_buf, binfo->screen_x, 0, 0, COLOR8_FFFFFF, debug_info); /* show mouse position */ layers_refresh(layer_mgr, back_layer, 0, 0, 80, 16); layer_slide(layer_mgr, mouse_layer, mouse_x, mouse_y); } } } } }
uint32_t mtsp_test(uintptr_t addr, uint32_t size, uint32_t pattern, uint32_t pre_read) { uint32_t cur_pattern = 0; uint32_t index = 0x1; int i; uint8_t mtsp_rc = MTSP_OPERATION_OK; uint32_t tmsec = 0; mtsp_total_error = 0; if (bit_byte_check) { for (i = 0; i < sizeof(byte_err_sta)/sizeof(uint32_t); i++) byte_err_sta[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(bit_err_sta)/sizeof(uint32_t); i++) bit_err_sta[i] = 0; } if (logout_mode == FULL_MODE) { /*Need to add many prints to the user - OR*/ printf("MTSP test starts from:"); printw((uint32_t)addr & 0xFFFFFFFF); printf(" to :"); printw(((uint32_t)addr & 0xFFFFFFFF) + size); printf("\n"); tmsec = get_timer(0); } for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { cur_pattern = pattern & (index << i); if (cur_pattern) { mtsp_rc = memory_test(addr, size, i, ACCESS_TYPE_WORD, 1); if (mtsp_rc) break; } } if (logout_mode == FULL_MODE) { tmsec = get_timer(0) - tmsec; printf("Elapsed time: %d msec\n", tmsec); if (mtsp_total_error) printf("mtsp mem test finished and %d errors occur\n", mtsp_total_error); else printf("mtsp memory test finished successfully.\n"); } else if (logout_mode == SIGN_MODE) printf("\n"); if (logout_mode >= MINIMAL_MODE && logout_mode < FULL_MODE && mtsp_total_error) printf("mstp--> Test failed\n"); if (mtsp_total_error) { if (bit_byte_check) { printf("*** MTSP BYTE & BIT error statistics ***\n"); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(byte_err_sta)/sizeof(uint32_t); i++) printf("BYTE %d error: %d\n", i, byte_err_sta[i]); printf("----------\n"); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(bit_err_sta)/sizeof(uint32_t); i++) printf("BIT %d error: %d\n", i, bit_err_sta[i]); } return MTSP_READ_FAIL; } return mtsp_rc; }
void HariMain(void) { boot_info_t* binfo = (boot_info_t*)ADR_BOOTINFO; fifo8_t timerfifo; char debug_info[64], keybuf[32], mousebuf[128], timerbuf[8]; int mouse_x, mouse_y; int data; mouse_dec_t mdec; unsigned int memory_total; mem_mgr_t* mem_mgr = (mem_mgr_t*)MEMMGR_ADDR; layer_mgr_t* layer_mgr; layer_t* back_layer; layer_t* mouse_layer; layer_t* win_layer; unsigned char* back_buf; unsigned char mouse_buf[256]; unsigned char* win_buf; init_gdt_idt(); init_pic(); io_sti(); /* after initialize IDT/PIC, allow all CPU's interruptors */ fifo_init(&g_keybuf, keybuf, 32); fifo_init(&g_mousebuf, mousebuf, 128); init_pit(); /* initialize programmable interval timer */ io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); /* set PIT/PIC1/keyboard permission 11111000 */ io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* set mouse permission 11101111 */ fifo_init(&timerfifo, timerbuf, 8); set_timer(1000, &timerfifo, 1); init_keyboard(); /* initialize keyboard */ enable_mouse(&mdec); /* enabled mouse */ memory_total = memory_test(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff); mem_mgr_init(mem_mgr); mem_mgr_free(mem_mgr, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000); /*0x00001000~0x0009e000*/ mem_mgr_free(mem_mgr, 0x00400000, memory_total - 0x00400000); init_palette(); layer_mgr = layer_mgr_init(mem_mgr, binfo->vram, binfo->screen_x, binfo->screen_y); back_layer = layer_alloc(layer_mgr); mouse_layer = layer_alloc(layer_mgr); win_layer = layer_alloc(layer_mgr); back_buf = (unsigned char*)mem_mgr_alloc_4k(mem_mgr, binfo->screen_x * binfo->screen_y); win_buf = (unsigned char*)mem_mgr_alloc_4k(mem_mgr, 160 * 52); layer_setbuf(back_layer, back_buf, binfo->screen_x, binfo->screen_y, -1); layer_setbuf(mouse_layer, mouse_buf, 16, 16, 99); layer_setbuf(win_layer, win_buf, 160, 52, -1); init_screen(back_buf, binfo->screen_x, binfo->screen_y); init_mouse_cursor8(mouse_buf, 99); make_window8(win_buf, 160, 52, "Counter"); layer_slide(back_layer, 0, 0); mouse_x = (binfo->screen_x - 16) / 2; mouse_y = (binfo->screen_y - 28 - 16) / 2; layer_slide(mouse_layer, mouse_x, mouse_y); layer_slide(win_layer, 80, 72); layer_updown(back_layer, 0); layer_updown(win_layer, 1); layer_updown(mouse_layer, 2); sprintf(debug_info, "(%3d, %3d)", mouse_x, mouse_y); draw_font8_asc(back_buf, binfo->screen_x, 0, 0, COLOR8_FFFFFF, debug_info); sprintf(debug_info, "memory total: %dMB, free space: %dKB", memory_total / (1024 * 1024), mem_mgr_total(mem_mgr) / 1024); draw_font8_asc(back_buf, binfo->screen_x, 0, 32, COLOR8_FFFFFF, debug_info); layers_refresh(back_layer, 0, 0, binfo->screen_x, 48); for ( ; ; ) { sprintf(debug_info, "%010d", g_timerctl.count); fill_box8(win_buf, 160, COLOR8_C6C6C6, 40, 28, 119, 43); draw_font8_asc(win_buf, 160, 40, 28, COLOR8_000000, debug_info); layers_refresh(win_layer, 40, 28, 120, 44); io_cli(); if (0 == fifo_size(&g_keybuf) && 0 == fifo_size(&g_mousebuf) && 0 == fifo_size(&timerfifo)) io_stihlt(); else { if (0 != fifo_size(&g_keybuf)) { data = fifo_get(&g_keybuf); io_sti(); sprintf(debug_info, "%02X", data); fill_box8(back_buf, binfo->screen_x, COLOR8_848484, 0, 16, 15, 31); draw_font8_asc(back_buf, binfo->screen_x, 0, 16, COLOR8_FFFFFF, debug_info); layers_refresh(back_layer, 0, 16, 16, 32); } else if (0 != fifo_size(&g_mousebuf)) { data = fifo_get(&g_mousebuf); io_sti(); if (0 != mouse_decode(&mdec, data)) { /* show all mouse bytes code */ sprintf(debug_info, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y); if (0 != (mdec.state & 0x01)) debug_info[1] = 'L'; if (0 != (mdec.state & 0x02)) debug_info[3] = 'R'; if (0 != (mdec.state & 0x04)) debug_info[2] = 'C'; fill_box8(back_buf, binfo->screen_x, COLOR8_848484, 32, 16, 32 + 15 * 8 - 1, 31); draw_font8_asc(back_buf, binfo->screen_x, 32, 16, COLOR8_FFFFFF, debug_info); layers_refresh(back_layer, 32, 16, 32 + 15 * 8, 32); mouse_x += mdec.x; mouse_y += mdec.y; if (mouse_x < 0) mouse_x = 0; if (mouse_y < 0) mouse_y = 0; if (mouse_x > binfo->screen_x - 1) mouse_x = binfo->screen_x - 1; if (mouse_y > binfo->screen_y - 1) mouse_y = binfo->screen_y - 1; sprintf(debug_info, "(%3d, %3d)", mouse_x, mouse_y); fill_box8(back_buf, binfo->screen_x, COLOR8_848484, 0, 0, 79, 15); /* hide mouse position */ draw_font8_asc(back_buf, binfo->screen_x, 0, 0, COLOR8_FFFFFF, debug_info); /* show mouse position */ layers_refresh(back_layer, 0, 0, 80, 16); layer_slide(mouse_layer, mouse_x, mouse_y); } } else if (0 != fifo_size(&timerfifo)) { data = fifo_get(&timerfifo); io_sti(); draw_font8_asc(back_buf, binfo->screen_x, 0, 64, COLOR8_FFFFFF, "10[sec]"); layers_refresh(back_layer, 0, 64, 56, 80); } } } }
void HariMain(void) { boot_info_t* binfo = (boot_info_t*)ADR_BOOTINFO; fifo32_t fifo, keycmd; int fifobuf[128], keycmd_buf[32]; char debug_info[64]; int mouse_x, mouse_y, cursor_x, cursor_c; int data; mouse_dec_t mdec; unsigned int memory_total; mem_mgr_t* mem_mgr = (mem_mgr_t*)MEMMGR_ADDR; layer_mgr_t* layer_mgr; layer_t* back_layer; layer_t* mouse_layer; layer_t* win_layer; layer_t* cons_layer; unsigned char* back_buf; unsigned char mouse_buf[256]; unsigned char* win_buf; unsigned char* cons_buf; static char s_keytable[0x80] = { 0, 0, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '=', 0, 0, 'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '[', ']', 0, 0, 'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', '\'','`', 0, '\\','Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B', 'N', 'M', ',', '.', '/', 0, '*', 0, ' ', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1', '2', '3', '0', '.', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static char s_keytable_shift[0x80] = { 0, 0, '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')', '_', '+', 0, 0, 'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '{', '}', 0, 0, 'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ':', '\"','~', 0, '|', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B', 'N', 'M', '<', '>', '?', 0, '*', 0, ' ', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1', '2', '3', '0', '.', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; task_t* task_a; task_t* task_cons; timer_t* timer; int key_to = 0, key_shift = 0; int key_leds = (binfo->leds >> 4) & 7; /* CapsLock state */ int keycmd_wait = -1; init_gdt_idt(); init_pic(); io_sti(); /* after initialize IDT/PIC, allow all CPU's interruptors */ fifo_init(&fifo, fifobuf, 128, 0); init_pit(); /* initialize programmable interval timer */ init_keyboard(&fifo, 256); enable_mouse(&fifo, 512, &mdec); io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); /* set PIT/PIC1/keyboard permission 11111000 */ io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* set mouse permission 11101111 */ fifo_init(&keycmd, keycmd_buf, 32, 0); memory_total = memory_test(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff); mem_mgr_init(mem_mgr); mem_mgr_free(mem_mgr, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000); /*0x00001000~0x0009e000*/ mem_mgr_free(mem_mgr, 0x00400000, memory_total - 0x00400000); init_palette(); layer_mgr = layer_mgr_init(mem_mgr, binfo->vram, binfo->screen_x, binfo->screen_y); task_a = task_init(mem_mgr); fifo.task = task_a; task_run(task_a, 1, 2); /* back layer */ back_layer = layer_alloc(layer_mgr); back_buf = (unsigned char*)mem_mgr_alloc_4k(mem_mgr, binfo->screen_x * binfo->screen_y); layer_setbuf(back_layer, back_buf, binfo->screen_x, binfo->screen_y, -1); init_screen(back_buf, binfo->screen_x, binfo->screen_y); /* console task */ cons_layer = layer_alloc(layer_mgr); cons_buf = (unsigned char*)mem_mgr_alloc_4k(mem_mgr, 256 * 165); layer_setbuf(cons_layer, cons_buf, 256, 165, -1); /* transparent */ make_window8(cons_buf, 256, 165, "Console", 0); make_text8(cons_layer, 8, 28, 240, 128, COLOR8_000000); task_cons = task_alloc(); task_cons->tss.esp = mem_mgr_alloc_4k(mem_mgr, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024 - 8; task_cons->tss.eip = (int)&console_task; task_cons-> = 1 * 8; task_cons->tss.cs = 2 * 8; task_cons-> = 1 * 8; task_cons->tss.ds = 1 * 8; task_cons->tss.fs = 1 * 8; task_cons-> = 1 * 8; *((int*)(task_cons->tss.esp + 4)) = (int)cons_layer; task_run(task_cons, 2, 2); /* level = 2, priority = 2 */ /* window layer */ win_layer = layer_alloc(layer_mgr); win_buf = (unsigned char*)mem_mgr_alloc_4k(mem_mgr, 160 * 52); layer_setbuf(win_layer, win_buf, 144, 52, -1); make_window8(win_buf, 144, 52, "TASK-A", 1); make_text8(win_layer, 8, 28, 128, 16, COLOR8_FFFFFF); cursor_x = 8; cursor_c = COLOR8_FFFFFF; timer = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1); timer_settimer(timer, 50); /* mouse layer */ mouse_layer = layer_alloc(layer_mgr); layer_setbuf(mouse_layer, mouse_buf, 16, 16, 99); init_mouse_cursor8(mouse_buf, 99); mouse_x = (binfo->screen_x - 16) / 2; mouse_y = (binfo->screen_y - 28 - 16) / 2; layer_slide(back_layer, 0, 0); layer_slide(cons_layer, 32, 4); layer_slide(win_layer, 64, 56); layer_slide(mouse_layer, mouse_x, mouse_y); layer_updown(back_layer, 0); layer_updown(cons_layer, 1); layer_updown(win_layer, 2); layer_updown(mouse_layer, 3); sprintf(debug_info, "(%3d, %3d)", mouse_x, mouse_y); drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 0, 0, COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, debug_info, 10); sprintf(debug_info, "memory total: %dMB, free space: %dKB", memory_total / (1024 * 1024), mem_mgr_total(mem_mgr) / 1024); drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 0, 32, COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, debug_info, 40); fifo_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED); fifo_put(&keycmd, key_leds); for ( ; ; ) { if (fifo_size(&keycmd) > 0 && keycmd_wait < 0) { /* send it when send data to keyboard controller */ keycmd_wait = fifo_get(&keycmd); wait_kbc_sendready(); io_out8(PORT_KEYDATA, keycmd_wait); } io_cli(); if (0 == fifo_size(&fifo)) { task_sleep(task_a); io_sti(); } else { data = fifo_get(&fifo); io_sti(); if (256 <= data && data <= 511) { sprintf(debug_info, "%02X", data - 256); drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 0, 16, COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, debug_info, 2); if (data < (256 + 0x80)) { /* translation character */ if (0 == key_shift) debug_info[0] = s_keytable[data - 256]; else debug_info[0] = s_keytable_shift[data - 256]; } else debug_info[0] = 0; if ('A' <= debug_info[0] && debug_info[0] <= 'Z') { /* it's an english character */ if ((0 == (key_leds & 4) && 0 == key_shift) || (0 != (key_leds & 4) && 0 != key_shift)) debug_info[0] += 0x20; /* character lower ('A' -> 'a') */ } if (0 != debug_info[0]) { /* general character */ if (0 == key_to) { /* send character data to TASK-A */ if (cursor_x < 128) { /* display one character and cursor move backward one */ debug_info[1] = 0; drawstring_and_refresh(win_layer, cursor_x, 28, COLOR8_000000, COLOR8_FFFFFF, debug_info, 1); cursor_x += 8; } } else /* send character data to console window */ fifo_put(&task_cons->fifo, debug_info[0] + 256); } if ((256 + 0x0e) == data) { /* backspace, recover cursor by sapce, move back cursor 1 time */ if (0 == key_to) { if (cursor_x > 8) { drawstring_and_refresh(win_layer, cursor_x, 28, COLOR8_000000, COLOR8_FFFFFF, " ", 1); cursor_x -= 8; } } else fifo_put(&task_cons->fifo, 8 + 256); } if ((256 + 0x0f) == data) { /* TAB */ if (0 == key_to) { key_to = 1; make_title8(win_buf, win_layer->w_size, "TASK-A", 0); make_title8(cons_buf, cons_layer->w_size, "Console", 1); cursor_c = -1; /* don't show the cursor */ fill_box8(win_layer->buf, win_layer->w_size, COLOR8_FFFFFF, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); } else { key_to = 0; make_title8(win_buf, win_layer->w_size, "TASK-A", 1); make_title8(cons_buf, cons_layer->w_size, "Console", 0); cursor_c = COLOR8_000000; /* show the cursor */ } layers_refresh(win_layer, 0, 0, win_layer->w_size, 21); layers_refresh(cons_layer, 0, 0, cons_layer->w_size, 21); } if ((256 + 0x2a) == data) /* left shift down */ key_shift |= 1; if ((256 + 0x36) == data) /* right shift down */ key_shift |= 2; if ((256 + 0xaa) == data) /* left shift up */ key_shift &= ~1; if ((256 + 0xb6) == data) /* right shift up */ key_shift &= ~2; if ((256 + 0x3a) == data) { /* CapsLock */ key_leds ^= 4; fifo_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED); fifo_put(&keycmd, key_leds); } if ((256 + 0x45) == data) { /* NumLock */ key_leds ^= 2; fifo_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED); fifo_put(&keycmd, key_leds); } if ((256 + 0x46) == data) { /* ScrollLock */ key_leds ^= 1; fifo_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED); fifo_put(&keycmd, key_leds); } if ((256 + 0xfa) == data) /* keyboard recevie data success */ keycmd_wait = -1; if ((256 + 0xfe) == data) { /* keyboard recevie data failed */ wait_kbc_sendready(); io_out8(PORT_KEYDATA, keycmd_wait); } /* show cursor again */ if (cursor_c >= 0) { fill_box8(win_layer->buf, win_layer->w_size, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); } layers_refresh(win_layer, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44); } else if (512 <= data && data <= 767) { if (0 != mouse_decode(&mdec, data - 512)) { /* show all mouse bytes code */ sprintf(debug_info, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y); if (0 != (mdec.state & 0x01)) debug_info[1] = 'L'; if (0 != (mdec.state & 0x02)) debug_info[3] = 'R'; if (0 != (mdec.state & 0x04)) debug_info[2] = 'C'; drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 32, 16, COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, debug_info, 15); mouse_x += mdec.x; mouse_y += mdec.y; if (mouse_x < 0) mouse_x = 0; if (mouse_y < 0) mouse_y = 0; if (mouse_x > binfo->screen_x - 1) mouse_x = binfo->screen_x - 1; if (mouse_y > binfo->screen_y - 1) mouse_y = binfo->screen_y - 1; sprintf(debug_info, "(%3d, %3d)", mouse_x, mouse_y); drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 0, 0, COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, debug_info, 10); layer_slide(mouse_layer, mouse_x, mouse_y); if (0 != (mdec.state & 0x01)) { /* down left click, move window */ layer_slide(win_layer, mouse_x - 80, mouse_y - 8); } } } else if (data <= 1) { /* timer by cursor */ if (0 != data) { timer_init(timer, &fifo, 0); if (cursor_c >= 0) cursor_c = COLOR8_000000; } else { timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1); if (cursor_c >= 0) cursor_c = COLOR8_FFFFFF; } timer_settimer(timer, 50); if (cursor_c >= 0) { fill_box8(win_layer->buf, win_layer->w_size, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); layers_refresh(win_layer, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44); } } } } }
void HariMain(void) { boot_info_t* binfo = (boot_info_t*)ADR_BOOTINFO; fifo32_t fifo; int fifobuf[128]; char debug_info[64]; timer_t* timer1; timer_t* timer2; timer_t* timer3; int mouse_x, mouse_y; int data; mouse_dec_t mdec; unsigned int memory_total; mem_mgr_t* mem_mgr = (mem_mgr_t*)MEMMGR_ADDR; layer_mgr_t* layer_mgr; layer_t* back_layer; layer_t* mouse_layer; layer_t* win_layer; unsigned char* back_buf; unsigned char mouse_buf[256]; unsigned char* win_buf; unsigned int count = 0; init_gdt_idt(); init_pic(); io_sti(); /* after initialize IDT/PIC, allow all CPU's interruptors */ fifo_init(&fifo, fifobuf, 128); init_pit(); /* initialize programmable interval timer */ init_keyboard(&fifo, 256); enable_mouse(&fifo, 512, &mdec); io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); /* set PIT/PIC1/keyboard permission 11111000 */ io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* set mouse permission 11101111 */ timer1 = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer1, &fifo, 10); timer_settimer(timer1, 1000); timer2 = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer2, &fifo, 3); timer_settimer(timer2, 300); timer3 = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1); timer_settimer(timer3, 50); memory_total = memory_test(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff); mem_mgr_init(mem_mgr); mem_mgr_free(mem_mgr, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000); /*0x00001000~0x0009e000*/ mem_mgr_free(mem_mgr, 0x00400000, memory_total - 0x00400000); init_palette(); layer_mgr = layer_mgr_init(mem_mgr, binfo->vram, binfo->screen_x, binfo->screen_y); back_layer = layer_alloc(layer_mgr); mouse_layer = layer_alloc(layer_mgr); win_layer = layer_alloc(layer_mgr); back_buf = (unsigned char*)mem_mgr_alloc_4k(mem_mgr, binfo->screen_x * binfo->screen_y); win_buf = (unsigned char*)mem_mgr_alloc_4k(mem_mgr, 160 * 52); layer_setbuf(back_layer, back_buf, binfo->screen_x, binfo->screen_y, -1); layer_setbuf(mouse_layer, mouse_buf, 16, 16, 99); layer_setbuf(win_layer, win_buf, 160, 52, -1); init_screen(back_buf, binfo->screen_x, binfo->screen_y); init_mouse_cursor8(mouse_buf, 99); make_window8(win_buf, 160, 52, "Counter"); layer_slide(back_layer, 0, 0); mouse_x = (binfo->screen_x - 16) / 2; mouse_y = (binfo->screen_y - 28 - 16) / 2; layer_slide(mouse_layer, mouse_x, mouse_y); layer_slide(win_layer, 80, 72); layer_updown(back_layer, 0); layer_updown(win_layer, 1); layer_updown(mouse_layer, 2); sprintf(debug_info, "(%3d, %3d)", mouse_x, mouse_y); drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 0, 0, COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, debug_info, 10); sprintf(debug_info, "memory total: %dMB, free space: %dKB", memory_total / (1024 * 1024), mem_mgr_total(mem_mgr) / 1024); drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 0, 32, COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, debug_info, 40); for ( ; ; ) { /* sprintf(debug_info, "%010d", g_timerctl.count); drawstring_and_refresh(win_layer, 40, 28, COLOR8_000000, COLOR8_C6C6C6, debug_info, 10); */ ++count; io_cli(); if (0 == fifo_size(&fifo)) io_sti(); else { data = fifo_get(&fifo); io_sti(); if (256 <= data && data <= 511) { sprintf(debug_info, "%02X", data - 256); drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 0, 16, COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, debug_info, 2); } else if (512 <= data && data <= 767) { if (0 != mouse_decode(&mdec, data - 512)) { /* show all mouse bytes code */ sprintf(debug_info, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y); if (0 != (mdec.state & 0x01)) debug_info[1] = 'L'; if (0 != (mdec.state & 0x02)) debug_info[3] = 'R'; if (0 != (mdec.state & 0x04)) debug_info[2] = 'C'; drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 32, 16, COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, debug_info, 15); mouse_x += mdec.x; mouse_y += mdec.y; if (mouse_x < 0) mouse_x = 0; if (mouse_y < 0) mouse_y = 0; if (mouse_x > binfo->screen_x - 1) mouse_x = binfo->screen_x - 1; if (mouse_y > binfo->screen_y - 1) mouse_y = binfo->screen_y - 1; sprintf(debug_info, "(%3d, %3d)", mouse_x, mouse_y); drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 0, 0, COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, debug_info, 10); layer_slide(mouse_layer, mouse_x, mouse_y); } } else if (10 == data) { drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 0, 64, COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, "10[sec]", 7); sprintf(debug_info, "%010d", count); drawstring_and_refresh(win_layer, 40, 28, COLOR8_000000, COLOR8_C6C6C6, debug_info, 10); } else if (3 == data) { drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 0, 80, COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, "03[sec]", 7); count = 0; } else if (1 == data) { timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 0); fill_box8(back_buf, binfo->screen_x, COLOR8_FFFFFF, 8, 96, 15, 111); timer_settimer(timer3, 50); layers_refresh(back_layer, 8, 96, 16, 112); } else if (0 == data) { timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1); fill_box8(back_buf, binfo->screen_x, COLOR8_848484, 8, 96, 15, 111); timer_settimer(timer3, 50); layers_refresh(back_layer, 8, 96, 16, 112); } } } }
void HariMain(void) { boot_info_t* binfo = (boot_info_t*)ADR_BOOTINFO; fifo32_t fifo; int fifobuf[128]; char debug_info[64]; int mouse_x, mouse_y, cursor_x, cursor_c; int data; int i; mouse_dec_t mdec; unsigned int memory_total; mem_mgr_t* mem_mgr = (mem_mgr_t*)MEMMGR_ADDR; layer_mgr_t* layer_mgr; layer_t* back_layer; layer_t* mouse_layer; layer_t* win_layer; layer_t* win_layer_b[3]; unsigned char* back_buf; unsigned char mouse_buf[256]; unsigned char* win_buf; unsigned char* win_buf_b; static char s_keytable[0x54] = { 0, 0, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '=', 0, 0, 'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '[', ']', 0, 0, 'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', '\'','`', 0, '\\','Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B', 'N', 'M', ',', '.', '/', 0, '*', 0, ' ', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1', '2', '3', '0', '.' }; task_t* task_a; task_t* task_b[3]; timer_t* timer; init_gdt_idt(); init_pic(); io_sti(); /* after initialize IDT/PIC, allow all CPU's interruptors */ fifo_init(&fifo, fifobuf, 128, 0); init_pit(); /* initialize programmable interval timer */ init_keyboard(&fifo, 256); enable_mouse(&fifo, 512, &mdec); io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); /* set PIT/PIC1/keyboard permission 11111000 */ io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* set mouse permission 11101111 */ memory_total = memory_test(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff); mem_mgr_init(mem_mgr); mem_mgr_free(mem_mgr, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000); /*0x00001000~0x0009e000*/ mem_mgr_free(mem_mgr, 0x00400000, memory_total - 0x00400000); init_palette(); layer_mgr = layer_mgr_init(mem_mgr, binfo->vram, binfo->screen_x, binfo->screen_y); task_a = task_init(mem_mgr); fifo.task = task_a; task_run(task_a, 1, 2); /* back layer */ back_layer = layer_alloc(layer_mgr); back_buf = (unsigned char*)mem_mgr_alloc_4k(mem_mgr, binfo->screen_x * binfo->screen_y); layer_setbuf(back_layer, back_buf, binfo->screen_x, binfo->screen_y, -1); init_screen(back_buf, binfo->screen_x, binfo->screen_y); /* window layer b */ for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { win_layer_b[i] = layer_alloc(layer_mgr); win_buf_b = (unsigned char*)mem_mgr_alloc_4k(mem_mgr, 144 * 52); layer_setbuf(win_layer_b[i], win_buf_b, 144, 52, -1); /* transparent */ sprintf(debug_info, "TASK-B%d", i); make_window8(win_buf_b, 144, 52, debug_info, 0); task_b[i] = task_alloc(); task_b[i]->tss.esp = mem_mgr_alloc_4k(mem_mgr, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024 - 8; task_b[i]->tss.eip = (int)&task_b_main; task_b[i]-> = 1 * 8; task_b[i]->tss.cs = 2 * 8; task_b[i]-> = 1 * 8; task_b[i]->tss.ds = 1 * 8; task_b[i]->tss.fs = 1 * 8; task_b[i]-> = 1 * 8; *((int*)(task_b[i]->tss.esp + 4)) = (int)win_layer_b[i]; task_run(task_b[i], 2, i + 1); } /* window layer */ win_layer = layer_alloc(layer_mgr); win_buf = (unsigned char*)mem_mgr_alloc_4k(mem_mgr, 160 * 52); layer_setbuf(win_layer, win_buf, 144, 52, -1); make_window8(win_buf, 144, 52, "TASK-A", 1); make_text8(win_layer, 8, 28, 128, 16, COLOR8_FFFFFF); cursor_x = 8; cursor_c = COLOR8_FFFFFF; timer = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1); timer_settimer(timer, 50); /* mouse layer */ mouse_layer = layer_alloc(layer_mgr); layer_setbuf(mouse_layer, mouse_buf, 16, 16, 99); init_mouse_cursor8(mouse_buf, 99); mouse_x = (binfo->screen_x - 16) / 2; mouse_y = (binfo->screen_y - 28 - 16) / 2; layer_slide(back_layer, 0, 0); layer_slide(win_layer_b[0], 168, 56); layer_slide(win_layer_b[1], 8, 116); layer_slide(win_layer_b[2], 168, 116); layer_slide(win_layer, 8, 56); layer_slide(mouse_layer, mouse_x, mouse_y); layer_updown(back_layer, 0); layer_updown(win_layer_b[0], 1); layer_updown(win_layer_b[1], 2); layer_updown(win_layer_b[2], 3); layer_updown(win_layer, 4); layer_updown(mouse_layer, 5); sprintf(debug_info, "(%3d, %3d)", mouse_x, mouse_y); drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 0, 0, COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, debug_info, 10); sprintf(debug_info, "memory total: %dMB, free space: %dKB", memory_total / (1024 * 1024), mem_mgr_total(mem_mgr) / 1024); drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 0, 32, COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, debug_info, 40); for ( ; ; ) { io_cli(); if (0 == fifo_size(&fifo)) { task_sleep(task_a); io_sti(); } else { data = fifo_get(&fifo); io_sti(); if (256 <= data && data <= 511) { sprintf(debug_info, "%02X", data - 256); drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 0, 16, COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, debug_info, 2); if (data < (256 + 0x54)) { if (0 != s_keytable[data - 256] && cursor_x < 128) { /* normal character, show 1 character, move cursor 1 time */ debug_info[0] = s_keytable[data - 256]; debug_info[1] = 0; drawstring_and_refresh(win_layer, cursor_x, 28, COLOR8_000000, COLOR8_FFFFFF, debug_info, 1); cursor_x += 8; } } if ((256 + 0x0e) == data && cursor_x > 8) { /* backspace, recover cursor by sapce, move back cursor 1 time */ drawstring_and_refresh(win_layer, cursor_x, 28, COLOR8_000000, COLOR8_FFFFFF, " ", 1); cursor_x -= 8; } /* show cursor again */ fill_box8(win_layer->buf, win_layer->w_size, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); layers_refresh(win_layer, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44); } else if (512 <= data && data <= 767) { if (0 != mouse_decode(&mdec, data - 512)) { /* show all mouse bytes code */ sprintf(debug_info, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y); if (0 != (mdec.state & 0x01)) debug_info[1] = 'L'; if (0 != (mdec.state & 0x02)) debug_info[3] = 'R'; if (0 != (mdec.state & 0x04)) debug_info[2] = 'C'; drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 32, 16, COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, debug_info, 15); mouse_x += mdec.x; mouse_y += mdec.y; if (mouse_x < 0) mouse_x = 0; if (mouse_y < 0) mouse_y = 0; if (mouse_x > binfo->screen_x - 1) mouse_x = binfo->screen_x - 1; if (mouse_y > binfo->screen_y - 1) mouse_y = binfo->screen_y - 1; sprintf(debug_info, "(%3d, %3d)", mouse_x, mouse_y); drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 0, 0, COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, debug_info, 10); layer_slide(mouse_layer, mouse_x, mouse_y); if (0 != (mdec.state & 0x01)) { /* down left click, move window */ layer_slide(win_layer, mouse_x - 80, mouse_y - 8); } } } else if (data <= 1) { /* timer by cursor */ if (0 != data) { timer_init(timer, &fifo, 0); cursor_c = COLOR8_000000; } else { timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1); cursor_c = COLOR8_FFFFFF; } timer_settimer(timer, 50); fill_box8(win_layer->buf, win_layer->w_size, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); layers_refresh(win_layer, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44); } } } }
/* do_testd_ram * args * cmd_tbl_t: not used * flag: not used * argc: number of arguments passed on command line * argv: array of arguments passed on command line * This function tests the ram according to arguments passed on * the command line: start_addr end_addr pattern iterations * The arguments are optional as they all have defaults. */ int do_testd_ram(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[]) { vu_long start_addr, end_addr, pattern; int iterations; int result = TESTD_PASS; int i; char c; if(argc < 2) { start_addr = RamArray[0].start_addr; } else { start_addr = simple_strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 16); } if(argc < 3) { /* Set default */ end_addr = RamArray[0].end_addr; } else { end_addr = simple_strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 16); } if(argc < 4) { /* Use the default pattern */ pattern = PatternArray[0]; } else { pattern = simple_strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 16); } /* Default to 1 iteration if iterations is not passed */ if(argc < 5) { iterations = 1; } else { iterations = simple_strtoul(argv[4], NULL, 10); } /* Range check start_addr end_addr */ if(start_addr < RamArray[1].start_addr || start_addr > RamArray[1].end_addr) { printf("start_addr %.08x outside of range [%.08x:%.08x]\n", (unsigned int)start_addr, (unsigned int)RamArray[1].start_addr, (unsigned int)RamArray[1].end_addr); return 0; } if(end_addr < RamArray[1].start_addr || end_addr > RamArray[1].end_addr) { printf("end_addr %.08x outside of range [%.08x:%.08x]\n", (unsigned int)end_addr, (unsigned int)RamArray[1].start_addr, (unsigned int)RamArray[1].end_addr); } if(end_addr < start_addr) { printf("end_addr %.08x must be greater than start_addr %.08x\n", (unsigned int)end_addr, (unsigned int)start_addr); return TESTD_FAIL; } /* Run Test iterations */ printf("ROM test from %.08x to %.08x with pattern %.08x for %d iterations\n", (unsigned int)start_addr, (unsigned int)end_addr, (unsigned int)pattern, (unsigned int)iterations); if(iterations > 1) { printf("Press ESC to exit\n"); } for(i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { result = memory_test(start_addr, end_addr, pattern); /* check for escape character */ c = tstc() ? getc() : '\0'; if((result == TESTD_FAIL) || (c == 0x1B)) { break; } } if(result == TESTD_PASS) { printf("completed %d iterations successfully\n", i); } else { printf("completed %d iterations test failed\n", i); } return result; }
//int main(int argc, char * argv) int test_diags(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[]) { int result; int loopCount; int failCount; int stopLoop; int done = 0; char c; r_index = 0; p_index = 0; fl_index = 0; sd_index = 0; Testd_status[0] = '\0'; do { display_testd_menu(); switch(testd_get_input()) { case '1': failCount = loopCount = 0; stopLoop = !Testd_loop; do { result = memory_test(RamArray[r_index].start_addr, RamArray[r_index].end_addr, PatternArray[p_index]); loopCount++; if(result == TESTD_FAIL) { failCount++; } /* if necessary process the character is it an ESC */ if(!stopLoop && tstc()) { c = getc(); if(c == 0x1B) { stopLoop = 1; } } } while(!stopLoop); if(failCount) { sprintf(Testd_status, "Status: RAM TEST FAIL failed %d of %d\n", failCount, loopCount ); } else { sprintf(Testd_status, "Status: RAM TEST PASS %d iterations\n", loopCount ); } break; case 'a': case 'A': r_index++; r_index %= NUM_RAM_ADDRS; break; case '2': failCount = loopCount = 0; stopLoop = !Testd_loop; do { result = testd_flash_test(FlArray[fl_index].start_addr, FlArray[fl_index].end_addr, PatternArray[p_index]); loopCount++; if(result == TESTD_FAIL) { failCount++; } /* if necessary process the character is it an ESC */ if(!stopLoop && tstc()) { c = getc(); if(c == 0x1B) { stopLoop = 1; } } } while(!stopLoop); if(failCount) { sprintf(Testd_status, "Status: ROM TEST FAIL failed %d of %d\n", failCount, loopCount ); } else { sprintf(Testd_status, "Status: ROM TEST PASS %d iterations\n", loopCount ); } break; case 'f': case 'F': fl_index = ++fl_index % NUM_FL_ADDRS; break; case 'p': case 'P': p_index++; p_index %= NUM_PATTERNS; break; case 'L': case 'l': testd_toggle_loop(); break; case 'q': case 'Q': done = 1; // exit loop break; default: testd_print_inv(); break; } } while(!done); printf("\n"); return 0; }
void wlan_mac_util_init( u32 type, u32 eth_dev_num ){ int Status; u32 i; u32 gpio_read; u32 queue_len; u64 timestamp; u32 log_size; tx_frame_info* tx_mpdu; // Initialize callbacks eth_rx_callback = (function_ptr_t)nullCallback; mpdu_rx_callback = (function_ptr_t)nullCallback; fcs_bad_rx_callback = (function_ptr_t)nullCallback; mpdu_tx_done_callback = (function_ptr_t)nullCallback; pb_u_callback = (function_ptr_t)nullCallback; pb_m_callback = (function_ptr_t)nullCallback; pb_d_callback = (function_ptr_t)nullCallback; uart_callback = (function_ptr_t)nullCallback; ipc_rx_callback = (function_ptr_t)nullCallback; check_queue_callback = (function_ptr_t)nullCallback; mpdu_tx_accept_callback = (function_ptr_t)nullCallback; wlan_mac_ipc_init(); for(i=0;i < NUM_TX_PKT_BUFS; i++){ tx_mpdu = (tx_frame_info*)TX_PKT_BUF_TO_ADDR(i); tx_mpdu->state = TX_MPDU_STATE_EMPTY; } tx_pkt_buf = 0; #ifdef _DEBUG_ xil_printf("locking tx_pkt_buf = %d\n", tx_pkt_buf); #endif if(lock_pkt_buf_tx(tx_pkt_buf) != PKT_BUF_MUTEX_SUCCESS){ warp_printf(PL_ERROR,"Error: unable to lock pkt_buf %d\n",tx_pkt_buf); } tx_mpdu = (tx_frame_info*)TX_PKT_BUF_TO_ADDR(tx_pkt_buf); tx_mpdu->state = TX_MPDU_STATE_TX_PENDING; //Initialize the central DMA (CDMA) driver XAxiCdma_Config *cdma_cfg_ptr; cdma_cfg_ptr = XAxiCdma_LookupConfig(XPAR_AXI_CDMA_0_DEVICE_ID); Status = XAxiCdma_CfgInitialize(&cdma_inst, cdma_cfg_ptr, cdma_cfg_ptr->BaseAddress); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { warp_printf(PL_ERROR,"Error initializing CDMA: %d\n", Status); } XAxiCdma_IntrDisable(&cdma_inst, XAXICDMA_XR_IRQ_ALL_MASK); Status = XGpio_Initialize(&Gpio, GPIO_DEVICE_ID); gpio_timestamp_initialize(); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { warp_printf(PL_ERROR, "Error initializing GPIO\n"); return; } Status = XUartLite_Initialize(&UartLite, UARTLITE_DEVICE_ID); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { warp_printf(PL_ERROR, "Error initializing XUartLite\n"); return; } gpio_read = XGpio_DiscreteRead(&Gpio, GPIO_INPUT_CHANNEL); if(gpio_read&GPIO_MASK_DRAM_INIT_DONE){ xil_printf("DRAM SODIMM Detected\n"); if(memory_test()==0){ queue_dram_present(1); dram_present = 1; } else { queue_dram_present(0); dram_present = 0; } } else { queue_dram_present(0); dram_present = 0; timestamp = get_usec_timestamp(); while((get_usec_timestamp() - timestamp) < 100000){ if((XGpio_DiscreteRead(&Gpio, GPIO_INPUT_CHANNEL)&GPIO_MASK_DRAM_INIT_DONE)){ xil_printf("DRAM SODIMM Detected\n"); if(memory_test()==0){ queue_dram_present(1); dram_present = 1; } else { queue_dram_present(0); dram_present = 0; } break; } } } queue_len = queue_init(); if( dram_present ) { //The event_list lives in DRAM immediately following the queue payloads. if(MAX_EVENT_LOG == -1){ log_size = (DDR3_SIZE - queue_len); } else { log_size = min( (DDR3_SIZE - queue_len), MAX_EVENT_LOG ); } event_log_init( (void*)(DDR3_BASEADDR + queue_len), log_size ); } else { log_size = 0; } #ifdef USE_WARPNET_WLAN_EXP // Communicate the log size to WARPNet node_info_set_event_log_size( log_size ); #endif wlan_eth_init(); //Set direction of GPIO channels XGpio_SetDataDirection(&Gpio, GPIO_INPUT_CHANNEL, 0xFFFFFFFF); XGpio_SetDataDirection(&Gpio, GPIO_OUTPUT_CHANNEL, 0); Status = XTmrCtr_Initialize(&TimerCounterInst, TMRCTR_DEVICE_ID); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { xil_printf("XTmrCtr failed to initialize\n"); return; } //Set the handler for Timer XTmrCtr_SetHandler(&TimerCounterInst, timer_handler, &TimerCounterInst); //Enable interrupt of timer and auto-reload so it continues repeatedly XTmrCtr_SetOptions(&TimerCounterInst, TIMER_CNTR_FAST, XTC_DOWN_COUNT_OPTION | XTC_INT_MODE_OPTION); XTmrCtr_SetOptions(&TimerCounterInst, TIMER_CNTR_SLOW, XTC_DOWN_COUNT_OPTION | XTC_INT_MODE_OPTION); timer_running[TIMER_CNTR_FAST] = 0; timer_running[TIMER_CNTR_SLOW] = 0; // Get the type of node from the input parameter hw_info.type = type; hw_info.wn_exp_eth_device = eth_dev_num; #ifdef USE_WARPNET_WLAN_EXP // We cannot initialize WARPNet until after the lower CPU sends all the HW information to us through the IPC call warpnet_initialized = 0; #endif wlan_mac_ltg_sched_init(); }
int main() { int menu_option=0; srand(time(NULL)); time_t rawtime; struct tm * timeinfo; time ( &rawtime ); timeinfo = localtime ( &rawtime ); time (&start); while(1) { single.error=0; system("cls"); printf("Fidei Engine v0.96 - Beta\n" "-------------------------\n\n"); printf("Enter 1 to check contact list is correct.\n" "Enter 2 to convert contact list into the rating list.\n" "Enter 3 to perform centrality calculation and save centrality results.\n" "Enter 4 to perform stages 1 - 3 automatically.\n" "Enter 5 to find a user's own rating score.\n" "Enter 6 to find a company's score.\n" "Enter 99 to exit.\n"); scanf("%d",&menu_option); switch(menu_option) { case 1: check_contact_list (); break; case 2: convert_contact_list(); break; case 3: find_m_n(); memory_input(); memory_test(); memory_control(); if (single.harddrive_flag==0) {memory_matrix(); }//end if loop if (single.harddrive_flag==1) {harddrive_matrix(); }//end if loop export_results(); time (&end); single.time_taken = difftime (end, start); printf("Processing time was: %4.0f seconds. \n",single.time_taken); getchar(); free_memory(); //insert functions break; case 4: //insert case 1 and 2 functions check_contact_list (); convert_contact_list(); find_m_n(); memory_input(); memory_test(); memory_control(); if (single.harddrive_flag==0) {memory_matrix(); }//end if loop if (single.harddrive_flag==1) {harddrive_matrix(); }//end if loop export_results(); time (&end); single.time_taken = difftime (end, start); printf("Processing time was: %4.0f seconds. \n",single.time_taken); getchar(); free_memory(); break; case 5: find_users_score(); break; case 6: company_rating(); break; case 99: exit(1); default: printf("\n\nYou have not chosen a valid selection. Please re-try.\n\n"); getchar(); system("cls"); break; }//end switch }//end while loop };//end main
void HariMain(void) { boot_info_t* binfo = (boot_info_t*)ADR_BOOTINFO; fifo32_t fifo; int fifobuf[128]; char debug_info[64]; timer_t* timer1; timer_t* timer2; timer_t* timer3; int mouse_x, mouse_y, cursor_x, cursor_c, task_b_esp; int data; mouse_dec_t mdec; unsigned int memory_total; mem_mgr_t* mem_mgr = (mem_mgr_t*)MEMMGR_ADDR; layer_mgr_t* layer_mgr; layer_t* back_layer; layer_t* mouse_layer; layer_t* win_layer; unsigned char* back_buf; unsigned char mouse_buf[256]; unsigned char* win_buf; static char s_keytable[0x54] = { 0, 0, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '=', 0, 0, 'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '[', ']', 0, 0, 'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', '\'','`', 0, '\\','Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B', 'N', 'M', ',', '.', '/', 0, '*', 0, ' ', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1', '2', '3', '0', '.' }; tss32_t tss_a, tss_b; segment_descriptor_t* gdt = (segment_descriptor_t*)ADR_GDT; init_gdt_idt(); init_pic(); io_sti(); /* after initialize IDT/PIC, allow all CPU's interruptors */ fifo_init(&fifo, fifobuf, 128); init_pit(); /* initialize programmable interval timer */ init_keyboard(&fifo, 256); enable_mouse(&fifo, 512, &mdec); io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); /* set PIT/PIC1/keyboard permission 11111000 */ io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* set mouse permission 11101111 */ set490(&fifo, 1); timer1 = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer1, &fifo, 10); timer_settimer(timer1, 1000); timer2 = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer2, &fifo, 3); timer_settimer(timer2, 300); timer3 = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1); timer_settimer(timer3, 50); memory_total = memory_test(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff); mem_mgr_init(mem_mgr); mem_mgr_free(mem_mgr, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000); /*0x00001000~0x0009e000*/ mem_mgr_free(mem_mgr, 0x00400000, memory_total - 0x00400000); init_palette(); layer_mgr = layer_mgr_init(mem_mgr, binfo->vram, binfo->screen_x, binfo->screen_y); back_layer = layer_alloc(layer_mgr); mouse_layer = layer_alloc(layer_mgr); win_layer = layer_alloc(layer_mgr); back_buf = (unsigned char*)mem_mgr_alloc_4k(mem_mgr, binfo->screen_x * binfo->screen_y); win_buf = (unsigned char*)mem_mgr_alloc_4k(mem_mgr, 160 * 52); layer_setbuf(back_layer, back_buf, binfo->screen_x, binfo->screen_y, -1); layer_setbuf(mouse_layer, mouse_buf, 16, 16, 99); layer_setbuf(win_layer, win_buf, 160, 52, -1); init_screen(back_buf, binfo->screen_x, binfo->screen_y); init_mouse_cursor8(mouse_buf, 99); make_window8(win_buf, 160, 52, "Window"); make_text8(win_layer, 8, 28, 144, 16, COLOR8_FFFFFF); cursor_x = 8; cursor_c = COLOR8_FFFFFF; layer_slide(back_layer, 0, 0); mouse_x = (binfo->screen_x - 16) / 2; mouse_y = (binfo->screen_y - 28 - 16) / 2; layer_slide(mouse_layer, mouse_x, mouse_y); layer_slide(win_layer, 80, 72); layer_updown(back_layer, 0); layer_updown(win_layer, 1); layer_updown(mouse_layer, 2); sprintf(debug_info, "(%3d, %3d)", mouse_x, mouse_y); drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 0, 0, COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, debug_info, 10); sprintf(debug_info, "memory total: %dMB, free space: %dKB", memory_total / (1024 * 1024), mem_mgr_total(mem_mgr) / 1024); drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 0, 32, COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, debug_info, 40); tss_a.ldtr = 0; tss_a.iomap = 0x40000000; tss_b.ldtr = 0; tss_b.iomap = 0x40000000; set_segment_descriptor(gdt + 3, 103, (int)&tss_a, AR_TSS32); set_segment_descriptor(gdt + 4, 103, (int)&tss_b, AR_TSS32); load_tr(3 * 8); task_b_esp = mem_mgr_alloc_4k(mem_mgr, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024 - 8; tss_b.eip = (int)&task_b_main; tss_b.eflags = 0x00000202; /* IF = 1 */ tss_b.eax = 0; tss_b.ecx = 0; tss_b.edx = 0; tss_b.ebx = 0; tss_b.esp = task_b_esp; tss_b.ebp = 0; tss_b.esi = 0; tss_b.edi = 0; = 1 * 8; tss_b.cs = 2 * 8; = 1 * 8; tss_b.ds = 1 * 8; tss_b.fs = 1 * 8; = 1 * 8; *((int*)(task_b_esp + 4)) = (int)back_layer; mt_init(); for ( ; ; ) { io_cli(); if (0 == fifo_size(&fifo)) io_stihlt(); else { data = fifo_get(&fifo); io_sti(); if (256 <= data && data <= 511) { sprintf(debug_info, "%02X", data - 256); drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 0, 16, COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, debug_info, 2); if (data < (256 + 0x54)) { if (0 != s_keytable[data - 256] && cursor_x < 144) { /* normal character, show 1 character, move cursor 1 time */ debug_info[0] = s_keytable[data - 256]; debug_info[1] = 0; drawstring_and_refresh(win_layer, cursor_x, 28, COLOR8_000000, COLOR8_FFFFFF, debug_info, 1); cursor_x += 8; } } if ((256 + 0x0e) == data && cursor_x > 8) { /* backspace, recover cursor by sapce, move back cursor 1 time */ drawstring_and_refresh(win_layer, cursor_x, 28, COLOR8_000000, COLOR8_FFFFFF, " ", 1); cursor_x -= 8; } /* show cursor again */ fill_box8(win_layer->buf, win_layer->w_size, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); layers_refresh(win_layer, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44); } else if (512 <= data && data <= 767) { if (0 != mouse_decode(&mdec, data - 512)) { /* show all mouse bytes code */ sprintf(debug_info, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y); if (0 != (mdec.state & 0x01)) debug_info[1] = 'L'; if (0 != (mdec.state & 0x02)) debug_info[3] = 'R'; if (0 != (mdec.state & 0x04)) debug_info[2] = 'C'; drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 32, 16, COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, debug_info, 15); mouse_x += mdec.x; mouse_y += mdec.y; if (mouse_x < 0) mouse_x = 0; if (mouse_y < 0) mouse_y = 0; if (mouse_x > binfo->screen_x - 1) mouse_x = binfo->screen_x - 1; if (mouse_y > binfo->screen_y - 1) mouse_y = binfo->screen_y - 1; sprintf(debug_info, "(%3d, %3d)", mouse_x, mouse_y); drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 0, 0, COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, debug_info, 10); layer_slide(mouse_layer, mouse_x, mouse_y); if (0 != (mdec.state & 0x01)) { /* down left click, move window */ layer_slide(win_layer, mouse_x - 80, mouse_y - 8); } } } else if (10 == data) { drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 0, 64, COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, "10[sec]", 7); } else if (3 == data) { drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 0, 80, COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, "03[sec]", 7); } else if (data <= 1) { /* timer by cursor */ if (0 != data) { timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 0); cursor_c = COLOR8_000000; } else { timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1); cursor_c = COLOR8_FFFFFF; } timer_settimer(timer3, 50); fill_box8(win_layer->buf, win_layer->w_size, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); layers_refresh(win_layer, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44); } } } }