예제 #1
// __setattr__: set an item in the maxscript globals hash table
static int
mxs_setattro( PyObject* self, PyObject* key, PyObject* value ) {
	//mprintf( _T("mxs_setattro entered\n") );
	MXS_PROTECT( two_value_locals( name, result ) );
	PyStringToMCHAR mkey(key);
	vl.name		= Name::intern( mkey.mchar() );

	// Step 3: get a preexisting global value
	vl.result	= globals->get( vl.name );
	if ( vl.result ) {
		// Step 4: try to set the global variable
		try {
			if ( is_thunk( vl.result ) )
				((Thunk*) vl.result)->assign( ObjectWrapper::intern(value) );
				globals->set( vl.name, ObjectWrapper::intern(value) );

	// Step 5: cleanup the maxscript memory
	//mprintf( _T("mxs_setattro leaving\n") );
	return 0;
void write_dictionary_section(boost::property_tree::ptree& data, 
                            const std::string& key,
                            const std::map<std::string, T>& values) {
  // Write out metadata
  std::string m_heading = key + ".";
  for(const auto& map_entry : values) {
    std::string mkey(m_heading);
    mkey += map_entry.first;
    data.put(mkey, map_entry.second);
예제 #3
// __getattr__: get an item from the maxscript globals hash table
static PyObject*
mxs_getattro( PyObject* self, PyObject* key ) {
	// Step 1: convert the key to a name
	//mprintf( _T("mxs_getattro entered\n") );
	PyStringToMCHAR mkey(key);
	vl.name = Name::intern( mkey.mchar() );
	// Step 2: collect the PyObject* instance
	PyObject * output = ObjectWrapper::py_intern( globals->get( vl.name ) );
	//mprintf( _T("mxs_getattro leaving\n") );

	return output;