static void find_range( const char *ns ) { int i; bson bb; mongo_cursor *cursor; for ( i=0; i < PER_TRIAL; i++ ) { int j=0; bson_init( &bb ); bson_append_start_object( &bb, "x" ); bson_append_int( &bb, "$gt", PER_TRIAL/2 ); bson_append_int( &bb, "$lt", PER_TRIAL/2 + BATCH_SIZE ); bson_append_finish_object( &bb ); bson_finish( &bb ); cursor = mongo_find( conn, ns, &bb, NULL, 0,0,0 ); ASSERT( cursor ); while( mongo_cursor_next( cursor ) == MONGO_OK ) { j++; } ASSERT( j == BATCH_SIZE-1 ); mongo_cursor_destroy( cursor ); bson_destroy( &bb ); } }
SEXP rmongo_find(SEXP mongo_conn, SEXP ns, SEXP query, SEXP sort, SEXP fields, SEXP limit, SEXP skip, SEXP options) { mongo* conn = _checkMongo(mongo_conn); const char* _ns = CHAR(STRING_ELT(ns, 0)); bson* _query = _checkBSON(query); bson* _sort = _checkBSON(sort); bson* q = _query; bson sorted_query; if (_sort != NULL && bson_size(_sort) > 5) { q = &sorted_query; bson_init(q); bson_append_bson(q, "$query", _query); bson_append_bson(q, "$orderby", _sort); bson_finish(q); } bson* _fields = _checkBSON(fields); int _limit = asInteger(limit); int _skip = asInteger(skip); int _options = 0; int i; int len = LENGTH(options); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) _options |= INTEGER(options)[i]; mongo_cursor* cursor = mongo_find(conn, _ns, q, _fields, _limit, _skip, _options); if (q == &sorted_query) bson_destroy(&sorted_query); return _mongo_cursor_create(cursor); }
mongo_cursor* gridfile_get_chunks(gridfile* gfile, int start, int size) { bson_iterator it; bson_oid_t id; bson_buffer gte_buf; bson gte_bson; bson_buffer query_buf; bson query_bson; bson_buffer orderby_buf; bson orderby_bson; bson_buffer command_buf; bson command_bson; bson_type type; char *id_str; int id_int; type = bson_find(&it, gfile->meta, "_id"); if( type == bson_oid ) { id = *bson_iterator_oid(&it); bson_buffer_init(&query_buf); bson_append_oid(&query_buf, "files_id", &id); } else if (type == bson_string) { id_str = bson_iterator_string(&it); bson_buffer_init(&query_buf); bson_append_string(&query_buf, "files_id", id_str); } else if (type == bson_string) { id_int = bson_iterator_int(&it); bson_buffer_init(&query_buf); bson_append_int(&query_buf, "files_id", id_int); } else return NULL; if (size == 1) { bson_append_int(&query_buf, "n", start); } else { bson_buffer_init(>e_buf); bson_append_int(>e_buf, "$gte", start); bson_from_buffer(>e_bson, >e_buf); bson_append_bson(&query_buf, "n", >e_bson); } bson_from_buffer(&query_bson, &query_buf); bson_buffer_init(&orderby_buf); bson_append_int(&orderby_buf, "n", 1); bson_from_buffer(&orderby_bson, &orderby_buf); bson_buffer_init(&command_buf); bson_append_bson(&command_buf, "query", &query_bson); bson_append_bson(&command_buf, "orderby", &orderby_bson); bson_from_buffer(&command_bson, &command_buf); return mongo_find(gfile->gfs->client, gfile->gfs->chunks_ns, &command_bson, NULL, size, 0, 0); }
bson_bool_t mongo_find_one(mongo_connection* conn, const char* ns, bson* query, bson* fields, bson* out){ mongo_cursor* cursor = mongo_find(conn, ns, query, fields, 1, 0, 0); if (cursor && mongo_cursor_next(cursor)){ bson_copy(out, &cursor->current); mongo_cursor_destroy(cursor); return 1; }else{ mongo_cursor_destroy(cursor); return 0; } }
SEXP mongo_get_database_collections(SEXP mongo_conn, SEXP db) { mongo* conn = _checkMongo(mongo_conn); const char* _db = CHAR(STRING_ELT(db, 0)); int len = strlen(_db); char ns[512]; strcpy(ns, _db); strcpy(ns+len, ".system.namespaces"); bson empty; bson_empty(&empty); mongo_cursor* cursor = mongo_find(conn, ns, NULL, &empty, 0, 0, 0); int count = 0; while (cursor && mongo_cursor_next(cursor) == MONGO_OK) { bson_iterator iter; if (bson_find(&iter, &cursor->current, "name")) { const char* name = bson_iterator_string(&iter); if (strstr(name, ".system.") || strchr(name, '$')) continue; ++count; } } mongo_cursor_destroy(cursor); cursor = mongo_find(conn, ns, &empty, &empty, 0, 0, 0); SEXP ret; PROTECT(ret = allocVector(STRSXP, count)); int i = 0; while (cursor && mongo_cursor_next(cursor) == MONGO_OK) { bson_iterator iter; if (bson_find(&iter, &cursor->current, "name")) { const char* name = bson_iterator_string(&iter); if (strstr(name, ".system.") || strchr(name, '$')) continue; SET_STRING_ELT(ret, i++, mkChar(name)); } } mongo_cursor_destroy(cursor); UNPROTECT(1); return ret; }
int mongo_find_one( mongo *conn, const char *ns, bson *query, bson *fields, bson *out ) { mongo_cursor *cursor = mongo_find( conn, ns, query, fields, 1, 0, 0 ); if ( cursor && mongo_cursor_next( cursor ) == MONGO_OK ) { bson_copy_basic( out, &cursor->current ); mongo_cursor_destroy( cursor ); return MONGO_OK; } else { mongo_cursor_destroy( cursor ); return MONGO_ERROR; } }
static ngx_int_t ngx_http_mongo_authenticate(ngx_log_t *log, ngx_http_gridfs_loc_conf_t *gridfs_loc_conf) { ngx_http_mongo_connection_t* mongo_conn; ngx_http_mongo_auth_t *mongo_auth; mongo_cursor *cursor = NULL; bson empty; char *test; int error; mongo_conn = ngx_http_get_mongo_connection( gridfs_loc_conf->mongo ); if (mongo_conn == NULL) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, log, 0, "Mongo Connection not found: \"%V\"", &gridfs_loc_conf->mongo); } // Authenticate if (gridfs_loc_conf-> != NULL && gridfs_loc_conf-> != NULL) { if (mongo_cmd_authenticate( &mongo_conn->conn, (const char*)gridfs_loc_conf->, (const char*)gridfs_loc_conf->, (const char*)gridfs_loc_conf-> ) != MONGO_OK) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, log, 0, "Invalid mongo user/pass: %s/%s", gridfs_loc_conf->, gridfs_loc_conf->; return NGX_ERROR; } mongo_auth = ngx_array_push(mongo_conn->auths); mongo_auth->db = gridfs_loc_conf->db; mongo_auth->user = gridfs_loc_conf->user; mongo_auth->pass = gridfs_loc_conf->pass; } // Run a test command to test authentication. test = (char*)malloc( gridfs_loc_conf->db.len + sizeof(".test")); ngx_cpystrn((u_char*)test, (u_char*)gridfs_loc_conf->, gridfs_loc_conf->db.len+1); ngx_cpystrn((u_char*)(test+gridfs_loc_conf->db.len),(u_char*)".test", sizeof(".test")); bson_empty(&empty); cursor = mongo_find(&mongo_conn->conn, test, &empty, NULL, 0, 0, 0); error = mongo_cmd_get_last_error(&mongo_conn->conn, (char*)gridfs_loc_conf->, NULL); free(test); mongo_cursor_destroy(cursor); if (error) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, log, 0, "Authentication Required"); return NGX_ERROR; } return NGX_OK; }
dlist_t *mongodb_dump_keyvalue(bot_t * bot, char *db) { dlist_t *dl, *dptr; keyvalue_t *keyvalue_ptr; mongo_cursor *cursor; bson b; bson_iterator bi; char *key; char *value; dl = dptr = NULL; cursor = NULL; if (!db) return NULL; debug(bot, "mongodb_dump_keyvalue: Entered\n"); cursor = mongo_find(&gi->mongo_conn, db, bson_empty(&b), bson_empty(&b), 0, 0, 0); while (mongo_cursor_next(cursor) == MONGO_OK) { key = value = NULL; if (bson_find(&bi, mongo_cursor_bson(cursor), "key")) { key = (char *)bson_iterator_string(&bi); } if (bson_find(&bi, mongo_cursor_bson(cursor), "value")) { value = (char *)bson_iterator_string(&bi); } if (!key && !value) continue; keyvalue_ptr = (keyvalue_t *) calloc(1, sizeof(keyvalue_t)); if (key) keyvalue_ptr->key = strdup(key); if (value) keyvalue_ptr->value = strdup(value); dlist_Dinsert_after(&dl, keyvalue_ptr); } mongo_cursor_destroy(cursor); return dl; }
static void find( const char *ns ) { bson b; int i; for ( i=0; i < PER_TRIAL; i++ ) { mongo_cursor *cursor; make_query( &b ); cursor = mongo_find( conn, ns, &b, NULL, 0,0,0 ); ASSERT( cursor ); while( mongo_cursor_next( cursor ) == MONGO_OK ) {} mongo_cursor_destroy( cursor ); bson_destroy( &b ); } }
int test_tailable( mongo *conn ) { mongo_cursor *cursor; bson b; int count; remove_sample_data( conn ); create_capped_collection( conn ); insert_sample_data( conn, 10000 ); bson_init( &b ); bson_append_start_object( &b, "$query" ); bson_append_finish_object( &b ); bson_append_start_object( &b, "$sort" ); bson_append_int( &b, "$natural", -1 ); bson_append_finish_object( &b ); bson_finish( &b ); cursor = mongo_find( conn, "test.cursors", &b, bson_shared_empty( ), 0, 0, MONGO_TAILABLE ); bson_destroy( &b ); count = 0; while( mongo_cursor_next( cursor ) == MONGO_OK ) count++; ASSERT( count == 10000 ); ASSERT( mongo_cursor_next( cursor ) == MONGO_ERROR ); ASSERT( cursor->err == MONGO_CURSOR_PENDING ); insert_sample_data( conn, 10 ); count = 0; while( mongo_cursor_next( cursor ) == MONGO_OK ) { count++; } ASSERT( count == 10 ); ASSERT( mongo_cursor_next( cursor ) == MONGO_ERROR ); ASSERT( cursor->err == MONGO_CURSOR_PENDING ); mongo_cursor_destroy( cursor ); remove_sample_data( conn ); return 0; }
int TMongoDriver::find(const QString &ns, const QVariantMap &criteria, const QVariantMap &orderBy, const QStringList &fields, int limit, int skip, int options) { int num = -1; mongo_clear_errors(mongoConnection); mongo_cursor *cursor = mongo_find(mongoConnection, qPrintable(ns), (bson *)TBson::toBson(criteria, orderBy).data(), (bson *)TBson::toBson(fields).data(), limit, skip, options); mongoCursor->setCursor(cursor); if (!cursor) { tSystemError("MongoDB Error: %s", mongoConnection->lasterrstr); } else { if (cursor->reply) { num = cursor->reply->fields.num; } } return num; }
MONGO_EXPORT mongo_cursor *gridfile_get_chunks( gridfile *gfile, int start, int size ) { bson_iterator it; bson_oid_t id; bson gte; bson query; bson orderby; bson command; mongo_cursor *cursor; bson_find( &it, gfile->meta, "_id" ); id = *bson_iterator_oid( &it ); bson_init( &query ); bson_append_oid( &query, "files_id", &id ); if ( size == 1 ) { bson_append_int( &query, "n", start ); } else { bson_init( >e ); bson_append_int( >e, "$gte", start ); bson_finish( >e ); bson_append_bson( &query, "n", >e ); bson_destroy( >e ); } bson_finish( &query ); bson_init( &orderby ); bson_append_int( &orderby, "n", 1 ); bson_finish( &orderby ); bson_init( &command ); bson_append_bson( &command, "query", &query ); bson_append_bson( &command, "orderby", &orderby ); bson_finish( &command ); cursor = mongo_find( gfile->gfs->client, gfile->gfs->chunks_ns, &command, NULL, size, 0, 0 ); bson_destroy( &command ); bson_destroy( &query ); bson_destroy( &orderby ); return cursor; }
void gridfs_remove_filename(gridfs* gfs, const char* filename ) { bson query; bson_buffer buf; mongo_cursor* files; bson file; bson_iterator it; bson_oid_t id; bson b; bson_buffer_init(&buf); bson_append_string(&buf, "filename", filename); bson_from_buffer(&query, &buf); files = mongo_find(gfs->client, gfs->files_ns, &query, NULL, 0, 0, 0); bson_destroy(&query); /* Remove each file and it's chunks from files named filename */ while (mongo_cursor_next(files)) { file = files->current; bson_find(&it, &file, "_id"); id = *bson_iterator_oid(&it); /* Remove the file with the specified id */ bson_buffer_init(&buf); bson_append_oid(&buf, "_id", &id); bson_from_buffer(&b, &buf); mongo_remove( gfs->client, gfs->files_ns, &b); bson_destroy(&b); /* Remove all chunks from the file with the specified id */ bson_buffer_init(&buf); bson_append_oid(&buf, "files_id", &id); bson_from_buffer(&b, &buf); mongo_remove( gfs->client, gfs->chunks_ns, &b); bson_destroy(&b); } }
int test_multiple_getmore( mongo *conn ) { mongo_cursor *cursor; int count; remove_sample_data( conn ); create_capped_collection( conn ); insert_sample_data( conn, 10000 ); cursor = mongo_find( conn, "test.cursors", bson_shared_empty( ), bson_shared_empty( ), 0, 0, 0 ); count = 0; while( mongo_cursor_next( cursor ) == MONGO_OK ) count++; ASSERT( count == 10000 ); ASSERT( mongo_cursor_next( cursor ) == MONGO_ERROR ); ASSERT( cursor->err == MONGO_CURSOR_EXHAUSTED ); mongo_cursor_destroy( cursor ); remove_sample_data( conn ); return 0; }
void MongodbClient::DumpDB() { Logger::Debug("***** MONGO DUMP *******"); bson query; bson_empty(&query); mongo_cursor *cursor = mongo_find(clientData->connection, namespaceName.c_str(), &query, NULL, 0, 0, 0); int32 count = 0; while( mongo_cursor_next( cursor ) == MONGO_OK ) { const bson *currentObject = mongo_cursor_bson(cursor); Logger::Debug(Format("BSON[%d]:", count)); bson_print(currentObject); ++count; } mongo_cursor_destroy(cursor); Logger::Debug("Count: %d", count); Logger::Debug("************************"); }
int main(){ mongo_connection conn[1]; mongo_connection_options opts; bson_buffer bb; bson b; mongo_cursor * cursor; int i; char hex_oid[25]; const char * col = "c.simple"; const char * ns = "test.c.simple"; INIT_SOCKETS_FOR_WINDOWS; strncpy(, TEST_SERVER, 255);[254] = '\0'; opts.port = 27017; if (mongo_connect( conn , &opts )){ printf("failed to connect\n"); exit(1); } /* if the collection doesn't exist dropping it will fail */ if (!mongo_cmd_drop_collection(conn, "test", col, NULL) && mongo_find_one(conn, ns, bson_empty(&b), bson_empty(&b), NULL)){ printf("failed to drop collection\n"); exit(1); } for(i=0; i< 5; i++){ bson_buffer_init( & bb ); bson_append_new_oid( &bb, "_id" ); bson_append_double( &bb , "a" , 17 ); bson_append_int( &bb , "b" , 17 ); bson_append_string( &bb , "c" , "17" ); { bson_buffer * sub = bson_append_start_object( &bb , "d" ); bson_append_int( sub, "i", 71 ); bson_append_finish_object(sub); } { bson_buffer * arr = bson_append_start_array( &bb , "e" ); bson_append_int( arr, "0", 71 ); bson_append_string( arr, "1", "71" ); bson_append_finish_object(arr); } bson_from_buffer(&b, &bb); mongo_insert( conn , ns , &b ); bson_destroy(&b); } cursor = mongo_find( conn , ns , bson_empty(&b) , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ); while (mongo_cursor_next(cursor)){ bson_iterator it; bson_iterator_init(&it, cursor->; while(bson_iterator_next(&it)){ fprintf(stderr, " %s: ", bson_iterator_key(&it)); switch(bson_iterator_type(&it)){ case bson_double: fprintf(stderr, "(double) %e\n", bson_iterator_double(&it)); break; case bson_int: fprintf(stderr, "(int) %d\n", bson_iterator_int(&it)); break; case bson_string: fprintf(stderr, "(string) \"%s\"\n", bson_iterator_string(&it)); break; case bson_oid: bson_oid_to_string(bson_iterator_oid(&it), hex_oid); fprintf(stderr, "(oid) \"%s\"\n", hex_oid); break; case bson_object: fprintf(stderr, "(subobject) {...}\n"); break; case bson_array: fprintf(stderr, "(array) [...]\n"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "(type %d)\n", bson_iterator_type(&it)); break; } } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } mongo_cursor_destroy(cursor); mongo_cmd_drop_db(conn, "test"); mongo_destroy( conn ); return 0; }
static ngx_int_t ngx_http_gridfs_mongod_connect(ngx_conf_t* directive, ngx_http_gridfs_loc_conf_t* gridfs_conf) { mongo_connection_options options; bson empty; bson_bool_t error; char* test; if (gridfs_conf->mongod_conn->connected) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, directive, 0, "Mongo Connection is duplicate"); return NGX_ERROR; } /* Connect to a mongod */ ngx_cpystrn( (u_char*), gridfs_conf->, gridfs_conf->mongod_host.len + 1 ); options.port = gridfs_conf->mongod_port; switch (mongo_connect( gridfs_conf->mongod_conn, &options )) { case mongo_conn_success: break; case mongo_conn_bad_arg: ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, directive, 0, "Mongo Exception: Bad Arguments"); return NGX_ERROR; case mongo_conn_no_socket: ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, directive, 0, "Mongo Exception: No Socket"); return NGX_ERROR; case mongo_conn_fail: ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, directive, 0, "Mongo Exception: Connection Failure %s:%i;",,options.port/* gridfs_conf->mongod_port*/); return NGX_ERROR; case mongo_conn_not_master: ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, directive, 0, "Mongo Exception: Not Master"); return NGX_ERROR; default: ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, directive, 0, "Mongo Exception: Unknown Error"); return NGX_ERROR; } /* Authenticate with the user and password */ if (gridfs_conf-> != NULL && gridfs_conf-> != NULL) { if (!mongo_cmd_authenticate(gridfs_conf->mongod_conn, (const char*)gridfs_conf->, (const char*)gridfs_conf->, (const char*)gridfs_conf-> { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, directive, 0, "Invalid mongo user/pass: %s/%s", gridfs_conf->, gridfs_conf->; return NGX_ERROR; } } /* Run a test command to test authentication. */ test = (char*)malloc( gridfs_conf->gridfs_db.len + sizeof(".test")); ngx_cpystrn((u_char*)test, (u_char*)gridfs_conf->, gridfs_conf->gridfs_db.len+1); ngx_cpystrn((u_char*)(test+gridfs_conf->gridfs_db.len),(u_char*)".test", sizeof(".test")); bson_empty(&empty); mongo_find(gridfs_conf->mongod_conn, test, &empty, NULL, 0, 0, 0); error = mongo_cmd_get_last_error(gridfs_conf->mongod_conn, (char*)gridfs_conf->, NULL); free(test); if (error) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, directive, 0, "Authentication Required"); return NGX_ERROR; } return NGX_OK; }