예제 #1
STKUNIT_UNIT_TEST(UnitTestField, testFieldWithSelectorAnd)
  stk_classic::ParallelMachine pm = MPI_COMM_SELF ;
  std::ostringstream oss; // to test printing of things w/out spamming cout

  typedef stk_classic::mesh::Field<double,shards::ArrayDimension>           rank_one_field ;
  // specifications for test field

  const std::string name0("test_field_0");

  const int spatial_dimension = 3;
  stk_classic::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData meta_data( spatial_dimension );
  stk_classic::mesh::BulkData bulk_data( stk_classic::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::get_meta_data(meta_data) , pm );

  rank_one_field  & f0 = meta_data.declare_field< rank_one_field >( name0 );

  stk_classic::mesh::EntityRank elem_rank = meta_data.element_rank();
  stk_classic::mesh::Part & elements = meta_data.declare_part("Elements", elem_rank);
  stk_classic::mesh::Part & hex8s = meta_data.declare_part("Hex8", elem_rank );
  stk_classic::mesh::Part & tet4s = meta_data.declare_part("Tet4", elem_rank );

  stk_classic::mesh::Selector elem_hex_selector = elements & hex8s;
  stk_classic::mesh::Selector elem_tet_selector = elements & tet4s;
  std::cout <<"elem_hex_selector: "<< elem_hex_selector << std::endl;
  std::cout <<"elem_tet_selector: "<< elem_tet_selector << std::endl;

  stk_classic::mesh::put_field( f0 , elem_rank , elem_hex_selector, 8u );
  stk_classic::mesh::put_field( f0 , elem_rank , elem_tet_selector, 4u );

  stk_classic::mesh::print( oss , "  " , f0 );



  // Declare 10 elements on each part

  stk_classic::mesh::PartVector parts;

  for ( unsigned i = 1 ; i < 11 ; ++i ) {
    bulk_data.declare_entity( elem_rank , i , parts );


  for ( unsigned i = 11 ; i < 21 ; ++i ) {
    bulk_data.declare_entity( elem_rank , i , parts );

  stk_classic::mesh::BucketVector f0_buckets;
  stk_classic::mesh::get_buckets(elem_hex_selector, bulk_data.buckets(elem_rank), f0_buckets);

  BOOST_FOREACH(stk_classic::mesh::Bucket* b, f0_buckets) {
    unsigned f0_size = b->field_data_size(f0);
    STKUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(64u, f0_size);
예제 #2
// Two Dimensional Game ofLife Mesh
TwoDimGameofLifeMesh::TwoDimGameofLifeMesh(stk::ParallelMachine comm,
        stk::topology elemType,
        unsigned width, unsigned height,
    :GameofLifeMesh(comm, elemType, 2, auraOption), m_width(width), m_height(height),
     m_rowsPerProc(height/m_numProcs), m_nodesPerRow(m_width+1)
예제 #3
//Three Dimensional Game of Life Mesh
ThreeDimGameofLifeMesh::ThreeDimGameofLifeMesh(stk::ParallelMachine comm,
        stk::topology elemType, unsigned width,
        unsigned height, unsigned depth,
    :GameofLifeMesh(comm, elemType, 3, auraOption), m_width(width), m_height(height), m_depth(depth),
     m_slicesPerProc(depth/m_numProcs), m_nodeWidth(width+1), m_nodeHeight(height+1),
예제 #4
Loader::ResultStatus CIAContainer::Load(const std::string& filepath) {
    FileUtil::IOFile file(filepath, "rb");
    if (!file.IsOpen())
        return Loader::ResultStatus::Error;

    // Load CIA Header
    std::vector<u8> header_data(sizeof(Header));
    if (file.ReadBytes(header_data.data(), sizeof(Header)) != sizeof(Header))
        return Loader::ResultStatus::Error;

    Loader::ResultStatus result = LoadHeader(header_data);
    if (result != Loader::ResultStatus::Success)
        return result;

    // Load Title Metadata
    std::vector<u8> tmd_data(cia_header.tmd_size);
    file.Seek(GetTitleMetadataOffset(), SEEK_SET);
    if (file.ReadBytes(tmd_data.data(), cia_header.tmd_size) != cia_header.tmd_size)
        return Loader::ResultStatus::Error;

    result = LoadTitleMetadata(tmd_data);
    if (result != Loader::ResultStatus::Success)
        return result;

    // Load CIA Metadata
    if (cia_header.meta_size) {
        std::vector<u8> meta_data(sizeof(Metadata));
        file.Seek(GetMetadataOffset(), SEEK_SET);
        if (file.ReadBytes(meta_data.data(), sizeof(Metadata)) != sizeof(Metadata))
            return Loader::ResultStatus::Error;

        result = LoadMetadata(meta_data);
        if (result != Loader::ResultStatus::Success)
            return result;

    return Loader::ResultStatus::Success;
예제 #5
Loader::ResultStatus CIAContainer::Load(const FileBackend& backend) {
    std::vector<u8> header_data(sizeof(Header));

    // Load the CIA Header
    ResultVal<size_t> read_result = backend.Read(0, sizeof(Header), header_data.data());
    if (read_result.Failed() || *read_result != sizeof(Header))
        return Loader::ResultStatus::Error;

    Loader::ResultStatus result = LoadHeader(header_data);
    if (result != Loader::ResultStatus::Success)
        return result;

    // Load Title Metadata
    std::vector<u8> tmd_data(cia_header.tmd_size);
    read_result = backend.Read(GetTitleMetadataOffset(), cia_header.tmd_size, tmd_data.data());
    if (read_result.Failed() || *read_result != cia_header.tmd_size)
        return Loader::ResultStatus::Error;

    result = LoadTitleMetadata(tmd_data);
    if (result != Loader::ResultStatus::Success)
        return result;

    // Load CIA Metadata
    if (cia_header.meta_size) {
        std::vector<u8> meta_data(sizeof(Metadata));
        read_result = backend.Read(GetMetadataOffset(), sizeof(Metadata), meta_data.data());
        if (read_result.Failed() || *read_result != sizeof(Metadata))
            return Loader::ResultStatus::Error;

        result = LoadMetadata(meta_data);
        if (result != Loader::ResultStatus::Success)
            return result;

    return Loader::ResultStatus::Success;
예제 #6
void HexMeshBuilder::declare_coordinates()
   m_coordinates = &meta_data().declare_field<stk::mesh::Field<double, stk::mesh::Cartesian3d>>(
           stk::topology::NODE_RANK, "coordinates");
   stk::mesh::put_field(*m_coordinates, meta_data().universal_part(), 3);
// Hex-8 test.
TEUCHOS_UNIT_TEST( STKMeshEntity, hex_8_test )
    // Extract the raw mpi communicator.
    Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > comm = getDefaultComm<int>();
    Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::MpiComm<int> > mpi_comm = 
	Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast< const Teuchos::MpiComm<int> >( comm );
    Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::OpaqueWrapper<MPI_Comm> > opaque_comm = 
    MPI_Comm raw_comm = (*opaque_comm)();

    // Create meta data.
    int space_dim = 3;
    stk::mesh::MetaData meta_data( space_dim );

    // Make two parts.
    std::string p1_name = "part_1";
    stk::mesh::Part& part_1 = meta_data.declare_part( p1_name );
    stk::mesh::set_topology( part_1, stk::topology::HEX_8 );
    int part_1_id = part_1.mesh_meta_data_ordinal();
    std::string p2_name = "part_2";
    stk::mesh::Part& part_2 = meta_data.declare_part( p2_name );
    int part_2_id = part_2.mesh_meta_data_ordinal();

    // Make a coordinate field.
    stk::mesh::Field<double, stk::mesh::Cartesian3d>& coord_field =
	stk::mesh::Field<double, stk::mesh::Cartesian3d> >(
	    stk::topology::NODE_RANK, "coordinates");
    meta_data.set_coordinate_field( &coord_field );
    stk::mesh::put_field( coord_field, part_1 );

    // Create bulk data.
    Teuchos::RCP<stk::mesh::BulkData> bulk_data =
	Teuchos::rcp( new stk::mesh::BulkData(meta_data,raw_comm) );

    // Make a hex-8.
    int comm_rank = comm->getRank();
    stk::mesh::EntityId hex_id = 23 + comm_rank;
    stk::mesh::Entity hex_entity = 
	bulk_data->declare_entity( stk::topology::ELEM_RANK, hex_id, part_1 );
    int num_nodes = 8;
    Teuchos::Array<stk::mesh::EntityId> node_ids( num_nodes );
    Teuchos::Array<stk::mesh::Entity> nodes( num_nodes );
    for ( int i = 0; i < num_nodes; ++i )
	node_ids[i] = num_nodes*comm_rank + i + 5;
	nodes[i] = bulk_data->declare_entity( 
	    stk::topology::NODE_RANK, node_ids[i], part_1 );
	bulk_data->declare_relation( hex_entity, nodes[i], i );

    // Create the node coordinates.
    double* node_coords = 0;
    node_coords = stk::mesh::field_data( coord_field, nodes[0] );
    node_coords[0] = 0.0;
    node_coords[1] = 0.0;
    node_coords[2] = 0.0;

    node_coords = stk::mesh::field_data( coord_field, nodes[1] );
    node_coords[0] = 1.0;
    node_coords[1] = 0.0;
    node_coords[2] = 0.0;

    node_coords = stk::mesh::field_data( coord_field, nodes[2] );
    node_coords[0] = 1.0;
    node_coords[1] = 1.0;
    node_coords[2] = 0.0;

    node_coords = stk::mesh::field_data( coord_field, nodes[3] );
    node_coords[0] = 0.0;
    node_coords[1] = 1.0;
    node_coords[2] = 0.0;

    node_coords = stk::mesh::field_data( coord_field, nodes[4] );
    node_coords[0] = 0.0;
    node_coords[1] = 0.0;
    node_coords[2] = 1.0;

    node_coords = stk::mesh::field_data( coord_field, nodes[5] );
    node_coords[0] = 1.0;
    node_coords[1] = 0.0;
    node_coords[2] = 1.0;

    node_coords = stk::mesh::field_data( coord_field, nodes[6] );
    node_coords[0] = 1.0;
    node_coords[1] = 1.0;
    node_coords[2] = 1.0;

    node_coords = stk::mesh::field_data( coord_field, nodes[7] );
    node_coords[0] = 0.0;
    node_coords[1] = 1.0;
    node_coords[2] = 1.0;

    // Create a DTK entity for the hex.
    DataTransferKit::Entity dtk_entity = 
	DataTransferKit::STKMeshEntity( hex_entity, bulk_data.ptr() );

    // Print out the entity.
	fancy_out = Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase::getDefaultOStream();
    dtk_entity.describe( *fancy_out );
    // Test the entity.
    TEST_EQUALITY( hex_id, dtk_entity.id() );
    TEST_EQUALITY( comm_rank, dtk_entity.ownerRank() );
    TEST_EQUALITY( 3, dtk_entity.topologicalDimension() );
    TEST_EQUALITY( space_dim, dtk_entity.physicalDimension() );
    TEST_ASSERT( dtk_entity.inBlock(part_1_id) );
    TEST_ASSERT( !dtk_entity.inBlock(part_2_id) );
    TEST_ASSERT( dtk_entity.onBoundary(part_1_id) );
    TEST_ASSERT( !dtk_entity.onBoundary(part_2_id) );

    Teuchos::RCP<DataTransferKit::EntityExtraData> extra_data =
    TEST_EQUALITY( hex_entity,
		       extra_data)->d_stk_entity );

    Teuchos::Tuple<double,6> hex_bounds;
    dtk_entity.boundingBox( hex_bounds );
    TEST_EQUALITY( 0.0, hex_bounds[0] );
    TEST_EQUALITY( 0.0, hex_bounds[1] );
    TEST_EQUALITY( 0.0, hex_bounds[2] );
    TEST_EQUALITY( 1.0, hex_bounds[3] );
    TEST_EQUALITY( 1.0, hex_bounds[4] );
    TEST_EQUALITY( 1.0, hex_bounds[5] );
예제 #8
void grammar_parser::parseFile()
	if (grammar.size() > 0)
		std::regex meta_data ("Meta Information(.*)Alphabets", std::regex_constants::extended);
		std::regex alphabets ("Alphabets(.*)Starting", std::regex_constants::extended);
		std::regex starting_symb ("Starting Symbol(.*)Production Rules", std::regex_constants::extended);
		std::regex rules_regex ("Production Rules(.*)", std::regex_constants::extended);
		std::smatch match;
		std::string substring;
		printf("Read grammar content : %s", grammar.c_str());
		//Parse Meta Information

		if (std::regex_search(grammar, match, meta_data))
			substring = match.str(1);
			printf("\ngrammar : %s \nMatched substring : %s\n", grammar.c_str(), substring.c_str());
			meta_data = std::regex("(\\w{1,})\\s(\\d+[\\.]?[\\d]*)");
			while (std::regex_search(substring, match, meta_data))
				printf("\nMatched string pattern for meta information : %s\n", match.str().c_str());
				if (match.str(1) == "iterations")
					iterations = atoi((match).str(2).c_str());
				else if (match.str(1) == "angle")
					printf("Enters angle recignition\n");
					angle = atof(match.str(2).c_str());
					model_data->insert(std::pair<string, float>(match.str(1), atof(match.str(2).c_str())));
				substring = match.suffix().str();
			this->model_data->insert(std::pair <string, float >("iterations", this->iterations));
			this->model_data->insert(std::pair <string, float >("angle", this->angle));

		if (std::regex_search(grammar, match, alphabets))
			printf("Matched string pattern for alphabets : %s\n", match.str().c_str());
			substring = match.str(1);
			alphabets = std::regex("\\w{1}");
			while(std::regex_search(substring, match, alphabets))
				printf("Matched alphabets : %s\n", match.str().c_str());
				substring = match.suffix().str();

		//Starting Symbol
		if (std::regex_search(grammar, match, starting_symb))
			printf("Matched string pattern for starting symbol : %s\n", match.str(1).c_str());
			if (match.size() > 0)
				this->start_symb = match.str(1);

		//Production rules
		if (std::regex_search(grammar, match, rules_regex))

			printf("Matched string pattern for rules : %s\n", match.str().c_str());
			substring = match.str(0);
			rules_regex = std::regex("(\\w+)\\s->\\s([\\w+&^\\\\+-\\[\\]]+)");
			while(std::regex_search(substring, match, rules_regex))

				this->rules->insert(std::pair<string, string>(match.str(1), match.str(2)));
				printf("Rules : \n %s -> %s", match.str(1).c_str(), match.str(2).c_str());
				substring = match.suffix().str();
예제 #9
void testDofMapper( MPI_Comm comm )
  //First create and fill MetaData and BulkData objects:

  const unsigned bucket_size = 100; //for a real application mesh, bucket_size would be much bigger...

  stk::mesh::MetaData meta_data( stk::mesh::fem_entity_rank_names() );
  stk::mesh::BulkData bulk_data( meta_data, comm, bucket_size );

  fill_utest_mesh_meta_data( meta_data );
  fill_utest_mesh_bulk_data( bulk_data );

  stk::mesh::Selector selector = meta_data.locally_owned_part() | meta_data.globally_shared_part() ;
  std::vector<unsigned> count;
  stk::mesh::count_entities(selector, bulk_data, count);

  STKUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( count[stk::mesh::Element], (unsigned)4 );
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( count[stk::mesh::Node],    (unsigned)20 );

  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity*> nodes;
  stk::mesh::get_entities(bulk_data, stk::mesh::Node, nodes);

  stk::mesh::ScalarField* temperature_field =

  //Now we're ready to test the DofMapper:

  stk::linsys::DofMapper dof_mapper(comm);

  const stk::mesh::Selector select_used = meta_data.locally_owned_part() | meta_data.globally_shared_part();

  dof_mapper.add_dof_mappings(bulk_data, select_used,
                              stk::mesh::Node, *temperature_field);

  stk::mesh::EntityRank ent_type;
  stk::mesh::EntityId ent_id;
  const stk::mesh::FieldBase* field = NULL;
  int offset_into_field;
  int index = 0;
  //DofMapper::get_dof can't be called until after DofMapper::finalize() has
  //been called.
  //We'll call it now to verify that an exception is thrown:
  std::cout << "Testing error condition: " << std::endl;
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(dof_mapper.get_dof(index, ent_type, ent_id, field, offset_into_field), std::runtime_error );
  std::cout << "...Completed testing error condition." << std::endl;


  //find a node that is in the locally-used part:
  size_t i_node = 0;
  while(! select_used( nodes[i_node]->bucket() ) && i_node<nodes.size()) {

  //test the get_global_index function:
  stk::mesh::EntityId node_id = nodes[i_node]->identifier();
  index = dof_mapper.get_global_index(stk::mesh::Node, node_id, *temperature_field);
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( index, (int)(node_id-1) );

  std::cout << "Testing error condition: " << std::endl;
  //call DofMapper::get_global_index with a non-existent ID and verify that an
  //exception is thrown:
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(dof_mapper.get_global_index(stk::mesh::Node, (stk::mesh::EntityId)999999, *temperature_field), std::runtime_error);
  std::cout << "...Completed testing error condition." << std::endl;

  int numProcs = 1;
  numProcs = stk::parallel_machine_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD );

  fei::SharedPtr<fei::VectorSpace> fei_vspace = dof_mapper.get_fei_VectorSpace();
  int numIndices = fei_vspace->getGlobalNumIndices();
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( numIndices, (int)(numProcs*20 - (numProcs-1)*4) );

  dof_mapper.get_dof(index, ent_type, ent_id, field, offset_into_field);

  STKUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( ent_type, nodes[i_node]->entity_rank() );
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( ent_id,   nodes[i_node]->identifier() );
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( field->name() == temperature_field->name(), true );
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( offset_into_field, (int)0 );
예제 #10
bool test_change_owner_3( stk::ParallelMachine pm )
  const int p_rank = stk::parallel_machine_rank( pm );
  const unsigned p_size = stk::parallel_machine_size( pm );

  const int spatial_dimension = 2;
  stk::mesh::MetaData meta_data( stk::mesh::TopologicalMetaData::entity_rank_names(spatial_dimension) );
  stk::mesh::TopologicalMetaData top_data( meta_data, spatial_dimension );

  VectorField * coordinates_field =
    & put_field( 
        meta_data.universal_part() , 

  stk::mesh::Part & quad_part  = top_data.declare_part<shards::Quadrilateral<4> >( "quad" );


  stk::mesh::BulkData bulk_data( meta_data, pm, 100 );

  unsigned nx = 3;
  unsigned ny = 3;

  if ( p_rank==0 )
    const unsigned nnx = nx + 1 ;
    for ( unsigned iy = 0 ; iy < ny ; ++iy ) {
      for ( unsigned ix = 0 ; ix < nx ; ++ix ) {
        stk::mesh::EntityId elem = 1 + ix + iy * nx ;
        stk::mesh::EntityId nodes[4] ;
        nodes[0] = 1 + ix + iy * nnx ;
        nodes[1] = 2 + ix + iy * nnx ;
        nodes[2] = 2 + ix + ( iy + 1 ) * nnx ;
        nodes[3] = 1 + ix + ( iy + 1 ) * nnx ;

        stk::mesh::declare_element( bulk_data , quad_part , elem , nodes );

    for ( unsigned iy = 0 ; iy < ny+1 ; ++iy ) {
      for ( unsigned ix = 0 ; ix < nx+1 ; ++ix ) {
        stk::mesh::EntityId nid = 1 + ix + iy * nnx ;
        stk::mesh::Entity * n = bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank, nid );
        double * const coord = stk::mesh::field_data( *coordinates_field , *n );
        coord[0] = .1*ix;
        coord[1] = .1*iy;
        coord[2] = 0;


  if ( p_size>1 ) {

    std::vector<stk::mesh::EntityProc> ep;

    if ( p_rank==0 )
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank,  2 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank,  3 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank,  4 ), 1 ) );

      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank,  6 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank,  7 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank,  8 ), 1 ) );

      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank, 10 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank, 11 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank, 12 ), 1 ) );

      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank, 14 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank, 15 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank, 16 ), 1 ) );

      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.element_rank, 2 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.element_rank, 5 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.element_rank, 8 ), 1 ) );

      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.element_rank, 3 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.element_rank, 6 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.element_rank, 9 ), 1 ) );

    bulk_data.change_entity_owner( ep );

    // output to debug


    if ( p_rank==0 )
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank,  1 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank,  5 ), 1 ) );

      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.element_rank, 1 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.element_rank, 4 ), 1 ) );
    else if ( p_rank==1 )
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank, 10 ), 0 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank, 11 ), 0 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank, 12 ), 0 ) );

      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank, 14 ), 0 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank, 15 ), 0 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank, 16 ), 0 ) );

      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.element_rank, 8 ), 0 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.element_rank, 9 ), 0 ) );

    bulk_data.change_entity_owner( ep );

  return true ;
예제 #11
bool test_change_owner_with_constraint( stk::ParallelMachine pm )
  bool success = true ;

  const unsigned p_rank = stk::parallel_machine_rank( pm );
  const unsigned p_size = stk::parallel_machine_size( pm );

  if ( p_size != 2 ) { return success ; }

  unsigned spatial_dimension = 2;
  std::vector<std::string> rank_names = stk::mesh::TopologicalMetaData::entity_rank_names(spatial_dimension);
  const stk::mesh::EntityRank constraint_rank = rank_names.size();
  stk::mesh::MetaData meta_data( rank_names );
  stk::mesh::TopologicalMetaData top_data( meta_data, spatial_dimension );

  VectorField * coordinates_field = 
    & put_field( 
        meta_data.universal_part() , 

  stk::mesh::Part & owned_part = meta_data.locally_owned_part();
  stk::mesh::Part & quad_part  = top_data.declare_part<shards::Quadrilateral<4> >( "quad" );


  stk::mesh::BulkData bulk_data( meta_data, pm, 100 );

  unsigned nx = 3;
  unsigned ny = 3;

  if ( p_rank==0 )
    const unsigned nnx = nx + 1 ;
    for ( unsigned iy = 0 ; iy < ny ; ++iy ) {
      for ( unsigned ix = 0 ; ix < nx ; ++ix ) {
        stk::mesh::EntityId elem = 1 + ix + iy * nx ;
        stk::mesh::EntityId nodes[4] ;
        nodes[0] = 1 + ix + iy * nnx ;
        nodes[1] = 2 + ix + iy * nnx ;
        nodes[2] = 2 + ix + ( iy + 1 ) * nnx ;
        nodes[3] = 1 + ix + ( iy + 1 ) * nnx ;

        stk::mesh::declare_element( bulk_data , quad_part , elem , nodes );

    for ( unsigned iy = 0 ; iy < ny+1 ; ++iy ) {
      for ( unsigned ix = 0 ; ix < nx+1 ; ++ix ) {
        stk::mesh::EntityId nid = 1 + ix + iy * nnx ;
        stk::mesh::Entity * n = bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank, nid );
        double * const coord = stk::mesh::field_data( *coordinates_field , *n );
        coord[0] = .1*ix;
        coord[1] = .1*iy;
        coord[2] = 0;


  if ( p_size>1 )
    std::vector<stk::mesh::EntityProc> ep;

    if ( p_rank==0 )
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank,  3 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank,  4 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank,  7 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank,  8 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank, 11 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank, 12 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank, 15 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank, 16 ), 1 ) );

      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.element_rank, 3 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.element_rank, 6 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.element_rank, 9 ), 1 ) );

    bulk_data.change_entity_owner( ep );


    if ( p_rank==1 )
      // create constraint

      stk::mesh::Entity * n10 = bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank, 10 );
      stk::mesh::Entity * n11 = bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank, 11 );
      stk::mesh::Entity * n12 = bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank, 12 );

      stk::mesh::PartVector add;
      add.push_back( &owned_part );
      const stk::mesh::EntityId c_entity_id = 1;
      stk::mesh::Entity & c = bulk_data.declare_entity( constraint_rank, c_entity_id, add );
      bulk_data.declare_relation( c , *n10 , 0 );
      bulk_data.declare_relation( c , *n11 , 1 );
      bulk_data.declare_relation( c , *n12 , 2 );


    stk::mesh::Entity * n10 = bulk_data.get_entity( top_data.node_rank, 10 );

    if ( p_rank==0 or p_rank==1 )
      if ( not stk::mesh::in_shared( *n10 ) )
        throw std::runtime_error( "NODE[10] not shared" );


    if ( p_rank==1 )
      // destroy constraint

      stk::mesh::Entity * c1 = bulk_data.get_entity( constraint_rank, 1 );

      if ( not bulk_data.destroy_entity( c1 ) )
        throw std::runtime_error( "failed to destroy constraint" );


    if ( p_rank==0 or p_rank==1 )
      if ( stk::mesh::in_shared( *n10 ) )
        throw std::runtime_error( "NODE[10] shared" );

  return success ;
예제 #12
// private
void TwoDimGameofLifeMesh::declare_coordinate_field()
    m_nodeCoords = &meta_data()->declare_field<stk::mesh::Field<double,stk::mesh::Cartesian2d>>(
                       stk::topology::NODE_RANK, "coordinates");
    stk::mesh::put_field(*m_nodeCoords, meta_data()->universal_part(), 2);
예제 #13
bool use_case_blas_driver(MPI_Comm comm,
                        int num_threads,
                        int num_trials,
                        const std::string &working_directory,
                        const std::string &mesh_filename,
                        const std::string &mesh_type,
                        const std::string &thread_runner,
                        int bucket_size,
                        bool performance_test)
  bool output = !performance_test; // If running for performance measurements, turn off output

  if (stk::parallel_machine_rank(comm) == 0) {
    std::cout << " stk_mesh Use Case Blas - fill, axpby, dot, norm , begin" << std::endl ;
    std::cout << "Running '" << mesh_filename << "' case, num_trials = "
              << num_trials << std::endl;

  const AlgorithmRunnerInterface* alg_runner = NULL ;
  if ( thread_runner.empty() ||
       thread_runner == std::string("NonThreaded") ) {
    alg_runner = stk::algorithm_runner_non_thread();
  else if ( thread_runner == std::string("TPI") ) {
    alg_runner = stk::algorithm_runner_tpi(num_threads);
  else if ( thread_runner == std::string("TBB") ) {
    alg_runner = stk::algorithm_runner_tbb(num_threads);

  if (alg_runner != NULL) {
    if (stk::parallel_machine_rank(comm) == 0)
      std::cout << "Using " << thread_runner
                << " algorithm runner, num_threads = " << num_threads
                << std::endl;
  } else {
    std::cout << "ERROR, failed to obtain requested AlgorithmRunner '"
              << thread_runner << "'." << std::endl;
    return false;


  // Timing:
  //   [0] = stk::mesh::MetaData creation
  //   [1] = stk::mesh::BulkData creation
  //   [2] = Initialization
  //   [3] = fill and axpby
  //   [4] = dot and norm2

  double time_min[9] = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 };
  double time_max[9] = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 };
  double wtime = 0 ;



  if ( 0 == stk::parallel_machine_rank( comm ) ) {
    std::cout << "stk_mesh performance use case BLAS" << std::endl
              << "  Number Processes = " << stk::parallel_machine_size( comm )
              << std::endl ;


  // Initialize IO system.  Registers all element types and storage
  // types and the exodusII default database type.
  Ioss::Init::Initializer init_db;

    wtime = stk::wall_time();

    // Declare the mesh meta data: element blocks and associated fields

    stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData meta_data(  spatial_dimension );
    stk::io::MeshData mesh_data;
    std::string filename = working_directory + mesh_filename;
    stk::io::create_input_mesh(mesh_type, filename, comm,
			       meta_data, mesh_data);
    stk::io::define_input_fields(mesh_data, meta_data);

    Fields fields;
    use_case_14_declare_fields(fields, meta_data.get_meta_data(meta_data));

    // Commit (finalize) the meta data.  Is now ready to be used
    // in the creation and management of mesh bulk data.



    time_max[0] = stk::wall_dtime( wtime );

    // stk::mesh::BulkData bulk data conforming to the meta data.
    stk::mesh::BulkData bulk_data(meta_data.get_meta_data(meta_data) , comm, bucket_size);
    stk::io::populate_bulk_data(bulk_data, mesh_data);

    // Create output mesh...  (input filename + ".out14")
    if (output) {
      filename = working_directory + mesh_filename + ".blas";
      stk::io::create_output_mesh(filename, comm, bulk_data, mesh_data);
      stk::io::define_output_fields(mesh_data, meta_data, true);

    stk::app::use_case_14_initialize_nodal_data(bulk_data ,
                                                *fields.model_coordinates ,
                                                *fields.coordinates_field ,
                                                1.0 /*dt*/);

    time_max[1] = stk::wall_dtime( wtime );

    // Ready to run the algorithms:

    time_max[2] = stk::wall_dtime( wtime );

    wtime = stk::wall_time();

    double dot1 = 0;

    for(int n=0; n<num_trials; ++n) {
      // Call BLAS algs.

      wtime = stk::wall_time();

      fill( *alg_runner, bulk_data , stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::NODE_RANK , *fields.velocity_field, 0.2 );

      fill( *alg_runner, bulk_data , stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::NODE_RANK , *fields.fint_field, 1.0 );

      axpby( *alg_runner, bulk_data , stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::NODE_RANK ,
             0.01, *fields.model_coordinates , 1.0 , *fields.coordinates_field );

      axpby( *alg_runner, bulk_data , stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::NODE_RANK ,
             0.1, *fields.coordinates_field, 1.0 , *fields.velocity_field );

      time_max[3] += stk::wall_dtime( wtime );

      dot1 = dot( *alg_runner, bulk_data, stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::NODE_RANK ,
                  *fields.velocity_field, *fields.coordinates_field );

      double dot2 = dot( *alg_runner, bulk_data, stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::NODE_RANK,
                         *fields.velocity_field, *fields.fint_field );

      double norm_1 = norm2(*alg_runner, bulk_data, stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::NODE_RANK, *fields.velocity_field );

      double norm_2 = norm2(*alg_runner, bulk_data, stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::NODE_RANK, *fields.coordinates_field );

      if ( stk::parallel_machine_rank( comm ) == 0 ) {
        std::cout << "    " << dot1 << "  " << dot2 << "  " << norm_1 << "  " << norm_2 << std::endl;

      time_max[4] += stk::wall_dtime( wtime );

      if (output) {
        stk::io::process_output_request(mesh_data, bulk_data, n);

    }//end for(..num_trials...

    if ( stk::parallel_machine_rank( comm ) == 0 ) {
      //Try to make sure the number gets printed out just the way we want it,
      //so we can use it as a pass/fail check for a regression test...
      std::cout.setf(std::ios_base::scientific, std::ios_base::floatfield);
      std::cout << "Final dot1: " << dot1 << std::endl;

    if (parallel_machine_rank(comm) == 0) {
      double net_alloc = alloc_MB() - freed_MB();
      std::cout << "Mesh creation:" << "\n   Total allocated: "
                << alloc_MB()<<"MB in "<<alloc_blks() << " blocks."
                << "\n   Total freed: " << freed_MB() << "MB in "
                << freed_blks() << " blocks."
                << "\n   Net allocated: "<<net_alloc << "MB."<<std::endl;


  time_max[8] = stk::wall_dtime( wtime );

  time_min[0] = time_max[0] ;
  time_min[1] = time_max[1] ;
  time_min[2] = time_max[2] ;
  time_min[3] = time_max[3] ;
  time_min[4] = time_max[4] ;
  time_min[5] = time_max[5] ;
  time_min[6] = time_max[6] ;
  time_min[7] = time_max[7] ;
  time_min[8] = time_max[8] ;

  stk::all_reduce( comm , stk::ReduceMax<9>( time_max ) & stk::ReduceMin<9>( time_min ) );

  time_max[3] /= num_trials ;
  time_max[4] /= num_trials ;
  time_max[5] /= num_trials ;
  time_max[6] /= num_trials ;

  time_min[3] /= num_trials ;
  time_min[4] /= num_trials ;
  time_min[5] /= num_trials ;
  time_min[6] /= num_trials ;

  //   [0] = stk::mesh::MetaData creation
  //   [1] = stk::mesh::BulkData creation
  //   [2] = Initialization
  //   [3] = Internal force

  if ( ! stk::parallel_machine_rank( comm ) ) {
      << "stk_mesh performance use case results:" << std::endl
      << "  Number of trials         = " << num_trials << std::endl
      << "  Meta-data setup          = " << time_min[0] << " : "
      << time_max[0] << " sec, min : max"
      << std::endl
      << "  Bulk-data generation     = " << time_min[1] << " : "
      << time_max[1] << " sec, min : max"
      << std::endl
      << "  Initialization           = " << time_min[2] << " : "
      << time_max[2] << " sec, min : max"
      << std::endl
      << "  fill & axpby (per-trial) = " << time_min[3] << " : "
      << time_max[3] << " sec, min : max"
      << std::endl
      << "  dot & norm2 (per-trial)  = " << time_min[4] << " : "
      << time_max[4] << " sec, min : max"
      << std::endl
      << "  Mesh destruction         = " << time_min[8] << " : "
      << time_max[8] << " sec, min : max"
      << std::endl
      << std::endl ;

  return true;
// Hex-8 test.
TEUCHOS_UNIT_TEST( STKMeshEntitySet, hex_8_test )
    // Extract the raw mpi communicator.
    Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > comm = getDefaultComm<int>();
    Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::MpiComm<int> > mpi_comm = 
	Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast< const Teuchos::MpiComm<int> >( comm );
    Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::OpaqueWrapper<MPI_Comm> > opaque_comm = 
    MPI_Comm raw_comm = (*opaque_comm)();

    // Create meta data.
    int space_dim = 3;
    stk::mesh::MetaData meta_data( space_dim );

    // Make two parts.
    std::string p1_name = "part_1";
    stk::mesh::Part& part_1 = meta_data.declare_part( p1_name );
    stk::mesh::set_topology( part_1, stk::topology::HEX_8 );
    int part_1_id = part_1.mesh_meta_data_ordinal();
    std::string p2_name = "part_2";
    stk::mesh::Part& part_2 = meta_data.declare_part( p2_name );
    int part_2_id = part_2.mesh_meta_data_ordinal();

    // Make a coordinate field.
    stk::mesh::Field<double, stk::mesh::Cartesian3d>& coord_field =
	stk::mesh::Field<double, stk::mesh::Cartesian3d> >(
	    stk::topology::NODE_RANK, "coordinates");
    meta_data.set_coordinate_field( &coord_field );
    stk::mesh::put_field( coord_field, part_1 );

    // Create bulk data.
    Teuchos::RCP<stk::mesh::BulkData> bulk_data =
	Teuchos::rcp( new stk::mesh::BulkData(meta_data,raw_comm) );

    // Make a hex-8.
    int comm_rank = comm->getRank();
    stk::mesh::EntityId hex_id = 23 + comm_rank;
    stk::mesh::Entity hex_entity = 
	bulk_data->declare_entity( stk::topology::ELEM_RANK, hex_id, part_1 );
    unsigned num_nodes = 8;
    Teuchos::Array<stk::mesh::EntityId> node_ids( num_nodes );
    Teuchos::Array<stk::mesh::Entity> nodes( num_nodes );
    for ( unsigned i = 0; i < num_nodes; ++i )
	node_ids[i] = num_nodes*comm_rank + i + 5;
	nodes[i] = bulk_data->declare_entity( 
	    stk::topology::NODE_RANK, node_ids[i], part_1 );
	bulk_data->declare_relation( hex_entity, nodes[i], i );

    // Create the node coordinates.
    double* node_coords = 0;
    node_coords = stk::mesh::field_data( coord_field, nodes[0] );
    node_coords[0] = 0.0;
    node_coords[1] = 0.0;
    node_coords[2] = 0.0;

    node_coords = stk::mesh::field_data( coord_field, nodes[1] );
    node_coords[0] = 1.0;
    node_coords[1] = 0.0;
    node_coords[2] = 0.0;

    node_coords = stk::mesh::field_data( coord_field, nodes[2] );
    node_coords[0] = 1.0;
    node_coords[1] = 1.0;
    node_coords[2] = 0.0;

    node_coords = stk::mesh::field_data( coord_field, nodes[3] );
    node_coords[0] = 0.0;
    node_coords[1] = 1.0;
    node_coords[2] = 0.0;

    node_coords = stk::mesh::field_data( coord_field, nodes[4] );
    node_coords[0] = 0.0;
    node_coords[1] = 0.0;
    node_coords[2] = 1.0;

    node_coords = stk::mesh::field_data( coord_field, nodes[5] );
    node_coords[0] = 1.0;
    node_coords[1] = 0.0;
    node_coords[2] = 1.0;

    node_coords = stk::mesh::field_data( coord_field, nodes[6] );
    node_coords[0] = 1.0;
    node_coords[1] = 1.0;
    node_coords[2] = 1.0;

    node_coords = stk::mesh::field_data( coord_field, nodes[7] );
    node_coords[0] = 0.0;
    node_coords[1] = 1.0;
    node_coords[2] = 1.0;

    // Create an entity set.
    Teuchos::RCP<DataTransferKit::EntitySet> entity_set =
	Teuchos::rcp( new DataTransferKit::STKMeshEntitySet(bulk_data) );

    // Test the set.
    Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > set_comm = 
    TEST_EQUALITY( set_comm->getRank(), comm->getRank() );
    TEST_EQUALITY( set_comm->getSize(), comm->getSize() );
    TEST_EQUALITY( space_dim, entity_set->physicalDimension() );

    // Make an iterator for the hex.
    std::function<bool(DataTransferKit::Entity)> all_pred = 
	[=] (DataTransferKit::Entity e){return true;};
    DataTransferKit::EntityIterator volume_iterator = 
	entity_set->entityIterator( space_dim, all_pred );

    // Test the volume iterator.
    TEST_EQUALITY( volume_iterator.size(), 1 );
    TEST_ASSERT( volume_iterator == volume_iterator.begin() );
    TEST_ASSERT( volume_iterator != volume_iterator.end() );

    // Test the volume under the iterator.
    TEST_EQUALITY( hex_id, volume_iterator->id() );
    TEST_EQUALITY( comm_rank, volume_iterator->ownerRank() );
    TEST_EQUALITY( space_dim, volume_iterator->topologicalDimension() );
    TEST_EQUALITY( space_dim, volume_iterator->physicalDimension() );
    TEST_ASSERT( volume_iterator->inBlock(part_1_id) );
    TEST_ASSERT( !volume_iterator->inBlock(part_2_id) );
    TEST_ASSERT( volume_iterator->onBoundary(part_1_id) );
    TEST_ASSERT( !volume_iterator->onBoundary(part_2_id) );

    Teuchos::RCP<DataTransferKit::EntityExtraData> extra_data_1 =
    TEST_EQUALITY( hex_entity,
		       extra_data_1)->d_stk_entity );

    Teuchos::Tuple<double,6> hex_bounds_1;
    volume_iterator->boundingBox( hex_bounds_1 );
    TEST_EQUALITY( 0.0, hex_bounds_1[0] );
    TEST_EQUALITY( 0.0, hex_bounds_1[1] );
    TEST_EQUALITY( 0.0, hex_bounds_1[2] );
    TEST_EQUALITY( 1.0, hex_bounds_1[3] );
    TEST_EQUALITY( 1.0, hex_bounds_1[4] );
    TEST_EQUALITY( 1.0, hex_bounds_1[5] );

    // Test the end of the iterator.
    TEST_ASSERT( volume_iterator != volume_iterator.begin() );
    TEST_ASSERT( volume_iterator == volume_iterator.end() );

    // Make an iterator for the nodes.
    DataTransferKit::EntityIterator node_iterator = 
	entity_set->entityIterator( 0, all_pred );

    // Test the node iterator.
    TEST_EQUALITY( node_iterator.size(), num_nodes );
    TEST_ASSERT( node_iterator == node_iterator.begin() );
    TEST_ASSERT( node_iterator != node_iterator.end() );
    DataTransferKit::EntityIterator node_begin = node_iterator.begin();
    DataTransferKit::EntityIterator node_end = node_iterator.end();
    auto node_id_it = node_ids.begin();
    for ( node_iterator = node_begin;
	  node_iterator != node_end;
	  ++node_iterator, ++node_id_it )
	TEST_EQUALITY( node_iterator->id(), *node_id_it );

    // Get each entity and check.
    DataTransferKit::Entity set_hex;
    entity_set->getEntity( hex_id, space_dim, set_hex );
    TEST_EQUALITY( set_hex.id(), hex_id );
    for ( unsigned i = 0; i < num_nodes; ++i )
	DataTransferKit::Entity set_node;
	entity_set->getEntity( node_ids[i], 0, set_node );
	TEST_EQUALITY( set_node.id(), node_ids[i] );

    // Check the adjacency function.
    Teuchos::Array<DataTransferKit::Entity> hex_adjacent_volumes;
    entity_set->getAdjacentEntities( set_hex,
				     hex_adjacent_volumes );
    TEST_EQUALITY( 0, hex_adjacent_volumes.size() );

    Teuchos::Array<DataTransferKit::Entity> hex_adjacent_nodes;
    entity_set->getAdjacentEntities( set_hex, 0, hex_adjacent_nodes );
    TEST_EQUALITY( num_nodes, hex_adjacent_nodes.size() );
    for ( unsigned i = 0; i < num_nodes; ++i )
	TEST_EQUALITY( hex_adjacent_nodes[i].id(), node_ids[i] );

    for ( unsigned i = 0; i < num_nodes; ++i )
	Teuchos::Array<DataTransferKit::Entity> node_adjacent_volumes;
	entity_set->getAdjacentEntities( hex_adjacent_nodes[i],
					 node_adjacent_volumes );
	TEST_EQUALITY( 1, node_adjacent_volumes.size() );
	TEST_EQUALITY( node_adjacent_volumes[0].id(), hex_id );
예제 #15
 coord_field_type & get_coordinate_field()
   coord_field_type * coord_field = meta_data().get_field<coord_field_type>("coordinates");
   ThrowRequire( coord_field != NULL);
   return * coord_field;
// Hex-8 test.
TEUCHOS_UNIT_TEST( STKMeshEntityIntegrationRule, hex_8_test )
    // Extract the raw mpi communicator.
    Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > comm = 
    Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::MpiComm<int> > mpi_comm = 
	Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast< const Teuchos::MpiComm<int> >( comm );
    Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::OpaqueWrapper<MPI_Comm> > opaque_comm = 
    MPI_Comm raw_comm = (*opaque_comm)();

    // Create meta data.
    int space_dim = 3;
    stk::mesh::MetaData meta_data( space_dim );

    // Make two parts.
    std::string p1_name = "part_1";
    stk::mesh::Part& part_1 = meta_data.declare_part( p1_name );
    stk::mesh::set_topology( part_1, stk::topology::HEX_8 );

    // Make a data field.
    stk::mesh::Field<double, stk::mesh::Cartesian3d>& data_field =
	stk::mesh::Field<double, stk::mesh::Cartesian3d> >(
	    stk::topology::NODE_RANK, "test field");
    meta_data.set_coordinate_field( &data_field );
    stk::mesh::put_field( data_field, part_1 );

    // Create bulk data.
    Teuchos::RCP<stk::mesh::BulkData> bulk_data =
	Teuchos::rcp( new stk::mesh::BulkData(meta_data,raw_comm) );

    // Make a hex-8.
    int comm_rank = comm->getRank();
    stk::mesh::EntityId hex_id = 23 + comm_rank;
    stk::mesh::Entity hex_entity = 
	bulk_data->declare_entity( stk::topology::ELEM_RANK, hex_id, part_1 );
    unsigned num_nodes = 8;
    Teuchos::Array<stk::mesh::EntityId> node_ids( num_nodes );
    Teuchos::Array<stk::mesh::Entity> nodes( num_nodes );
    for ( unsigned i = 0; i < num_nodes; ++i )
	node_ids[i] = num_nodes*comm_rank + i + 5;
	nodes[i] = bulk_data->declare_entity( 
	    stk::topology::NODE_RANK, node_ids[i], part_1 );
	bulk_data->declare_relation( hex_entity, nodes[i], i );

    // Create a DTK entity for the hex.
    DataTransferKit::Entity dtk_entity = 
	DataTransferKit::STKMeshEntity( hex_entity, bulk_data.ptr() );

    // Create an integration rule.
    Teuchos::RCP<DataTransferKit::EntityIntegrationRule> integration_rule =
	Teuchos::rcp( new DataTransferKit::STKMeshEntityIntegrationRule(bulk_data) );

    // Test the integration rule.
    Teuchos::Array<Teuchos::Array<double> > p_1;
    Teuchos::Array<double> w_1;
    integration_rule->getIntegrationRule( dtk_entity, 1, p_1, w_1 );
    TEST_EQUALITY( 1, w_1.size() );
    TEST_EQUALITY( 1, p_1.size() );
    TEST_EQUALITY( 3, p_1[0].size() );
    TEST_EQUALITY( 8.0, w_1[0] );
    TEST_EQUALITY( 0.0, p_1[0][0] );
    TEST_EQUALITY( 0.0, p_1[0][1] );
    TEST_EQUALITY( 0.0, p_1[0][2] );

    Teuchos::Array<Teuchos::Array<double> > p_2;
    Teuchos::Array<double> w_2;
    integration_rule->getIntegrationRule( dtk_entity, 2, p_2, w_2 );
    TEST_EQUALITY( 8, w_2.size() );
    TEST_EQUALITY( 8, p_2.size() );
    for ( int i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
	TEST_EQUALITY( w_2[i], 1.0 );
	TEST_EQUALITY( p_2[i].size(), 3 );

	for ( int d = 0; d < 3; ++d )
		std::abs(p_2[i][d]), 1.0 / std::sqrt(3.0), 1.0e-15 );
// Hex-8 test.
TEUCHOS_UNIT_TEST( STKMeshEntityIterator, hex_8_test )
    // Extract the raw mpi communicator.
    Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > comm = getDefaultComm<int>();
    Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::MpiComm<int> > mpi_comm = 
	Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast< const Teuchos::MpiComm<int> >( comm );
    Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::OpaqueWrapper<MPI_Comm> > opaque_comm = 
    MPI_Comm raw_comm = (*opaque_comm)();

    // Create meta data.
    int space_dim = 3;
    stk::mesh::MetaData meta_data( space_dim );

    // Make two parts.
    std::string p1_name = "part_1";
    stk::mesh::Part& part_1 = meta_data.declare_part( p1_name );
    stk::mesh::set_topology( part_1, stk::topology::HEX_8 );
    std::string p2_name = "part_2";
    stk::mesh::Part& part_2 = meta_data.declare_part( p2_name );

    // Make a coordinate field.
    stk::mesh::Field<double, stk::mesh::Cartesian3d>& coord_field =
	stk::mesh::Field<double, stk::mesh::Cartesian3d> >(
	    stk::topology::NODE_RANK, "coordinates");
    meta_data.set_coordinate_field( &coord_field );
    stk::mesh::put_field( coord_field, part_1 );

    // Create bulk data.
    Teuchos::RCP<stk::mesh::BulkData> bulk_data =
	Teuchos::rcp( new stk::mesh::BulkData(meta_data,raw_comm) );

    // Make a hex-8.
    int comm_rank = comm->getRank();
    stk::mesh::EntityId hex_id = 23 + comm_rank;
    stk::mesh::Entity hex_entity = 
	bulk_data->declare_entity( stk::topology::ELEM_RANK, hex_id, part_1 );
    int num_nodes = 8;
    Teuchos::Array<stk::mesh::EntityId> node_ids( num_nodes );
    Teuchos::Array<stk::mesh::Entity> nodes( num_nodes );
    for ( int i = 0; i < num_nodes; ++i )
	node_ids[i] = num_nodes*comm_rank + i + 5;
	nodes[i] = bulk_data->declare_entity( 
	    stk::topology::NODE_RANK, node_ids[i], part_1 );
	bulk_data->declare_relation( hex_entity, nodes[i], i );

    // Create the node coordinates.
    double* node_coords = 0;
    node_coords = stk::mesh::field_data( coord_field, nodes[0] );
    node_coords[0] = 0.0;
    node_coords[1] = 0.0;
    node_coords[2] = 0.0;

    node_coords = stk::mesh::field_data( coord_field, nodes[1] );
    node_coords[0] = 1.0;
    node_coords[1] = 0.0;
    node_coords[2] = 0.0;

    node_coords = stk::mesh::field_data( coord_field, nodes[2] );
    node_coords[0] = 1.0;
    node_coords[1] = 1.0;
    node_coords[2] = 0.0;

    node_coords = stk::mesh::field_data( coord_field, nodes[3] );
    node_coords[0] = 0.0;
    node_coords[1] = 1.0;
    node_coords[2] = 0.0;

    node_coords = stk::mesh::field_data( coord_field, nodes[4] );
    node_coords[0] = 0.0;
    node_coords[1] = 0.0;
    node_coords[2] = 1.0;

    node_coords = stk::mesh::field_data( coord_field, nodes[5] );
    node_coords[0] = 1.0;
    node_coords[1] = 0.0;
    node_coords[2] = 1.0;

    node_coords = stk::mesh::field_data( coord_field, nodes[6] );
    node_coords[0] = 1.0;
    node_coords[1] = 1.0;
    node_coords[2] = 1.0;

    node_coords = stk::mesh::field_data( coord_field, nodes[7] );
    node_coords[0] = 0.0;
    node_coords[1] = 1.0;
    node_coords[2] = 1.0;

    // Make a list of hexes.
    unsigned num_hex = 2;
    std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> hex_entities( num_hex, hex_entity );

    // Make a range for the iterators.
    Teuchos::RCP<DataTransferKit::STKMeshEntityIteratorRange> iterator_range =
	Teuchos::rcp( new DataTransferKit::STKMeshEntityIteratorRange() );
    iterator_range->d_stk_entities = hex_entities;
    // Test the name predicate for part 1.
    DataTransferKit::STKPartNamePredicate part_1_name_pred( 
	Teuchos::Array<std::string>(1,p1_name), bulk_data );
    DataTransferKit::EntityIterator part_1_name_iterator =
	    iterator_range, bulk_data, part_1_name_pred.getFunction() );
    TEST_EQUALITY( part_1_name_iterator.size(), num_hex );

    // Test the name predicate for part 2.
    DataTransferKit::STKPartNamePredicate part_2_name_pred( 
	Teuchos::Array<std::string>(2,p2_name), bulk_data );
    DataTransferKit::EntityIterator part_2_name_iterator =
	    iterator_range, bulk_data, part_2_name_pred.getFunction() );
    TEST_EQUALITY( part_2_name_iterator.size(), 0 );

    // Test the part vector predicate for part 1.
    stk::mesh::PartVector p1_vec( 1, &part_1 );
    DataTransferKit::STKPartVectorPredicate part_1_vec_pred( p1_vec );
    DataTransferKit::EntityIterator part_1_vec_iterator =
	    iterator_range, bulk_data, part_1_vec_pred.getFunction() );
    TEST_EQUALITY( part_1_vec_iterator.size(), num_hex );

    // Test the part vector predicate for part 2.
    stk::mesh::PartVector p2_vec( 2, &part_2 );
    DataTransferKit::STKPartVectorPredicate part_2_vec_pred( p2_vec );
    DataTransferKit::EntityIterator part_2_vec_iterator =
	    iterator_range, bulk_data, part_2_vec_pred.getFunction() );
    TEST_EQUALITY( part_2_vec_iterator.size(), 0 );

    // Test a part vector with 2 part 1's.
    stk::mesh::PartVector p11_vec( 2, &part_1 );
    DataTransferKit::STKPartVectorPredicate part_11_vec_pred( p11_vec );
    DataTransferKit::EntityIterator part_11_vec_iterator =
	    iterator_range, bulk_data, part_11_vec_pred.getFunction() );
    TEST_EQUALITY( part_11_vec_iterator.size(), num_hex );

    // Test a part vector with a part 1 and part 2
    stk::mesh::PartVector p12_vec( 2 );
    p12_vec[0] = &part_1;
    p12_vec[1] = &part_2;
    DataTransferKit::STKPartVectorPredicate part_12_vec_pred( p12_vec );
    DataTransferKit::EntityIterator part_12_vec_iterator =
	    iterator_range, bulk_data, part_12_vec_pred.getFunction() );
    TEST_EQUALITY( part_12_vec_iterator.size(), 0 );

    // Test the part selector predicate for part 1.
    stk::mesh::Selector p1_sel( part_1 );
    DataTransferKit::STKSelectorPredicate part_1_sel_pred( p1_sel );
    DataTransferKit::EntityIterator part_1_sel_iterator =
	    iterator_range, bulk_data, part_1_sel_pred.getFunction() );
    TEST_EQUALITY( part_1_sel_iterator.size(), num_hex );

    // Test the part selector predicate for part 2.
    stk::mesh::Selector p2_sel( part_2 );
    DataTransferKit::STKSelectorPredicate part_2_sel_pred( p2_sel );
    DataTransferKit::EntityIterator part_2_sel_iterator =
	    iterator_range, bulk_data, part_2_sel_pred.getFunction() );
    TEST_EQUALITY( part_2_sel_iterator.size(), 0 );