static void fs_Ok_released( GtkButton * button, gpointer user_data ) { GList * item; int i = 1; struct stat fs; stat( fsSelectedFile,&fs ); if( S_ISDIR(fs.st_mode ) ) { chdir( fsSelectedFile ); fsSelectedFile=fsThatDir; CheckDir( fsFNameList ); gtk_entry_set_text( GTK_ENTRY( fsPathCombo ),(unsigned char *)get_current_dir_name_utf8() ); gtk_widget_grab_focus( fsFNameList ); return; } fsSelectedDirectory=(unsigned char *)get_current_dir_name(); switch ( fsType ) { case fsVideoSelector: uiSetFileName( fsSelectedDirectory,fsSelectedFile,STREAMTYPE_FILE ); guiInfo.NewPlay=GUI_FILE_NEW; sub_fps=0; fs_PersistantHistory( get_current_dir_name_utf8() ); //totem, write into history break; case fsSubtitleSelector: setddup( &guiInfo.SubtitleFilename,fsSelectedDirectory,fsSelectedFile ); mplayerLoadSubtitle( guiInfo.SubtitleFilename ); break; /* case fsOtherSelector: setddup( &guiInfo.Othername,fsSelectedDirectory,fsSelectedFile ); break;*/ case fsAudioSelector: setddup( &guiInfo.AudioFilename,fsSelectedDirectory,fsSelectedFile ); break; case fsFontSelector: setddup( &font_name,fsSelectedDirectory,fsSelectedFile ); mplayerLoadFont(); if ( Preferences ) gtk_entry_set_text( GTK_ENTRY( prEFontName ),font_name ); break; } HideFileSelect(); item=fsTopList_items; while( item ) { if ( !strcmp( item->data,fsSelectedDirectory ) ) i=0; item=item->next; } if ( i ) fsTopList_items=g_list_prepend( fsTopList_items,(gchar *)get_current_dir_name_utf8() ); if ( uiMainAutoPlay ) { uiMainAutoPlay=0; uiEventHandling( evPlay,0 ); } else gui( GUI_SET_STATE,(void *) GUI_STOP ); }
/* this will be used to handle Drag&Drop files */ void uiDandDHandler(int num,char** files) { struct stat buf; int f = 0; char* subtitles = NULL; char* filename = NULL; if (num <= 0) return; /* now fill it with new items */ for(f=0; f < num; f++){ char* str = strdup( files[f] ); plItem* item; url_unescape_string(str, files[f]); if(stat(str,&buf) == 0 && S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode) == 0) { /* this is not a directory so try to play it */ mp_msg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_V,"Received D&D %s\n",str ); /* check if it is a subtitle file */ { char* ext = strrchr(str,'.'); if (ext) { static char supported[] = "utf/sub/srt/smi/rt//txt/ssa/aqt/"; char* type; int len; if((len=strlen(++ext)) && (type=strstr(supported,ext)) &&\ (type-supported)%4 == 0 && *(type+len) == '/'){ /* handle subtitle file */ nfree(subtitles); subtitles = str; continue; } } } /* clear playlist */ if (filename == NULL) { filename = files[f]; listMgr(PLAYLIST_DELETE,0); } item = calloc(1,sizeof(plItem)); /* FIXME: decompose file name ? */ /* yes -- Pontscho */ if ( strrchr( str,'/' ) ) { char * s = strrchr( str,'/' ); *s=0; s++; item->name = gstrdup( s ); item->path = gstrdup( str ); } else { item->name = strdup(str); item->path = strdup(""); } listMgr(PLAYLIST_ITEM_APPEND,item); } else { mp_msg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_WARN,MSGTR_NotAFile,str ); } free( str ); } if (filename) { uiSetFileName( NULL,filename,STREAMTYPE_FILE ); if ( guiInfo.Playing == GUI_PLAY ) uiEventHandling( evStop,0 ); uiEventHandling( evPlay,0 ); } if (subtitles) { nfree(guiInfo.SubtitleFilename); guiInfo.SubtitleFilename = subtitles; mplayerLoadSubtitle(guiInfo.SubtitleFilename); } }
void uiEventHandling( int msg,float param ) { int iparam = (int)param; mixer_t *mixer = mpctx_get_mixer(guiInfo.mpcontext); switch( msg ) { /* user events */ case evExit: mplayer( MPLAYER_EXIT_GUI, EXIT_QUIT, 0 ); break; case evLoadURL: gtkShow( evLoadURL,NULL ); break; case ivSetAudio: if ( !mpctx_get_demuxer(guiInfo.mpcontext) || audio_id == iparam ) break; mp_property_do("switch_audio",M_PROPERTY_SET,&iparam,guiInfo.mpcontext); break; case ivSetVideo: if ( !mpctx_get_demuxer(guiInfo.mpcontext) || video_id == iparam ) break; mp_property_do("switch_video",M_PROPERTY_SET,&iparam,guiInfo.mpcontext); break; case ivSetSubtitle: mp_property_do("sub",M_PROPERTY_SET,&iparam,guiInfo.mpcontext); break; #ifdef CONFIG_CDDA case ivSetCDTrack: guiInfo.Track=iparam; case evPlayCD: guiInfoMediumClear ( CLEAR_ALL ); guiInfo.StreamType=STREAMTYPE_CDDA; goto play; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_VCD case ivSetVCDTrack: guiInfo.Track=iparam; case evPlayVCD: guiInfoMediumClear ( CLEAR_ALL ); guiInfo.StreamType=STREAMTYPE_VCD; goto play; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_DVDREAD case ivSetDVDSubtitle: dvdsub_id=iparam; uiEventHandling( ivPlayDVD, 0 ); break; case ivSetDVDAudio: audio_id=iparam; uiEventHandling( ivPlayDVD, 0 ); break; case ivSetDVDChapter: guiInfo.Chapter=iparam; uiEventHandling( ivPlayDVD, 0 ); break; case ivSetDVDTitle: guiInfo.Track=iparam; guiInfo.Chapter=1; guiInfo.Angle=1; uiEventHandling( ivPlayDVD, 0 ); break; case evPlayDVD: guiInfo.Track=1; guiInfo.Chapter=1; guiInfo.Angle=1; case ivPlayDVD: guiInfoMediumClear( CLEAR_ALL - CLEAR_DVD ); guiInfo.StreamType=STREAMTYPE_DVD; goto play; #endif case evPlay: case evPlaySwitchToPause: play: if ( ( msg == evPlaySwitchToPause )&&( guiInfo.Playing == GUI_PAUSE ) ) goto NoPause; if ( listMgr( PLAYLIST_ITEM_GET_CURR,0 ) &&( guiInfo.StreamType == STREAMTYPE_FILE ) ) { plItem * next = listMgr( PLAYLIST_ITEM_GET_CURR,0 ); uiSetFileName( next->path,next->name,SAME_STREAMTYPE ); } switch ( guiInfo.StreamType ) { case STREAMTYPE_FILE: case STREAMTYPE_STREAM: case STREAMTYPE_PLAYLIST: guiInfoMediumClear( CLEAR_ALL - CLEAR_FILE ); if ( !guiInfo.Track ) guiInfo.Track=1; guiInfo.NewPlay=GUI_FILE_NEW; break; case STREAMTYPE_CDDA: guiInfoMediumClear( CLEAR_ALL - CLEAR_VCD - CLEAR_FILE ); if ( guiInfo.Playing != GUI_PAUSE ) { if ( !guiInfo.Track ) guiInfo.Track=1; guiInfo.NewPlay=GUI_FILE_SAME; } break; case STREAMTYPE_VCD: guiInfoMediumClear( CLEAR_ALL - CLEAR_VCD - CLEAR_FILE ); if ( guiInfo.Playing != GUI_PAUSE ) { if ( !guiInfo.Track ) guiInfo.Track=2; guiInfo.NewPlay=GUI_FILE_SAME; } break; case STREAMTYPE_DVD: guiInfoMediumClear( CLEAR_ALL - CLEAR_DVD - CLEAR_FILE ); if ( guiInfo.Playing != GUI_PAUSE ) { guiInfo.NewPlay=GUI_FILE_SAME; } break; } uiPlay(); break; case evPause: case evPauseSwitchToPlay: NoPause: uiPause(); break; case evStop: guiInfo.Playing=GUI_STOP; uiState(); break; case evLoadPlay: uiMainAutoPlay=1; // guiInfo.StreamType=STREAMTYPE_FILE; case evLoad: listMgr( PLAYLIST_DELETE,0 ); gtkShow( evLoad,NULL ); break; case evLoadSubtitle: gtkShow( evLoadSubtitle,NULL ); break; case evDropSubtitle: nfree( guiInfo.SubtitleFilename ); mplayerLoadSubtitle( NULL ); break; case evLoadAudioFile: gtkShow( evLoadAudioFile,NULL ); break; case evPrev: uiPrev(); break; case evNext: uiNext(); break; case evPlaylist: gtkShow( evPlaylist,NULL ); break; case evSkinBrowser: gtkShow( evSkinBrowser,skinName ); break; case evAbout: gtkShow( evAbout,NULL ); break; case evPreferences: gtkShow( evPreferences,NULL ); break; case evEqualizer: gtkShow( evEqualizer,NULL ); break; case evForward10min: uiRelSeek( 600 ); break; case evBackward10min: uiRelSeek( -600 );break; case evForward1min: uiRelSeek( 60 ); break; case evBackward1min: uiRelSeek( -60 ); break; case evForward10sec: uiRelSeek( 10 ); break; case evBackward10sec: uiRelSeek( -10 ); break; case evSetMoviePosition: uiAbsSeek( param ); break; case evIncVolume: vo_x11_putkey( wsGrayMul ); break; case evDecVolume: vo_x11_putkey( wsGrayDiv ); break; case evMute: mixer_mute( mixer ); break; case evSetVolume: guiInfo.Volume=param; goto set_volume; case evSetBalance: guiInfo.Balance=param; set_volume: { float l = guiInfo.Volume * ( ( 100.0 - guiInfo.Balance ) / 50.0 ); float r = guiInfo.Volume * ( ( guiInfo.Balance ) / 50.0 ); if ( l > guiInfo.Volume ) l=guiInfo.Volume; if ( r > guiInfo.Volume ) r=guiInfo.Volume; // printf( "!!! v: %.2f b: %.2f -> %.2f x %.2f\n",guiInfo.Volume,guiInfo.Balance,l,r ); mixer_setvolume( mixer,l,r ); } if ( osd_level ) { osd_visible=(GetTimerMS() + 1000) | 1; vo_osd_progbar_type=OSD_VOLUME; vo_osd_progbar_value=( ( guiInfo.Volume ) * 256.0 ) / 100.0; vo_osd_changed( OSDTYPE_PROGBAR ); } break; case evMenu: /*if (guiApp.menuIsPresent) NOTE TO MYSELF: Uncomment only after mouse { pointer and cursor keys work gtkShow( ivHidePopUpMenu,NULL ); with this menu from skin as uiShowMenu( 0,0 ); they do with normal menus. } else*/ gtkShow( ivShowPopUpMenu,NULL ); break; case evIconify: switch ( iparam ) { case 0: wsIconify( guiApp.mainWindow ); break; case 1: wsIconify( guiApp.videoWindow ); break; } break; case evHalfSize: if ( guiInfo.VideoWindow && guiInfo.Playing ) { if ( guiApp.videoWindow.isFullScreen ) { uiFullScreen(); } wsResizeWindow( &guiApp.videoWindow, guiInfo.VideoWidth / 2, guiInfo.VideoHeight / 2 ); wsMoveWindow( &guiApp.videoWindow, False,, ); btnSet( evFullScreen,btnReleased ); } break; case evDoubleSize: if ( guiInfo.VideoWindow && guiInfo.Playing ) { if ( guiApp.videoWindow.isFullScreen ) { uiFullScreen(); } wsResizeWindow( &guiApp.videoWindow, guiInfo.VideoWidth * 2, guiInfo.VideoHeight * 2 ); wsMoveWindowWithin( &guiApp.videoWindow, False,, ); btnSet( evFullScreen,btnReleased ); } break; case evNormalSize: if ( guiInfo.VideoWindow && guiInfo.Playing ) { if ( guiApp.videoWindow.isFullScreen ) { uiFullScreen(); } wsResizeWindow( &guiApp.videoWindow, guiInfo.VideoWidth, guiInfo.VideoHeight ); wsMoveWindow( &guiApp.videoWindow, False,, ); btnSet( evFullScreen,btnReleased ); break; } else if ( !guiApp.videoWindow.isFullScreen ) break; case evFullScreen: if ( guiInfo.VideoWindow && guiInfo.Playing ) { uiFullScreen(); if ( !guiApp.videoWindow.isFullScreen ) { wsResizeWindow( &guiApp.videoWindow, guiInfo.VideoWidth, guiInfo.VideoHeight ); wsMoveWindow( &guiApp.videoWindow, False,, ); } } if ( guiApp.videoWindow.isFullScreen ) btnSet( evFullScreen,btnPressed ); else btnSet( evFullScreen,btnReleased ); break; case evSetAspect: switch ( iparam ) { case 2: movie_aspect=16.0f / 9.0f; break; case 3: movie_aspect=4.0f / 3.0f; break; case 4: movie_aspect=2.35; break; case 1: default: movie_aspect=-1; } wsClearWindow( guiApp.videoWindow ); if ( guiInfo.StreamType == STREAMTYPE_VCD ) uiEventHandling( evPlayVCD, 0 ); else if ( guiInfo.StreamType == STREAMTYPE_DVD ) uiEventHandling( ivPlayDVD, 0 ); else guiInfo.NewPlay=GUI_FILE_NEW; break; /* timer events */ case ivRedraw: { unsigned now = GetTimerMS(); if ((now > last_redraw_time) && (now < last_redraw_time + GUI_REDRAW_WAIT) && !uiPlaybarFade && (iparam == 0)) break; last_redraw_time = now; } uiMainRender=1; wsPostRedisplay( &guiApp.mainWindow ); wsPostRedisplay( &guiApp.playbarWindow ); break; /* system events */ case evNone: mp_msg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[main] uiEventHandling: evNone\n" ); break; default: mp_msg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[main] uiEventHandling: unknown event %d, param %.2f\n", msg, param ); break; } }
static void fs_Ok_released( GtkButton * button, gpointer user_data ) { GList * item; int i = 1, l; struct stat fs; gchar * selected; if( ( stat( fsSelectedFile,&fs ) == 0 ) && S_ISDIR( fs.st_mode ) ) { if ( chdir( fsSelectedFile ) != 0 ) return; fsSelectedFile=fsThatDir; CheckDir( fsFNameList ); gtk_entry_set_text( GTK_ENTRY( fsPathCombo ),(unsigned char *)get_current_dir_name_utf8() ); gtk_widget_grab_focus( fsFNameList ); return; } fsSelectedDirectory=(unsigned char *)get_current_dir_name(); switch ( fsType ) { case fsVideoSelector: for (l = 0; fsVideoFilterNames[l][0]; l++) if (strcmp(fsVideoFilterNames[l][0], MSGTR_Filter_Playlists) == 0) break; uiSetFile( fsSelectedDirectory,fsSelectedFile, fsLastVideoFilterSelected == l ? STREAMTYPE_PLAYLIST : STREAMTYPE_FILE ); selected = g_strconcat(fsSelectedDirectory, "/", fsSelectedFile, NULL); if (selected) { listMgr(PLAYLIST_DELETE, 0); add_to_gui_playlist(selected, PLAYLIST_ITEM_APPEND); g_free(selected); } guiInfo.NewPlay=GUI_FILE_NEW; sub_fps=0; fs_PersistantHistory( get_current_dir_name_utf8() ); //totem, write into history break; case fsSubtitleSelector: setddup( &guiInfo.SubtitleFilename,fsSelectedDirectory,fsSelectedFile ); mplayerLoadSubtitle( guiInfo.SubtitleFilename ); break; /* case fsOtherSelector: setddup( &guiInfo.Othername,fsSelectedDirectory,fsSelectedFile ); break;*/ case fsAudioSelector: setddup( &guiInfo.AudioFilename,fsSelectedDirectory,fsSelectedFile ); break; case fsFontSelector: setddup( &font_name,fsSelectedDirectory,fsSelectedFile ); mplayerLoadFont(); if ( Preferences ) gtk_entry_set_text( GTK_ENTRY( prEFontName ),font_name ); break; } HideFileSelect(); item=fsTopList_items; while( item ) { if ( !strcmp( item->data,fsSelectedDirectory ) ) i=0; item=item->next; } if ( i ) fsTopList_items=g_list_prepend( fsTopList_items,(gchar *)get_current_dir_name_utf8() ); if ( uiLoadPlay ) { uiLoadPlay=False; uiEvent( evPlay,0 ); } else gui( GUI_SET_STATE,(void *) GUI_STOP ); }
void uiEvent(int ev, float param) { int iparam = (int)param; mixer_t *mixer = mpctx_get_mixer(guiInfo.mpcontext); float aspect; char cmd[40]; switch (ev) { /* user events */ case evExit: mplayer(MPLAYER_EXIT_GUI, EXIT_QUIT, 0); break; case evLoadURL: gtkShow(evLoadURL, NULL); break; case ivSetAudio: if (!mpctx_get_demuxer(guiInfo.mpcontext) || audio_id == iparam) break; mp_property_do("switch_audio", M_PROPERTY_SET, &iparam, guiInfo.mpcontext); break; case ivSetVideo: if (!mpctx_get_demuxer(guiInfo.mpcontext) || video_id == iparam) break; mp_property_do("switch_video", M_PROPERTY_SET, &iparam, guiInfo.mpcontext); break; case ivSetSubtitle: mp_property_do("sub", M_PROPERTY_SET, &iparam, guiInfo.mpcontext); break; #ifdef CONFIG_CDDA case ivSetCDTrack: guiInfo.Track = iparam; case evPlayCD: guiInfo.StreamType = STREAMTYPE_CDDA; goto play; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_VCD case ivSetVCDTrack: guiInfo.Track = iparam; case evPlayVCD: guiInfo.StreamType = STREAMTYPE_VCD; goto play; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_DVDREAD case ivSetDVDSubtitle: dvdsub_id = iparam; uiEvent(ivPlayDVD, 0); break; case ivSetDVDAudio: audio_id = iparam; uiEvent(ivPlayDVD, 0); break; case ivSetDVDChapter: guiInfo.Chapter = iparam; uiEvent(ivPlayDVD, 0); break; case ivSetDVDTitle: guiInfo.Track = iparam; guiInfo.Chapter = 1; guiInfo.Angle = 1; uiEvent(ivPlayDVD, 0); break; case evPlayDVD: guiInfo.Chapter = 1; guiInfo.Angle = 1; case ivPlayDVD: guiInfo.StreamType = STREAMTYPE_DVD; goto play; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_TV case evPlayTV: guiInfo.StreamType = guiTV[gui_tv_digital].StreamType; goto play; #endif case evPlay: case evPlaySwitchToPause: play: if (guiInfo.Playing != GUI_PAUSE) { MediumPrepare(guiInfo.StreamType); switch (guiInfo.StreamType) { case STREAMTYPE_FILE: case STREAMTYPE_STREAM: case STREAMTYPE_PLAYLIST: if (!guiInfo.Track) guiInfo.Track = 1; guiInfo.MediumChanged = GUI_MEDIUM_NEW; guiInfo.PlaylistNext = !guiInfo.Playing; break; case STREAMTYPE_CDDA: case STREAMTYPE_VCD: case STREAMTYPE_DVD: case STREAMTYPE_TV: case STREAMTYPE_DVB: if (!guiInfo.Track) guiInfo.Track = (guiInfo.StreamType == STREAMTYPE_VCD ? 2 : 1); case STREAMTYPE_BINCUE: // track 0 is OK and will auto-select first media data track guiInfo.MediumChanged = GUI_MEDIUM_SAME; break; } } uiPlay(); break; case evPause: case evPauseSwitchToPlay: uiPause(); break; case evStop: guiInfo.Playing = GUI_STOP; uiState(); break; case evLoadPlay: uiLoadPlay = True; // guiInfo.StreamType=STREAMTYPE_FILE; case evLoad: gtkShow(evLoad, NULL); break; case evLoadSubtitle: gtkShow(evLoadSubtitle, NULL); break; case evDropSubtitle: nfree(guiInfo.SubtitleFilename); mplayerLoadSubtitle(NULL); break; case evLoadAudioFile: gtkShow(evLoadAudioFile, NULL); break; case evPlayImage: gtkShow(evPlayImage, NULL); break; case evPrev: uiPrev(); break; case evNext: uiNext(); break; case evPlaylist: gtkShow(evPlaylist, NULL); break; case evSkinBrowser: gtkShow(evSkinBrowser, skinName); break; case evAbout: gtkShow(evAbout, NULL); break; case evPreferences: gtkShow(evPreferences, NULL); break; case evEqualizer: gtkShow(evEqualizer, NULL); break; case evForward10min: uiRelSeek(600); break; case evBackward10min: uiRelSeek(-600); break; case evForward1min: uiRelSeek(60); break; case evBackward1min: uiRelSeek(-60); break; case evForward10sec: uiRelSeek(10); break; case evBackward10sec: uiRelSeek(-10); break; case evSetMoviePosition: guiInfo.Position = param; uiPctSeek(guiInfo.Position); break; case evIncVolume: mplayer_put_key(KEY_VOLUME_UP); break; case evDecVolume: mplayer_put_key(KEY_VOLUME_DOWN); break; case evMute: mixer_mute(mixer); break; case evSetVolume: case ivSetVolume: guiInfo.Volume = param; { float l = guiInfo.Volume * (100.0 - guiInfo.Balance) / 50.0; float r = guiInfo.Volume * guiInfo.Balance / 50.0; mixer_setvolume(mixer, FFMIN(l, guiInfo.Volume), FFMIN(r, guiInfo.Volume)); } if (ev == ivSetVolume) break; if (osd_level) { osd_visible = (GetTimerMS() + 1000) | 1; vo_osd_progbar_type = OSD_VOLUME; vo_osd_progbar_value = guiInfo.Volume * 256.0 / 100.0; vo_osd_changed(OSDTYPE_PROGBAR); } break; case evSetBalance: case ivSetBalance: guiInfo.Balance = param; mixer_setbalance(mixer, (guiInfo.Balance - 50.0) / 50.0); // transform 0..100 to -1..1 uiEvent(ivSetVolume, guiInfo.Volume); if (ev == ivSetBalance) break; if (osd_level) { osd_visible = (GetTimerMS() + 1000) | 1; vo_osd_progbar_type = OSD_BALANCE; vo_osd_progbar_value = guiInfo.Balance * 256.0 / 100.0; vo_osd_changed(OSDTYPE_PROGBAR); } break; case evMenu: /*if (guiApp.menuIsPresent) NOTE TO MYSELF: Uncomment only after mouse * { pointer and cursor keys work * gtkShow( ivHidePopUpMenu,NULL ); with this menu from skin as * uiMenuShow( 0,0 ); they do with normal menus. * } * else*/gtkShow(ivShowPopUpMenu, NULL); break; case evIconify: switch (iparam) { case 0: wsWindowIconify(&guiApp.mainWindow); break; case 1: wsWindowIconify(&guiApp.videoWindow); break; } break; case evHalfSize: if (guiInfo.VideoWindow && guiInfo.Playing) { if (guiApp.videoWindow.isFullScreen) { uiFullScreen(); } wsWindowResize(&guiApp.videoWindow, guiInfo.VideoWidth / 2, guiInfo.VideoHeight / 2); btnSet(evFullScreen, btnReleased); } break; case evDoubleSize: if (guiInfo.VideoWindow && guiInfo.Playing) { if (guiApp.videoWindow.isFullScreen) { uiFullScreen(); } wsWindowResize(&guiApp.videoWindow, guiInfo.VideoWidth * 2, guiInfo.VideoHeight * 2); wsWindowMoveWithin(&guiApp.videoWindow, False,,; btnSet(evFullScreen, btnReleased); } break; case evNormalSize: if (guiInfo.VideoWindow && guiInfo.Playing) { if (guiApp.videoWindow.isFullScreen) { uiFullScreen(); } wsWindowResize(&guiApp.videoWindow, guiInfo.VideoWidth, guiInfo.VideoHeight); btnSet(evFullScreen, btnReleased); break; } else if (!guiApp.videoWindow.isFullScreen) break; case evFullScreen: if (guiInfo.VideoWindow && (guiInfo.Playing || !iparam)) { uiFullScreen(); if (!guiApp.videoWindow.isFullScreen) wsWindowResize(&guiApp.videoWindow, iparam ? guiInfo.VideoWidth :, iparam ? guiInfo.VideoHeight :; } if (guiApp.videoWindow.isFullScreen) btnSet(evFullScreen, btnPressed); else btnSet(evFullScreen, btnReleased); break; case evSetAspect: switch (iparam) { case 2: aspect = 16.0f / 9.0f; break; case 3: aspect = 4.0f / 3.0f; break; case 4: aspect = 2.35f; break; case 1: default: aspect = -1; break; } snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "pausing_keep switch_ratio %f", aspect); mp_input_queue_cmd(mp_input_parse_cmd(cmd)); break; case evSetRotation: switch (iparam) { case 90: guiInfo.Rotation = 1; break; case -90: guiInfo.Rotation = 2; break; case 180: guiInfo.Rotation = 8; break; case 0: default: guiInfo.Rotation = -1; break; } guiInfo.MediumChanged = GUI_MEDIUM_SAME; break; /* timer events */ case ivRedraw: { unsigned int now = GetTimerMS(); if ((now > last_redraw_time) && (now < last_redraw_time + GUI_REDRAW_WAIT) && !uiPlaybarFade && (iparam == 0)) break; last_redraw_time = now; } uiMainRender = True; wsWindowRedraw(&guiApp.mainWindow); wsWindowRedraw(&guiApp.playbarWindow); break; /* system events */ case evNone: mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG2, "[actions] uiEvent: evNone\n"); break; default: mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG2, "[actions] uiEvent: unknown event %d, param %.2f\n", ev, param); break; } }