예제 #1
static void *
background_mongoc_collection_insert_bulk (void *data)
   future_t *future = (future_t *) data;
   future_value_t return_value;

   return_value.type = future_value_bool_type;

   future_value_set_bool (
      mongoc_collection_insert_bulk (
         future_value_get_mongoc_collection_ptr (future_get_param (future, 0)),
         future_value_get_mongoc_insert_flags_t (future_get_param (future, 1)),
         future_value_get_const_bson_ptr_ptr (future_get_param (future, 2)),
         future_value_get_uint32_t (future_get_param (future, 3)),
         future_value_get_const_mongoc_write_concern_ptr (future_get_param (future, 4)),
         future_value_get_bson_error_ptr (future_get_param (future, 5))

   future_resolve (future, return_value);

   return NULL;
static void
test_exhaust_cursor (void)
    mongoc_write_concern_t *wr;
    mongoc_client_t *client;
    mongoc_collection_t *collection;
    mongoc_cursor_t *cursor;
    mongoc_cursor_t *cursor2;
    mongoc_stream_t *stream;
    mongoc_cluster_node_t *node;
    const bson_t *doc;
    bson_t q;
    bson_t b[10];
    bson_t *bptr[10];
    int i;
    bool r;
    bson_error_t error;
    bson_oid_t oid;

    client = mongoc_client_new (gTestUri);
    assert (client);

    collection = get_test_collection (client, "test_exhaust_cursor");
    assert (collection);

    mongoc_collection_drop(collection, &error);

    wr = mongoc_write_concern_new ();
    mongoc_write_concern_set_journal (wr, true);

    /* bulk insert some records to work on */

        for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            bson_oid_init(&oid, NULL);
            bson_append_oid(&b[i], "_id", -1, &oid);
            bson_append_int32(&b[i], "n", -1, i % 2);
            bptr[i] = &b[i];

        r = mongoc_collection_insert_bulk (collection, MONGOC_INSERT_NONE,
                                           (const bson_t **)bptr, 10, wr, &error);

        if (!r) {
            MONGOC_WARNING("Insert bulk failure: %s\n", error.message);

    /* create a couple of cursors */
        cursor = mongoc_collection_find (collection, MONGOC_QUERY_EXHAUST, 0, 0, 0, &q,
                                         NULL, NULL);

        cursor2 = mongoc_collection_find (collection, MONGOC_QUERY_NONE, 0, 0, 0, &q,
                                          NULL, NULL);

    /* Read from the exhaust cursor, ensure that we're in exhaust where we
     * should be and ensure that an early destroy properly causes a disconnect
     * */
        r = mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc);
        assert (r);
        assert (doc);
        assert (cursor->in_exhaust);
        assert (client->in_exhaust);
        node = &client->cluster.nodes[cursor->hint - 1];
        stream = node->stream;

        mongoc_cursor_destroy (cursor);
        /* make sure a disconnect happened */
        assert (stream != node->stream);
        assert (! client->in_exhaust);

    /* Grab a new exhaust cursor, then verify that reading from that cursor
     * (putting the client into exhaust), breaks a mid-stream read from a
     * regular cursor */
        cursor = mongoc_collection_find (collection, MONGOC_QUERY_EXHAUST, 0, 0, 0, &q,
                                         NULL, NULL);

        for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            r = mongoc_cursor_next (cursor2, &doc);
            assert (r);
            assert (doc);

        r = mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc);
        assert (r);
        assert (doc);

        doc = NULL;
        r = mongoc_cursor_next (cursor2, &doc);
        assert (!r);
        assert (!doc);

        mongoc_cursor_error(cursor2, &error);
        assert (error.domain == MONGOC_ERROR_CLIENT);
        assert (error.code == MONGOC_ERROR_CLIENT_IN_EXHAUST);

        mongoc_cursor_destroy (cursor2);

    /* make sure writes fail as well */
        r = mongoc_collection_insert_bulk (collection, MONGOC_INSERT_NONE,
                                           (const bson_t **)bptr, 10, wr, &error);

        assert (!r);
        assert (error.domain == MONGOC_ERROR_CLIENT);
        assert (error.code == MONGOC_ERROR_CLIENT_IN_EXHAUST);

    /* we're still in exhaust.
     * 1. check that we can create a new cursor, as long as we don't read from it
     * 2. fully exhaust the exhaust cursor
     * 3. make sure that we don't disconnect at destroy
     * 4. make sure we can read the cursor we made during the exhuast
        cursor2 = mongoc_collection_find (collection, MONGOC_QUERY_NONE, 0, 0, 0, &q,
                                          NULL, NULL);

        node = &client->cluster.nodes[cursor->hint - 1];
        stream = node->stream;

        for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
            r = mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc);
            assert (r);
            assert (doc);

        r = mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc);
        assert (!r);
        assert (!doc);

        mongoc_cursor_destroy (cursor);

        assert (stream == node->stream);

        r = mongoc_cursor_next (cursor2, &doc);
        assert (r);
        assert (doc);

    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

    r = mongoc_collection_drop (collection, &error);
    assert (r);

    mongoc_write_concern_destroy (wr);
    mongoc_cursor_destroy (cursor2);
    mongoc_client_destroy (client);
static void
test_many_return (void)
   mongoc_collection_t *collection;
   mongoc_client_t *client;
   mongoc_cursor_t *cursor;
   bson_error_t error;
   const bson_t *doc = NULL;
   bson_oid_t oid;
   bson_t query = BSON_INITIALIZER;
   bson_t **docs;
   size_t len;
   bool r;
   int i;

   client = mongoc_client_new (gTestUri);
   ASSERT (client);

   collection = get_test_collection (client, "test_many_return");
   ASSERT (collection);

   docs = bson_malloc (sizeof(bson_t*) * 5000);

   for (i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
      docs [i] = bson_new ();
      bson_oid_init (&oid, NULL);
      BSON_APPEND_OID (docs [i], "_id", &oid);


   r = mongoc_collection_insert_bulk (collection, MONGOC_INSERT_NONE, (const bson_t **)docs, 5000, NULL, &error);


   assert (r);

   for (i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
      bson_destroy (docs [i]);

   bson_free (docs);

   cursor = mongoc_collection_find (collection, MONGOC_QUERY_NONE, 0, 0, 6000, &query, NULL, NULL);
   assert (cursor);
   bson_destroy (&query);

   i = 0;

   while (mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc)) {
      assert (doc);

   assert (i == 5000);

   r = mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc);
   assert (!r);

   mongoc_cursor_destroy (cursor);

   r = mongoc_collection_drop (collection, &error);
   assert (r);

   mongoc_collection_destroy (collection);
   mongoc_client_destroy (client);
static void
test_insert_bulk (void)
   mongoc_collection_t *collection;
   mongoc_client_t *client;
   bson_context_t *context;
   bson_error_t error;
   bool r;
   bson_oid_t oid;
   unsigned i;
   bson_t q;
   bson_t b[10];
   bson_t *bptr[10];
   int64_t count;

   client = mongoc_client_new(gTestUri);
   ASSERT (client);

   collection = mongoc_client_get_collection(client, "test", "test");
   ASSERT (collection);

   mongoc_collection_drop(collection, &error);

   context = bson_context_new(BSON_CONTEXT_NONE);
   ASSERT (context);

   bson_append_int32(&q, "n", -1, 0);

   for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      bson_oid_init(&oid, context);
      bson_append_oid(&b[i], "_id", -1, &oid);
      bson_append_int32(&b[i], "n", -1, i % 2);
      bptr[i] = &b[i];

   r = mongoc_collection_insert_bulk (collection, MONGOC_INSERT_NONE,
                                     (const bson_t **)bptr, 10, NULL, &error);

   if (!r) {
      MONGOC_WARNING("%s\n", error.message);
   ASSERT (r);

   count = mongoc_collection_count (collection, MONGOC_QUERY_NONE, &q, 0, 0, NULL, &error);
   ASSERT (count == 5);

   for (i = 8; i < 10; i++) {
      bson_oid_init(&oid, context);
      bson_append_oid(&b[i], "_id", -1, &oid);
      bson_append_int32(&b[i], "n", -1, i % 2);
      bptr[i] = &b[i];

   r = mongoc_collection_insert_bulk (collection, MONGOC_INSERT_NONE,
                                     (const bson_t **)bptr, 10, NULL, &error);

   ASSERT (!r);
   ASSERT (error.code == 11000);

   count = mongoc_collection_count (collection, MONGOC_QUERY_NONE, &q, 0, 0, NULL, &error);
   ASSERT (count == 5);

   r = mongoc_collection_insert_bulk (collection, MONGOC_INSERT_CONTINUE_ON_ERROR,
                                     (const bson_t **)bptr, 10, NULL, &error);
   ASSERT (!r);
   ASSERT (error.code == 11000);

   count = mongoc_collection_count (collection, MONGOC_QUERY_NONE, &q, 0, 0, NULL, &error);
   ASSERT (count == 6);

   for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

예제 #5
static void
test_exhaust_cursor (bool pooled)
   mongoc_stream_t *stream;
   mongoc_write_concern_t *wr;
   mongoc_client_t *client;
   mongoc_client_pool_t *pool = NULL;
   mongoc_collection_t *collection;
   mongoc_cursor_t *cursor;
   mongoc_cursor_t *cursor2;
   const bson_t *doc;
   bson_t q;
   bson_t b[10];
   bson_t *bptr[10];
   int i;
   bool r;
   uint32_t hint;
   bson_error_t error;
   bson_oid_t oid;
   int64_t timestamp1;

   if (pooled) {
      pool = test_framework_client_pool_new ();
      client = mongoc_client_pool_pop (pool);
   } else {
      client = test_framework_client_new ();
   assert (client);

   collection = get_test_collection (client, "test_exhaust_cursor");
   assert (collection);

   mongoc_collection_drop(collection, &error);

   wr = mongoc_write_concern_new ();
   mongoc_write_concern_set_journal (wr, true);

   /* bulk insert some records to work on */

      for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
         bson_oid_init(&oid, NULL);
         bson_append_oid(&b[i], "_id", -1, &oid);
         bson_append_int32(&b[i], "n", -1, i % 2);
         bptr[i] = &b[i];

      ASSERT_OR_PRINT (mongoc_collection_insert_bulk (
                          collection, MONGOC_INSERT_NONE,
                          (const bson_t **)bptr, 10, wr, &error),

   /* create a couple of cursors */
      cursor = mongoc_collection_find (collection, MONGOC_QUERY_EXHAUST, 0, 0, 0, &q,
                                       NULL, NULL);

      cursor2 = mongoc_collection_find (collection, MONGOC_QUERY_NONE, 0, 0, 0, &q,
                                        NULL, NULL);

   /* Read from the exhaust cursor, ensure that we're in exhaust where we
    * should be and ensure that an early destroy properly causes a disconnect
    * */
      r = mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc);
      if (!r) {
         mongoc_cursor_error (cursor, &error);
         fprintf (stderr, "cursor error: %s\n", error.message);
      assert (r);
      assert (doc);
      assert (cursor->in_exhaust);
      assert (client->in_exhaust);

      /* destroy the cursor, make sure a disconnect happened */
      timestamp1 = get_timestamp (client, cursor);
      mongoc_cursor_destroy (cursor);
      assert (! client->in_exhaust);

   /* Grab a new exhaust cursor, then verify that reading from that cursor
    * (putting the client into exhaust), breaks a mid-stream read from a
    * regular cursor */
      cursor = mongoc_collection_find (collection, MONGOC_QUERY_EXHAUST, 0, 0, 0, &q,
                                       NULL, NULL);

      r = mongoc_cursor_next (cursor2, &doc);
      if (!r) {
         mongoc_cursor_error (cursor2, &error);
         fprintf (stderr, "cursor error: %s\n", error.message);
      assert (r);
      assert (doc);
      assert (timestamp1 < get_timestamp (client, cursor2));

      for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
         r = mongoc_cursor_next (cursor2, &doc);
         if (!r) {
            mongoc_cursor_error (cursor2, &error);
            fprintf (stderr, "cursor error: %s\n", error.message);
         assert (r);
         assert (doc);

      r = mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc);
      assert (r);
      assert (doc);

      doc = NULL;
      r = mongoc_cursor_next (cursor2, &doc);
      assert (!r);
      assert (!doc);

      mongoc_cursor_error(cursor2, &error);
      assert (error.domain == MONGOC_ERROR_CLIENT);
      assert (error.code == MONGOC_ERROR_CLIENT_IN_EXHAUST);

      mongoc_cursor_destroy (cursor2);

   /* make sure writes fail as well */
      r = mongoc_collection_insert_bulk (collection, MONGOC_INSERT_NONE,
                                         (const bson_t **)bptr, 10, wr, &error);

      assert (!r);
      assert (error.domain == MONGOC_ERROR_CLIENT);
      assert (error.code == MONGOC_ERROR_CLIENT_IN_EXHAUST);

   /* we're still in exhaust.
    * 1. check that we can create a new cursor, as long as we don't read from it
    * 2. fully exhaust the exhaust cursor
    * 3. make sure that we don't disconnect at destroy
    * 4. make sure we can read the cursor we made during the exhuast
      cursor2 = mongoc_collection_find (collection, MONGOC_QUERY_NONE, 0, 0, 0, &q,
                                        NULL, NULL);

      stream = (mongoc_stream_t *)mongoc_set_get(client->cluster.nodes, cursor->hint);
      hint = cursor->hint;

      for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
         r = mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc);
         assert (r);
         assert (doc);

      r = mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc);
      assert (!r);
      assert (!doc);

      mongoc_cursor_destroy (cursor);

      assert (stream == (mongoc_stream_t *)mongoc_set_get(client->cluster.nodes, hint));

      r = mongoc_cursor_next (cursor2, &doc);
      assert (r);
      assert (doc);

   for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

   ASSERT_OR_PRINT (mongoc_collection_drop (collection, &error), error);

   mongoc_write_concern_destroy (wr);
   mongoc_cursor_destroy (cursor2);

   if (pooled) {
      mongoc_client_pool_push (pool, client);
      mongoc_client_pool_destroy (pool);
   } else {
      mongoc_client_destroy (client);