예제 #1
void register_Simulation_class(){

    { //::SireMove::Simulation
        typedef bp::class_< SireMove::Simulation > Simulation_exposer_t;
        Simulation_exposer_t Simulation_exposer = Simulation_exposer_t( "Simulation", "This class is used start and manage an active\nsimulation. A simulation consists of a collection\nof moves that are being applied to a System\n\nAuthor: Christopher Woods\n", bp::init< >("Null constructor") );
        bp::scope Simulation_scope( Simulation_exposer );
        Simulation_exposer.def( bp::init< SireMove::Simulation const & >(( bp::arg("other") ), "Copy constructor") );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::abort
            typedef void ( ::SireMove::Simulation::*abort_function_type)(  ) ;
            abort_function_type abort_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::abort );
                , abort_function_value
                , "Abort the simulation" );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::hasFinished
            typedef bool ( ::SireMove::Simulation::*hasFinished_function_type)(  ) ;
            hasFinished_function_type hasFinished_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::hasFinished );
                , hasFinished_function_value
                , "Return whether or not the simulation has finished\n(completed all of the moves)" );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::initialMoves
            typedef ::SireMove::MovesPtr ( ::SireMove::Simulation::*initialMoves_function_type)(  ) ;
            initialMoves_function_type initialMoves_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::initialMoves );
                , initialMoves_function_value
                , "Return the Moves in the state they were in before the simulation started" );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::initialSystem
            typedef ::SireSystem::System ( ::SireMove::Simulation::*initialSystem_function_type)(  ) ;
            initialSystem_function_type initialSystem_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::initialSystem );
                , initialSystem_function_value
                , "Return the System in the state it was in before the simulation started" );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::input
            typedef ::SireMove::SimPacket ( ::SireMove::Simulation::*input_function_type)(  ) ;
            input_function_type input_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::input );
                , input_function_value
                , "Return the initial input simulation WorkPacket" );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::interimMoves
            typedef ::SireMove::MovesPtr ( ::SireMove::Simulation::*interimMoves_function_type)(  ) ;
            interimMoves_function_type interimMoves_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::interimMoves );
                , interimMoves_function_value
                , "Return the current state of the moves (updated while the simulation\nis running). This will throw an exception if the system hits an\nerror state" );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::interimResult
            typedef ::SireMove::SimPacket ( ::SireMove::Simulation::*interimResult_function_type)(  ) ;
            interimResult_function_type interimResult_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::interimResult );
                , interimResult_function_value
                , "Return the simulation WorkPacket from an intermediate point along\nthe simulation. This will throw an error if the simulation is in an\nerror state, and the initial packet if the simulation\nwas aborted" );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::interimSystem
            typedef ::SireSystem::System ( ::SireMove::Simulation::*interimSystem_function_type)(  ) ;
            interimSystem_function_type interimSystem_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::interimSystem );
                , interimSystem_function_value
                , "Return the current state of the System (updated while the simulation\nis running). This will throw an exception if the system hits an\nerror state" );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::isError
            typedef bool ( ::SireMove::Simulation::*isError_function_type)(  ) ;
            isError_function_type isError_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::isError );
                , isError_function_value
                , "Return whether or not this simulation is in an error state" );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::isRunning
            typedef bool ( ::SireMove::Simulation::*isRunning_function_type)(  ) ;
            isRunning_function_type isRunning_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::isRunning );
                , isRunning_function_value
                , "Return whether or not this simulation is running" );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::moves
            typedef ::SireMove::MovesPtr ( ::SireMove::Simulation::*moves_function_type)(  ) ;
            moves_function_type moves_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::moves );
                , moves_function_value
                , "Return the final state of the moves after the simulation. This\nblocks until the simulation has finished and will throw an\nexception if the system hits an error state" );
        Simulation_exposer.def( bp::self != bp::self );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::operator=
            typedef ::SireMove::Simulation & ( ::SireMove::Simulation::*assign_function_type)( ::SireMove::Simulation const & ) ;
            assign_function_type assign_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::operator= );
                , assign_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("other") )
                , bp::return_self< >()
                , "" );
        Simulation_exposer.def( bp::self == bp::self );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::progress
            typedef float ( ::SireMove::Simulation::*progress_function_type)(  ) ;
            progress_function_type progress_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::progress );
                , progress_function_value
                , "Return the progress of the simulation (as a percentage)" );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::result
            typedef ::SireMove::SimPacket ( ::SireMove::Simulation::*result_function_type)(  ) ;
            result_function_type result_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::result );
                , result_function_value
                , "Return the final result of the simulation. This blocks until\nthe simulation has stopped, and will throw an exception if the\nsimulation is in an error state. This returns the initial\nsimulation WorkPacket if the simulation was aborted" );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::run
            typedef ::SireMove::Simulation ( *run_function_type )( ::SireSystem::System const &,::SireMove::Moves const &,int,bool );
            run_function_type run_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::run );
                , run_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("system"), bp::arg("moves"), bp::arg("nmoves"), bp::arg("record_stats")=(bool)(true) )
                , "Run a simulation consisting of nmoves moves (in moves)\nof the System system, optionally recording simulation\nstatistics if record_stats is true. This runs the\nsimulation in the current thread" );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::run
            typedef ::SireMove::Simulation ( *run_function_type )( ::SireSystem::System const &,::SireMove::Moves const &,int,int,bool );
            run_function_type run_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::run );
                , run_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("system"), bp::arg("moves"), bp::arg("nmoves"), bp::arg("nmoves_per_chunk"), bp::arg("record_stats")=(bool)(true) )
                , "Run a simulation consisting of nmoves moves (in moves)\nof the System system, optionally recording simulation\nstatistics if record_stats is true. This runs the\nsimulation in the current thread. This runs nmoves_per_chunk\nmoves in every chunk of the simulation." );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::run
            typedef ::SireMove::Simulation ( *run_function_type )( ::SireSystem::System const &,::SireMove::Move const &,int,bool );
            run_function_type run_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::run );
                , run_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("system"), bp::arg("move"), bp::arg("nmoves"), bp::arg("record_stats")=(bool)(true) )
                , "Run a simulation consisting of nmoves moves (in move)\nof the System system, optionally recording simulation\nstatistics if record_stats is true. This runs the\nsimulation in the current thread" );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::run
            typedef ::SireMove::Simulation ( *run_function_type )( ::SireSystem::System const &,::SireMove::Move const &,int,int,bool );
            run_function_type run_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::run );
                , run_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("system"), bp::arg("move"), bp::arg("nmoves"), bp::arg("nmoves_per_chunk"), bp::arg("record_stats")=(bool)(true) )
                , "Run a simulation consisting of nmoves moves (in move)\nof the System system, optionally recording simulation\nstatistics if record_stats is true. This runs the\nsimulation in the current thread. This runs nmoves_per_chunk\nmoves in every chunk of the simulation." );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::run
            typedef ::SireMove::Simulation ( *run_function_type )( ::SireMove::SimStore const &,int,bool );
            run_function_type run_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::run );
                , run_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("simstore"), bp::arg("nmoves"), bp::arg("record_stats")=(bool)(true) )
                , "Run a simulation consisting of nmoves moves of the system\nin simstore (which also contains the moves) optionally recording simulation\nstatistics if record_stats is true. This runs the\nsimulation in the current thread" );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::run
            typedef ::SireMove::Simulation ( *run_function_type )( ::SireMove::SimStore const &,int,int,bool );
            run_function_type run_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::run );
                , run_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("simstore"), bp::arg("nmoves"), bp::arg("nmoves_per_chunk"), bp::arg("record_stats")=(bool)(true) )
                , "Run a simulation consisting of nmoves moves of the system\nin simstore (which also contains the moves) optionally recording simulation\nstatistics if record_stats is true. This runs the\nsimulation in the current thread. This runs nmoves_per_chunk\nmoves in every chunk of the simulation." );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::run
            typedef ::SireMove::Simulation ( *run_function_type )( ::SireMove::SimPacket const & );
            run_function_type run_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::run );
                , run_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("simpacket") )
                , "Run the simulation contained in the simulation WorkPacket simpacket\nin the current thread" );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::run
            typedef ::SireMove::Simulation ( *run_function_type )( ::SireCluster::Node &,::SireSystem::System const &,::SireMove::Moves const &,int,bool );
            run_function_type run_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::run );
                , run_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("node"), bp::arg("system"), bp::arg("moves"), bp::arg("nmoves"), bp::arg("record_stats")=(bool)(true) )
                , "Run a simulation consisting of nmoves moves (in moves)\nof the System system, optionally recording simulation\nstatistics if record_stats is true. This runs the\nsimulation on the node node. This runs nmoves_per_chunk\nmoves in every chunk of the simulation." );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::run
            typedef ::SireMove::Simulation ( *run_function_type )( ::SireCluster::Node &,::SireSystem::System const &,::SireMove::Moves const &,int,int,bool );
            run_function_type run_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::run );
                , run_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("node"), bp::arg("system"), bp::arg("moves"), bp::arg("nmoves"), bp::arg("nmoves_per_chunk"), bp::arg("record_stats")=(bool)(true) )
                , "Run a simulation consisting of nmoves moves (in moves)\nof the System system, optionally recording simulation\nstatistics if record_stats is true. This runs the\nsimulation on the node node. This runs nmoves_per_chunk\nmoves in every chunk of the simulation." );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::run
            typedef ::SireMove::Simulation ( *run_function_type )( ::SireCluster::Node &,::SireSystem::System const &,::SireMove::Move const &,int,bool );
            run_function_type run_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::run );
                , run_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("node"), bp::arg("system"), bp::arg("move"), bp::arg("nmoves"), bp::arg("record_stats")=(bool)(true) )
                , "Run a simulation consisting of nmoves moves (in move)\nof the System system, optionally recording simulation\nstatistics if record_stats is true. This runs the\nsimulation on the node node. This runs nmoves_per_chunk\nmoves in every chunk of the simulation." );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::run
            typedef ::SireMove::Simulation ( *run_function_type )( ::SireCluster::Node &,::SireSystem::System const &,::SireMove::Move const &,int,int,bool );
            run_function_type run_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::run );
                , run_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("node"), bp::arg("system"), bp::arg("move"), bp::arg("nmoves"), bp::arg("nmoves_per_chunk"), bp::arg("record_stats")=(bool)(true) )
                , "Run a simulation consisting of nmoves moves (in move)\nof the System system, optionally recording simulation\nstatistics if record_stats is true. This runs the\nsimulation on the node node. This runs nmoves_per_chunk\nmoves in every chunk of the simulation." );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::run
            typedef ::SireMove::Simulation ( *run_function_type )( ::SireCluster::Node &,::SireMove::SimStore const &,int,bool );
            run_function_type run_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::run );
                , run_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("node"), bp::arg("simstore"), bp::arg("nmoves"), bp::arg("record_stats")=(bool)(true) )
                , "Run a simulation consisting of nmoves moves of the system\nin simstore (which also contains the moves) optionally recording simulation\nstatistics if record_stats is true. This runs the\nsimulation on the node node. This runs nmoves_per_chunk\nmoves in every chunk of the simulation." );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::run
            typedef ::SireMove::Simulation ( *run_function_type )( ::SireCluster::Node &,::SireMove::SimStore const &,int,int,bool );
            run_function_type run_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::run );
                , run_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("node"), bp::arg("simstore"), bp::arg("nmoves"), bp::arg("nmoves_per_chunk"), bp::arg("record_stats")=(bool)(true) )
                , "Run a simulation consisting of nmoves moves  of the system\nin simstore (which also contains the moves) optionally recording simulation\nstatistics if record_stats is true. This runs the\nsimulation on the node node. This runs nmoves_per_chunk\nmoves in every chunk of the simulation." );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::run
            typedef ::SireMove::Simulation ( *run_function_type )( ::SireCluster::Node &,::SireMove::SimPacket const & );
            run_function_type run_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::run );
                , run_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("node"), bp::arg("simpacket") )
                , "Run the simulation contained in the simulation WorkPacket simpacket\non the node node" );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::stop
            typedef void ( ::SireMove::Simulation::*stop_function_type)(  ) ;
            stop_function_type stop_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::stop );
                , stop_function_value
                , "Stop the simulation" );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::system
            typedef ::SireSystem::System ( ::SireMove::Simulation::*system_function_type)(  ) ;
            system_function_type system_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::system );
                , system_function_value
                , "Return the final state of the system after the simulation. This\nblocks until the simulation has finished and will throw an\nexception if the system hits an error state" );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::throwError
            typedef void ( ::SireMove::Simulation::*throwError_function_type)(  ) ;
            throwError_function_type throwError_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::throwError );
                , throwError_function_value
                , "Throw any error associated with this simulation - this does\nnothing if we are not in an error state" );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::wait
            typedef void ( ::SireMove::Simulation::*wait_function_type)(  ) ;
            wait_function_type wait_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::wait );
                , wait_function_value
                , "Wait for the simulation to stop running\n(which can be either because it finished, was stopped,\nwas aborted or ended in error)" );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::wait
            typedef bool ( ::SireMove::Simulation::*wait_function_type)( int ) ;
            wait_function_type wait_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::wait );
                , wait_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("timeout") )
                , "Wait for the simulation to stop running, or for timeout\nmilliseconds to pass, whichever comes soonest. This returns\nwhether or not the simulation has stopped" );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::wasAborted
            typedef bool ( ::SireMove::Simulation::*wasAborted_function_type)(  ) ;
            wasAborted_function_type wasAborted_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::wasAborted );
                , wasAborted_function_value
                , "Return whether or not the simulation was aborted" );
        { //::SireMove::Simulation::wasStopped
            typedef bool ( ::SireMove::Simulation::*wasStopped_function_type)(  ) ;
            wasStopped_function_type wasStopped_function_value( &::SireMove::Simulation::wasStopped );
                , wasStopped_function_value
                , "Return whether or not the simulation was stopped" );
        Simulation_exposer.staticmethod( "run" );
        Simulation_exposer.def( "__copy__", &__copy__);
        Simulation_exposer.def( "__deepcopy__", &__copy__);
        Simulation_exposer.def( "clone", &__copy__);
        Simulation_exposer.def( "__str__", &pvt_get_name);
        Simulation_exposer.def( "__repr__", &pvt_get_name);

예제 #2
void register_SimPacket_class(){

    { //::SireMove::SimPacket
        typedef bp::class_< SireMove::SimPacket, bp::bases< SireCluster::WorkPacketBase > > SimPacket_exposer_t;
        SimPacket_exposer_t SimPacket_exposer = SimPacket_exposer_t( "SimPacket", bp::init< >() );
        bp::scope SimPacket_scope( SimPacket_exposer );
        SimPacket_exposer.def( bp::init< SireSystem::System const &, SireMove::Moves const &, int, bp::optional< bool > >(( bp::arg("system"), bp::arg("moves"), bp::arg("nmoves"), bp::arg("record_stats")=(bool)(true) )) );
        SimPacket_exposer.def( bp::init< SireSystem::System const &, SireMove::Moves const &, int, int, bp::optional< bool > >(( bp::arg("system"), bp::arg("moves"), bp::arg("nmoves"), bp::arg("nmoves_per_chunk"), bp::arg("record_stats")=(bool)(true) )) );
        SimPacket_exposer.def( bp::init< SireMove::SimStore const &, int, bp::optional< bool > >(( bp::arg("simstore"), bp::arg("nmoves"), bp::arg("record_stats")=(bool)(true) )) );
        SimPacket_exposer.def( bp::init< SireMove::SimStore const &, int, int, bp::optional< bool > >(( bp::arg("simstore"), bp::arg("nmoves"), bp::arg("nmoves_per_chunk"), bp::arg("record_stats")=(bool)(true) )) );
        SimPacket_exposer.def( bp::init< SireMove::SimPacket const & >(( bp::arg("other") )) );
        { //::SireMove::SimPacket::approximatePacketSize
            typedef int ( ::SireMove::SimPacket::*approximatePacketSize_function_type )(  ) const;
            approximatePacketSize_function_type approximatePacketSize_function_value( &::SireMove::SimPacket::approximatePacketSize );
                , approximatePacketSize_function_value );
        { //::SireMove::SimPacket::hasFinished
            typedef bool ( ::SireMove::SimPacket::*hasFinished_function_type )(  ) const;
            hasFinished_function_type hasFinished_function_value( &::SireMove::SimPacket::hasFinished );
                , hasFinished_function_value );
        { //::SireMove::SimPacket::moves
            typedef ::SireMove::MovesPtr ( ::SireMove::SimPacket::*moves_function_type )(  ) const;
            moves_function_type moves_function_value( &::SireMove::SimPacket::moves );
                , moves_function_value );
        { //::SireMove::SimPacket::nCompleted
            typedef int ( ::SireMove::SimPacket::*nCompleted_function_type )(  ) const;
            nCompleted_function_type nCompleted_function_value( &::SireMove::SimPacket::nCompleted );
                , nCompleted_function_value );
        { //::SireMove::SimPacket::nMoves
            typedef int ( ::SireMove::SimPacket::*nMoves_function_type )(  ) const;
            nMoves_function_type nMoves_function_value( &::SireMove::SimPacket::nMoves );
                , nMoves_function_value );
        { //::SireMove::SimPacket::nMovesPerChunk
            typedef int ( ::SireMove::SimPacket::*nMovesPerChunk_function_type )(  ) const;
            nMovesPerChunk_function_type nMovesPerChunk_function_value( &::SireMove::SimPacket::nMovesPerChunk );
                , nMovesPerChunk_function_value );
        SimPacket_exposer.def( bp::self != bp::self );
        { //::SireMove::SimPacket::operator=
            typedef ::SireMove::SimPacket & ( ::SireMove::SimPacket::*assign_function_type )( ::SireMove::SimPacket const & ) ;
            assign_function_type assign_function_value( &::SireMove::SimPacket::operator= );
                , assign_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("other") )
                , bp::return_self< >() );
        SimPacket_exposer.def( bp::self == bp::self );
        { //::SireMove::SimPacket::recordingStatistics
            typedef bool ( ::SireMove::SimPacket::*recordingStatistics_function_type )(  ) const;
            recordingStatistics_function_type recordingStatistics_function_value( &::SireMove::SimPacket::recordingStatistics );
                , recordingStatistics_function_value );
        { //::SireMove::SimPacket::shouldPack
            typedef bool ( ::SireMove::SimPacket::*shouldPack_function_type )(  ) const;
            shouldPack_function_type shouldPack_function_value( &::SireMove::SimPacket::shouldPack );
                , shouldPack_function_value );
        { //::SireMove::SimPacket::system
            typedef ::SireSystem::System ( ::SireMove::SimPacket::*system_function_type )(  ) const;
            system_function_type system_function_value( &::SireMove::SimPacket::system );
                , system_function_value );
        { //::SireMove::SimPacket::systemAndMoves
            typedef ::SireMove::SimStore ( ::SireMove::SimPacket::*systemAndMoves_function_type )(  ) const;
            systemAndMoves_function_type systemAndMoves_function_value( &::SireMove::SimPacket::systemAndMoves );
                , systemAndMoves_function_value );
        { //::SireMove::SimPacket::typeName
            typedef char const * ( *typeName_function_type )(  );
            typeName_function_type typeName_function_value( &::SireMove::SimPacket::typeName );
                , typeName_function_value );
        { //::SireMove::SimPacket::what
            typedef char const * ( ::SireMove::SimPacket::*what_function_type )(  ) const;
            what_function_type what_function_value( &::SireMove::SimPacket::what );
                , what_function_value );
        SimPacket_exposer.staticmethod( "typeName" );
        SimPacket_exposer.def( "__copy__", &__copy__);
        SimPacket_exposer.def( "__deepcopy__", &__copy__);
        SimPacket_exposer.def( "clone", &__copy__);
        SimPacket_exposer.def( "__rlshift__", &__rlshift__QDataStream< ::SireMove::SimPacket >,
                            bp::return_internal_reference<1, bp::with_custodian_and_ward<1,2> >() );
        SimPacket_exposer.def( "__rrshift__", &__rrshift__QDataStream< ::SireMove::SimPacket >,
                            bp::return_internal_reference<1, bp::with_custodian_and_ward<1,2> >() );
        SimPacket_exposer.def( "__str__", &pvt_get_name);
        SimPacket_exposer.def( "__repr__", &pvt_get_name);
