예제 #1
void KFFWin_Flightplan::showFavoriteContextMenu( const QPoint &pos )
	KIconLoader loader;
	QPixmap pixmap;
	QIcon icon;
	QAction* remove;
	QAction* clear;
	QAction* edit;
	QAction* moveup;
	QAction* movedown;
	QAction* calc;
	KMenu menu( this );

	pixmap = loader.loadIcon( "edit-delete", KIconLoader::Small );
	icon.addPixmap( pixmap );
	remove = new QAction( icon, i18n( "&Remove waypoint" ), this );
	remove->setStatusTip( i18n( "Remove this waypoint" ) );
	connect( remove, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( removeNavaids() ) );

	pixmap = loader.loadIcon( "edit-clear-list", KIconLoader::Small );
	icon.addPixmap( pixmap );
	clear = new QAction( icon, i18n( "&Clear all waypoints" ), this );
	clear->setStatusTip( i18n( "Clear waypoint list" ) );
	connect( clear, SIGNAL( triggered() ), ui_widget.treewidget_navaids, SLOT( clear() ) );

	pixmap = loader.loadIcon( "edit-rename", KIconLoader::Small );
	icon.addPixmap( pixmap );
	edit = new QAction( icon, i18n( "&Edit waypoint altitude" ), this );
	edit->setStatusTip( i18n( "Edit this waypoint" ) );
	connect( edit, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( edit() ) );

	pixmap = loader.loadIcon( "arrow-up", KIconLoader::Small );
	icon.addPixmap( pixmap );
	moveup = new QAction( icon, i18n( "&Move waypoint up" ), this );
	moveup->setStatusTip( i18n( "Move this waypoint up" ) );
	connect( moveup, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( moveItemUp() ) );

	pixmap = loader.loadIcon( "arrow-down", KIconLoader::Small );
	icon.addPixmap( pixmap );
	movedown = new QAction( icon, i18n( "&Move waypoint down" ), this );
	movedown->setStatusTip( i18n( "Move this waypoint down" ) );
	connect( movedown, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( moveItemDown() ) );

	pixmap = loader.loadIcon( "view-refresh", KIconLoader::Small );
	icon.addPixmap( pixmap );
	calc = new QAction( icon, i18n( "&Recalculate Distance" ), this );
	calc->setStatusTip( i18n( "Force recalculate distance between all waypoints" ) );
	connect( calc, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( recalculate() ) );
	menu.addAction( remove );
	menu.addAction( edit );
	menu.addAction( clear );
	menu.addAction( moveup );
	menu.addAction( movedown );
	menu.addAction( calc );
	menu.exec( mapToGlobal( pos + ui_widget.treewidget_navaids->pos() ) );
BasicmLearningEditor::BasicmLearningEditor(TemplateCore *core, QWidget *parent)
  : TemplateEditor(core, parent), m_ui(new Ui::BasicmLearningEditor) {

  // Set validators.
  QRegExpValidator *author_validator = new QRegExpValidator(this);
  QRegExpValidator *title_validator = new QRegExpValidator(this);



  // Set tab order.
  QList<QWidget*> tab_order_widgets;
  tab_order_widgets << m_ui->m_txtTitle->lineEdit() << m_ui->m_txtDescription <<
                       m_ui->m_txtAuthor->lineEdit() << m_ui->m_txtName->lineEdit() <<
                       m_ui->m_listItems << m_ui->m_btnItemAdd << m_ui->m_btnItemRemove <<
                       m_ui->m_btnItemUp << m_ui->m_btnItemDown;

  for (int i = 1; i < tab_order_widgets.size(); i++) {
    setTabOrder(tab_order_widgets.at(i - 1), tab_order_widgets.at(i));

  m_ui->m_txtTitle->lineEdit()->setPlaceholderText(tr("Title of the item"));
  m_ui->m_txtAuthor->lineEdit()->setPlaceholderText(tr("Author of this collection"));
  m_ui->m_txtName->lineEdit()->setPlaceholderText(tr("Name of this collection"));

  IconFactory *factory = IconFactory::instance();


  connect(m_ui->m_txtTitle->lineEdit(), SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(checkTitle(QString)));
  connect(m_ui->m_btnItemAdd, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addNewItem()));
  connect(m_ui->m_btnItemRemove, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(removeSelectedItem()));
  connect(m_ui->m_txtDescription, SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SLOT(saveItem()));
  connect(m_ui->m_txtTitle->lineEdit(), SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT(saveItem()));
  connect(m_ui->m_listItems, SIGNAL(currentRowChanged(int)), this, SLOT(displayItem(int)));
  connect(m_ui->m_btnItemUp, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(moveItemUp()));
  connect(m_ui->m_btnItemDown, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(moveItemDown()));
  connect(m_ui->m_txtAuthor->lineEdit(), SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(onAuthorChanged(QString)));
  connect(m_ui->m_txtName->lineEdit(), SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(onNameChanged(QString)));

예제 #3
ParameterProperties::ParameterProperties(QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags fl)
    : QDialog(parent, fl)

  connect(_listDelete, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(deleteItem()));
  connect(_listDown,   SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(moveItemDown()));
  connect(_listEdit,   SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(editItem()));
  connect(_listNew,    SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(newItem()));
  connect(_listUp,     SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(moveItemUp()));

  _int->setValidator(new QIntValidator(this));
  _double->setValidator(new QDoubleValidator(this));
예제 #4
void PlaylistDock::setupActions()
    QAction *deleteAllAction = new QAction(this);
    deleteAllAction->setText(i18n("Clear playlist"));
    connect(deleteAllAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(deleteAll()));

    QAction *addItemAction = new QAction(this);
    addItemAction->setText(i18n("Add file(s)"));
    connect(addItemAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), parent, SLOT(addFile()));

    QAction *deleteItemAction = new QAction(this);
    deleteItemAction->setText(i18n("Clear selected"));
    connect(deleteItemAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(deleteItem()));

    QAction* moveItemUpAction = new QAction(this);
    moveItemUpAction->setText(i18n("Move up"));
    connect(moveItemUpAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(moveItemUp()));

    QAction* moveItemDownAction = new QAction(this);
    moveItemDownAction->setText(i18n("Move down"));
    connect(moveItemDownAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(moveItemDown()));

    QAction* skipForwardAction = new QAction(this);
    skipForwardAction->setText(i18n("Playlist Skip Forward"));
    connect(skipForwardAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), parent, SLOT(skipForward()));

    QAction* skipBackwardAction = new QAction(this);
    skipBackwardAction->setText(i18n("Playlist Skip Backward"));
    connect(skipBackwardAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), parent, SLOT(skipBackward()));

    toolbar = new QToolBar(this);
    toolbar->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
    toolbar->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
예제 #5
 *  Constructs a ListEdit as a child of 'parent', with the
 *  name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f'.
 *  The dialog will by default be modeless, unless you set 'modal' to
 *  true to construct a modal dialog.
ListEdit::ListEdit(QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, Qt::WFlags fl)
    : QDialog(parent, name, modal, fl)

    // signals and slots connections
    connect(_ok, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(accept()));
    connect(_cancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reject()));
    connect(_new, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(newItem()));
    connect(_up, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(moveItemUp()));
    connect(_edit, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(editItem()));
    connect(_down, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(moveItemDown()));
    connect(_delete, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(deleteItem()));
bool ListBoxEditor::qt_invoke( int _id, QUObject* _o )
    switch ( _id - staticMetaObject()->slotOffset() ) {
    case 0: insertNewItem(); break;
    case 1: deleteCurrentItem(); break;
    case 2: currentItemChanged((QListBoxItem*)static_QUType_ptr.get(_o+1)); break;
    case 3: currentTextChanged((const QString&)static_QUType_QString.get(_o+1)); break;
    case 4: okClicked(); break;
    case 5: cancelClicked(); break;
    case 6: applyClicked(); break;
    case 7: choosePixmap(); break;
    case 8: moveItemUp(); break;
    case 9: moveItemDown(); break;
    case 10: deletePixmap(); break;
	return ListBoxEditorBase::qt_invoke( _id, _o );
    return TRUE;
예제 #7
void Showplan::draw() {
    QString path = DPSDIR;
    grpFrame = new QGroupBox( this, "grpShowplan" );
    grpFrame->setGeometry( QRect( 0, 0, 470, 670 ) );
    QFont grpFrame_font(  grpFrame->font() );
    grpFrame_font.setFamily( "Sans Serif" );
    grpFrame_font.setPointSize( 16 );
    grpFrame_font.setBold( TRUE );
    grpFrame->setFont( grpFrame_font );
    grpFrame->setFrameShadow( QGroupBox::Sunken );
    grpFrame->setLineWidth( 1 );
    grpFrame->setFlat( FALSE );
    grpFrame->setTitle( "Showplan" );
    lstShowPlan = new QListView( grpFrame, "lstShowPlan" );
    lstShowPlan->addColumn( tr( "Item" ) ); 
    lstShowPlan->header()->setClickEnabled( FALSE, 
            lstShowPlan->header()->count() - 1 );
    lstShowPlan->header()->setResizeEnabled( FALSE, 
            lstShowPlan->header()->count() - 1 );
    lstShowPlan->setGeometry( QRect( 10, 20, 450, 580 ) );
    lstShowPlan->setPaletteBackgroundColor( QColor( 255, 255, 255 ) );
    QFont lstShowPlan_font(  lstShowPlan->font() );
    lstShowPlan_font.setPointSize( 10 );
    lstShowPlan_font.setBold( FALSE );
    lstShowPlan->setFont( lstShowPlan_font );  
    lstShowPlan->setFrameShape( QListView::Box ); 
    lstShowPlan->setFrameShadow( QListView::Plain );
    lstShowPlan->setVScrollBarMode( QListView::AlwaysOn );
    lstShowPlan->setHScrollBarMode( QListView::AlwaysOff );
    lstShowPlan->setAllColumnsShowFocus( TRUE );
    lstShowPlan->setResizeMode( QListView::NoColumn );
    lstShowPlan->setColumnWidth(0,lstShowPlan->width() - 5);
    btnMoveTop = new QPushButton( grpFrame, "btnMoveTop" );
    btnMoveTop->setAutoDefault( FALSE );
    btnMoveTop->setGeometry( QRect( 10, 600, 75, 60 ) );
    btnMoveTop->setEnabled( FALSE );
    btnMoveTop->setPixmap(QPixmap(path + "/images/movetop32.png"));

    btnMoveUp = new QPushButton( grpFrame, "btnMoveUp" );
    btnMoveUp->setAutoDefault( FALSE );
    btnMoveUp->setGeometry( QRect( 85, 600, 75, 60 ) );
    btnMoveUp->setEnabled( FALSE );
    btnMoveUp->setPixmap(QPixmap(path + "/images/moveup32.png"));

    btnDelete = new QPushButton( grpFrame, "btnDelete" );
    btnDelete->setAutoDefault( FALSE );
    btnDelete->setGeometry( QRect( 160, 600, 75, 60 ) );
    btnDelete->setEnabled( FALSE );
    btnDelete->setPixmap(QPixmap(path + "/images/delete48.png"));
    btnClear = new QPushButton( grpFrame, "btnClear" );
    btnClear->setAutoDefault( FALSE );
    btnClear->setGeometry( QRect( 235, 600, 75, 60 ) );
    btnClear->setPixmap(QPixmap(path + "/images/clear32.png"));

    btnMoveBottom = new QPushButton( grpFrame, "btnMoveBottom" );
    btnMoveBottom->setAutoDefault( FALSE );
    btnMoveBottom->setGeometry( QRect( 385, 600, 75, 60 ) );
    btnMoveBottom->setEnabled( FALSE );
    btnMoveBottom->setPixmap(QPixmap(path + "/images/movebottom32.png"));

    btnMoveDown = new QPushButton( grpFrame, "btnMoveDown" );
    btnMoveDown->setAutoDefault( FALSE );
    btnMoveDown->setGeometry( QRect( 310, 600, 75, 60 ) );
    btnMoveDown->setEnabled( FALSE );
    btnMoveDown->setPixmap(QPixmap(path + "/images/movedown32.png"));

    connect( btnDelete, SIGNAL( clicked() ),        this, SLOT( removeItem() ));
    connect( btnMoveBottom, SIGNAL( clicked() ),    this, SLOT( moveItemBottom() ));
    connect( btnMoveDown, SIGNAL( clicked() ),      this, SLOT( moveItemDown() ));
    connect( btnMoveTop, SIGNAL( clicked() ),       this, SLOT( moveItemTop() ));
    connect( btnMoveUp, SIGNAL( clicked() ),        this, SLOT( moveItemUp() ));
    connect( btnClear, SIGNAL( clicked() ),         this, SLOT( clearItems() ));
    connect( lstShowPlan, SIGNAL( selectionChanged(QListViewItem*) ),
                this, SLOT( selectionChanged(QListViewItem*) ));
    connect( lstShowPlan, SIGNAL( clicked(QListViewItem*) ),
                this, SLOT( clicked(QListViewItem*) ));
    connect( lstShowPlan, SIGNAL( doubleClicked(QListViewItem*, const QPoint&, int)),
    			this, SLOT( doubleClicked(QListViewItem*, const QPoint&, int))); 
예제 #8
KFFWin_Flightplan::KFFWin_Flightplan( QWidget *parent )
		: QWidget( parent )
	KIconLoader loader;
	QPixmap pixmap;
	QIcon icon;
	QRect rect;

	rect = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry();
	if ( rect.width() >= 1280 )
		setMinimumWidth( 1280 );

	ui_widget.setupUi( this );
	m_editing = false;

	pixmap = loader.loadIcon( "arrow-left", KIconLoader::Toolbar );
	icon.addPixmap( pixmap );
	ui_widget.kpushbutton_next->setIcon( icon );
	pixmap = loader.loadIcon( "arrow-right", KIconLoader::Toolbar );
	icon.addPixmap( pixmap );
	ui_widget.kpushbutton_previous->setIcon( icon );

	m_progress = 0;
	m_thread = new NavThread();

	ui_widget.kpushbutton_previous->setEnabled( false );
	ui_widget.kpushbutton_next->setEnabled( false );

	connect( m_thread,
	         SIGNAL( finished( NavDataList ) ),
	         SLOT( loadFinished( NavDataList ) )

	connect( m_thread,
	         SIGNAL( progress() ),
	         SLOT( incrementProgress() )

	connect( ui_widget.pushbutton_search,
	         SIGNAL( clicked() ),
	         SLOT( search() )

	connect( ui_widget.lineEdit_search,
	         SIGNAL( returnPressed() ),
	         SLOT( search() )

	connect( ui_widget.pushbutton_add,
	         SIGNAL( clicked() ),
	         SLOT( add() )

	connect( ui_widget.kpushbutton_next,
	         SIGNAL( clicked() ),
	         SLOT( next() )

	connect( ui_widget.kpushbutton_previous,
	         SIGNAL( clicked() ),
	         SLOT( previous() )

	connect( ui_widget.pushbutton_open,
	         SIGNAL( clicked() ),
	         SLOT( open() )

	connect( ui_widget.pushbutton_save,
	         SIGNAL( clicked() ),
	         SLOT( save() )

	ui_widget.treewidget_navaids->setContextMenuPolicy( Qt::CustomContextMenu );
	connect( ui_widget.treewidget_navaids,
	         SIGNAL( customContextMenuRequested( const QPoint & ) ),
	         SLOT( showFavoriteContextMenu( const QPoint & ) )

	connect( ui_widget.treewidget_navaids,
	         SIGNAL( itemActivated( QTreeWidgetItem*, int ) ),
	         SLOT( itemActivated( QTreeWidgetItem*, int ) )

	connect( ui_widget.toolButton_up,
	         SIGNAL( clicked() ),
	         SLOT( moveItemUp() )

	connect( ui_widget.toolButton_down,
	         SIGNAL( clicked() ),
	         SLOT( moveItemDown() )

	connect( ui_widget.treewidget_navaids,
	         SIGNAL( currentItemChanged( QTreeWidgetItem *, QTreeWidgetItem * ) ),
	         SLOT( saveSettings() )
예제 #9
 *  Constructs a ListBoxEditorBase as a child of 'parent', with the
 *  name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f'.
 *  The dialog will by default be modeless, unless you set 'modal' to
 *  TRUE to construct a modal dialog.
ListBoxEditorBase::ListBoxEditorBase( QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags fl )
    : QDialog( parent, name, modal, fl )
    if ( !name )
	setName( "ListBoxEditorBase" );
    setSizeGripEnabled( TRUE );
    ListBoxEditorBaseLayout = new QGridLayout( this, 1, 1, 11, 6, "ListBoxEditorBaseLayout"); 

    Layout1 = new QHBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6, "Layout1"); 

    helpButton = new QPushButton( this, "helpButton" );
    helpButton->setAutoDefault( TRUE );
    Layout1->addWidget( helpButton );
    Horizontal_Spacing2 = new QSpacerItem( 20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum );
    Layout1->addItem( Horizontal_Spacing2 );

    buttonApply = new QPushButton( this, "buttonApply" );
    buttonApply->setAutoDefault( TRUE );
    Layout1->addWidget( buttonApply );

    buttonOk = new QPushButton( this, "buttonOk" );
    buttonOk->setAutoDefault( TRUE );
    buttonOk->setDefault( TRUE );
    Layout1->addWidget( buttonOk );

    buttonCancel = new QPushButton( this, "buttonCancel" );
    buttonCancel->setAutoDefault( TRUE );
    Layout1->addWidget( buttonCancel );

    ListBoxEditorBaseLayout->addMultiCellLayout( Layout1, 5, 5, 0, 2 );

    preview = new QListBox( this, "preview" );

    ListBoxEditorBaseLayout->addMultiCellWidget( preview, 0, 4, 0, 0 );

    GroupBox1 = new QGroupBox( this, "GroupBox1" );
    GroupBox1->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical );
    GroupBox1->layout()->setSpacing( 6 );
    GroupBox1->layout()->setMargin( 11 );
    GroupBox1Layout = new QGridLayout( GroupBox1->layout() );
    GroupBox1Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop );

    Label2 = new QLabel( GroupBox1, "Label2" );

    GroupBox1Layout->addWidget( Label2, 1, 0 );

    itemPixmap = new QLabel( GroupBox1, "itemPixmap" );

    GroupBox1Layout->addWidget( itemPixmap, 1, 1 );

    itemDeletePixmap = new QPushButton( GroupBox1, "itemDeletePixmap" );
    itemDeletePixmap->setMaximumSize( QSize( 30, 22 ) );
    itemDeletePixmap->setPixmap( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_s_editcut.png" ) );

    GroupBox1Layout->addWidget( itemDeletePixmap, 1, 2 );

    itemChoosePixmap = new QPushButton( GroupBox1, "itemChoosePixmap" );
    itemChoosePixmap->setMaximumSize( QSize( 30, 22 ) );

    GroupBox1Layout->addWidget( itemChoosePixmap, 1, 3 );

    Label1 = new QLabel( GroupBox1, "Label1" );

    GroupBox1Layout->addWidget( Label1, 0, 0 );

    itemText = new QLineEdit( GroupBox1, "itemText" );
    itemText->setMinimumSize( QSize( 0, 0 ) );

    GroupBox1Layout->addMultiCellWidget( itemText, 0, 0, 1, 3 );

    ListBoxEditorBaseLayout->addMultiCellWidget( GroupBox1, 0, 4, 2, 2 );

    itemNew = new QPushButton( this, "itemNew" );

    ListBoxEditorBaseLayout->addWidget( itemNew, 0, 1 );

    itemDelete = new QPushButton( this, "itemDelete" );

    ListBoxEditorBaseLayout->addWidget( itemDelete, 1, 1 );
    Vertical_Spacing1 = new QSpacerItem( 20, 20, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
    ListBoxEditorBaseLayout->addItem( Vertical_Spacing1, 2, 1 );

    itemUp = new QPushButton( this, "itemUp" );
    itemUp->setPixmap( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_s_up.png" ) );

    ListBoxEditorBaseLayout->addWidget( itemUp, 3, 1 );

    itemDown = new QPushButton( this, "itemDown" );
    itemDown->setPixmap( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_s_down.png" ) );

    ListBoxEditorBaseLayout->addWidget( itemDown, 4, 1 );
    resize( QSize(482, 229).expandedTo(minimumSizeHint()) );
    clearWState( WState_Polished );

    // signals and slots connections
    connect( itemNew, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( insertNewItem() ) );
    connect( itemDelete, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( deleteCurrentItem() ) );
    connect( itemText, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( currentTextChanged(const QString&) ) );
    connect( buttonOk, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( okClicked() ) );
    connect( buttonApply, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( applyClicked() ) );
    connect( buttonCancel, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( cancelClicked() ) );
    connect( itemChoosePixmap, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( choosePixmap() ) );
    connect( itemDeletePixmap, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( deletePixmap() ) );
    connect( itemUp, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( moveItemUp() ) );
    connect( itemDown, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( moveItemDown() ) );
    connect( preview, SIGNAL( selectionChanged(QListBoxItem*) ), this, SLOT( currentItemChanged(QListBoxItem*) ) );
    connect( preview, SIGNAL( currentChanged( QListBoxItem * ) ), this, SLOT( currentItemChanged(QListBoxItem*) ) );

    // tab order
    setTabOrder( buttonOk, buttonCancel );
    setTabOrder( buttonCancel, preview );
    setTabOrder( preview, itemNew );
    setTabOrder( itemNew, itemDelete );
    setTabOrder( itemDelete, itemUp );
    setTabOrder( itemUp, itemDown );
    setTabOrder( itemDown, itemText );
    setTabOrder( itemText, itemDeletePixmap );
    setTabOrder( itemDeletePixmap, itemChoosePixmap );
    setTabOrder( itemChoosePixmap, helpButton );
    setTabOrder( helpButton, buttonApply );

    // buddies
    Label2->setBuddy( itemChoosePixmap );
    Label1->setBuddy( itemText );