예제 #1
파일: rules.c 프로젝트: aihua/moloch
void moloch_rules_load_complete()
    char      **bpfs;
    GRegex     *regex = g_regex_new(":\\s*(\\d+)\\s*$", 0, 0, 0);
    int         i;

    bpfs = moloch_config_str_list(NULL, "dontSaveBPFs", NULL);
    int pos = moloch_field_by_exp("_maxPacketsToSave");
    gint start_pos;
    if (bpfs) {
        for (i = 0; bpfs[i]; i++) {
            int n = loading.rulesLen[MOLOCH_RULE_TYPE_SESSION_SETUP]++;
            MolochRule_t *rule = loading.rules[MOLOCH_RULE_TYPE_SESSION_SETUP][n] = MOLOCH_TYPE_ALLOC0(MolochRule_t);
            rule->filename = "dontSaveBPFs";
            moloch_field_ops_init(&rule->ops, 1, MOLOCH_FIELD_OPS_FLAGS_COPY);

            GMatchInfo *match_info = 0;
            g_regex_match(regex, bpfs[i], 0, &match_info);
            if (g_match_info_matches(match_info)) {
                g_match_info_fetch_pos (match_info, 1, &start_pos, NULL);
                rule->bpf = g_strndup(bpfs[i], start_pos-1);
                moloch_field_ops_add(&rule->ops, pos, g_match_info_fetch(match_info, 1), -1);
            } else {
                rule->bpf = g_strdup(bpfs[i]);
                moloch_field_ops_add(&rule->ops, pos, "1", -1);

    bpfs = moloch_config_str_list(NULL, "minPacketsSaveBPFs", NULL);
    pos = moloch_field_by_exp("_minPacketsBeforeSavingSPI");
    if (bpfs) {
        for (i = 0; bpfs[i]; i++) {
            int n = loading.rulesLen[MOLOCH_RULE_TYPE_SESSION_SETUP]++;
            MolochRule_t *rule = loading.rules[MOLOCH_RULE_TYPE_SESSION_SETUP][n] = MOLOCH_TYPE_ALLOC0(MolochRule_t);
            rule->filename = "minPacketsSaveBPFs";
            moloch_field_ops_init(&rule->ops, 1, MOLOCH_FIELD_OPS_FLAGS_COPY);

            GMatchInfo *match_info = 0;
            g_regex_match(regex, bpfs[i], 0, &match_info);
            if (g_match_info_matches(match_info)) {
                g_match_info_fetch_pos (match_info, 1, &start_pos, NULL);
                rule->bpf = g_strndup(bpfs[i], start_pos-1);
                moloch_field_ops_add(&rule->ops, pos, g_match_info_fetch(match_info, 1), -1);
            } else {
                rule->bpf = g_strdup(bpfs[i]);
                moloch_field_ops_add(&rule->ops, pos, "1", -1);

    memcpy(&current, &loading, sizeof(loading));
    memset(&loading, 0, sizeof(loading));
예제 #2
파일: config.c 프로젝트: Carlos-C-M/moloch
void moloch_config_load()

    gboolean  status;
    GError   *error = 0;
    GKeyFile *keyfile;
    int       i;

    keyfile = molochKeyFile = g_key_file_new();

    status = g_key_file_load_from_file(keyfile, config.configFile, G_KEY_FILE_NONE, &error);
    if (!status || error) {
        printf("Couldn't load config file (%s) %s\n", config.configFile, (error?error->message:""));

    char **includes = moloch_config_str_list(keyfile, "includes", NULL);
    if (includes) {
        //LOG("KEYFILE:\n%s", g_key_file_to_data(molochKeyFile, NULL, NULL));

    char *rotateIndex       = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "rotateIndex", "daily");

    if (strcmp(rotateIndex, "hourly") == 0)
        config.rotate = MOLOCH_ROTATE_HOURLY;
    else if (strcmp(rotateIndex, "daily") == 0)
        config.rotate = MOLOCH_ROTATE_DAILY;
    else if (strcmp(rotateIndex, "weekly") == 0)
        config.rotate = MOLOCH_ROTATE_WEEKLY;
    else if (strcmp(rotateIndex, "monthly") == 0)
        config.rotate = MOLOCH_ROTATE_MONTHLY;
    else {
        printf("Unknown rotateIndex '%s'\n", rotateIndex);

    config.nodeClass        = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "nodeClass", NULL);
    gchar **tags            = moloch_config_str_list(keyfile, "dontSaveTags", NULL);
    if (tags) {
        for (i = 0; tags[i]; i++) {
            if (!(*tags[i]))
            int num = 1;
            char *colon = strchr(tags[i], ':');
            if (colon) {
                *colon = 0;
                num = atoi(colon+1);
                if (num < 1)
                    num = 1;
                if (num > 0xffff)
                    num = 0xffff;
            moloch_string_add((MolochStringHash_t *)(char*)&config.dontSaveTags, tags[i], (gpointer)(long)num, TRUE);

    config.dontSaveBPFs     = moloch_config_str_list(keyfile, "dontSaveBPFs", NULL);
    if (config.dontSaveBPFs) {
        for (i = 0; config.dontSaveBPFs[i]; i++);
        config.dontSaveBPFsNum = i;
        config.dontSaveBPFsStop = malloc(config.dontSaveBPFsNum*sizeof(int));

        GRegex     *regex = g_regex_new(":\\s*(\\d+)\\s*$", 0, 0, 0);
        GMatchInfo *match_info;
        for (i = 0; config.dontSaveBPFs[i]; i++) {
            g_regex_match(regex, config.dontSaveBPFs[i], 0, &match_info);
            if (g_match_info_matches(match_info)) {
                config.dontSaveBPFsStop[i] = atoi(g_match_info_fetch(match_info, 1));
                gint pos;
                g_match_info_fetch_pos(match_info, 0, &pos, NULL);
                config.dontSaveBPFs[i][pos] = 0;
            } else {
                config.dontSaveBPFsStop[i] = 1;

    config.plugins          = moloch_config_str_list(keyfile, "plugins", NULL);
    config.smtpIpHeaders    = moloch_config_str_list(keyfile, "smtpIpHeaders", NULL);

    if (config.smtpIpHeaders) {
        for (i = 0; config.smtpIpHeaders[i]; i++) {
            int len = strlen(config.smtpIpHeaders[i]);
            char *lower = g_ascii_strdown(config.smtpIpHeaders[i], len);
            config.smtpIpHeaders[i] = lower;
            if (lower[len-1] == ':')
                lower[len-1] = 0;

    config.prefix           = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "prefix", "");
    int len = strlen(config.prefix);
    if (len > 0 && config.prefix[len - 1] != '_') {
        char *tmp  = malloc(len + 2);
        memcpy(tmp, config.prefix, len);
        tmp[len] = '_';
        tmp[len+1] = 0;
        config.prefix = tmp;

    config.elasticsearch    = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "elasticsearch", "localhost:9200");
    config.interface        = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "interface", NULL);
    config.pcapDir          = moloch_config_str_list(keyfile, "pcapDir", NULL);
    config.bpf              = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "bpf", NULL);
    config.yara             = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "yara", NULL);
    config.emailYara        = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "emailYara", NULL);
    config.geoipFile        = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "geoipFile", NULL);
    config.rirFile          = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "rirFile", NULL);
    config.geoipASNFile     = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "geoipASNFile", NULL);
    config.dropUser         = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "dropUser", NULL);
    config.dropGroup        = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "dropGroup", NULL);
    config.pluginsDir       = moloch_config_str_list(keyfile, "pluginsDir", NULL);
    config.parsersDir       = moloch_config_str_list(keyfile, "parsersDir", " /data/moloch/parsers ; ./parsers ");
    char *offlineRegex      = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "offlineFilenameRegex", "(?i)\\.(pcap|cap)$");

    config.offlineRegex     = g_regex_new(offlineRegex, 0, 0, &error);
    if (!config.offlineRegex || error) {
        printf("Couldn't parse offlineRegex (%s) %s\n", offlineRegex, (error?error->message:""));

    config.maxFileSizeG          = moloch_config_double(keyfile, "maxFileSizeG", 4, 0.01, 1024);
    config.maxFileSizeB          = config.maxFileSizeG*1024LL*1024LL*1024LL;
    config.maxFileTimeM          = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "maxFileTimeM", 0, 0, 0xffff);
    config.icmpTimeout           = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "icmpTimeout", 10, 1, 0xffff);
    config.udpTimeout            = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "udpTimeout", 60, 1, 0xffff);
    config.tcpTimeout            = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "tcpTimeout", 60*8, 10, 0xffff);
    config.tcpSaveTimeout        = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "tcpSaveTimeout", 60*8, 10, 60*120);
    config.maxStreams            = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "maxStreams", 1500000, 1, 16777215);
    config.maxPackets            = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "maxPackets", 10000, 1, 1000000);
    config.minFreeSpaceG         = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "freeSpaceG", 100, 1, 100000);
    config.dbBulkSize            = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "dbBulkSize", 200000, MOLOCH_HTTP_BUFFER_SIZE*2, 1000000);
    config.dbFlushTimeout        = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "dbFlushTimeout", 5, 1, 60*30);
    config.maxESConns            = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "maxESConns", 20, 5, 1000);
    config.maxESRequests         = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "maxESRequests", 500, 10, 5000);
    config.logEveryXPackets      = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "logEveryXPackets", 50000, 1000, 1000000);
    config.packetsPerPoll        = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "packetsPerPoll", 50000, 1000, 1000000);
    config.pcapBufferSize        = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "pcapBufferSize", 300000000, 100000, 0xffffffff);
    config.pcapWriteSize         = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "pcapWriteSize", 0x40000, 0x40000, 0x800000);
    config.maxFreeOutputBuffers  = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "maxFreeOutputBuffers", 50, 0, 0xffff);

    config.logUnknownProtocols   = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "logUnknownProtocols", config.debug);
    config.logESRequests         = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "logESRequests", config.debug);
    config.logFileCreation       = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "logFileCreation", config.debug);
    config.parseSMTP             = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "parseSMTP", TRUE);
    config.parseSMB              = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "parseSMB", TRUE);
    config.parseQSValue          = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "parseQSValue", FALSE);
    config.parseCookieValue      = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "parseCookieValue", FALSE);
    config.compressES            = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "compressES", FALSE);
    config.antiSynDrop           = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "antiSynDrop", TRUE);

예제 #3
LOCAL void reader_libpcapfile_start() {

    // Compile all the filename ops.  The formation is fieldexpr=value%value
    // value is expanded using the g_regex_replace rules (\1 being the first capture group)
    // https://developer.gnome.org/glib/stable/glib-Perl-compatible-regular-expressions.html#g-regex-replace
    char **filenameOpsStr;
    filenameOpsStr = moloch_config_str_list(NULL, "filenameOps", "");

    int i;
    for (i = 0; filenameOpsStr && filenameOpsStr[i] && i < 100; i++) {
        if (!filenameOpsStr[i][0])

        char *equal = strchr(filenameOpsStr[i], '=');
        if (!equal) {
            LOGEXIT("Must be FieldExpr=regex%%value, missing equal '%s'", filenameOpsStr[i]);

        char *percent = strchr(equal+1, '%');
        if (!percent) {
            LOGEXIT("Must be FieldExpr=regex%%value, missing percent '%s'", filenameOpsStr[i]);

        *equal = 0;
        *percent = 0;

        int elen = strlen(equal+1);
        if (!elen) {
            LOGEXIT("Must be FieldExpr=regex%%value, empty regex for '%s'", filenameOpsStr[i]);

        int vlen = strlen(percent+1);
        if (!vlen) {
            LOGEXIT("Must be FieldExpr=regex%%value, empty value for '%s'", filenameOpsStr[i]);

        int fieldPos = moloch_field_by_exp(filenameOpsStr[i]);
        if (fieldPos == -1) {
            LOGEXIT("Must be FieldExpr=regex?value, Unknown field expression '%s'", filenameOpsStr[i]);

        filenameOps[filenameOpsNum].regex = g_regex_new(equal+1, 0, 0, 0);
        filenameOps[filenameOpsNum].expand = g_strdup(percent+1);
        if (!filenameOps[filenameOpsNum].regex)
            LOGEXIT("Couldn't compile regex '%s'", equal+1);
        filenameOps[filenameOpsNum].field = fieldPos;

    // Now actually start
    if (!pcap) {
        if (config.pcapMonitor) {
            g_timeout_add(100, reader_libpcapfile_monitor_gfunc, 0);
        } else {
예제 #4
파일: config.c 프로젝트: abpin/moloch
void moloch_config_load() 

    gboolean  status;
    GError   *error = 0;
    GKeyFile *keyfile;
    int       i;

    keyfile = molochKeyFile = g_key_file_new();

    status = g_key_file_load_from_file(keyfile, config.configFile, G_KEY_FILE_NONE, &error);
    if (!status || error) {
        printf("Couldn't load config file (%s) %s\n", config.configFile, (error?error->message:""));

    char *rotateIndex       = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "rotateIndex", "daily");

    if (strcmp(rotateIndex, "hourly") == 0)
        config.rotate = MOLOCH_ROTATE_HOURLY;
    else if (strcmp(rotateIndex, "daily") == 0)
        config.rotate = MOLOCH_ROTATE_DAILY;
    else if (strcmp(rotateIndex, "weekly") == 0)
        config.rotate = MOLOCH_ROTATE_WEEKLY;
    else if (strcmp(rotateIndex, "monthly") == 0)
        config.rotate = MOLOCH_ROTATE_MONTHLY;
    else {
        printf("Unknown rotateIndex '%s'\n", rotateIndex);

    config.nodeClass        = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "nodeClass", NULL);
    gchar **tags            = moloch_config_str_list(keyfile, "dontSaveTags", NULL);
    if (tags) {
        for (i = 0; tags[i]; i++) {
            if (!(*tags[i]))
            moloch_string_add((MolochStringHash_t *)(char*)&config.dontSaveTags, tags[i], TRUE);

    config.plugins          = moloch_config_str_list(keyfile, "plugins", NULL);
    config.smtpIpHeaders    = moloch_config_str_list(keyfile, "smtpIpHeaders", NULL);

    if (config.smtpIpHeaders) {
        for (i = 0; config.smtpIpHeaders[i]; i++) {
            int len = strlen(config.smtpIpHeaders[i]);
            char *lower = g_ascii_strdown(config.smtpIpHeaders[i], len);
            config.smtpIpHeaders[i] = lower;
            if (lower[len-1] == ':')
                lower[len-1] = 0;

    config.elasticsearch    = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "elasticsearch", "localhost:9200");
    config.interface        = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "interface", NULL);
    config.pcapDir          = moloch_config_str_list(keyfile, "pcapDir", NULL);
    config.bpf              = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "bpf", NULL);
    config.yara             = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "yara", NULL);
    config.emailYara        = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "emailYara", NULL);
    config.geoipFile        = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "geoipFile", NULL);
    config.rirFile          = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "rirFile", NULL);
    config.geoipASNFile     = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "geoipASNFile", NULL);
    config.dropUser         = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "dropUser", NULL);
    config.dropGroup        = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "dropGroup", NULL);
    config.pluginsDir       = moloch_config_str_list(keyfile, "pluginsDir", NULL);
    config.parsersDir       = moloch_config_str_list(keyfile, "parsersDir", " /data/moloch/parsers ; ./parsers ");

    config.maxFileSizeG     = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "maxFileSizeG", 4, 1, 1024);
    config.maxFileSizeB     = config.maxFileSizeG*1024LL*1024LL*1024LL;
    config.maxFileTimeM     = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "maxFileTimeM", 0, 0, 0xffff);
    config.icmpTimeout      = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "icmpTimeout", 10, 1, 0xffff);
    config.udpTimeout       = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "udpTimeout", 60, 1, 0xffff);
    config.tcpTimeout       = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "tcpTimeout", 60*8, 10, 0xffff);
    config.tcpSaveTimeout   = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "tcpSaveTimeout", 60*8, 10, 60*120);
    config.maxStreams       = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "maxStreams", 1500000, 1, 16777215);
    config.maxPackets       = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "maxPackets", 10000, 1, 1000000);
    config.minFreeSpaceG    = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "freeSpaceG", 100, 1, 100000);
    config.dbBulkSize       = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "dbBulkSize", 200000, MOLOCH_HTTP_BUFFER_SIZE*2, 1000000);
    config.dbFlushTimeout   = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "dbFlushTimeout", 1, 60*30, 5);
    config.maxESConns       = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "maxESConns", 100, 10, 1000);
    config.maxESRequests    = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "maxESRequests", 500, 10, 5000);
    config.logEveryXPackets = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "logEveryXPackets", 50000, 1000, 1000000);
    config.packetsPerPoll   = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "packetsPerPoll", 50000, 1000, 1000000);
    config.pcapBufferSize   = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "pcapBufferSize", 300000000, 100000, 0xffffffff);
    config.pcapWriteSize    = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "pcapWriteSize", 0x40000, 0x40000, 0x400000);

    config.logUnknownProtocols   = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "logUnknownProtocols", config.debug);
    config.logESRequests         = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "logESRequests", config.debug);
    config.logFileCreation       = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "logFileCreation", config.debug);
    config.parseSMTP             = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "parseSMTP", TRUE);
    config.parseSMB              = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "parseSMB", TRUE);
    config.parseQSValue          = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "parseQSValue", FALSE);
    config.compressES            = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "compressES", FALSE);
    config.antiSynDrop           = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "antiSynDrop", TRUE);

예제 #5
파일: config.c 프로젝트: jpvlsmv/moloch
void moloch_config_load()

    gboolean  status;
    GError   *error = 0;
    GKeyFile *keyfile;
    int       i;

    keyfile = molochKeyFile = g_key_file_new();

    status = g_key_file_load_from_file(keyfile, config.configFile, G_KEY_FILE_NONE, &error);
    if (!status || error) {
        printf("Couldn't load config file (%s) %s\n", config.configFile, (error?error->message:""));

    char **includes = moloch_config_str_list(keyfile, "includes", NULL);
    if (includes) {
        //LOG("KEYFILE:\n%s", g_key_file_to_data(molochKeyFile, NULL, NULL));

    char *rotateIndex       = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "rotateIndex", "daily");

    if (strcmp(rotateIndex, "hourly") == 0)
        config.rotate = MOLOCH_ROTATE_HOURLY;
    else if (strcmp(rotateIndex, "hourly6") == 0)
        config.rotate = MOLOCH_ROTATE_HOURLY6;
    else if (strcmp(rotateIndex, "daily") == 0)
        config.rotate = MOLOCH_ROTATE_DAILY;
    else if (strcmp(rotateIndex, "weekly") == 0)
        config.rotate = MOLOCH_ROTATE_WEEKLY;
    else if (strcmp(rotateIndex, "monthly") == 0)
        config.rotate = MOLOCH_ROTATE_MONTHLY;
    else {
        printf("Unknown rotateIndex '%s'\n", rotateIndex);

    config.nodeClass        = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "nodeClass", NULL);
    gchar **tags            = moloch_config_str_list(keyfile, "dontSaveTags", NULL);
    if (tags) {
        for (i = 0; tags[i]; i++) {
            if (!(*tags[i]))
            int num = 1;
            char *colon = strchr(tags[i], ':');
            if (colon) {
                *colon = 0;
                num = atoi(colon+1);
                if (num < 1)
                    num = 1;
                if (num > 0xffff)
                    num = 0xffff;
            moloch_string_add((MolochStringHash_t *)(char*)&config.dontSaveTags, tags[i], (gpointer)(long)num, TRUE);

    config.plugins          = moloch_config_str_list(keyfile, "plugins", NULL);
    config.rootPlugins      = moloch_config_str_list(keyfile, "rootPlugins", NULL);
    config.smtpIpHeaders    = moloch_config_str_list(keyfile, "smtpIpHeaders", NULL);

    if (config.smtpIpHeaders) {
        for (i = 0; config.smtpIpHeaders[i]; i++) {
            int len = strlen(config.smtpIpHeaders[i]);
            char *lower = g_ascii_strdown(config.smtpIpHeaders[i], len);
            config.smtpIpHeaders[i] = lower;
            if (lower[len-1] == ':')
                lower[len-1] = 0;

    config.prefix           = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "prefix", "");
    int len = strlen(config.prefix);
    if (len > 0 && config.prefix[len - 1] != '_') {
        char *tmp  = malloc(len + 2);
        memcpy(tmp, config.prefix, len);
        tmp[len] = '_';
        tmp[len+1] = 0;
        config.prefix = tmp;

    config.elasticsearch    = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "elasticsearch", "localhost:9200");
    config.interface        = moloch_config_str_list(keyfile, "interface", NULL);
    config.pcapDir          = moloch_config_str_list(keyfile, "pcapDir", NULL);
    config.bpf              = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "bpf", NULL);
    config.yara             = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "yara", NULL);
    config.emailYara        = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "emailYara", NULL);
    config.rirFile          = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "rirFile", NULL);
    config.ouiFile          = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "ouiFile", NULL);
    config.geoLite2ASN      = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "geoLite2ASN", "/data/moloch/etc/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb");
    config.geoLite2Country  = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "geoLite2Country", "/data/moloch/etc/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb");
    config.dropUser         = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "dropUser", NULL);
    config.dropGroup        = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "dropGroup", NULL);
    config.pluginsDir       = moloch_config_str_list(keyfile, "pluginsDir", NULL);
    config.parsersDir       = moloch_config_str_list(keyfile, "parsersDir", " /data/moloch/parsers ; ./parsers ");
    char *offlineRegex      = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "offlineFilenameRegex", "(?i)\\.(pcap|cap)$");

    config.offlineRegex     = g_regex_new(offlineRegex, 0, 0, &error);
    if (!config.offlineRegex || error) {
        printf("Couldn't parse offlineRegex (%s) %s\n", offlineRegex, (error?error->message:""));

    config.pcapDirTemplate  = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "pcapDirTemplate", NULL);
    if (config.pcapDirTemplate && config.pcapDirTemplate[0] != '/') {
        printf("pcapDirTemplate MUST start with a / '%s'\n", config.pcapDirTemplate);

    config.pcapDirAlgorithm = moloch_config_str(keyfile, "pcapDirAlgorithm", "round-robin");
    if (strcmp(config.pcapDirAlgorithm, "round-robin") != 0
            && strcmp(config.pcapDirAlgorithm, "max-free-percent") != 0
            && strcmp(config.pcapDirAlgorithm, "max-free-bytes") != 0) {
        printf("'%s' is not a valid value for pcapDirAlgorithm.  Supported algorithms are round-robin, max-free-percent, and max-free-bytes.\n", config.pcapDirAlgorithm);

    config.maxFileSizeG          = moloch_config_double(keyfile, "maxFileSizeG", 4, 0.01, 1024);
    config.maxFileSizeB          = config.maxFileSizeG*1024LL*1024LL*1024LL;
    config.maxFileTimeM          = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "maxFileTimeM", 0, 0, 0xffff);
    config.timeouts[SESSION_ICMP]= moloch_config_int(keyfile, "icmpTimeout", 10, 1, 0xffff);
    config.timeouts[SESSION_UDP] = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "udpTimeout", 60, 1, 0xffff);
    config.timeouts[SESSION_TCP] = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "tcpTimeout", 60*8, 10, 0xffff);
    config.timeouts[SESSION_SCTP]= moloch_config_int(keyfile, "sctpTimeout", 60, 10, 0xffff);
    config.timeouts[SESSION_ESP] = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "espTimeout", 60*10, 10, 0xffff);
    config.tcpSaveTimeout        = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "tcpSaveTimeout", 60*8, 10, 60*120);
    int maxStreams               = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "maxStreams", 1500000, 1, 16777215);
    config.maxPackets            = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "maxPackets", 10000, 1, 0xffff);
    config.maxPacketsInQueue     = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "maxPacketsInQueue", 200000, 10000, 5000000);
    config.dbBulkSize            = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "dbBulkSize", 200000, MOLOCH_HTTP_BUFFER_SIZE*2, 1000000);
    config.dbFlushTimeout        = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "dbFlushTimeout", 5, 1, 60*30);
    config.maxESConns            = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "maxESConns", 20, 5, 1000);
    config.maxESRequests         = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "maxESRequests", 500, 10, 5000);
    config.logEveryXPackets      = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "logEveryXPackets", 50000, 1000, 0xffffffff);
    config.pcapBufferSize        = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "pcapBufferSize", 300000000, 100000, 0xffffffff);
    config.pcapWriteSize         = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "pcapWriteSize", 0x40000, 0x10000, 0x800000);
    config.maxFreeOutputBuffers  = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "maxFreeOutputBuffers", 50, 0, 0xffff);
    config.fragsTimeout          = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "fragsTimeout", 60*8, 60, 0xffff);
    config.maxFrags              = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "maxFrags", 10000, 100, 0xffffff);
    config.snapLen               = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "snapLen", 16384, 1, MOLOCH_PACKET_MAX_LEN);
    config.maxMemPercentage      = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "maxMemPercentage", 100, 5, 100);
    config.maxReqBody            = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "maxReqBody", 256, 0, 0x7fff);

    config.packetThreads         = moloch_config_int(keyfile, "packetThreads", 1, 1, MOLOCH_MAX_PACKET_THREADS);

    config.logUnknownProtocols   = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "logUnknownProtocols", config.debug);
    config.logESRequests         = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "logESRequests", config.debug);
    config.logFileCreation       = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "logFileCreation", config.debug);
    config.logHTTPConnections    = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "logHTTPConnections", TRUE);
    config.parseSMTP             = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "parseSMTP", TRUE);
    config.parseSMB              = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "parseSMB", TRUE);
    config.parseQSValue          = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "parseQSValue", FALSE);
    config.parseCookieValue      = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "parseCookieValue", FALSE);
    config.supportSha256         = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "supportSha256", FALSE);
    config.reqBodyOnlyUtf8       = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "reqBodyOnlyUtf8", TRUE);
    config.compressES            = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "compressES", FALSE);
    config.antiSynDrop           = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "antiSynDrop", TRUE);
    config.readTruncatedPackets  = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "readTruncatedPackets", FALSE);
    config.trackESP              = moloch_config_boolean(keyfile, "trackESP", FALSE);

    config.maxStreams[SESSION_TCP] = maxStreams/config.packetThreads*1.25;
    config.maxStreams[SESSION_UDP] = maxStreams/config.packetThreads/20;
    config.maxStreams[SESSION_SCTP] = maxStreams/config.packetThreads/20;
    config.maxStreams[SESSION_ICMP] = maxStreams/config.packetThreads/200;
    config.maxStreams[SESSION_ESP] = maxStreams/config.packetThreads/200;

    gchar **saveUnknownPackets     = moloch_config_str_list(keyfile, "saveUnknownPackets", NULL);
    if (saveUnknownPackets) {
        for (i = 0; saveUnknownPackets[i]; i++) {
            char *s = saveUnknownPackets[i];

            if (strcmp(s, "all") == 0) {
                memset(&config.etherSavePcap, 0xff, 1024);
                memset(&config.ipSavePcap, 0xff, 4);
            } else if (strcmp(s, "ip:all") == 0) {
                memset(&config.ipSavePcap, 0xff, 4);
            } else if (strcmp(s, "ether:all") == 0) {
                memset(&config.etherSavePcap, 0xff, 1024);
            } else if (strncmp(s, "ip:", 3) == 0) {
                int n = atoi(s+3);
                if (n < 0 || n > 0xff)
                    LOGEXIT("Bad value: %s", s);
                BIT_SET(n, config.ipSavePcap);
            } else if (strncmp(s, "-ip:", 4) == 0) {
                int n = atoi(s+4);
                if (n < 0 || n > 0xff)
                    LOGEXIT("Bad value: %s", s);
                BIT_CLR(n, config.ipSavePcap);
            } else if (strncmp(s, "ether:", 6) == 0) {
                int n = atoi(s+6);
                if (n < 0 || n > 0xffff)
                    LOGEXIT("Bad value: %s", s);
                BIT_SET(n, config.etherSavePcap);
            } else if (strncmp(s, "-ether:", 7) == 0) {
                int n = atoi(s+7);
                if (n < 0 || n > 0xffff)
                    LOGEXIT("Bad value: %s", s);
                BIT_CLR(n, config.etherSavePcap);
            } else {
                LOGEXIT("Not sure what %s is", s);
