 * Returns an XML string from the prefetch record provided.
// Private helper functions; turn a prefect record into an XML string */
std::string prefetch_record_t::to_xml()
    stringstream ss;

    // generate the prefetch feature in a stringstream
    ss << "<prefetch>";
    ss << "<os>"       << dfxml_writer::xmlescape(prefetch_version) << "</os>";
    ss << "<filename>" << dfxml_writer::xmlescape(execution_filename) << "</filename>";
    ss << "<header_size>" << header_size << "</header_size>";
    ss << "<atime>"    << microsoftDateToISODate(execution_time) << "</atime>";
    ss << "<runs>"     << execution_counter << "</runs>";
    ss << "<filenames>";
    for(vector<string>::const_iterator it = files.begin();
            it != files.end(); it++) {
        ss << "<file>" << dfxml_writer::xmlescape(*it) << "</file>";
    ss << "</filenames>";

    ss << "<volume>";
    ss << "<path>" << dfxml_writer::xmlescape(volume_path_name) << "</path>";
    ss << "<creation>" << microsoftDateToISODate(volume_creation_time) << "</creation>";
    ss << "<serial_number>" << hex << volume_serial_number << dec << "</serial_number>";

    ss << "<dirnames>";
    for(vector<string>::const_iterator it = directories.begin();
            it != directories.end(); it++) {
        ss << "<dir>" << dfxml_writer::xmlescape(*it) << "</dir>";
    ss << "</dirnames>";
    ss << "</volume>";
    ss << "</prefetch>";

    // return the xml as a string
    string prefetch_xml = ss.str();
    return prefetch_xml;
예제 #2
void scan_winlnk(const class scanner_params &sp,const recursion_control_block &rcb)
        sp.info->name		= "winlnk";
        sp.info->author		= "Simson Garfinkel";
        sp.info->description	= "Search for Windows LNK files";
        debug = sp.info->config->debug;
	// phase 1: set up the feature recorder and search for winlnk features
	const sbuf_t &sbuf = sp.sbuf;
	feature_recorder *winlnk_recorder = sp.fs.get_name("winlnk");

	// make sure that potential LNK file is large enough and has the correct signature
	if (sbuf.pagesize <= SMALLEST_LNK_FILE){

        for (size_t p=0;(p < sbuf.pagesize) &&  (p < sbuf.bufsize - SMALLEST_LNK_FILE); p++){
            if ( sbuf.get32u(p+0x00) == 0x0000004c &&
                 sbuf.get32u(p+0x04) == 0x00021401 &&
                 sbuf.get32u(p+0x08) == 0x00000000 &&
                 sbuf.get32u(p+0x0c) == 0x000000c0 &&
                 sbuf.get32u(p+0x10) == 0x46000000 ){

		dfxml_writer::strstrmap_t lnkmap;
                uint32_t LinkFlags      = sbuf.get32u(p+0x0014);
                bool     HasLinkTargetIDList = LinkFlags & (1 << 0);
                bool     HasLinkInfo        = LinkFlags  & (1 << 1);
                //bool     HasName            = LinkFlags  & (1 << 2);
                //bool     HasRelativePath    = LinkFlags  & (1 << 3);
                //bool     HasWorkingDir      = LinkFlags  & (1 << 4);
                //uint32_t FileAttributes = sbuf.get32u(p+0x0018);
                uint64_t CreationTime   = sbuf.get64u(p+0x001c);
                uint64_t AccessTime     = sbuf.get64u(p+0x0024);
                uint64_t WriteTime      = sbuf.get64u(p+0x002c);

                size_t loc = 0x004c;    // location of next section
                lnkmap["ctime"] = microsoftDateToISODate(CreationTime);
                lnkmap["atime"] = microsoftDateToISODate(AccessTime);
                lnkmap["wtime"] = microsoftDateToISODate(WriteTime);

                if (HasLinkTargetIDList ){
                    uint16_t IDListSize = sbuf.get16u(p+loc);
                    loc += IDListSize + 2;

                std::string path("NOLINKINFO");
                if (HasLinkInfo ){
                    uint32_t LinkInfoSize       = sbuf.get32u(p+loc);
                    //uint32_t LinkInfoHeaderSize = sbuf.get32u(p+loc+4);
                    //uint32_t LinkInfoFlags      = sbuf.get32u(p+loc+8);
                    //uint32_t VolumeIDOffset      = sbuf.get32u(p+loc+12);
                    uint32_t LocalBasePathOffset = sbuf.get32u(p+loc+16);
                    //uint32_t CommonNetworkRelativeLinkOffset = sbuf.get32u(p+loc+20);
                    //uint32_t CommonPathSuffixOffset = sbuf.get32u(p+loc+20);

                    /* copy out the pathname */
                    path = "";
                    for(size_t i = p+loc+LocalBasePathOffset; i<sbuf.bufsize && sbuf[i]; i++){
                        path += sbuf[i];
                    lnkmap["path"] = path;
                    loc += LinkInfoSize;
                p += loc;
            } else
             * At present we don't entirely support LNK parsing, and
             * some blocks need to be carved because of this.
            if ( sbuf.get32u(p+0x00) == 0x00000060 &&
                 sbuf.get32u(p+0x04) == 0xa0000003 &&
                 sbuf.get32u(p+0x08) == 0x00000058 &&
                 sbuf.get32u(p+0x0c) == 0x00000000){
		dfxml_writer::strstrmap_t lnkguid;
                std::string dvolid = get_guid(sbuf, p+32);
                lnkguid["droid_volumeid"] = dvolid;
                lnkguid["droid_fileid"] = get_guid(sbuf, p+48);
                lnkguid["birth_volumeid"] = get_guid(sbuf, p+64);
                lnkguid["birth_fileid"] = get_guid(sbuf, p+80);
                p += 96;