예제 #1
 * Module init.
 * Register the panel-info.
 * Some parameters are from the panel datasheet
 * and other are *calculated* by the "dsi_timing_program.xlsm"
 * excel file
 * @return int
static int __init mipi_chimei_wuxga_init(void)
	int ret;
	struct msm_panel_info *pinfo = &chimei_wuxga_pinfo;
	struct platform_disp_info info = {
		.dest = DISPLAY_1

	if (msm_fb_detect_client("mipi_video_chimei_wuxga", &info))
		return 0;

	pr_info("mipi-dsi chimei wuxga (1200x1920) driver ver 1.0.\n");

	/* Portrait */
	pinfo->xres = 1200;
	pinfo->yres = 1920;
	pinfo->type =  MIPI_VIDEO_PANEL;
	pinfo->pdest = info.dest;
	pinfo->disp_id = info.id;
	pinfo->wait_cycle = 0;
	pinfo->bpp = 24; /* RGB565 requires 24 bits-per-pixel :-O */
	pinfo->fb_num = 2; /* using two frame buffers */

	 * The CMI panel requires 80 MHZ LVDS-CLK.
	 * The D2L bridge drives the LVDS-CLK from the DSI-CLK.
	 * The DSI-CLK = bitclk/2, 640 MHZ/2= 320 MHZ.
	 * LVDS-CLK = DSI-CLK/4 , 320 MHZ/4= 80 MHZ.

	pinfo->clk_rate = 635 * MHZ ; /* bitclk Calculated */

	 * this panel is operated by DE,
	 * vsycn and hsync are ignored

	pinfo->lcdc.h_front_porch = 160-48-32;	/* thfp */
	pinfo->lcdc.h_back_porch = 48;	/* thb */
	pinfo->lcdc.h_pulse_width = 32;	/* thpw */

	pinfo->lcdc.v_front_porch = 26-3-6;	/* tvfp */
	pinfo->lcdc.v_back_porch = 3;	/* tvb */
	pinfo->lcdc.v_pulse_width = 6;	/* tvpw */

	pinfo->lcdc.border_clr = 0;		/* black */
	pinfo->lcdc.underflow_clr = 0xff;	/* blue */

	pinfo->lcdc.hsync_skew = 0;

	/* Backlight levels - controled via PMIC pwm gpio */
	pinfo->bl_max = PWM_LEVEL;
	pinfo->bl_min = 1;

	/* mipi - general */
	pinfo->mipi.vc = 0; /* virtual channel */
	pinfo->mipi.rgb_swap = DSI_RGB_SWAP_RGB;
	pinfo->mipi.tx_eot_append = true;
	pinfo->mipi.t_clk_post = 34;		/* Calculated */
	pinfo->mipi.t_clk_pre = 69;		/* Calculated */

	pinfo->mipi.dsi_phy_db = &dsi_video_mode_phy_db;

	/* Four lanes are recomended for 1920x1200 at 60 frames per second */
	pinfo->mipi.frame_rate = 60;
	pinfo->mipi.data_lane0 = true;
	pinfo->mipi.data_lane1 = true;
	pinfo->mipi.data_lane2 = true;
	pinfo->mipi.data_lane3 = true;
	pinfo->mipi.esc_byte_ratio = 6;

	pinfo->mipi.mode = DSI_VIDEO_MODE;
	 * Note: The CMI panel input is RGB888,
	 * thus the DSI-to-LVDS bridge output is RGB888.
	 * This parameter selects the DSI-Core output to the bridge.
	pinfo->mipi.dst_format = DSI_VIDEO_DST_FORMAT_RGB565;

	/* mipi - video mode */
	pinfo->mipi.traffic_mode = DSI_NON_BURST_SYNCH_EVENT;
	pinfo->mipi.pulse_mode_hsa_he = false; /* sync mode */

	pinfo->mipi.hfp_power_stop = false;
	pinfo->mipi.hbp_power_stop = false;
	pinfo->mipi.hsa_power_stop = false;
	pinfo->mipi.eof_bllp_power_stop = false;
	pinfo->mipi.bllp_power_stop = false;

	/* mipi - command mode */
	pinfo->mipi.te_sel = 1; /* TE from vsycn gpio */
	pinfo->mipi.interleave_max = 1;
	/* The bridge supports only Generic Read/Write commands */
	pinfo->mipi.insert_dcs_cmd = false;
	pinfo->mipi.wr_mem_continue = 0;
	pinfo->mipi.wr_mem_start = 0;
	pinfo->mipi.stream = false; /* dma_p */
	pinfo->mipi.mdp_trigger = DSI_CMD_TRIGGER_NONE;
	pinfo->mipi.dma_trigger = DSI_CMD_TRIGGER_SW;
	 * toshiba d2l chip does not need max_pkt_size dcs cmd
	 * client reply len is directly configure through
	 * RDPKTLN register (0x0404)
	pinfo->mipi.no_max_pkt_size = 1;
	pinfo->mipi.force_clk_lane_hs = 1;

	pinfo->is_3d_panel = FB_TYPE_3D_PANEL;

	ret = mipi_tc358764_dsi2lvds_register(pinfo, MIPI_DSI_PRIM, 1);
	if (ret)
		pr_err("%s: failed to register device!\n", __func__);

	return ret;
static int __init mipi_video_samsung_tft_wsvga_pt_init(void)
	int ret;

	if(system_rev) {
		printk(KERN_ERR"%s:system_rev:%d..Initialize Quick Logic  MIPI2LVDS Converter\n", __func__,system_rev);
		return 0;

	/* Landscape */
	pinfo.xres = 1024;
	pinfo.yres = 600;
	pinfo.mode2_xres = 0;
	pinfo.mode2_yres = 0;
	pinfo.mode2_bpp = 0;
	pinfo.type =  MIPI_VIDEO_PANEL;
	pinfo.pdest = DISPLAY_1; /* Primary Display */
	pinfo.wait_cycle = 0;
	pinfo.bpp = 24; /* RGB888 = 24 bits-per-pixel */
	pinfo.fb_num = 2; /* using two frame buffers */

	/* bitclk */
	pinfo.clk_rate = 380000000;

	 * this panel is operated by DE,
	 * vsycn and hsync are ignored

	pinfo.lcdc.h_front_porch = 25;/* thfp */
	pinfo.lcdc.h_back_porch = 25;	/* thb */
	pinfo.lcdc.h_pulse_width = 470;	/* thpw */

	pinfo.lcdc.v_front_porch = 58;	/* tvfp */
	pinfo.lcdc.v_back_porch = 7;	/* tvb */
	pinfo.lcdc.v_pulse_width = 30;	/* tvpw */

	pinfo.lcdc.border_clr = 0;		/* black */
	pinfo.lcdc.underflow_clr = 0xff;	/* blue */

	pinfo.lcdc.hsync_skew = 0;

	/* Backlight levels - controled via PMIC pwm gpio */
	pinfo.bl_max = 255;
	pinfo.bl_min = 1;

	/* mipi - general */
	pinfo.mipi.vc = 0; /* virtual channel */
	pinfo.mipi.rgb_swap = DSI_RGB_SWAP_RGB;
	pinfo.mipi.tx_eot_append = false;//true
	pinfo.mipi.t_clk_post = 4;		/* Calculated */
	pinfo.mipi.t_clk_pre = 16;		/* Calculated */

	pinfo.mipi.dsi_phy_db = &dsi_video_mode_phy_db;
	pinfo.mipi.esc_byte_ratio = 4;

	/* Four lanes are recomended for 1366x768 at 60 frames per second */
	pinfo.mipi.frame_rate = 60; /* 60 frames per second */
	pinfo.mipi.data_lane0 = true;
	pinfo.mipi.data_lane1 = true;
	pinfo.mipi.data_lane2 = true;
	pinfo.mipi.data_lane3 = true;
	pinfo.mipi.dlane_swap = 0x00;

	pinfo.mipi.mode = DSI_VIDEO_MODE;
	 * Note: The CMI panel input is RGB888,
	 * thus the DSI-to-LVDS bridge output is RGB888.
	 * This parameter selects the DSI-Core output to the bridge.
	pinfo.mipi.dst_format = DSI_VIDEO_DST_FORMAT_RGB888;

	/* mipi - video mode */
	pinfo.mipi.traffic_mode = DSI_NON_BURST_SYNCH_EVENT;
	pinfo.mipi.pulse_mode_hsa_he = TRUE; /* sync mode */

	pinfo.mipi.hfp_power_stop = TRUE;
	pinfo.mipi.hbp_power_stop = TRUE;
	pinfo.mipi.hsa_power_stop = TRUE;
	pinfo.mipi.eof_bllp_power_stop = TRUE;
	pinfo.mipi.bllp_power_stop = TRUE;
	pinfo.mipi.vc = 0;

	/* mipi - command mode */
	pinfo.mipi.te_sel = 0;
	pinfo.mipi.interleave_max = 1;
	/* The bridge supports only Generic Read/Write commands */
	pinfo.mipi.insert_dcs_cmd = false;
	pinfo.mipi.wr_mem_continue = 0;
	pinfo.mipi.wr_mem_start = 0;
	pinfo.mipi.stream = false; /* dma_p */
	pinfo.mipi.mdp_trigger = DSI_CMD_TRIGGER_SW;
	pinfo.mipi.dma_trigger = DSI_CMD_TRIGGER_SW;
	 * toshiba d2l chip does not need max_pkt_szie dcs cmd
	 * client reply len is directly configure through
	 * RDPKTLN register (0x0404)
	pinfo.mipi.tx_eot_append = FALSE;
	pinfo.mipi.t_clk_post = 0x20;
	pinfo.mipi.t_clk_pre = 0x2D;
	pinfo.mipi.no_max_pkt_size = 1;
	pinfo.mipi.force_clk_lane_hs = 1;

	ret = mipi_tc358764_dsi2lvds_register(&pinfo, MIPI_DSI_PRIM,
				MIPI_DSI_PANEL_QHD_PT, &dsi2lvds_pd);
	if (ret)
		pr_err("%s: failed to register device!\n", __func__);

	return ret;
예제 #3
 * Module init.
 * Register the panel-info.
 * Some parameters are from the panel datasheet
 * and other are *calculated* according to the
 * "DSI_panel_bring_up_guide_ver3.docm".
 * @return int
static int __init mipi_chimei_wxga_init(void)
	int ret;
	struct msm_panel_info *pinfo = &chimei_wxga_pinfo;

	if (msm_fb_detect_client("mipi_video_chimei_wxga"))
		return 0;

	pr_debug("mipi-dsi chimei wxga (1366x768) driver ver 1.0.\n");
	/* Landscape */
	pinfo->xres = 1366;
	pinfo->yres = 768;
	pinfo->type =  MIPI_VIDEO_PANEL;
	pinfo->pdest = DISPLAY_1; /* Primary Display */
	pinfo->wait_cycle = 0;
	pinfo->bpp = 24; /* RGB888 = 24 bits-per-pixel */
	pinfo->fb_num = 2; /* using two frame buffers */

	/* bitclk */
	pinfo->clk_rate = 473400000; /* 473.4 MHZ Calculated */

	 * this panel is operated by DE,
	 * vsycn and hsync are ignored

	pinfo->lcdc.h_front_porch = 96+2;/* thfp */
	pinfo->lcdc.h_back_porch = 88;	/* thb */
	pinfo->lcdc.h_pulse_width = 40;	/* thpw */

	pinfo->lcdc.v_front_porch = 15;	/* tvfp */
	pinfo->lcdc.v_back_porch = 23;	/* tvb */
	pinfo->lcdc.v_pulse_width = 20;	/* tvpw */

	pinfo->lcdc.border_clr = 0;		/* black */
	pinfo->lcdc.underflow_clr = 0xff;	/* blue */

	pinfo->lcdc.hsync_skew = 0;

	/* Backlight levels - controled via PMIC pwm gpio */
	pinfo->bl_max = PWM_LEVEL;
	pinfo->bl_min = 1;

	/* mipi - general */
	pinfo->mipi.vc = 0; /* virtual channel */
	pinfo->mipi.rgb_swap = DSI_RGB_SWAP_RGB;
	pinfo->mipi.tx_eot_append = true;
	pinfo->mipi.t_clk_post = 34;		/* Calculated */
	pinfo->mipi.t_clk_pre = 64;		/* Calculated */
	pinfo->mipi.esc_byte_ratio = 4;

	pinfo->mipi.dsi_phy_db = dsi_video_mode_phy_dbs;
	pinfo->mipi.dsi_phy_db_count = ARRAY_SIZE(dsi_video_mode_phy_dbs);

	/* Four lanes are recomended for 1366x768 at 60 frames per second */
	pinfo->mipi.frame_rate = 60; /* 60 frames per second */
	pinfo->mipi.data_lane0 = true;
	pinfo->mipi.data_lane1 = true;
	pinfo->mipi.data_lane2 = true;
	pinfo->mipi.data_lane3 = true;

	pinfo->mipi.mode = DSI_VIDEO_MODE;
	 * Note: The CMI panel input is RGB888,
	 * thus the DSI-to-LVDS bridge output is RGB888.
	 * This parameter selects the DSI-Core output to the bridge.
	pinfo->mipi.dst_format = DSI_VIDEO_DST_FORMAT_RGB888;

	/* mipi - video mode */
	pinfo->mipi.traffic_mode = DSI_NON_BURST_SYNCH_EVENT;
	pinfo->mipi.pulse_mode_hsa_he = false; /* sync mode */

	pinfo->mipi.hfp_power_stop = false;
	pinfo->mipi.hbp_power_stop = false;
	pinfo->mipi.hsa_power_stop = false;
	pinfo->mipi.eof_bllp_power_stop = false;
	pinfo->mipi.bllp_power_stop = false;

	/* mipi - command mode */
	pinfo->mipi.te_sel = 1; /* TE from vsycn gpio */
	pinfo->mipi.interleave_max = 1;
	/* The bridge supports only Generic Read/Write commands */
	pinfo->mipi.insert_dcs_cmd = false;
	pinfo->mipi.wr_mem_continue = 0;
	pinfo->mipi.wr_mem_start = 0;
	pinfo->mipi.stream = false; /* dma_p */
	pinfo->mipi.mdp_trigger = DSI_CMD_TRIGGER_NONE;
	pinfo->mipi.dma_trigger = DSI_CMD_TRIGGER_SW;
	 * toshiba d2l chip does not need max_pkt_szie dcs cmd
	 * client reply len is directly configure through
	 * RDPKTLN register (0x0404)
	pinfo->mipi.no_max_pkt_size = 1;
	pinfo->mipi.force_clk_lane_hs = 1;

	ret = mipi_tc358764_dsi2lvds_register(pinfo, MIPI_DSI_PRIM,
	if (ret)
		pr_err("%s: failed to register device!\n", __func__);

	return ret;
예제 #4
 * Module init.
 * Register the panel-info.
 * Some parameters are from the panel datasheet
 * and other are *calculated* according to the
 * "DSI_panel_bring_up_guide_ver3.docm".
 * @return int
static int __init mipi_boe_wxga_init(void)
    int ret;
    struct msm_panel_info *pinfo = &boe_wxga_pinfo;

    pr_debug("mipi-dsi boe wxga (1280x800) driver ver 1.0.\n");
    if (msm_fb_detect_client("mipi_boe_wxga"))
        return 0;

    /* Landscape */
    pinfo->xres = 1280;
    pinfo->yres = 800;
    pinfo->type =  MIPI_VIDEO_PANEL;
    pinfo->pdest = DISPLAY_1; /* Primary Display */
    pinfo->wait_cycle = 0;
    pinfo->bpp = 24; /* RGB888 = 24 bits-per-pixel */
    pinfo->fb_num = 2; /* using two frame buffers */

    /* bitclk */
    pinfo->clk_rate = 388785600; /*388.7856 MHZ Calculated */

     * this panel is operated by DE,
     * vsycn and hsync are ignored

    pinfo->lcdc.h_front_porch = 18;/* thfp */
    pinfo->lcdc.h_back_porch = 16;	/* thb */
    pinfo->lcdc.h_pulse_width = 16;	/* thpw */

    pinfo->lcdc.v_front_porch = 4;	/* tvfp */
    pinfo->lcdc.v_back_porch = 4;	/* tvb */
    pinfo->lcdc.v_pulse_width = 4;	/* tvpw */

    pinfo->lcdc.border_clr = 0;		/* black */
    pinfo->lcdc.underflow_clr = 0xff;	/* blue */

    pinfo->lcdc.hsync_skew = 0;

    /* Backlight levels - controled via PMIC pwm gpio */
    pinfo->bl_max = 15;
    pinfo->bl_min = 1;

    /* mipi - general */
    pinfo->mipi.vc = 0; /* virtual channel */
    pinfo->mipi.rgb_swap = DSI_RGB_SWAP_RGB;
    pinfo->mipi.tx_eot_append = true;
    pinfo->mipi.t_clk_post = 34;		/* Calculated */
    pinfo->mipi.t_clk_pre = 52;		/* Calculated */

    pinfo->mipi.dsi_phy_db = &dsi_video_mode_phy_db;

    /* Four lanes are recomended for 1280x800 at 60 frames per second */
    pinfo->mipi.frame_rate = 60; /* 60 frames per second */
    pinfo->mipi.data_lane0 = true;
    pinfo->mipi.data_lane1 = true;
    pinfo->mipi.data_lane2 = true;
    pinfo->mipi.data_lane3 = true;

    pinfo->mipi.mode = DSI_VIDEO_MODE;
     * Note: The CMI panel input is RGB888,
     * thus the DSI-to-LVDS bridge output is RGB888.
     * This parameter selects the DSI-Core output to the bridge.
    pinfo->mipi.dst_format = DSI_VIDEO_DST_FORMAT_RGB888;

    /* mipi - video mode */
    pinfo->mipi.traffic_mode = DSI_NON_BURST_SYNCH_EVENT;
    pinfo->mipi.pulse_mode_hsa_he = false; /* sync mode */

    pinfo->mipi.hfp_power_stop = false;
    pinfo->mipi.hbp_power_stop = false;
    pinfo->mipi.hsa_power_stop = false;
    pinfo->mipi.eof_bllp_power_stop = false;
    pinfo->mipi.bllp_power_stop = false;

    /* mipi - command mode */
    pinfo->mipi.te_sel = 1; /* TE from vsycn gpio */
    pinfo->mipi.interleave_max = 1;
    /* The bridge supports only Generic Read/Write commands */
    pinfo->mipi.insert_dcs_cmd = false;
    pinfo->mipi.wr_mem_continue = 0;
    pinfo->mipi.wr_mem_start = 0;
    pinfo->mipi.stream = false; /* dma_p */
    pinfo->mipi.mdp_trigger = DSI_CMD_TRIGGER_NONE;
    pinfo->mipi.dma_trigger = DSI_CMD_TRIGGER_SW;
//modify by pega Huimin
//	pinfo->mipi.fixed_packet_size = 4;
    pinfo->mipi.force_clk_lane_hs = 1;

    ret = mipi_tc358764_dsi2lvds_register(pinfo, MIPI_DSI_PRIM,
    if (ret)
        pr_err("%s: failed to register device!\n", __func__);

    return ret;
static int __init mipi_chimei_wuxga_init(void)
	int ret;
	struct msm_panel_info *pinfo = &chimei_wuxga_pinfo;

	if (msm_fb_detect_client("mipi_video_chimei_wuxga"))
		return 0;

	pr_info("mipi-dsi chimei wuxga (1200x1920) driver ver 1.0.\n");

	pinfo->xres = 1200;
	pinfo->yres = 1920;
	pinfo->type =  MIPI_VIDEO_PANEL;
	pinfo->pdest = DISPLAY_1; 
	pinfo->wait_cycle = 0;
	pinfo->bpp = 24; 
	pinfo->fb_num = 2; 

	pinfo->clk_rate = 635 * MHZ ; 

	pinfo->lcdc.h_front_porch = 160-48-32;	
	pinfo->lcdc.h_back_porch = 48;	
	pinfo->lcdc.h_pulse_width = 32;	

	pinfo->lcdc.v_front_porch = 26-3-6;	
	pinfo->lcdc.v_back_porch = 3;	
	pinfo->lcdc.v_pulse_width = 6;	

	pinfo->lcdc.border_clr = 0;		
	pinfo->lcdc.underflow_clr = 0xff;	

	pinfo->lcdc.hsync_skew = 0;

	pinfo->bl_max = PWM_LEVEL;
	pinfo->bl_min = 1;

	pinfo->mipi.vc = 0; 
	pinfo->mipi.rgb_swap = DSI_RGB_SWAP_RGB;
	pinfo->mipi.tx_eot_append = true;
	pinfo->mipi.t_clk_post = 34;		
	pinfo->mipi.t_clk_pre = 69;		

	pinfo->mipi.dsi_phy_db = &dsi_video_mode_phy_db;

	pinfo->mipi.frame_rate = 60;
	pinfo->mipi.data_lane0 = true;
	pinfo->mipi.data_lane1 = true;
	pinfo->mipi.data_lane2 = true;
	pinfo->mipi.data_lane3 = true;
	pinfo->mipi.esc_byte_ratio = 6;

	pinfo->mipi.mode = DSI_VIDEO_MODE;
	pinfo->mipi.dst_format = DSI_VIDEO_DST_FORMAT_RGB565;

	pinfo->mipi.traffic_mode = DSI_NON_BURST_SYNCH_EVENT;
	pinfo->mipi.pulse_mode_hsa_he = false; 

	pinfo->mipi.hfp_power_stop = false;
	pinfo->mipi.hbp_power_stop = false;
	pinfo->mipi.hsa_power_stop = false;
	pinfo->mipi.eof_bllp_power_stop = false;
	pinfo->mipi.bllp_power_stop = false;

	pinfo->mipi.te_sel = 1; 
	pinfo->mipi.interleave_max = 1;
	pinfo->mipi.insert_dcs_cmd = false;
	pinfo->mipi.wr_mem_continue = 0;
	pinfo->mipi.wr_mem_start = 0;
	pinfo->mipi.stream = false; 
	pinfo->mipi.mdp_trigger = DSI_CMD_TRIGGER_NONE;
	pinfo->mipi.dma_trigger = DSI_CMD_TRIGGER_SW;
	pinfo->mipi.no_max_pkt_size = 1;
	pinfo->mipi.force_clk_lane_hs = 1;

	pinfo->is_3d_panel = FB_TYPE_3D_PANEL;

	ret = mipi_tc358764_dsi2lvds_register(pinfo, MIPI_DSI_PRIM, 1);
	if (ret)
		pr_err("%s: failed to register device!\n", __func__);

	return ret;