예제 #1
static xbee_err init(struct xbee *xbee, va_list ap) {
	xbee_err ret;
	char *t;
	struct xbee_modeData *data;
	if (!xbee) return XBEE_EMISSINGPARAM;
	if ((data = malloc(sizeof(*data))) == NULL) return XBEE_ENOMEM;
	memset(data, 0, sizeof(*data));
	xbee->modeData = data;
	ret = XBEE_ENONE;
	/* currently I don't see a better way than this - using va_arg()... which is gross */	
	t = va_arg(ap, char*);
	if ((data->serialInfo.device = malloc(strlen(t) + 1)) == NULL) { ret = XBEE_ENOMEM; goto die; }
	strcpy(data->serialInfo.device, t);
	data->serialInfo.baudrate = va_arg(ap, int);
	if ((ret = xsys_serialSetup(&data->serialInfo)) != XBEE_ENONE) goto die;
	return XBEE_ENONE;
	return ret;
예제 #2
파일: mode.c 프로젝트: C24IO/libxbee3
static xbee_err init(struct xbee *xbee, va_list ap) {
	xbee_err ret;
	char *t;
	struct xbee_modeData *data;
	if (!xbee) return XBEE_EMISSINGPARAM;
	if ((data = malloc(sizeof(*data))) == NULL) return XBEE_ENOMEM;
	memset(data, 0, sizeof(*data));
	xbee->modeData = data;
	data->conList = xbee_ll_alloc();
	ret = XBEE_ENONE;
	/* get the hostname */
	t = va_arg(ap, char*);
	if ((data->netInfo.host = malloc(strlen(t) + 1)) == NULL) { ret = XBEE_ENOMEM; goto die; }
	strcpy(data->netInfo.host, t);
	/* get the port number */
	data->netInfo.port = va_arg(ap, int);
	/* setup the network interface */
	if ((ret = xbee_netSetup(&data->netInfo)) != XBEE_ENONE) goto die;
	return XBEE_ENONE;
	return ret;