예제 #1
파일: gifLabel.c 프로젝트: ma-compbio/RACA
static struct memGfx *altColorLabels(char **labels, int labelCount, int width)
/* Return a memory image with alternating colors. */
struct memGfx *mg = NULL;
Color c1,c2;
MgFont *font = mgMediumFont();
int lineHeight = mgFontLineHeight(font)-1;
int height = lineHeight * labelCount, i;
int y = 0;

/* Allocate picture and set up colors. */
mg = mgNew(width, height);
c1 = mgFindColor(mg, 0xE0, 0xE0, 0xFF);
c2 = mgFindColor(mg, 0xFF, 0xC8, 0xC8);

/* Draw text. */
for (i=labelCount-1; i >= 0; --i)
    Color c = ((i&1) ? c2 : c1);
    mgDrawBox(mg, 0, y, width, lineHeight, c);
    mgTextRight(mg, 0+1, y+1, width-1, lineHeight, MG_BLACK, font, labels[i]);
    y += lineHeight;

return mg;
예제 #2
static void doMapBoxPerRow(struct track *tg,
	int seqStart, int seqEnd,
        struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width,
        MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
int fontHeight = mgFontLineHeight(font);
int numRows = tg->height / fontHeight;
struct customTrack *ct = tg->customPt;
char itemBuffer[1024];

if (ct)
    // this should have the trash file name instead of spacer
    // but the click handler doesn't use it anyway
    safef(itemBuffer, sizeof itemBuffer, "%s %s","spacer","zoom in");
    safef(itemBuffer, sizeof itemBuffer, "zoom in");

    char buffer[1024];

    safef(buffer, sizeof buffer,
	"Too many items in display.  Zoom in to click on items. (%d)",numRows);
    mapBoxHc(hvg, seqStart, seqEnd, xOff, yOff, width, fontHeight,
	tg->track, itemBuffer,
    yOff += fontHeight;

// just do this once
tg->customInt = 0;
예제 #3
static void maybeDrawLeftLabels(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd, struct hvGfx *hvg,
			       int xOff, int yOff, int width, int height, boolean withCenterLabels,
			       MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
/* If this is invoked, we are hiding item labels.  In full mode, that means no left labels.
 * In dense mode, we do need the left label to show shortLabel. */
if (tg->limitedVis == tvDense)
    int fontHeight = mgFontLineHeight(font);
    if (isCenterLabelIncluded(tg))
	yOff += fontHeight;
    hvGfxTextRight(hvg, xOff, yOff, width, tg->lineHeight, color, font, tg->shortLabel);
void hCytoBandDrawAt(struct cytoBand *band, struct hvGfx *hvg,
	int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean isDmel,
	MgFont *font, int fontPixelHeight, Color aColor, Color bColor,
	Color *shades, int maxShade)
/* Draw a single band in appropriate color at given position.  If there's
 * room put in band label. */
Color col = hCytoBandColor(band, hvg, isDmel, aColor, bColor, shades, maxShade);
hvGfxBox(hvg, x, y, width, height, col);
if (height >= mgFontLineHeight(font))
    char *s = abbreviatedBandName(band, font, width, isDmel);
    if (s != NULL)
	Color textCol = hvGfxContrastingColor(hvg, col);
	hvGfxTextCentered(hvg, x, y, width, height, textCol, font, s);
예제 #5
파일: altSplice.c 프로젝트: bowhan/kent
char *altGraphXMakeImage(struct altGraphX *ag)
/* create a drawing of splicing pattern */
MgFont *font = mgSmallFont();
int fontHeight = mgFontLineHeight(font);
struct spaceSaver *ssList = NULL;
struct hash *heightHash = NULL;
int rowCount = 0;
struct tempName gifTn;
int pixWidth = atoi(cartUsualString(cart, "pix", DEFAULT_PIX_WIDTH ));
int pixHeight = 0;
struct hvGfx *hvg;
int lineHeight = 0;
double scale = 0;
Color shadesOfGray[9];
int maxShade = ArraySize(shadesOfGray)-1;

scale = (double)pixWidth/(ag->tEnd - ag->tStart);
lineHeight = 2 * fontHeight +1;
altGraphXLayout(ag, ag->tStart, ag->tEnd, scale, 100, &ssList, &heightHash, &rowCount);
pixHeight = rowCount * lineHeight;
makeTempName(&gifTn, "hgc", ".png");
hvg = hvGfxOpenPng(pixWidth, pixHeight, gifTn.forCgi, FALSE);
makeGrayShades(hvg, maxShade, shadesOfGray);
hvGfxSetClip(hvg, 0, 0, pixWidth, pixHeight);
altGraphXDrawPack(ag, ssList, hvg, 0, 0, pixWidth, lineHeight, lineHeight-1,
                  ag->tStart, ag->tEnd, scale,
		  font, MG_BLACK, shadesOfGray, "Dummy", NULL);
       "<IMG SRC = \"%s\" BORDER=1 WIDTH=%d HEIGHT=%d><BR>\n",
       gifTn.forHtml, pixWidth, pixHeight);
return cloneString(gifTn.forHtml);
struct genoLay *genoLayNew(struct genoLayChrom *chromList,
	MgFont *font, int picWidth, int betweenChromHeight,
	int minLeftLabelWidth, int minRightLabelWidth,
	char *how)
/* Figure out layout.  For human and most mammals this will be
 * two columns with sex chromosomes on bottom.  This is complicated
 * by the platypus having a bunch of sex chromosomes. */
int margin = 3;
struct slRef *refList = NULL, *ref, *left, *right;
struct genoLayChrom *chrom;
struct genoLay *gl;
int autoCount, halfCount, bases, chromInLine;
int leftLabelWidth=0, rightLabelWidth=0, labelWidth;
int spaceWidth = mgFontCharWidth(font, ' ');
int extraLabelPadding = 0;
int autosomeOtherPixels=0, sexOtherPixels=0;
int autosomeBasesInLine=0;	/* Maximum bases in a line for autosome. */
int sexBasesInLine=0;		/* Bases in line for sex chromsome. */
double sexBasesPerPixel, autosomeBasesPerPixel, basesPerPixel;
int pos = margin;
int y = 0;
int fontHeight = mgFontLineHeight(font);
int chromHeight = fontHeight;
int lineHeight = chromHeight + betweenChromHeight;
boolean allOneLine = FALSE;

refList = refListFromSlList(chromList);

/* Allocate genoLay object and fill in simple fields. */
gl->chromList = chromList;
gl->chromHash = hashNew(0);
gl->font = font;
gl->picWidth = picWidth;
gl->margin = margin;
gl->spaceWidth = spaceWidth;
gl->lineHeight = lineHeight;
gl->betweenChromHeight = betweenChromHeight;
gl->betweenChromOffsetY = 0;
gl->chromHeight = chromHeight;
gl->chromOffsetY = lineHeight - chromHeight;

/* Save chromosomes in hash too, for easy access */
for (chrom = chromList; chrom != NULL; chrom = chrom->next)
    hashAdd(gl->chromHash, chrom->fullName, chrom);

if (sameString(how, genoLayOnePerLine))
    gl->leftList = refList;
else if (sameString(how, genoLayAllOneLine))
    gl->bottomList = refList;
    allOneLine = TRUE;
    /* Put sex chromosomes on bottom, and rest on left. */
    separateSexChroms(refList, &refList, &gl->bottomList);
    autoCount = slCount(refList);
    gl->leftList = refList;

    /* If there are a lot of chromosomes, then move later
     * (and smaller) chromosomes to a new right column */
    if (autoCount > 12)
	halfCount = (autoCount+1)/2;
	ref = slElementFromIx(refList, halfCount-1);
	gl->rightList = ref->next;
	ref->next = NULL;

if (allOneLine)
    unsigned long totalBases = 0, bStart=0, bEnd;
    int chromCount = 0, chromIx=0;
    for (ref = gl->bottomList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next)
	chrom = ref->val;
	totalBases += chrom->size;
	chromCount += 1;
    int availablePixels = picWidth - minLeftLabelWidth - minRightLabelWidth
       - 2*margin - (chromCount-1);
    double basesPerPixel = (double)totalBases/availablePixels;
    gl->picHeight = 2*margin + lineHeight + fontHeight;
    for (ref = gl->bottomList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next)
	chrom = ref->val;
	bEnd = bStart + chrom->size;
	int pixStart = round(bStart / basesPerPixel);
	int pixEnd = round(bEnd / basesPerPixel);
	chrom->width = pixEnd - pixStart;
	chrom->height = lineHeight;
	chrom->x = pixStart + margin + chromIx + minLeftLabelWidth;
	chrom->y = 0;
	chromIx += 1;
	bStart = bEnd;
    gl->lineCount = 1;
    gl->picHeight = 2*margin + lineHeight + fontHeight + 1;
    gl->allOneLine = TRUE;
    gl->leftLabelWidth = minLeftLabelWidth;
    gl->rightLabelWidth = minRightLabelWidth;
    gl->basesPerPixel = basesPerPixel;
    gl->pixelsPerBase = 1.0/basesPerPixel;
    /* Figure out space needed for autosomes. */
    left = gl->leftList;
    right = gl->rightList;
    while (left || right)
	bases = 0;
	chromInLine = 0;
	if (left)
	    chrom = left->val;
	    labelWidth = mgFontStringWidth(font, chrom->shortName) + spaceWidth;
	    if (leftLabelWidth < labelWidth)
		leftLabelWidth = labelWidth;
	    bases = chrom->size;
	    left = left->next;
	if (right)
	    chrom = right->val;
	    labelWidth = mgFontStringWidth(font, chrom->shortName) + spaceWidth;
	    if (rightLabelWidth < labelWidth)
		rightLabelWidth = labelWidth;
	    bases += chrom->size;
	    right = right->next;
	if (autosomeBasesInLine < bases)
	    autosomeBasesInLine = bases;
	gl->lineCount += 1;

    /* Figure out space needed for bottom chromosomes. */
    if (gl->bottomList)
	gl->lineCount += 1;
	sexOtherPixels = spaceWidth + 2*margin;
	for (ref = gl->bottomList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next)
	    chrom = ref->val;
	    sexBasesInLine += chrom->size;
	    labelWidth = mgFontStringWidth(font, chrom->shortName) + spaceWidth;
	    if (ref == gl->bottomList )
		if (leftLabelWidth < labelWidth)
		    leftLabelWidth  = labelWidth;
		sexOtherPixels = leftLabelWidth;
	    else if (ref->next == NULL)
		if (rightLabelWidth < labelWidth)
		    rightLabelWidth  = labelWidth;
		sexOtherPixels += rightLabelWidth + spaceWidth;
		sexOtherPixels += labelWidth + spaceWidth;

    /* Do some adjustments if side labels are bigger than needed for
     * chromosome names. */
    if (leftLabelWidth < minLeftLabelWidth)
	extraLabelPadding += (minLeftLabelWidth - leftLabelWidth);
	leftLabelWidth = minLeftLabelWidth;
    if (rightLabelWidth < minRightLabelWidth)
	extraLabelPadding += (minRightLabelWidth - rightLabelWidth);
	rightLabelWidth = minRightLabelWidth;
    sexOtherPixels += extraLabelPadding;

    /* Figure out the number of bases needed per pixel. */
    autosomeOtherPixels = 2*margin + spaceWidth + leftLabelWidth + rightLabelWidth;
    basesPerPixel = autosomeBasesPerPixel 
	    = autosomeBasesInLine/(picWidth-autosomeOtherPixels);
    if (gl->bottomList)
	sexBasesPerPixel = sexBasesInLine/(picWidth-sexOtherPixels);
	if (sexBasesPerPixel > basesPerPixel)
	    basesPerPixel = sexBasesPerPixel;

    /* Save positions and sizes of some things in layout structure. */
    gl->leftLabelWidth = leftLabelWidth;
    gl->rightLabelWidth = rightLabelWidth;
    gl->basesPerPixel = basesPerPixel;
    gl->pixelsPerBase = 1.0/basesPerPixel;

    /* Set pixel positions for left autosomes */
    for (ref = gl->leftList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next)
	chrom = ref->val;
	chrom->x = leftLabelWidth + margin;
	chrom->y = y;
	chrom->width = round(chrom->size/basesPerPixel);
	chrom->height = lineHeight;
	y += lineHeight;

    /* Set pixel positions for right autosomes */
    y = 0;
    for (ref = gl->rightList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next)
	chrom = ref->val;
	chrom->width = round(chrom->size/basesPerPixel);
	chrom->height = lineHeight;
	chrom->x = picWidth - margin - rightLabelWidth - chrom->width;
	chrom->y = y;
	y += lineHeight;
    gl->picHeight = 2*margin + lineHeight * gl->lineCount;
    y = gl->picHeight - margin - lineHeight;

    /* Set pixel positions for sex chromosomes */
    for (ref = gl->bottomList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next)
	chrom = ref->val;
	chrom->y = y;
	chrom->width = round(chrom->size/basesPerPixel);
	chrom->height = lineHeight;
	if (ref == gl->bottomList)
	    chrom->x = leftLabelWidth + margin;
	else if (ref->next == NULL)
	    chrom->x = picWidth - margin - rightLabelWidth - chrom->width;
	    chrom->x = 2*spaceWidth+mgFontStringWidth(font,chrom->shortName) + pos;
	pos = chrom->x + chrom->width;
return gl;