예제 #1
static int filter_get_image( mlt_frame frame, uint8_t **image, mlt_image_format *format, int *width, int *height, int writable )
	mlt_filter filter = mlt_frame_pop_service( frame );
	*format = mlt_image_yuv422;
	int error = mlt_frame_get_image( frame, image, format, width, height, 1 );

	if ( error == 0 && *image )
		float smooth, radius, cx, cy, opac;
		mlt_properties filter_props = MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES( filter ) ;
		mlt_position pos = mlt_filter_get_position( filter, frame );
		mlt_position len = mlt_filter_get_length2( filter, frame );

		smooth = mlt_properties_anim_get_double( filter_props, "smooth", pos, len ) * 100.0;
		radius = mlt_properties_anim_get_double( filter_props, "radius", pos, len ) * *width;
		cx = mlt_properties_anim_get_double( filter_props, "x", pos, len ) * *width;
		cy = mlt_properties_anim_get_double( filter_props, "y", pos, len ) * *height;
		opac = mlt_properties_anim_get_double( filter_props, "opacity", pos, len );
		int mode = mlt_properties_get_int( filter_props , "mode" );

		int video_width = *width;
		int video_height = *height;
		int x, y;
		int w2 = cx, h2 = cy;
		double delta = 1.0;
		double max_opac = opac;
		for ( y=0; y < video_height; y++ )
			int h2_pow2 = pow( y - h2, 2.0 );
			for ( x = 0; x < video_width; x++ )
				uint8_t *pix = ( *image + y * video_width * 2 + x * 2 );
				int dx = sqrt( h2_pow2 + pow( x - w2, 2.0 ));
				if (radius-smooth > dx) //center, make not darker
				else if ( radius + smooth <= dx ) //max dark after smooth area
					delta = 0.0;
					// linear pos from of opacity (from 0 to 1)
					delta = (double) ( radius + smooth - dx ) / ( 2.0 * smooth );
					if ( mode == 1 )
						//make cos for smoother non linear fade
						delta = (double) pow( cos((( 1.0 - delta ) * 3.14159 / 2.0 )), 3.0 );
				delta = MAX( max_opac, delta );
				*pix = (double) (*pix) * delta;
				*(pix+1) = ((double)(*(pix+1) - 127.0 ) * delta ) + 127.0;

	return error;
예제 #2
#include <framework/mlt_frame.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

#define CLAMP( x, min, max ) (x) < (min) ? (min) : (x) > (max) ? (max) : (x)

/** Do it :-).

static int filter_get_image( mlt_frame this, uint8_t **image, mlt_image_format *format, int *width, int *height, int writable )
	// Get the image
	*format = mlt_image_yuv422;
	int error = mlt_frame_get_image( this, image, format, width, height, 1 );

	// Only process if we have no error and a valid colour space
	if ( error == 0 )
		// Get the brightness level
		double level = mlt_properties_get_double( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( this ), "brightness" );

		// Only process if level is something other than 1
		if ( level != 1.0 )
			int i = *width * *height + 1;
			uint8_t *p = *image;
			int32_t m = level * ( 1 << 16 );
			int32_t n = 128 * ( ( 1 << 16 ) - m );
예제 #3
static void refresh_image( producer_pixbuf self, mlt_frame frame, mlt_image_format format, int width, int height )
	// Obtain properties of frame and producer
	mlt_properties properties = MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame );
	mlt_producer producer = &self->parent;

	// Get index and pixbuf
	int current_idx = refresh_pixbuf( self, frame );

	// optimization for subsequent iterations on single picture
	if ( current_idx != self->image_idx || width != self->width || height != self->height )
		self->image = NULL;
	mlt_log_debug( MLT_PRODUCER_SERVICE( producer ), "image %p pixbuf %p idx %d current_idx %d pixbuf_idx %d width %d\n",
		self->image, self->pixbuf, current_idx, self->image_idx, self->pixbuf_idx, width );

	// If we have a pixbuf and we need an image
	if ( self->pixbuf && ( !self->image || ( format != mlt_image_none && format != mlt_image_glsl && format != self->format ) ) )
		char *interps = mlt_properties_get( properties, "rescale.interp" );
		if ( interps ) interps = strdup( interps );
		int interp = GDK_INTERP_BILINEAR;

		if ( !interps ) {
			// Keep bilinear by default
		else if ( strcmp( interps, "nearest" ) == 0 )
		else if ( strcmp( interps, "tiles" ) == 0 )
			interp = GDK_INTERP_TILES;
		else if ( strcmp( interps, "hyper" ) == 0 || strcmp( interps, "bicubic" ) == 0 )
			interp = GDK_INTERP_HYPER;
		free( interps );

		// Note - the original pixbuf is already safe and ready for destruction
		pthread_mutex_lock( &g_mutex );
		GdkPixbuf* pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple( self->pixbuf, width, height, interp );

		// Store width and height
		self->width = width;
		self->height = height;

		// Allocate/define image
		int has_alpha = gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha( pixbuf );
		int src_stride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride( pixbuf );
		int dst_stride = self->width * ( has_alpha ? 4 : 3 );
		int image_size = dst_stride * ( height + 1 );
		self->image = mlt_pool_alloc( image_size );
		self->alpha = NULL;
		self->format = has_alpha ? mlt_image_rgb24a : mlt_image_rgb24;

		if ( src_stride != dst_stride )
			int y = self->height;
			uint8_t *src = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels( pixbuf );
			uint8_t *dst = self->image;
			while ( y-- )
				memcpy( dst, src, dst_stride );
				dst += dst_stride;
				src += src_stride;
			memcpy( self->image, gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels( pixbuf ), src_stride * height );
		pthread_mutex_unlock( &g_mutex );

		// Convert image to requested format
		if ( format != mlt_image_none && format != mlt_image_glsl && format != self->format )
			uint8_t *buffer = NULL;

			// First, set the image so it can be converted when we get it
			mlt_frame_replace_image( frame, self->image, self->format, width, height );
			mlt_frame_set_image( frame, self->image, image_size, mlt_pool_release );
			self->format = format;

			// get_image will do the format conversion
			mlt_frame_get_image( frame, &buffer, &format, &width, &height, 0 );

			// cache copies of the image and alpha buffers
			if ( buffer )
				image_size = mlt_image_format_size( format, width, height, NULL );
				self->image = mlt_pool_alloc( image_size );
				memcpy( self->image, buffer, image_size );
			if ( ( buffer = mlt_frame_get_alpha_mask( frame ) ) )
				self->alpha = mlt_pool_alloc( width * height );
				memcpy( self->alpha, buffer, width * height );

		// Update the cache
		mlt_cache_item_close( self->image_cache );
		mlt_service_cache_put( MLT_PRODUCER_SERVICE( producer ), "pixbuf.image", self->image, image_size, mlt_pool_release );
		self->image_cache = mlt_service_cache_get( MLT_PRODUCER_SERVICE( producer ), "pixbuf.image" );
		self->image_idx = current_idx;
		mlt_cache_item_close( self->alpha_cache );
		self->alpha_cache = NULL;
		if ( self->alpha )
			mlt_service_cache_put( MLT_PRODUCER_SERVICE( producer ), "pixbuf.alpha", self->alpha, width * height, mlt_pool_release );
			self->alpha_cache = mlt_service_cache_get( MLT_PRODUCER_SERVICE( producer ), "pixbuf.alpha" );

		// Finished with pixbuf now
		g_object_unref( pixbuf );

	// Set width/height of frame
	mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "width", self->width );
	mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "height", self->height );