 * Gets the storage root for a MIDlet suite by ID.
 * Free the data of the string returned with pcsl_string_free().
 * @param suiteId suite ID
 * @param sRoot receives storage root (gets set to NULL in the case of an error)
 * @return status: ALL_OK if success,
 * OUT_OF_MEMORY if out-of-memory
get_suite_storage_root(SuiteIdType suiteId, pcsl_string* sRoot) {
    StorageIdType storageId;
    const pcsl_string* root;
    MIDPError status;


    /* get an id of the storage where the suite is located */
    status = midp_suite_get_suite_storage(suiteId, &storageId);
    if (status != ALL_OK) {
        return status;

    root = storage_get_root(storageId);

        pcsl_string_length(root) + GET_SUITE_ID_LEN(suiteId));

    if (PCSL_STRING_OK == pcsl_string_append(sRoot, root) &&
            PCSL_STRING_OK == pcsl_string_append(sRoot,
                midp_suiteid2pcsl_string(suiteId))) {
        return ALL_OK;

    *sRoot = PCSL_STRING_NULL;

    return OUT_OF_MEMORY;
 * Builds a full file name using the storage root and MIDlet suite by ID.
 * @param suiteId suite ID
 * @param filename filename without a root path
 * @param sRoot receives full name of the file
 * @return the status: ALL_OK if ok, OUT_OF_MEMORY if out of memory
static MIDPError
get_suite_filename(SuiteIdType suiteId, const pcsl_string* filename,
                   pcsl_string* sRoot) {
  int sRoot_len;
  const pcsl_string* root;

  root = storage_get_root(INTERNAL_STORAGE_ID);


  sRoot_len = pcsl_string_length(root)      
            + GET_SUITE_ID_LEN(suiteId)
            + pcsl_string_length(filename);
  pcsl_string_predict_size(sRoot, sRoot_len);

  if (PCSL_STRING_OK == pcsl_string_append(sRoot, root) &&
      PCSL_STRING_OK == pcsl_string_append(sRoot,
          midp_suiteid2pcsl_string(suiteId)) &&
      PCSL_STRING_OK == pcsl_string_append(sRoot, filename)) {
      return ALL_OK;
  } else {
        *sRoot = PCSL_STRING_NULL;
        return OUT_OF_MEMORY;
예제 #3
 * Builds a full file name using the storage root and MIDlet suite by ID.
 * @param suiteId suite ID
 * @param filename filename without a root path
 * @param sRoot receives full name of the file
 * @return the status: ALL_OK if ok, OUT_OF_MEMORY if out of memory
static MIDPError
get_suite_filename(SuiteIdType suiteId, const pcsl_string* filename,
                   pcsl_string* sRoot) {
  int sRoot_len;
  const pcsl_string* root;
  StorageIdType storageId;
  MIDPError status;

  /* get an id of the storage where the suite is located */
  status = midp_suite_get_suite_storage(suiteId, &storageId);
  if (status != ALL_OK) {
      return status;

  root = storage_get_root(storageId);


  sRoot_len = pcsl_string_length(root)
            + GET_SUITE_ID_LEN(suiteId)
            + pcsl_string_length(filename);
  pcsl_string_predict_size(sRoot, sRoot_len);

  if (PCSL_STRING_OK == pcsl_string_append(sRoot, root) &&
      PCSL_STRING_OK == pcsl_string_append(sRoot,
          midp_suiteid2pcsl_string(suiteId)) &&
      PCSL_STRING_OK == pcsl_string_append(sRoot, filename)) {
      return ALL_OK;
  } else {
        *sRoot = PCSL_STRING_NULL;
        return OUT_OF_MEMORY;
예제 #4
 * Gets the classpath for the specified MIDlet suite id.
 * Note that memory for the in/out parameter classPath is
 * allocated by the callee. The caller is responsible for
 * freeing it using pcsl_mem_free().
 * @param suiteId   The suite id used to identify the MIDlet suite
 * @param storageId storage ID, INTERNAL_STORAGE_ID for the internal storage
 * @param classPath The in/out parameter that contains returned class path
 * @param extension Extension of the file (
 * @return one of the error codes:
 * <pre>
 * </pre>
static MIDPError
get_class_path_impl(SuiteIdType suiteId,
                    jint storageId,
                    pcsl_string * classPath,
                    const pcsl_string * extension) {
    const pcsl_string* root = storage_get_root(storageId);
    pcsl_string path = PCSL_STRING_NULL;
    jint suiteIdLen = GET_SUITE_ID_LEN(suiteId);

    *classPath = PCSL_STRING_NULL;

    /* performance hint: predict buffer capacity */
    pcsl_string_predict_size(&path, pcsl_string_length(root)
                                    + suiteIdLen
                                    + pcsl_string_length(extension));
    if (PCSL_STRING_OK != pcsl_string_append(&path, root) ||
            PCSL_STRING_OK != pcsl_string_append(&path,
                midp_suiteid2pcsl_string(suiteId)) ||
            PCSL_STRING_OK != pcsl_string_append(&path, extension)) {
        return OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    *classPath = path;

    return ALL_OK;
 * Converts the given suite ID to array of chars.
 * NOTE: this function returns a pointer to the static buffer!
 * @param value suite id to convert
 * @return char[] representation of the given suite ID
 * or NULL in case of error.
const char* midp_suiteid2chars(SuiteIdType value) {
    jsize resLen;
    static jbyte resChars[GET_SUITE_ID_LEN(value) + 1]; /* +1 for last zero */
    const pcsl_string* pResString = midp_suiteid2pcsl_string(value);
    pcsl_string_status rc;

    rc = pcsl_string_convert_to_utf8(pResString, resChars,
        (jsize)SUITESTORE_COUNTOF(resChars), &resLen);

    return (rc == PCSL_STRING_OK) ? (char*)&resChars : NULL;
 * Gets the classpath for the specified MIDlet suite id.
 * Note that memory for the in/out parameter classPath is
 * allocated by the callee. The caller is responsible for
 * freeing it using pcsl_mem_free().
 * @param suiteId   The suite id used to identify the MIDlet suite
 * @param storageId storage ID, INTERNAL_STORAGE_ID for the internal storage
 * @param classPath The in/out parameter that contains returned class path
 * @param extension Extension of the file (
 * @return one of the error codes:
 * <pre>
 * </pre>
static MIDPError
get_class_path_impl(ComponentType type,
                    SuiteIdType suiteId,
                    ComponentIdType componentId,
                    jint storageId,
                    pcsl_string * pClassPath,
                    const pcsl_string * pExtension) {
    const pcsl_string* root = storage_get_root(storageId);
    pcsl_string path = PCSL_STRING_NULL;
    jint suiteIdLen = GET_SUITE_ID_LEN(suiteId);
    jint componentIdLen = 0;

    if (type == COMPONENT_DYNAMIC) {
        componentIdLen = GET_COMPONENT_ID_LEN(componentId);

    *pClassPath = PCSL_STRING_NULL;

    /* performance hint: predict buffer capacity */
    pcsl_string_predict_size(&path, pcsl_string_length(root)
                                    + suiteIdLen + componentIdLen +
                                    + pcsl_string_length(pExtension));
    if (PCSL_STRING_OK != pcsl_string_append(&path, root) ||
            PCSL_STRING_OK != pcsl_string_append(&path,
                midp_suiteid2pcsl_string(suiteId))) {
        return OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    if (type == COMPONENT_DYNAMIC) {
        if (PCSL_STRING_OK != pcsl_string_append(&path,
                midp_componentid2pcsl_string(componentId))) {
            return OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    if (PCSL_STRING_OK != pcsl_string_append(&path, pExtension)) {
        return OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    *pClassPath = path;

    return ALL_OK;
 * Gets location of the cached resource with specified name
 * for the suite with the specified suiteId.
 * Note that when porting memory for the in/out parameter
 * filename MUST be allocated  using pcsl_mem_malloc().
 * The caller is responsible for freeing the memory associated
 * with filename parameter.
 * @param suiteId       The application suite ID
 * @param storageId     storage ID, INTERNAL_STORAGE_ID for the internal storage
 * @param pResourceName Name of the cached resource
 * @param pFileName     The in/out parameter that contains returned filename
 * @return error code that should be one of the following:
 * <pre>
 * </pre>
midp_suite_get_cached_resource_filename(SuiteIdType suiteId,
                                        StorageIdType storageId,
                                        const pcsl_string * pResourceName,
                                        pcsl_string * pFileName) {
    const pcsl_string* root = storage_get_root(storageId);
    pcsl_string returnPath = PCSL_STRING_NULL;
    pcsl_string resourceFileName = PCSL_STRING_NULL;
    jint suiteIdLen = GET_SUITE_ID_LEN(suiteId);
    jsize resourceNameLen = pcsl_string_length(pResourceName);

    *pFileName = PCSL_STRING_NULL;

    if (resourceNameLen > 0) {
        /* performance hint: predict buffer capacity */
        int fileNameLen = PCSL_STRING_ESCAPED_BUFFER_SIZE(
            resourceNameLen + pcsl_string_length(&TMP_EXT));
        pcsl_string_predict_size(&resourceFileName, fileNameLen);

        if ( /* Convert any slashes */
                &resourceFileName) != PCSL_STRING_OK ||
            /* Add the extension */
            pcsl_string_append(&resourceFileName, &TMP_EXT) !=
                PCSL_STRING_OK) {
            return OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    /* performance hint: predict buffer capacity */
    pcsl_string_predict_size(&returnPath, pcsl_string_length(root) +
        suiteIdLen + pcsl_string_length(&resourceFileName));

    if (PCSL_STRING_OK != pcsl_string_append(&returnPath, root) ||
            PCSL_STRING_OK != pcsl_string_append(&returnPath,
                midp_suiteid2pcsl_string(suiteId)) ||
            PCSL_STRING_OK != pcsl_string_append(&returnPath,
                &resourceFileName)) {
        return OUT_OF_MEMORY;


    *pFileName = returnPath;

    return ALL_OK;
예제 #8
파일: rms.c 프로젝트: jiangxilong/yari
 * Returns a storage system unique string for this record store file
 * based on the current vendor and suite of the running MIDlet.
 * <ul>
 *  <li>The native storage path for the desired MIDlet suite
 *  is acquired from the Scheduler.
 *  <li>The <code>filename</code> arg is converted into an ascii
 *  equivalent safe to use directly in the underlying
 *  file system and appended to the native storage path.  See the
 *  com.sun.midp.io.j2me.storage.File.unicodeToAsciiFilename()
 *  method for conversion details.
 *  <li>Finally the extension number given by the extension parameter
 *  is appended to the file name.
 * <ul>
 * @param suiteId ID of the MIDlet suite that owns the record store
 * @param storageId ID of the storage where the RMS will be located
 * @param name name of the record store
 * @param extension extension number to add to the end of the file name
 * @return a unique identifier for this record store file
rmsdb_get_unique_id_path(SuiteIdType suiteId, StorageIdType storageId,
                         const pcsl_string* name,
                         int extension, pcsl_string * res_path) {
    pcsl_string temp = PCSL_STRING_NULL;
    MIDP_ERROR midpErr;
    pcsl_string_status pcslErr;

    *res_path = PCSL_STRING_NULL; // null in case of any error

    if (pcsl_string_is_null(name)) {

    midpErr = midp_suite_get_rms_filename(suiteId, storageId,
                                          (extension == IDX_EXTENSION_INDEX
                                          ? MIDP_RMS_IDX_EXT : MIDP_RMS_DB_EXT),
                                          name, res_path);

    if (midpErr != MIDP_ERROR_NONE) {
        return midpErr;

    if (pcsl_string_is_null(res_path)) {
        /* Assume this is special case where the suite was not installed
           and create a filename from the ID. */
        pcslErr = pcsl_string_cat(storage_get_root(storageId),
            midp_suiteid2pcsl_string(suiteId), &temp);
        if (pcslErr != PCSL_STRING_OK || pcsl_string_is_null(&temp) ) {
            return MIDP_ERROR_FOREIGN;
        pcslErr = pcsl_string_cat(&temp, name, res_path);
        if (PCSL_STRING_OK != pcslErr)
            return MIDP_ERROR_FOREIGN;
    return MIDP_ERROR_NONE;
예제 #9
파일: fcCleanup.c 프로젝트: sfsy1989/j2me
 * The function is called upon MIDlet suite removal.
 * It deletes suites's private directory and all it's content.
 * @param suiteId the ID of MIDlet suite
void jsr75_suite_remove_cleanup(SuiteIdType suiteId)
    const pcsl_string* pStg = storage_get_root(INTERNAL_STORAGE_ID);
    const jchar jsep = pcsl_file_getfileseparator();

    pcsl_string dirName1 = PCSL_STRING_NULL;
    pcsl_string dirName2 = PCSL_STRING_NULL;
    pcsl_string dirName  = PCSL_STRING_NULL;
    pcsl_string sep      = PCSL_STRING_NULL;

    if (pcsl_string_convert_from_utf16(&jsep, 1, &sep) != PCSL_STRING_OK) {
    if (pcsl_string_cat(pStg, &privateDir, &dirName1) != PCSL_STRING_OK) {
    if (pcsl_string_cat(&dirName1, &sep, &dirName2) != PCSL_STRING_OK) {
    if (pcsl_string_cat(&dirName2, midp_suiteid2pcsl_string(suiteId),
            &dirName) != PCSL_STRING_OK) {

    do_cleanup(&dirName, &sep);

 * Converts the given component ID to pcsl_string.
 * NOTE: this function returns a pointer to the static buffer!
 * The current implementation uses the internal knowledge that
 * ComponentIdType and SuiteIdType are compatible integer types.
 * @param value component id to convert
 * @return pcsl_string representation of the given component id
const pcsl_string* midp_componentid2pcsl_string(ComponentIdType value) {
    return midp_suiteid2pcsl_string((SuiteIdType)value);
예제 #11
 * Gets location of the resource with specified type and name
 * for the suite with the specified suiteId.
 * Note that the implementation of this function MUST allocate the memory
 * for the in/out parameter filename using pcsl_mem_malloc().
 * The caller is responsible for freeing the memory associated
 * with filename parameter.
 * @param suiteId The application suite ID
 * @param storageId storage ID where the RMS will be located
 * NOTE: currently this parameter is ignored due to limitation of our
 * implementation: RMS is always located at the same storage as the suite.
 * @param extension rms extension that can be MIDP_RMS_DB_EXT or
 * @param pResourceName RMS name
 * @param pFileName The in/out parameter that contains returned filename
 * @return error code that should be one of the following:
 * <pre>
 * </pre>
midp_suite_get_rms_filename(SuiteIdType suiteId,
                            StorageIdType storageId,
                            jint extension,
                            const pcsl_string* pResourceName,
                            pcsl_string* pFileName) {
    const pcsl_string* root;
    pcsl_string returnPath = PCSL_STRING_NULL;
    pcsl_string rmsFileName = PCSL_STRING_NULL;
    jint suiteIdLen = GET_SUITE_ID_LEN(suiteId);
    jsize resourceNameLen = pcsl_string_length(pResourceName);

     * IMPL_NOTE: currently we have a limitation that the suite's RMS
     * must be located at the same storage as the midlet suite.
     * See rms.c, rmsdb_get_record_store_space_available() for more details.
    root = storage_get_root(storageId);

    *pFileName = PCSL_STRING_NULL;

    if (resourceNameLen > 0) {
        const pcsl_string* ext;
        jsize extLen;
        int fileNameLen;

        if (MIDP_RMS_IDX_EXT == extension) {
            ext = &IDX_EXTENSION;
            extLen = pcsl_string_length(&IDX_EXTENSION);
        } else if (MIDP_RMS_DB_EXT == extension) {
            ext = &DB_EXTENSION;
            extLen = pcsl_string_length(&DB_EXTENSION);
        } else {
            return BAD_PARAMS;

        /* performance hint: predict buffer capacity */
        fileNameLen = PCSL_STRING_ESCAPED_BUFFER_SIZE(resourceNameLen + extLen);
        pcsl_string_predict_size(&rmsFileName, fileNameLen);

        if (pcsl_string_append_escaped_ascii(&rmsFileName, pResourceName) !=
                PCSL_STRING_OK ||
                    pcsl_string_append(&rmsFileName, ext) != PCSL_STRING_OK) {
            return OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    /* performance hint: predict buffer capacity */
    pcsl_string_predict_size(&returnPath, pcsl_string_length(root) +
        suiteIdLen + pcsl_string_length(&rmsFileName));

    if (PCSL_STRING_OK != pcsl_string_append(&returnPath, root) ||
            PCSL_STRING_OK != pcsl_string_append(&returnPath,
                midp_suiteid2pcsl_string(suiteId)) ||
            PCSL_STRING_OK != pcsl_string_append(&returnPath, &rmsFileName)) {
        return OUT_OF_MEMORY;


    *pFileName = returnPath;

    return ALL_OK;