예제 #1
파일: view1090.c 프로젝트: DE8MSH/dump1090
void view1090Init(void) {

    // Allocate the various buffers used by Modes
    if ( NULL == (Modes.icao_cache = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * MODES_ICAO_CACHE_LEN * 2)))
        fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory allocating data buffer.\n");

    // Clear the buffers that have just been allocated, just in-case
    memset(Modes.icao_cache, 0,   sizeof(uint32_t) * MODES_ICAO_CACHE_LEN * 2);

    // Validate the users Lat/Lon home location inputs
    if ( (Modes.fUserLat >   90.0)  // Latitude must be -90 to +90
      || (Modes.fUserLat <  -90.0)  // and 
      || (Modes.fUserLon >  360.0)  // Longitude must be -180 to +360
      || (Modes.fUserLon < -180.0) ) {
        Modes.fUserLat = Modes.fUserLon = 0.0;
    } else if (Modes.fUserLon > 180.0) { // If Longitude is +180 to +360, make it -180 to 0
        Modes.fUserLon -= 360.0;
    // If both Lat and Lon are 0.0 then the users location is either invalid/not-set, or (s)he's in the 
    // Atlantic ocean off the west coast of Africa. This is unlikely to be correct. 
    // Set the user LatLon valid flag only if either Lat or Lon are non zero. Note the Greenwich meridian 
    // is at 0.0 Lon,so we must check for either fLat or fLon being non zero not both. 
    // Testing the flag at runtime will be much quicker than ((fLon != 0.0) || (fLat != 0.0))
    Modes.bUserFlags &= ~MODES_USER_LATLON_VALID;
    if ((Modes.fUserLat != 0.0) || (Modes.fUserLon != 0.0)) {
        Modes.bUserFlags |= MODES_USER_LATLON_VALID;

    // Prepare error correction tables
예제 #2
파일: ppup1090.c 프로젝트: Lii31/dump1090
void ppup1090Init(void) {

    int iErr;

    // Allocate the various buffers used by Modes
    if ( NULL == (Modes.icao_cache = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * MODES_ICAO_CACHE_LEN * 2)))
        fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory allocating data buffer.\n");

    // Clear the buffers that have just been allocated, just in-case
    memset(Modes.icao_cache, 0,   sizeof(uint32_t) * MODES_ICAO_CACHE_LEN * 2);

    // Validate the users Lat/Lon home location inputs
    if ( (Modes.fUserLat >   90.0)  // Latitude must be -90 to +90
      || (Modes.fUserLat <  -90.0)  // and 
      || (Modes.fUserLon >  360.0)  // Longitude must be -180 to +360
      || (Modes.fUserLon < -180.0) ) {
        Modes.fUserLat = Modes.fUserLon = 0.0;
    } else if (Modes.fUserLon > 180.0) { // If Longitude is +180 to +360, make it -180 to 0
        Modes.fUserLon -= 360.0;
    // If both Lat and Lon are 0.0 then the users location is either invalid/not-set, or (s)he's in the 
    // Atlantic ocean off the west coast of Africa. This is unlikely to be correct. 
    // Set the user LatLon valid flag only if either Lat or Lon are non zero. Note the Greenwich meridian 
    // is at 0.0 Lon,so we must check for either fLat or fLon being non zero not both. 
    // Testing the flag at runtime will be much quicker than ((fLon != 0.0) || (fLat != 0.0))
    Modes.bUserFlags &= ~MODES_USER_LATLON_VALID;
    if ((Modes.fUserLat != 0.0) || (Modes.fUserLon != 0.0)) {
        Modes.bUserFlags |= MODES_USER_LATLON_VALID;

    // Prepare error correction tables

    // Setup the uploader - read the user paramaters from the coaa.h header file
    coaa1090.fUserLat = MODES_USER_LATITUDE_DFLT;
    coaa1090.fUserLon = MODES_USER_LONGITUDE_DFLT;
    strcpy(coaa1090.strRegNo,   STR(USER_REGNO));
    strcpy(coaa1090.strVersion, MODES_DUMP1090_VERSION);

    if ((iErr = initCOAA (coaa1090)))
        fprintf(stderr, "Error 0x%X initialising uploader\n", iErr);
예제 #3
파일: dump1090.c 프로젝트: LeeUK/dump1090
void modesInit(void) {
    int i, q;


    // Allocate the various buffers used by Modes
    if ( ((Modes.icao_cache = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * MODES_ICAO_CACHE_LEN * 2)                  ) == NULL) ||
         ((Modes.pFileData  = (uint16_t *) malloc(MODES_ASYNC_BUF_SIZE)                                         ) == NULL) ||
         ((Modes.magnitude  = (uint16_t *) malloc(MODES_ASYNC_BUF_SIZE+MODES_PREAMBLE_SIZE+MODES_LONG_MSG_SIZE) ) == NULL) ||
         ((Modes.maglut     = (uint16_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * 256 * 256)                                 ) == NULL) ||
         ((Modes.beastOut   = (char     *) malloc(MODES_RAWOUT_BUF_SIZE)                                        ) == NULL) ||
         ((Modes.rawOut     = (char     *) malloc(MODES_RAWOUT_BUF_SIZE)                                        ) == NULL) ) 
        fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory allocating data buffer.\n");

    // Clear the buffers that have just been allocated, just in-case
    memset(Modes.icao_cache, 0,   sizeof(uint32_t) * MODES_ICAO_CACHE_LEN * 2);
    memset(Modes.pFileData,127,   MODES_ASYNC_BUF_SIZE);

    // Validate the users Lat/Lon home location inputs
    if ( (Modes.fUserLat >   90.0)  // Latitude must be -90 to +90
      || (Modes.fUserLat <  -90.0)  // and 
      || (Modes.fUserLon >  360.0)  // Longitude must be -180 to +360
      || (Modes.fUserLon < -180.0) ) {
        Modes.fUserLat = Modes.fUserLon = 0.0;
    } else if (Modes.fUserLon > 180.0) { // If Longitude is +180 to +360, make it -180 to 0
        Modes.fUserLon -= 360.0;
    // If both Lat and Lon are 0.0 then the users location is either invalid/not-set, or (s)he's in the 
    // Atlantic ocean off the west coast of Africa. This is unlikely to be correct. 
    // Set the user LatLon valid flag only if either Lat or Lon are non zero. Note the Greenwich meridian 
    // is at 0.0 Lon,so we must check for either fLat or fLon being non zero not both. 
    // Testing the flag at runtime will be much quicker than ((fLon != 0.0) || (fLat != 0.0))
    Modes.bUserFlags &= ~MODES_USER_LATLON_VALID;
    if ((Modes.fUserLat != 0.0) || (Modes.fUserLon != 0.0)) {
        Modes.bUserFlags |= MODES_USER_LATLON_VALID;

    // Limit the maximum requested raw output size to less than one Ethernet Block 
    if (Modes.net_output_raw_size > (MODES_RAWOUT_BUF_FLUSH))
      {Modes.net_output_raw_size = MODES_RAWOUT_BUF_FLUSH;}
    if (Modes.net_output_raw_rate > (MODES_RAWOUT_BUF_RATE))
      {Modes.net_output_raw_rate = MODES_RAWOUT_BUF_RATE;}

    // Initialise the Block Timers to something half sensible
    for (i = 0; i < MODES_ASYNC_BUF_NUMBER; i++)
      {Modes.stSystemTimeRTL[i] = Modes.stSystemTimeBlk;}

    // Each I and Q value varies from 0 to 255, which represents a range from -1 to +1. To get from the 
    // unsigned (0-255) range you therefore subtract 127 (or 128 or 127.5) from each I and Q, giving you 
    // a range from -127 to +128 (or -128 to +127, or -127.5 to +127.5)..
    // To decode the AM signal, you need the magnitude of the waveform, which is given by sqrt((I^2)+(Q^2))
    // The most this could be is if I&Q are both 128 (or 127 or 127.5), so you could end up with a magnitude 
    // of 181.019 (or 179.605, or 180.312)
    // However, in reality the magnitude of the signal should never exceed the range -1 to +1, because the 
    // values are I = rCos(w) and Q = rSin(w). Therefore the integer computed magnitude should (can?) never 
    // exceed 128 (or 127, or 127.5 or whatever)
    // If we scale up the results so that they range from 0 to 65535 (16 bits) then we need to multiply 
    // by 511.99, (or 516.02 or 514). antirez's original code multiplies by 360, presumably because he's 
    // assuming the maximim calculated amplitude is 181.019, and (181.019 * 360) = 65166.
    // So lets see if we can improve things by subtracting 127.5, Well in integer arithmatic we can't
    // subtract half, so, we'll double everything up and subtract one, and then compensate for the doubling 
    // in the multiplier at the end.
    // If we do this we can never have I or Q equal to 0 - they can only be as small as +/- 1.
    // This gives us a minimum magnitude of root 2 (0.707), so the dynamic range becomes (1.414-255). This 
    // also affects our scaling value, which is now 65535/(255 - 1.414), or 258.433254
    // The sums then become mag = 258.433254 * (sqrt((I*2-255)^2 + (Q*2-255)^2) - 1.414)
    //                   or mag = (258.433254 * sqrt((I*2-255)^2 + (Q*2-255)^2)) - 365.4798
    // We also need to clip mag just incaes any rogue I/Q values somehow do have a magnitude greater than 255.

    for (i = 0; i <= 255; i++) {
        for (q = 0; q <= 255; q++) {
            int mag, mag_i, mag_q;

            mag_i = (i * 2) - 255;
            mag_q = (q * 2) - 255;

            mag = (int) round((sqrt((mag_i*mag_i)+(mag_q*mag_q)) * 258.433254) - 365.4798);

            Modes.maglut[(i*256)+q] = (uint16_t) ((mag < 65535) ? mag : 65535);

    // Prepare error correction tables