예제 #1
파일: ds0_onepdm.C 프로젝트: chrinide/Block
void accumulate_onepdm(Matrix& onepdm)

#ifndef SERIAL
  Matrix tmp_recv;
  mpi::communicator world;
  if (world.size() == 1)
  if (!mpigetrank())
      for(int i=1;i<world.size();++i)
	  world.recv(i, i, tmp_recv);
	  for(int k=0;k<onepdm.Nrows();++k)
	    for(int l=0;l<onepdm.Ncols();++l)
	      if(tmp_recv(k+1,l+1) != 0.) {
		onepdm(k+1,l+1) = tmp_recv(k+1,l+1);
      world.send(0, mpigetrank(), onepdm);
예제 #2
void Twopdm_container::accumulate_spatial_npdm()
#ifndef SERIAL
  mpi::communicator world;
#ifdef NDEBUG
  if( mpigetrank() == 0)
    MPI_Reduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, spatial_twopdm.data(),  spatial_twopdm.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, world);
    MPI_Reduce(spatial_twopdm.data(), spatial_twopdm.data(),  spatial_twopdm.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, world);
  array_4d<double> tmp_recv;
  if( mpigetrank() == 0) {
    for(int i=1;i<world.size();++i) {
      world.recv(i, i, tmp_recv);
      for(int k=0;k<spatial_twopdm.dim1();++k)
        for(int l=0;l<spatial_twopdm.dim2();++l)
          for(int m=0;m<spatial_twopdm.dim3();++m)
            for(int n=0;n<spatial_twopdm.dim4();++n)
              if ( abs(tmp_recv(k,l,m,n)) > NUMERICAL_ZERO) {
                // Test for duplicates
                assert(abs(spatial_twopdm(k,l,m,n)) < NUMERICAL_ZERO ) ;
                spatial_twopdm(k,l,m,n) = tmp_recv(k,l,m,n);
  else {
    world.send(0, mpigetrank(), spatial_twopdm);
예제 #3
void SpinBlock::addAdditionalCompOps()
#ifndef SERIAL
  boost::mpi::communicator world;
  if (world.size() == 1)
    return; //there is no need to have additional compops

  int length = dmrginp.last_site();
  int dotopindex = (sites[0] == 0) ? complementary_sites[0] : complementary_sites[complementary_sites.size()-1];

  if (!ops[CRE]->is_local()) {
    for(int i=0; i<get_sites().size(); i++) {
      if (ops[CRE]->has(sites[i])) {
	if (processorindex(sites[i]) != mpigetrank()) 
	mpi::broadcast(world, *(ops[CRE]->get_element(sites[i])[0]), processorindex(sites[i]));

  for (int i=0; i<complementary_sites.size(); i++) {
    int compsite = complementary_sites[i];
    if (compsite == dotopindex) continue;
    int I = (compsite > dotopindex) ? compsite : dotopindex;
    int J = (compsite > dotopindex) ? dotopindex : compsite;
    if (processorindex(compsite) == processorindex(trimap(I, J, length)))
    if (processorindex(compsite) == mpigetrank())
      bool other_proc_has_ops = true;
      world.recv(processorindex(trimap(I, J, length)), 0, other_proc_has_ops);
      //this will potentially receive some ops
      if (other_proc_has_ops) {
	ops[CRE_DESCOMP]->add_local_indices(I, J);
	recvcompOps(*ops[CRE_DESCOMP], I, J, CRE_DESCOMP);
	ops[DES_DESCOMP]->add_local_indices(I, J);
	recvcompOps(*ops[DES_DESCOMP], I, J, DES_DESCOMP);
      //this will potentially send some ops
      if (processorindex(trimap(I, J, length)) == mpigetrank()) {
	bool this_proc_has_ops = ops[CRE_DESCOMP]->has_local_index(I, J);
	world.send(processorindex(compsite), 0, this_proc_has_ops);
	if (this_proc_has_ops) {
	  sendcompOps(*ops[CRE_DESCOMP], I, J, CRE_DESCOMP, compsite);
	  sendcompOps(*ops[DES_DESCOMP], I, J, DES_DESCOMP, compsite);
    //dmrginp.datatransfer -> stop(); //ROA
예제 #4
void SpinBlock::store (bool forward, const vector<int>& sites, SpinBlock& b, int left, int right, char *name)
  Timer disktimer;
  std::string file;
  if(dmrginp.spinAdapted()) {
    if (forward)
      file = str(boost::format("%s%s%d%s%d%s%d%s%d%s%d%s%d%s") % dmrginp.save_prefix() % "/SpinBlock-forward-"% sites[0] % "-" % sites[sites.size()-1] % "." % left % "." % right % "." %b.integralIndex % "." % mpigetrank() % ".tmp" );
      file = str(boost::format("%s%s%d%s%d%s%d%s%d%s%d%s%d%s") % dmrginp.save_prefix() % "/SpinBlock-backward-"% sites[0] % "-" % sites[sites.size()-1] % "." % left % "." % right % "." %b.integralIndex % "." % mpigetrank() % ".tmp" );
  else {
    if (forward)
      file = str(boost::format("%s%s%d%s%d%s%d%s%d%s%d%s%d%s") % dmrginp.save_prefix() % "/SpinBlock-forward-"% (sites[0]/2) % "-" % (sites[sites.size()-1]/2) % "." % left % "." % right % "." %b.integralIndex % "." % mpigetrank() % ".tmp" );
      file = str(boost::format("%s%s%d%s%d%s%d%s%d%s%d%s%d%s") % dmrginp.save_prefix() % "/SpinBlock-backward-"% (sites[0]/2) % "-" % (sites[sites.size()-1]/2) % "." % left % "." % right % "." %b.integralIndex % "." % mpigetrank() % ".tmp" );
  p1out << "\t\t\t Saving block file :: " << file << endl;
  std::ofstream ofs(file.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
  int lstate =  left;
  int rstate =  right;
  if (mpigetrank()==0) {
    StateInfo::store(forward, sites, b.braStateInfo, lstate);
    StateInfo::store(forward, sites, b.ketStateInfo, rstate);

  b.Save (ofs);
  //p1out << "\t\t\t block save disk time " << disktimer.elapsedwalltime() << " " << disktimer.elapsedcputime() << endl;
예제 #5
파일: ds0_onepdm.C 프로젝트: chrinide/Block
void save_onepdm_text(const Matrix& onepdm, const int &i, const int &j)
  //the spatial has a factor of 1/2 in front of it 
    std::vector<int> reorder;
    for (int k=0; k<onepdm.Nrows()/2; k++) {
      reorder.at(dmrginp.reorder_vector()[k]) = k;

    char file[5000];
    sprintf (file, "%s%s%d.%d", dmrginp.save_prefix().c_str(),"/onepdm.", i, j);
    ofstream ofs(file);
    ofs << onepdm.Nrows() << endl;
    for(int k=0;k<onepdm.Nrows()/2;++k)
      for(int l=0;l<onepdm.Ncols()/2;++l) {
        int K = reorder.at(k), L = reorder.at(l);

        double opdm = onepdm(2*K+1, 2*L+1) ;
        ofs << boost::format("%d %d %20.14e\n") % (2*k) % (2*l) % opdm;

        opdm = onepdm(2*K+2, 2*L+2);
        ofs << boost::format("%d %d %20.14e\n") % (2*k+1) % (2*l+1) % opdm;

예제 #6
void Onepdm_container::accumulate_spatial_npdm()
#ifndef SERIAL
  array_2d<double> tmp_recv;
  mpi::communicator world;
  if( mpigetrank() == 0) {
    for(int i=1;i<calc.size();++i) {
      calc.recv(i, i, tmp_recv);
      for(int k=0;k<spatial_onepdm.dim1();++k)
        for(int l=0;l<spatial_onepdm.dim2();++l)
          if( abs(tmp_recv(k,l)) > NUMERICAL_ZERO ) spatial_onepdm(k,l) = tmp_recv(k,l);
  else {
    calc.send(0, mpigetrank(), spatial_onepdm);
예제 #7
void Pairpdm_container::calculate_spatial_npdm()
  //const std::vector<int>& ro = dmrginp.reorder_vector();
  //mpi::communicator world;
  if( mpigetrank() == 0) {
    for(int k=0;k<spatial_pairpdm.dim1();++k)
      for(int l=0;l<spatial_pairpdm.dim2();++l)
            spatial_pairpdm(k,l)= pairpdm(2*k,2*l+1);
예제 #8
파일: ds0_onepdm.C 프로젝트: chrinide/Block
void load_onepdm_binary(Matrix& onepdm, const int &i, const int &j)
    char file[5000];
    sprintf (file, "%s%s%d.%d", dmrginp.save_prefix().c_str(), "/onepdm.", i, j);
    std::ifstream ifs(file, std::ios::binary);
    boost::archive::binary_iarchive load(ifs);
    load >> onepdm;
예제 #9
파일: ds0_onepdm.C 프로젝트: chrinide/Block
void save_onepdm_binary(const Matrix& onepdm, const int &i, const int &j)
    char file[5000];
    sprintf (file, "%s%s%d.%d", dmrginp.save_prefix().c_str(),"/onepdm.", i, j);
    std::ofstream ofs(file, std::ios::binary);
    boost::archive::binary_oarchive save(ofs);
    save << onepdm;
예제 #10
void Onepdm_container::save_spatial_npdm_binary(const int &i, const int &j)
  if( mpigetrank() == 0)
    char file[5000];
    sprintf (file, "%s%s%d.%d%s", dmrginp.save_prefix().c_str(),"/spatial_onepdm.", i, j,".bin");
    std::ofstream ofs(file, std::ios::binary);
    boost::archive::binary_oarchive save(ofs);
    save << spatial_onepdm;
예제 #11
void Twopdm_container::calculate_spatial_npdm()
  double factor = 0.5;
  //mpi::communicator world;
  if( mpigetrank() == 0) {
    for(int k=0;k<spatial_twopdm.dim1();++k)
      for(int l=0;l<spatial_twopdm.dim2();++l)
        for(int m=0;m<spatial_twopdm.dim3();++m)
          for(int n=0;n<spatial_twopdm.dim4();++n)
            spatial_twopdm(k,l,m,n)= factor*(twopdm(2*k,2*l,2*m,2*n)+ twopdm(2*k+1,2*l,2*m,2*n+1)+ twopdm(2*k,2*l+1,2*m+1,2*n)+ twopdm(2*k+1,2*l+1,2*m+1,2*n+1));

예제 #12
void Nevpt2_npdm::compute_A22_matrix( array_6d<double>& eee, array_8d<double>& eeee ) 
if( mpigetrank() == 0 ) {

  std::cout << "Building NEVPT2 A22 matrix\n";

  int dim = eee.dim1();
  const TwoElectronArray& twoInt = v_2;

  // Output text file
  char file[5000];
  sprintf (file, "%s%s%d.%d%s", dmrginp.save_prefix().c_str(),"/A22_matrix.", 0, 0,".txt");
  ofstream ofs(file);
  ofs << dim << endl;

  for(int ap=0; ap<dim; ++ap) {
    for(int bp=0; bp<dim; ++bp) {
      for(int cp=0; cp<dim; ++cp) {
        for(int a=0; a<dim; ++a) {
          for(int b=0; b<dim; ++b) {
            int d_bpb = ( bp == b );
            for(int c=0; c<dim; ++c) {
              double val = 0.0;
              for(int d=0; d<dim; ++d) {
                for(int e=0; e<dim; ++e) {
                  int d_bpe = ( bp == e );
                  for(int f=0; f<dim; ++f) {
                    // Factor of 2 on indices to recover spatial two-electron integrals
                    val += twoInt(2*d,2*e,2*f,2*a) * ( 2.0 * d_bpb * eee(cp,ap,d,f,e,c) - eeee(cp,ap,b,bp,d,f,e,c) );
                    val -= twoInt(2*d,2*c,2*f,2*e) * ( 2.0 * d_bpb * eee(cp,ap,d,f,a,e) - eeee(cp,ap,b,bp,d,f,a,e) );
                    val += twoInt(2*d,2*e,2*f,2*b) * ( 2.0 * d_bpe * eee(cp,ap,d,f,a,c) - eeee(cp,ap,e,bp,d,f,a,c) );
              if ( abs(val) > 1e-14 ) ofs << boost::format("%d %d %d %d %d %d %20.14e\n") % ap % bp % cp % a % b % c % val;

예제 #13
void SpinAdapted::Wavefunction::SaveWavefunctionInfo (const StateInfo &waveInfo, const std::vector<int>& sites, const int wave_num)
  char file [5000];
  sprintf (file, "%s%s%d%s%d%s%d%s%d%s", dmrginp.save_prefix().c_str(), "/wave-", sites [0], "-", *(sites.rbegin()), ".", mpigetrank(), ".", wave_num, ".tmp");
  if (dmrginp.outputlevel() > 0) 
    pout << "\t\t\t Saving Wavefunction " << file << endl;
  if (mpigetrank() == 0)
      std::ofstream ofs(file, std::ios::binary);
      boost::archive::binary_oarchive save_wave(ofs);
      save_wave << onedot << waveInfo << *waveInfo.leftStateInfo << *(waveInfo.leftStateInfo->leftStateInfo);
      save_wave << *(waveInfo.leftStateInfo->rightStateInfo) << *waveInfo.rightStateInfo;
	save_wave << *(waveInfo.rightStateInfo->leftStateInfo) << *(waveInfo.rightStateInfo->rightStateInfo);
      this->Save (ofs);
예제 #14
void SpinAdapted::Wavefunction::LoadWavefunctionInfo (StateInfo &waveInfo, const std::vector<int>& sites, const int wave_num)
  char file [5000];
  sprintf (file, "%s%s%d%s%d%s%d%s%d%s", dmrginp.load_prefix().c_str(), "/wave-", sites [0], "-", *(sites.rbegin()), ".", mpigetrank(), ".", wave_num, ".tmp");
  if (dmrginp.outputlevel() > 0) 
    pout << "\t\t\t Loading Wavefunction " << file << endl;
  waveInfo.Allocate ();
  if (mpigetrank() == 0)
      std::ifstream ifs(file, std::ios::binary);
      boost::archive::binary_iarchive load_wave(ifs);
      load_wave >> onedot >> waveInfo >> *waveInfo.leftStateInfo >> *(waveInfo.leftStateInfo->leftStateInfo)
		>> *(waveInfo.leftStateInfo->rightStateInfo) >> *waveInfo.rightStateInfo;
	load_wave >> *(waveInfo.rightStateInfo->leftStateInfo) >> *(waveInfo.rightStateInfo->rightStateInfo);
      this->Load (ifs);
예제 #15
void Onepdm_container::save_spatial_npdm_text(const int &i, const int &j)
  if( mpigetrank() == 0)
    char file[5000];
    sprintf (file, "%s%s%d.%d%s", dmrginp.save_prefix().c_str(),"/spatial_onepdm.", i, j,".txt");
    ofstream ofs(file);
    ofs << spatial_onepdm.dim1() << endl;
    double trace = 0.0;
    for(int k=0;k<spatial_onepdm.dim1();++k)
      for(int l=0;l<spatial_onepdm.dim2();++l) {
        ofs << boost::format("%d %d %20.14e\n") % k % l % spatial_onepdm(k,l);
        if ( k==l ) trace += spatial_onepdm(k,l);
    pout << "Spatial      1PDM trace = " << trace << "\n";
예제 #16
파일: ds0_onepdm.C 프로젝트: chrinide/Block
void save_onepdm_spatial_binary(const Matrix& onepdm, const int &i, const int &j)
  //the spatial has a factor of 1/2 in front of it 
    char file[5000];
    sprintf (file, "%s%s%d.%d", dmrginp.save_prefix().c_str(),"/spatial_onepdm_bin.", i, j);
    FILE* f = fopen(file, "wb");
    int rows = onepdm.Nrows()/2;
    Matrix spatonepdm(rows, rows);
    for (int i=0; i<rows; i++)
      for (int j=0; j<rows; j++)
	spatonepdm(i+1,j+1) = onepdm(2*i+1, 2*j+1)+onepdm(2*i+2, 2*j+2);
    int result = fwrite(&rows,  1, sizeof(int), f);
    result = fwrite(&rows,  1, sizeof(int), f);
    result = fwrite(spatonepdm.Store(), rows*rows, sizeof(double), f); 
예제 #17
void Twopdm_container::save_spatial_npdm_text(const int &i, const int &j)
  if( mpigetrank() == 0)
    char file[5000];
    sprintf (file, "%s%s%d.%d%s", dmrginp.save_prefix().c_str(),"/spatial_twopdm.", i, j,".txt");
    ofstream ofs(file);
    ofs << spatial_twopdm.dim1() << endl;
    double trace = 0.0;
    for(int k=0; k<spatial_twopdm.dim1(); ++k)
      for(int l=0; l<spatial_twopdm.dim2(); ++l)
        for(int m=0; m<spatial_twopdm.dim3(); ++m)
          for(int n=0; n<spatial_twopdm.dim4(); ++n) {
            ofs << boost::format("%d %d %d %d %20.14e\n") % k % l % m % n % spatial_twopdm(k,l,m,n);
            if ( (k==n) && (l==m) ) trace += spatial_twopdm(k,l,m,n);
    pout << "Spatial      2PDM trace = " << trace << "\n";
예제 #18
파일: sweep.C 프로젝트: matk86/Block
void SweepOnepdm::BlockAndDecimate (SweepParams &sweepParams, SpinBlock& system, SpinBlock& newSystem, const bool &useSlater, const bool& dot_with_sys, int state)
  //mcheck("at the start of block and decimate");
  // figure out if we are going forward or backwards
  dmrginp.guessgenT -> start();
  bool forward = (system.get_sites() [0] == 0);
  SpinBlock systemDot;
  SpinBlock envDot;
  int systemDotStart, systemDotEnd;
  int systemDotSize = sweepParams.get_sys_add() - 1;

  if (forward)
    systemDotStart = dmrginp.spinAdapted() ? *system.get_sites().rbegin () + 1 : (*system.get_sites().rbegin ())/2 + 1 ;
    systemDotEnd = systemDotStart + systemDotSize;
    systemDotStart = dmrginp.spinAdapted() ? system.get_sites()[0] - 1 : (system.get_sites()[0])/2 - 1 ;
    systemDotEnd = systemDotStart - systemDotSize;
  vector<int> spindotsites(2); 
  spindotsites[0] = systemDotStart;
  spindotsites[1] = systemDotEnd;
  systemDot = SpinBlock(systemDotStart, systemDotEnd, system.get_integralIndex(), true);

  SpinBlock environment, environmentDot, newEnvironment;
  int environmentDotStart, environmentDotEnd, environmentStart, environmentEnd;

  const int nexact = forward ? sweepParams.get_forward_starting_size() : sweepParams.get_backward_starting_size();
  newSystem.set_integralIndex() = system.get_integralIndex();
  newSystem.default_op_components(dmrginp.direct(), system, systemDot, false, false, true);
  newSystem.BuildSumBlock (NO_PARTICLE_SPIN_NUMBER_CONSTRAINT, system, systemDot);
  if (dmrginp.outputlevel() > 0) {
    pout << "\t\t\t NewSystem block " << endl << newSystem << endl;

  InitBlocks::InitNewEnvironmentBlock(environment, systemDot, newEnvironment, system, systemDot, sweepParams.current_root(), sweepParams.current_root(),
				      sweepParams.get_sys_add(), sweepParams.get_env_add(), forward, dmrginp.direct(),
				      sweepParams.get_onedot(), nexact, useSlater, system.get_integralIndex(), false, false, true);
  SpinBlock big;
  InitBlocks::InitBigBlock(newSystem, newEnvironment, big); 

  const int nroots = dmrginp.nroots();
  std::vector<Wavefunction> solution(1);

  DiagonalMatrix e;
  GuessWave::guess_wavefunctions(solution[0], e, big, sweepParams.get_guesstype(), true, state, true, 0.0); 

#ifndef SERIAL
  mpi::communicator world;
  mpi::broadcast(world, solution, 0);

  std::vector<Matrix> rotateMatrix;
  DensityMatrix tracedMatrix(newSystem.get_stateInfo());
  tracedMatrix.makedensitymatrix(solution, big, std::vector<double>(1,1.0), 0.0, 0.0, false);
  if (!mpigetrank())
    double error = makeRotateMatrix(tracedMatrix, rotateMatrix, sweepParams.get_keep_states(), sweepParams.get_keep_qstates());

#ifndef SERIAL
#ifdef SERIAL
  const int numprocs = 1;
#ifndef SERIAL
  const int numprocs = world.size();

  Matrix onepdm;
  load_onepdm_binary(onepdm, state ,state);
  Matrix pairmat;
  if (dmrginp.hamiltonian() == BCS)
    load_pairmat_binary(pairmat, state ,state);

  if (sweepParams.get_block_iter() == 0) {
    //this is inface a combination of  2_0_0, 1_1_0 and 0_2_0
    p2out << "\t\t\t compute 2_0_0"<<endl;
    compute_one_pdm_2_0_0(solution[0], solution[0], big, onepdm);
    if (dmrginp.hamiltonian() == BCS)
      compute_pair_2_0_0(solution[0], solution[0], big, pairmat);
    p2out << "\t\t\t compute 1_1_0"<<endl;
    compute_one_pdm_1_1_0(solution[0], solution[0], big, onepdm);
    if (dmrginp.hamiltonian() == BCS)    
      compute_pair_1_1_0(solution[0], solution[0], big, pairmat);

  p2out << "\t\t\t compute 0_2_0"<<endl;
  compute_one_pdm_0_2_0(solution[0], solution[0], big, onepdm);
  if (dmrginp.hamiltonian() == BCS)  
    compute_pair_0_2_0(solution[0], solution[0], big, pairmat);  
  p2out << "\t\t\t compute 1_1"<<endl;
  compute_one_pdm_1_1(solution[0], solution[0], big, onepdm);
  if (dmrginp.hamiltonian() == BCS)  
    compute_pair_1_1(solution[0], solution[0], big, pairmat);

  if (sweepParams.get_block_iter()  == sweepParams.get_n_iters() - 1) {
    p2out << "\t\t\t compute 0_2"<<endl;
    compute_one_pdm_0_2(solution[0], solution[0], big, onepdm);
    if (dmrginp.hamiltonian() == BCS)    
      compute_pair_0_2(solution[0], solution[0], big, pairmat);    

  save_onepdm_binary(onepdm, state, state);

  if (dmrginp.hamiltonian() == BCS) {
    save_pairmat_binary(pairmat, state, state);

  SaveRotationMatrix (newSystem.get_sites(), rotateMatrix, state);

  solution[0].SaveWavefunctionInfo (big.get_stateInfo(), big.get_leftBlock()->get_sites(), state);


예제 #19
void SpinBlock::addAdditionalCompOps()
#ifndef SERIAL
  boost::mpi::communicator world;
  if (world.size() == 1)
    return; //there is no need to have additional compops

  int length = dmrginp.last_site();

  if (!ops[CRE]->is_local()) {
    for(int i=0; i<get_sites().size(); i++) {
      if (ops[CRE]->has(sites[i])) {
        if (processorindex(sites[i]) != mpigetrank()) ops[CRE]->add_local_indices(sites[i]);
        ops[CRE]->set_local() = true;
        mpi::broadcast(world, *(ops[CRE]->get_element(sites[i])[0]), processorindex(sites[i]));

  if (has(DES)) {
    if (!ops[DES]->is_local()) {
      for(int i=0; i<get_sites().size(); i++) {
        if (ops[DES]->has(sites[i])) {
        if (processorindex(sites[i]) != mpigetrank()) ops[DES]->add_local_indices(sites[i]);
        ops[DES]->set_local() = true;
        mpi::broadcast(world, *(ops[DES]->get_element(sites[i])[0]), processorindex(sites[i]));
  if(dmrginp.calc_type() == MPS_NEVPT)
  //  if ( has(CDD_CRE_DESCOMP))
  //    if (!ops[CDD_CRE_DESCOMP]->is_local) {
  //      for(int i=0; i<get_sites().size(); i++) {
  //        if (ops[CDD_CRE_DESCOMP]->has(sites[i])) {
  //        if (processorindex(sites[i]) != mpigetrank()) ops[CDD_CRE_DESCOMP]->add_local_indices(sites[i]);
  //          ops[CDD_CRE_DESCOMP]->set_local() = true;
  //          mpi::broadcast(world, *(ops[CDD_CRE_DESCOMP]->get_element(sites[i])[0]), processorindex(sites[i]));
  //        }
  //      }
  //    }
    return ;

  vector<int> dotindice;
  dotindice.push_back((sites[0] == 0) ? complementary_sites[0] : complementary_sites[complementary_sites.size()-1]);
  if (!dmrginp.spinAdapted()) { // when non-spinadapted, sites are spin orbitals
    dotindice.push_back((sites[0] == 0) ? complementary_sites[1] : complementary_sites[complementary_sites.size()-2]);    

  for (int idx = 0; idx < dotindice.size(); ++idx) {
    int dotopindex = dotindice[idx];

    for (int i=0; i<complementary_sites.size(); i++) {
      int compsite = complementary_sites[i];
      if (std::find(dotindice.begin(), dotindice.end(), compsite) != dotindice.end())
      int I = (compsite > dotopindex) ? compsite : dotopindex;
      int J = (compsite > dotopindex) ? dotopindex : compsite;
      if (processorindex(compsite) == processorindex(trimap_2d(I, J, length)))
      if (processorindex(compsite) == mpigetrank()) {
        //this will potentially receive some ops        
        bool other_proc_has_ops = true;
        world.recv(processorindex(trimap_2d(I, J, length)), 0, other_proc_has_ops);
        if (other_proc_has_ops) {
	      ops[CRE_DESCOMP]->add_local_indices(I, J);
	      recvcompOps(*ops[CRE_DESCOMP], I, J, CRE_DESCOMP);
        other_proc_has_ops = true;
        world.recv(processorindex(trimap_2d(I, J, length)), 0, other_proc_has_ops);
        if (other_proc_has_ops) {
	      ops[DES_DESCOMP]->add_local_indices(I, J);
	      recvcompOps(*ops[DES_DESCOMP], I, J, DES_DESCOMP);
	if (has(DES)) {
	  other_proc_has_ops = true;
	  world.recv(processorindex(trimap_2d(I, J, length)), 0, other_proc_has_ops);
	  if (other_proc_has_ops) {
	    ops[CRE_CRECOMP]->add_local_indices(I, J);
	    recvcompOps(*ops[CRE_CRECOMP], I, J, CRE_CRECOMP);
	  other_proc_has_ops = true;
	  world.recv(processorindex(trimap_2d(I, J, length)), 0, other_proc_has_ops);
	  if (other_proc_has_ops) {
	    ops[DES_CRECOMP]->add_local_indices(I, J);
	    recvcompOps(*ops[DES_CRECOMP], I, J, DES_CRECOMP);
      else {
        //this will potentially send some ops
        if (processorindex(trimap_2d(I, J, length)) == mpigetrank()) {
	  bool this_proc_has_ops = ops[CRE_DESCOMP]->has_local_index(I, J);
	  world.send(processorindex(compsite), 0, this_proc_has_ops);
	  if (this_proc_has_ops) {
	    sendcompOps(*ops[CRE_DESCOMP], I, J, CRE_DESCOMP, compsite);
          this_proc_has_ops = ops[DES_DESCOMP]->has_local_index(I, J);
	  world.send(processorindex(compsite), 0, this_proc_has_ops);
	  if (this_proc_has_ops) {
	    sendcompOps(*ops[DES_DESCOMP], I, J, DES_DESCOMP, compsite);     
	  if (has(DES)) {
	    this_proc_has_ops = ops[CRE_CRECOMP]->has_local_index(I, J);
	    world.send(processorindex(compsite), 0, this_proc_has_ops);
	    if (this_proc_has_ops) {
	      sendcompOps(*ops[CRE_CRECOMP], I, J, CRE_CRECOMP, compsite);     
	    this_proc_has_ops = ops[DES_CRECOMP]->has_local_index(I, J);
	    world.send(processorindex(compsite), 0, this_proc_has_ops);
	    if (this_proc_has_ops) {
	      sendcompOps(*ops[DES_CRECOMP], I, J, DES_CRECOMP, compsite);     
예제 #20
void SpinBlock::store (bool forward, const vector<int>& sites, SpinBlock& b)
  Timer disktimer;
  std::string file;
  if (forward)
    file = str(boost::format("%s%s%d%s%d%s%d%s") % dmrginp.save_prefix() % "/SpinBlock-forward-"% sites[0] % "-" % sites[sites.size()-1] % "." % mpigetrank() % ".tmp" );
    file = str(boost::format("%s%s%d%s%d%s%d%s") % dmrginp.save_prefix() % "/SpinBlock-backward-"% sites[0] % "-" % sites[sites.size()-1] % "." % mpigetrank() % ".tmp" );
  if (dmrginp.outputlevel() > 0) 
    pout << "\t\t\t Saving block file :: " << file << endl;

  std::ofstream ofs(file.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
  b.Save (ofs);
  //pout << "\t\t\t block save disk time " << disktimer.elapsedwalltime() << " " << disktimer.elapsedcputime() << endl;
예제 #21
array_8d<double> Nevpt2_npdm::compute_EEEE_matrix(array_2d<double>& onepdm, array_4d<double>& twopdm, array_6d<double>& threepdm, array_8d<double>& fourpdm)
if( mpigetrank() == 0 ) {

  std::cout << "Building spatial <0|EEEE|0>\n";

  int dim = threepdm.dim1(); 
  assert( onepdm.dim1() == twopdm.dim1() );
  array_8d<double> eeee_matrix(dim,dim,dim,dim,dim,dim,dim,dim);

  // Output text file
  double factor = 1.0;
  char file[5000];
  sprintf (file, "%s%s%d.%d%s", dmrginp.save_prefix().c_str(),"/EEEE_matrix.", 0, 0,".txt");
  ofstream ofs(file);
  ofs << dim << endl;

  for(int i=0; i<dim; ++i) {
    for(int j=0; j<dim; ++j) {

      for(int k=0; k<dim; ++k) {
        int d_jk = ( j == k );
        for(int l=0; l<dim; ++l) {
          for(int m=0; m<dim; ++m) {
            int d_lm = ( l == m );
            int d_jm = ( j == m );
            for(int n=0; n<dim; ++n) {
              for(int p=0; p<dim; ++p) {
                int d_np = ( n == p );
                int d_lp = ( l == p );
                int d_jp = ( j == p );
                for(int q=0; q<dim; ++q) {

                  double val = 0.0;
                  // 1PDM terms
                  val += d_jk * d_lm * d_np * onepdm(i,q);
                  // 2PDM terms 
                  val += d_jk * d_lm * 2.0*twopdm(i,p,q,n); // Note factor of two difference between Block 2PDMs and other codes
                  val += d_jk * d_np * 2.0*twopdm(i,m,q,l);
                  val += d_jk * d_lp * 2.0*twopdm(i,m,n,q);
                  val += d_jm * d_np * 2.0*twopdm(i,k,l,q);
                  val += d_jm * d_lp * 2.0*twopdm(i,k,q,n);
                  val += d_lm * d_np * 2.0*twopdm(i,k,q,j);
                  val += d_lm * d_jp * 2.0*twopdm(i,k,n,q);
                  // 3PDM terms
                  val += d_jk * threepdm(i,m,p,q,n,l);
                  val += d_jm * threepdm(i,k,p,q,l,n);
                  val += d_lm * threepdm(i,k,p,q,n,j);
                  val += d_np * threepdm(i,k,m,q,l,j);
                  val += d_lp * threepdm(i,k,m,n,q,j);
                  val += d_jp * threepdm(i,k,m,n,l,q);
                  // 4PDM terms
                  val += fourpdm(i,k,m,p,j,l,n,q);

                  if ( abs(val) > 1e-14 ) {
                    ofs << boost::format("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %20.14e\n") % i % j % k % l % m % n % p % q % val;
                    eeee_matrix(i,j,k,l,m,n,p,q) = val;

  // Save binary matrix
  sprintf (file, "%s%s%d.%d%s", dmrginp.save_prefix().c_str(),"/EEEE_matrix.", 0, 0,".bin");
  std::ofstream ofs2(file, std::ios::binary);
  boost::archive::binary_oarchive save(ofs2);
  save << eeee_matrix;

  return eeee_matrix;

예제 #22
파일: sweep.C 프로젝트: matk86/Block
void SweepTwopdm::BlockAndDecimate (SweepParams &sweepParams, SpinBlock& system, SpinBlock& newSystem, const bool &useSlater, const bool& dot_with_sys, int state)
  //mcheck("at the start of block and decimate");
  // figure out if we are going forward or backwards
  dmrginp.guessgenT -> start();
  bool forward = (system.get_sites() [0] == 0);
  SpinBlock systemDot;
  SpinBlock envDot;
  int systemDotStart, systemDotEnd;
  int systemDotSize = sweepParams.get_sys_add() - 1;
  if (forward)
    systemDotStart = dmrginp.spinAdapted() ? *system.get_sites().rbegin () + 1 : (*system.get_sites().rbegin ())/2 + 1 ;
    systemDotEnd = systemDotStart + systemDotSize;
    systemDotStart = dmrginp.spinAdapted() ? system.get_sites()[0] - 1 : (system.get_sites()[0])/2 - 1 ;
    systemDotEnd = systemDotStart - systemDotSize;
  vector<int> spindotsites(2); 
  spindotsites[0] = systemDotStart;
  spindotsites[1] = systemDotEnd;
  //if (useSlater) {
  systemDot = SpinBlock(systemDotStart, systemDotEnd, system.get_integralIndex(), true);
    //SpinBlock::store(true, systemDot.get_sites(), systemDot);
    //SpinBlock::restore(true, spindotsites, systemDot);
  SpinBlock environment, environmentDot, newEnvironment;

  int environmentDotStart, environmentDotEnd, environmentStart, environmentEnd;

  const int nexact = forward ? sweepParams.get_forward_starting_size() : sweepParams.get_backward_starting_size();

  InitBlocks::InitNewSystemBlock(system, systemDot, newSystem, sweepParams.current_root(), sweepParams.current_root(), sweepParams.get_sys_add(), dmrginp.direct(), system.get_integralIndex(), DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE, true, true);
  InitBlocks::InitNewEnvironmentBlock(environment, systemDot, newEnvironment, system, systemDot, sweepParams.current_root(), sweepParams.current_root(), 
				      sweepParams.get_sys_add(), sweepParams.get_env_add(), forward, dmrginp.direct(),
				      sweepParams.get_onedot(), nexact, useSlater, system.get_integralIndex(), true, true, true);
  SpinBlock big;
  InitBlocks::InitBigBlock(newSystem, newEnvironment, big); 

  const int nroots = dmrginp.nroots();
  std::vector<Wavefunction> solution(1);

  DiagonalMatrix e;
  GuessWave::guess_wavefunctions(solution[0], e, big, sweepParams.get_guesstype(), true, state, true, 0.0); 

#ifndef SERIAL
  mpi::communicator world;
  mpi::broadcast(world, solution, 0);

  std::vector<Matrix> rotateMatrix;
  DensityMatrix tracedMatrix(newSystem.get_stateInfo());
  tracedMatrix.makedensitymatrix(solution, big, std::vector<double>(1,1.0), 0.0, 0.0, false);
  if (!mpigetrank())
    double error = makeRotateMatrix(tracedMatrix, rotateMatrix, sweepParams.get_keep_states(), sweepParams.get_keep_qstates());

#ifndef SERIAL
#ifdef SERIAL
  const int numprocs = 1;
#ifndef SERIAL
  const int numprocs = world.size();
  if (sweepParams.get_block_iter() == 0)
    compute_twopdm_initial(solution, system, systemDot, newSystem, newEnvironment, big, numprocs, state);

  compute_twopdm_sweep(solution, system, systemDot, newSystem, newEnvironment, big, numprocs, state);

  if (sweepParams.get_block_iter()  == sweepParams.get_n_iters() - 1)
    compute_twopdm_final(solution, system, systemDot, newSystem, newEnvironment, big, numprocs, state);

  SaveRotationMatrix (newSystem.get_sites(), rotateMatrix, state);

  //for(int i=0;i<dmrginp.nroots();++i)
  solution[0].SaveWavefunctionInfo (big.get_stateInfo(), big.get_leftBlock()->get_sites(), state);


예제 #23
파일: sweep.C 프로젝트: i-maruyama/Block
void SweepGenblock::BlockAndDecimate (SweepParams &sweepParams, SpinBlock& system, SpinBlock& newSystem, const bool &useSlater, const bool& dot_with_sys, int state)
  if (dmrginp.outputlevel() > 0) 
    mcheck("at the start of block and decimate");
  // figure out if we are going forward or backwards
  pout << "\t\t\t Performing Blocking"<<endl;
  dmrginp.guessgenT -> start();
  bool forward = (system.get_sites() [0] == 0);
  SpinBlock systemDot;
  int systemDotStart, systemDotEnd;
  int systemDotSize = sweepParams.get_sys_add() - 1;
  if (forward)
    systemDotStart = *system.get_sites().rbegin () + 1;
    systemDotEnd = systemDotStart + systemDotSize;
    systemDotStart = system.get_sites() [0] - 1;
    systemDotEnd = systemDotStart - systemDotSize;
  vector<int> spindotsites(2); 
  spindotsites[0] = systemDotStart;
  spindotsites[1] = systemDotEnd;
  systemDot = SpinBlock(systemDotStart, systemDotEnd);

  const int nexact = forward ? sweepParams.get_forward_starting_size() : sweepParams.get_backward_starting_size();

  InitBlocks::InitNewSystemBlock(system, systemDot, newSystem, sweepParams.get_sys_add(), dmrginp.direct(), DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE, dot_with_sys, true);

  pout << "\t\t\t System  Block"<<newSystem;
  if (dmrginp.outputlevel() > 0)

  std::vector<Matrix> rotateMatrix;

  if (!dmrginp.get_fullrestart()) {
    //this should be done when we actually have wavefunctions stored, otherwise not!!
    SpinBlock environment, environmentDot, newEnvironment;
    int environmentDotStart, environmentDotEnd, environmentStart, environmentEnd;
    InitBlocks::InitNewEnvironmentBlock(environment, systemDot, newEnvironment, system, systemDot,
					sweepParams.get_sys_add(), sweepParams.get_env_add(), forward, dmrginp.direct(),
					sweepParams.get_onedot(), nexact, useSlater, true, true, true);
    SpinBlock big;
    InitBlocks::InitBigBlock(newSystem, newEnvironment, big); 
    DiagonalMatrix e;
    std::vector<Wavefunction> solution(1);
    GuessWave::guess_wavefunctions(solution[0], e, big, sweepParams.get_guesstype(), true, state, true, 0.0); 
    solution[0].SaveWavefunctionInfo (big.get_stateInfo(), big.get_leftBlock()->get_sites(), state);

    DensityMatrix tracedMatrix;
    tracedMatrix.makedensitymatrix(solution, big, std::vector<double>(1, 1.0), 0.0, 0.0, false);
    if (!mpigetrank())
      double error = newSystem.makeRotateMatrix(tracedMatrix, rotateMatrix, sweepParams.get_keep_states(), sweepParams.get_keep_qstates());
    LoadRotationMatrix (newSystem.get_sites(), rotateMatrix, state);

#ifndef SERIAL
  mpi::communicator world;
  broadcast(world, rotateMatrix, 0);

  if (!dmrginp.get_fullrestart())
    SaveRotationMatrix (newSystem.get_sites(), rotateMatrix, state);

  pout <<"\t\t\t Performing Renormalization "<<endl<<endl;
  if (dmrginp.outputlevel() > 0) 
    mcheck("after rotation and transformation of block");
  if (dmrginp.outputlevel() > 0) 
    pout <<newSystem<<endl;
  if (dmrginp.outputlevel() > 0)
  //mcheck("After renorm transform");