예제 #1
NodeT* deleteNode(struct Node *root, int data){
    if(root == NULL) return root;
//     Search for the key
    if(data < root->data) root->left = deleteNode(root->left, data);
    else if(data > root->data) root->right = deleteNode(root->right, data);
//     Once found, delete it
        // One child or no child
        if ((root->left == NULL) || (root->right == NULL)){
            NodeT* tempNode;
            if(root->left == NULL && root->right != NULL) tempNode = root->right;
            else tempNode = root->left;
            if(tempNode == NULL){
                tempNode = root;
                root = NULL;
            else *root = *tempNode;
    // Two children
            NodeT* tempNode = minValueNode(root->right);
            root->data = tempNode->data;
            root->right = deleteNode(root->right, tempNode->data);
    return balanceTree(root);
예제 #2
struct Node * getSuccessorNode(struct Node* root, int key )
    struct Node* current = getNodeWithKey(root, key);
    struct Node* maxnode = maxValueNode(root);
    if (key == maxnode->key) return NULL;

    // CASE 1: it has a right subtree (easy):
    if (current->right != NULL) return minValueNode(current->right);
    // CASE 2: it does not (harder):
    struct Node* parent;
    parent = getParentNode(root, key);
    struct Node* x = current;
    struct Node* y = parent;
    while (y != NULL && x == y->right)
        x = y;
        y = getParentNode(root, y->key);
    return y;
예제 #3
AVL_node* delete_AVL(int key, AVL_node* root)
	return NULL;
	if(root->key > key)
	root->left = delete_AVL(key,root->left);
	else if(root->key < key)
	root->right = delete_AVL(key,root->right);
		if(root->left == NULL)
			AVL_node* temp = root;
			root = root->right;
		else if(root->right == NULL)
			AVL_node* temp = root;
			root = root->left;
		AVL_node* temp = minValueNode(root->right);
		root->key = temp->key;
		root->right = delete_AVL(temp->key, root->right);
		return root;
	if (root == NULL)
      return root;
    root->height = max(height(root->left), height(root->right)) + 1;
    int balance = height(root->left) - height(root->right);
    if (balance > 1 && height(root->left->left) - height(root->left->right) >= 0)
        return rightrotate(root);
    if (balance > 1 && height(root->left->left) - height(root->left->right) < 0)
        root->left =  leftrotate(root->left);
        return rightrotate(root);

    if (balance < -1 && height(root->right->left) - height(root->right->right) <= 0)
        return leftrotate(root);
    if (balance < -1 && height(root->right->left) - height(root->right->right) > 0)
        root->right = rightrotate(root->right);
        return leftrotate(root);
    return root;
예제 #4
// OKay, now work on meat of this program 
struct node * deleteNode(struct node *root, int data)
    if (!root)
        return root;

    if ( data < root->key)
        root->left =  deleteNode(root->left, data);
        return root;

    else if ( data > root->key)
        root->right =  deleteNode(root->right, data);
        return root;

    // Now that, root is not null, given key not < or > the root->key,
    // implies, we are at found the key position.
    else if ( data == root->key)
        //printf("%s: root = %p, root->key = %d root->left = %p root->right = %p\n", __FUNCTION__, root, root->key, root->left, root->right);
        //case 1. the node to be deleted either has one child or no children
        // eg., 20 or 40
        //so the following 2 conditions work, for one or no children
        if (root->left == NULL) 
            struct node * temp = root->right;
            return temp;
        if (root->right == NULL) 
            struct node * temp = root->left;
            return temp;
        // Now, handle the case when node to be deleted has both the children eg., 50 or 70
        // replace key to be deleted ie., root->key with min element on the right side like inorder successor.
            struct node *temp = minValueNode(root->right);
            root->key = temp->key;
            //printf(" data = %d temp->key = %d\n", data, temp->key);
            root->right = deleteNode(root->right,temp->key);
            return root;
    return root;
예제 #5
파일: BST.c 프로젝트: Arya04/hello-world
/* Given a binary search tree and a key, this function deletes the key
   and returns the new root */
struct node* deleteNode(struct node* curr, int key)
    // base case
    if (curr == NULL) 
        return curr;
    // If the key to be deleted is smaller than the root's key,
    // then it lies in left subtree
    if (key < curr->key)
        curr->left = deleteNode(curr->left, key);
    // If the key to be deleted is greater than the root's key,
    // then it lies in right subtree
    else if (key > curr->key)
        curr->right = deleteNode(curr->right, key);
    // if key is same as root's key, then This is the node
    // to be deleted
        // node with only one child or no child
        if (curr->left == NULL)
            struct node *temp = curr->right;
            return temp;
        else if (curr->right == NULL)
            struct node *temp = curr->left;
            return temp;
        // node with two children: Get the inorder successor (smallest
        // in the right subtree)
        struct node* temp = minValueNode(curr->right);
        // Copy the inorder successor's content to this node
        curr->key = temp->key;
        // Delete the inorder successor
        curr->right = deleteNode(curr->right, temp->key);
    return curr;
예제 #6
// Recursive function to delete a node with given key
// from subtree with given root. It returns root of
// the modified subtree.
struct Node* deleteNode(struct Node* root, int key)
    if (root == NULL)
        return root;
    // printf("key: %d, rkey: %d; ",key,root->key);
    // If the key to be deleted is smaller than the
    // root's key, then it lies in left subtree
    if ( key < root->key )
        root->left = deleteNode(root->left, key);
    // If the key to be deleted is greater than the
    // root's key, then it lies in right subtree
    else if( key > root->key )
        root->right = deleteNode(root->right, key);
    // if key is same as root's key, then This is
    // the node to be deleted
        // node with only one child or no child
        if( (root->left == NULL) || (root->right == NULL) )
            struct Node *temp = root->left ? root->left :
            // No child case
            if (temp == NULL)
                // printf("no child case\n"); // MN comment
                temp = root;
                root = NULL;
            else { // One child case
                // printf("one child case\n"); // MN comment
                *root = *temp; // Copy the contents of
                            // the non-empty child
            // node with two children: Get the inorder
            // successor (smallest in the right subtree)
            struct Node* temp = minValueNode(root->right);
            // Copy the inorder successor's data to this node
            root->key = temp->key;
            // Delete the inorder successor
            root->right = deleteNode(root->right, temp->key);
    // If the tree had only one node then return
    if (root == NULL)
        // printf("tree had only one node case\n");
        return root;
    root->height = 1 + mymax(height(root->left),
    // check whether this node became unbalanced)
    int balance = getBalance(root);
    // If this node becomes unbalanced, then there are 4 cases
    // Left Left Case
    if (balance > 1 && getBalance(root->left) >= 0)
        return rightRotate(root);
    // Left Right Case
    if (balance > 1 && getBalance(root->left) < 0)
        root->left =  leftRotate(root->left);
        return rightRotate(root);
    // Right Right Case
    if (balance < -1 && getBalance(root->right) <= 0)
        return leftRotate(root);
    // Right Left Case
    if (balance < -1 && getBalance(root->right) > 0)
        root->right = rightRotate(root->right);
        return leftRotate(root);
    return root;
예제 #7
파일: avl.c 프로젝트: asabeeh18/PROgrammin
// Function to delete a node from the Binary Search Tree and return the new root
struct node* delete_node(struct node *tree, int num)
    int balance_factor;
    struct node *temp = NULL;

    // base case
    if (tree == NULL)
        return tree;
    // Search element to be deleted in left sub-tree
    if (num < tree->data)
        tree->left = delete_node(tree->left, num);
    else if (num > tree->data) // Search element to be deleted in right sub-tree
        tree->right = delete_node(tree->right, num);
    else //The current node is to be deleted
        // node with only one child or no child
        if( (tree->left == NULL) || (tree->right == NULL) )
            if (tree->left != NULL)
                temp = tree->left;
                temp = tree->right;
            // No child case
            if(temp == NULL)
                temp = tree;
                tree = NULL;
            else // One child case
                *tree = *temp; // Copy the contents of the non-empty child
            // node with two children: Get the inorder successor (smallest in the right subtree)
            temp = minValueNode(tree->right);
            // Copy the inorder successor's content to this node
            tree->data = temp->data;
            // Delete the inorder successor
            tree->right = delete_node(tree->right, temp->data);

    // If the tree had only one node which is now deleted then return
    if (tree == NULL)
      return tree;
    // Compute new height after deletion
    tree->height = max(compute_height(tree->left), compute_height(tree->right)) + 1;
    // Compute new balance factor after deletion
     balance_factor = get_balance_factor(tree);
    // If unbalanced, then 4 cases of rotation
    // 1. Left Left Case - Only 1 Right Rotate will solve unbalancy
    if (balance_factor > 1 && get_balance_factor(tree->left) >= 0)
        return right_rotate(tree);
    // 2. Right Right Case - Only 1 Left Rotate will solve unbalancy
    if (balance_factor < -1 && get_balance_factor(tree->right) <= 0)
        return left_rotate(tree);
    // 3. Left Right Case - Left rotation on left child will make it left left case
    if (balance_factor > 1 && get_balance_factor(tree->left) < 0)
        tree->left =  left_rotate(tree->left);
        return right_rotate(tree);
    // 4. Right Left Case - Right rotation on right child will make it right right case
    if (balance_factor < -1 && get_balance_factor(tree->right) > 0)
        tree->right = right_rotate(tree->right);
        return left_rotate(tree);

    // If balanced then return unchanged node 
    return tree;
예제 #8
Delete an Element from the tree
avl_node *avlTree::deleteNode(avl_node* root, string dogId)

	if (root == NULL)
		return root;

	// If the key to be deleted is smaller than the root's key,
	// then it lies in left subtree
	if (dogId < root->data.getID())
		root->left = deleteNode(root->left, dogId);

	// If the key to be deleted is greater than the root's key,
	// then it lies in right subtree
	else if (dogId > root->data.getID())
		root->right = deleteNode(root->right, dogId);

	// if key is same as root's key, then This is the node
	// to be deleted
		// node with only one child or no child
		if ((root->left == NULL) || (root->right == NULL))
			avl_node *temp;

			if (root->left)
				temp = root->left;
				temp = root->right;

			//avl_node *temp = root->left ? root->left : root->right;

			// No child case
			if (temp == NULL)
				temp = root;
				root = NULL;
			else // One child case
				*root = *temp; // Copy the contents of the non-empty child

			delete temp;
			// node with two children: Get the inorder successor (smallest
			// in the right subtree)
			avl_node* temp = minValueNode(root->right);

			// Copy the inorder successor's data to this node
			root->data = temp->data;

			// Delete the inorder successor
			root->right = deleteNode(root->right, temp->data.getID());

	// If the tree had only one node then return
	if (root == NULL)
		return root;

	root = balance(root);
	return root;
예제 #9
/* Delete Node */
ptr_t DeleteTreeNode(data_t *myHeap, data_t *Master2SysAlloc, int *fixedStack, int *secondStack, int stackPtr_avl, ptr_t rootPtr, int key){
	int flag_stop = 0;
	int flag_stackIsUsed = 0;
	ptr_t nowPtr = rootPtr;
	struct stack_t stackOutput;
	while(flag_stop == 0){
		struct sub_t subResult = DeleteNodeSub(myHeap, nowPtr, key);
		if(subResult.feedback == FB_DONE){
			flag_stop = 1;
			// --------- Deletion ---------
			ptr_t leftPtr = node_get_left_pointer(myHeap, nowPtr);
			ptr_t rightPtr = node_get_right_pointer(myHeap, nowPtr);
			if(leftPtr == NULL_PTR || rightPtr == NULL_PTR){ // at least one null children
				if(leftPtr != NULL_PTR){
					struct node_t_std nowNode = node_read_std(myHeap, leftPtr);
					node_write_std(myHeap, nowPtr, nowNode);
					node_delete(Master2SysAlloc, leftPtr);
				}else if(rightPtr != NULL_PTR){
					struct node_t_std nowNode = node_read_std(myHeap, rightPtr);
					node_write_std(myHeap, nowPtr, nowNode);
					node_delete(Master2SysAlloc, rightPtr);					
					node_delete(Master2SysAlloc, nowPtr);
					nowPtr = NULL_PTR;
			}else{ // both leaves exists
				//1.get the inorder successor
				ptr_t rightPtr = node_get_right_pointer(myHeap, nowPtr);
				ptr_t minPtr = minValueNode(myHeap, rightPtr);

				//2.copy the inorder successor's data to this node
				int copyData = node_read_data(myHeap, minPtr);
				node_write_data(myHeap, nowPtr, copyData);				
				//3.delete the inorder successor
				ptr_t tempPtr = DeleteSuccessor(myHeap, Master2SysAlloc, secondStack, 0, rightPtr, copyData);
				node_set_right(myHeap, nowPtr, tempPtr);				
			// --------- Balancing ---------
			if(flag_stackIsUsed == 0){
				if(nowPtr == NULL_PTR){
					rootPtr = nowPtr;
					rootPtr = ProcessNodeDeletion(myHeap,nowPtr);
				stackOutput = AVL_STACK_READ(fixedStack, stackPtr_avl);	
				stackPtr_avl = stackOutput.hdPtr_avl;		
				if(stackOutput.operation == GOING_LEFT){
					node_set_left(myHeap, stackOutput.pointer, nowPtr);
					node_set_right(myHeap, stackOutput.pointer, nowPtr);
				while(stackPtr_avl > 0){
					nowPtr = stackOutput.pointer;
					ptr_t nowPtr_new = ProcessNodeDeletion(myHeap, nowPtr);		
					stackOutput = AVL_STACK_READ(fixedStack, stackPtr_avl);
					stackPtr_avl = stackOutput.hdPtr_avl;				
					if(nowPtr_new != nowPtr){
						if(stackOutput.operation == GOING_LEFT){
							node_set_left(myHeap, stackOutput.pointer, nowPtr_new);
							node_set_right(myHeap, stackOutput.pointer, nowPtr_new);
				rootPtr = ProcessNodeDeletion(myHeap, stackOutput.pointer);					
			flag_stackIsUsed = 1;
			if(subResult.feedback == FB_LEFT){
				stackOutput = AVL_STACK_WRITE(fixedStack, stackPtr_avl, nowPtr, GOING_LEFT);
				stackPtr_avl = stackOutput.hdPtr_avl;
				nowPtr = node_get_left_pointer(myHeap, nowPtr);
				stackOutput = AVL_STACK_WRITE(fixedStack, stackPtr_avl, nowPtr, GOING_RIGHT);
				stackPtr_avl = stackOutput.hdPtr_avl;
				nowPtr = node_get_right_pointer(myHeap, nowPtr);
			if(nowPtr == NULL_PTR){
				flag_stop = 1;
	return rootPtr;
예제 #10
AVLTreeNode* deleteNode(AVLTreeNode* root, int val) {
    if(root == NULL) return root;

    if(val < root->val) {
        // If the val to be deleted is smaller than the root's val,
        // then it lies in left subtree
        root->left = deleteNode(root->left, val);
    } else if(val > root->val) {
        // If the val to be deleted is greater than the root's val,
        // then it lies in right subtree
        root->right = deleteNode(root->right, val);
    } else {
        // if val is same as root's val, then This is the node
        // to be deleted
        if(root->count > 1) {
            // If val is present more than once, simply decrement
            // count and return
            return root;
        // ElSE, delete the node

        // node with only one child or no child
        if((root->left == NULL) || (root->right == NULL)) {
            AVLTreeNode* temp = root->left ? root->left : root->right;

            // No child case
            if(temp == NULL) {
                temp = root;
                root = NULL;
            } else {
                temp->leftSize = root->leftSize;
                // One child case
                *root = *temp; // Copy the contents of the non-empty child

        } else {
            // node with two children: Get the inorder successor (smallest
            // in the right subtree)
            AVLTreeNode* temp = minValueNode(root->right);

            // Copy the inorder successor's data to this node
            root->val = temp->val;

            // Delete the inorder successor
            root->right = deleteNode(root->right, temp->val);

    // If the tree had only one node then return
    if(root == NULL)
    return root;

    root->height = max(height(root->left), height(root->right)) + 1;

    // STEP 3: GET THE BALANCE FACTOR OF THIS NODE (to check whether
    // this node became unbalanced)
    int balance = getBalance(root);

    // If this node becomes unbalanced, then there are 4 cases

    // Left Left Case
    if(balance > 1 && getBalance(root->left) >= 0) {
        return rightRotate(root);

    // Left Right Case
    if(balance > 1 && getBalance(root->left) < 0) {
        root->left = leftRotate(root->left);
        return rightRotate(root);

    // Right Right Case
    if(balance < -1 && getBalance(root->right) <= 0) {        
        return leftRotate(root);

    // Right Left Case
    if(balance < -1 && getBalance(root->right) > 0) {
        root->right = rightRotate(root->right);
        return leftRotate(root);

    return root;
예제 #11
struct node* deleteNode(struct node* root, int key)

    if (root == NULL)
        return root;
    if ( key < root->key )
        root->left = deleteNode(root->left, key);

    else if( key > root->key )
        root->right = deleteNode(root->right, key);

        if( (root->left == NULL) || (root->right == NULL) )
            struct node *temp = root->left ? root->left : root->right;

            // No child case
            if(temp == NULL)
                temp = root;
                root = NULL;
            else // One child case
                *root = *temp;

            // node with two children: Get the inorder successor (smallest
            // in the right subtree)
            struct node* temp = minValueNode(root->right);

            // Copy the inorder successor's data to this node
            root->key = temp->key;
            root->right = deleteNode(root->right, temp->key);

    if (root == NULL)
        return root;

    root->height = max(height(root->left), height(root->right)) + 1;

    int balance = getBalance(root);

    if (balance > 1 && getBalance(root->left) >= 0)
        return rightRotate(root);

    if (balance > 1 && getBalance(root->left) < 0)
        root->left =  leftRotate(root->left);
        return rightRotate(root);

    if (balance < -1 && getBalance(root->right) <= 0)
        return leftRotate(root);

    if (balance < -1 && getBalance(root->right) > 0)
        root->right = rightRotate(root->right);
        return leftRotate(root);

    return root;
예제 #12
this function removes items from the queue based on priority.
void dequeue(queueNode *myQueue) {
	treeNode *node;
	node = minValueNode(myQueue->myTree->root);
	deleteNode(myQueue->myTree->root, node->data, myQueue->myTree->compareptr);