// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
void polyDelListOfAtoms::findMolsToDel()

    label initialSize = molCloud_.size();
    label deletedMols = 0;
    Info << nl << "Deleting the following molecules... " << nl << endl;

    DynamicList<vector> positions;
    DynamicList<scalar> rMinCollect;    
    forAll(molPoints_, i)
        DynamicList<polyMolecule*> molsToDel;

        IDLList<polyMolecule>::iterator mol(molCloud_.begin());
        scalar rMin = GREAT;
            mol = molCloud_.begin();
            mol != molCloud_.end();
            if(findIndex(molIds_, mol().id()) != -1)
                vector rT = molPoints_[i];
                scalar magRIJ = mag(rT-mol().position());
                if(magRIJ < rMin)
                    rMin = magRIJ;
                    polyMolecule* molI = &mol();

        forAll(molsToDel, m)
            Info << molsToDel[m]->position()
                << endl;            

예제 #2
void Foam::moleculeCloud::setSiteSizesAndPositions()
    iterator mol(this->begin());

    for (mol = this->begin(); mol != this->end(); ++mol)
        const molecule::constantProperties& cP = constProps(mol().id());


예제 #3
void tail::controlBeforeMove()
    t_ += deltaTMD_;
    if(t_ < relaxationTime_)
        Info << "tail: relaxation" << endl;        
        IDLList<polyMolecule>::iterator mol(molCloud_.begin());

        for (mol = molCloud_.begin(); mol != molCloud_.end(); ++mol)
            if(mol().trackingNumber() == trackingNumber_)
                mol().a() = vector::zero;
                mol().v() = deltaR_/deltaTMD_;
    if(t_ > relaxationTime_) 
        tI_ += deltaT_;
        Info << "tail: control, t = " << tI_ << endl;
        IDLList<polyMolecule>::iterator mol(molCloud_.begin());

        for (mol = molCloud_.begin(); mol != molCloud_.end(); ++mol)
                if(mol().trackingNumber() == trackingNumber_)
                    scalar xNew = -a_*cos(tI_+(constant::mathematical::pi/2)) + centre_.x();
                    scalar yNew = b_*sin(tI_+(constant::mathematical::pi/2)) + centre_.y();
                    Info << "xNew = " << xNew
                        << ", yNew = " << yNew
                        << endl;
                    vector rNew = vector(xNew, yNew, centre_.z());
                    vector deltaR = rNew - mol().position();
                    mol().a() = vector::zero;
                    mol().v() = deltaR/deltaTMD_;
예제 #4
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  std::string file_root = getenv("RDBASE");
  file_root += "/Docs/Book";
  std::string mol_file = file_root + "/data/chiral.mol";
  RDKit::ROMOL_SPTR mol(RDKit::MolFileToMol(mol_file));
  std::cout << RDKit::MolToSmiles(*mol, true) << std::endl;
  // 2nd parameter doIsomericSmiles defaults to true
  std::cout << RDKit::MolToSmiles(*mol, false) << std::endl;

  RDKit::ROMOL_SPTR mol1(RDKit::SmilesToMol("C1=CC=CN=C1"));
  std::cout << RDKit::MolToSmiles(*mol1) << std::endl;

  RDKit::ROMOL_SPTR mol2(RDKit::SmilesToMol("c1cccnc1"));
  std::cout << RDKit::MolToSmiles(*mol2) << std::endl;

  RDKit::ROMOL_SPTR mol3(RDKit::SmilesToMol("n1ccccc1"));
  std::cout << RDKit::MolToSmiles(*mol3) << std::endl;

  RDKit::RWMOL_SPTR mol4(new RDKit::RWMol(*mol));
  std::cout << RDKit::MolToSmiles(*mol4) << std::endl;

  std::cout << RDKit::MolToMolBlock(*mol1) << std::endl;

  mol1->setProp("_Name", "cyclobutane");
  std::cout << RDKit::MolToMolBlock(*mol1) << std::endl;
예제 #5
  QString MOPACInputDialog::generateInputDeck()
    // Generate an input deck based on the settings of the dialog
    QString buffer;
    QTextStream mol(&buffer);

    mol << " AUX LARGE ";
    mol << "CHARGE=" << m_charge << ' ';
    switch (m_multiplicity)
      case 2:
        mol << "DOUBLET ";
      case 3:
        mol << "TRIPLET ";
      case 4:
        mol << "QUARTET ";
      case 5:
        mol << "QUINTET ";
      case 1:
        mol << "SINGLET ";

    mol << getCalculationType(m_calculationType) << ' ';
    mol << getTheoryType(m_theoryType) << '\n';

    mol << m_title << "\n\n";

    // Now to output the actual molecular coordinates
    QString optimizationFlag;
    if (m_calculationType == SP)
      optimizationFlag = " 0 "; // we could actually obey constraints easily
      optimizationFlag = " 1 ";

    // Cartesian coordinates
    if (m_molecule && m_coordType == CARTESIAN)
        QList<Atom *> atoms = m_molecule->atoms();
        foreach (Atom *atom, atoms) {
          mol << qSetFieldWidth(4) << right
              << QString(OpenBabel::etab.GetSymbol(atom->atomicNumber()))
              << qSetFieldWidth(15) << qSetRealNumberPrecision(5) << forcepoint
              << fixed << right
              << atom->pos()->x() << optimizationFlag
              << atom->pos()->y() << optimizationFlag
              << atom->pos()->z() << optimizationFlag
              << qSetFieldWidth(0) << '\n';
예제 #6
void tail::getPosition()
    rI_ = vector::zero;
    IDLList<polyMolecule>::iterator mol(molCloud_.begin());

    for (mol = molCloud_.begin(); mol != molCloud_.end(); ++mol)
        if(mol().trackingNumber() == trackingNumber_)
            rI_ = mol().position();
    //- parallel processing
        reduce(rI_, sumOp<vector>());
    Info << "mol position = " << rI_ << endl; 
void Foam::moleculeCloud::calculateTetherForce()
    iterator mol(this->begin());

    vector rIT;

    scalar rITMag;

    vector fIT;

    for (mol = this->begin(); mol != this->end(); ++mol)
        if (mol().tethered())
            rIT = mol().position() - mol().tetherPosition();

            rITMag = mag(rIT);

            fIT = (rIT/rITMag) * tetherPotentials_.force

            mol().A() += fIT/(mol().mass());

            mol().potentialEnergy() += tetherPotentials_.energy

            mol().rf() += rIT*fIT;
예제 #8
void testFuncTerm()
	FuncTerm ft;
	ft.setExpr( "x0 + x1 * t" );
	double args[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };

	// First check that it doesn't die even if we forget to set up anything.
	double ans = ft( args, 2.0 );

	vector< unsigned int > mol( 2, 0 );
	mol[0] = 2;
	mol[1] = 0;
	ft.setReactantIndex( mol );

	ans = ft( args, 10.0 );
	assert( doubleEq( ans, 13.0 ) );
	mol[0] = 0;
	mol[1] = 9;
	ft.setReactantIndex( mol );
	ans = ft( args, 2.0 );
	assert( doubleEq( ans, 21.0 ) );
	cout << "." << flush;
예제 #9
파일: fastbd.cpp 프로젝트: ecell/spatiocyte
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  double T(1);
  double L(1.44e-6);
  unsigned N(100);
  double R(2.5e-9);
  double D(1e-12);
  if (argc == 6) {
    T = std::stod(argv[1]);
    L = std::stod(argv[2]);
    N = std::stoi(argv[3]);
    R = std::stod(argv[4]);
    D = std::stod(argv[5]);
  const double dt(2*R*R/3/D);
  const unsigned nSim(T/dt);
  std::random_device rd;
  std::mt19937 gen(rd());
  std::uniform_real_distribution<> unidist(0, L);
  std::normal_distribution<> normdist(0, pow(2*D*dt,0.5));
  std::vector<Coordinate> mols;
  for (unsigned i(0); i < N; ++i) {
    Coordinate mol(unidist(gen), unidist(gen), unidist(gen));
  auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
  for (unsigned n(0); n < nSim; ++n) {
    for (unsigned j(0); j < N; ++j) {
      mols[j].x = mod(mols[j].x+normdist(gen), L);
      mols[j].y = mod(mols[j].y+normdist(gen), L);
      mols[j].z = mod(mols[j].z+normdist(gen), L);
  auto finish = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
  std::chrono::duration<double> elapsed = finish - start;
  std::cout << "elapsed:" << elapsed.count() << " s" << std::endl;
void polyOutputProperties::calculateField()
    nAvTimeSteps_ += 1.0;
    vector singleStepTotalLinearMomentum(vector::zero);
    vector singleStepTotalAngularMomentum(vector::zero);
    scalar singleStepMaxVelocityMag = 0.0;
    scalar singleStepTotalMass = 0.0;
    scalar singleStepTotalLinearKE = 0.0;
    scalar singleStepTotalAngularKE = 0.0;
    scalar singleStepTotalPE = 0.0;
    scalar singleStepTotalrDotf = 0.0;

    label singleStepNMols = molCloud_.size();
    label singleStepDOFs = 0;

        IDLList<polyMolecule>::iterator mol(molCloud_.begin());
            mol = molCloud_.begin();
            mol != molCloud_.end();
            label molId = mol().id();
            scalar molMass(molCloud_.cP().mass(molId));
            singleStepTotalMass += molMass;
            mol = molCloud_.begin();
            mol != molCloud_.end();
            label molId = mol().id();
            scalar molMass(molCloud_.cP().mass(molId));

            const vector& molV(mol().v());

            vector molPiGlobal = vector::zero;
            vector molOmega = vector::zero;
            const diagTensor& molMoI(molCloud_.cP().momentOfInertia(molId));

                molOmega = inv(molMoI) & mol().pi();
                molPiGlobal = mol().Q() & mol().pi();

            singleStepTotalLinearMomentum += molV * molMass;
            singleStepTotalAngularMomentum += molPiGlobal;

            if(mag(molV) > singleStepMaxVelocityMag)
                singleStepMaxVelocityMag = mag(molV);
            singleStepTotalLinearKE += 0.5*molMass*magSqr(molV);
            singleStepTotalAngularKE += 0.5*(molOmega & molMoI & molOmega);
            singleStepTotalPE += mol().potentialEnergy();
            singleStepTotalrDotf += tr(mol().rf());
            singleStepDOFs += molCloud_.cP().degreesOfFreedom(molId);

    if (Pstream::parRun())
        reduce(singleStepTotalLinearMomentum, sumOp<vector>());
        reduce(singleStepTotalAngularMomentum, sumOp<vector>());
        reduce(singleStepMaxVelocityMag, maxOp<scalar>());
        reduce(singleStepTotalMass, sumOp<scalar>());
        reduce(singleStepTotalLinearKE, sumOp<scalar>());
        reduce(singleStepTotalAngularKE, sumOp<scalar>());
        reduce(singleStepTotalPE, sumOp<scalar>());
        reduce(singleStepTotalrDotf, sumOp<scalar>());
        reduce(singleStepNMols, sumOp<label>());
        reduce(singleStepDOFs, sumOp<label>());

    if (singleStepNMols)
        Info<< "Number of molecules in system = "
            << singleStepNMols << nl
            << "Overall number density = "
            << singleStepNMols/meshVolume_ << nl
            << "Overall mass density = "
            << singleStepTotalMass/meshVolume_ << nl
            << "Average linear momentum per molecule = "
            << singleStepTotalLinearMomentum/singleStepNMols << ' '
            << mag(singleStepTotalLinearMomentum)/singleStepNMols << nl
            << "Average angular momentum per molecule = "
            << singleStepTotalAngularMomentum << ' '
            << mag(singleStepTotalAngularMomentum)/singleStepNMols << nl
            << "Maximum |velocity| = "
            << singleStepMaxVelocityMag << nl
            << "Average linear KE per molecule = "
            << singleStepTotalLinearKE/singleStepNMols << nl
            << "Average angular KE per molecule = "
            << singleStepTotalAngularKE/singleStepNMols << nl
            << "Average PE per molecule = "
            << singleStepTotalPE/singleStepNMols << nl
            << "Average TE per molecule = "
            + singleStepTotalAngularKE
            + singleStepTotalPE
            << endl;
        Info<< "No molecules in system" << endl;

    accumulatedTotalLinearMomentum_ += singleStepTotalLinearMomentum;
    accumulatedTotalMass_ += singleStepTotalMass;
    accumulatedTotalLinearKE_ += singleStepTotalLinearKE;
    accumulatedTotalAngularKE_ += singleStepTotalAngularKE;
    accumulatedTotalPE_ += singleStepTotalPE;
    accumulatedTotalrDotfSum_ += singleStepTotalrDotf;
    accumulatedNMols_ += singleStepNMols;
    accumulatedDOFs_ += singleStepDOFs;

void polyForceTwoShear::controlAfterForces()
    scalar molsLiquid = 0.0;
    scalar molsGas = 0.0;     
    // measurements of instantaneous density
        IDLList<polyMolecule>::iterator mol(molCloud_.begin());

        for (mol = molCloud_.begin(); mol != molCloud_.end(); ++mol)
            if(bb_liquid_A_.contains(mol().position()) || bb_liquid_B_.contains(mol().position()))
                if(findIndex(molIds_, mol().id()) != -1)
                    molsLiquid += 1.0;
            if(bb_gas_A_.contains(mol().position()) || bb_gas_B_.contains(mol().position()))
                if(findIndex(molIds_, mol().id()) != -1)
                    molsGas += 1.0;
        // parallel processing
            reduce(molsLiquid, sumOp<scalar>());
            reduce(molsGas, sumOp<scalar>());

    forceMagGas_ = forceMagLiquid_*molsLiquid/molsGas;
    Info << "polyForceTwoShear: control - force liquid = "  << forceMagLiquid_ 
         << " , force gas = " << forceMagGas_
         << endl;

    IDLList<polyMolecule>::iterator mol(molCloud_.begin());

    vector totalForceLiquid = vector::zero;
    vector totalForceGas = vector::zero;
    for (mol = molCloud_.begin(); mol != molCloud_.end(); ++mol)
        if(bb_liquid_A_.contains(mol().position()) || bb_liquid_B_.contains(mol().position()))
            if(findIndex(molIds_, mol().id()) != -1)
                const scalar& massI = molCloud_.cP().mass(mol().id());

                vector force = forceMagLiquid_;
                mol().a() += force/massI;

                totalForceLiquid += force;
        if(bb_gas_A_.contains(mol().position()) || bb_gas_B_.contains(mol().position()))
            if(findIndex(molIds_, mol().id()) != -1)
                const scalar& massI = molCloud_.cP().mass(mol().id());
                vector force = -forceMagGas_;
                mol().a() += force/massI;
                totalForceGas += force;
        reduce(totalForceLiquid, sumOp<vector>());
        reduce(totalForceGas, sumOp<vector>());
    Info << "polyForceTwoShear: Conservation- total force liquid = "  << totalForceLiquid 
         << " , total force gas = " << totalForceGas
         << " , diff = " << totalForceLiquid + totalForceGas 
         << endl;
void polyVelocityBounded::controlBeforeVelocityI()
    scalar mass = 0.0;
    scalar mols = 0.0;
    vector mom = vector::zero;
        IDLList<polyMolecule>::iterator mol(molCloud_.begin());

        for (mol = molCloud_.begin(); mol != molCloud_.end(); ++mol)
            if(findIndex(molIds_, mol().id()) != -1)
                    const scalar& massI = molCloud_.cP().mass(mol().id());

                    mass += massI;
                    mom += mol().v()*massI;
                    mols += 1.0;

    if (Pstream::parRun())
        reduce(mols, sumOp<scalar>());        
        reduce(mass, sumOp<scalar>());
        reduce(mom, sumOp<vector>());
    vector velocityMeasured = vector::zero;
    if(mass > 0)
        velocityMeasured = mom/mass;

    vector deltaU = (velocity_ - velocityMeasured)*lambda_;

    accumulatedTime_ += deltaT_;
    if((accumulatedTime_ >= startTime_) && (accumulatedTime_ <= endTime_))
        IDLList<polyMolecule>::iterator mol(molCloud_.begin());

        for (mol = molCloud_.begin(); mol != molCloud_.end(); ++mol)
            if(findIndex(molIds_, mol().id()) != -1)
                            mol().v().x() += deltaU.x();
                            mol().v().y() += deltaU.y();
                            mol().v().z() += deltaU.z();
                        mol().v() += deltaU;
        Info << "polyVelocityBounded - controlling: " << " target velocity = " << velocity_ 
                << ", vel Meas = " << velocityMeasured  
                << ", DeltaU = " << deltaU
                << endl;
예제 #13
/** @see molecule.h */
int Molecule_new(int numAtoms, int *Z, double *r3, double *Q) {
    Molecule mol(numAtoms, Z, r3, Q);
    return (molecules.size() - 1 + OFFSET);
예제 #14
int main()
  /** Step 1: Read the Coordinate Data
  FILE *xyzfile;
  xyzfile = fopen("h2o_geom.txt", "r");
  int natom;
  fscanf(xyzfile, "%d", &natom);
  Molecule mol(natom, 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < natom; i++)
    fscanf(xyzfile, "%lf %lf %lf %lf", &mol.zvals[i], &mol.geom[i][0], &mol.geom[i][1], &mol.geom[i][2]);

  /** Step 2: Read the Cartesian Hessian Data
  FILE *hessfile;
  hessfile = fopen("h2o_hessian.txt", "r");
  int hessatom;
  fscanf(hessfile, "%d", &hessatom);
  if (fabs(natom-hessatom) > 0) {
    printf("The number of atoms doesn't match.\n");
    return -1;
  double **H = new double* [3*natom];
  for (int i = 0; i < 3*natom; i++)
    H[i] = new double[3*natom];
  for (int i = 0; i < 3*natom; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < natom; j++)
      fscanf(hessfile, "%lf %lf %lf", &H[i][3*j], &H[i][3*j+1], &H[i][3*j+2]);

  print_mat(H, 3*natom, 3*natom);

  /** Step 3: Mass-Weight the Hessian Matrix
   * Divide each element of the Hessian matrix by the product of square roots of the masses of the atoms associated with the given coordinates:
   *  \vect{F}_{M}^{ij} = \frac{F_{ij}}{\sqrt{m_{i}m_{j}}}
  double **Hmw = new double* [3*natom];
  for (int i = 0; i < 3*natom; i++)
    Hmw[i] = new double[3*natom];
  double mi, mj, mimj;
  for (int i = 0; i < natom; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < natom; j++) {
      mi = masses[(int)mol.zvals[i]]; mj = masses[(int)mol.zvals[j]];
      mimj = sqrt(mi*mj);
      Hmw[i*natom+0][j*natom+0] = H[i*natom+0][j*natom+0]/mimj;
      Hmw[i*natom+0][j*natom+1] = H[i*natom+0][j*natom+1]/mimj;
      Hmw[i*natom+0][j*natom+2] = H[i*natom+0][j*natom+2]/mimj;
      Hmw[i*natom+1][j*natom+0] = H[i*natom+1][j*natom+0]/mimj;
      Hmw[i*natom+1][j*natom+1] = H[i*natom+1][j*natom+1]/mimj;
      Hmw[i*natom+1][j*natom+2] = H[i*natom+1][j*natom+2]/mimj;
      Hmw[i*natom+2][j*natom+0] = H[i*natom+2][j*natom+0]/mimj;
      Hmw[i*natom+2][j*natom+1] = H[i*natom+2][j*natom+1]/mimj;
      Hmw[i*natom+2][j*natom+2] = H[i*natom+2][j*natom+2]/mimj;

  printf("Mass-weighted Hessian:\n");
  print_mat(Hmw, 3*natom, 3*natom);

  /** Step 4: Diagonalize the Mass-Weighted Hessian Matrix
   * Compute the eigenvalues of the mass-weighted Hessian:
   *  \vect{F}^{M}\vect{L} = \vect{L}\vect{\Lambda}
  double *evals = new double[3*natom];
  for (int i = 0; i < 3*natom; i++) evals[i] = 0.0;
  double **evecs = new double* [3*natom];
  for (int i = 0; i < 3*natom; i++) evecs[i] = new double[3*natom];
  diag(3*natom, 3*natom, Hmw, evals, false, evecs, 1e-19);
  for (int i = 0; i < 3*natom; i++) delete[] evecs[i];
  delete[] evecs;

  printf("Mass-weighted Hessian eigenvalues:\n");
  for (int i = 0; i < 3*natom; i++)
    printf("%12.10f\n", evals[i]);

  /** Step 5: Compute the Harmonic Vibrational Frequencies
   * The vibrational frequencies are proportional to the square root of the eigenvalues of the mass-weighted Hessian:
   *  \omega_{i} = \textrm{constant} \times \sqrt{\lambda_{i}}

  printf("Harmonic vibrational frequences [cm]^-1:\n");
  for (int i = 0; i < 3*natom; i++)
    printf("%10.4f\n", sqrt(evals[i])*vib_constant);

  /// Clean up after ourselves...
  for (int i = 0; i < 3*natom; i++) {
    delete[] H[i];
    delete[] Hmw[i];
  delete[] H;
  delete[] Hmw;
  delete[] evals;

  return 0;