예제 #1
int main()
int t;
int e,f;
int *arr=(int*)calloc(sizeof(int),f-e+1);
int n;
int p[n],w[n];
int i,j;
int min=arr[i];
printf("The minimum amount of money in the piggy-bank is %d.\n",arr[f-e]);
printf("This is impossible.\n");
return 0;
예제 #2
static void grid_init(CellManager& cman, Dyn3DArr<std::atomic<int>>& aindx, Dyn4DArr<Cell*>& area) { //DO NOT RESTRICT ptrs in area

    cman.all_foreach_parallel_native([&](Cell*const c) {//cannot restrict
                                                        //auto&c = cman[i];
        int aix, aiy, aiz;
        aix = (int)((real(0.5)*pm->LX - p_diff_x(real(0.5)*pm->LX, c->x())) / pm->AREA_GRID);
        aiy = (int)((real(0.5)*pm->LY - p_diff_y(real(0.5)*pm->LY, c->y())) / pm->AREA_GRID);
        aiz = (int)((min0(c->z())) / pm->AREA_GRID);

        if ((aix >= (int)pm->ANX || aiy >= (int)pm->ANY || aiz >= (int)pm->ANZ || aix < 0 || aiy < 0 || aiz < 0)) {
            throw std::logic_error(
                "Bad cell position(on grid)\nRaw cell position: x=" + std::to_string(c->x()) + " y=" + std::to_string(c->y()) + " z=" + std::to_string(c->z()) + "\n"
                + "Grid cell position: x=" + std::to_string(aix) + " y=" + std::to_string(aiy) + " z=" + std::to_string(aiz) + "\n"
                + "Grid size: X=" + std::to_string(pm->ANX) + " Y=" + std::to_string(pm->ANY) + " Z=" + std::to_string(pm->ANZ) + "\n"
                + "Grid unit size:" + std::to_string(pm->AREA_GRID));

        area.at(aix,aiy,aiz,aindx.at(aix,aiy,aiz)++) = c;
        c->connected_cell.force_set_count(c->state == MEMB ? pm->MEMB_ADJ_CONN_NUM : 0);
예제 #3
*     **********
*     subroutine qrfac
*     this subroutine uses householder transformations with column
*     pivoting (optional) to compute a qr factorization of the
*     m by n matrix a. that is, qrfac determines an orthogonal
*     matrix q, a permutation matrix p, and an upper trapezoidal
*     matrix r with diagonal elements of nonincreasing magnitude,
*     such that a*p = q*r. the householder transformation for
*     column k, k = 1,2,...,min(m,n), is of the form
*               t
*       i - (1/u(k))*u*u
*     where u has zeros in the first k-1 positions. the form of
*     this transformation and the method of pivoting first
*     appeared in the corresponding linpack subroutine.
*     the subroutine statement is
*   subroutine qrfac(m,n,a,lda,pivot,ipvt,lipvt,rdiag,acnorm,wa)
*     where
*   m is a positive integer input variable set to the number
*     of rows of a.
*   n is a positive integer input variable set to the number
*     of columns of a.
*   a is an m by n array. on input a contains the matrix for
*     which the qr factorization is to be computed. on output
*     the strict upper trapezoidal part of a contains the strict
*     upper trapezoidal part of r, and the lower trapezoidal
*     part of a contains a factored form of q (the non-trivial
*     elements of the u vectors described above).
*   lda is a positive integer input variable not less than m
*     which specifies the leading dimension of the array a.
*   pivot is a logical input variable. if pivot is set true,
*     then column pivoting is enforced. if pivot is set false,
*     then no column pivoting is done.
*   ipvt is an integer output array of length lipvt. ipvt
*     defines the permutation matrix p such that a*p = q*r.
*     column j of p is column ipvt(j) of the identity matrix.
*     if pivot is false, ipvt is not referenced.
*   lipvt is a positive integer input variable. if pivot is false,
*     then lipvt may be as small as 1. if pivot is true, then
*     lipvt must be at least n.
*   rdiag is an output array of length n which contains the
*     diagonal elements of r.
*   acnorm is an output array of length n which contains the
*     norms of the corresponding columns of the input matrix a.
*     if this information is not needed, then acnorm can coincide
*     with rdiag.
*   wa is a work array of length n. if pivot is false, then wa
*     can coincide with rdiag.
*     subprograms called
*   minpack-supplied ... dpmpar,enorm
*   fortran-supplied ... dmax1,dsqrt,min0
*     argonne national laboratory. minpack project. march 1980.
*     burton s. garbow, kenneth e. hillstrom, jorge j. more
*     **********
void qrfac(int m,
           int n,
           double a[],
           int lda,
           int pivot,
           int ipvt[],
           int lipvt,
           double rdiag[],
           double acnorm[],
           double wa[])
   int i;
   int ij;
   int jj;
   int j;
   int jp1;
   int k;
   int kmax;
   int minmn;
   double ajnorm;
   double sum;
   double temp;
   static double zero = 0.0;
   static double one = 1.0;
   static double p05 = 0.05;
   /* compute the initial column norms and initialize several arrays. */
   ij = 0;
   for (j=0; j<n; j++)
      acnorm[j] = enorm(m,&a[ij]);
      rdiag[j] = acnorm[j];
      wa[j] = rdiag[j];
      if (pivot != 0)
         ipvt[j] = j;
      ij += m; /* m*j */
     // printf("acnorm[%d] = %e\n", j, acnorm[j]);
     // printf("rdiag[%d] = %e\n", j, rdiag[j]);
#ifdef BUG
   printf( "qrfac\n" );
   /* reduce a to r with householder transformations. */
   minmn = min0(m,n);
   for (j=0; j<minmn; j++)
      if (pivot == 0)
         goto L40;
      /* bring the column of largest norm into the pivot position. */
      kmax = j;
      for (k=j; k<n; k++)
         if (rdiag[k] > rdiag[kmax])
            kmax = k;
      if (kmax == j)
         goto L40;
      ij = m * j;
      jj = m * kmax;
      for (i=0; i<m; i++)
         temp = a[ij]; /* [i+m*j] */
         a[ij] = a[jj]; /* [i+m*kmax] */
         a[jj] = temp;
         ij += 1;
         jj += 1;
      rdiag[kmax] = rdiag[j];
      wa[kmax] = wa[j];
      k = ipvt[j];
      ipvt[j] = ipvt[kmax];
      ipvt[kmax] = k;
      /* compute the householder transformation to reduce the
       * j-th column of a to a multiple of the j-th unit vector.
      jj = j + m*j;
      ajnorm = enorm(m-j,&a[jj]);
      if (ajnorm == zero)
         goto L100;
      if (a[jj] < zero)
         ajnorm = -ajnorm;
      ij = jj;
      for (i=j; i<m; i++)
         a[ij] /= ajnorm;
         ij += 1; /* [i+m*j] */
      a[jj] += one;
      /* apply the transformation to the remaining columns
       * and update the norms.
      jp1 = j + 1;
      if (jp1 < n)
         for (k=jp1; k<n; k++)
            sum = zero;
            ij = j + m*k;
            jj = j + m*j;
            for (i=j; i<m; i++)
               sum += a[jj]*a[ij];
               ij += 1; /* [i+m*k] */
               jj += 1; /* [i+m*j] */
            temp = sum/a[j+m*j];
            ij = j + m*k;
            jj = j + m*j;
            for (i=j; i<m; i++)
               a[ij] -= temp*a[jj];
               ij += 1; /* [i+m*k] */
               jj += 1; /* [i+m*j] */
            if ((pivot != 0) && (rdiag[k] != zero))
               temp = a[j+m*k]/rdiag[k];
               temp = dmax1(zero, one-temp*temp);
               rdiag[k] *= sqrt(temp);
               temp = rdiag[k]/wa[k];
               if ((p05*temp*temp) <= MACHEP)
                  rdiag[k] = enorm(m-j-1,&a[jp1+m*k]);
                  wa[k] = rdiag[k];
      rdiag[j] = -ajnorm;
예제 #4
파일: bessel_k.c 프로젝트: csilles/cxxr
static void K_bessel(double *x, double *alpha, long *nb,
		     long *ize, double *bk, long *ncalc)

  This routine calculates modified Bessel functions
  of the third kind, K_(N+ALPHA) (X), for non-negative
  argument X, and non-negative order N+ALPHA, with or without
  exponential scaling.

  Explanation of variables in the calling sequence

 X     - Non-negative argument for which
	 K's or exponentially scaled K's (K*EXP(X))
	 are to be calculated.	If K's are to be calculated,
	 X must not be greater than XMAX_BESS_K.
 ALPHA - Fractional part of order for which
	 K's or exponentially scaled K's (K*EXP(X)) are
	 to be calculated.  0 <= ALPHA < 1.0.
 NB    - Number of functions to be calculated, NB > 0.
	 The first function calculated is of order ALPHA, and the
	 last is of order (NB - 1 + ALPHA).
 IZE   - Type.	IZE = 1 if unscaled K's are to be calculated,
		    = 2 if exponentially scaled K's are to be calculated.
 BK    - Output vector of length NB.	If the
	 routine terminates normally (NCALC=NB), the vector BK
	 contains the functions K(ALPHA,X), ... , K(NB-1+ALPHA,X),
	 or the corresponding exponentially scaled functions.
	 If (0 < NCALC < NB), BK(I) contains correct function
	 values for I <= NCALC, and contains the ratios
	 K(ALPHA+I-1,X)/K(ALPHA+I-2,X) for the rest of the array.
 NCALC - Output variable indicating possible errors.
	 Before using the vector BK, the user should check that
	 NCALC=NB, i.e., all orders have been calculated to
	 the desired accuracy.	See error returns below.


 Error returns

  In case of an error, NCALC != NB, and not all K's are
  calculated to the desired accuracy.

  NCALC < -1:  An argument is out of range. For example,
	NB <= 0, IZE is not 1 or 2, or IZE=1 and ABS(X) >= XMAX_BESS_K.
	In this case, the B-vector is not calculated,
	and NCALC is set to MIN0(NB,0)-2	 so that NCALC != NB.
  NCALC = -1:  Either  K(ALPHA,X) >= XINF  or
	K(ALPHA+NB-1,X)/K(ALPHA+NB-2,X) >= XINF.	 In this case,
	the B-vector is not calculated.	Note that again

  0 < NCALC < NB: Not all requested function values could
	be calculated accurately.  BK(I) contains correct function
	values for I <= NCALC, and contains the ratios
	K(ALPHA+I-1,X)/K(ALPHA+I-2,X) for the rest of the array.

 Intrinsic functions required are:



	This program is based on a program written by J. B. Campbell
	(2) that computes values of the Bessel functions K of float
	argument and float order.  Modifications include the addition
	of non-scaled functions, parameterization of machine
	dependencies, and the use of more accurate approximations
	for SINH and SIN.

 References: "On Temme's Algorithm for the Modified Bessel
	      Functions of the Third Kind," Campbell, J. B.,
	      TOMS 6(4), Dec. 1980, pp. 581-586.

	     "A FORTRAN IV Subroutine for the Modified Bessel
	      Functions of the Third Kind of Real Order and Real
	      Argument," Campbell, J. B., Report NRC/ERB-925,
	      National Research Council, Canada.

  Latest modification: May 30, 1989

  Modified by: W. J. Cody and L. Stoltz
	       Applied Mathematics Division
	       Argonne National Laboratory
	       Argonne, IL  60439

     * Mathematical constants
     *	A = LOG(2) - Euler's constant
     *	D = SQRT(2/PI)
    const static double a = .11593151565841244881;

      P, Q - Approximation for LOG(GAMMA(1+ALPHA))/ALPHA + Euler's constant
      Coefficients converted from hex to decimal and modified
      by W. J. Cody, 2/26/82 */
    const static double p[8] = { .805629875690432845,20.4045500205365151,
	    730.923886650660393,229.299301509425145,.822467033424113231 };
    const static double q[7] = { 29.4601986247850434,277.577868510221208,
	    2210.63190113378647,572.267338359892221 };
    /* R, S - Approximation for (1-ALPHA*PI/SIN(ALPHA*PI))/(2.D0*ALPHA) */
    const static double r[5] = { -.48672575865218401848,13.079485869097804016,
	    3.495898124521934782e-4 };
    const static double s[4] = { -25.579105509976461286,212.57260432226544008,
	    -610.69018684944109624,422.69668805777760407 };
    /* T    - Approximation for SINH(Y)/Y */
    const static double t[6] = { 1.6125990452916363814e-10,
	    .16666666666666666446 };
    const static double estm[6] = { 52.0583,5.7607,2.7782,14.4303,185.3004, 9.3715 };
    const static double estf[7] = { 41.8341,7.1075,6.4306,42.511,1.35633,84.5096,20.};

    /* Local variables */
    long iend, i, j, k, m, ii, mplus1;
    double x2by4, twox, c, blpha, ratio, wminf;
    double d1, d2, d3, f0, f1, f2, p0, q0, t1, t2, twonu;
    double dm, ex, bk1, bk2, nu;

    ii = 0; /* -Wall */

    ex = *x;
    nu = *alpha;
    *ncalc = min0(*nb,0) - 2;
    if (*nb > 0 && (0. <= nu && nu < 1.) && (1 <= *ize && *ize <= 2)) {
	if(ex <= 0 || (*ize == 1 && ex > xmax_BESS_K)) {
	    if(ex <= 0) {
		if(ex < 0) ML_ERROR(ME_RANGE, "K_bessel");
		for(i=0; i < *nb; i++)
		    bk[i] = ML_POSINF;
	    } else /* would only have underflow */
		for(i=0; i < *nb; i++)
		    bk[i] = 0.;
	    *ncalc = *nb;
	k = 0;
	if (nu < sqxmin_BESS_K) {
	    nu = 0.;
	} else if (nu > .5) {
	    k = 1;
	    nu -= 1.;
	twonu = nu + nu;
	iend = *nb + k - 1;
	c = nu * nu;
	d3 = -c;
	if (ex <= 1.) {
	    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
	       Calculation of P0 = GAMMA(1+ALPHA) * (2/X)**ALPHA
			      Q0 = GAMMA(1-ALPHA) * (X/2)**ALPHA
	       ------------------------------------------------------------ */
	    d1 = 0.; d2 = p[0];
	    t1 = 1.; t2 = q[0];
	    for (i = 2; i <= 7; i += 2) {
		d1 = c * d1 + p[i - 1];
		d2 = c * d2 + p[i];
		t1 = c * t1 + q[i - 1];
		t2 = c * t2 + q[i];
	    d1 = nu * d1;
	    t1 = nu * t1;
	    f1 = log(ex);
	    f0 = a + nu * (p[7] - nu * (d1 + d2) / (t1 + t2)) - f1;
	    q0 = exp(-nu * (a - nu * (p[7] + nu * (d1-d2) / (t1-t2)) - f1));
	    f1 = nu * f0;
	    p0 = exp(f1);
	    /* -----------------------------------------------------------
	       Calculation of F0 =
	       ----------------------------------------------------------- */
	    d1 = r[4];
	    t1 = 1.;
	    for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
		d1 = c * d1 + r[i];
		t1 = c * t1 + s[i];
	    /* d2 := sinh(f1)/ nu = sinh(f1)/(f1/f0)
	     *	   = f0 * sinh(f1)/f1 */
	    if (fabs(f1) <= .5) {
		f1 *= f1;
		d2 = 0.;
		for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
		    d2 = f1 * d2 + t[i];
		d2 = f0 + f0 * f1 * d2;
	    } else {
		d2 = sinh(f1) / nu;
	    f0 = d2 - nu * d1 / (t1 * p0);
	    if (ex <= 1e-10) {
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------
		   X <= 1.0E-10
		   Calculation of K(ALPHA,X) and X*K(ALPHA+1,X)/K(ALPHA,X)
		   --------------------------------------------------------- */
		bk[0] = f0 + ex * f0;
		if (*ize == 1) {
		    bk[0] -= ex * bk[0];
		ratio = p0 / f0;
		c = ex * DBL_MAX;
		if (k != 0) {
		    /* ---------------------------------------------------
		       Calculation of K(ALPHA,X)
		       and  X*K(ALPHA+1,X)/K(ALPHA,X),	ALPHA >= 1/2
		       --------------------------------------------------- */
		    *ncalc = -1;
		    if (bk[0] >= c / ratio) {
		    bk[0] = ratio * bk[0] / ex;
		    twonu += 2.;
		    ratio = twonu;
		*ncalc = 1;
		if (*nb == 1)

		/* -----------------------------------------------------
		   Calculate  K(ALPHA+L,X)/K(ALPHA+L-1,X),
		   L = 1, 2, ... , NB-1
		   ----------------------------------------------------- */
		*ncalc = -1;
		for (i = 1; i < *nb; ++i) {
		    if (ratio >= c)

		    bk[i] = ratio / ex;
		    twonu += 2.;
		    ratio = twonu;
		*ncalc = 1;
		goto L420;
	    } else {
		/* ------------------------------------------------------
		   10^-10 < X <= 1.0
		   ------------------------------------------------------ */
		c = 1.;
		x2by4 = ex * ex / 4.;
		p0 = .5 * p0;
		q0 = .5 * q0;
		d1 = -1.;
		d2 = 0.;
		bk1 = 0.;
		bk2 = 0.;
		f1 = f0;
		f2 = p0;
		do {
		    d1 += 2.;
		    d2 += 1.;
		    d3 = d1 + d3;
		    c = x2by4 * c / d2;
		    f0 = (d2 * f0 + p0 + q0) / d3;
		    p0 /= d2 - nu;
		    q0 /= d2 + nu;
		    t1 = c * f0;
		    t2 = c * (p0 - d2 * f0);
		    bk1 += t1;
		    bk2 += t2;
		} while (fabs(t1 / (f1 + bk1)) > DBL_EPSILON ||
			 fabs(t2 / (f2 + bk2)) > DBL_EPSILON);
		bk1 = f1 + bk1;
		bk2 = 2. * (f2 + bk2) / ex;
		if (*ize == 2) {
		    d1 = exp(ex);
		    bk1 *= d1;
		    bk2 *= d1;
		wminf = estf[0] * ex + estf[1];
	} else if (DBL_EPSILON * ex > 1.) {
	    /* -------------------------------------------------
	       X > 1./EPS
	       ------------------------------------------------- */
	    *ncalc = *nb;
	    bk1 = 1. / (M_SQRT_2dPI * sqrt(ex));
	    for (i = 0; i < *nb; ++i)
		bk[i] = bk1;

	} else {
	    /* -------------------------------------------------------
	       X > 1.0
	       ------------------------------------------------------- */
	    twox = ex + ex;
	    blpha = 0.;
	    ratio = 0.;
	    if (ex <= 4.) {
		/* ----------------------------------------------------------
		   Calculation of K(ALPHA+1,X)/K(ALPHA,X),  1.0 <= X <= 4.0
		d2 = ftrunc(estm[0] / ex + estm[1]);
		m = (long) d2;
		d1 = d2 + d2;
		d2 -= .5;
		d2 *= d2;
		for (i = 2; i <= m; ++i) {
		    d1 -= 2.;
		    d2 -= d1;
		    ratio = (d3 + d2) / (twox + d1 - ratio);
		/* -----------------------------------------------------------
		   Calculation of I(|ALPHA|,X) and I(|ALPHA|+1,X) by backward
		   recurrence and K(ALPHA,X) from the wronskian
		d2 = ftrunc(estm[2] * ex + estm[3]);
		m = (long) d2;
		c = fabs(nu);
		d3 = c + c;
		d1 = d3 - 1.;
		f1 = DBL_MIN;
		f0 = (2. * (c + d2) / ex + .5 * ex / (c + d2 + 1.)) * DBL_MIN;
		for (i = 3; i <= m; ++i) {
		    d2 -= 1.;
		    f2 = (d3 + d2 + d2) * f0;
		    blpha = (1. + d1 / d2) * (f2 + blpha);
		    f2 = f2 / ex + f1;
		    f1 = f0;
		    f0 = f2;
		f1 = (d3 + 2.) * f0 / ex + f1;
		d1 = 0.;
		t1 = 1.;
		for (i = 1; i <= 7; ++i) {
		    d1 = c * d1 + p[i - 1];
		    t1 = c * t1 + q[i - 1];
		p0 = exp(c * (a + c * (p[7] - c * d1 / t1) - log(ex))) / ex;
		f2 = (c + .5 - ratio) * f1 / ex;
		bk1 = p0 + (d3 * f0 - f2 + f0 + blpha) / (f2 + f1 + f0) * p0;
		if (*ize == 1) {
		    bk1 *= exp(-ex);
		wminf = estf[2] * ex + estf[3];
	    } else {
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------
		   Calculation of K(ALPHA,X) and K(ALPHA+1,X)/K(ALPHA,X), by
		   backward recurrence, for  X > 4.0
		dm = ftrunc(estm[4] / ex + estm[5]);
		m = (long) dm;
		d2 = dm - .5;
		d2 *= d2;
		d1 = dm + dm;
		for (i = 2; i <= m; ++i) {
		    dm -= 1.;
		    d1 -= 2.;
		    d2 -= d1;
		    ratio = (d3 + d2) / (twox + d1 - ratio);
		    blpha = (ratio + ratio * blpha) / dm;
		bk1 = 1. / ((M_SQRT_2dPI + M_SQRT_2dPI * blpha) * sqrt(ex));
		if (*ize == 1)
		    bk1 *= exp(-ex);
		wminf = estf[4] * (ex - fabs(ex - estf[6])) + estf[5];
	    /* ---------------------------------------------------------
	       Calculation of K(ALPHA+1,X)
	       from K(ALPHA,X) and  K(ALPHA+1,X)/K(ALPHA,X)
	       --------------------------------------------------------- */
	    bk2 = bk1 + bk1 * (nu + .5 - ratio) / ex;
	  Calculation of 'NCALC', K(ALPHA+I,X),	I  =  0, 1, ... , NCALC-1,
	  &	  K(ALPHA+I,X)/K(ALPHA+I-1,X),	I = NCALC, NCALC+1, ... , NB-1
	*ncalc = *nb;
	bk[0] = bk1;
	if (iend == 0)

	j = 1 - k;
	if (j >= 0)
	    bk[j] = bk2;

	if (iend == 1)

	m = min0((long) (wminf - nu),iend);
	for (i = 2; i <= m; ++i) {
	    t1 = bk1;
	    bk1 = bk2;
	    twonu += 2.;
	    if (ex < 1.) {
		if (bk1 >= DBL_MAX / twonu * ex)
	    } else {
		if (bk1 / ex >= DBL_MAX / twonu)
	    bk2 = twonu / ex * bk1 + t1;
	    ii = i;
	    if (j >= 0) {
		bk[j] = bk2;

	m = ii;
	if (m == iend) {
	ratio = bk2 / bk1;
	mplus1 = m + 1;
	*ncalc = -1;
	for (i = mplus1; i <= iend; ++i) {
	    twonu += 2.;
	    ratio = twonu / ex + 1./ratio;
	    if (j >= 1) {
		bk[j] = ratio;
	    } else {
		if (bk2 >= DBL_MAX / ratio)

		bk2 *= ratio;
	*ncalc = max0(1, mplus1 - k);
	if (*ncalc == 1)
	    bk[0] = bk2;
	if (*nb == 1)

	for (i = *ncalc; i < *nb; ++i) { /* i == *ncalc */
#ifndef IEEE_754
	    if (bk[i-1] >= DBL_MAX / bk[i])
	    bk[i] *= bk[i-1];
예제 #5
int add_icon_app(char *name, int save)
	struct _icons_spec_app *tmp_icon=NULL;
	char *mono_mask, *mono_data, *col_mask, *col_data;

		tmp_icon = icons_spec_app = calloc(1,sizeof(struct _icons_spec_app));
		tmp_icon = calloc(1,sizeof(struct _icons_spec_app)*(icons_spec_app->no+1L));
		memcpy(tmp_icon, icons_spec_app, sizeof(struct _icons_spec_app) * icons_spec_app->no);
		icons_spec_app = tmp_icon;
		tmp_icon = &icons_spec_app[icons_spec_app->no];

	memset(tmp_icon, 0, sizeof(struct _icons_spec_app));
	tmp_icon->name = calloc(1,strlen(name)+1L);
	memset(tmp_icon->name, 0, strlen(name)+1);
	strcpy(tmp_icon->name, name);

	if(options.stic && stic)
		int i=(int)strlen(name);
		for(; i>0, name[i]!='\\'; i--)
		tmp = stic->str_icon(&name[++i], STIC_SMALL);
			icon = (CICONBLK*)(tmp->ob_spec.ciconblk);
			tmp = stic->str_icon("*.APP", STIC_SMALL|DEFAULT_APP);
				icon = (CICONBLK*)(tmp->ob_spec.ciconblk);
				tmp_icon->obj_no = dialog(mini_icons, 1);
				icon = (CICONBLK*)(mini_icons[tmp_icon->obj_no].ob_spec.ciconblk);
	else if(mini_icons!=NULL)
		tmp_icon->obj_no = dialog(mini_icons, 1);
		icon = (CICONBLK*)(mini_icons[tmp_icon->obj_no].ob_spec.ciconblk);
	mono_data = (char*)icon->monoblk.ib_pdata;
	mono_mask = (char*)icon->monoblk.ib_pmask;
	col_data = (char*)icon->mainlist->col_data;
	col_mask = (char*)icon->mainlist->col_mask;

	if(add_icon((void *)icons_spec_app, APP_TRAY, icons_app.how_many, mono_data, mono_mask, col_data, col_mask)==0)

	_redraw_.type |= RED_ICON_APP;
	_redraw_.x = min0(_redraw_.x, bigbutton[SEPARATOR_1].ob_x);
	_redraw_.y = min0(_redraw_.y, bigbutton->ob_y);
	_redraw_.w = min0(_redraw_.w, bigbutton[SEPARATOR_2].ob_x+10);
	_redraw_.h = min0(_redraw_.h, bigbutton->ob_height);
	SendAV(ap_id, WM_REDRAW, ap_id, RED_ICON, MyTask.whandle, bigbutton[SEPARATOR_1].ob_x, bigbutton->ob_y, bigbutton[SEPARATOR_2].ob_x+10, bigbutton->ob_height);


예제 #6
static void J_bessel(double *x, double *alpha, int *nb,
		     double *b, int *ncalc)
 Calculates Bessel functions J_{n+alpha} (x)
 for non-negative argument x, and non-negative order n+alpha, n = 0,1,..,nb-1.

  Explanation of variables in the calling sequence.

 X     - Non-negative argument for which J's are to be calculated.
 ALPHA - Fractional part of order for which
	 J's are to be calculated.  0 <= ALPHA < 1.
 NB    - Number of functions to be calculated, NB >= 1.
	 The first function calculated is of order ALPHA, and the
	 last is of order (NB - 1 + ALPHA).
 B     - Output vector of length NB.  If RJBESL
	 terminates normally (NCALC=NB), the vector B contains the
	 functions J/ALPHA/(X) through J/NB-1+ALPHA/(X).
 NCALC - Output variable indicating possible errors.
	 Before using the vector B, the user should check that
	 NCALC=NB, i.e., all orders have been calculated to
	 the desired accuracy.	See the following


 Error return codes

    In case of an error,  NCALC != NB, and not all J's are
    calculated to the desired accuracy.

    NCALC < 0:	An argument is out of range. For example,
       NBES <= 0, ALPHA < 0 or > 1, or X is too large.
       In this case, b[1] is set to zero, the remainder of the
       B-vector is not calculated, and NCALC is set to
       MIN(NB,0)-1 so that NCALC != NB.

    NB > NCALC > 0: Not all requested function values could
       be calculated accurately.  This usually occurs because NB is
       much larger than ABS(X).	 In this case, b[N] is calculated
       to the desired accuracy for N <= NCALC, but precision
       is lost for NCALC < N <= NB.  If b[N] does not vanish
       for N > NCALC (because it is too small to be represented),
       and b[N]/b[NCALC] = 10^(-K), then only the first NSIG - K
       significant figures of b[N] can be trusted.


	This program is based on a program written by David J. Sookne
	(2) that computes values of the Bessel functions J or I of float
	argument and long order.  Modifications include the restriction
	of the computation to the J Bessel function of non-negative float
	argument, the extension of the computation to arbitrary positive
	order, and the elimination of most underflow.


	Olver, F.W.J., and Sookne, D.J. (1972)
	"A Note on Backward Recurrence Algorithms";
	Math. Comp. 26, 941-947.

	Sookne, D.J. (1973)
	"Bessel Functions of Real Argument and Integer Order";
	NBS Jour. of Res. B. 77B, 125-132.

  Latest modification: March 19, 1990

  Author: W. J. Cody
	  Applied Mathematics Division
	  Argonne National Laboratory
	  Argonne, IL  60439

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  Mathematical constants

   PI2	  = 2 / PI
   TWOPI1 = first few significant digits of 2 * PI
   TWOPI2 = (2*PI - TWOPI1) to working precision, i.e.,
	    TWOPI1 + TWOPI2 = 2 * PI to extra precision.
 --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const static double pi2 = .636619772367581343075535;
    const static double twopi1 = 6.28125;
    const static double twopi2 =  .001935307179586476925286767;

 *  Factorial(N)
 *--------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const static double fact[25] = { 1.,1.,2.,6.,24.,120.,720.,5040.,40320.,
	    6.2044840173323943936e23 };

    /* Local variables */
    int nend, intx, nbmx, i, j, k, l, m, n, nstart;

    double nu, twonu, capp, capq, pold, vcos, test, vsin;
    double p, s, t, z, alpem, halfx, aa, bb, cc, psave, plast;
    double tover, t1, alp2em, em, en, xc, xk, xm, psavel, gnu, xin, sum;

    /* Parameter adjustment */

    nu = *alpha;
    twonu = nu + nu;

      Check for out of range arguments.
    if (*nb > 0 && *x >= 0. && 0. <= nu && nu < 1.) {

	*ncalc = *nb;
	if(*x > xlrg_BESS_IJ) {
	    ML_ERROR(ME_RANGE, "J_bessel");
	    /* indeed, the limit is 0,
	     * but the cutoff happens too early */
	    for(i=1; i <= *nb; i++)
		b[i] = 0.; /*was ML_POSINF (really nonsense) */
	intx = (int) (*x);
	/* Initialize result array to zero. */
	for (i = 1; i <= *nb; ++i)
	    b[i] = 0.;

	  Branch into  3 cases :
	  1) use 2-term ascending series for small X
	  2) use asymptotic form for large X when NB is not too large
	  3) use recursion otherwise

	if (*x < rtnsig_BESS) {
	  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------
	     Two-term ascending series for small X.
	     --------------------------------------------------------------- */
	    alpem = 1. + nu;

	    halfx = (*x > enmten_BESS) ? .5 * *x :  0.;
	    aa	  = (nu != 0.)	  ? pow(halfx, nu) / (nu * Rf_gamma_cody(nu)) : 1.;
	    bb	  = (*x + 1. > 1.)? -halfx * halfx : 0.;
	    b[1] = aa + aa * bb / alpem;
	    if (*x != 0. && b[1] == 0.)
		*ncalc = 0;

	    if (*nb != 1) {
		if (*x <= 0.) {
		    for (n = 2; n <= *nb; ++n)
			b[n] = 0.;
		else {
		    /* ----------------------------------------------
		       Calculate higher order functions.
		       ---------------------------------------------- */
		    if (bb == 0.)
			tover = (enmten_BESS + enmten_BESS) / *x;
			tover = enmten_BESS / bb;
		    cc = halfx;
		    for (n = 2; n <= *nb; ++n) {
			aa /= alpem;
			alpem += 1.;
			aa *= cc;
			if (aa <= tover * alpem)
			    aa = 0.;

			b[n] = aa + aa * bb / alpem;
			if (b[n] == 0. && *ncalc > n)
			    *ncalc = n - 1;
	} else if (*x > 25. && *nb <= intx + 1) {
	    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
	       Asymptotic series for X > 25 (and not too large nb)
	       ------------------------------------------------------------ */
	    xc = sqrt(pi2 / *x);
	    xin = 1 / (64 * *x * *x);
	    if (*x >= 130.)	m = 4;
	    else if (*x >= 35.) m = 8;
	    else		m = 11;
	    xm = 4. * (double) m;
	    /* ------------------------------------------------
	       Argument reduction for SIN and COS routines.
	       ------------------------------------------------ */
	    t = trunc(*x / (twopi1 + twopi2) + .5);
	    z = (*x - t * twopi1) - t * twopi2 - (nu + .5) / pi2;
	    vsin = sin(z);
	    vcos = cos(z);
	    gnu = twonu;
	    for (i = 1; i <= 2; ++i) {
		s = (xm - 1. - gnu) * (xm - 1. + gnu) * xin * .5;
		t = (gnu - (xm - 3.)) * (gnu + (xm - 3.));
		t1= (gnu - (xm + 1.)) * (gnu + (xm + 1.));
		k = m + m;
		capp = s * t / fact[k];
		capq = s * t1/ fact[k + 1];
		xk = xm;
		for (; k >= 4; k -= 2) {/* k + 2(j-2) == 2m */
		    xk -= 4.;
		    s = (xk - 1. - gnu) * (xk - 1. + gnu);
		    t1 = t;
		    t = (gnu - (xk - 3.)) * (gnu + (xk - 3.));
		    capp = (capp + 1. / fact[k - 2]) * s * t  * xin;
		    capq = (capq + 1. / fact[k - 1]) * s * t1 * xin;

		capp += 1.;
		capq = (capq + 1.) * (gnu * gnu - 1.) * (.125 / *x);
		b[i] = xc * (capp * vcos - capq * vsin);
		if (*nb == 1)

		/* vsin <--> vcos */ t = vsin; vsin = -vcos; vcos = t;
		gnu += 2.;
	    /* -----------------------------------------------
	       If  NB > 2, compute J(X,ORDER+I)	for I = 2, NB-1
	       ----------------------------------------------- */
	    if (*nb > 2)
		for (gnu = twonu + 2., j = 3; j <= *nb; j++, gnu += 2.)
		    b[j] = gnu * b[j - 1] / *x - b[j - 2];
	else {
	    /* rtnsig_BESS <= x && ( x <= 25 || intx+1 < *nb ) :
	       Use recurrence to generate results.
	       First initialize the calculation of P*S.
	       -------------------------------------------------------- */
	    nbmx = *nb - intx;
	    n = intx + 1;
	    en = (double)(n + n) + twonu;
	    plast = 1.;
	    p = en / *x;
	    /* ---------------------------------------------------
	       Calculate general significance test.
	       --------------------------------------------------- */
	    test = ensig_BESS + ensig_BESS;
	    if (nbmx >= 3) {
		/* ------------------------------------------------------------
		   Calculate P*S until N = NB-1.  Check for possible overflow.
		   ---------------------------------------------------------- */
		tover = enten_BESS / ensig_BESS;
		nstart = intx + 2;
		nend = *nb - 1;
		en = (double) (nstart + nstart) - 2. + twonu;
		for (k = nstart; k <= nend; ++k) {
		    n = k;
		    en += 2.;
		    pold = plast;
		    plast = p;
		    p = en * plast / *x - pold;
		    if (p > tover) {
			/* -------------------------------------------
			   To avoid overflow, divide P*S by TOVER.
			   Calculate P*S until ABS(P) > 1.
			tover = enten_BESS;
			p /= tover;
			plast /= tover;
			psave = p;
			psavel = plast;
			nstart = n + 1;
			do {
			    en += 2.;
			    pold = plast;
			    plast = p;
			    p = en * plast / *x - pold;
			} while (p <= 1.);

			bb = en / *x;
			/* -----------------------------------------------
			   Calculate backward test and find NCALC,
			   the highest N such that the test is passed.
			   ----------------------------------------------- */
			test = pold * plast * (.5 - .5 / (bb * bb));
			test /= ensig_BESS;
			p = plast * tover;
			en -= 2.;
			nend = min0(*nb,n);
			for (l = nstart; l <= nend; ++l) {
			    pold = psavel;
			    psavel = psave;
			    psave = en * psavel / *x - pold;
			    if (psave * psavel > test) {
				*ncalc = l - 1;
				goto L190;
			*ncalc = nend;
			goto L190;
		n = nend;
		en = (double) (n + n) + twonu;
		/* -----------------------------------------------------
		   Calculate special significance test for NBMX > 2.
		test = fmax2(test, sqrt(plast * ensig_BESS) * sqrt(p + p));
	    /* ------------------------------------------------
	       Calculate P*S until significance test passes. */
	    do {
		en += 2.;
		pold = plast;
		plast = p;
		p = en * plast / *x - pold;
	    } while (p < test);

	      Initialize the backward recursion and the normalization sum.
	      --------------------------------------------------------------- */
	    en += 2.;
	    bb = 0.;
	    aa = 1. / p;
	    m = n / 2;
	    em = (double)m;
	    m = (n << 1) - (m << 2);/* = 2 n - 4 (n/2)
				       = 0 for even, 2 for odd n */
	    if (m == 0)
		sum = 0.;
	    else {
		alpem = em - 1. + nu;
		alp2em = em + em + nu;
		sum = aa * alpem * alp2em / em;
	    nend = n - *nb;
	    /* if (nend > 0) */
	    /* --------------------------------------------------------
	       Recur backward via difference equation, calculating
	       (but not storing) b[N], until N = NB.
	       -------------------------------------------------------- */
	    for (l = 1; l <= nend; ++l) {
		en -= 2.;
		cc = bb;
		bb = aa;
		aa = en * bb / *x - cc;
		m = m ? 0 : 2; /* m = 2 - m failed on gcc4-20041019 */
		if (m != 0) {
		    em -= 1.;
		    alp2em = em + em + nu;
		    if (n == 1)

		    alpem = em - 1. + nu;
		    if (alpem == 0.)
			alpem = 1.;
		    sum = (sum + aa * alp2em) * alpem / em;
	      Store b[NB].
	    b[n] = aa;
	    if (nend >= 0) {
		if (*nb <= 1) {
		    if (nu + 1. == 1.)
			alp2em = 1.;
			alp2em = nu;
		    sum += b[1] * alp2em;
		    goto L250;
		else {/*-- nb >= 2 : ---------------------------
			Calculate and store b[NB-1].
		    en -= 2.;
		    b[n] = en * aa / *x - bb;
		    if (n == 1)
			goto L240;

		    m = m ? 0 : 2; /* m = 2 - m failed on gcc4-20041019 */
		    if (m != 0) {
			em -= 1.;
			alp2em = em + em + nu;
			alpem = em - 1. + nu;
			if (alpem == 0.)
			    alpem = 1.;
			sum = (sum + b[n] * alp2em) * alpem / em;

	    /* if (n - 2 != 0) */
	    /* --------------------------------------------------------
	       Calculate via difference equation and store b[N],
	       until N = 2.
	       -------------------------------------------------------- */
	    for (n = n-1; n >= 2; n--) {
		en -= 2.;
		b[n] = en * b[n + 1] / *x - b[n + 2];
		m = m ? 0 : 2; /* m = 2 - m failed on gcc4-20041019 */
		if (m != 0) {
		    em -= 1.;
		    alp2em = em + em + nu;
		    alpem = em - 1. + nu;
		    if (alpem == 0.)
			alpem = 1.;
		    sum = (sum + b[n] * alp2em) * alpem / em;
	    /* ---------------------------------------
	       Calculate b[1].
	    b[1] = 2. * (nu + 1.) * b[2] / *x - b[3];

	    em -= 1.;
	    alp2em = em + em + nu;
	    if (alp2em == 0.)
		alp2em = 1.;
	    sum += b[1] * alp2em;

	    /* ---------------------------------------------------
	       Normalize.  Divide all b[N] by sum.
/*	    if (nu + 1. != 1.) poor test */
	    if(fabs(nu) > 1e-15)
		sum *= (Rf_gamma_cody(nu) * pow(.5* *x, -nu));

	    aa = enmten_BESS;
	    if (sum > 1.)
		aa *= sum;
	    for (n = 1; n <= *nb; ++n) {
		if (fabs(b[n]) < aa)
		    b[n] = 0.;
		    b[n] /= sum;

    else {
      /* Error return -- X, NB, or ALPHA is out of range : */
	b[1] = 0.;
	*ncalc = min0(*nb,0) - 1;